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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1941, p. 4

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TErICANAPIANI ~7 f TBUBSDAY, 1t~ 1h41 - MANý, BOWMANVMLU; .ONTARIO6 Women Without 'Stol Men Wear Leather Patches But Dritish Keep Smiling, By Margaret Butcher ways thought of rain as just some- thing that has to happen some- Here is another of those won- times, but is principaily conspic- derfuily bright and cheery letters uous for leaking thraugh ceilings fromi Margaret Butcher, Eng1ish~ and shoes; a tiresome manifesta- novelist, who gives us an intimate onatghe.Bt o ow glimpse into the way in which the ti1 atgt1. u ltnw ordinary, every day folks of the Since this started the edibles have Old Land are staning up to the actually beaten the weeds to it- War. There is nothing better com- a thing I shoulci hardly have ing out of England than these thaught possible a fortnight ago ! letters of Miss Butcher's which Only one thing is disappointing are written specially for The about it: there is no present need Statesman and the Midianci Free to use our Musical Tank, which is Press Hcrald. a pity. The Tank added much to the gaiety of natons-and we can Reading, England-Here is the do with a bit of that nowadays. ran-at last; and on Sunday we The first time I saw it I gave werxe ail tremendously excited way to hysteria, andi the symp- about it, after weeks of hot, dry toms recurreci whenever it re- wexther. We all talked about ram aWppeared. I heard-on that open- --andi hardly a word about the ing occasion-a loud rattling noise War. It just goes to show what which was exceedingly puzzling; bhappens when one becomes allot- and one feels a trifle jumpy, in ment-minded. Till now I have al- these time, about loud rattling Inoises. I jooked out of the win- dow and there, trundling conspîc- uously down the road, wasth Dusineàss Dixectory Gardening Partner, propelling the Tank before him. Its component parts are interesting, consisting, as they do, of (a) a ten-gallon Legal petral-tin salvageci from the local dump, (b) a pair of moribund »L G. V. GOULD, B. A., L.L.B. perambulator-wheels, (c) several Barrister, Solicitor Notary yards of assorted rope, string and Phone 351 wire, (d) a pair of handîca which Bank of Commerce Bldg. -owing to the timber shortage- Bowrnanviile resembles nothing sa much as a couple of Harry Lauder walking- W. R. STRIKE sticks, (e) a pendant watering- Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY can and attached garden fork, andi Solicitor for Bank of Montreal- (f) a varieci selection of nuts, Money ta Loan - Phèk~e 791 boîts, screws and unspecified gad- Bowmanviile, Ontario gets. And behind it all the Gar- T _.ening Partner wearing a lamen-T L. C. MASON, B. A. table hat, the world's worst shirtBa Barrister Solicitor coat and pants, and a furtively sp NotarY Public - Fgtc. tickled grin. bel Law in ail its branches 1[t DId Ilts Job h Office imnrndiately east of Royal Nevertheless, .the Tank did its- Pisne ffiea68t Hmee5 job. With every dusk it came Phone__Office___688 _Home__553 along to the waterless allotment 50r and justifieci its remarkable exis- hi Dental tence; and who can ask more? 1 DR..~.~.DEVTTThis shortage of materials has we DR. J C. DVITTcertainly pepped up our ingenui- in Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sion ty. When ail this is over the wO Graduate of Royal Dental Col- Musical Tank should take its place ec loge, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee among our honored relies. Even ta Bldg., Bowmanviile. Office bours before it started it had the mak- nig 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, ings of a museumi piece. Io except Sunday There are other things happen- aw Phone 790 - House phone 883 ing, too. The other morning as I ere X-Ray Equipment in Office pattereci along to the bus 1 ob- do, serveci two of a swanky locality's it., Funeral Directors most uppity residents, in their J'UER ~shirt-sleeves, busy cutting the qi FUNRALDIRECTORS hecige at the side of the road- tii Service, any hour, any day and making a <'ery fair job of it. tiri F. F MorisCo. Indeeci, I arn nclined to suspect am F. F.Morri Co. them of private hedge-trimmmng ha, Modern Motor Equipment, Amn- in less communal days. Unlikely Sa bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- folk, in fact, are ta be met doing -1- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. aft manner of unlikelY things. ize - most of us, for instance, now go me Veterinary about without stockings; and our it __ underpinnings are no longer the pi IL. B. MURRAe, V.S.; .V.Sc. *pallid, unclad-looking affairs they kn Veterinarlan once were. bc( Cburch St. - Bowmanvllle Leather Patches sin Phone____ 843__ 29_____ Nobody mincis wearing clothes o that are a bit shabby. Men who o Auctioneer useci to be dandies are to be seent ELE IBRin coats with- leather binding h ELME W]IBURround the cuffs, and even leather Llcensed Auctioneer patches at the elbow. And it's a Hampton - Ontario very curiaus thing, but in my af- friE Specializing in Farm, Livestock fice-where one migbt have ex- me Iinplements and Furniture Sales pecteci ta finci young persans ai- troi TERMS MODERATE most exclusively interesteci in her Phone for Ternis and Date ta- clothes - I have not beard one abc Bowmanviile 2428 single moan about the new mI clothes-coupon system.- We shail wit Dentistmanage. Folk stili look neat, and firE Detltit's a careful, satisfying sort of vell neatness. Hats may still be bought gen DR. R. 0. DICKSON withaut coupons, but many wo- he Office hours ln Orono: Monday mien and girls have given Up Clu to Frlday (inclusive) from 9 a.m. wearing hats-'in titis part of the he te 5 p.m. Evenlngs by appoint-- worîci, at least. Insteaci, lots of texr polntment. them have broken out in a new i Office bours Ini Newcastle: Every place and one is a trifle startîcci ill Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ta see parti-coloreci hair: a bright va: For appolntment golden streak i4~ the front. I sup- and Télephone Orono 18r1. pose it is the feminine wish for a Pa 28-4* bitaofvariety, thougit it isn't ai- but ways as successful as the wearer smi Drulea Pacttioer (doubtless) imagines it ta be. -But rele __________________________ what matter as long as it feels mc' ROBERT COLVILLE dressy? There are few tbings trot mare cheering than that dressy bre Drugless Practitioner feeling, alLer ail and-bless their dut Liberty Street - Bowmanville little hearts!-they deserve a spot ý Electrical Treatments - Spinal of fun. I s Adjustments andi Massage. People, in this uncertain luil, " 27-5 are papping back ta bombeci areas . _______________________for week-ends. You can't stop I ot them, as Churchill says. They go ý IgÀggggoff ta London or Portsmouth or bou wt oi won own Eq 4.1 * 5. GOODYMAI PLOAT WON PRXZ I ROTARY PAIR A MO£ CATCH rhe above picture shows Rase 3te with a nice catch of black >ss anci pickerel. Rose recently penL a week-end in the Camp- )llfard district witere she-caugit he fish. onal dose of blitzing. We're stili kiman. I heard of anc landiaci, last vek, wito must be moving now n a state a! paineci andi cautiaus vonder since item evacuce obsemv- il ta iem: "Well, l'mi gaing back oLondon in a fotnigitt, ancite *ght befome I go . . . you Just ok out for yourself!" I sitail wrait developments wîLh consici- rable intemest. Maybe tese Lon- loers can give as well*as 'take One wyoman. saici to me: "It's lutc different, you knaw, witeme he folks have itaci a meally bnci ime. Their kindness is siniply nazing." Speaking for myseif, I ive found kîndness everywitere, o I've fia personal complaint. ýnd it's not very diffîcuit La real- ze itow Lrying iL must be, at mo- ents, La have a stmanger in te, iten. The kiciten is te Su- weme Test - as 'every woman mows.' If you can stand some- >dy cisc washing cites eL your rik andi cooking at your sLave- suelly wben yau wanLta do a bit fwnshing anci cooking yoursclf *yau can stand pmactically nny- ing. Fire Watcblng Troubles We have aur Lrials, andi another tend itas just been confiding La le hem particular fire-watciting ,uble. Site was bombeci out of er haome, but we don't itear a lot bout that. The worry o!fte iment is te eldemly -gentleman it wiam site trequently shames re-watciting duty. He itas . tra- elied cxtehsivcly, titat elderly antleman, andcin real hife I fancy amust occupy thte position of lub Bore, for site camplains tat stands in the doomway for in- minable peiacs-neititer cam- gnom going, andi bow maciden- Ltat can be!-and relates bis ious ndventlxmes at greet lengtit il witi. a weait o! detail. taqs niay be buzzinig overtenci, tneis Stilin Poona or Lady- nith or somewhere. equnlly ir- Ïevant. I. met item the aLter orning looking haggard anci otting round te block for a -ath af -air atter item nigit an ity. 'lHaci a bnci ime hast nîght?"' asked. 'Awfuh !" site answemed. 'But titere wasn'L a local raid," *bjccted. "WhaL itappeneci?" 'Olci G. hung round me for Srs,"I she moaneci, "Llking tuLt camels. Of ail tings-enam- ;* It's more than I can bear!" Stc is not what you wauld cal fussy waman,.eititer. That Lime ien site emergeci fron te Lon- in shelter La finci iem home : ins site toak iL as philosophtcali- as anc may. "But I look ter- le," site saici. "IL was pour'rg th main anci my itair was like bing an cartit. Wc wemc gaing by train ta some fiends-we d La finci a home somewitre- I I saîci La Lie fammly, ,Bombs fia bomits, yau'lh have La wait 1I'mi ready.' Andi I went La Lite arest itnirdressem's andi bncinine nnywamtit o! cumis. AfLer thaL teît betten." But ahas! The camels got item wn, poor saul. It Has ILs Points On aur office wallh iangs a liLthe ice whicit may be o! intèrest, 1'ou itavtn'L already seen iL. I ve foiadkes wbo pempetmatec iti, iL itbas its points. IL bas itelpeci brigitten many a fire-watceite's e. I only wish the Censor (n dly creature, admittedly, but h limitations) wouhd allaw me illustmate iL for yau; but he rni', 50 you must supphy youm sn menLal pictume. Heme it is: Equtiment For Flre-Watcbers BelL La go -round waist witit ten itooks La support six f uil sandbags andi four buekets o! wntem. one axe stuck in belL. One stirrup-pump ta be ' car- nieci over lefL shoulder. One witistle carmieci in mouh. One extending lacider ta be. This beautiful Goodyear foant thte fioat anc of, the most outstand-<O won first prize in tbe induatrial ing in the parade. The three girls class in te recent Service Club at the right are those seated on parade... Tite pictueis taken in the fioat. Centre is Miss Grace front of A. M. Hardy's residence Hall (Miss Goodyear), left is Miss hnd shows very well the intricate Thelma Schlievert, andi on tite and painstaking wark tha-t made right MissBetty Rice. carried over lef t shoulder.. 6. One long-handled shavel ta be Lucked under rigitt anm. 7. Two ýWet blankets ta be car- rieci on teaci. 8. One tin hat witit tttrned-up brim ta carry spare water.-- 9. Spare sand ta be carried in ah pockets. 10. One box of matches taflighl any incendiary that fails tc ignite. Ah I1 can tell you about this masterpiece is that it came orig- inally fram London-andi I titinc that spcaks for itseif.. More Titan Courage Witat brave, cheery people they are! Yet I have thought, jusi lately, that peritaps we may be over-accenting the bravery. It's there; no neeci ta worry abaut that. Ho'wever, ah . this takes sametiting more titan caurage, 50 why not face it? There was a time when bravery won wars, but iL isn't sa any more. Bravery ails the mnciinery-but you've got ta have the machlnery. Brav e r y alone isn't mucit use against a macitine-gun; you've got ta bave a gun as goaci as the other fel- low's, and better if you can get it. In other words, this is a 'business of itard work anci hard cash. Scicntif ic investigation, *sitipping, armaments: it's ail a question o! dollars. Sa what docs it maLter if we're taxed Up ta te eyc- brows, if we'rc shabby, a little boreci by the sameness of qur ra- tions, if we can't rush- ab&txt in cars and ga here and titere for our holidays.. Good For One iurpose Money isn't mucit use now ex- cept for the one purpase. We can't even make a guess at witat iL will be worth witen ah titis is over. The one thing we do know is itow useful it can be at the ma- nient. I Lik every sane, lagical, decent citizen secs it tat way. iIt's as near a 'cert' as anything can be; the folk wita are Lrying- ta prafiteer, tite few wita are sit- Ling on their cash-well' titey're just tnking a crazy chance, in my opinion. I'm fia financial genius; I have nat mucit money in the world, but I've put wbat I have inta War Snvings because it seems te best prospect of stii itaving a bit La go an with when te war is over; and witat's te goaci of it, anyhaw, until tat happens? Sa rail on te day.. How are titings going witit you folk aven there? I cxpect that, like us, you are getting up t-a ah sorts of dodges La geL. money out of ail sorts o! pockets; but once it strikes anc that iL ail Lakes Cash as well as Courage -... well, te pockets open up ail rigitt. Yov'll sec. Thene are tousancis of us wito wouldn't know anc endi of a machine-gun tram the aLter; tere are çrowds of us wbo couldn't even litt a heavy sanci- bag; itundreds more wito suspect (cither rigittly or wrongly) tat wc'd htave aur work, eut out ta stand up toa"areal blltz. 'But titeme aren'L many of us wbo haven't got a spare dollar we can itanci aver. - More powe r La your elbaws! 1 PROGRESS Literary comxnercialism is low- cring the intellectual standard ta, accommodate te purse anci ta. meet a frivolous demanci for amusement instead of for im- pravement. Incorrect views lowem t he standard of truth.-Mary Ba- ker Eddy. e -I The Editor's Mail p Ma-MeO Beach, ri Pigeon Lake, Alta. August 23rd, tG. W. James, Statesman: IL was a shock La make anc shedi tears ta find my dear old snative village of Hampton sa cieL- rimentally advcrtising itself as te press despatches indicate. Aiso the humiliation a loyal Canadian teacher has had ta suffer, awing La a narrow patriatism witich 7surely falîs short of Britisht faim tplay or gives credit whemc credit ?is due. AUl Canada, outside af 3Hampton, knows of the layalty as ta people and body ta Canada andi sthe crown te Ukrainian people )have displayed in Canada. In te àWest Lhey bave provec titeir tworth and. are efficient in every iphase of industry, also offering )themselves witolciteartedly in te rdefence of te Empire. 1 Be faim Hampton anci do not mar the goad record yau have »ever borne. Your paper seemeci La have itaken a most faim stand in regard ta the controvcrsy. Manley Cryderman. Dear George,- Ordinnrily I find it a pleasure ta sean te columns of Tite States- man, but in your issue of August 2lsL there was a toucit af sadness in iL, for te front page recordeci the passing of tat belavcd and itonoreci senior citizen, Mm. Davidi Morrison. As a frienci anci admirer, now absent fram te town, I sitaulci like te prîvilege of adding my word of tribute La Lite mcmary of titis wcrtity man. witase long and cheemy helpful if e, citaracterizeci by a sincere, unassuming, unsel- fîsit interest in other people waS so appropriately descrîbeci in Tite StaLesman sketch o! August 2lsL. (A persanal reason is founci in te fact that David Morrison Jr., his son, is an esteemeci former higit scitool student a! mine). I am~ prampteci at titis imne, also, to tink o!fte long lisL o! itigit class former citizens a! Baw- manville witom I remember, and witom iL daes anc gooci ta have in minci. I caulci if necessary give Lhemr names, and many readers can go fartiter back in their titinit- îng titan I, for my knowlcdgc of Bowmanvil began just 35 years aga, witcn as te ncwly appainteci principal of tite iigit sehool I first saw te own. The anc man wito mast impres- seci me at tat ime was PosL- master J. B. Fairbairn, te chair- man o!fte scitool board, under wbom 1 was ta serve. Unfortun- aLely, ite passeci away soan atter, but itis wothy successor as my citief was te late Mm. W. B. Caucit. From te ime of these Lwo men, on trougitte ycars down ta aur laLe hanored frienci Davidi Momison, witat a mail o! itigit class citizens in ail walks of lite Bowmanville itas bnci! IL weme easy La name tern, anci weitonor teir mcmary. They wemc men of chamacter, te product o! a way of life tat we do well La citerisit. Let us hope tat te present gen- eratian will maintain te stand- ards witicit the fathers have set. John Elliott. 800, William St. London, Ont. Toronto, Otnario August 26, 1941 The Editor, SPECUAL BARGAIN The Statesman, Bawmanvillc, Ont. S Dean Sir: .About te Lime tat you were EXCU SIONwcaring napkins anci creeping TO AL STATONS ~ about te floor, my mothen was TO AL STTION IN Laking fleeces of waol shorn from WeStery, Calaa a sieep maiseci byLeiSner Tymane, to a carding-mill nantit anci West o! Hampton. Laten titis GOING DATES wooh was spug by my matiter anci DAILY SEPT. 12 TO 26, 1941 knitted into sacks anci mitts nat; RETURN LIMIT: 46 days. only for item own. sons, but ton those witose memomy enricites te TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL annals o! Durhtam County, sucit IN COACHES as Dm. J. C. Mitchell andi otiters. Excusionticet@ oodA few yeams carlien sueit wooh was Excriond tndrkets god i nTourlat, made inta blankets anci full clati Parlr ad Sandad seepng cars also for iteavy chothing. availalae on paymaent or silghtlyhlgh. er rasg ares, plus price of parlor Up untîl a few yenms mga te or sle.pin car accommodation. writcm made frequent trips ta te ROUTES-Tickets good golng via Port amen antit anci enst o! Haydon Arthur, Ont. Chicago, III., or Sault ancinantit of Tyrone La me-capture Sý Il.t Marie, reýturnIng via samne route te joys a! fisiting for traut, as in and unlny. Generous optionalbyiodcysanite nibs routige. ______citilcimen, or pemitaps et bis citil- STOPOVERS-wli be allowed at aydrcn's request, ahways stoppeci for point ln Canada on the golng or re- a drink at te watcnîng trougit turn trip, or both. within final lmrit just West o! Hampton's anc Lime of ticket, on application to Conduc- citeese factomy. On sucitoasions tor; aiea at Chicago, III., Sault Ste. ~nwy eivc a nDr Marie, Mlch., and west, ln accord-I lasbiedIwsinDr ance with tarif!, of United States hamiCaunty. lnes. In the *attacteci clipping te Toronto Evening Tehegram ndr- Fuil partieulara fromn any agent, caLes I was in errar. Will yau give 28-4-11-is l cthen confirmation an correction of ttc Telegram's eran? Toronto papers bave long known ~ . te signature a! 'Sixty' ta, my let- ro'-o- Il F-.W NZ', tens. Phease ahlow me ta sign as 1 a 1Sixty anci a littie bit. iP.S.-It is a fan cry to 1888, NEWLYWEDS Mr. and Msrs. Frank Wrigbt Bowmanville, bride and groom of last month. when niy sister bearing a reai tScotch naine taught in Hampton escitool, anci I sincerehy hope the disgraeefui attitude a!fLte Board eaf Education bas been enacteci in 1some aLter place titan Durham County. * "Ontario County witicit dis- misseci a scitool teaciter because a! ber 11fameign-sounding naine," is atinci cifficuhty in abtaining an- aLter. Most teaciters probably fear t te job o! educating titat.outfit isî sbeyand titeir powcrs." 480 Cooper St., Ottawa, September 5, 1941 Gea. W. James Esq. Editar, Canadian Statesman,- Bawmanville, OfiL. Dear Mr. James,- Thougit a littIe laLe in doing so, I wish ta drap you a line La say Lbanks anci express itigit appre- cintion a! tite very fine mefemence 31iade in Thte Statesmnan a couple -o! weeks or sa - ago ta te late "Dave" Mommison. Your write-up on te olci gentleman was vemy 3nice mdccci. We, anci I include you in titis, have hast a gooci frienci; yaur tawn a fine type of useful citizen anci Lte cammunity a highly.esteeni- cd resident, wito, by itis mare tal- ents was able La dispense pîca- sure and entertainnient in bis Lime ta a vast number o! people, anci ie dici sa ta a markei degree aven a very long periaci. Coni- munities arc better for lives 50 use! ully, yet modestly, liveci as tat a! aur haLe frienci. I go ta Lte House a! Commons meading zoom occasionnlly anci glance over some o! thte Ontario weeklies. I always look titraugit Tite Statesman. 'Vou give youm readers a nighty goaci job in lo- cal, district anci general news and you always boost your awn town. That is igbt. Your editomials are- well written and are chuck full o! real cammon sense. Atter henning Lthe first intimation, aven Lte ra- dia, a! titat Hampton townshtip scitool teaciter affair. I followed te case in your paper, reports a! meetings, lettens andi editommals. You took a fine stand on titat maLter. IL secms La be pmetty wehh wasited up naw as far as ausiders are concemneci but will be memeni- bereci in te community tam n long time. I bave tought for a long Lime, anci ofLen remankeci, that The Canadian Statesman accupieci a conspicuous place in Lte front row a! Canadian weeklies, anci titat raw is not a very long one. Titere are niany long rows back of te front anc. I rend a repart in te Montreal Gazette, nat long ega, a!fte convention o! news- papermen itelci some place in Que- bec, Sherbrooke I titink, anci feit that my estimation oft Lie'quality of your paper was flot very, far out , for The Statesman was men- tianeci in that report as one of thte few front liners in Canada. Keep up the. gooci wamk. Your 1jublica- tion is a real "people's paper." With kinci regards, yours very truly, J. A. Ross. 312 Waverley St. Winnipeg, Man. August 16, 1941 Dear George,- Encloseci please find $2.00 for The Statesman for another year. Yaur paper is a welcome visitor at aur home, particularly ta my wife wita thus kceps in touch with thte news af the district. Wc have just meturneci from a manth's camping at Minaki where Jaan and I di considerable fisit. ing wiit splendid luck. Jaan's 12 year alci ieart was thrilled by landing a nice-sized muskie as well as sanie fine piekerel anci bass. In fact I had tbe gooci for- tune ta catch the largest piekerel brought into that camp this suni- mer. It went just aver 8½ lbs., wns 291/2 inches long and 16 incites in girtit. We haci some great spart. Th~e Minaki District is very beautiful and offers evcry- -titing in the way of fine autdaar spart. All titree of us enjoyeci a fine nionth's rest and outing. This was aur second successive suni- mer in te same spot. I reaci your editorials with great interest anci the sentiment ex-. pressed on national affairs andi on~ politics are mucit the same as my own. In these times we must have' only anc aim-the winning of the war, everything else is relatively unimpartant. You are ta be con- gratulateci an the stand that you Lake anci on the general excel- lence of your paper. (Dr.) E. Floyd Willoughby. To reaci great baoks is ta keep conipany with the great mincis of the ages. Uniforms for Women enlisting in the auxiliary farces are expect- cd ta be similar ta thase worn by men. WiLh the addition of suit- able "war paint", of course. >l 1920.- am. TAKESOFF GRIME WITHOUT SCOURING NO need for hard rubbing and scrubbing when you use « solution cf Gillett'a Pure Flako.,. Lye. It cuts right through grease, clears clogged drains, keepa out- houses sanitaiy *nd odorless, soours pots and pans, takes the hard work out cf heavy cleaning. Keep a tin' always handy. FPRIE IOOKLIT - Tii. OlDeta Lye Booklet telle how this powemm lener dur d<ud ran-.1 .keteaout. houes eanandoddeaaby desboylng the Contents of the Clouet bow I =omsdosei tnks oe or a coyt. e i=rdEa Ltd., Fraie Ave. and Libety Street, . m . I *Nmw dliolbe lie in bot gater. The actIon «ftuIIye itsolU "tta h* murer. GURNEY HAD BEEI< MAKING RANGES FOR 78 YEARS W HEN Father fiddled with the cat's whisker and bendphones silenced the art cf conversation, Gurney ranges lad passed out of the experimental stages a fulil ife time bnck. Radio developed by lcnps and bounds duing the next two decdes ... and so did the science and tech- nique of stove-building. The miakers of Gurney did more than keep pace. By constant research in the Iabomatomy and in the kitchen, Lhey pioneered many im- portant innovations . . . increased the papularity of Gurney ranges Lhrough thc excellence of their per- formance. Todny, Gurney ranges are stili leaders because they offer a unique coimbination of unsurpasscd efficienicy, canvenience ..md economy. . Moreover, these threefold ad- vantages aie' avàUable te every home and farmstcad,' whatever fuel is used - coal, Wood, gas or Sec these glenuing miracles of range-building et your Gur. ney dealcr's. See Ysur Loc ai Gurney Dealier If no local (herney Dealer avI.- aide, write direct to the Guru., Faurndry Co., Limied Toronto,-i m j CHECK YOUR HOME AN$D REPAIR NOW!, Doors and Windows Rooflng Shingles New Porches Insulation Hardwood Flooring Cernent 'alnt Comblnatleu SHEPPARD& GILL LUMBER CO, LIMITED IPhonoe 116 * wmavle - -~---* rlC,4el, resllea, 1 4 e d e 0 n 9 h r It If s 1 e e r y 9 e @--«"WMOMN

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