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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1941, p. 6

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xM six THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAI4VILLE, ONTAIO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1941 Maple Grove PoeClarke 1114 Cr.J tees isJan- L ~cas 1Stevependt D telves MisJan nington.. . Mrs. John Munday, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Colweil, Miss Reita Cooke went to Peter. the funeral of the late Hamrnand Town.. . Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rook, boro Monday to attend Normal Brown on Tuesday. Quite a num- Toronto, at Mr. F. Swallow's... school. ber of Newcastle friends were yLr. John Sanders, Town. Mr. Miss Rutli Honey, B.A., is teach- also present at the service in St. Thas. Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. H. ing in Westmneath Continuation George's Cliurch, conducted by G. Freeman, Miss Thelma Free- School. Rector Rev. D. R. Dewdney. man, Miss Marigqn Foley, at Mr. Mr. 'Mhos. Brereton gaes ta, To- Mr. Percy Hare's and Mrs. Ern- R. D. Snowden's4Oshawa. . . Mr. ronto ftèx weekend to enlist ini est Haigh's new bouses are near- and Mrs. Samuel Snowden, Osha- the R.C.A.F. ing completion; Mrs. Ida Stisof's wa, Mrs. John Sanders, Town, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Anderson, at the lake is coring on rapidly, Thos. Snowden, Mrfs. N.- J. Met- Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and work has begun in earnest on calf, at Mr. Roy VanCamp's. - W. H. Anderson. Mr. Garnet Rickard's new house Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Ormiston, Mrs. E. W. -Fisher and family at Shaw's. Mr. A. W. Glenney has Town, at Mr. Edwin Ornuston's. have returned from visiting lier bought a lot between Mr. Ross Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Coates and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kel- Dickinson's and Mrs. Fred Cow- son Danny, Brantford, witli Mrs. lar, Mountain Grave. an's new bouse and will be hav- - - Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Coates and Mr. J. H. Smith, Bank of Com- ing a bouse built onl it. son Danny, Brantford, wth Mrs. merce Manager, and Mrs. Smith One hundred and ninety sanie Leslie Snawden. are n blidysand Mr.MClel- paunds af aluminum ware was aneono is reeandM. cantributed by the people of New- National Day of Prayer wil be Most af the Newcastle boys wha castie Friday and Saturday for obe0 da udy were taking a course ini meclianics. war purpases. The articles of Mr. Davey. Toronto, gave an at Oshawa Vacational School have maniy descriptions were gathered instructive Temperance ad4ress now gane ta Peterborough. by rnembers of the men's com- On Suiiday, Mr. Davey will be Hon. Gardon Canant and Mrs. mittee of the Red Cross and taken welcome again any tinie. t Canant, Oshawa, were guests of ta the fire hall and an Saturday About 125 friends gatbered at î bis brather-in-law and sister, Dr. afternoon Irwin Colwill took the the home af Mr. and Mrs. Wallace t and Mrs. W. H. Walton-Ball. lot ta Oshawa ini bis truck. Munday Friday evening, to wish 1 Wlien Clarence Clark cornes Rev. R. E. Morton, pastar o! the thern hearty congratulations andr ~,aefrrnGaî ths eeknd ieUnited Cliurch, occupied his pul- best wislies on their new road of t il he omltehis core at it Sna after liolidayiflg at life. Mr. H. G. Freeman called the tlie Gait Air Training Scbool. Mountain Lake. In the rnornig company ta order and expressed Miss Acy Bowen, Reg. N., Oshi-lie expressed bis pleasure in see- the motive for tbe gatliermng. Miss awa General Hospital, and Miss ing still in their place all the Helen Metcalf read a nicely word- Patricia Pearce, nurse in training, beautiful floral decoratians that ed address and Mr. Clifford Swal- Oshawa, spent Sunday witt theix provided the setting for the Ric- low presented the bride and parents. kard-Hendry wedding an Satur- groom wtb a lcvly mantel dlock. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and day. Mrs. E. C. Fisher was also Wallace and Jean thanked all for grandniece, Betty Maxwell, and back at lier place at the organ. the lovely present and invited ail Miss May Marshll, Toranto, are At the morning service Misses ta corne and see thern. A dainty holidaying at Mr. Wm. Neil's sum_-M-arie and Doris Allin sang a duet, lunch was served. mer home. The Stranger af Galilee.a Mr. Jas. P. Lovekin, who has Mr. Erie R. (Dick) Lovekin Maple Grove School News h been on war wark during the va- who bas been spending the vaca- f catian, will enter Victoria College, tion with bis grandparents, Mr. (By Loryne White, Grade 7, and Toronto, specializing 'in honoxr and Mrs. Jas. Coulson, lias re- Doreen Jeffery, Grade 8) Englisli and History. turned ta bis scliolastic duties at Axnong the Newcastle boys in Harbord Collegiate, Toronto. He On September 2nd school open-s uniform wha were borne were lias been appointed Cadet Captain. ed with attendance of 61 pupils. s Corporal Harold Hockin, Camp Last year bis platoon received We are sorry to lose Ellen, Alexy Borden, Aircraftrnan D a u g 1 a S honorable mention fram tlie Ini- and Joyce Abernethy, Marjorie, 31 Langman from. Belleville, and specting Officer for their drill at Lewis and Raymond Rundie and Chas. Alldread frorn Peterboro. the Battalion Inspection. Dick al- Barbara, Marlyn and BelfordC An hour before the Rickard- so won1 a mredal and a cash prize Panike. But we welcorne in their Hendry wedding Saturday, Rev. for sbooting, and participated in places Gertrude and Madeline Roy H. Rickard, Palmerston, unit- the matches at Long Branch. White, and Billie Lamb, ed in marriage twa former Oak- W. M . S. met Sept. 4tb, with Teppl ae enb o-tq wood young people, amidst the the president in the chair who Teppl aebe uycl beautiful floral decorations in the announced tlie therne for the lecting aluminumn in aid of the9 United Churcli. montb, read an exposition on the w8.r. Ray Munday and Norman t] Mrs. H. C. Allun and Ruth spent New Order, and led in prayer. Coulter of Grade 7 topped the list. a wek mTorntoat r. nd critur lesonwas from Ephe- We are askmng everyone ta con- Mrs. Laurence Kerr's and attend- sians with exposition by Miss trbueteroldfo tan ast ed the C.N.E. It was ini theePure Drummond, and Mrs. Morton led nmakebmesfrBin Food Building that Ruth became in prayer. The new study book On September lst some of theeG tee holder o! a lucky ticket which "Serving with the Sons o! Shub" boys beld a Corn Roast in theed won ber a $50.00 War Certificate. was introduced by Miss E. Black- scbool yard and had a very en- Mr. T. W. Jackson and jýs burn. This dealt witli the begin- joyable tinie. TI Michael Gogerty attended th ning of Canadian Missions in __________ funeral of bis great granddaugh- Czechuan, West China. A duet, ter, Norma Jackson, ini Toronto "The Stranger o! Galilee"' was E iil on Monday.Thie littie girl wa nicely sung by Doris and Marie n iel six years 'of age and was kifled Aflrk. on Sept. 5th by a truck in Ta- Mr. and Mrs. Eric Toms and Visitors: ronto as she was crassing the family, Belleville, visited at Mr. Mrs. E. Smnith, Enniskillen, at T street. Howard Toms'. Their elder dau- Mr. Harold Ormiston's. - - Mr. ly Neihbos o th Lae Soregbter Gwendolyn wiil attendan r.RselOmtoM.E and Port Granby school sections Qen University. It was a greatanMs.Rselrmto, r. uNeighors of laree Lakerslfore supe' ers lan h h A. Ormiston, Enniskillen, Mr. andC turedou i lagenubes fr urien taer a larshe hin Mrs. Frank Gilbert, Sauina, at Mr. ly ____________________ ben adeda shoahi Hoskin Smith's . . Mr. and Mrs. tf French whicli she took a eT. Bowman, Port Perry, at Mr. ly ..................... Belleville Collegiate, and wbich W omns r ai entitleW.lierman s.re- yeMr.'Jamie o at Queen's and $75.00 a year in tar, St. Thomas, at Mr. J.~ RYL addtniece er tafather isa former trsS Newcastle boy, and Gwen, be- Women's Association met ativ sides being niece, of Newcastle's Mrs. Frank Gilbert's, SaUina, on f Badof Education Chairman, is Sept. 2nd. Mrs. W. Ashton took THaARE _______of Mrn. eTms, Allin and charge o! tee W.M.S. programn and S ___________ HaroldTos Newcastle. Mrs L Simpson was convenor for V BOWMANVILLE Her many N cateaquan-teWA meeting. Mrs. Russel E 13OWMA VILLE ancçextend beartiest congratu- Gilbert prepared a paper on f lations.what are we daing ta win theeP 1 ~war?" and Mirs. G. Bowman fav- 1V Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Burketon ored with a piano solo. fi Congratulations to, Mrs. John ai SEPT. 11- 12 -13 McCulaough, who celebrated bier ai Visitors: 87th birtbday an Sunday. Sept. 7. w Doube Feature Mr. John Sinclair o! the Martin Miss Ida McCullough entertained IV 1 Transport Co., Toronto, at horne. at a supper party Sunday evening ai OàFbEN L-nyy- - Mr. and Mirs. Gordon Blight, for the guests whîch mceluded Mr. y "PE AL Y"Windsor, Mrs. J. Blight, Brooklin, and Mrs. Oliver McCulloughL starringMr. and Mrs. J. Stredwick and Murray, Neil and Mary, Mr. and R stailiirfamily, Oshawa, with Mr. . H. Mrs. Bert McCullough, Oshawa, Edward Arnold House. - - Mr. and Mrs. Len Van Dr. and Mrs. W. McCullough, C Valkenburg, Oshawa with Mrs. Orano, and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. M' -Lionel Barrymore James Curran. - - Ii4r. and Mr5s. Pascae ai AND R. Wilson. Miss Effie Avery, Osh- We welcome Miss Lela Kniglit bq A»awa, Mr. A. Rundle, Hampton, at as teacher o! S.S. No. 15. ti Mr. John Avery's. - -Thos. Gat -________ oWASHifNGTON cheil, Bowmanville, at J. Gatch- MEWODRAMA" omnvle wt r.H il.-- Ermiskillen with Mr. Nelson Hudson, Enfield, at M___ WihMr. H. Rahm's. - Mr. and Mrs. Visitors: thJ Frank Morgan- Kent Taylor A. Hall and Mr. Clifford Hall, Miss Veinia Peterson and Miss T, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kelly, Dorothy Laver, Narham, at Rev. oý Orono, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bail and plant's. . - Mr. and Mrs. C. A. M !aniily, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton, Ray and Katbryn, Osh- Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Kelly, Oshiawa. Mr. and Mrs. S. awa, at Mr. H. Stevens'. - - Mr. Moffatt, Miss Betty Moffatt, held and Mrs. G. Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. SEPT. 15 - 16 - 17 a picnic at Grassliopper Park on S. Dunning, Sterling, with Dr. Sunday. - - Mr. Bll Hoskin at C. J. Austin. -- Mrs. Wm. Oke "&COME LOVE Niagara-on-the-lake. - - Mrs. T. with Mrs. Bessie Rabbins, Hamp- V WITHBreck in Toronto. - - Mr. Stanley ton. - - Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry, WIH M' Oshatta Ms. . V. Kinirs, Mr. and Mrs. R. Luke, Yedon a starln Mr Stnle Mofat isbuidin Mr J.A. err's... r. . or, tr aop flihe clasfor achool wear! Brighit plaids and 'i pretty plain colonne in Sm new styles. lu' Coats.àaa For ladies lai new Fanl wool materials Prlced vers' low. Smartly TaIIored - lndividually Styled - ln the Men'a Shop ]ROND CLOTHES - $23.50 up ÀAi macculine 'eaSorles wltb wlde cholce of color and style. Dresa up -Il.a Fail. Couch, Johnston & Cryderinan, Mt., P"»a 836 Bowmanville lin Tottenhani, their daughter, Donalda, retunning home-. itii them. . . Mrs. Efla Smith wlth IMrs. H. Ormiston, En! ield..-. Miss Evelyna Abernetey, Tottenham, witli ber sister, Mrs. R. Griffin... toria, B. C., wite Mr. and Mrs. J. Austin and Dr. Austin..,. Mr. and Mrs. Morey and Cloyd Osh- awa, wite Mrs. Efla Smil. Mrs. F. Gourlie, Mr. Jock and Miss Helen Gourlie and Helen Bastman at Mr. Wesley Oke's.. Mr. and Mis. S. May and Billy, at Mr. A. C. Ashton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. 1. G. Traveil, Bete and Bruce at Mir. G. Beecb's. "Christ died for us, alteough we are ail sinners,"1 was a very fine sermon preached by Rey. Plant Sunday evening. Congratulatians ta Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Peteick on their recent marriage. W.A. and W.M.S. met at Mrs. J. A. Werry's Sept. 3rd. Mrs. Werry led in prayer. Seripture reading by Mrs. 14, McGil. -De. votional by Mns. Rabbs. Bey. Plant favoured wite apin solo. A Project in Chiristian Soal Ac- tion entitled "What would- you da If," was led by Mrs. L. Ash- ton,. assisted by severai of the ladies. Mn. Crossman gave a reading, "To eacb is appointed a task." Lunch was served. Salem Mi. and Mrs. H. Gaud were ini Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pollard and Rosemary, Toronto, visited bis parents. Hampton W. I. East group met at Mrs. H. Gaud's at teir sewing bee on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. Richards andi arnily spent Sunday wite Mr. and i MCrs. Gea. Lange, Providence. 1 Y. P. U. re-opened for tee Fail t season with a corn roast at te school Sept. 3rd, where gaines c w'.ere played and a jolly tirne en- 1 joyed. s Sympatby is extended ta Mrs. 1 C. Pollard in tee death a! Mrs. t Langdou a relative at Canton, c MCrs. Poflard and Messrs. Harold 1 and Harny Hocken o! Shirley at- c tendedi the funeral.s Congratulations ta tee Salem s girls' softbail teani in winningI the cup tels season. r Salein ladies' sewing bee for f wrar victinis was held at Mrs. G. i Burrus' on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn and Grace vlsited b~is parents at. Hay-i don.c Mrs. F. Cator visited friends in t Toaronto and attended tee Ex. t Newtonville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Brack Peteick with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Erenoute, Napanee. . . Mr. and N rérs. L., E. MihIsan, Edgar and p Doreen, wîth Mr. and Mis. Chas. c Cowan, Cowanville. . . Mr. and v M'rs. Sid. Hutchison with ber sis- I ter, Mis. Gardiner, Milibrooe. . . C M.r.9. Thos. Stapleton, Mr. and r Mrs. G. J. Stapleton and !amily p wite Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Smith, !L Starkville. .. Mis. Norman -Scott ti wite Miss Donnelly, Toronto. . . A Mr. and Mis. Cleland Lane and C amily and Mi. and Mis. Jack Elliott at Niagara. .. Miss Betty li Stapleton with Toronto friends. sj Miss Violet Joncs and Messrs. r Earl Luseby and Bert Hateway h motaned her home. . . Mr. J. T. h >earce, Burlingtan, at home... . a Miss Deane Slernon and Mi. Al- fg fred Redknap in Peterboro... Mi. m and Mis. Frank Gilnien, Jimiry ai and Philip, and Mis. Win. Srnith ir wite Toronto !niends;. .. Mn. and te fis. John Lowe and Jean, Mi. tc and Mis. Russel Lowe.and Billy ci Marton, Port Hope, Mi. and Mis. C Lloyd. McGahey, Peterboro, at Mr. hi Robt. Morton's. el Miss June Ware bas returned ta tc Collegiate in Toronto and Miss tc Mary Denault bas taken ber place hi as nîght operator at the switch- SI board. *hi Deepeat sympathy is extended cc to Mis. Hammand Brown and AI- E: fred in tee lois o! a kind and loy- ig husband and father. al Mi. and Mis. Jas. Sexsmite and hg Miss Jennie Thompsan attended in aie wedding o! Mr. Harry Stone ha Ir. in Kew Beach United Churcli, yg ranonto, Saturday. Tliey stayed )ver tiil Sunday with Mr. and irs. Harry Stone Sr. Zion Visitors: te Mis. Michael Nemis is staying Gi uite ber parents, and intends g o- o! ng ta Halifax soon. . . Mr. and o! ME mi W. Oxi anc Ll Mr Lao briq and and Bný Fis] Ra3 Ral Gia of!1 enir Met briÈ des] soci ,ghton. .. Mn. and Mns. Hary L-. lier, 14r. Bob Hoy, Oshawa, at Lf iy Cameron's.. . Mr. and Mis. scia ipli Glaspel, Tyn;one, at F. B. you] aspel's. gais A numben gateered at the homeWh Mn. Alf. Ayre on Tuesday ev- the] ing ta honar Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd the2 tcalf. They pîesented the bod ie and groom with a wa]nut the, Bk and everybody enjoyed a trol laIl tisme. fl Mr. Kennetli Whittington, Mr. faT 'Éow-to Mâake tee Most Out o! cel' will be the talk ta higli ol students and it wiil deal th teree questions concerning ng people: Wliat are tliey mg ta do with their minds?; lt are they going Io do wlth r characters?; and What are ýy going ta, do witb their les? Dr. Barker shows how -y can exercise complete can- ,in eacb case. He indicates pit- la and how to avoid them. rhe evening lecture in Trlnitym Harvey Balson, Miss Ernlly Killen,1 Oshawa, visited last week ait Mr. Anson Balson's. Ebenezer Services on Bunday were wel attended with Bey. W .1 C. Smith in charge, after a pîeasant vaca-t tion. Mr. Davy, Toronto, spoke I on tee Temperance question. Thea Junior choir providing the music.t The children. have returned ta school for anoteer year's work, wite Miss Alice Arnold, Brook- lin agaîiri charge at No. 4; Missc Florence Bennett, as junior teach- er ait No. 8 and Miss Grace Truil returned to Baker's. miss Mr ay Rundle will attend Bowmnanville Higli Schaol, and Audrey Beau- chamnp ls in attendance at Oshawa Collegiate.e MsLiaOsborne bas resumedn duties as teacher in Toronto. Gardon, Jack and Masters Jack Jr. and Marshall Pickell, have returned to Detroit after vacationing ait teaid liome bere. Before returning tee boys played hosts to their numerpus young friends, an tee lawn at Carl a Downs, when a most enjoyaeri evening was spent with the sae- ing of hot dogs, candy, and mayt other nîce things.any Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oke werefi Sunday guests ait Mr. F. Thamp- P. son's. ei ci a rOO MANY ifO«S 0F LIGHT WEIGHlT ec Pl ON MARICET eî With tee delivery of 425,000,000 ti: pounds of Canadian bacon, bharas c( and other cuits ta tee British Min- C stry o! Food, tee present agree- il, ment between tee Ministry and al lie Canadian Governinent will be b( concluded. The new agreement til calls for 600,000,000 Pounds of hi bacon, bains and oteer cuts. To N, :uPPly this order wiil require ap- pi proxîrateîy 5,250,000 hogs. The bi ternis a! the agreement also re- th quire teat of the total quantity ta ni *e shipped flot less tean 75 per ju cent shail bie Wiltshire sides and sa such additional quantities of the fa sare sides as can be procured. ar rrom tee experience in tee sbip- it nents a!o bacon that have gone pi forward since tee war began, it bas been learned teat toc xnany ail liglit weight hogs are being mar- Tt keted. The product, a! sUch hogsa a is either unsuitable for expore or yields Wiltshire sides bel1ow t t lie rnost desirable weights o! 55 in to 65 pounds. ar Tn R. S. MCLAUGH LIN vE <Contintumd from page 1) e ni presented to Mi. McLaughlin by PE W. H. "Dad" Mayse, the Com-- pany's aldest employee in point o!f ontinuaous service. The address .j was delivered by C. E. McTavish, )irector o! Parts and Service. ther messages, o! welcame were received from tee Mayor and Cor- poration o! Oshawa, tee Public [tilities Commission, and the On- aioa Regiment (Tank) o! which Ir. McLaughlin is Hanorary olonel. Mr. McLaughlin, in acknow- cdging the presentation and te ;oken, written and telegraplied nessages o! congratulation whicb iave poured inta his office and orne from ail parts o! Canada id tee United States, referred celingly ta bis long association rith tee automotîve industry, and if his original intention of retir- ng on bis 7Otli birteday-.-an in- ;ntion which he now feit abliged io abandon because o! thie in- 'eased pressure placed upon bis ,ompany and binsself by the ieavy share in the industrial war 1fort accepted by General Mo- nrs. He was quite ready, he said, o defer bis retirement-to wbich t had been looking foîward wite ich anticipation-if by doing so t could i axy way advance and >ntril ute ta the success o! the ,,mpire's war effort. So early was Mr. McLaughlin bi is office on bis birtbday that Le was unable ta enjoy bis rnorn- .g ride itee saddle wbichbhas >en bis main recreation for many ,ars. Community Service (Continued frmm page 1) raphs front R. Tyre Jones, <bet- Br known as Bobby Jones of morgia, world's champion golfer fa few years ago): 'II had heard fDr. Barker several tiines, but . COFFEE DOMXESTIC Shorteuing CLEANSER wms"m REI ROSE TMA led a bel A&P SPECIAL TUA- POUE a DEANS Aylmer PERNIJTBUTTER AsV SPAGHETTI Ctei FRUITS and VEGEI CALIFORIA, 300 si= LEEGIS tM ONT. GROWN PUESB RU CASSAGE =cB- CALIMVJ>8141A.GOOD ONUM ONT. GROWN FRESH CRISP~' ZELURY HURTS FOMIATOUS New la thile Mte inn, PE!CD V PEURHS Tou M1 eood source Vitamias A & c Prce mubjeot tamarket cagee-purha oImitel ta family woekly require- ments. im Church will be "The Most Im- portant Job in the World," and tee basis o! it is the fact teat being a father or a moten is just teat. He stresses tee importance o! setting tee riglit exemple for childien, tic value o! teaching obedience and how ta teacli it, mnd tee imperative necessity a! teaching children and adolescents the real facts o! life in an under- standable way. He empliasizes the inmportance o! chuncli, o! or- ganizations sucli as tee Boy Scouts, etc., in tee lives o! young peoples, and outlines many ways bliat parents can use ta raise finer children. The Bowmanviile Rotary Club are sponsors o! Community Ser- vice Day and are bringing Dr. Barker here as speaker o! tee day. riere will be no charge whatso- ever ta the public. Meetings and lectures are F-R-E-E toalal. Sa rnake it a mernorable occasion. LION& CLUB (Continûed tram page 1) apart. Thene are those whose reach- exceeds bis grasp, wbose .ttainnien t is not equal ta inten- ion. These are really trying, but fail short.", The anigin o! the term denivesJ from tee Greek idea a! "one wbo plays a part," an actor, tee speake- er said. Iu tais life we are ail called on ta play a part and what a varied scene is set! Literaily te part we play determines suc- cess in life. Great acting is not pretense but bas sincêrity as its essence. Ini explanation Mi. Park cou- inued: "For instance, democratic countnies put on a 'front'. They claim ta believe in justice, equal- ty and Christian virtues, wbile ll tee time these are not actually being carnied aut in the democra- ci society. 1 cail tis beneficent àypocrisy, for its ef!ect is good. 4ow, tee Nazis do nat make any pretense. They openly endarse brutality, turning the back on the hings we bold dean. But in a de- îocracy we continue ta affect lstice and the very gesture is a ifeguard against injusti 'ce. This îct disciplinei vîndictive passions id elevates mankind. In short, tleaves tee road open for i- provement." The principles a! acting bave ignificance for aur daily lives. eachers o! acting agree teat the rt bote expresses and contrais !mation. True acting is not pre- munse-lt makes actual tee trute ýus. We are actons every one id lu teat sense - hypocrites. lie good actor is marked by bis iersatilty. Just sa, rnany raies are requin- Id a! tee gaod citizen. The busi- iess man sbould. be a di!! erent )ersan at home than at the office Vitamins Ta build body resistance 50 Halibut ail caps - - 89e Aiphamettes 1.00 - 1.85 - 3.50 Nea Chemical Foad 1.15 - 2.45 Codlettes - - 1.19 - 1.98 Wampoles Extract - - 1.00 Mcd. Calgate's Faste and Glant Calgate's Faute Both fer 40e Hlot Water Bottles 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 yr. guarantee 49c-89c-98c-1 .39 When we test yaur eyes yau are assured entire satisfactIon li quallty, style and price. WE FIT TRUSSES PhRConeINFree B 695 PR OLIG *.BeDlvr -at home be can leave bis won- ries bebind and should catch the cue o! appreciation and affectian there. Life's success depends an acting well and sincerely. Life is truly enbanced by keep- ing in characten. The words "Be Britishi" are a challenge ta act a noble part in national life; the wonds "Be Christian" call fan' an- other part ta be filled. Expressing the cornpletc satis- Hackney. faction and appreciation o!te Lions wîtb sucb a fine addiess E. W. Crawford cleverly moved a vote o! thanks, and after a busi- ness periad the meeting adjourn- ed. Rev. J. E. Griffith was a guest. Letters fnom men overseas thanking tee club for cigarettes were signed: Alex and Bruce Camrneon, Jack Gibbs and Newton- SIRLION d WING - ~F A C R U h p - I- 6 N CUBE m c DoBnoeoss Round ,t«.kt lb. 29C CENUINE SPRINM LÂME LEGS LOINS FRONTS ïb. 27c lb 25c l9Cg PRIME Ris ROAST lb. 26c BLADE ROAST I9 SHfORT RIB OS BRISK î"Om , Tc b 9 LAMB CNOPS Rib or Loinlb3C P01RK SALISAGE Veibest L 1 SAUSAGE country stylel.19 WEINERS Smolecl Slcinl..,sLs3 É M -aL-Iflff - » - & p :te ! c. a V in VÇn 2 4-r. 24, GLD CREUSE a. 30C 2jg- 23c Pure Lardi Sunnyfî.ld 2 b&. 29c rAniLES BREAD Ala paie "0 C. j«. 1,cCOCOANXIT LAYER CAKE «. 27c DoughnUtS doz. 12c ~ O LD DUTCHclenser 2 »or 10c 7< , V MACARONI luik *3 a. Ilc 6-Quart 9c PICKLES 1,r:4 isc1 Basket19 PUAS Garden Patte-on. ~9c C AVE QUAKER GATS Tin9 SOIJPS TM.Md e2 ,e ~15c -& [elle STOR1ES. t h. 1 Films Developied Fr"e WITH 24-HOUÈ SERVICE For I-ay Fever Soaps H 1 ytone - 25e - 50e 1.00 Odex - - - 4 for 18e Razmali - - - 50e 1.00 10 Cakes Castile - -' 25e Respirin- -- ----50ei 4 Woodbury's - '- - 24e Estwin Drps - - - 1.19 4 Cakes Bouquet - - 16e Refex - - - - 50e - 1.00 2 Cakes Lux - - - - llc Bayers Nyal Anscin10 Aspirin A.S.A. =,C A.S.A. 22-39-98 2%.35.49 43-69-98 19e Waxed mul PamrMACLEANS Fa 1 5c LARGES S UIIINTOOTi 1Is e Bottes Pepsodent 49c aste 49c«« Jar in RigsEoOMICAI Kruchen Parowax n.sz 2 Ç4 1 Dod&s aPil 2 for 25e 3 VIARNSsutan2 lb" 19c IPRICOTS -«2 MM 27< PUAIlna 1,5-9z P eau 4-ive2for 19,1 TON. JUICE-A&P3'4MZ5C KETCHUPloi=. 2 me37c 1 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1941 14 il, ýk 1

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