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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1941, p. 7

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THVRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATE~MAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN ISOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phono 663 Flght Sergt. D. R. Cameron, Miss Haugh, Ottawa, called on Trentoni, was home. Miss Ella McIfityre. Pte. George Somerscales, C.A.C., Miss Ann Connors, Toronto, Ottawa, was home. spent the weekend with friends. Rev.Carmn Lyn isholiay- Miss Edna Bottrell, Toronto, Rev. a rma Lnnis homel idayon visited ber father, Mr. Thos. Bot- Miss R.ay Storey, Toronto, is As a woman grows older she home from business college. learns new wrinkles about taking Vfjr. and Mrs. Ross Stutt have out old ones. bU;n holidaying at French River. Miss Helen B. Pritchard is Pilot Sergt. Freeborn Colville, spending bier vacation in western Toronto, was home for the week- Ontario, including Hamilton, St. end. Thomas and Windsor. Corp. Arnold Lobb, Petawawa, Corp. R. H. Coombes, R.A.F., spent the weekend with bis fam- with Mrs. Coombes visited at her iîy. fatber's home and returned to Miss Moira Dinniwel bas be- their home in Brantford. come a nurse-in-training at Lind- Mr. and Mr5. Willett Hawley say hospital. were in Cobourg, Monday, bid- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Willis, Port ding goodbye to their only son Arthur, are visiting ber sister, wbo is proceeding overseas on Mrs. M. J. Hutebinson. active service. Mrs. M. J. Brodie, Midland, is CpI. C. W. Jackman, Peterboro, visiting hier sister, Mrs. F. M. visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tamblyn. Fred Jackman, Brown St., and Mr. Clarence Osborne, press- attended the Ex. accompanied by man at The Statesman office, bas Lornie Corinors. been on holidays. Nine places of business have Mr. and Mrs., Stuart Morton recently joined the "paint-up" celebrated tbeir l5th wedding parade and the total resuit is cer- anniversary Sept. 8th. tainly beneficial to tbe appear- Dr. and Mrs. W. Carroll and ance of main street. daughter, of Athur, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn Dr. W. W. Sherwin, Orono.. and Grant, Oshawa, and Mr. and Miss Leola Miller leaves on Mrs. Gordon Werry and Boyd, Sept. 22nd for a two weeks' tour Mimico, were guests of Mr. and of Qucbec and -the Maritimes. Mrs. Russell Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Roland McDonald, and family, Toronto, were gucsts Youngstown, N.Y., and Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Staples. Mrs. Tyrreil of Toronto, visited Mr. Kenneth Cornisb, Strat- recentîy witb Mr. and Mrs. A. T. ford, now at Trenton, vsited bis Fletcher, Division St. great-aunt, Mrs. John Mclntyre. CpI. Dave Preston -visited bis Mr. James McDougall, Mr. and mother, Mrs. S. Preston, Churcb Mrs. Hough, Toronto, came to see St. Seven cars of relatives and Mr. Jobn Mcntyre and Ella wbo friends motored to Oshawa sta- arc HIl. tion to bid bim farewefl. Miss Margaret Osborne, Simcoe, The f arn lads are leaving f or Ont., spent tbe weekend witb ber the cities at a greater rate,1 which brother Mr. Everett L. Osborne, leaves openings for those city Wellington St. cbaps wbo told tbc govrmn Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. McReynolds, tbey could milk a cow. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Willis, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rammeil, were Sunday guests witb Mrs. Kingsway Flower Shop, are on a Fred Lyle. boliday tip to Montreal. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allun and Geo. Pritchard is in charge of the son Robert and Mis. Truman business in their absence. Power spent tbe weekend at El- Brian Flaherty was a guest of dorado and Stirling. Cobourg Rotary Club Friday Mis. Theroux, Miss Minnie when be gave a bighly entertain- Gray, Mrs. Jeffrcy, Lindsay, and ing demonstration of sleigbt-of- harnr trickqsandi ventrilnriuism. SPECIAL ONE WEEK ONLY MEN'S Wiist Watches 4-JewelI Swlss Chrome case wlUs strap or bracelet ONLY $6850 NARBIS J EWELRY Phone 463 Mr. D. J. Gibson is spending a month with bis daughter, Mis. Gilbert Rayner, at Lake Forest, Illinois. He writes: Send along Tbe Statesman until I return; 1 feel lost witbout it. Squadron Leader (Dr.) Ralph Clark, sbn of Dr. D. W. and Mis. Clark, Peterboro, is borne on fur- lougb after serving for several months in England with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Mis. Allie Welsb Shantz, who bas been visiting friends bere, writes that she bad a lovely visit this year sceing so many old friends. She left for Rochester Tuesday ,and later will be going to Chicago. Daylight Saving Time is to be continued in Bowmanville until furtber notice. Hydro officiaIs say that such a saving was effect- cd last winter that continuance of the plan is essential for cfficiency in industry. Mr. Fred Neal, wbo bas been taking a summer course at the Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, is visitîng bis parents Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal. Mr. John Neal, Buffalo, N.Y., spent thc wcckcnd witb bis parents. The sigbt of thc weck: Those hcalthy sun-tanned men of thc public and high school staff, who have been so borribly comfotable the past two months in polo shirts and thc like, looking very Un- confortable in collars- and tics.-1 Fali Specials at AI in's Store ' Plcklng & Preservlng Suplies lEvorytiing Use housewife, needs lb. 53e Blue Rlbbon Tea esc 2 inl1BBack can: Shoe PolUah lOc Ps'ues - Figs - Dates - Cherries and faney quaI- Johnston's Glo-Coat Pt. 59c wlth 1/4 plat absolutely froe Javex -bottle 15C Suxe Helnz Soups .ALL 2 for 25UC -FISH FOR FRIDAY- Serve Fresh Fiais for Healtis and Varlety HARRY ALLIN THE CPRNER GROCERY Courteous Service Pte. Fred Hughes, lately i- valided from England and at pre- sent of Cbristie Street Hospital, Toronto, accompanied by Mis. Hugbes, were weekend visitors at the bornes of Mr. and Mis. G. E. Pritchard and Mr. and Mis. Harry Hugbes. Gnr. Melbourne Hawley left Monday for an Active War Zone after four days' last leave with his wif e and parents. He bas been at Petawawa for a year specializ- ing on all types of artillcry and transferred to Anti-Aircraft to get over on active service. Mr. Douglas*Carter is boliday- ing at Kingston, as guest of bis sister Mrs. George Kreig, prior to active service duties. Pte. Harold Carter, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, bas been here on brief leave before proceeding to Jamaica on military duties. At the annual convention of tbe Eastern Ontario Municipal Electrical Association to be held in Oshawa Sept. 16-17, Bowman- ville is honored to have two of its citizens in prominence, Commis- sioner Ross Strike wbo is Presi- dent of tbe Association and Geo. E. Chase, Secretary-Treasurer. Mr. W. C. Caverly, recently ap- pointed J.-P. for this district, bas again been extended the confi- dence of government, this tume at the bands of Ottawa, as Inspector of dredging operations at Port Bovqnanville. Tbis is mcrited re- cognition of Mr. Caverly's inter- est and services in the community for many years past. Scout and Cub meetings wiUl begin Tues., Sept. lflth at 7 p.m. This will be a joint meeting of al units. From the public school they will parade to the United Church to hear Dr. Barker, noted speaker. The following week will sec all groups gettmng under way witb meeting nights as follows: lst pack Tucsday 7; lst troop Tues- day, 8; 2nd pack Tbursday, 7; 2nd troop, Thursday, 8. The delay in getting the season started bas been because of short- age of leaders due to wartixne conditions. Four bave joined the army and two bave moved away. Enlistments include Sid Casbourn, lst Midland Regt.; Wm. James, 2nd Midlands; Arthur Cully, R. C. A.F.; Freebonn Colville, R.A.F.; Arthur Turner bas moved to Tor- onto and Don Venton is going to University. Scouts, Cubs and others inter- estcd in Scouting are' asked to listen to the C.B.C. National Net- work on Saturday, Sept. l3th at 5 o'clock D.S.T. for a real treat. We'll not tell you wbat it is now -just listen. The Group Comniittee met on Tuesday evening at W. R. Strike's office to lay plans for the coming season. A year of activity is promised and two new members were added to the comrnittee. Saturday at the A & P Store1 there was displayed a "puff ball" over 6 ft. in circuniference, weigbt 12 lbs. Al Saunders, market gardener, west of Onono, found it in bis orchard. Percy Williams,c manager of A & P, cut it up andS gaeec it to customers. Like the1 egg-plant, this native puff-ball isN edible. A big fcast was in pro- spect. Evening worsbip at St. John's Anglican Cburcb on Sept. .l4tb will be conducted by the Most1 Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, Primate1 of All Canada. Beginning at 7 p.ni.1 the service is being held for the1 special purposc of confirming a1 class of ten candidates for admis-1 sion to the church. Slippcny road surface was a contributing factor whcn a car driven by A. Bcardmore, R. R. 3,1 Peterboro, lef t the road Thursdayi mornîng knockmng out a row ofà bighway posts. Neither the driver nor bis wife and cildrcn riding with him werc much hurt. Chiefi S. Venton was called to thc scenei of the accident at the eastcrn limita of the town. Miss Greta Polard is holiday- ing witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Pollard. Miss Pollard, a dietitian, wbo bas been on the lecture staff of the Ontario Agni- cultural College at Guelph for a number of years, now bas the in- teresting task of teaching airmen to be chefs. Elght weeks from the hamburger stand to cooking in training camps, is the schedule. Two hundred and seventy-fîvc joined Warden Alex Edmondstone on bis excursion. The iail on the lake for four bours and dancing were bigbly- enjoyed. Tbe S. S. Ontario bad the privilege of car- ryfng the first excursion out of Cobourg this summer. The cool- isb weatber caused many over- coats and pcak caps to make their appearance but did not dampen the spirits of the excursioners. Speaking of the V slogan for Victory, we notice 12-year-old Shirley George, Smithfield, grand- daughtcr of Mis. B. M. Wannica, pickcd a hcad of timothy hay whicb formed a perfect 'IV". The photo appcared in the Toronto Telegrani. Yes, even Mother Na- ture bas adopted the popular "V" for Victory slogan and she, too, can sec the bandwriting on the wall for Hitler and bis murderers. A picture of local intercst titled "Four generations at the Rowc- Archibald wcdding"l appearcd in the Toronto Star Monday. It was taken in Toronto August 3th, and includes thc great grandmothcr, Mis. William Jennings, Bowman- ville, formerly of Newcastle, with young Douglas Jamcs Moorc on her knec. His mother, Mrs. James Moorc, Matheson, Ont., is present along witb ber mother, Mis. Geo. Rowe. The case against Fred Ellis, 52 Florence St., Belleville, cbarged. in connection with thc accident on March 14, 1941, whcn Thomas H. Clenience, Shaw's fanmer, was burlcd from bis wagon on the bighway and scriously injured, will be heard ncxt Tuesday. Ellis entered a pîca of not guilty to the dangerous driving charge. His counsel sought to bave the case thrown out of the local court on a technicality. .Mn. E. M. Down, Detroit, Micb., paid bis annual visit to the old home town and was giacst of bis sister, Miss Lola Down. Must be gctting on to nearly bal a cen- tury since Ed. left Bowmanville, but through aIl those ycars be bas kept in touch with town activities by bcing a regular subscriber to The Statesman. In talking with the editor he commented that the old fricnds bave been thinned out pretty badly in recent ycars. The new and conspicueus yel- low signa affixed to bydro poles wlthin thc past weck, along King St., may be creditcd or chargeable to the Chairman of the Police Commission, W. J. (Cascy) Mar- tyn, wbo is dctcrmincd that regu- lations must bc upheld. The igns say: "One hour parking, lock your car," and Councillor Martyn says, ",Now thc farmers, wbo support this town, can get in to the curb and do their. shopping." Watch business piçk up! Walter Woollcy brought the cdi- ton a copy of thc Lincolnshire (England) Tumes In whicb is an intcrcsting item contibutcd by a relative cf bis. It shows the pic- turc of an egg witb the most 94v"l-like 'V we have ever seen, etchcd on thc side. The egg was laid by an otbcrwisc normal chic- ken, owncd by E. A. and H. G. Fisher of Thorp Garth, Aldbrough. The egg is bcing rafflcd to aid the Red Cross. Oh yes, Uic hen is reported to b. àoing well. É gave evidence of many bemng busy during the sumnMer months. Mis. Colone'l Spoonero, Mis. Adjutant Moulton, Miss M. Spooner and Doris Fraser wcre the guests. Mis. Moulton gave a short ad- dress, Mrs. Spooner spoke of tbe work of the Home League and expressed words of gratitude to the ladies for their splendid work. Miss D. Fraser deligbted the audi- ence with a number of solos, sc- companied by M. Spooner. Re- freshments were served. Doris Fraser sang a couple of patriotic songs. Mrs. Adjutant Hart thank- ed ail wbo took part and spoke of plans for the season's work. Hanipton Circuit, 1887 Report nteresting James Arthur Wcrry of Ennîs- *killen, son of William Werry late of Solina and longtimc dean of Eldad Cburcb, brougbt in for our inspection the otbcr day, a Finan- efal Report of the Methodist Cburch, Hampton Circuit, for the year endmng June 30, 1887. A foot- note adds: "Statesman Stearn Job Print." No doubt a few old-tim- ers will recaîl some of tbe items and names bere copied fromn the original: J. Mitchell was record- ing steward, and the pastors were Rev. E. Barrass, M.A., and Rev. S. Salton. Income and expendi- turcs were as follows: Income Hampton -------------- $ 425.00 Zion - ----------------- 259.70 Eldad ------------------------1i90.*00 Mt. Vernon ------------- 209.09 Enniskillen ----------------- 215.00 Enfield ----------------------- 120.00 Collections -- ---------------- 24.241 the A & P Employees, and stated it would be sent as part of the next Canadian General Hospital proceeding overseas. School Attendance The war is having a decided effect on regular attendance in Bowmanville Public and Higb Schools as seen froni a survey taken sbortly after classes opened. In the High Scbool Principal L. W. Dippell reports that 275 bave registered, wbîle in the Public Scbool the figure is 5381. Sevcnty of these are beginners. With help on tbe fan short and jobs for juveniles in town be- Total $1,443.03 iiig offeredl,- many are working Expenditures aIl or part time. The principals Rev. E. Barrassa----------$ 660.00o do not feel tbat in many instances Rev. S. Salton--------------- 660.00 this will be detrimental to the Incidentais ------------------ -- 20.00 students since some have the ab- Interest ---------------- 36.00 ility te make up for lost tume Children's Fund ------- 16.68 whcn tbey return to classes. and Confenence and moving 46.00 others will find the practical ex- Balance ------------------ ----- 4.35 pcnicnce quite as valuable as the - "book learning." $1,443.03 ___________ Names of many of the largest donors do neot appear in some of the centres; onîy totaîs are given. Insurailce Sales But bene are a few in order of On TIMI. ncrieage amounts: Hampton-C. W. Smitbh___ $21.00, H. Elliott Sr. $20.00, W. Nwisc uieso ofd Cryderman $20.00, E. Hastings Nwise uieso ofd $12.50, M. B. Crydenman $12.00, eration Life was 50 per cent and. so on down a long list te the greater in August, 1941, than in least donation of $1.00. Eldad- the same montb last year, accord- Wmn. Werry $29.00, Ed. Pascoe ing to C. D. Dcvlin, assistant gen- $24.00, David Montgomery $20.00, eral manager. Buying bas nisen J. VanNest $12.00, and se on. Mvt shanply in recent rnontbs. Sales Vernon records Clark Wilbuàr at for nine months of 1941 already the top, with the names, Gilbert, are 7 per cent bigber than in the Ainis, Milîson, Soucb, IHeatlic, sanie peniod of 1940. Argue, Abraham following. En- "There are at least two major niskillen finds J. C. Mitchell bcad- reasons for this marked increase," ing aIl donors witb the names of explained Mr. Devîin. "Peak cm- Hutchison, Hayes, Jeffrey, Stain- ployment at good wages is en- ton, Pye, Williams, etc., a long list abling thousands to catch up on indeed. Enficld records Campbell, their l11e insurance necds. An- Bray, Dycr, McCullocb, Knapp, other reason is that citizens, pay- Harris, and a dozen more. ing beavy taxes and supporting So f an as wc can determine, of wboleheantedly Canada's war sav- al the long lists, only a banc mngs prograni, are turnîng to life bandful remain. Indeed, among insurance as the most effective thé namea at Eldad, we believe metbod of creating an immediate onIyone now survives of ah tbhe estate te protect their families." 1 donors, namcly Thomas Baker. It would be interesting to learn just how many are stili living, but space won't permit printing aIl of the four page list. Those were the "horse and buggy" days wben salaries were one third of what tbey are today and horse keep was negligible. A & P Eniployees Give Army X-Rby Unit "A & P"l Food Store cmployees froni Stores, Office and Ware- house to furtbcr assist Canada's War Effort bave raised by vol un- tary subscription the funds to4 purchase a Mobile X-Ray Unit complete witb Spare X-Ray.4 The Deputy ýMrnister of Nation- al Defence expressed tbe Depart- ments sincere tbanks for the gen- ennfribuion on he nrt o -UI Oddf'ellows are invited to at- Miss Ruth Armstrong, Toronto, tend Florence Nightingale Lodge visited her mother Mrs. R. H. Sept. l7th when J. E. Anderson Armstrong, later taking her on a will be installed as District De- trip to Cannington, Woodville and puty for coming teri.* Oakwood. B I i LOWEST PRUCES THE Au.DuCa 0F VALUES Thsis ad demonstrates, as slmply as A-B-C how wellI t pays you to get your drug needs from your I.D.A. store. Cheek over Use alphabetical Ilat cf popular advertlsed produets. You'il find i ail cases that the prices are tise lowest available i the Dominion of Canada. Note also thse speelalI bargains - produets tisat every home needs. i LYSOL Disinfectant Antiseptie 3 oz. - 35 7 oz. -65c 16 oz. 1.25 ABSORBINE JR - 15e - 98c Agarol Comp. 69C - 93C 1.29 Aika-Seltzer - - 29e 57c Aspirin, Bayers 22c - 39e- 98e Visitons at the home of Mn.1 Seward T. Dowson, Providence, on Sunday were Mr. and Mis. A.1 K. Dowson, Glen' and Arnold, Bowmanville, Mns. Wesley AIlin, Mr. and Mis. Norman Brown and Mary, Lake Shore, Mn. Weldon Neal and daugbter Ruth, bis me- ther Mrs. W. J. Neal, and Miss Vina Neal, R.N., Victoria Road. The truth about "The Strange Case of Mr. Pzina" as reported in last week's Statesman was ne- vealed thrce days alter bis dis- appeanance from the rumble seat of bis son's car. He turncd up in bis home towný, Ottawa. He told relative% there that bis son bad stopped in Port Hope and he aligbted to bùy a soft drink. When the car went away without him be boanded a bus for home. Police in the district conducted an ail- night scarch for the missing man. Miss Margaret Hutchinson, R.N. who bas been on the nursing staff at the Toronto General Hospital for several years, is among the 80 registercd nurses who have en- lîsted for military nunsing service in South Afnica. Thesc nurses will procecd in the near future for tbeir destination, baving pledgcd themselves to a minimum of one year's service in Soutb Afnica. At present Margaret is visiting ber mother Mis. M. J. Hutchinson. Wes. Cawker bas been about the busicat man in town the past couple weeks baviug a new store front erected and installing a modern Eureka cooling systcm in bis butcher shop. Wes. is justly proud of the improvements and to mark the occfision he is hold- ing a gnand opening on Saturday wben hc will have on display and for sale at special values cveny- tbing from hamburg steak to por- tenhouse roast of beef. Don't fail to drop in at Cawker's Meat Sbop on Saturday. Sec advt for funther particulars.. One case of peliomydlitis bas been reported in town this season althougb in other districts it is more prevalent. In Kincardine the sebool opcning was ordered delayed for two wecks and Miss Jean Morris wbo wcnt there to teacb returncd home for Uic tuee being. Medical authorities here saw no reason for not opening the schoola on schedule. Howcver a careful watcb is being main- tained by the Health Nurse. It is up te parents to report first symp- toms of any nature for Uic sake of their cildren and othens. The editor was pleascd to bave a caîl Tucsday froni two former students of B.H.S. -Dr. Donald D. MacDonald, Toronto, rctired public achool inspector and Presi- dent of Uic Durbam County Club, and Dr. N. Douglas MacDonald, minister of St. John's Presbyter- ian Cburcb, Hamilton. Tbey wcre accompanied by their wivcs. Dur- ing the conversation we learned tbat the first meeting.of the Dur- ham Club this scason will be on October 23nd wben Prof. Watson Kirkconnell, McMastcr Universi- ty, Hamilton, will be the guest speaker. Dr. MacDonald would like to sec more folks from the bomeland of Durham attend these social gatbcnings and authonizcd us to pass this invitation on te ourI neaders, botb bere and in Toronto. Mrs. Frank Woolnen, Thind St., brougbt to The Statesman office Tuesday, a "believe it or not" hen's egg, laid by a pulet of the Woolncr flock. It was brown, ob- long and filled an 8 sq. in. card- board box. Whcn opcned, it dis- playcd a yoke and another egg with perfect shell luside. The in- ide egg was round and markcd with purple tracings wbich, wben decodcd, spelled VICTORY as plain as day. The Statesman "morgue" now contains some peculiar samples cf things with 'IV" marked on Uicm and Spike, thc office boy, says Uiey spell doom for Hitler, sure as shootin'. The hen secmns unconcerned. Last wcek we had a sample of ".V" for victory ryc. Maybe the bird got a feed of that. Members of Uic Salvation Army Home League gathered at the hall for the opening service, to resume their winter's work of sewing and knitting. The splendid attendance sbowed Uic intereat the ladies have in their work, also the num- ber of knitted articles brought in - - 47c - - 23e 23c - 49e - - 69e 40e - 75e CRASES NERVE F001D - 49e Carters' Liver Pilla 23e -69c Castoria - - - - 33c - 63e Cutex PoUash - - - - 25c Cuticura Ointment- 29e - 57c DRENE SHAMPOO 19e- 37e, Danderine - 39ec 68c 1.13 Dextri-Maltose - - - - 65e Enos' Fruit Sait - -59eC-98e Ex-Lax--------15C -33C ,60this - Mdim Six0 Profit by these Iow prices by visiting our store or phoning 792 now. FRLUITATIVIES 22e - 39e UPANA T. PASTE - 49e Fasteeth - - - 29e - 49c Ingram's Shaving Cream - - - 390 Feonamint 19e 33e - 69e Ingram's Mllkweed FeUows' Syrup --1.39 ra -----49 Insulin - 50e - 90e - 1.05 Fltcb's Shampoo 15e-35e-69e Jergen's Lotion 25c - 47e Frosst's Neoehemical Foo<d Johnston's Baby Powder-- 28e - 55e Capsules 1.25 - 2.25 - 5.001 Kruschen Salta 25e - 69e BARGAINSI 25e BORACIC ACID M - l. 17C EPSOM SALTS, Reg. 15ce lb. 9c 33e MILK 0F MAGNESIA 16 ozs. 23e MINERAL OIL, 16 ozs., Reg. 39e - 29c 33e I.D.A. KIDNEY PILLS - - - 23c A.S.A. TABLETS, 5 gr. lools » - 19C GftLLETTE BLADES Gin PUil - - - 39e- Glover's Mlange Remedy GlycoUsymoline 29e -j Groves' L.B.Q. Tableta ý HEINZ BABY FOODS1 Hamilton's pllus Haytone, for colds 25e - Hollywood Wave Sêt -1 Horlick's Malted Milk - - - - 49e -1 Hoyt's Cologne - - SENSATIONAIL OFFER HINDIS Honey and Almond CREAN il os. aize $1.00 value 49r, N. R. TABLETS - - 23o - 45e Nivia Cream - - - 50o - 95e Nova-Kelp Tablets 29e - 79e - 1.39 Noxzemna - - 19e 590 - 89e Odorono Cream - - 19e 39e PONDS' FACE CREAMS 34c-59c ,Pepsodent Tooth Powder 29c-45c Palinolive Shave Cream 33e - 49e Raz-Mab Capsules - - 50e - 1.00 SAL HEPATICA 30e- 59e 1.15 Scott's Esnuision - - - 59C-95c' Sloan's Liniment .-- 33e- 63e Smith Brou. Cough Drops 10e Steedmua's Powders --25e TrEK TOOTE BRUSH --29o Tampax - - - 25e - 39e- 1.17 Thermogene WooI -49o -98c Thomas Eleetrie 011 33o - 98o Vieka Vape Rub - - - - 43o WAMPIIOLE'S EXTRACT - 1.00 Weleh's Grape Julce- 27e - i9e West's Tooth Brushes- 33e - 50o Woodbury's Soa.p- - 4 for 24 Wrlgley's Gurn - - 4 for 15e Zamn-buk--- ---- --47e Mm k Phones 367 - 368 LISTERINE 29e - 49c - 89e Lavorla - 27c - 49c - 93e Llfebuoy Shavlng Cream 33e Listerine T. Paste 25c - 40e Lyon's T. 'Powder 28e - 45e MEAD'S PABLUM - 45c Maelean's T. Paste 29c - 47e Mason's 49 --40o -75e Mentholatuns -29c -55e Mlnard's Liniment 29e - 59c Modess - 25c - 59c - 85e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTrY ALEX MCOREOOR Laura Secord DRUGS PhonDel792 CandiesPhn79 Ycu are Inv.ted Tc iCrand Coenins CAWKER'S SO We want the people of Bowmanville and Durham County to share with us the Grand Opening of our. modern Meat Shop on Baturday. You are ivited Wo cone and inspect the new Eureka Refrigerator Show Case and other improvements, regardless of whether you buy or flot. This case keepe the meat at a uniform temperature of 2' above freezing. Extra Values Saturday To mark this occasion we are givmng exceptional values Saturday in Beef, front choice young cattie raised in Durham Oounty, and home kifled. There will be everything from Hamburger to Porterhouse Steak, ail below regular retail prices for Saturday only. The meat will be attractively dis- played in the show case with price tickets on each item. There will b. three showings during the day: 8 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.; 2 parn. to 5.30 p.m.; and the evening will be Farmers' Night, from 7 p.m. Wo 10.30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time. go be sure to ob- serve these hours. Cawlker's Meat Shop Phone 382 Bowuianville TRUMDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1941 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATEÈMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO BILE BEANS - - Baby's Own Tablets Beecisman's Pilla 95e Bromo-Seltzer- Buekley's Mixture-

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