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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1941, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPTIIMBER 18, 1941 Durham Residents ini Vauguard Take Many Prizes at Oshawa Fair prine LiaIVery Complimentary placcd six limes against keen IN> Local Farmers. campetition. _______Dr. Kaiser Memorial Specials: Winners werc, Wm. Beatty and Exhibilors from luis district Ivan Cochrane, dividing four have won imbortant prizes. and prizes. mnoney aI several o! Uic f ail f airs Hcavy Horses: Amnidst strong competitioni, A rîth ur MeK a y, lately, includig Oshawa and ClankLsi ohae n a Lindsay, but frorn a scarcli o! al ker Fke, LsliCna e, awnd Ba- exchanges we are unable ta guve wFarsNewonayworc&winnr, a comprehensive summnary a! suc- whilewton aylori &he Sona ceas achiivcd, save l ic heMclas uktns lce.nte3ya .. j c7asa af Oshawa Pair. w un mtheuzIu- plete lisI flot yet at hand, a quick count shows that Durhamn CountY exhibitors captured upward of 200 prizes i the main classes af 1ivestock and handicrafts. Com- petition was kecn because there werc exhibitors from ail over southern Ontario. Light Horses: Leslie R. Coch- rane, Burketon, captured prizes in four eventa. Harncss Harses: Wm. Beattie, Clarke, Ivan-Cochrane, Nestieton, and Milton Brown, Newcastle, 1 Redecorite NOW 1 and SAlE! %VALLPAPER A good selection of colora; and patterns at no advance in price. Measure vour rooni and let us estimate the cost. REMNANT SPECIALS PAINT A coat of paint applied now wll freshen up the interior and proteet exposeid surfaces. Try Fla-Glaze and Old Colony Paints - Canada's Best. J, W. JEWELL "iBiG 20"l Phone 556 Bowmanville k Siorthom CaIlle: Four breed- ycrs, anc caci froni Pickering, Sa- 1lins, Brooklin and Oshawa, had ,fprise wnnuig entries amaag keenesî competilion in tic whole eshow. Dryden & Son and Beath r Farnis wilh their fîtted herds were given a rua by Baker Farns, Solina, with exhibits rugit out of spasture fields. Besides getling f irst in tic aged bull clasa, six atier prizes camne ta Bakers and two ta, Newton Taylor & Sons. These were lhe only winners froua Darlinglon. Hoîsteins: A moat remnarkable record was set up icre. Archie Muir & Sons, Courtice, caplured ail tie prizes in ail classes save anc. Grant Franklini, Port Pcmry, captured anc bac second. Shueep: In lie variaus classes and breeds, tic veteran exhibi- tors A. A. Ayre and T. C. Glas- pell were, as usual, imiportaait winners. and W. R. Rabbins, Hampton, in tie Cotswald and Leicester clasa did exccedingly well. Agriculture: Ia grains and seeda and field nools, winners la lie many classes iacluded: Mrs. Ira *Lowe, Ida, Ont., Baker Fanms, Newton Taylor & Sons, W. L. Saowden, Bowmanville, Hanny R. Pearce, Newcastle, ail o! wiom were Up againat suci cxperienced exliibitars as G. W. McLaughil, and Ivan M. Law & Sons (former- ly o! Saluna). d AI:Ms Handicrafts adAt:Ms Lamna Hooper, Tyrone, was an oulstanding winaer la about 25 eveats. Mns. Ira Lowec, Ida, and Newton Taylor & Sons also won in a few specials. Altogether, considcring Uic corn- paratively !ew Durham County general entrants, their succes was outstanding. At Lindsay, s0 report has it, the livestock classes wene as f ully as wdll reprcseuited as aI Toronto and saine prizes came la Durham. UN POLICE COURT A charge of dangeraus driving against Fred Ells Beileville, was dlisniissed wien. he appeaned be- fore Magistrale A. E. Gee in court Tuesday. EUls was driver o! a truck whici slruck the wagon o! Thomas Clemnence, Siaw's farmer, on Mvach 131h. Clemence was -throwfl froin las load and badly injured. Changcd witi a seriaus offence agqinst sevcn.-year-ald Joan Lewis, Caesgca, Alfred W. Goodes, Tor- onto, was rcmnanded for a weck when he appeared, in court Tues- day. He was refuscd bail and an additioaal change o! vagrancy has been laid. Constable W. F. Thonipsan was in charge o! ticj case. 1 DEATIl REHDER - In Bowmaaville, on Saturday, September 13, 1941, Christian Reider, age 87 ýycars. IN MEMORIAM EDGER - la loving mernony o! aur mother Elizabeth M. Edgcr who passed away Septemnber 6, 1934. Ia aur hearts your meniary lingera, Sweltly leader, fond and truc; Ticre is not a day, dean mather, That wc do not tiink o! yau. -Ever rcmcmbercd by Famuily. COMING EVENTS Thc Wanien's Instîtute wiil hold ils montily meeting in tic Pariai Hall, Thursday, Sept. 251h, aI 2.30 p.rn. Mns. Allciin's group will be ia charge. In tic United Churci S. S. Auditorium, Newcastle, on Fi-. day, Sept. 261h, a play, "Lookout Lizzie," by Hampton Young Peo- pie under direction of Mrs. Ted Chant and under auspices o! tic United Churci W.A. Curtala riscs at 8.30 p.ni. Admission: Adults 25c, childrea l5c. 38-1 Monday, Sept. 22, in St. Paul's Lecture Room aI 8 p.m., Radiant Health Productsaren demonstral- ing their Vegelable Juice Extrac- ton, illustratcd by moving pidtures. Public is cordially lavitcd. Ad- mission free. Adulîs. only. 38-1* St. George's Parisi Hall, News. casîle, Harvest Supper-goase and aîl lie trimminga, Wedncsday, October 151h, froni 5 o'clock on. AdultaSOc, children under 12, 30c. Sale a! home coaking, Christmas gif ts, etc. 38-1 .Music FREE TRIAL LESSON, EVERY night, 7.30. Guitars la a n d. Play real music while learning. Over Wilcox Billard Parlar, King St. Enquire also aI Green- lea! Cafe, Newcastle. Branch, Victoria School of Music. 37-.2* Montreal Tabloid Hands Bouquet To Mad Midlands "The Canteen," a 20-pagei tab- laid published i Montreal which is 11devotcd ta the off icers and men who are serving their coun- try and empire" handa ouI a nice bouquet 10 tic Midlaad Regiment stationcd at Sait John, N.B. In its issue of Sept. 2nd under tic newsy chil-chat headcd "Around lie Maritimes" il has these items: We like Adjutant Joncs of the Midland Regment, a former newspapcrman wio was i and around Singapore whcn war broke out. Althougi youth!ul-looking, he probably has had lots of ex- perience. Best of luck ta you, Sir. There are nice people, tao, of the Midland Regiment, from On- tario, Lt. Anderson, Cal. Gamey and tic whole regiment in gea- eral is a wcll behaved oulfit. By tic way Uic Midland Regiment is composed o! Irish, Scotch and English lads fram tic suburban parts of Onario. This regiment has a finac buaci of athîctes and a beautiful band, too. Faruners Cash Un On- Bonus Offer Some farmers arc caslhig in on Uic bonus of!cred by Uic prov- incial governaient for A. 1 bacon hogs delivcred ta packers for the British market. Andrcw Hebb, editor o! Thc Ncwmarket Era, a stauncli defeader of Uic rights of farmers, gels around among them and publishes some unusual items. For instance, he has found two fanmera out around Qucensville who arc doiag well îndecd. David English lias alrcady collecced $80 in premaunis while Thomas Swansan, of the same district, has sent out 26 piga in thc lasI two moiilhs and sccured 26 selects, with a combined bonus and prcmium o! $52.00. At Uic prescat pnice, these hogs wauld bring aven $600.00. Wiat mosl farinera would like ta know la, just how Mr. Swanson gets suci astoaish- ing resulta. Ladies' W inter Coats New stock. Wonderful te wehr for fail aud wlnter. Fitted, trimmed dres. cents that You'U wear over everythlng! Coats lu mlnk-dyed coney, mouton laanb, akunk - ail wool, well tailored, chamois lined to the walsL mat $15.95 and up - se be waat - have youns today - sises 12 ho 20.. Smartly Tallored - lndividualîy Styled - ln the Men's Shop BOND CLOTH3ES -$23m50 up AU masculine aceessorles wltl i wde cholce of colon sud style. Dress up -4h'. PsU. Couch, Johngton & Cryderman, Ltd. Phone 8U Dewmmffle Claifed Ad Raites One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25o extra is made when advertlaement la flot pald sarne week as laser- tion. Extra charte et ioc when replies are dlrected t. a Statesman box Huier. Rirtis, death. and marriages 50o eaeh. lu Memorlaais 50oc for notice plus 10oe per line feor verse. Classiflel adver- tisements accepted up Mitil 6 p.m. Wednesday. NOTICES TAKE NOWICE The partriership of Lea Reinmel and A. Lunnemann ln the Kings- way Greenhouses and Flower Shop has been dissalved. as per August 28, 1941. The iaid business will be carried oný as -theabove date by Leo Raniinel.. Any ac- counts awing the firm should be paidr by Sept. 30, 1941, at Kings- way Greenhouses & Flower Shop, Bowmanville, Ont. 38-1 SCARLET FEVER 1WMNIZATION Chlldren may receive Scarlet Fever Toxin for immunization at tic Public Schools during the month of Ocober. The Toxia wil be given at the South Ward Sehool each Thursday morning at 9 o'clock, and at the Central Sçhool each Friday morniag at 9 o'clock. Parents may bring their, pre- school children to ether achool at this hour. In thc case of older children already attending achool il is only necessary ta send'a note ta the teacher asking that it be given. Further information mnay be obtamned from thc Public Health Nurse, Miss Lena Tayrlor, or from the undersigned. Please arrange that ail chljdren start their first dose on the first day the Toxin is given. Bowmanville Board of Health W. H. Birks, M.O.H. 38-2 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK house on Centre St., Bowîaan- ville, modemn conveniences; will be sold cicap ta close up an estate. Apply A. E. Belîman, King St. West. il t! Auction Siales I liave rcceived..instrucutioî%Lto seli by public auction forDVi. Frank Rogers, Lot 20, Con.' 6, Darlinglon, al lis farin stock, implements, hay, grain, harness," corn, etc. Sale ta commence aI 1 p.m. standard time, Frîday, Oc- tober 3rd. Ternis cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioncer. 38-2 I have receivcd instructions ta seli by public. auction for Mr. B. Budai, Lot 16, Con. 3, Darlington, ail of us farm stock, implements, hay, grain, rmots, harness, etc. Sale ta commence at 1.30 pa. D.S.T., Saturday, September 27th. Ternis cash. Sec bills. Elmer Wil- bur, auctioneer. 38-2 Morning Stock Sale Momning Stock Sale of 100 hcad of cattie, tic property of E. A. Wcrry, will be of!crcd for sale by public auction on uis premaises, Lots 17 and 18, Con. 8, Darlington, on Saturday, Sept. 201h. - Five sprmnger caws, 5 fresi cows, 40 2-year-old steers and icifers, 40 yearling steera and heifers, 10 calves; also flock of sheep. Above cattle arc ahl Ontario brcd cattle and arc in excellent condition. Free deivcry on ail stock. Note tîme of sale--8 a.m. Ternis cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 38-1 Aiction Sale W. C. ASHTON LOT 1, B. F.. DARLINIGTON (South oui Town Line Clarke-Darllngton) WEDNESDAY9 OCT. 1941 Horses - 1 bay Clyde gelding, 8 yra.; 1 dank brown Clyde gcld- ing, 9 yrs.; 1 bay Clyde gclding, 10 yrs.; 1 light bay marc, il yrs.; 1 liglit bay gcldiag, aged. Cattle-1 spatted caw, 8 ycaru, due tume of sale; 1 rcd caw, 8 yrs. due Nov. 18; 1 red cow, 4 yrs. due Feb. 15; 1 sPotty caw, 3 yrs., mnilk- ing, not bred; 1 red heifer, 2% yrs., duc Jan. 1; 3 heifers, 1 2 yrs.; 1 heifer, 1 year; 2 calves, 6 montha; 3 steers, 11/2 yrs.; i sîcer, 1 yr.; 2 calves, 4 montha. Heavy set of wagon springs; grid atone; 1 walking sinale plow; 1 walking twin plow, Nqa- tional No. 8, M.-H-.; 1 3-horse cul- tivator, M.-H.; i tractor cultiva- tor, M.-H.; i corn binder, Frost & Wood; 1 combination, grain and stock box and rack; 1 sccd drll, 12 hale, M. H.; 1 turnip drill; 1 democrat with shafts and pale; 1 double buggy; 1 set ligil sîcigis; i cutter; 1 set double hcavy har- ness; 1 set double driving <liiht) harness; 1 creani separator, M.-IR.; 1 pig crate; a quantity of hay; mnis- cellancous articles. Sale1 p.ni. Standard Tume. Ternis Cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 38-2 A suit under tic Masters gud Servants' Act heard in Port Hoe court crcated some kind of a re- cord. After nearly six hours o! evidence the plaintif! was award- cd $7.35. Thomas Brice who was working for C. Winslow, Cavan Township, recelved tic suni. Llvestock For SaIè FOR SALE - SHEEP AND Lambs, Leicesters. Write Box 271 ai, phone 538, Bowmanville. 38-1 FOR SALE-PUPS, MALE AND female, $2.00 each. Apply A. J. Caok, cla Miss Maggie Mc- Laughlin, R. R. 6, Bowmanvllle. 38-1 YOR SALE -A FEW WELL bred Leicester ram lambs. Ap- ply Lot 29, Darlington, or phone McMaster's, Oshawa, 1648J3. 38-2 FOR SALE-100 LAYING lIENS, Leghorn. and Rhode Island Reda, $1.00 ecd. Apply B. Budai, Maple Grave, R. R. 3, Bowman- ville. 38-.j* FOR SALE-TRAINED SCOTCH Collic, ten morfths old, reason- able price. H. Strong, Salem. 38-1* FOR SALE - SIX YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 wecks aid, also anc Ves- sitt grinder, nearly ncw. Apply Norman Lathangue, Burketn',. 38-1* FOR SALE-HORSE, RISING 5 years aid, anc f arm wagoni and a spring*wagon. Lloyd Cra(ga, R. RA, Bowmanvillc. 38-1* FOR SALE-GOOD BAY MARE, 1800 lbs. Apply J. E. White, R.R.i, Campbellcraft P.O., Hope Twp., Con. 8, Lot 31. 38-2 FOR SALE - ELDERSLIE Farrrîs offer 20, six week aid Yorkshire pigs froin pedlgrecd sows. These are a goad thrifty lot for quick sale. Archie Muir & Sons, Courtice, Ont. 38-2 FOR SALE-NINE YORKSHIRE piga, 9 weeks aId; 1930 Oldama- bile sedan; 1927 ChevrQlct se- dan. Will exchange car for stock. Chas. Rundie, R. R. 1, Hampton, phone- 2246. 38-1 FOR SALE - ELEVÏiN YORK- shire pigs, 6 wccks aid. Apply Cyril Rundlc, R. R. 2, Bowman- ville, phone 2135. . 38-1w' HORSES FOR SALE-ONE Clyde gclding, rising 6 ycars old; anc Percheron mare, rising 12 ycars old; two Percheron colts, rising 2 years old. These horses are priccd ta scîl. Fergus E. Morrili, Bowmanville, phone, 2456. 38-1 FOR SALE - BAY HORSE, 9 years old;, Tomatoes by bushel for sale. Bill Stackanuk, R. R. 2, Bowmanviill. 38-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE -JOHN DEERE Tradtor; Case Inatar; 2-furrow Cockshutt tractar plow; two- furrow Massey-Harris tractor plow; rcconditioned carna binder. W. S. Staples, phone 781, Bow- manville. 38-1 FOR SALE-THIRTY LOADS 0F good barayard manure. Apply ta George Allin, Lake Shore, Bowmanvilc. 38-1* FOR SALE-DOMINION PIANO la goad condition. Apply Mrs. Ml. Jollow, Wllngton St. 381* FOR SALE-BEATTY ENGINE- drive Wasier, guarantecd, like ncw. Big reductian in pnice. May be had on 10w moathly terms. Inquire Masan & Dale. 38-1 FOR SALE - LINOLEUM AND Congolcuin rugs. Select yours froin aven 300 patteras actuaily in stock. You arc invitcd ta view tiese at BRADLEY'S New FÙn- aiture Store, 156 Simcoc South, Oshawa. 19-tf FOR SALE - TWO PIANOS IN first class condition. Phone 862. 38-1 FOR SALE-BEATTY ELECTRIC Washcr, late model, fully re- built and guaranlecd, like aew. Only two left. Terms if desired. Inquire Mason & Dale. 38-1] OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everythig ia modern, chestcrficld, bedraom, dilng suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coveings a spcclalty. Qualiîy merchandise' at coin- petitive prices. Before buylng visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Slmncoe St. S., Osh- awa. 19-ti FOR SALE - VACUUM CLEAN- er for only $19.50, a real bar- gain. Inquire Masan & Dale. 38-1 FOR SALE - FI R ST CL AS S qualily Tamatoca. Phone Osi- awa 28DJ2, D. J. Courtice, Courtice. 37-4* FOR SALE-WE STILL HAVE A fine lot o! Glads ln ail colors, *also a limited quantity o! toma- tocs and sanie straw for sale if taken lhis week. H. R. Pearce, Newcastle. 38-f RECONDITIONED TIRES-BAVE up ta 50 % on tires anid tubes, lncludlngz new Goodyears, Do- minion Tires. Full stock i al sizes froni $1.00 ub. G. F. Jamnie- son, Tire & Battcry Siep, King and Silver St. 14-tf For Rent TO RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE, renl free for lady owner's board. Na cildren. Phone 581. Bowmanvillc..3- TO RENT-100 ACRE FARM ON No. 2 Hlghway, about five pilles east of Oshawa. Possession Oc- lober laI. Apply by letton, Box 185, Statesman Office. 38-1 Tee Cup Reading TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. ta 10 p.m. Darch's Ta- bacco Stdre, phone 2884. 36-tf Wanted WANTED-WHEAT AND GOOD mixed grain. Apply A. I. Cle- mens, R. R. 6, Bowma n vi 1e, Phone 2433. 36-tf WANTED - WILL SOMEONE who has a gaod sized heater fot i use klndly lend same t Muri'el L. Dunn at Rummage Sale Store. Phane 645. 38-1* Wllson's Furniture Co. lSeptember Furaiture Sale Wise sioppers would do well ta avail Ihemselves o! aur low pniccd specials. Very large sélection from aur two stores. Wilsan's values lcad tie market. Inner Spriug Matîresses $Q.5-Sprlag filcd mattreases in ieavy stniped ticking, ral cdgc, handles and ventilalors. AU sizes. Woaderful values. Studio Couches $19.95-Spring f illed studio couches. Good looking. Wdil tai- ored. These wiil please you, and save you maacy. Over fi! ty ta chasse froni. Floor Caverig Specials $1.49-New borderless nugs, 68 fI. by 9 fI. You will find aI Wilson's cverytiing in faon covcnings. Personal attention toa ai your faonr coverlag probleins. Inlaids, congalcums, feltlh, hcavy lino- leum. Ail widths. Wllson's pnices anc lawer. New Chesterfield Suites $69.50-Spedially priccd for aur sale. Modern sprlag filled Ches- terfield suites. Smnart c a r v e d show wood. Excellent combina*- tion a! coverngs. Wc have many beautiful chcster!icld suites for you ta chasse froni. Ncwest styles. Grandesî covcrings. Our 10W prices will please you. Bcdroom Suites $59.95-Thrlling new smart waterfafll design. This i an out- standing buy. Sec aur large selc- lion o! beauliful bedroorn suites you will be pnoud tao wn. Wil- son's lowcr oveniead mneans lower prices ta you. Gi! I Suggestions Cedar chests, book cases, lamps, fancy cushionis, end tables, cie- nlUe bedspreada, smiokens, coffee tables, occasianal chairs, dol pranis. IHuadreds o! other gifle at Wilsoa's lowen pnices. Wllson',s Furniture Co. 40 King W. 20 Church SIL OSHAWA 33-4 Profession 0f Precîsîon minute measuremelts..halrbreadth accuraoy ... your Rexail drugglah .)à precise. Mhen your doctor wrltes n prescription fer you. both you and he cau b. confident that 1h will be compouaded emactly as wrltten. Eyewear Design tilts New "111gb" ln NUMONT FUI-VUE, Ultra-amant, radical de- aigu and tentures elimin- Mte end pleem roduce brenkage. he77 Wanted to Rent iWANTED TO RENT-A 5 OR 6 roamed house or part of house 1 by Octaber lst. Apply Box 190, Statesman Office. 38-1* WANTED TO RENT -APART- ment or amail hause. Phone 404, noon or night. 8-2* f Radio Repairs EXPERT RADIO REPAIR-SETS cailed for and delivcred. Phil- lips Radia Service. Phone 2238. 38-l* Notice To Creditors ALL PERSONS havig any dlaimn against Uic Estate o! thc late John H. H. Jury, who died an or about the 21s1 day of June, 1941, at Uic Town of Bowman- ville, in thc County af Durhami, are required ta file Uic seme with proaf tiereof with the undersign- cd Execulors, or their Solicitor, not later than October lst, 1941, after which date thc Estate will be distributed and al daims of which tic Executors have flot re- ceived notice will be barred as against them. DATED at Bowman Ville this 25th day o! August, 1941. JANET JURY, Bowmanville, Ontario; -THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Toronto, Ontario, Executars,, by M. G. V. GOULD, Bowmanvillc, Ontario, their Solicitor.- 35-3 Men of *30j,409-50 TEMP, vIN.VIGO%, SB"oMa? Want normal e iigvtltp Try OstrexTrni Tablet& CmOuatina tontes. atimulants. cyster lements- aida te normal pop mter 3Mdo0 Srig Get a speclal introductory ais» for on». 3W. Try thisa ad ta normai pop and vhs today. For sale et all good drug store&. Bar"y Alib buys from1 Colmty. Garden fresh SPECIALS Old canadian Cheese lb. 37e Uin Pard 10 lc tin Champion loc 'W couL WAMN Drugless PraftIloqer ROBERT COLVILLE Drugles. Practitioner Liberty Street - Bow anvftr& Electrical Treatmentst - Spini Adjusîments and Massage. 27-5 Auctioneer ELMR WMBfUR* Licensel Auctioneer Hampton -Ontario Speclallzlng in Tarin, Livcstockt, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Ternis and Date ta: Bowmanville 2428 Notice of Cancellation OF AUCTION SALE Take notice that the auction sale of property on West aide of Liberty Street, in the Town of flowmanvllle, advertlsed for Wednesday, thie 24th day ot September, 1941, has been cancelled. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUST CORPORATION Toronto. the best produce growers lu Durhami vegetables offered for the weekend. ý,ASKHOWT3 lb. CONTrEsT PRizEs 25 Rinso ~ Oxydol lvory Flakes Bc pkg. 25c PET STOCK SPECIAL' SUPPLIES- WXE SPRATT'S OVALS AND»AE Vaf hva EhMuqf TUKIi lb. 1 Sc Sc caket FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY A Wholesome Eeuomlcal Diih HARRY -ALUIN THE CORNEk GROCERY Phones 367 - 368 Courteous Service CAMERAS BAB'Y BIROWNIE 1.75 TARGET BROWNIE 3.85 BULL'S EYE 620 3.75 FILMS Presh comaploe stock of Kednk Verichrome- Super XX. Unique Photo Fiulshhig BUILD AGAIN$Tr WINTEIR Halibut Liver 011 Caps, 50's----------,o Vitamin Plus- -------- -- ---- Wbent Germ Capsules - --------------- or 1,.90 Neo-Chemical Food --- -- -.1s-5 Yest & Dron Tibleta s-- 100 for 790 Alphamettea------------1.00- 1.85 - 8.50 Scott's Emulsion--------------------590 - 980 Jury & Loveli The Rexaîl Drug Store, C.N.R. Ticket Agenoy 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - - FUMIDATIONS W. D. MUCKLER, licensed by thé pro- Svincial Board of Health, using cyanide compounds. All work undei', personal supervision and attended to promptly. For Further Information Phone Oshuawa 242 or Write W. D.MUCKLERf 195 Abert St. Oshawa, Ont. ilI RE Da#ta USE i1w WANT ADS Imm - 1 1 1 WANTED -BARN OR OLD building, good size, for lumber. Apply Box 14 or phone 659 Bowmanville. 381* WANTED-FOR HIGH SCHOOL girl, in Protestant home, board and. room in return for light housework or mother's help. Apply Box 191, Statesman Of- fice. 38-1* Room and Board BOARDÈIRS WANTED -. ROOM and'board with. ah conveniences for 3 or 4 boarders. 13 Carlisle Avenue, Mrs. Brown. 38-1 Ilp Wanted APPLE PICKERS WANTED - Start work about Sept. 24th. Preference given ta cxperienc- cd mcn. Approximately 3 wceks work. Howard Gilbson, phone 2482, Bowmnanville.. 38-1 HIELP 'WANTED - CAPABLE girl for gencral housework. Apply Mrs. D. J. Ross, Royal Theatre. 38-1 RELIABLE MAN WANTED - A local Watkins route la now open for a good rediable man with car. No capital or experience required, but you must be a real husller. Permanent con- nection wilh good future for right party. Write Tic J. R. Watkis Company, 2177 Masson Street, Montreal, Quebec, Dept. O-B-9. 37-4 r 1 à LM, ý 1 1 - ý 1 ý 1 TRUMDAY, SEPTIMICR 18, 1941 THE CANADIAN STA"SMAN, BOWMANVUM, ONTARIO PAGE TEN

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