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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1941, p. 4

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0 SVeAflTv A? A.ne 101AGC POU THE ANADIN STAMML4,NC suwjfvi.éi * from his hectic work li London, Euiglsoih Fofik edN wKn and he got so thorougbly tengled B Lead N w Rindup in the matter of perspective B 01 rpààa and a&tqv, E iste ce were forgotten. We had a grand time, tbougb the Gardening Part- ner, runnixig true ta om a n <Laie dnta pessimism. iow a~av'aw m VW hlm to anticipate immediate ar- Ail rest as an en.rny agent teking andm (BYMarare Buchr) nyting11notes of strategic importance. dai1yf1 (By Margaret Buteher) anything." Ailthe saune, tbere noo' eewy"Iobetd was a grim-loaking bruise on her "OI don't kn wh" hbe sad. frat Here is anather of those inimi- temple, and I couldn't help feel- tabe ettrsfrm MrgretBu- ng ha, i br)lace, I should'l can see one of the Home Guard ever, cher, Enghish novelist, which tells have been bawling abouit u coming over, taking a look at it docto: cf the way in which ordmnary, cansiderably.itt ue and saying, 'Tbat's nowbere near woma ever da -flks f te Bitis Ionee." hol be suspected at ege w evey ayfoksofth Bitsb1S I left nriy host agitatedly dialing here.'"I sbo lands are accommodatmng tbem- for a doctor, and wben I calied Wedopdlifraupftacla selves te the exigencies of war later Auntie was tucked up un Wat a place nwfer ethe ofatess petin trne. This letter was written spe- bed, despite ber protests. aknowslme, and we h ate a tei adyf The Midles and re res Clîmbed Down Ladder while. Somebody else, it trans- whict an Te ttema."She's brave, isn't she?" I re- pired, who bas 'been through it'anc Reading, England.-Yesterday I kd n met a very charming aid lady- markd n then tbey told me and bad a miraculous îescape. Who mi tbough the manner of aur mett- samething else. Quite a lot of dis- would tbink it to look et ber? A conu ing was nat as fortunate as it agreeable tbings have happened quiet, euburn-baired woman witbbe n might have been. In fact, ber ar- ta that aid lady just letely. She srniling eyes. One knaws tbese rival. et ber niece's home caused bas came from London where, on people for e long turne before one us ut a bit of consternation. e certain dreadful night, she set hears any details. "I'm one of There was I, walking round the Up listening ta the saunds of the the lucky ones," sbe said. "'We Kar, garden with my hast, edmiring warst of blitzes. And then, wben luad two direct bits, but we gat the i the kele, commiserating about the it seemed ta be over . . . a direct away-witb e bit of scrambling." moisi oniarus when out came bis wife bit, rigbt on the block of flats And tben she burried aiong toOM, and wbispered: "Auntie's came wbere she lived. She bad ta climb attend ta somebody else. Their to s back. h'ha anaciet h' down a ladder tram the burning chief trouble, 1 tbink, is broken sm Sbe's boced d acyce ."ebuilding, and just gat away witb sleep. It takes a long spellta re- actici 11i uiros ht it oh lf e. store tbem ta normal sleeping kldda muthihappdingrou plethat, wt 5 "The next day," said my hast- hours. "You get sa used ta goung riddii be knocked down by bicycles. It ess, "we looked out of the window withaut it in London," sbe said OSO seenus ta be the fate of poar old and saw ber walking up tbe patb "Ater a time you -aimas t forg eft bt ladies. We burried inta the lounge bere, carrymng a little hand ag. how ta sleep." Yet you don't bear Na -I was expectixig I hardly imow It was ah sbhe bad left in the any of the ardinary peace-time cheas whet: a battered and sligbtly world. Sbe'd bung on te thet beg maaning about wakefulness. "It'll case( hysterucel victim, I tbink. But all tbrougb, with ber bank book be ail rigbt in time," they say. indiu net a bit of t. There she set im and a few pepers in it. And she's There is none of that old-fesbion- spii the most comfortable chair: a been witb us ever since. ed wailhng that 'I neyer closed my sheu, very frail aId lady, pale and Several times letely I bave seen eyes al nigt"-and usually efter &0a o sweet, ber black trock newly ber passing, pusbing tbe baby ln one bas beard the heartiest of mari brushed, ber thin bands quietly its perembulator, and laokirug as snares percolating tbrough the Yo folded i ber lep. if nothing li the least' alarming waIl for heurs on end.1 "Dan't worry, please," she said. bad ever happeuied to ber. We Less Neurastiienla a ri "It hasn't gîven me concussion or bad a littie chat one afternaon, An American cammentator tald but it was ail about tbe baby, I us, an the radie, that e doctor remember. There. wasn't ane triend over bere bad informed MI. single word about biitzes. SO t0 hlm that there is actuaily less and1 IB B ? BD day, as a gesttUre of friendship, 1 neurastbenia in thîs country than Sterl UV OI F R ran round witb my b(tter ration. befarè the war -and 1 believe ErIt was ve'r bard work ta make hlm. There are ne imaginary dan- miii er take it, but I won. Isn't it gers and worries now, 1 suppase; TOI LR odd? There was a time wben anc tbey are ail real ones anid, as sucb, auck t Up !!É!! MW would bave popped in with a tbey cen be braugbt imta the open' sud " .i k. a milln1 bunch af tiowers, perbaps, or a The ordinary citizen basn't time Ne Tu r th@li IVPr Ud «9wi 3W 1bal1 magazine, but tbis coupon busi- ta fret about unhappy relation- Burt mdmdk tutt@YmWhsal& h. mitow ness bas made all the difference. sbips or tancied illnesses. He is ingj W@ tu &Wmu h@4ge nd Of -b WEI,.710 Now a ration of butter ranits as a on bis toas; bis to-morrows-if grai «Wt.DM80M P ~ ul "m«i* 'tglUth bendsomle gift; and you can't tell there are any-must teke 'care Of anE Mnd. Whuu ym Uv., g0b mat Of w< me that it doesn' simplifir life theunselves. 0f course, the malade ladie - in m'bdans n epE siulb. Yeu W quite a lot! Imaginaire s stil wth us ta same Ladi - c.uisatsd Mad i1 kàss e't Brokea Biscuits extent; there are stili people wba wbic Iackeh, .1. i, kagsd mi a ii la. We are still a wee bit fussy et regard tbe upsettings of war- jelly FoeqoeSyssmleb --&-hB Omoru7 times, of course. Personally, I go time as a direct affront ta their lunc] eausi km Rti is..mns-MlthFadt-a-lvsm on turning up my faolish nose et notarioiisly poor health, but their Re 8.caps mu. TryFnë*a-Ovs-you'Ibe beef, pasisad herriflgs in Public bas dwindled ta a dis-wa ydu liegkmd hm -aqmicM ol fnell 1k a tomata sauce; yet who knows? 1 beartening exterut. Folk bave natsev »V IwaU«4 k5k a;àe»ckng MyVis vr0iltime now ta sit up nd lstn to sers 9 aum a, , r.my esmna myupvearse lia Caaasof it before we're tbrough. There syrnptoni-talk. Tbey are fer more Ms FRU ITÊ' TItVESlittl matter of «braken likely ta observe, with astringentgu L briskness, that the învalid woulth à time when one regarded thern be 'fer better doing a .little.job of Arli as something the juveniles bougbt some sart.' xIn same ways, mndeed, supp witb that twapence; now we say this aid war is-filling a long-felt aver ta each other, in confidence: "My went. baur daI knaw where one cen buy When WilI lit Corne? a p bE~roken biscuits," and off we rush, I wonder bow many of us will was C U T at-foot. And what's the metter ever have. reai homes again? Here Peci wtb breken biscuits, anyway? At we are, buddled into bed-sitting A east they are perfectiy fresh, and rooms, sharing other folks' bouses, taxi Right hrous one set taeth ta theun. Yes, witb allen furniture, baving ta ______________ e're sbeddiuig quite a lot of non- take turxis witb kitchens and bas sense where food is concerned. batbroours. Some day, we shail and Incidentally, whera do tbe be aur ovMn masters agein, I sup- trec CLiVUAIU an-broken biscuits go? You cen pose; we shahl be able ta use e search me.) typewriter or turn on a radia During aur chat I discovered witbout ceusing complaints. We Wal an affinity with my hast and hast- shahi be able ta send aur tpings Mr. .DIRT ess. At bis office, it eppears, there grendly ta ; laundry mnstead of Frai _____________ are men witb big gardens and ali doing a littla furtive washing in -kixids of things ta spere. Almost a basin and barugilug it up on a endi ~UTuse ilt' eFae any marning somebady mnay say: walking-stick suspended in theMr Lye r clarly re - ad Cpuld you do witb a faw carrots, corner. We shail pull dawn tha un1 Le e guap a.i Adyu'1od man?" placard n 'How Ta Tackle Fire and E 3ink drains ean and -run- "So," expiained my host,I Bombs' tram tbe wall and take wit] iig freelY- It will not harm seid, I'Don't bather toaesk me, aid the gas mask tram its nail by the. end enaml ar plumbing. Banishes chep. As long as it isn't parsuitis dressixig-table; we shail slip casily MR udoa alitdeas. bring t along'." mnto bed with9ut the preliminary Mr. umpleMatsantns Only tbis marning, for inistence, laying out-in readineas for emer-K Gifett's Lye maires light work I traed hait a marrow fer e littie gency--.,of the ceat, the atout Mu of dozens of herd clcanig taskrs pot of bame-made jain. And sa sboes, the attache-case af. persa-Ma gaes, e ~rub alng, confdrtably enaugh. ai belongings. We shali teoke has .. bve ou hours of dugeyTisnwf--ad-ay uies"on hs black-out curtains has Keep a tUn always on handt jis wflrkig wonderfilly. Y oi u and let some air inta aur raoms 1ern ___________________ don't have te be intraduced any o' nights; we shahl scrap our bi-Jo mu oo«Wu - 'Ph. Gilhii' Lye more-, 1 don't, anyhow. If I see cycles (nat 50 good, this, maybei) Bot t% bmw th"apw,,J lms somebody I like the look of-wal, and hap into cars egain. And even is.,bl c augat . .. koen Out- thet's goad enougb. There is a if wa cen de only a few of these b..0 cm *"odok» iftoYFlE word or two over e gardan lence, things it wan't be Sa bad, will it? ubu or the.cmt .-- . mw it a- lSeUdana 0oftauka. bd fSr a or in the local stare, or un. tha bus, Aboyea ai, we shail try ta get inta UnCMtoaSdaEd Emad Ltd.. and tram thet moment it's plain touclu with aid friands. Some- Kir * laS v. UmtLb I'~siling. At about- the third meet- aias-wan't be there. We shail Ma ing, possibly, one remembais to knaw saune beartaches over that, OsI ask the person's nemne, but it's I bave noa doubt; but how grand nat important. Frenkîy, that suits it will e ta meat the others! boi bel 4.- _% b me, and it's beginning ta, suit Perbeps, mast important af ail, St quite a lot of folk who, till now, it will be e kinder, more under- Mr, C'ri had noa idea wbet fun it is. Most standing worid; a less greedy and et] of us have no spare cash, in these self-important and self-centrad ter ~days, for amusements that must place. Haw cen it be otherwise? M: 2 be bougbt. We get aur amusement Sb--once more-hare's baping. - out of a telk and e cup ot tee; we chueker over our uakesbift m -t;d4-ih1lotesmor adven- Blackstocik flairs Fing Plans and Wuuiup 29 NOW AVAILABLE r each picture deaired, und a comPlete Crown Branud" label, with your name aad - rm and the Dame of the picture yoe want ntea on the back. Ldm Dept. I. D., a.' Canada Starch ampany Ltd.. 49 WeI- lB, 1941 v -w s nýE N'AI lITER CHANCSa 10W TO LIVE. YA TO BE 100 arJ iof usare intereated in lonpife, many ar he reciesfr tA R fm ober-_= bee-emokn 1)smokin-et eeaek-oki t-every ntnrab a dif- bg nt tale ta tell. T7here ia, haw- si rjuat one point on wbxgch afl Lrs agreta no man or an eve eahdextremeaiod vithout a healty colon. tai impossible te have a healthy t youf ae te ctim. of constu- àn. Wa=emattr atagnating in intestines sets uP toxic pausons, F eh seep into your bloodsreamF case leng -eing iihivt. h t-re in yourlrebwe.Rif .ducedtoretun: What Krusclae d a S ,uschsn contans severa, minerild awhich are blended in exat g right proportid abnbc »ture ta ther ebwl.Te ulate the organa cf evtLcuation 3naoth, gentIe action. At the a i e. Kruschen han a diuretic n ich helpe ta flush yoýr t eysan 'n iver ad astealui E 17 yu blotzeam cf the p usa hic.h *evious constipation laturafly, the arneunt cf Krus- Srequired te clear up a stubbarn I f c o s i a i n d e p e n da o n th e ' ,iua. tiÊ'tnoe hialtand f it have been regained, the dose ild be reduced ta juit enough mver a dime, firat thing every uMg. ýou cen buy Kruschen from any p atrefor 25e and 75c. Give it Ur. and Mrs. W. L. Scott, Joyce V 1Douglas, with Mr. John Scott, d rling. E Nestleton t qestieton W. I. met et ?&s. K.r rton's Sept. lOth, with meet- t in charge of Mrs. J. Forder'st ip. Roll cali arqswered. withd Economy Hint. There were 18c âes and some children present. diès decided ta make a quilt ich was ordered, aise makeS ly for the Red Cross. A dainty f Lh was served. ev. - D. MacQueen, Llnaay, f * the minister for anniversary r icees et Nestieton Presbyter- c LChurch an Sunday, Sept. 7th. t '.Hunt, Williams Paint,, was st soloist li the morning, While SOsborne Quartet and Miss lne Narthcutt, Bowmanville, plied inspiring music li the nmg. On Wednesdaya verY .ntiful supper was served, and play "Simple Simon Simple" tpresented Dy Solina Young opie. Anumber front Nestleton at- ided Lindsay Fair. and report a od £air. MIr. John Nesbitt, Blac k;cl1 srented the Miss Eaglesonfarm d is busy plougbing with bis ictar. isitars: Mr. and Mrs. Robt. aldon, Waterdown, called'an r. and Mrs. L. Jôblin. . . Mr. ank Jackmen was in Toronto. 1Miss Evelyn Marlow with fi- ls in Hamilton and Rockton... r. Edward Williams with friends Lindsay. .. Miss Aice Hoskin id Mr. Melville Henry, Osbawa,. itb Mrs. Frank Wilson. . . Mr. id Mrs. C. H. Porteous witb Mrs. bt. Ewers, Oshawa. .. Mr. and rs. Gea. Wilson, Pontypoal, at j.C. H. Porteaus'. . . Mrs. H. napp, Hamilton, with Miss Mary :alcolm. . . Mr. Jae Veale, wba is been bolidaymng in Windsor, as returned borne. .. Miss Mir- nm Williamts with Miss Louise )hns. Burk1-eton Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. V. jng, Mrs. F. Hartnett, Misses larie Hartnett and Nina King, hawa, at Mr. Stanley Moffatt's. .Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, et *me.. . AC. H. House, R.C.A.F., tThomas, at home. .. Mr. and irs. C.-Rabm and Betty, Toronto, tMr. H. Rebm's... Mr. Roy Car- r, Myrtie, et home. .. Mr. and frs. J. Coak, Oshawa, at Mr. Ch. Lindsay Fair. Jas. Farder and Miltoxi Fisher won many prizes. Mrs. Ed. Dercy is stay'ing i Oshawa and taking treatmnents. ~t4 Visitors: Mr. and )&X. Harry J"iv O 090,Vincenit and Mr. Manhette, Toron- to, et Mri. Chas. Smth's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailey, Mr. and Mis. Cecil Hili and Marion, Mr.L M~qO0/ffç and Mrs. Levi McGIl1 were among B/VUAdVSt thasa visiting Mr. and Mis. James Tiwut/ Baacock, Myrtle on Sunday on their 0th wedctlng axivermary. ran's. . ý. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wright id Joyce, Oshawa, et Mr. James IcLaughln's... Mr. and Mis. L. ron Volkenburg, Oshawa, et Mr. Curan's. . . Mr. end Mrs. H. ýbbott et Lindsay Ex. . . Mms. ;rah Wilson et Mr. Robt. Wil- on's. .. Mr. and Mis. D. Getcheil id Mrs. J. Gatchell et Lindsay. An aaîaplaea crashed li George tahm's f iald on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Weern et Enruis- lien attended cbuîcb and sang e uautitul duat with the able as- istance of Rev. Plant. Cadmus Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. George owler witb Mr. and Mrs. D. owler, Orano. .. Miss Eileen and iiss Mary Fair visited et Clar- nce Parr's. . . Miss Janet Mc- [tosb, Lakefield, and Miss Mer- orie Galbraith, Springville, et [r. H. A. Galbrait's... Mrs. R. lemon who bas been visiting ber Jaughter Mrs. R. Gilbert and ber io Milton Slemon, lias returned toMrs. J. E. Elliôtt's. . . . Mis. eark, Oshawa, with Mrs. Wolfe. 1Mrs. Ross and friands, Tarante, it Mrs. Russell Brawn's. W. M.S. et Blackstack wes en- Lrtained et the home of Mrs. J. :Elliatt on Wednasday. Sea re- art' under Blackstock. RandomURuminations" B BTheMsptehl The greaest sparrlng match for positions te strike the bow that ,ill detarmine the future course f histary for more yeqrs than ne cen number, is teking place to-day. How ara the many ex- pressing thair intarest? Soe ara doing as they elways have donc ...with themn it is aat, drink and be merry, for te-morraw wa -die. But there is a growing grim de- termination an the part at athers, who sense the gravity. of the real isue et staka, ta play the part et men and woman wbe bave noa love for slaery, and disgust for tha rasults ta date. A growing de- testatian and contampt for the dictetors is meking the prospect of daath a smail issue comparad to the intolerable condition et ubordinuation thet will be the înly autloak shouid they be de- feated. This is a confiet for levers of reedaux, wbatever may be the nation tbey cail thair awn. They canruot and do ruot respect the dic- tator nations. Emerging tramn the background because the light and the triVial uas beld the platform for so long, as evidencad by the sala of sa- celled "best sellers," anud they argaiy bacause an eccaunt of the moral slump, ýthe sax appeel bas baen the dominant nota. These highly advartised and aulegized issues, plus bigb pressure sales- uuanship, bava dulled tee long tha moral issues et staka li the pre- senit expanding, armed confUect. Now compulsion in on the horizon and there is e scramble ta fixid samebody ta do sometbmng quick. It is now very largely the tear, richly daserveýd, that cames wban the thougbtless ara awakaned [rom the trivialities of the social round, the inanities that occupied the hours off duty, axid*the con- saquent lack of knowledge thet the world is on tira. 0f course it is the other tel- low's fault - that wç take for grented.- Ha is alweys wrong. Why doesn't ha do somiething? Your naighbor's son voluuntaered for the front ? ? ? and yours .., well whet have you ted bis mind on? StÛR stands li the backgroundl a solitary figura, and that Maxi ai Nazareth ta many does net ser ta fit li, but as a matter et tact uRavar mare than et the prasexil tume do,. we naed the broad gev. aerning principles te contrai oui daily 111e and thougbt. But wi have mîxad up thç trivial witt the sublime ta such an axtent thet the so-cellad raliglous baî been likaned ta-day, net ta an ad vancing army, but an ambulaicu corps comning along and pickini up the woundad. There is n( streng leadership . . . t.bat ba been surrandered ta the atme sphere devaloped by inanitias. We cen turn the dial and beau the shauter li the pulpit, and lis taxi ta the other extrema which î so otten insipid that eithougb i takes up th the lest minute of thi bra'adcast-bath lack mental laad mambers on the saeatrip for tih semae reason. This la not, the'. war ... this is bumanity's. Agaii let it a said, we want aur tam shettered by finding that we ai wrong. Maanwhila, thera la ne much camtort; save li the baro', and daatb dafying action et Cana dians on "the Front" wbo ai It DOES taste goacl in ai pipelit HANDY SEAL4InGHT POUCH 135e aito packed In PockeR Tins ?PicobakcGROWN IN SUNNYI SOUTHERN ONTARIO winning decorations for gallantry that needs no urgé on the nations part but sucb a demonstration of solidarity of purpose, expressed s0 that there is a passion te serve evident in utterance and leader- ship by those whose bounden duty it is te sink their personel fears and give evidence that they are the servants of the country. He that would be master of ail let him be your servant . .. even as the Son of Maxi came not to be ministereil unto but te minister. SERVICE BEFORE SELF needs a backbone and not a, wishbane. URGES ROADSIDE WEEDS BE CUT Farmers wbo make special ef- forts ta keep their lanid cean of weeds become discauraged when mnunicipal and road authorities a-, on radsides djining thir into millions of dollars every yar. farms. Tha Waed Coxtrel Act This anormeus loss could ba pre- clearly stetes ahi weeds an road- vanted if averyone co-opaîatad in sidas must be destroyad ofttn enugb to prvent the riperirget a war efthter wn on wads. thir seed. The aboya cms fromn the On- Howver, many municipal cour- tario Deprtmdiit et Agricultugre, cils ind it dificult ta gt help whih ignres The Statesman's9 for this work t the proper time. suggestion et a taw weks ga This is pricularly trua this year. that goverrmat aid is imPerative They quita realize thir responsi- n meeting the situation. bility under the Wead Cantral ________ Act, but are unabla to obtain ada- quete labar. Seveal municipali- CANADIIAN CATTLE QUOTA ties bave made special appeels ta ratepayers asking them ta cut According te information re- down roedside waads in front of ceîvad tram the United States their property, sa that rua waed Treasury Department, *iports et saeds will mature te blow over Canadien cattla weighmng 700 lb. faim lands. or more each, undar the third We hava paid dearly for nglet quartaly quota ramn July 1 te of weeds on îadsids and an August' 23, inclusive, ttalld arms during the lst war, and a 29,426 ead. The quota for the simlar situation must rut be a- third quarter t the educed rate lowed ta develati now. Loss ta of duty is 51,720 haad, y ~U PRCH O NO *i, AGRI1CU LT U RE MARCHES' WITH OUR ARMED FORCES Behind the lines where men anid women are risking life to defend home and country, men and women are toiling o supply the maerials of war- ships, planes, tanks, guns. These manufacturers-management and work- ers alike-are hus fighting shoulder to shoulder with our armed forces. But what about the farrners? They are doing a work of equal impor- tance. They too are marching to battie, by toiling early and late to per- suade nature to increase the food supply on which the issues of the fighc so grealy depend. The farmer marches side by side widx the soldier and his armourer. Farmers who are doing their bit o help Canada's ali-out war effort may find it necessary to borrow money at the Bank. You should flot hesicae to discuss your requirements with ottr nearest branch manager. Your business will be regarded as stricly confidenial. BANK 0F IMONTREAL "A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME-1 Moder, Experiaauced Bakiug Service ...,..dte Outcome f 124 Year' Succesaful Operas " 1 , Bowmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager -it is the pick of Canada's Burley crop. But today its value is higher because (1) constant scientific research bas imnproved the quality of the crop and (2) advances in manufacturiflg methods have, year by year, made Picobac a milder, cooler, sweeter _,àM smoke. Try today's stili ý -better picobac 4 - 1 eme- 1

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