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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1941, p. 6

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DIihEist Prime BeefIL.1loc 5swin a"IlUprime ouf lb. 21k EUIUStea Extra Lean IL 17c bds IdÉel Chois IL lb.li £9c 35. THE CANADIAN STATE$MAN, BOWMANVULLE, ONTARIO >C Z > - -- -- - - >x.- The Newcastle Indeeundent Phone Clarke 1114 Miss Ruth Honey, B.A., was *Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Grahamn are home from Westmeath. home after a two weeks' vacation High Sehool Field Day is Oct. ini Bruce peninsula where Mr. 3rd. Pu~blic are cordiaily invited. Smith did some duck shooting. Mr. id Mrs. J. H. Smith have Mr. Alec McLeod, Fiqheries De- gane ta Petawawa ta, visit Lieut. partment, Toronto, who with Mrs. aMi Mrs. John Burbidge. McLeod attended the fumeral of Miss Jean Holmes bas taken a his brother-in-law,. .Mr. Clifford position in Anderson's Drug Store, Brown, on Mondhy, visited bis succeeding Miss Vivian Duck who aged mother, Mrs. Mary McLeod. has gone ta Toronto. The Toronto papers seem ta be Mr. nd Ms. . A mithandat variance and mixed ini their Mi.andMrs J.I~.S~iithandgeography re the highway murder mystery but The Statesman wil pro' ably have it right. It was _______________________about ail that was talked about at Mr. Brown's funeral. -~ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rare went ta Kingston on Monday ta resume their studies at Queen's Univer-z sity. They have taken apartments C in the city. Dr. and Mrs. Munro, 1.9 ýFCleveland, 0., aftcr a short visit at Mr. and Mrs. Hare's, motored them ta Kingston. Mr. Thos. Moffat is away over 80 but not too aged ta grow -big1 potatocs. He-picked up anc in bisc garden the other day that he thinks holds the record for size in Newcastle. It weighs ane and three quarter pounds and mea- sures 17 inches around lengthwise and 12% niches around its short circumference. One of the chief attractions at Orono Fair was the exhibit of farm products sbown by Mrs.c Walter, Farrow, Brown's, andt which "Won first prize easily int 10 competition with other wortlxy1 1 exhibits in the samne class. Fors some years past the first prize JUNORexhibit of this kind has beenc shown by Mrs. Wellington Farrowa FAORTEand Wylnia cf the farmn with theJ red ban and the big white V.E But this year Mis. Walter Farrow across the highway took over the task. And throughout the whole > Smart casual corduroy artistic arrangement cf an amz plaid *skirt.. . favorite products cf the field and garden, team of Juniors' woodlot, orchard, stable, dairy, l~ss~.~ ~ ~ poultry bouse and apiary cf one duoyi vv hae normal Ontario farm there stood Barmonizing clan pa< out distinctly the V's for Victory. LYON'S TEA BLACK BLUE 3-lb. i470 LADEL P kg. t Pnobiy Grouud BOKAR COFFE Vitorous & Wfne ,-»39c MR lvSow pkg. 22C m NPAIE BIREAI LIAF 24m13 EXOLMS FOff .e.25c CARE --- -- PIMS mm Cgtg btl. 25c p~g~ pkg. 12c mLr gai. 37c R"dos. 5c .0 GIRLS' SOFTBALL CLUB ENJOY WVIENER ROAST Girls' Softball Club treated it- self to a wiener roast at Newcas- tle-on-Uie-Lake on Thursday eve- ning. Besides Uic members cf Uic baîl team there wcre present Manager Gea. Crawther and Mis. Crowthei, Umpire Ray Brown, Hatpasser T. W. Jackson, Score- keeper Ted Hoar, Ca Drivers Mi. and Mis. Albert Pearce and Mi. Fred Adair and Head Rooter for Uic teani, Mis. Adair. Evcrybody PAGE SIX SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY At the United Church Sunday morning the Sunday School held its Rally Day service. Rev. R. E. Morton sketched for the children thc early ife cf, Wm. Carey, foun- der of modern Christian missions and first missiorjary ta India. He later preached on "The Whole Fanuly in Church and Sunday School." The Orchestra, led by Mr. Stan- ley Rickard, with Miss Margaret Pearce at tic piano, contributed the music. Misses Pauline Deline and Doris Allin sang a duet. The orchestra, five cf whose former members are now in the active service for the duration cf the waî, bas two new members in the persans cf Miss Betty Allin and Arthur Clemence, violinists. They have taken the places of their el- dei brothers now iri the Canadian Army. Carl Fisher told thc story, A Rainy Sunday. Four junior boys, Neil Britton, Tracy Embly, Wal- lace Couch and Rodgcr Mcllow, collectcd the offcring. Baskets cf gladioli adorned the church. Previaus te the service Uic Sun- day School hcld a short session in thc school roomn and re-organizcd, the classes and icgraded the pu- pils. Beginning ncxt Sunday the school will rncct at 2.30 p.m. The former members cf the orchestra now in active service are: Lieut. Chas. Clernencc, Wm. Afin, Roy Ashton, Jas. Hockin and Bert Jarvis. SHOWERL FOR NEWLYWEDS On Friday evcning, Sept. 19th, at the commodiaus and hospitable home cf Mr. and Mis. Jno. Hen- dry, Lake Shore, thc people cf thc section together with a number of former residents honored thc ncwlyweds, Mr. and Mis. Gaînett B. Riekard, with a copicus showeî cf lovely and useful hodsehold articles. Most cf there were given with the bousehold duties and re- quirements cf the bride in view; but the necessities cf the groom were net entiiely overloaked. When the large gatliering hatl as- sembled and the bride and groomi had taken the seat assigned Uhim, Rev. R. E. Morton presided overI a preliminary program. Misses' June and Marie Allin and Glenn Ailin with Miss Betty Allin at thc piano favored with vocal trios, and Laurence Morton with a piano VLII~~ Tinsm' £ -luc eL~paV Inou SPIGETr M. 3~425C NILETSDim TISSEQ,,eabury Z u' 17c FSWDEHS e.L JEWL sUtelna lbO. I&e RRE 11 - Brutn.Ma 3 vi3 16C MIWA MTW D 2 or" mb 2ETnoES Lia0 cm cou UNCE 2 for 23c "PIE JUICE Ale PEA~MMJlona New Pack > TrOASE WHEA-Tànyfd PlN EPIEAustralian mbe PODE& ER Ayhne, CaTcIEIJP CLEENSRA & P White SAi COUN JAZ Quaker or Kllogg's Jeh Pkg. SC Hlome lýISc Un 7c lJr26C -2 "Ms.13e T 1i.. 29C er 7c ~15C b.23c lb1 7c 1 nx29 j oeck.u Fr. Roasting '4.5 lb. lb. 29c Sumg Country Style lb. 1loc 1Su. veibst unk Ilb. lc 1 FRUIS &VG&-U Grapes Cr 2 Oranges CAlfla Valencia, 'doz. Lemons Onloas NO. 1 CIG 6 lb& 200 Excellent Source of VilaminC -et piFOO STORES:1 dez. 211C had a grand tixne and drank plen- ty of pop between the relays cf roîls and botdogs. It was the night cf the great aurora borealis display and this made the event ail the more exciting for the party gatbered in the open on the beach ty the reflecting waters cf the lake and one long ta be remem- bered. Congratulations to Mi. and Mis. John Slemon on their marriage. Rally Day service on Sunday was weil attendcd.. Along with other pîogîama Miss Arlene North- cutt sang a beautful solo. Miss Diamond gave a splendid story. Visitors: Mi. and Mis. W. Toli, Mr. and Mis. S. Turner and Helen, Oshawa, at Mi. Wesley Oke's... Rev. H. Stainton and Master Bey- erly, at Mr. E. C. Ashton's. .. Mr. and Mis. L. Wearn, Lorna and Donald, Mi. and Mis. A.«Telfer at Mi. A. Wearn's. . . Mi. and Mis. Austin, Dr. Austin and Diane at Carleton Place and Ottawa...' Miss Hazel Perkin, Oshawa, ai Mi. O. C. Ashton's. . . Mi. and i Mis. E. C. Ashton and June, ac- companied by' Miss M. E. Virtue, Torona, at Mi. S. Rodman's, Port Perry. .. Mis. R. N. Blenkaîn and Norman Jr., at Dr. Austin's.. . Mr. D. Nicolson, Mr. E. Goîden, Mi. and Mis. S. Cailery, Marmora, with Mis. J. Dairah. . . Mi. R. Virtue, Pickering, Mi. and Mis. E. ,Wiight, Gloria and Carral, and Mis. Wm. Oke at Mi. W. E. San- derson's. . . Mr. and is. G. Beech at Mi. H. Larmer's, South Monaghan. . . Mi. and Mis. A. Oke, Mi. and Mis. L. Bradley, Mi. and Mis. B. Ashton, Cartwright, at Mi. Walter Oke's. Intended for last week) Visitois: Miss Clara'Page, To- ronto, Pte. R. Page, Camp Bor- dcn, witb Mis. Etta Page. .. Mr. and Mis. J. A. WerriMi. and Mis. C. Slemon,, Haydoiq, at Mr. L. Mountjoy's, Cadmus.,. . Miss Noie Jehns, Thornhlll, eà Mis. E. Werry'I. . . Mi. and Mis. Wm. Wright, Tyrone, Mr. and Mis. W. E. Sanderon and family with Mis. Wm. Oke. . . Mi. and Mis. H. Jobnstan and Mr. C. Stainton, Toronto, wth Miss E. Sou',.. Mi. and Mis. R. Griffin and'fai- ily witih her parents et Totten- ham, Miss Evelene Abernethy re- turuing home wîth the... Mis. F. McGill and Donald with Mis. J. McGill. . . Mr. and Mis. Brad- ley, Pantypool, Pte. J. Beckett and Pte. R. Page at Mi. L. Brad- ley's. Our Drametic Club weîe en- tertained et the home cf Mis. Crossman ta à coin and wiencr raast. A piesentatian of a pair cf crystal boudoir lamps were found in a treasure hunt by Mi. John Slemon and Miss Jessie Knox and Miss Muriel Moore, brides and groom ta be. Hampton Visitais: Miss Lulu Reynolds with ber brother, Dr. Ellhs Rey- nolds, et Hillsbug... Mis. Heîb. Rundle with Mis. H. Smithson, Toronto. .. Mis. C. Johns witb Mi.' and Mis. Will White, Orono... Misses Minnie and Lottie Horn et Mi. E. B. -Staples', Enniskçllen. ...Mis. Black, Toronto, was a guest o! 'Mis. Cad Farncomb at I Nwc4*I~on W lico~.Mr. end ;*M Ire -aeth Bô*71 Toronto, et. W. ý Wb~zns. .,.Tack Cowling, To to ahma., M. Jno. solo. Appropriate speeches were made by Wzn. Laing, le4ding bu- morist, W. J. S. Rickard, jno. Hendry, H. R. Pearce andMrs. Hendry, the bride's mother. Miss Lorraine Beighton, the auburn haired and papular young head cf the Lake Shore school, read and presented ta Mr. and Mrs. Rickard an address cf goodwiil and felici- tatians. Under the direction cf Mesdames Jno. Holmes and Gor- don Matin a number cf young ladies assisted i ebnveying ta the presence #cf the honoured couple the contents of the "Show- er." Alter the work of untying and displaying ta the general view, the recipients, eacb in turn, warmly tbanked ail their frieriks for their kind regards and gifts and invited ail ta came.and visit themn. The evening closed wlth refreshments. Courtice Miss Jean Antil, local tap dane- ci, peîformed at a concert at Camnp Borden. The Women's Association met Thursday at Mis. J. Gearing's. Ed. Pidduck won 9 prizes on his purebred Enghish 'buildogs at Toronto Exhibitio n. Under the supervision cf the principal of No. 8 school, Mr. T. E. Hancock, pupils are-issuing a school paper entitled "Courtice Monthly News." Theo Carson's dîawing cf the school house is on the caver design. Subscriptlon is 25c, net proceeds ta go to Junior Red Cross. Officers of the paper arc: E d it or-Bennie Hanewich; Business Manager-Ernie Hane- wich; Circulation Managers-Aud- rey Phair, Elsie Vezal; Advisr- T. E. Hancack. Boys cf 12, 13 and 14 yea rs cf age ineet at 7.30 at the school Oct. lst ta consider formating a Trail Ranger Camp. Junior Red Cross officers cf lNo. 8 school are: Presîdent-Jean An- til; Vice President-Glenn Rey- nolds; Secret'y-Lorraine Halmes; Treasurr-Billy Welsh; Circula- tion Manager-Donald S m it h; Prograin Chairman-Lorne Pen- fouxid. A corn and wiener roast attract- ed around thirty young people'ta - the home of Mr. Clarence Pen- found Friday evening. Around a large bonfire gamnes were played and later there was a sing-song1 in the bouse. .Lawrenc~e Courtice was home on leave alter enlisting. Aircîaftmnen R. Barber, Tien- ton, and Gea. Pidduck, Hagers- ville, have been home on leave. H. Burrows is-erecting an addi- tion ta his house. V. Phaîr, Oshawa, A. Phair, Ed. Pidduck and George Reynolds werc at Wapaose. Mrs. S. Paternoster visited Mis. Wmn. Hobbs, Oshawa. Sympathy is extended to the family of Mis. Fred Cochrane, whosc dcath occurred at the Ta- rante hospital on Tuesday. Enniskillen WOOL -1i For Home end Service Xnitting SP£CIAL 3-ply ln eighteen dfferent shades. Bail 20C SPECIAL Sprvice non-shrink wooi priced at Mec and 75e per bail One Bail Ruila a Pair of WE SPECIALI[ZE IN BABY WOOLS. WALLPAPER AND PAINT Flx-up fer FaM. Sec our Bar- gains lu Wailpaper. Try Fie-Glaze and OId Coiony SPaluls. J, W, JEWELL, Phone 556 - Bewuianvile Mils and son Jui, Peterboro, at home.. Raymond Petit, Ennis- killen, at W. Chapman's. . ,Miss Helen Knox, Toronto,' with her parents... Mis. Pbillips, Toronto, With Mi. and Mis. W. Craig. . Mis. H. Sniithson, Toronto, wýiih Mis. H. Rundie. . . Mis. C. Dun- das, Miss Evelyn Dundas and Miss Joyce Wilde, Torontcr, Mis. Gea. Kettlety, Pawtucket; Rhode Is- land, visited Mis. W. T. Perrett. Mis. E. Ludkin returned ta Ta- ronte with tbem. . . Mi. Steyan Currie; R.C.A.F., Trenton, at Mi. J. MacNab's. .. Visitors at Mis. W. J. Allin's were Mr. and Mis. Howard Allin and son Frank, Mi. and Mis. Alex Hall and daughter Patsy, Miss Bernice Allin, Belle- ville, and Sergt. Levick, R.C.A.F., Trenton. A celebiation was held Sunday at the home cf Mis. W. J. Aflin, it being ber birthday when mcm- bers cf ber family were present. Miss Lorraine Allin alsa celebrat- ed ber fourth birthday. CongratUlations to Mi. and Mis. Jno. Slcmon (nec Jessie Knox) who were married Sept. 17th. A great znany people are suf- fering from severe colds and hay fever. C. G. I.T. met in the-Sunday school roomn on Monday cvening. Church service will be at 10.30 OY DIRECT FRON OUR STORE! SAVIE THE 1)00K TO BOOK SALESMAN'S COMMISSION ON YOUijcyLDER TYPE VACUUM. When Tou lBuy A GENIRAL ÉLICTIIC Yeu Get au Ali-Canadian Produet. BUY NOW To. 1sue Present Day EPriemsand te Qèt Deflvery--Stocks Are CO0S TS LESS'3' CLEANS SETTERI Christian Electric OSHAWA THURSDAY, SICPTEMER 25, 1941 a.m. next Sunday on accibunt cf special services at Eldad. Lilacs in bloom were seen i the vicinity cf Hampton. Young ladies are giving their play "Lock Out Lizzie" at New- castle on Friday night and in Whitby on Monday night. Solmna Visitoîs: Dr. and Mis. L. B. Wifams, Toronto, Mi. Herbert Wright, Lakefield, at Mi. N. Wot- ten's. . . Mr. and Mis. A. E. Whit- neil, June and Lorraine, Mi.. and Mis. Joe Reynolds, Ronlald and Gardon, MiÎss Doreen MacMurray, Mi. Elma Reynolds, Howard, Kay and Barbara, Toronto, Miss Bes- sic Reynolds, R.N, Welland, Mi. and Mis. Jui Reynolds, David and John, Hampton, at Mi. Jack. Rey- nolds'. . . Mi. and Mis. Harry Pearce and Margaret, Miss Kath- leen Toms, Newcastle, - Lieut. A. L. Baker, Bowmanville, at Mi. Thos. Bakei's. . . Mi. and Mis. Hairy Grooms and Mary, Mi. and Mis. Herbert Parker, Toronto, at Mi. S. E. Werry's. .. Mi. and Mis. Alan McKenzie and Lorraine, Columbus, at Mr Ralph Davis... Mi. and Mis. Percy Dewell, Ki- sale, at Mr. H. E. Tink's...?r and Mis. Fred Crame, Phyllis and Eddie, Oshawa, Mi. and hMrg. Har- old Jebson and family, Tyrone, Mis. Walter Vice with Mis. Chas. Blanchard. .. Mi. William Elm- hurst and son Alfred, Keene, at Mi. J. Baker's. .. Miss Mary El- liatt, Oshawa, with Mis. R. J. Mc- Kessock. .. Mi. and Mis. Burney Hooey and Barbara, Buiketan, at Mi. B. G. Stevens'. .. Mi. Robert Scott Jr., Delhi, at Mi. R. C. Scott's. . . Mr. and Mis. Charles Reynolds and Joan, Miss Ida Rey- nolds, Mis. Norman Reynolds, To- ronto, L.A.C. Edgar Reynolds, Camp Boîden, at Mr. J. Yellow- lees'. .. Misses Veina Millson and Betty Rogers, Western Hospital, Toronto, at Mi. E. Miflson's... Miss Velma Gilbert, Bailyduff, at home. V . Mi. and Mis. Russell Balsan, Bowmanville, at Mi. E. Crydrman's... Mi. and Mis. Ben White, Orono, Mr. and Mis. Lionel Harlock and Geiry, Mi. and Mis. George Boutillier, New Toronto, at Mi. A. J. Balson's. . . Mi. and Mis. Walter Bray, Mi. and Mis. Gardon Law, Pickering, at Mi. A. L. Pascoe's. Mi. George Werry bas returned ta thc University cf Toronto for his final yearin Dentistiy. C. G. I. T. were hastesses at a pie social l intechcurcb basement Friday night. Excellent entertai.n- ment was provided by Mirs. Lu- ther Pascce, Zion, Mis. Frank Gil- bert and Mir. C. E. Shoitridge wbo very capably contributed mono- logues, iccitations and readings, while Mis. Poster Snawden, Ked- ion, and Peal Leach augmented the enjoyment with vocal selc- tions. Helen Baker led ini the singing cf popular and patriotic sangs, and Mi. Walter Parrinder was an able "Pie vendor." Addi- tional lunch cf sandwiches, cake and coffce was served by the girls and their leader, Mis. I. Hardy. RaJJy Day service was wdil et- tendcd an Sunday when an inspir- ing program was presented an the theme "Let us go into Uic House cf the Lord." Scripture, readings on the life of Jesus weîe given by Donald Taylor, Ewart Leask and Jerry Milîson; recitation, "God's Way"I by Eunice Leask; story "A Rainy Sunday" by Betty Smales. Rev. W. Rackham dclivered an apt addrcss. Special music was providcd by the choir; vocal solo, "My Task," George Werry; and Kathleen Baker and Harold Bal- son taking solo parts in Uic selcc- tien, "Church in Uic Wildwoo. Salem Rev. Gardner's, fine sermon on Sunday was an'a present day necd. The choir îendered speciai music, Miss Daphne Burius talc- ing Uic solo. It was Rally Day in the S. S. andi quite a few older folk attended. The Superitend- cnt canducted Uic prcgram. Mr. Wiifrid Carruthers of St. Paul's S. S. gave e splendid addiess on S. S. work. Y. P. U. met Sept. 16th. Mi. W. Taylor, was secretary in Uic ab- sence cf Miss T. Werry. F. Black- burn bad charge cf Uic program: Bible references, Mis. L. Squaii; topic, Mi. L. Coombes; piano solos, Misses D. Winter and M. Colla- cutt; rcading& Mi. Blackburn; mauthorgan selections, B. Darcb and W. Teylor. Contesta wce canducted. Hamipton W. I. East Graup held a sewing bee et Mis. A. Clemens' Sept. lotii. Saecm sewlng bec group Met et Mis. L. Richards'. Mis. Simpson, Maple GroveI, la vlsiting ber daugbtcî, Mrif. L. Weish. Mis. Moody, Miss F. Moody, Mis. F. Hurst, Warren and John Hurst, Mi. and Mia. N.. Simpson and daughter, Mis. Trlvett, Mi. and Mis. E. Moody, Toronto, were guests witb Mi. and Mia. H. Gaud. Salem friends cxtend sympathY ta Mis. Frank who la very 111 hi Bowmanville Hospital. Mis. Regniond Black, Toronto, Mis, Pariicomb, Hampton, Mi. snd Mis. Byce Stimson, Mis. Hairy Strathy, Toronto, Mis. Ar- thur Houston, Newcastle, ad 34r. Herbert Cox, Toronte, weîe re- cent guesta cf Mr. and Mis. Hertz- berg,,. Wtemt Asocition.motet a Mrs , oomes'Tbursday even- ing. President Mis. Lawrene Squalr opencdd t metng4eMI rlp.' turc reading wes given bySeMi. S. Euttery who had charge - f Uic progrem: 'Readigs, is. D. Fia- ser and Mis. Hall; vocal solo, Mis. Darch; Mis. Kcnneth Wery gave an Interesting aceount of Uic School for Leaders et Whitby; rcadlng, Mis. Fraser. A social baUf hbur was enJoycd. 1Whcn sot custard separates on remnovel from the icricbeat it bard for five minutes ;;Ii an egg, beater. WHEN WE TEST YOUR EYES You Are Assured Entire Satisfaction in Fit, Quality and Price. Lacloffen Dodd'a PIl 490 - 159u 3 $1. Site D.&R. Cream 69e 930 Size Noxzema 650 $1.00 Size Noxzema 89e $1.00 Slie Hind's Cream - - - 49e Creophos Piukham'u compound 87e PInex For 32C Ùuaranteed to end coughs ig.V- aud build Up energy. Î-N ' $,IC m ,,r 1 Lge. Bottle $1.00 Iffl e@@sites. Vacuum Lunch sigr 59VD Sotties Kits 98 0--,30# 49-98 75e Maaon's '49 -- 40e - 75 One-a-Day Tabs. - 45c-$1.00 Syr-White Pine&Tar 25C-50c 50e Halibut 011 CaPe.- 89e Buckiey's for coughs 4@c-75c A. B. & D. CaPe.- - Boa White Bronchitis Mixt. 50c Neo Chemical Food $1.15-2-45 MACLEANSI I LRGES SELTO T.~ l'AmT mX RmI Farmer's Needs 300 Milk Filters $1.20 Gai. Raw Cod Liver 011- - - - - $1.50 Cooper'. Dri Kil 2 lbs. 85c Zenoieum - 85o - $1.50 2 Lbs. Epsom Saits 15c Lb. Genulue Sait Poe - - 25c 3 Lbs. Bicarbonate of of Soda - - - 25e We speciafle hn Blisters Tenies and Werm Expel. lers for horses, sheci> cattle, swlne and poultry. Hot Water Bottios- 695 rP.R~. COWLIUNG *uueoo. B. Delivery ORONO Street Fair Wednesday, Oct. lst ÂUlCinds of Games DANCING TUE FUN STARTS AT 7 P.M. STANDARD TIME. Proceeda in aid of Orono Community Memiorial Par#~ Select Your Winter Outtit NOW and SAVE! Ladies'1 coat prices have advanc- ed everal dollars mnce we select- ed car fanl range-Warmly lined, styled to the minute and smartly trinmmod., Theme coats will keep their shape and appearance, and give you long servie and perfect satisfaction. $19-95 ad$24.95 FALI MILLINERY GOcd-looking wool felte in cbarm. izig styles. Popular colore and good range of ss, OURU VALUEC AT Iuàzt Acc.umoneu 8OAEVMB - GLO VICS HOBJEI NBO]KWrAE MMBELLAS Am HANDBAG8 $1,98 GIRLS% WINTEI COAOT Pur1tr"znmd and warmly lined. SIZES 7 TO 14 1n ALLp10.9i5 'q A a& GEqam uv STEAKS AID IOASTL 29g but Stieulder or C"bIu1dcb15 GENUfl'E SPWNG LAMB FulIlb»I<ISPrime aef ILb.25C Imm1-olz ýViet. o u ff LIFE iiiiii ARKL %0,,àJMjt STORES, fIMITED -- - - e - @ý- ýl

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