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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1941, p. 9

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7TWUýSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1941' TEE CANADIAIq STATESMAN. BOWMAMIFTTT .1' N~J'I~ A ~ hi f. riev parmeroi Did for -1 The OntarioeC under ýauthonity, jmn1 "inter te 'Excellent Majesty week, the oficiai, tarie Governmeri notices o! private CoundCil, Incorpore solutions o! Busir Land Sales, partiel tatou o! deceascd p e! T8XeS, and se acription price is but oniy one fari moon ubscribesf inlerout te editorsi contéins obscure bi mittments which te know about. Wt issue .o! .Septembg these items: Orders-in-Counci Uhe Henoumable ti Governor, as prcee tarie Cabinet afîci liberalîve session: suanlte, etc., etc., the PlaÈtering In< Zone, these agreen, cd by the Minlter A regular, working 44 heurs. (b) A rel day shall ho 8 hou a.m. and 5 p.m., wil lunch and a hal! day. Frein October a.m. ta 4.30 p.m. da:l heur lunch. The n ISmart '00 twe, JtO MEN WYHO ARE BLAKQWImE vs of_Interest to Farm Readers' NOT LAZY... Tam:îyn &FSon Bull, 3 years and Up - Fred -Here'. W hat Organization aZousay4MC are fot the man you Bull,2 years-M C. Smith & W at h ou'Th ug t in the mro. u y s hankBul S.Yearlng-j. rik Labor Unions in Canada w th'u huh nd~addRSonk Dy GRENVnLE KLEISER well as you should ho. H erdTmln&Sn B uYhre a e O 'r e m p o t u l C ifsr - i to.a b y Gazette, printed is $1l prhorFo rdinary A well known business man, who l passing through deep Food doesn't interest you. Little Jhn Brown & Son. B utý twa t ea er sh erfy m o H r r y J o s , F e d a m b y n fS o by T. E. Bow- oVertimepoenee d ahaf turnes the waes0 iaca ifculty, recently wroto te an optimnistic things get on your nerves. You fafl Bull Caif, Jr.-N. 1. Meteaif, The ilng's Most i abovedFor overtne Sundaysaes hid aeep when you should ho awake. Milton Tamblyn, John Tamblyn, e,"lits, week by hohdays double the day rate. In Yu heru esae ep a lot to keep up our own (ou try to get out of visiting friends N. l. Metcalf. 1 a c te o f th e O thro r s , fo r sla p p in g o n p ias . c o u ra g e .pw g i t t h m o * 3S n r C a p o n B l - r e d it. t cntains ter, $800, $12.00 and $1600 per Ti lootsltnyrakolde eet are too tired. for your job. You're Tamblyn & Son; Reserve Senior day. he wie opimistneveracknwledts deert.ogt y-ou th moviet Wose ChamSeio ChalMon Bull-F & -I.il ,OrersinIf thlngs go wrong he works diligently and cheerfully to P ao t 'athlaz- ulu se? o urÇt odS n; J nhamhapinoM . C n uUth & ato and Dis- A similar preamble and pro- make ther rght. itream, isn't clear. There are toxine Cruickshank; Réserve J u n i o r Inessés Sheruff s visions follow the above in Or-Whae's the cahee? our b -on; Junior Champion Bull-J ulars of the es ders iCouncul affectmng both the HceasteudesGtrdoi.KInusce r Champion Bull- . MTab- persons, Arrears Electrical Repair and Construc-N'thing discourages him. ythin Get for t. Kî & S O GandChmpinruci-:. Cam- forth. The sub- tion Industry and the Carpentry Drouglitflood, storm, panie, disaster-.theso flnd umhalmaltm n &Sn;, rveGrnChm $400 per year Induafry. In the former, the regu still corageous and perservunq. [rusehen, balanced i exactpro- for in aIt 41 !husdvddIt euar workin ee hllbB4 fe thiniks eonstructîveLy. He knows that repeated tios to assit the organe of evacua. Cow, 4 years and over, dry- forl becu it i ng or dddays t5 pe hulr til rk right thoughts wilI ultlmately produce riglit results. Lion to et rid of wse tr every John Brown & Son, J. Cruick- onl cauo teCncil , t per or Jn y.= ni ore Mtsteps discussion about.propor- ion Bull-J. ut offici al com - 1 42: then 90e - m inim um there- H o believes that the w or d grow s constantly b tter. ea .e s m r h n a l x - sh n , M a b y , F a b y farinera ought after. . . or until a new Order-in- The wise optimist talks about pleasant subjects. He side- to flush the kidne1v and at the smre w 4 years and over, in mllk i~ le cul fr m th Counil p rmit mor . Anoher tepsdisc ssionabou thedepresionand ard-uck sorie. t e. kIt thecoa"dois netiat a.uWweil-heipsJ. B ownSon.n er 20th, 1941, thing: "If there are more than 6 By dwelling upon the bout aspects of lifo ho makes lis action is easy and gentie. 'A pinclu M. Tamblyn 3 and 4. r a inta c i g Journeyrnen on any job, the num- own life happier, botter more productive. of Kruschen every rnorning i al HoUer,3 years, dry Milton Ia i e- f t k n g C hIove ieuteant.,foureet wihal th eermssonHe eagerly grasps tie opportunîty te work and Vou nieed. aby1an3,JhTmln theLieteant ecep wth he erissonsere.Kruschen conte oly25e or75 TaJ.Broyn &nd ,Son Taby rutedL byte<.o!teAdvisory Committee. Over- OCL.Brw o 4 4~.L ., n nd deO- tre If oldyshv teusa is good feeling le not artificial, but a natural expression 'It al d1ruggsta. Godhealth for efr eri ik car n e ieadhoiashv h se aihnacn a.m o net u-9sgh i Whoras, scaling up" of labor dividenda. of his mmnd and heart. _____________ Brown & Son 1 and 2, M. C: Smith Whrear I th Carpentry catogory, the The optimist makes many friendu. & Son 3, F. Tamblyn & Son 4. lust 'grd ttaw hours per week are 44 and the They are attracted by his sunny disposition and helpful Gil n e Heifer, 2 years, dry-M. Tamb- meta ei-minimum rate 90e per hour, wlth influence. A&Poghn aI C yJ rw &Sn ar oe of Labour: (a) ohsila qalfyngcauesasth H habit of terrerons praise and appreclation en- A PouhigM.cl J rwn & aSo n ml-J w e e k sh a ll b e = eoth e rs.ri y .O t o e r 1 - 1 lyn J. Brown & Son, Hrry JoseeHusband: "obseur-one thing we anF. hank Hiti&rSfor ura, between 8 ity of the Gazette and consequent The truc optimist la eagerly sought by employers. They O tbr1 6 H oe.er,2 year, nmik-JhnHo. gotu ing aUtilat Ycm pstv it aguar for lackfBecausemo! te gnoferal ocur- h aue of cheerflty. a Cusns set hr il eseia rzsf ruHikrSrunk. ably&Sn , WH.: " dûy e Imainl e! nili e c aaetpusr holiday Satur- ficial and important news items I every walk o!fhIle the man of constructive idoas andThrwilbsecaprzsfr HirSrYarngM.ab- n b'aiwek ?r to, March, 8 among farmers, The Statesman, plans la the man ivho gets things donc, girls, and boys, too, at the great lyn, H. Jose, N. I. Meteaif, Fred .dtg y eainly eye naac bpt ay iiy, w ith a hall as ever stoutly he cham pion o! The reai optim it uses o-calicd fallures a s te Ine rnad etioal P rowig atch to Tam lf .yn So n- . B o nH s o d I h n té a ty b c u et e e W rS v ninimum thg ares bareat froimpthe officiai mnt uders e d nter rul a ect i. apon- ber 14 to 17. For the past two & Son 1 and 2, J. Cruickshank 3, Gethee fr e insformtion offil ment 0and.re entsroul fetbsta-weeks The Statesman has called N. I. Meteaif 4. etfcesaeesipeobu. G ualeders.rOthe r info r esn-fîi Qil1yo in attention to the fact that Ihis Heifer Caif, Sr.-J. Brown & rurl radrs.Othr nteestng Your mmd le under y'oir soie juridiclion. What you event lu, beyond al dispute, the Son 1 and 2, J. Cruickshankj 3, M. Wlfe: "You mean the idea f gctting the office to o! tis ndmay rve to coe.N-w utimate succeus or failuro. You choose your own destiny. with entrants !rom the U.S.A. It *Heifer Cal!, Jr.-F. Tamblyn & solidate the detçqmination o!far- Succesa is worth the necessary effort, you will thlnk, when la Oxpected that many prizes wull son, Hl. Jose 2 and 4, J. Cruick-yorsar? mers to stick wth the Federalion you realize what il wiUl ullimateiy confer upon you by way of corne to Durham County. shank 3. aro! Agriculture as a way to cm- personal influence, happineus and independence. Work per- Despite the fact that farrn heîp Senior Champion Female-N. I. Husbond: "Yes! And how they're mounting up!1 Quite bat Ihe predatory interestu Ihat sitently and cnthusiaaîucally for this coveled acquisition, lu dwindling day by day, the Dir- Metealf; Reserve Senior Champ- a nt egwhenoyu count the interest command prders-in-Council.1 The secret of getting what you shouid have la t. ectors have added special classes ion Female - J. Brown & Son;em gg oy direct yen whôle mind and hcart te it, te concentrate for youth for the firat tino in the Junior Champrion Female-M. J, hhey'rc eamning2' upon it and te werk for It with unfm.tering faith and history o! the Association, as fol- Tamblyn; Reserve Junior Cham- Iwill ho found that ho who la diligence. lows: pion Female - J. Brown & Son; Wlfs: "Weli the more the morrier, 1 ylTiiere arm moat eiarilabie in lis judgment Girls over 13 and under 18 rnay Grand Champion Female-N. I. lt ftig eI edtemanyfr a h le gentrally the least ujust.- piow with any make o! tractor. Metcaif;RéevGrn Chm Southey. - First prize lu a $40.00 gold wrisî pion Female-J. D. Brown & Son. years roll by!" 1ropice Fer Discussion turnod out good hoga. 0f the watch; second prize, a radio; Ihird, Get of Sire Sr.-Miilton Tamb- twenty.clght principal counties, skates and boots; fourth, $5.00 in lyn 1 and 2, J. Brown & Son 3, LO3Y fodAgricutue ix have shipped over 90 % sel-, cash. F. Taniblyuu & Son 4. OO O y federictio r e s adteeniig2 Boys over Il and under 16 MayB Get o! Sire Jr.-M. Tamblyn, J.Th pofeeyCndn sedd»rVco.latuda LOO O T F R ctsan th rmaiin 22con-also plow with any make o! trac- rown & Son, N. I. Melcaîf, F. oT he tho ev m eryaadih pnder isfar Fiory. lu ar ça. y COFR ishv vrge 4.I i o ori e h aea orteTmln&Sn e uerah ouginaesoa sL>sspenler La a rwaital te fuitya ire. )od R Pair . .X k R LUIi -M onday m orning cam e offcial there are 45 counties shi p ' glsfor tpr e U i snie asbo r the TambS n & So bn . Br w & e t ep su efo g o s, oen b m ea d m rel o ra d )B CREAM cl t proalat ow anhlouncemoent that Hon. j. G. hogs, but only 22 of thern averg bua ot tch inn o r rgeyo a -.Bofwte emi mtiadls ta iv 1eron a Suidng t as nous a Ueeay 1 r and mm ullI mili 9 Gardiner will permit transfer of cd up tb 5000 or botter for t e lue ao fit watch tesaeSon, M. .mblyn&,SJ. BroCndwmen &dmn&ti gtwaio Che s le. a., b . ' eedgrainfroni western tlecasl- bonus since May sth. Ovau, nted !a rstwtc. o, o.C.f Da&Sn.mmeal b muradb s-nJ.ti.uerBrownEou fba es. m Canda. ot ony tht but Durhm Coutyisoodw1 h Watch for furtber announco- & Son i and 2. "tu you b"I& hpaon @c ern Ca ada. No only t at but urhamhCunna saomus7t In mensdfroan wsekahoaeeselF r Gdene Herd -J eachck hanks, Ilste g.t led,- ii ,~ uip5 Otawa willl provide a subsldy o! the liaI o! the main 22 producers mothfrmiwnukte iweekatonFo Gaded Hrd-nJ. rocwhnk& ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~one-third o! the, freiglul chargés. with a percenlage of 88.15 of Aup otemnt nomtoFTmln&Sn .Bon&S S 0MI Irde for dcauemi..F- , naCntolrtescUl hr hipd heanutao! subsid ies ar roh aran ga, J. Snior. Herd-J.Brn ___ m w h « f -duYea and bcyond tUal, ho has duos- and BI hogs ouI of a îo -o! &339 r olhelcraryamna lger, JunSonrM. Tambly. Bon& Son, %SUE Poct ure@bo &W m and Wlm .,.a t lufair play, no hoarding, no paid b Durhiamishippers up10torouto.J.Cusak . abyN ,~ ~~ gouging aler the grain leaves the August 3 laI, total $5,498.50. a es. Mctc10, t l11 Ffo3Seudeaemdnew~g eprt ar te aip:nt7mntIn sorne clsse ,fon1 014 hahay, &cm * à ed «Éo&àd» f iNI& 1producer. en r ae According 10 the Pross total pald by the Ontario goven H A M Rplacements werc made. In ahI W t, sear te ai i mntsiceMay 5th 18 $243,326.50. rEF R R there were 141. So apace pro-R -Ise cmaa MWisu. T1w dte bc- .u'Ih19,42 fe rain policy. The Con- by fariners thernuelve because es Repairs sh* yol l il a'roler is a man formerly identi- thiey psy taxes and vtax moneynea __ suMbpmg hw gi. 25, Sc. !led with Torono Elevatora Lin- pays the bonus. Pro._._.____________e CR TF IA T caiadet lIed. By . (o nnies , the bacon hog of . D. B. ohn e sty n d-W llform r I L S F E D -C SE ~~ F R U I T A T I V uES Ta N o# j ng le in d ica ed as 10 w h e - lead ers are, sin ce Uh e first o ! th y p rin c ial o ! th e E ast A ng lin E S T I M AT E D F O R 1941 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________________ce_______Mr._Gardiner gave any con- year: Huton, -26,046 hogs shippe, Institue0 giutr nEg sdtio1 various pointu rais- eU2,6;Ge,2,7;wt land -believes that "there islu 11ehe firal officiel calimnate o! Combines Popular hrester prvd olefcte e d b y U ce F e d e r a tio n o ! A g r ic u l- fo u r ot he rs in th e lw e n ty th o u s o b h t i h a t a a y i g i . I a y c s h ture. 'There 1a brie! mention tUal and bracketu, Bruce, Kent, Sim oubhli h as nlssa-Canada'sttlwetpouto hsYa the policy lu based on informa- and W llington. Huron f e rimpu atu.e wîplayi ee m nn h uh l. T i e rs ns a m j r T eco b n eh d o a v s.s p ro ot a h eh df o tion supplied by Provincial offi- coliected over $17,000 while the oim ortathpar n eteruig U 91lupae I 0,5,00qaiyo!"obnc" ri cil n amognzto e oetwsHaliburton which col- otomA!gh rsetsrube." uhi.thio repr49os,00tu bmels h obn ehdo avs.spro eta hehdfo presentatives aI an Ottawa con- îecîed exactly $1,00 on one grade The professor spoke on "Ariu- froni the 551,390,000 bushels pro- ing has been thoroughly tried in utack. In other cases cropa that fernc. otinglusad bol U " " og I peceta e ! ualiy ture -and the War" in an address ductiôn of 1940 and iu atributable Eastern Canada over a period o! cauld not be ut w lU Ute binder- prier meeting called by the Fcd- hogs, Simcoc county, which atands preparcd for the Canadian mit- almoat equally to the wheat acre oryars and under widely vary- mee arvesting wth comines. eration and Uhe strong representa- slxth in total hogs, lead ai ute on Public Affairs.aer cio oiyud rtae- fouryeate odtos vr75 Tecifdsdatg ft tions made by fan ,journais and others with a score o! 91.98 "" Tels a aadcddbhnh smn oiyudraening Eater Conadaitmin e chie!disvanlgec Ihe several o! the forward looking and BI grades. 'Huron, leader in food shortage, apart from tUc afd below-normai l 9ads t the om194ar0.es er A Ocmtbe sfmel yu ht* rp CO. Front Noon Friday, Oct. 10 w lky papers. The whole trend volume, scores 89.45%. supplied by Amnerica," ho sald. been roaiized over largo areasofsre covering 30 per cent onftoagpewonrom ry until 2.00Opa.Mo eyOt. 18 o! the.- report seenis te oo!uvyo!1kephc RETRNILeae estnaton sluiouly Ucver eine, Ii nesoo htte~Prof. Johnstone-Wallace said Saskatchewan and Eastern Ai- these harveuberu, shows tUal over athat dmin rge thenripnin er- & o ouur 9Itculture. sidt aulute r a ligue e vited many European berta. 90 per cent o! Ihose reporling are lad damage May ocrfo eg su 1% EMN:L«e esin acd hoga qualifying for the bonus countries ri13.H adta The 1941 fall wheat production uatisfied with Uce combine rnethod mng, weed growth, wind or hall. T i m . h o w a . u a I d a d . e a t i n e , I h p i a l l l g e a r a g o d î y n u b e r o ! f a i ne r Gt e p r a ep a r e adn f r w r ,c o n - a n0 00um i g w h a p o u c t i o n I141cutr.and applications duly made. There emn oraiyrcgnized amounied 10 16,417,00 useso! harvestmg. Four Years' experience han- shown p'e f.,.. .af,..mj..,. a .,, 2iynome&.a ta their vtamin. Another, release who don't even bother la apply tayl li rveu hoy Ual fr UsDoinldion the 290,e42,000 he comied hareuce time tal, oeUcaeragtexclessies dues dated Sept. 22, fromn the/Depart- for the bonus according toe x. Hitier was bluffing. bufi.Icudd itelttrlbrrqimda avutlm ewahe r e essie. tohes L f~ 1 I~ L I ~ met o!Agriultre, ttaw, ha aniatio o!the fficai gvemn i"Tis change was brouglul about figure is tUc 1941 spring wheat and when uued o1i sufficient acre- le aise truc !lse u eU juat corne le hand. Itlel evidenl, ment figures. They either forget by the realizalion thal evemy piece production o h rii r-aeprya a fetdamvn prtn ehnu !U oi mrr ita contents, that the Minis- that there us a time limit govemn- o! agricultural research in pro- vinces, estimated at 286,000,000 inithc coul o! hamveating. In ad- bine and for some crops thc los tom and lis staff have been strug-, ing applications or they are tee gnous, had as il obj oct, the i- busheis, as compared with U iîn ne the exrmlywtwihtecobn 1Oomayls gln iha proposition of slip-. buuy milking cows te gel around creased supplies o! hurnan food 1940) estilmate o! 525,000,000 bush- harveat condiionsu Oncounlered in than with other mothods o! har- piying Britain with bacon for the te the jeob o! filling in forme. in event o! war. The experiment el. gansomle frt e arn n14thcobuev-sig comngyer.Weserygaiahd.__Western________graianbrug thom t m U rsI ee gai suplesfo teome_________me____the____________________ not nteed hei cosclusnsstrulli was the atteknpî being nmade whoie o! Canada are only slighlly because Ihey recommend a course T EPte detemmine the way silage could below those o! 1940. The total est ÀwfM o!f-patent feedu. Here are a few fEPbe Produceej !romn potato tp production l si a I t 5, privtsd o! t eloplletuiaIV Mwithout sacrificing tUe yieids o! 955,000 bushels, representing a Brioht Sa'.-i<'g' "Piga eod vtamin; more pigthe tubera appneciably. The ex- decrease o! 22,57 1,000 bushels ,.,* "yPtgern. Citan;somen gs * ~I perîment was appamently uccess. froni the 380,526,000 bushel crop 0F u'uldie,. smtm.Cnpuusaog fui,' ho blid the gatherîng. o! 1940. This decline is partially these symptoma are strained fac - u* be To Support 50 iP.C. offset by an increame in baricy li expression, as o! pain; abnor- mu *M M P Prof. Johnstone-Wallace said production, The 1941 barley crop mal flopping o! cars, posterior .M ** W UMUMMU that Engîand lu more er j.aenst 2,7,0 uhl,' paralysis and prostration. Hence *U M W supporting than might be y et ersetn nicraeo 7 they need carotene, cod liver oiùFO IIOIM UTA TE ed, saying that England couid sp 122,000 bushelu over the 1940 pro- a"> '- ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___or pilchardene." iport 50 per cent o hem popullaion. duction n n! 14,25,00 b shls.n T his pam phl twr a i gN Ic . . a S c u h to.uau ? - 0uuKe Z üavu 1th Public Put UP a statue "Well, Oscar, on a day like thi. I cI rallier folka would chip M and buy me a big layer oake from the Carter hakery!" I Shoes Made toC0 I QoIi ete U Comfort. JOHN LE Sho. and Rarmew Rig St. at s îlng Ontario leads aUl other pro- vinces i the production o! hogm, wlth 1,288,901 carcasses graded duig the fimst ciglt monthse! 1941, an increase over lant year e! 82,696. Alberta cernes secondj with 901,590. Over lwo-thirds o!f thc Ontario hoga have commuand-j ed the bonus laid down by the Hepburn govcmnment, The babic grade for bacon hoga lu El on which a bonus o! 50c is pald. Above El, that la on ail "A" grades, the bonus is $1,00 per car- eassa. Beiow Bl, the fanmer la docked according te grade, ap- proxlmatciy froni 50c te $1,50. There lu aise s Dominion ubsidy tucked away somcwhere in the regulations o! the Bacon Board, but net se apparent as the Ontario one. NO figures prier to tUe bonusi achomes are available in regard te grades, but Ontario has always SO R E* BAIJK? Ily o ou inyGnil,1h wideply 'Cwn "jebekde ee h elp b.g relief by ei ialg pi. cauising toxic wamstea Mon.y bock if net atisbied. 1940 Sals o calves on th c other hand ave been semewhat lower li 1941, indicating that consider- able re-stecking o! honda lu still taking Place. Shipments o! feeder cattie from wcat te eamt have been Ivery muclu lighter in 1941 than duning the correspondîng perlod o! 1940, and there la ne indication yet o! any change in his situaion. The short feed crop In Eastern Canada la probabiy a centnibut- lng factor te the amalier meve- ment, as well as the higluer pnices 1 the Westr store est-~ lie e cunty p oints have aise been substanîiaîîy iowen in 1941 p L A comPared wlt thUcocereponding FOR THRperiod o! 1940. Man> was jiven two ends, onie te ait on and the other tle Ulnk with. A mnan's succema depends on unhi su%, 48 ie pu'&Im &a. a PM whlch end ho uses moat, hItluaa <aleU-8. aah 1 «Giso Pwu) m case cf heads You Win and tala youloge., ISince the announcement was Imade recenlly by Hon. James G. IGardiner, Dominion Minluter o! Agriculture, that a new agree- Iment fer Uce third year o! the war tial Mienicmy ! Fod wforthe Bdo- tias beenisyofplFted wirhthe Be- llvery o! net ioss than 600,000,000 pounds o! Canadian bacon, hans and other culs at s pnice o! $19,77 per 100 pounda for Grade A Wllt- shires f.o.b. seaboard, mnany i- quirlea have been made as te when the new pnice becomes ef- fective. The Bacon Board slalom Uhal the pnice now in effect o! $19,60 Per 100 poundi for A Grade No. 1 izeable Wlltshires wiil continue until Uce completion o! the pur- dusse a! 425,000,000 pounds o! bacon, the ainount called for un- dor tlhe presont agreement o! whlch about 40,000,000 pounds ha yet ta b. purchased. -. 4,.. '"x, 4~ FOR STYLE AND , Keep Shoes hlnOcx MELTONIAN SHC Beat Polisahes Aceessorie m nS CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA"ILLE- ONTAPTA -urmi v£àýLýrj, VjN-jýAjU() PAGE NM PILOSPERITY TAiK

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