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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1941, p. 1

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ý, 7M- - Witli Whlch Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUE 87BOWM.ANVILLE, ONT., TrHURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1941 <NATIONAL NEWSPAPER WEEK* OTODR0iSTOOH -Deed of Gift lu Presented. SuNDAy w MAY I UNTRODUCE MYSELFATRCS0 fEDG oney Raised B e rs At Lions Fete Saturday YourWeeklyNewspaperMebrspFess$180 Jack atel Wins Bondweek-October 1to October 9-1 thought it tirely ta say a wrd W orkers Gcive Ti e Fe y about myself-Your Weekly Newspaper. Dancin ad Bngo Eill'"1LLEGES OPEN I arn the voice of your town and your county, the bringer NO ANSWERS YET NwDie Fr M m tertain Thrng Tili 'AJof tidings, the companion of your fireside hours. I arn your uneseelnng-D l Midnight - $175 Pro- 11 R JTI friend away £rom home. I arn the prophet of tomorrow, y DlToTWT 1 arB ysM ci ed ceeds Given to Red AND/JJ.HL.LI. GULLfl1/L> w the world beyond your doorstep. 1 arn today's link TO LLROLLIL VV..IJL c uplis Crs.with history. But most of aIl, I arn the conscience of Canada. ____ ASPIRE TO iJLUKIEJS And I must be heard.FO LCA ME From early evening until mid- Ihv ee eon a ntueto oenetplc. R M L C L M NIodrt ar f t nn night Saturday hundreds jomned Itivel forbecmth"n ReduenCrossvertantphave. in the frolic sponsored by Bow- R~ecord Number Register Tis I have neyer-as in certain countries-been used ta blackout the Work Begun on Bilding* ta ebr a hti ancry manville Lions Club and listened Yea.r i Wide Variety of trut. No hiçlden power has used me, as in Germany, to stffle RoHase Prisoners at B.T.S. - leayanefeteyasdohr toesigl syse wspen tedras a Courses - Trend to Practical the kindiier instincts of a whale people, rouse barbaric passions 4 9 suxg ____ t sneesryt mk a p git ta the town. Learning (Seen. and set feet tramping the lang red road. No secret voices made pa o ebr ahf] e Couched in suitable language eke iet si rne hl rsignto id 0 Four organizations which sentcasme eslpsasenD- and beautifully framed, a Deed afi e h altrioee nCnnR W le eerm fpoetls ekt Git was presented ta MayarRoelth ltrm peeR.Cao RIW laam eep inas in FrI ace whie a usng or n atiofied O. Jones by Lions President Stuart the colleges and the ij.niversities of Christ Anglican Church, Bramp- I an nt ifalibl. haexyoneaAesesiorg arPofyo R. James during the ceremanial thraughout the country Bowman- «ton, whc, will canduct the services and by you, but I alsa have yaur steadfast strength. Sometimes Hiron. OnHarrNio, haeciPe- etnsm b edery pause in festivities at the street ville, as usual, was well represent. in St. Jahn's Anglican Church I have slumbered, complacent, and then wrongs were done. But replies stating that disposition of mmeszsms xa tta dane atuda niht Itred: ed by a goodly number ai B.H.S. here Sunday, Octaber 5th. I have always awakened. I arn the conscience ai Canada-your the Boys' Training Schaol is naw tre Thne os u b a ig.Btraman grads registering with the inten- cqnsience-and I will.be hear& I out ai provincial hands and a Pemsinhsbngrnd vilehereos by ive and - tion ai seeking higher îearning s copy of the telegrarns have beenth loaRe Crsbrcha unto the Corporation ai the than the home town affords. ' * £D 1 I bld you have faith in Canada. I tll ou emo acy fl ot iorwarded to Hon. J. L. Raostan, appeal forfmeabernhips durtag aTwnatic traffi l te hta wrdeate r nc semhs tan eth- e rie -on 19fl ontra tinot autnia d, worn out, finished. It istill the your newspaper is permitted ta enhl h oka a-da.Temmesi e o n equipment cannected there- so-called "practical" courses as i thtag on earth; toa new even ta be fully understoad. AUl print the truth. Freedoni ai the verting the Boys' Training Schaal ya rn a u 92t e wît nw istile uon he that offered by the School ai jof Oi(S se is a throwback ta medievalism, cynicisrn, despondency and prs wilb steed uig four corners comprising the Practical Science. This year the Natianal Newspaper Week, Oct. it rsncm o aioi ebr3s,14,i l0.I intersections ai King and Tem- men will have ta continue the despair. lst to 9th. cers has begun and is gathertag191telclbahhdaau perance Streets in the Town campulsory military training as Twa garage awners and one I tell you the Dominion ai Canada is nat on trial. It is rather . Newspaper editors aren't par- Spmeaking aiefMgsrtea h n n urunigaes a! Bwmanîlle par 0f heirstudos.farmer in the area irorn Newton- we who are on trial. It is aur iaith, aur courage that is being hmevs spcal editors ai Bowmanville, R. O. Jones statedIti etcranhtevyme- rSigned: The Statesman would be glad ville narth have suffered break- ptt h etan ith u o h eti h yast oe aemseines-epcally hmntisle had received periunctary ac- brhpwl ernwdadta President - S. R. James ta learn the names ai others thanitsasnsd theits within the past pt ath es ndwilb pttote et ath eastacrn. paesonsmllcmmnhie kalegen i h wr. ie-mnyoheswiljanthsyer Immi. Past Pres. - those mentioned here who are few days while others report that Perhaps, caught in the mesh ai social and ecanomic change, we Aside frorn an accasianal re- wise, Forbes Heyland, president Thmoerasdbmmb- T. M. Chant attending colleges ar universities. suspiciaus strangers have been shail give ear ta the honeyed vaices ai the demagogues. Perhaps, minder when aur readers lag too ai the Durham Federation ai Ag-shpeswilbuedytekcl Secretary - F. V. Ott. In Arts courses at U. of T. are seen lurktag about, and the whole sofiened by ease, carruption by paternalism, we shail farget far in their subscriptian bills, we riculture, reparted he had receiv-brnhfr aeia.any No Though a little late ta starting, Marion Scott, and Edward Nick- district is an the alert. The crime truth, talerance, ldndliness, initiative. Maybe we shail forget try' ta keep in the bacl;ground.' ed a similar reply, and represen-oecntisptfaayahe the affair reaily gaot warmed up erson, Statesman sports *riter. wave, which is being investigated t But the week ai Oct. 1 to 9 has tatives ai the Rotary Club andpupsasiltewrdoeb later ta the evening, belngci- Marian is at Trinity, and Ed. at by Canstable A. V. Dymond, in tat while the burden ai responsibility aiways rests heavy oni been designat-ed as National News- Chamber ai Commerce have also eeyn sasltl ihu maxed*with the draw on a 400 Victoria. Bath are ta their final cludes a break-in at Cecil Bur- the shoulders of those willing to bear it, that very willingness paper Week, when the greatest received acknowledgments.reurainaayknd av War Savtags Certif icate. Jack year. Kitty Storey is continuing ley's Garage ta Newtonviile makes thaso shoulders strangor. Perhaps we shall decide that metropolitan dailies sud the The Statesman -elegram whichsoemeuraigtfctonha hthelywnievrdcr i'Bi her caurse at U. ai T. where taols were stalen; a similar Dernocracy is flot for us, that we are nat ready for it. smallest weeklies alike caîl atten- was sent direct ta Han. Mr. Rai-ma contatshtai uy chera the f oueredcor ns'ta Eng in ee ri n g daims Ernest entry at Herb. Richardsan's Gar- tion ta their services and activi- stan has nat been answered.wresatbigaetam e the farthest recesses af the town Ward, 2nd year (Metailurgy), and age in Pantypoal, and the theit I dan't thinik so. For I arn Canada's conscience and I have ties. Wark is started on the construc- soesatbtvr motn loc-u, hndedsa oylukslk BrfnCrwfod,2ndyerr( of)aichnmbe a kchcknsfraro fit TnCaadas estny I no tat s ongasI an reeta To an, ar omruntofapr tono iaddtinalbuldigsatlheconriutin a tetareffrt asome older couls oo aeDonald Ventan h starting in at Lloyd Lang, Bethany fanmer. raaavre, inin iar-ng wt ihosetuard n d prî t snesa tevasagwilaai e akld merry ta the scintiilating rhythms S.P.S. in a chemiical engineering Citizens are warned ta eosek and illsen s abe sece, orot oavreeinini fiar-nt. it has osituo ndchitisnesid illt hahadstaei bcn oi The Eleven Coflegisus arches- course. the alert ta pratect their property silence me you silence yaur own heart I must not be enslaved, services, no private airplanes ta number af perhaps 600. The pro- agopa aiswofc uh tra. Two are cantinutag their stu- against any further vandahisr. Sa ifor when yau ensiave me yau are alone, cut off frorn reality, carry its'reporters ta the scene ai sent accommodation has been hrsisuficigyadyu Durng he poeh-mkin s.R. iesforth~minstr taTrtitymany crimes within a campara- abandoned by truth, at the bottom af a black pit af horrar sud big stories-nane ai the expensiveý housing about 200. aeakdt aeyu ebr James sud T. M. Chant spoke for Tom Dustaii sud Maorse Goadman. tiveîy sm~all ares îateîy leads fantasy. Gag me sud your children will nover know the Canada and attention-compeiling facilities Thaugh the B.T.S. staff has notshpesrad an witgfo the Lions Club, Mayor Jones ne- Leonard Wilson la ta his final year palice ta believe it is the wark off Be bcaaiit all siz andtee prniamovernrnisenptewid ouhpe presenting the municlpality, sud at lKnox Theological College. one gang. yau have knawn. Keep me frço and you will be free sud God ea e o it d al yeand teprvncirem ove i isexcdt ei r al.t b Ross Strike as president of the Kay O'Neil sud Diana Wheeler While there mey be no connoc- will "make us mightier yet."' scope, however, it can devote ail place them in ather positionsthcavsaîC.DSerea lacal Red Cross. are cantinuing at Quoen's, Kings- tion between this series ai theits its energies ta the home commun- shortly. Some af the boys have tw rTdCat apat The net proceeds ai $175.00 ton, naw ta their second year. sud the murder which took place I look tasignifîcant enough an your table or in your mail ity. If its news sametîmes seems been sent home; others are betagthcunradtesvi-rs- were given toaaid the ICod Cross. Bath are taking Arts courses. in that district recently it wauld box, yet I arn youn link ai understanding with a changing world. trivial in a world tamn by wars and placed ta corrective institutions,. et ncag itediewl Charlie Mcîlveen starts his uni- be well tacsreport ny uspcihus I arn spassrng ephemeral, thing, born and dying every week. ctatrpies t hat'atho e preas a Uofficia00infrmain soe inta-yubcoeamebr vriycre tQensweepolice. YtIa n ftefudtoso pmcay mtecn Apart iram callîng attention ta terned at a camp in eastern On- Lindsay Mitchell intendsu truta go idea ai a week set asîde for news- ville. Now that the first starm aio rtfbsre aal .Cle tUofiance.lstd o- O N B R E O papers is a sound one. Its value pnotest has blown over citizens rinehoestrvitaM. Three nurses cmrs the merce and Fnne I arn the free press ai Canada. I arn your Canadian Weekly is heightened because this year, seem to have become resigned ta uon.G.W amrzgnol 1941 graduating class in Bow- Ian Bell, aiter cornpîeting a PILOT OFFICER Newppr when National Newspaper Week the uncomiortable idesaifhsvingThyasateedheWlan- manville Haspital. They are summer course along with his NOW OVERSEAS esae.is iirst natîonally observed, has the enemy within aur gates. Kel1edn a aiOt Irono Millicent Stephens, Bal- regular course at Emary Univer- ' seen the revealing white light af carres,' Sask., Jessie Elizabeth sity, Atlanta, Ga., is continu'tag tM unshackled press extinguished Hogarth, Hampton, and Mar- his studios ai bio-chemistny. Word ai Pilot Officer A. W.ins uhoErpe ion Elizabeth Knox, Bow- Donald Mcîlveen is again at- Beck's safe arnival in Bitain was M aa id an s ireetea B rowa muchMaieEurope.iN mavile Gadatonexr- tedig .AC.receîved by cable last week by o workers can write what they m cises are betag held in Tnrinity Selma Bartlett is graduating his mother, Mrs. T. G. Breck ai 'I'hvannh M u o bingjale United Church on Thursday, this year in the Political Science Burketon. Ho had visited his f a- As T a n-a s -T oyg T m by an ever-watchful Gestapo ar T o S a d r r Oct. 9th, at 8 o'clack, ýo which course at U. ai T. ther, Capt. T. G. Breck, who has OGPU, but it moans rnuch mare____ the public is invited. An out- Dorothy Knox is resuming hem been overseag far nearly two than that-it guarsutees ta a free standing speaker has been studios at the University af Ta- yeams, and they eprtod a grand Frani early Wednesday aiter- Ouifood Proble. people the ight to know the Motorists can now psy either sE alrg rtinaga fo secuned for the occasion and onta Schoal ai Nursing. reunian., noon, Sept. 24th, until about il11__ truth. 33%c or 31%kc per gallQn for thm Teunotaersutl will present diplomas to the Keith Slernon is in the Faculty Pilot Officer Breck received his p.mi. when s traop train passed _____________. Efcieysed a ha t tesalbyrcno e class. <Cntinu.d on Page 12) wings at Dunnville, Ont., an Au- throug h .N.R. station, su This week The Statesman, th aenetadrsadr inta"eglrcutmrLi- gust 2oth, and his commission was anxiaus crawd ltaed the platiorni sa LEe fTeCnaiutegvenetodr tnadz annaunced at the sanie tume. Ho awaiting a limp aiofsons, hus. a bI1wpaes soca L G Ll'i. i!GELiL g al brands af motar fuel.wsethewharraiysvn J also had a distingulshed pass, bands or fiends in the lst' Mid- WekyN sperAsci-IVli Coupled with a new arrangement gascno e twe hyne T r n o C ifC n t b é h r e he a a yedial land Regiment. - tien, commences a series of NIAofXaimanthly quotas ta service sta- it ihu oieadr Toroulo C ief Conutble Chargwinch w sia erg e itable Leaving Saint John, N. B., early speciai articles of partlcular SHvyyiiAT ROI.Tf t aiongthe scheme is expecteci ta hnwgggaeor oe egte er l.H pnt te on daSept. 22nd, weethy i tere farmers aTd ni twaraewhmoch have been in W ilh Reckless Driving Aller Crash da eigh en aid. Hon n o hv_____toedfrsvea ok.%svnggs ______ _____________________ronta and leit for averseas o n onths, the Mad Midlands madeo folk.hesit-fu dl The last iew days in Soptemben dctointecaertnglnt August 3lst. ~~the long trip back ta Ontario ta Appreclatig the plight of Na n o h ixyiu o- a gas famine ta Bowmanvillesficntacuemchluef- Auut3s.arrive for funthen training at the average Canadian farmer lar question at the Rotary Club wv5î'h several service stations be- cietoeain General D. C. Draper, C.M.G., ecuts and aoiasions an the knees "Bill" matmîculated last year Niagana-on.the-Lake earîy Thurs- and the e rl ak "Tnw- gak te-ior-eave-it" q i opoeyat ifeanyhemgltosdontapyt D.S.O., Chief ai Tomanta Po4~ce, and a chest injury according to froni Bowmanvile High Schaol, day mamntag. iedge by rnany consumons l In îcn n see awn ors saving what they had for tratr rdie aos TraffiicOfficer W. F. Thampson, aiten alsa attending Blackstock Many froi Bowmonelle went egard ta Our Faod nob- gra cheon on iday. at sud four Peterbomo nosidents wore Mn rmBwavlewn eadt OrFo rb much cash at ah as Master ofcairmg -acusers ltosie O cobnlt oa gssa injured in a head-on car crash who invostigated. and Oakwoad, Toronta, Callegi- ta Part Hope when it was rumor- lem," the C.W.N.A. has an- Cr . "chargStik oote t e"' aountaekuppsow as r ertd nug felsp- two miles east af Newtonvilie Miss Ethel Miller, in the ather ates. ed the train wauîd stop there. nanged wîth John Atknsto isCeoone ass Strk oted a b aoaceku hw pyfrnra ead ld ealy Sunday evening. car, was taken ta, the hospital ta Besides his fathor, wha la with But they wore disappotated, for it propane these articles. Mr. ebw lbe ve h ea that salesmen stîll accopt theso sieomoedfiuîyta h A charge ai eckess driving a critical state with concussion. the Royal Canadian Army Pay only slowed down. At Bowman- Atnslafomr eky hurdles involved in a number ai "big" accounts and what lamnSae ntis regard.ý was laid against Goneral Drdpem Mrs. Lillian Schneider had a bra- Corps, overseas, his two brothers ville the train, again passed thmo' aewspapen and m a g a z i n e tik usin ocmigTa ________________ Tuesday aiternoon. Ater a con- ken leg; Miss Ada Milier, undeter- are in the services, Ewart with the station at a slow rate. As the pblhnad~n~ n- f ic Laws. But everyone had a ference wlth Constable .W. F. niîned injuries; while the driver, the R.C.A.F., attending wireless hoadlight ai the engine heraldedi tîcl farme nd l tho a pkoka laugh and gainod some badly- COL. DRBW FAOT PIDIGINZGLN Thanipson, Crown Attorney Han- Burton Miller, was badly shaken school ta Montreal, and Wallace the train's amival the sound ai the ticl aît inehbeen a stu- needed information about the ry Dya eie nteato. n a uemca'us isrc.H a enasu ules ai the oad. Deyan ecide a th atio. ad ad uprfiia cus.with the R.C.NV.R. in Halifax, s0 bugle band cauld be heard above dent of labon and farmn prob- Beginning with Ratamian Tom- The information was signed by The accident happened about that ail three services are ropre- the noise ai the train. Whon the lems fan maay yeans. His ap- my Knight, wha probably neoded W. C. Caverly, J. P., who, thaugh 6 p.m. in a district which has by sented in the Bneck family. train pulled in soldions were bean- pnoach ta the pnesoat position twicea confined ta his home with a slight coincidence lately been a storm ing out the windows shouting ta of the Canadian farmer t o much instruction sinco iUlness, is able, ta attend ta his contre for mishaps and crime, frionds whom they recagnized on an and nesnable. We com akdrives wo ars, mstnike duties. Both cars were badly damagod. The Post Office is about the the platform. mend the serles ta youn cane- akd Hwmn ihsms e"' Wltnesses alleged that Chief Chief Draper was ahanei in his car. busiest place in tawn these days Nat ta be daunted by this fui neadîng. an a car-and where?" Aiter Draper, driving west, had turned Ho refused suy first id treatmenti as many people amr rmailing double disappotatment sevoral Tefrtfu rilsae tnimniing the dead wood from the out ta pass a lineofaicars just or medical came, returning ta To-j1 Christmas parcols earby ta the vlcar oads aidetermnarledcîizens hn a on rilsac answor, truc ta his profession, Mr. 1 . « -- --- ---- -, - J ýncwjj uculurcu; --inoic

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