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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1941, p. 5

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THURDAYOCTOBER 2, 1941 .Weddings ' TayIor-4ohnston A pretty house wedding wî solemnized at the home of th bride's Parents, Mr. and Mr George Jolinston, Cadmus,o September 20th, when Vera E.l een Johnston' became the bridec Thompson Ernest Taylor, sonc Mr. and Mrs. James A. Taylorc 4~Lindsay. Rev. D. M. Stinson per formed the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage b, her father, wore an ankie -lengt oess of white satin, and her vel as câaght with a wreath o roses. She carried a sheal of gla idioli. Miss Guelda Johnston wai her slster's attendant, and th, groom was ably supported by hi brother, Ross Taylor. The mother of the bride receiv ed in a plum silk dress and sht was asslsted by the groom% M<. thexi Mrs. Taylor, in a browr sheer dress. A delicious wedding supper wai served to the fifty guests present The table was decorated in pinà and white. Later the couple left for a mo. tor trip through Northern Ontario, On their return they will residE in Bowmanvjlle. At the Blackstock Fair Mns Taylor Was fortunate enougl to win the double wedding ring qui]t On which tickets were sold for the Red Cross. A shower was held at Blackstock on Friday evening for the bride and groom. nayman-.medjd Trinity United Church, Bow- manville, 'graccd with standards of gladioli and autumn flowers, was the setting of a lovely wed- ding on September 24th whcr Sybil Alice Medd became the bride of James Edward Hayman. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. E. Griffith, pastor, and was quietly exclusive, only the inimediate relatives being pre- sent. The bride wore a strcct-lcngth dress of ashes-of-roses wool sheer with brown accessories and car- ried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. Her only ornameni was an antique gold brooch over 100 Years old belonging to lier grandmother. She was attcnded bY her cousin, Miss Marguerite WOOL For Soleru' Seivice lu Regfular Colours at $200 & $2.50 lb. lu balis of sock quality at 69c, & 75ceach Now ls the tisse to' knit that Wlnter Sweater. OUR SPECIALS AT OLD PRICES STARGLO 2 oz. 39o JUMBO 2 oz. 40o DOVE 1 ioz. 20o IRIS 3-p1y, 1 o«. 20e SUtIlte for Bargains in Wall- paper and Palats. Sunworthy adSuntested Papers ln Room Lots. Glklden's Japalac Paints, Var- aubhes and Enamels, at Regular Pnices. AGENTS FOR NEW SERVICE CLEANVERS. JOUHNTON S 130OKSTOIRE and LENDING LIBRAIRY Phone 651 Bowmanvile Bunden, Oshawa, wcaring a stneet-leugth dress of brown and gold wool sheer and brown acces- sanies and carrying nose-flccked deep crcam carnations. Mr. Mark as Lambourne supponted the groom. tic A reception was held at the jl- twcuty gucats. The I3ide's grand- of mother, Mns. Ben Johinson, Peter- of ibora, wcariug blacki and white of1 sheer and corsage of deep ned rcarnations, sud the groom's mo- ther, Mrs. Thomas Hdyman, Bow. mauville, weariug wine crepe and hycorsage of rose carnations, assist- lb cd the hosteas. il Later the ncwlyweds lcft by a-motor for a bnief holiday ln Wes- astern Ontario, the bride wcaring a àe monk bnown dresaniaker suit of lis renc woo trimedwith aquir- rel, and brown accessories. v- Among the gucats were Uic ie bnidc'a grandfathcr, Mn. Ben D- Jolinson, Petèrboro, in his 84tli in yesr; Mn. Merton Storey, Peter- bora, sud Mn. sud Mns. Robent Lambourne, Toronto. as Telegranis of congratulation ILwere reccived from friends in 1 k Toonto sud Peterbono. Prior to lier manniage Miss D-Medd was lionorcd guest at a 0. number of functions. le_____ '. Thompson-Purdy to The home of Mn. sud Mrs. G. F. t Pundy, Chuncli St., Bowmanville, nr was tac scene of a pretty fal ts wedding on September 2th, whcu y' their daugliten Veda Eliza be- . came the bride of Earl Rasa Thompsan, son of Mn. and Mns. Wesley Thompsou, Haydon. Ferna sud gladioli formed the back- -ground for the cercmouy per- [S formed by Rev. J. E. Griffith of S, Trînity United Churcli. The wed- -ding music was played by Mrs. 'Edwin Wood. e Given in marriage by lien fa- ther, the bride wore a floor length 0on f white sauchilla crepe and he ong veil fell tram a halo of eorange blossoms. She carried roses sud bouvardia, and wone a gold lockct, the gift of tac groom. She vies attcuded by lier siter, rMiss Ruth Purdy, wesning blue -sheer sud carnying Picardy gla- edioli. Betty Purdy, little niece of tach bride, was flowen ginl sud rwane peacli taffeta sud carried an rold fashioned nosegay. Mr. Rol- sud Thompson attcndcd lis bro- ther as best man. During the igu- Sing of the register Miss Hazel Rundlc sang "Because." .Followiug the cenemony, Canal Aun, infant daugliter of Mn. sud Mns. Orland Plummer sud niece of the bride, was christened. t The wedding supper was acnved1 by fieuda of thc bride, Missesa Helen Rundie, loua Wood, Helent Pingle sud Mrs. Frank Osmond.V Leaviug for a short motor tripr the bride wore a navy dreas, navyg accessonies sud a corsage of roses.] Previaus ta lier marriage tac t bride was gucat of lionon at a sliawer given by Miss Helen Run- die sud presentatiaus by mcm-a bers af Trnity Churcli choir, tac r office staff sud emplayeca of the 1 Bowmanville Foundry, .,nd thc j membens of the Sunahine Classa of Trinity Churcli. The War Ser- S vices Dept. of Gencral Matons, s Oshawa, also made a presentation c to thc groom. a: "'Nothing Over Forty"I - Symbol Invented v By Local Man; E. O. Webster, Hydro Apant- J. ments, Bowmanville, tac finit D motorist in this district ta carry el the igu on lis windahield "0 avenrIr 40 equals y,"I a report of which w appears lu The Statesman au B Auguat 7th, lias pointed out ta us bg that the story carnicd in the To- E! ronto Telegram ou Sept. 22ud a] gives credit ta Bob Masaman, fi manager of a dhai of mc'u's fur- ec uishing stores, as having aiginat- sE cd the igu which mearis "naugit r ovesi 40 (miles per haun) equals. ai V (victory>." Mn. Webster says a( lie lias writteu the Torouto pub- lishers setting fartaha d caims as Uiecroigiuator, of tac windshicld at aign, - sud w'd back hlm up. B i T s ADA TTSABWAVLE NAI TUE CNADIN STTESMN, BWMANILLE ONTRPAE JI,.Vm. More Customers Mean More Cash il e n ie ýe d Et * - ~ *dz00 POSA,, ~ U) ~ I (Thr -isa u t tipontn Durham County's Great Family Journal FOUR FUNCTIONS HONOR POPULAR BRIDE 0F SEASON Trousseau Tea Mns. Johnson Thickson, Ontaric Street, was hostess a( a troýisseau tea in her home on. September 1MtI in honor of Miss Alice Medd, a popular bride-to-be. Assisting the hostess iun ecciving thc guests were Miss Medd wearing deep rose crepe with corsage of shaded golden gladioli petals, and Mns. T. Hayman, mother of tac groom- to-be. Numerous pouquets of autunn flowers in blue and gold wcrc anrangcd artistically in tac living room. Iu Uic tea room Mrs. J. A. McClelland snd Mrs. Mark Lam- bourne pourcd tes at a table with a large white bell drsped with sieUl pink and white ribbon streamens extending from tac ceiing and tied i loyers' knots, and shell pink and white asters and tapers in silver holders. Large standards of gladioli and vases of asters in the same han- iiouiziug colons complcted the ensemble in the tes room. Assist- ing in thc tes roomn were Mrs. J. Edward Sliortt, Belleville, Mrs. Douglas Carter, Mrs. Duane Cami- enon sud Mns. Harvey Joint, Baw- nanville. Miss Ruthi Dumas ans- wcrcd thc door and Mrs. Chas. 3ettles was in charge of tac guest book which was autognsplicd by 85 gucsts duning the afternoon and evening. Mrs. Lester Higli- field and Miss Elleen Ruiter look- ed aftcr flic guests ta thc tnous- seau roins and displaycd the mnuy lovcly hand-worked linens, articles of weariug apparel and ccessories. Surprise Party A jolly surprise party was hcld .t tac home of Mn. sud Mns. Chas. Bettles, King Street, whcn "The Bowmanville Dairy Boys"-A. V. Mick Dilling, BIl Stein, Bruce Scott, Lloyd Taylor sud Cliarlie Bettlcs-met to honor Miss Aice Mcdd, who neccntly rcsigncd fnom thc Bowmanvillc Dairy staff. Mliss Mcdd has been in charge of thc bookkeepiug and sales service at thc dairy store for five years nd the boys prcscutedlier with an end table to mark the occa- sion of lier approacliag marriage.* 'The cveuing was pleasautly spent in cantcsts and gamesansd ne- frshmeuts were served by the hostcss. Kitchen Shower Much to the surprise of Miss Alice Medd, a lovcly kitchen îower 'was lield on September Sth at tac home of ,Mrs. Lester ïighfield, Ontario Street, in hon. )r of lier forthcoming manriage. lie noonis wene taÈtefully decor- ted with pink and white gladioli, îapdnagona and asters. Stream- Ss arnanged from a large white )ll formed a lovely sctting for Le complete set of kitchen ena- .elware in beautiful wnappings. fter thc bride-to-be receivcd her f ts an appro jâiate contest was njoycd. Lunch was senved to abut; 35 guests by Uic hostess, ssisted by Mrs. J. H. Highfield, fs. W. H. Bell, Wliitby, and Miss ýau Woodward. Presented With Hostess Set The Sauth Ward commuuity, lir Mrs. Chas. Mutton, Mns. ,nest Passant and Mns. Garfield tank as couveners, also sunpnised lUn Alice Medd on Sept. 16th lieu about 40 met at the home fMr. and Mns. J. Thickson and reseuted the bride-to-be with a eautiful 77-picce set of "Hostess" esign dlnnenwane. Carda and untests wene enjoycd and dalnty afrealiments concluded tac eve- ing. sq th th at ar ar in hc A] 5t] Hi ar TI ait gi en ai MI e ME mi bej n ni -And Sa Sockil Last wlnten a Montreal woman knltted aacks out cf a bataing suit, then, laten, knltted a bsthing suit out of thc sacha. And soon it will be wlnten agaIn.-Milwaujkee Journal. TUE MIXING BOWL Dy ANNE ALLA N 3 Hydro Nome Economlst r Remember Thanksglvlng? Hello Homemakers! Do you re- member what Gnandmothcr did on Thanksgiving Day in the past? She spent endless hours prepar- ing a feast that was to make even the sturdy table groan. She climb- ed the stairs at niglit weary to the bone fromn standing over the stove, but it was worth all the effort and expense just to have lier children and grandchildren with her once more. To-day, Grandmother does not have to slave to give holiday cheen to lier brood. Her cooking is no trouble, because she cm- ploys efficient electrical ways and still serves the most dclicîous food. She keeps up the famnily tradition of Thanksgiving Dinner at lier house, but when you ar- rive, the work is ail done. She is a wisc Grandmother who plans lier day i advance, and lets her kitchen appliances do the work for lier. Now, if you've a "'wind!fall" of visitors for Thanksgiving Dinner -you cmi make your work a lot casier, and have time out to enjoy your company, if you follow up the work schedule and menus w've planneci for you. ** * RECIPESr menus Mocli Bisque Soup with Bread Sticks Roast Goose with Pld Fashioned Dressingt Giblet Gravy - Georgian Potatoes - Buttered Turnip- Relish Tray - - Cranberry Sauce Hot Bran Rolls Punipkin Pie - - Ice Crcam d Coffeep Mock Bisque 2 cups tomatoes 2 teaspoons sugar 1-3 teaspoon soda % onion 6 cloves 1 bay-leaf 3/ cup of bread crumbs '4 cups milkp 'tablespoon saît * 'teaspoon pepperk 1-3 cup butter Scald milk with bread crumbs, 1' It: Mothers This wiIl rmmd Dr.Chos'syou.that Sru Dr. Chose's ~ Syrup lu just om de- pendable as over for the. relief of O.ugbs, Oolds, 35 à75 Bil , 4t& anion and bay-leaf. Remove sea- sonings and rub through a sieve. Cook tomatoca with sugar 15 min- utes. Add soda aud rub through a sieve. Reheat bread snd mîlk, add tomatoes and pour into serving Lbowl; add sait, pepper, diced par- .sley and butter. Serve with bresd >sticks. Roast Goose 1 goose 4/2 qts. bread crumbs 2 tbsps. poultry dressing 3 tbsps. chopped parsley Y/4 teaspoon butter 3/4 cup butter 3/4 cup minced onion 3 tbsps. choppcd celeny Singe bird by holding it over lighted candle, turning aIl sides until the hair is bunned off. Re- move tendons by means of a skewen or a trussing needle. Re- move où bag. Clean inside thor- oughly under rnning water and wash the outside, then dry. Sprinkle bird with saIt and fill with dressing. Truss bird neady for the roast pan. Bake in an open roast pan at 325'F. calculating 25 minutes per pound. Giblet Gravy Place heart, gizzard, liver and neck into a saucepan. Cover with watcr. Add saît and stew gently about 2 hours on eiectric element turned "10w". Cut meat from neck and chop it fine. Meit 2 tablespoons of butter in anothen saucepan and stir in 2 tablespoons of flour, then add 2 cups of liquid (the stock in which the giblets werc cooked), season and bring ta a boil. Finally add the giblets. Cranberry Sauce 1 quart cranberries 1/4 cup of water 2 % cups sugar Pick over berrnes. Wash and drain. Add water and sugar, snd prut in covered casserole. Cook wvith oven meal for 30 minutes. Rellsh Tray 3 celery hearts 12 glierkins Y4 IL.peanut butter 1 buncli of radishes Prepare celery. Split stalks lengthwise into quarters. Spread peanut butter on the cclcry aud place on a rclish tray. Place glier- kins around celcry. Scrub rad- ishes and tnim off roots and large, leaves anly. Cut into shapcs' by slicing petal-like stripsi toward the leaf end. Soak a few minutes in ice water. Then drain aud add to thc relisli tray which is cover- ed. Place in the electric refrigera- tor until serviug time. Georgian Sweet Potataes 2 pounds sweet potatoes 5 tablespoons of butter 1 teaspoon saît 4 tixblespoons molasses Hot milk Prepare potatoes sud place iu i greascd casserole. Bake with the oven meal. Buttered Turnlp 1%k qts. diced turuip Sait and cooking fat Place in a grcased casserole. Pour one haîf inch of water into the bottom of the casserole and over. Store in the clectric re- rigerator uhtil the oven meal is placed in the oven. *Bran Refrlirerator Roisa 1 cup boiling water 1 cup lard 3/ cup sugar 11/ cups bran 2 eggs 2 cakes *ycast 1 cup lukewarm water 7 or 8 cups flour 1 2 teaspoons saît Pour boillng water over thc ard and str until melted. Add ;gar, bran aud sait and mlx well. Nhen cool add beaten eggs, ycast ýkes dlssolved in the lukewarmn water. Add floun sud. knead until smooth. Put daugli into a bowl sud spread witli a little melted lard sud caver witli wax papen. Set in the electric refrigenaton until ncady ta use. Cut off a amail amouut of dougli sud shape in baIl and place in greascd muffin pan. Caver sud let risc in a wanm place until double in bulk, about one houn. Bake in preheated elcc- tric aveu 400'F. for about 10 min- utes. Makes 31/2 dozen nolîs. Pumpkln Pie 'h cupa prcpared pumpkin 2-3 cup bnowu sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoou sait 2 eggs 2 cups milk 'teaspoon ginger 1Steam freali pumpkiu. P ut through sieve. Add rcmainiug in- gredieuts sud tun into a cruat liued pan sud bakte. Use a teni- perature of 4501 for 10 minutes. Reduce the tempenature and con- tinue caoklug lu the elcctrîcaven at 325* until a silver knife in- serted in tac centre cames out dlean. Do not let the pie bail as this wiil make it wstery. WORK SCHEDULES Day Before Thanksglvlng 1. Clean goose sud get it al ready ta stuff . 2. Cut up bread for dressing. 3. Cook gibiets, sud wlien cool. store inan electric refrigerator. 4. Clesu craubennies. 5. Mix daugli for nolîs sud store in covered pan in electric refrig- erator. 6. Make soup sud store in elcc- tric refnigenator wheu cool. 7. Make pastry sud pumpkiu filling. Store in electnic nefrig- enatan wlien cool. 8. Chieck linen, silver, china, etc. Be aune ail anc ready fan use. Thanksglvlng Mornlng Preparatîan 1. Shape roîls sud set on board in wanming oven of the electric range ta nise. .2. Mix thc dressing; stuff bird, trusa, snd get ready for roaating; figure out the tume nequired ac- cordiug ta the weiglit of tac bird. 3. Prepare sud mix ice cream. When frozen turun efnigenaton control back ta normal. SPECIAL IIThis Saturday-I 1 A MOTHER'S PRODLEIW Shc said "gaod-uight"an1 toddlcd off to bcd While I stood Iooking at lier cunly head; Suspicion comes, it's sucli an ugly Ghoat, Have I ever failed lier wheu she nceded me moat? Have I always understood tac thinga that made lier sad, Docas sc know 1 neyer mesu it wlien I say she la bad? Doca she know I always love her, even when I'm finm? Slie's sucli s thing to have so mucli to learn. Does she reaîîy undcnstand whcn I say definitely "no" That it's for the beat, not juat be- cause I waut it a.? Have 1 been impatient because I wasn't feeling good? Have I becu as uudenstauding as THE CANADIAN WEIEKLY LEAOS THE WAY TO B OTH! There is a waytekeep people coming into your store. Tere ta a way to keep thIose coins =rop intom your cash drawer. And there lawyto keep yonr business steadily forging ahead. That way la advertising. More speolfically, advertislng in your local weekly neWspaper. Every word you print in the local newspaper will be read by hundreds of familles in the town and market ares. Your message wl reaoh huadreds of housewives: the real buying agents of the community, And be- cause they have seen ft ini their newapapcr, )your printed word wlll carry weight. Beîides reaching the homes of most of the people in the community, this paper offers you many aida in your advertising prepara-' tien bolh as to copy and la.yout. Further- more, the advertlsing staff in at your ser- vice, mntelligeritly equipped to offer your practical suggestions as to the type of ad- vertising that will prove niost effective for Yeu. Yo'll find that it pays te advertise in Thse Question Box Miss M. Mc.asaka: Are crmiber- ries a good source of Vitamin C? Answer: Yes, but cook slowly ta retain as mudli Vitamin content as possible. Mrs. B. J. aska: Wliat is a "mar- inated" lierrng? Answer: One that is pickled sud preserved iu ail or vinegan. Mns. D. C. writes: Wlin o anc told taat compote will be aerv- cd for dessert, do you neceive s whipped creani dessert or fruit cooked in sauce? Answen: Neither - juat plain stewed fruit. b Iss J. H. aqks* For necipe for buttenscotdh pie. Auswer: Butterscotch Pie 4 tbsps. butter 3 tbsps. carnatarcli 1 cup bnown sugar %k teaspoon sait 2 dupa lot milk 3 yolks of eggs 1 tbsp. caramel syrup Method: Creani butter, add corn- standh, sait sud sugar mixcd. Add milk slowly, cook sud stin ou ci- ectric elemeut tumned ta 'medium' uutiî thick and no naw flavor cari be taatcd. Add ta beaten egg yalks slawly. Returu ta elcctnic clement sud cook again until thick. Remove fnom lest, add caramel synup. Pour inta baked pie shdil, top with meringue sud bake in electric aven at 325'F. un- til browu. Aune Alîsu invites you to write ta lier cla Thc Statesman. Juat seud in your questions ou home- making problemsansd watdh this little corner of thc columu for replies. Thc ides that familles living in city apartments don't kuow ecdl other is a myta. You know thc saund of tacin voices, tIc weight of their alioca (if they'ne upatains), ROYAL BOWMAN VILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Set. OÙTOIBER 2 - 3 - 4' Double SBu "GO WEST" wlth the niotous Marx Brothers and. "THE TRIAL'0F MARYOGAN"Y Staring Laraine Day and Robt. Young Mon* - Tues. - Wed. OCTOBIER 6 - 7 - 8 "POT 0' GOLO" Starrlng . James Stewart and Paulette Goddard LAUREL AND HAR àDY CO1WEDY News Reel HEADED FOR 310 Fail and Winter Succes Fur Trimmed 4-eý Coats Wide Price Range $20 ap SPECIAL REPRESENTATIE ofthtie ALLENITCOATj CO. wfl be at TheOEV1-yHShop Saturday, Oct. 4th For a Speelal Showing of WINTER COATS Coats Made-to-Order. la ipecAbl measunements, Choae youn style - It eau be made up as Many styles - Fured Reefer, perfect wlnter coat for smart women, Mlnk blended collar and cuffa onnalinu-fittng reefer. Newest 1942 detail- Ing makes this coat a wlnner anywhere. DRUSS COATS Sente heaped wlth sîlver fox4c, set off a itun- nlng fitted dresa coat..Have yours from a bit collectIon of Iuxury wlnter coats. The Evlyn Shop PHRONIE 594 CHINS UP EVERYBODY! We Are One Day Nearer Vlctory Maelntosh Ist Quailty APPLES - --- basket 20e QUAKER OATS - - - package 21c Speclal Sale Price on FRY'S COCOA lb. 31c 1-2 lb. 19e Aunt Jerma PANCAKE FLOUR - package 17e Rinsa Macaroni & Spaghett, 2 med. tins 25c Suregood PEAS ---.* 200oz.tins 25c Santa Clare PRUNES - - - - - - periM. Ise SVegtabie & Tomate Soup 2 tins 25c PLAN A FISU MEAL TRIS WEEK! Save on meats. Deliclous Super- chIli Produots. Always fresh. HARRY ALLIN TME CORNER GEOCERY c Phones 367-368 - Delivery Service o Do 1 chastise lier for thinga I shauldn't notice And notice thinga I neally slould igune? I'vc neyer fouud au answer ta these questions Thougli I'vc thouglit about thern mauy tumes before. -Lila Campbell. bake. Rail out pastny sud add pumpkiu filliug. Bake whcn raIls are takeu out of the elcctric aven. 5. Prepare sweet Patatacs sud tunnip, sud put in electnic, refrig- erator until the oven meal ia ta be started. 6. Place crauberries in casse- role ready for oveu meal alsa. 7. Wash celery sud iplit i quartera; prepane nadishes sud store bath in cavcred containers lu the clectric refrigenator. 8. Set the table sud arrange service dishes in tac kitchen. Put soup dishes, plates sud cups iu the warmiug oven of tac elcctnic range. 9. Put aveu meal in at the pro- per time. Heat saup. 10. Make coffee in electri cocf- fee maken sud bread sticks ou electric grill-sud dinner la serv- cd! Take A TIp Yeast mixtures sliould be made, by cvery homemaken, ta aid in the wlieat surplus situation-sud for betternuutritiou. 10 A ellv irn7ip OVERSEAiS MAIL OFTEN LOST ON VARIOUS WAYS Many people have becu won- dcrnug wliy tlicy have not heard froni soldiers on frfeuds sud re- latives overseas in answer ta Jet- ters sent sud more particulariy that specific auawers thcy have souglt have not been aswercd. Some have blamed tac cesos but seldoni do ceusons witliliod cutine lettens. The fact is taat aU mail must go sud came via air- plane on slips sud bath anc sub-- ject, niglit sud day, ta cucemy at- tacks. Losa Of them means lois Of mail, forever. For instance, a case may be cited of s single ship carrying 1546 baga ôf mail, f which aven a tlioussnd werc tram the Base Post Office, Ottawa, cotinig military mail for soldiens aven- seas. That Alip disappeared coni- pleteîy sud the mail wita it, prob- ably holding upward of s million letters. Then again there is dclsy ou account of carelessucas on m- proper address. Here arc soe neminders: While bass of mail thnough euemy action is a seniaus factor, anc f the greateat reasons for delay on non-delivery f mail is failune on the part of the public to propenly addncss sud properly pack their Ovenseas Military Mail. As lias already becu meutioncd, in ancmoutli alone, aven 18,000 letters anrived at the Base Paît Office in Great Bitain incorrect- the searching of valuminous re- cords ta provide redirectory ser- vice. Infonrmation was also recently receivcd that tram Jmiuany lit, 1941, ta, August 3lst, 1941, sanie 4012 parcels rcaclied tac Any Base Pot Office Canada - far hort of tacir averseas destination - toc badly. damaged ta be sent o. 0f tais number it was possible tb Put sanie 3488 ito'satisfactony Condition for ouwand transmis- sion. 0f the balance, thc contents wvere s0 badly damagcd that taey iad ta be disposed of sud tac scuders adviscd. This re-addressing of letters ad re-packiug of parcels al takes up thc tume of Canadian Postal Crps workcns, who should legi- ;imately be engaged in xpediting lic delivcry of corrcctly preparcd

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