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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1941, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMrAN VILE, ONTAIO THTJRSDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1941 Maple Grove Sorry to lose Mrs. James Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood and faxily from aur community who have gone to Bowmanville ta re- side. Quarterly service next Sunday. Rally Day service was he ld last Sunday wth a gaad attendance. The àtary was given by Mrs. I. Munday; a sang by the day schaol; Rev. A. R. Cragg, M.A., 'Éown, delivered a splendid address on ."Need af a Religiaus Educatian"; selectian by the chair, scripture read by Rass Metcalf, Stanley PERSONAL* GREETINGS Already? TES! Theso must be ordered ear17 if coing overseas. 25 for $1.00 Envelopes Ineluded, Your Name Imprinted. Coutt's Canadian Personai Greeting Cards. WOOL F"or Service Knltting and Home Use We Have What You Require. WVALLPAPER ANMD PAINT Atùractive Bargains ln Room- Lot Walipapers The OId Reliabie FLOGLAZE PAINT. J, W.'J EWELL Phono1556 Bowmmffle Snowden and Ronald Smith. Mr. and Mis. John Happsaend Glenn, Troronto, at Mr. Fred Ste- yens'. Mi. and Mis. Leslie Collacutt, Misses Pearl and Lenore Colla- cutt at Mr. W. H. Wcstlake's, Sa- lina. Raîpli Tlimpsan and Wallle Gillctt, R.C.A.F., Toronto, at Mis. L. C. Snowden's. Mis. Will Carey, Oshiawa, with Mn.. N. I. Metealf. Mi. and Mma. Lorenzo Truil and Franklin, Hampton, Mr. end Mis. Austin Baron, Hampton, at Mr. and Mis. Wallace Munday's. mapie Grove Se hool News (By Uic pupils af the achool) On Sept. 19Ui Mm.. F. Swallow sent a bird up ta Uic adhoal whldh Itie cauglit. We found if was a Grebe.. .. Junior Red Cross offi- cens for 1941-1942 aie: Pies- Harry Snowdcn; Vice Pes.-Dor- een Jeffemy; Sec.-John Morton. ..On Sept. 25th Morley Stalicer brouglit in two guinea piga and we lad a vemy nteretig lesson. ..On Sept. 26tli we held aur firat Mission Band meeting of flic year, with Doreen Jeffemy's group in charge. . . . On Sunday flic Sm. ooni sang in chumch. For flic last flirce weeks we have gatten ten ouf af ten in music. Zion Mi. and Mis. Anson Balson and daugit cm. moved Thursday ta. their ncw home near Mono Mi1s- Dorcen i. taying at A. T. Stain- ton's for a month. Mm.. Harry Allia lias îcturned ta hem home in Bowmanviile. Mms. Wes. Cameron attended flic funeral of Mis. Fred Cadh- rane an Friday. Mi. and Mis. Robert Sager, Mr. Adami Hawley, Miss Berenice Stainton, Peterboro, Mi. and Mis. Rosa Lee, Diane and-Brian, Ked- on, at A. T. Stainton's. Pte. Harvey Balson, Toronto, Miss Emily Killen, Oshawa, at Robt. Killen's. Mi. and Mis. A. T. Stainton and Misa Diane Lee at Wilbemt Budd'a, Port Hope. Misa Ruthi Rabbins at Perey Langmaid's, Oshawa. Miss Marguerite Martin, Toron- ta, at Thas. Martin's. Mi. and Mis. Rusell Perkins and Margaret af Fred Ashton's, Toronto. Mr. and Mis. Christ ian Star, Toronto, at Hans Geissbemgem's. Mi. and Mis. J. E. Smitli, Mr. A. D. McKittrick and Helen, Mis. Walkcm, Orangeville, at Mrs. J. W. McMaste's. Mi. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen at Peter Elemont's, Bow- manville. Mi. and Mm.. Fank Innîs and Faye, Sonya, af Fred Cameron'.. Messrs. Lloyd and Boyd Ayre at Lloyd Metcalf's, Bowmanville. Mi. Alf. Ayne at Milton Pair. COIN A&P Chic. Golden aMoma3 »i-os.2 5o If CORN A&P Choice Goden Bantam 80el 100 0 TOMITO JIJICE AYLmER 20oz. *- go 0 TOMATOES A&P Fancy 2 for 23c Pl NDE -DEL MAIZ n&Ie si TOMAtO JIJCE A&P '2 Sc T WAX BEANS GREEN GIAI4T 1=Io l SOUJS AylmerTom or V..2 15o Pl APICGTS AyIm.r Choic2 i-.27o CJ CHERRMES Aylmer Red Pittcd Tin 16c Si PIècaa E T STMAKS and ROASTS 2Ç . .tebeis .irqi, lnCube.»M Vas2 SONIEss ROUND ib. 29 SHOULDIR o« CW~CK ROAST lb. la PRIME aRe LROAST ib. 23 M.ADE ROAST lb. 2C SHORT RIe tOAST lb. 21 VECETUBLES Aylmer Mxed Zlm 23C PINACI 2 for 19e PIC DETSCHOICE 16-0. PEUS& CAIOTS Aylmer '&- lc TDAWU JARE ouapeU Ja3-r 28C GMN. JUICE 'cA.à.ms 2 zel-8. 15c fol[. JUIC LISBeS laTU c PRACE JIE îON~A 32-m26c PEUS GREEN GIANT 2 T@.» 27c êATCHUP Clark'. 12,- HORTENING White Claver lb. 17e AP COFFEE BOKAR 1-1b.39C 8 O'CLOCK -.35 c REDMO cmcu1-b. 31 sc oe ,2c VGBIIJINI SPMING LAMB Lowinsl. 2, Frontslb.17,c Rb Chops lb. 29c CHlCUCINS FRESH ROASTING 4 o5 lbo.. lb. 29c Freah Fruits & Vegetables TURNIPS r ia l b. 2c OMCOOHINO No. 1 GRADE et Vi ~ tai C 3 Ibo. 10e *I Ymu à àuoeeetvtai jL.7c TOKAY OG AI czaORIA 2 Ilbo..19C C*IJVoUIU IXTA LàRgEVALENCIA ORANIS .~ ytaisn ~ Daz. 37c SOIJ1S ue'L 2 ie 25o SPAGHETTI0*2 unwe23o BARU FOUDS 3 ».. 25o JIORFOUDS 2 ~. lc REll! Ton,.Sauce 2 '230 £PAGE UT BREAD 2ZM l5< JILLY ROLLS mâ. 19c Raisin Loaf 13C Doughmite Doz. 12e Hampton Mis. Jno. Balson, Misa Jean Balson and Mis. J. McNab attend- cd a presentation for Mi. and Mis. Anson Raison and family at Zion,. prion ta their moving ta Mona Mills, near Orangeville, whcee11e ha. been engaged as a shepherd. Rev. W. Rackham preachcd at Clarke and Newcastle on Sunday in Uic absence of Rev. R. E. Mon- ton wlio had charge af harvest services at Eldad. Central Group af Uic W. I. held a quilting at Miss L. Reynolds' on Tliursday. W. M. S. iüet at Mis. W. W. Horn's with Uic president in charge. Begin now ta pray end womk for Uic New Order was givea by Mms. Saier, affer wlicà Mia. Cale and Mis. Blanchard led in prayer. Ncxt meeting is at Mm.. Niddery's. Progiarn>vas in charge of Mis. Cale. Bible lesson was nead by Mis. Burns. A'short play, "'Advcattines in Friendship" was given by Mis. Buras, Mis. H. Salten, Mis. Cale, Mis. Warren, Mis. Billcft and Mis. Niddery. Study book on China, "Sans af Shu"l was intraduccd Mis. Nid- deny, Mis. Cale and Mis. Billett. Visitons: Mm. A. B. Cryderman, Glea Minler, visited relatives heme. Misa Constance Farncomb, To- monta, visited her parents. Mr. and Mis. J. R. Reynolds 'wene la Toronto. Misa Myrtle Hall, Bowman- ville, with Misa Pearl Gilbert. Miss R. Anthiafle, Brantford, at E. Anthiafle'. Misa E. McMillan viaited frienda at Cobourg. Mia. W. W. Horn with Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Horn, Pot't Hope. Miss Doris Crydemman, Cour- fiee, with hem parents. Mr. aad Mms..Jao. Short, Cour- fiee, Mr. R. C. Short, Mi. Don Lavis, Tory lli, at J. W. Balsoa's. .Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Baker, Bow- manville, at Mis. Bessie Rabbins'. Mm. aad Mis. Raymond Burns and dauglifer Barbara, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. D. Rackham, Bow- mnville, at S. Kersey's. Mms. W. J. Warner, Hastings, Mrs. H. E. Tink, Salina, at Jae Cbapman's. Co-operation The court was silent except for flic dean-eut fanes aiflice defead- ing counsel. Everyaae hung on his word., and many thought lie would casily win his case. "And now, gentlemen of Uic jury," lic began ta wind up, "I ask you: Wlieme could this prisoner have hidden flic watdli? Nof in bis pocket. The constable lias al- meady told you that flic man was seardlied. Not in lis shoca-the watcb waa fao large. Thon wlieme was if hidden?" "Please, air, I put if under my 'at," said the prisonr.-Tit-Bits. Frank Kcith, Toronto, at Mr. A. Solmna L. Pascoe's. _____ Mr. and Mrs. Lew RaIni, Richi- Harvcst Home services were mond 'Hill, at Mr. Edgar Pies- well attended Sunday when Rcv. catt's. R. E. Morton, Newcastle, deliver- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott, cd two inspiig addresses. Spe- Enfield, Miss Eunice Knapp, Osli- cial music by Uic chair, with awa, at Mr. j. Smales. Kathleen Baker and George Wer- M.ad rs e Tmln ry taking solo parts, ably assisted Mi. candMs. rye Tamblyn zy Mr. Ivor Davies, Oshawa, whoOrnaM.E.Cdem 's rendered a beautiful vocal solo at Mi. and Mrs. Bil Nesbitt, the evcning service. Brooklin, at Mi. Ralph Davis'. Mr. George White celebratcd Mr. anid Mrs. Ernest Lamer 1118 8lst birthday on Sunday wlien and famlly at Mr'. E. R. Taylor'.. ail of 1118 childien and grand- Mr. and Mis. J. W. Balson and childien were present ta hanour Jean, Hamipton, Mr. Harvey Bal- hirn. Mr. White also rcceived son, Stanley Barraclis, Toronto, many beautiful floral gifts, cards Miss Emma Killen, Oshawa, Mr. and letters from hia friends. We, and Mis. Allen Balson, Kingston, tao, wish ta say "Happy Birth- Mi. and Mis. Russell Balson, day!"y Bowiiaiivile, at Mr. A. J. Bal- Miss Ella Milson 18 attending sO0n's. business college, Toronto. Mi. and Mis. J. Reynolds and Synipathy 18 extended ta Mrs. f anily at Mi. Reg. Sumnierville's, Frank Westlake on Uic death of Cherrywood.-. 11cr brother, John Avery, Burke- Mi7s.Bryce Brown with Mr. and ton. Mis. Will McKee, Toronto. Visitars: Mis. J. T. Rundle has rcturned Mr. Wm. WiUls, Hastings, Mr. home affer a pleasant visit at Mr. and Mis. W. A. Ormiston and Kyle Squair's, Shaw's. Marion, Columbus, Mr. and Mis. Mi. and Mis. Shirley White, Hilton Tink an~d f anily, Base, Jean, Jerry and Donald, Toronto, Line, Mr. and Mis. Percy Dewell, Mi. and Mis. Gardon Law, Pick- Kisale,-at Mr. H. E. Tink's. Mis. erng, at Mr. George White's. Will Wainer, who lias been visit- Gardon Scott and Harold Bal- ing at Mi. Tink's, rcturned ta 11r son with Mis. Charles Scott, home at Hastings. Southampton. Miss Jean Leach, Bowmenvifle, Miss Jessie Yellowlees, Oshiawa, Misses Doris Leach and Marguer- Mr. Ivan Ellicott, Belevile, at ite Travail, Taunton, at Mr. J. R. Mr. N. C. Yeilowlees'. Kiveil's.. Mr. and Mis. Fred Hardy and Mis. Walter Langmaid, Misses Mr. aiâ Mis. Bul Mander, New Vida, Sybil and Florence Lang- Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Harvey rhaid, Misa Elda Mountjoy, Osh-. Hardy, Bowmenvile, at Mr., Isaac awa, at Mr. Roy.-Lengmaid's. Hardy'.. Mr. nd rs. . CMr. and Mis. Bort Glaspeil, Hmpto, Me nd Mis. .Chapman, Miss Norma Glaspeil, and Miss HampanMi. nd is.Everett Margaret McClure, Zion, Mr. end Eiliott, Mary and Barbara, Osha- isCh.WarnHapna wa, with'Mis. R. J. McKessock. -Mrn.,Cccihas aresHaptn, Mr. end Mrs. Franik Wrighit,MrCei aces Bawmanville, at Mr. E. Hocha- days. Mis. L. Snowden end Bob, Ma- Salemn ple Grave, Mr. end Mis. J. D.____ Hogarth, Hampton, at Mr. Thos. Baker's.. tAbout forty Oshawa people gathered at the homeo f Mis. G. Mm. and Mis. Charles Hawsam Burrus an Frlday evenlng when and Mary, Port Perry, at Mr. W. a sliowen was given ta a cousin Pamrinder's. af Mis. Burrus who la a bride-to- Misses Marjarie and Ejîcen be. Couch, Bowmenviile, Miss Elaine The wind stôrm of last week Ormistan, Maple Grave, at Mr. J. dld cansiderable damnage ta Uic Baker's. apple crop and ta barnis and silos. Mr. Bensan Cryderman, Glen Hamxpton W. I. East Group met .Miller, with lits brother, Mr. Wal- at Mis. R. Knox's for their weck- tom Crydormen. ly sewing bec. Mr. and Mis. Will Quicli end Sacramnent was dispensed at thc Don, Miss Wilson, Bowmanviile, Sunday service and Rev. Gard- * Mi. and Mn.. Charles Wery, Mr. ner's fino sermon centred around and Mm.. Ivor Davies, Mr. end Uiat theme. Mis. S. Davldson, Mr.. Dewar, Y. P. U. met Sept. 24111, wltli Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Russell President G. Barrie li thc chair. Thonipson, Mri. S. Thanipson, Miss M. Collacutt had charge of Miss Ellott, Toronto, Mr. and Uic. progra n theUi absence of Mis. Sami Brooks, Gwen and Miss B. Thonipson: Bible refen- Grant, Providence, at Mn. S. E. onces, F. Blackburn; topic discus- Werrys. glon, Mrs. R. Wintor; vocal solo, Rev. R. E. Morton, Mr. Wes. pis D. Wintcr; rcadings, Mis. Glenney, Newcastle, Miss NoaaIH Barrie, Mrs. L. Squalr, Mn.. L. Wemmy, Mr. and Mrs. Wiil Mount- Welsh, F. Blackburn and E. loy and family, Kedron, Mi. and Doldgo; violin selectIon, W. Tay- Mis. Art Moore, Enniakillen, Mr. lor; cammunity singing led by and Mis. Luther Pascoe and Ruth, Rev. Gardner; Quiz cantest by Moan, Misa Irone Pascoe, Mr. -the recreatlonai leader. INTH DIM AND) DISTANT PAST Prom The Statesman Files TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO FIFTY TEARS AGO Prom The Canadian Statesm, Prom The Canadian Statesman, li 'ved here mast af 111 11e, Less drunks an Fair night than in word has been received af the years past. . . Marshall Porter, death af John H. Kidd, Cebailos, treasurer, was anceof the most Cuba. Ho was fareman with 1118 active men an the graunds. .. R. father-mn-law, John P. Rice, build- Windatt, secretary, had heavyi or and contractor and later mana- duties. .. G. D. Fletcher makos a1 ger and partner af the D. O. & P. good gatekeeper. .. The shaating Ca. factory. gallery near the horse shed was a Frank L. Lucas, brother af Mrs. nuisance; Alfred Chapman had a John Darcli, writes: "I entered the valuable colt shot li the neck.. Navy within a month of landing Thos. Baker, Solina, was a suc- in the Old Country and have-been cessful exhibitor. at sea most of the time since. My Cartwright Fair. The horse wlfe recently. lost 11r father alnd show was a great attraction with a brother was kiiled i France. 30 animnais in the drauglit and 40 Major Lamne McLaughlin writes in the general purpose classes. about thc death of 1118 cousin, Ma- For exhibits of bread, buns and jor Arthur E. McLaughlin, wefl pastry, Miss F. Parr, daughter of known barrister af this town: "lHe the secretary, carried off the hon- was hit, while noving farward ors. Robt. Beith, M.P., spent the with some mon with himself i day handshaiking and gave $15.00 thc lead. I heard him say 1O taward flhc prize liat. Lamne' and turned just in tire ta For those who think present sec him falling. I did not think day.editarials too vituperate hereÀ lie was scriously wounded at thec are some af the ternms the States- time but two days later he was in man editor called 1118 rival editor1 a very seriaus condition. It was in this issue: "Reptile, spy, sneak, a bullet wound in the abdomen. traitor and double-faced vaga-1 I got a Presbyterian minister, Ma- bond." There are mre-bût that jor Thomas ta take thc service gives an idea ta what extent per-1 an~d the brigade Church of Eng.. sonal feeling ran amok fifty years land chaiilain was also there." aga.1 An appreciation of Rev. Wm. M. V. Treleaven, Bowmanville, Joliffe, who entered into rest i wloio on a visit ta lits brother Bowmanville on Sept. l7th, 1916, and sister i England, ordcred in his 9ist year, is gîven in thisrand sent direct fram Anierica for issue by Rev. John Kenner, Lon- his use a handsome Canadian cov- don, Ont. crcd phaeton built at thc Geo. C. Pte. Ed. F. Carr writes of thc Haines Carniage Works, Bowman- trials on thec way overseas: "The ville. The carniage la remarkabiy ride bctween thc two C.P.R. sta- liglit in construction ana beauti-1 tions in Montreal in a horse- fully covered. drawn bus is about as pleasant as Enniskillen: Mrs. W. Mils has it would be i Glover's bus over removed thc bodies of 11cr hus- a city cob-lestone road. Going tobndadfuchlen howr Pomnt Levis ta take the boat aver- buied here ta a ncw plot in the seas it was rainig on the open beautiful 4owmanville ccmetery. ferry we were in and we ail pack- oetMmnOoo e ed intbwit the lwrPtofhenbot. lighted ail with a practical ser- The large bans ihtenir mon dolivered in thc Methodist scasan's crop and stock bclanging Church. ta Thos. Aitkens, Cavan, were Osa : yfrtemtex burnt by a spark from a Ureshing tesvaad eByf rfli ost eo- engine. Loss $12,000.tnsvansrisfreoralg Death: Colacott-Near Tynane, tinie broke out i the premises Oct. 4t11, Jane Frice, widow af of R. Thomas, Simcoe St. and James Collacott, age 84 years. south of Luke's three storcy block, Dcat: Ielad-Kllc hiac-burning out R: Thomas, confec- tion, Sept. 17th, in France, Pte. tioner, Jas. Rutland, butchen, Mis- David Wallace Ircland, 46th Regt. ses Joncs and Coughlin, milliners, C.E.F., bcloved husband of Mary Mr. Baie, boot and shocmakem, Elizabeth Ireland, age 40 years. and A. R. McLcan, furniture deal- Ebenezer: Mr: Clemence, west er. The kitchen of Uic Central of Courtice, who lias been manu- Hotel was also burned, as was a facturing toys on a large scale, is woodcn building owned by W.1 ta become a partner in a large Jewell. Mr. Crysdale suffers con- Toronto concern... . Thos. Gould sidenable loss fnom smokc and1 bas moved ta Bowmanville ta water. work in Uic rubber factomy. Hampton: On Sept. 3th, Jas. ________________ Paiton, Bownianvile, and Miss1 Trifena Burrows of this place1 An organization meeting of St. wcre united i matrimony by Rev. John's A.Y.P.A. ýwas held Manday . f. Harris and Rev. J. MeCollougli. niglit with thc president Miss . .. J. D. Treicaven la necovcnlng Violet McFeters prcsiding. tfrom a serious illncas. Cadmus Mr. Phirnip GeaI, gardener ai Dahlia Del, retuins ta lia duties at Uic Granite Club on Oct. 1sf. - The Rogers, Wison. and Clare Fallta accupied flicir cottages aven thc weekend. Mr. and Mis.'lhompson, Toron- ta, arc staying witli Mis. Wolfe. Mis. I. Whitlicld is with lier daugliter Mis. I. Wlitfield at Ca-, The shortage af gas 18 bcing f cît in fis district. Miss Helen Gibson end Mr. Bert Reid, Oshiawa, Mr. Wm. Brown and Iamily, Omemec, spent Sun- day with Mi. and Mrs. Russel Brown. Eniskillen Mr. and Mis. R. Preston attend- cd Genciai Motors War Vet. Pan- ade at Knox Churcl inl Oshawa. Harvest Thanksglving Services will be held at Enniskilen United Chunch on Suaday evening, Oct. 5th. We wclcomc Mi. and Mis. Yeo ta aur coninunity. Visitons: Mir. and Mis. A. ToUfer at Mr. A. Wearn's. Mis. W. Darnah witli lien son Mr. J. Dairah. Misa Florence VanNeat, Toron- ta, at Mr. J. A. Wcrry's. Mr. A. Wcain, R.C.A.F., Eden- ville, at home. Mr. and Mis. M. Hobbs at Mr. H.. ChantIer'. and Mi. S. Pitts', Lindsay.. Mis. E. MeConcîl, Manitoba, Mis. R. Burgess, Tymane, Mis. M. E. Virtue, Tymane, at Mi. H. Ste- Rcv. and Mis. A. Cragg, Bow-. manville, and Mis. (Rcv.) D. R. Claie, Port Credif, calied at thc parsonage Moaday. Mi. and Mis. C. Rahm at Mis. Ella SmiUi's. Mrs. Mary Griffin and Mr. J. E.' Griffin, Weston, at Mr. W. A. Rahm's. Mr. and Mis. W. A. Ralin at Mr. L. Griffin's, Purple Hil. 1Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, at Mr. Wesley Oke's. Mis. Thaman, Kitchener, at, Mr. B. Preston'.. Mi. and Mis. G. Beech at Grimsby. Tyrone Visitais: Pte. Tom Phiips with frieads here. Major Floyd Dudley la at lits home liere. Pte. Waltecm Park, Niagara-on-1 the-Lake, at F. L. Byam's. Pte. Lloyd Yeo at 1118 parents'. Mr. and Mis. Bert Stevens and Mia. -Enocli Stevens, Hampton, at Mr. Robt. Burgess'. Mi. and Mis. Leslie - Sîight, Toronto, af Mi. L. Brooks'. Mis. W. McCarty, Mis. W. Hodgson and daughter 'Marjorie, Mr. Arthur Brisbin, Lindsay, at-i tcndcd Uic funcral of B. F. Gar- diner and called on friends here. Mi. and Mis. Sherman Osborne, and Mis. R. Osborne, Toronto, af Mr. L. J. Goodman'.. Mi. and Mis. Wesley Taylor1 and fanuily, Mis. Haiold Burgess,1 Donothy and Bruce, at Mr. Earl Stepliens', Mt. Pleasant. Mi. and Mia. E. A. Virtue with hem father, 1i. Gea. Carr, at Bradford. Rcv. Gardner delivered a fine sermon Sunday morning and dis- pensed thc sacrament at Uic close ai Uic service. - Tyrone Womca's Institufe met Sept. 24tli at flic parsonage witli President Mis. F. Dudley presid- ing. Mis. A. F. Gardner taak charge af the devotional. The president called for reports on flic prizes won at Oshawa Faim, flic War Work and flic Comfort Com- mittee. Thc group leader, Mis. R. Wright, faok charge af Uic pro- gramn and conducfed flic mail cal. Tapies were gîvea ouf whici weme answemed by anc-minute tàîks. Mrs. Wright introduced Mis. O. V. Roîpli, district secrctary, wlio gave some practical thouglifs on "Feeding fthc Mnd," cmphasizing the value of readig, fthc choice af good reading material, Uic cuiti- vating of Uic taste for good read- ing, -and Uic guidence of Uic young in their reading, alsa hm the choice of movies. Mrs. Gar- don Brent, accampanied by Mrs. Howard Brent, rcndcred a patio- tic solo. Miss Kaiglit gave a talk on the value af vegetabie juices. Lunch. was served and a pleasant social lialf-hour spent. ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfuily versatile e n t e r- tainer, for your next entertain- ment. Illustrated clrcular fre. . Address - 628b Crawford Street, Tarnt AT FAIR -PRICESI Good printing la an, essentiai to most business- men and to many private individuals. We are equipped with fine, modern printlng machinery manned by expert craftsmen, and are in a posi- tien to offer fine printing at fair market prices. »You'i find printing- done to the most exactig standards when it's done by us., and you'I1 find also that it's done economically. The Canadian Statesman PAGE SIX .1 PMims abjmg et . mrk changes.pureltaa iuwtoi t. faie wmwR rgi L. 'rr .~', , Cowling Souls The Best And Serves You Weil For Coughs Vitamin Produets Dreophos - - - $1.00 60c Halibut 011 CaP. - 890 Mamsn1 49- 40o - 75e 100 C.L.O. Caps. - - 98<0 Buckley's Mixture. 40e - 75e MeadS C.L.O. - 500 - 750, White plue »& Tar 25e - 50o Alphamfettes $1.00 - $1.85$3JO pertusson-- 590 - $1.39 codlettes - $1.09 - $1.98 Cherry Cough - 25e - 50e Wampole's Extract -$10 COM'lN'G ......SOON NYAL z2for 1 SALE Chases' Bike' NerveWht Food Rub 600e- $1.50 A K EÀ 500 Caps.,LT" 10 for 25e 50e - $1.00 MI AT' 1 o 5 ICON@MY oeu@ snse Estivin SIXe 5 10 vacuum Drops98#f 3o * Ilot Certified Antifreeze, no rusting, gai. $ 1.59 Aicohol Antifreeze - - gai. $1.49 BE PREPARED - GET TOUR NEEDS NOW! Gilette Razor & Blades 49e9eSz Nxea -650 Autostrop Razor - Z 5e Size Noxzema-- 19o Wilkinson Razor $35.00 $1.00 D.&R. Cold Cream 69e Roils Razor $ 7.95 1 'estle's RInse - 15o - 35o We test eyes and fit trusses to your entire satisfaction in quality, style and price. Phone D PlAIU~Dm RPop 695 P. R. JUVVLIN, [iiII .8, "t A&P FOOD STORES 4L

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