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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1941, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THECAADLN TAESMN,# OWANMU oNAIO TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBI~ 2, 1941 I ____________________________________________ h _______________________ SPORT mu- EWS High School Girls Make Record Two Win Every Event ini Class Unuaualy fine siowmngs by ath letes at Uic B.H.S. Field D"~ September 24th, resulted in twi girl campetitors garnering 100 pe: cent ai pointa in their classeç Bath Darothy Downey and Bett Spencer secured a "possible". Allich contestants were higi praised by their physical direc tara, Miss Barbara Burnaby an( Mr. G. B. Gaulding. Thc leading boy winners ir ecd section were: Senior-Keitl Biilctt, 15 pointa; Intermediate- Tam Cowan, 18; Junior-Erie Mc. flveen, 16. In Uic girls' classes they were Senior-Dorothy Downey, 18 pta. Junior-Doris Gaulah and Flar- ence Chartran (tied) 8 points a cc Juvenle-Betty Spencer, 18. Boys' Events 100 Yards: Senior-K. Billetti Don Aflin, R. Rundle. Intemmed- iate--G. Purdy, T. C ow an, I. Brown. Junior-H. Stumnock, R. Bawles, E. Mcflvecn. 220 Yards: Senior-K. Biflet A. Ferguson, B. Alun. Intermed- iate-G. Purdy, R. A siht on, W. Knox. Junior-H. Sturrock, E. Mcflveen, R. Bowles. 440 Yards: Senior-K. Billeit, R. Rundle. Intermediate-G. Pur- dy, T. Cowan, W. Kilpatrick. Jun- ior-H. Sturrock, E. Mcflveen, A. Sleep. 880 Y a r d s: Intermedate-G. Purdy, B. Ashton, W. Kilpatrick. Junior-H. Sturock, R. Bowles, E. Mdflvcen. Senior Boys' Mile-R. Rundle. Running Broad Jump: Senior- K. Billett, D. AllUn. Intemmediate -T. Cowan, I. Brown, G. Purdy. Junipr-R. Bowles, R. Rundie, E. Mdflveen. Hap, Step and Jump: Intermed- iate-T. Cowan, I. Brown, W. Kil- patrick. Junior-E. Mdilveen, R. Rundle, A. Sleep. Higli Jump: Senior-D. Aluin, G. Mdflvcen, K. Bilett Inter- mediate-I. Brown, T. Cowan, W. Knox. Junior-R. Rundle, Alan Strike, A. Sleep. P o1le Vault: Interniediate-T. Cowan, W. Edger, D. Gilhooley. Junior-E. Mcflveen, H. Sturrock, R. Rundle. Shot Put: Senior--G. Mdflveen, K. Billett, S. Densemn. Intermed- iate-T. Cowan, I. Btawn, W. Kil- patrick.» Juniior-E. Mcîlveen, R. Bowles, H. Sturrock.* Relaya: Senior Winner-Forxn V, Billett, Mcllveen, Ferguson, AllUn. Junior Winne-Farm IB, Gilhooley, Bowlea, Kilpa tmri ck, Wilcax. _.- _ vý MrW 50 Yards: Junior-F. Chartran, D. Goulahi, B. Kilpatrick. Juven- fie-B. Spencer, C. Ferguson, K. Vesna. 75 Yards: Senior-D. DawneY, N. Fagân, L. Sleep. Junior-F. Chartran, D. Faulkner, B. Kilpat- rick. Juvenle-B. Spencer, C. Ferguson, I. Kelly. 100 Yards: Senior-D. Dawncy, N. Fagan, J. Bonathan. Broad Jump: Senior-D. Dow- fley, J. Pattinson, E. Cauch. Jun- iom-M. Rowe, F. Chartran, D. Gaulah. Juvenile-B. Spencer, H.j Roaci, b. Bun'us. Higli Jump: Senior-D. ]Dow- ney, M. Storey, L. SlecP. Junior- D. Faulkner, M. Stacey, J. New- ton. Juvenilc-B. Sp e n cer, J. Heyland, C. Ferguson. Basketbail Throw: Senior-D. ý,,Dowrney, M. Storey, S. Campbel- Junior-D. Gaulai, D. Faulkner, W. Ward. Baseball Tliraw: Senior-D. ,ony, S. Campbell, M try JunlorD. Purdy, D. Goulah, R. Peniaund. Juvenile-B. Spencer, C. Ferguson, H. Roaci. Relaya: Senior Winner--Com- merdiai Fonni, Downey, Siarey, Foley, Wilcox. Junior Winner- Foi-rn IA. Gaulah, Spencer, Kil- patrick, Beach. Ovin' 10.000,000 articles have been made by thc warnen of Can- ada for tic Canadian Rcd Cross since Uic bcginning ai the war. -Tic number af articles shipped overseas tic first six nionths aof this year was 3,973,165; af this amount only 3 % ai thc total value waa last by eneniy action; these articles micluded suci items as Sambulances, spame parts, prisoner- *oi-war parcels, clothing, blanketa;ý *quilta and bcd cavers for relief of bambed civilians. Ralnfore.d Squad Faces Oshawa Lads In Opener Saturday Thc local high school rugby season opens Saturday aftemnoon on tic high school grounds. Osh- awa Collegiate supplies tic op- position ta the 1940 Cossa cham- pion B.H.S. With aIl but six ai hast year's teani gaduated, al- most a camplete rebuilding pro- gram ia been necessary. Those back from hast year are Gib. Mcllveen and Don AlUin in tic backfield, and Scott Denseni, Mark Lambounne, Carl Fisher and IAh Ferguson on tic hîne. 0fehast year's juniors who have maved up there are Tom Cawan, Irvine Brown and Eric Mllveen, halves, and Gcmald Purdy and Bob Rundle, linemen. New faces ta show arc Gil- hoahcy, Strike, Neal, Spencer, Sturock, Stutt, Fletcher, Moffat and Pcnfound. Game tume is 2.30 at Uic B.H.S. grounds. A dance for Uic two teama will be icld in tic school Saturday evening. Blackstock Sduolars Excel at Field Day Blackstock Continuation Schoal Field Day iook place at tic faim grounds hast Friday with a splen- did tirne repantcd. It finishcd off with wicner maast. Resulta are' Junior Boys, (total pointa 25): Champion-Jack Marlow 19; Run- ner up-Ray Lathangue 14. Intermediate Boys, (total pointa 25): Champion -Ralpi Malcolmi 14; Runner up-John Archer 13. Senior Boys, (total pointa 25): Champion -Frank Emerson 21; Runner up-John Wcrry 17. Junior Girls (total pointa 20): Champion -Marion Phayme. 16; Runner up-Irenc Marlow 12. Inter. Girls (total pointa 20): Champion -Doris Mauntjoy 13; Runner up-Evelyn Philp 8. Senior Girls (total pointa 20): Champion -Gwcnyth Marlow 7; Runners up-Marion 1Hill 6, Mnne Thomison 6, Pearl Wright 6. Scavanger Hunt-John Werry's teani, Frank Enierson's t ea m, Ralpi Malcoln's teani, Ronald Archer's teani. Relay Race-Frank Emerson's tcam, John Wermy's teani, Ralph Malcolm's teani, Ronald Arcicr's teani. là fThc balgÏïiie tfis t ië«m'is thc winncr: D. Mountjay (c),' J.s Wery (p), G. Malow (1), H. VanCamp (2), B. Veale (3), R. Lathangue (sa), E. Wrighit (If), G. Fergùson (cf), R. Grahanm (mi). Féal Club Judglng Features Competition At Orono Fuir Stmong campetitian in Uic Junior contesta arrangcd for thc Clydgs- dale and Percheron Foal Clubs at Onono Fair resulted in tic fol- lowing placemienta. Fred Camp- bell, Agricultumal Representative, Uxbridge, was judgc. Particulars as ta marks miade in individual judging by Uic boys, their ana- wers ta oral questions, their %bili- ty as ahowmcn and meetings hcld are not shown. Tic figures shown represent in Uic firai column, Uic ranking ai calta ahawn; and in Uic ailier colunin, Uic standing oai-Uic boys as totailed froni ail depart- ments: Clydesdale Foal Club Name Allan White----- Port Hope Bruce Taylor Enniskillen Howard Farder Blackstock Harvey Yellowlccs Enniakillen Maurice Bickle - Oshawa Stanley Millson - Enniskillen George Lawcry - Millbrook 275 650 273 640 285 631 270 622 279 614 Percheron Foal Club Emeat Boylca 270 Cavan Wm. Rosa, Cavan 290 Claire Kellogg ---268 Port Hope Harold Hepburn 268 Enniskillen Lloyd Kellogg ---- 280 Port Hope Murray Sanderson 271 Burketon Gardon Davidson 273 Cavan Hoard Wood --275 Orono 629 621 614 -613 609 595 572 Canon.. K.spencer President Dennery CarpetflIILeage Thougi honora ior winning tic caveted Mason Tropiy in tic Deanery Mcn's Carpeibaîl Lengue were won by Port Hope this yeam, Bowmanvillc also came i for a ahane af glory whcn, for the ihird successive year, Canon C. R. Spencer ai St. John's Churci was returned ta, office as president ai tic association. Tic occasion af ils eleciion was tic annual meeting af tic Dean- cry Men's Club in Port Hope an Sept. 23rd, at wiich representa- tives irom ahI clubs wcre present. Thns is tic firat yenr a Pari Hffe club a won tic cup since ft wag firat offered in 1932. Tic donor, Rey. F. H. Mason ai St. Monlca'u Anglican Churci, Ta- rouata, and formerly ai St. Th e Boys Eagerly Look For Hom'e Town News Every Week Kepthe soldiers from Bowmanvllle District In- home." Send in your subseription today. Sec fomd about what la going on back in the Ilome special subscription o11cr to soldiers In Canada Tonby sending themThe Stateaman regularly and Overseas ln another columo. cach week. They say it la "Ilke a letter front btributcd ta iqctims ln the 'Battle CANMADA WANTS af Britain." Justice Gardon eg- IC NW R plained that every dollar ia worth IC E W R two since tranaportation and much of the work la provided The women af Canada are be- free.ing affomded an opportunity ta The organization alao provides emulate their cousins i Great helpia the Armùy Medical Corps., Britain, thc United States, Aus- In concluaion Justice Cordon gave fralla and New Zealand, by givlng out ta thc audience the interest- worn out and broxen utenai anci lng fact that only 3 per cent Of otherwnae uaeless aluminuni arti- shipmenta ta England has been dles ta help thc Canadian Bed lost. Cross Society. The National War Services Department is launchig NEW PAPR 'DS' a Dominion-wide drivefo this TOPS IN THE FIELD ture of'airplanes and other war .equipment. Consumera read newspaper ad- Concentration pointa will be vertiaing with cager interest be- compounda in thc parka and cauae it tells Uiem where, wheni achool grounds af every town and and how ta buy the things theyý city. Citizens will be aaked ta want. Many conaumers consuit no brig material ta thesci coni- other source for thia information. pounda. Ail worn out, broken. or Bccpuse newspapcr advertisinguaelesa aluminum articles shauld has the proved ability ta mould be cleared out o acihbomne and shopping habita, etailers spend brought ta Uic comnnunity pile. $382,000,000 annually for news- Thc National War Services De- paper advertiing-far more than partment pointa out that useful for any other kind af sales pro- articles, whiici wauld have ta be motion. replaced, should flot be given. Appropriate articles would be leaky pots, pana wiich hurn only Breslin's Arcade was close4 incn spot, old shoe trees, broken Tueaday afternoon ta observe theqI shakers, golf clubs that wiil nat important Jewiah holiday, thc be uaed again, and broken parts Day af Atonenient. ai wasiing machines and swcep- The Things That Matter "Al 1 want ta do is to say ta myseif, as I ini- vite every man in publie, lic ail over the British world ta say ta huiSef dae by day: 'Amn I 50 utterly eonvineç that 1 must pit evcrything I have into the tank, thatI will spare no effort, that I wiil neyer spare,*myself ln order to have victory?' "I need not say ta you, but I musi say it ta ËVmseIf, and repeAt it 1< mzysehfcoanklant1y, that no'lhing cisc matters. excipt that we should live whcn this wam is over in a free world, in the kind *of a world in whieh wc want ta live. "What does it matter if we came oui into that world bankrupt t Whai daca it matier if ini that world the rich arceflot so rieh? What does it matter if in lte at rcsort the business of statcsmanship ini that new world becames thé business of sharing a new and honorable povorty? "These things do not malter. Thé only thing that matiers ta free lmen la 'that the policies under whieh thcy live shaîl be the policies thai they have theniselves deviaed as the representatives af thefr own people." Prime Minister Mendies ai Ausirlila Canadian House ai Cammno, May 7, 1941 ers. h eatetak o i doubt, the one thing we need aluniinum articles which are flot most ini this present 111e of ours required i home or shop. which la spent just sitting around ThIe material coilected ini this with nothing much to do.' campaign will be rushed to Cana- Since you last heard from me dian factories engaged i manu- I have seen quite a few places i facturing airplanes and ather es- England. Our reginient spent five sential articles of war. 28,000 lbs. weeka down on the coast-"'front of tis aluniinum wiil build a Uine defence,"I they cailed it, but modern bomber plane and 4,000 nothing happened. It was a real Ibs. a modern fighter plane. treat, however, to get out of Al- Every Canadian woian isanx- dershot. Wc were ini a very old joua to do lier utmost tg assist in town that neyer lias bothered be- the successful prosecution of the coming modemn alogg with the war. Hiere la an opportnt for ra of the world. It haa many hem ta make a most valuable con- cobblestone roada and old Engliah tribution to the war effort. Those houses. The people were swell to old pota and pana, which she can us and quite a few hivited out to so eaaily coilect and bring ta the suppers. Now we are back at a community pile, will make bamb- rest camp-why we need a rest ers and fighters. Those vr I don't know, unleas it's froni the bombers and flghters may be the 16 pubs the village sportcd. deciding factor i wmning the I want ta congratulate Stuart war. James on has election to office as The money coilected from* the president. sale wil'be tumned inta the won- Wiahing you all success, I me- derful work which the Red Croas main, Society la doing for Canadian ]Bde. Hart. sailors, soldiers and airmen. Thus the giving of uaeless aluminuni fi Ato ware i thia canipaign serves the TeAr fBeing Bos double purpose of providing much The secret of being loved, Mr. needed material for war vehicles Executive, is to love-and ta know and af aaaiating one of tic noblest your trade better than anyone of the war charities. else. Men bear commanding. They The aluminium drive will be even want ta be, provided they conducted i Ontario and Quebec are weil commanded. - Andre thia month. Maurois, famed French essayiat. Letters Te Lions Club Heme arc more extracia iroin tic numerous leiters ai thanka Bowmanville Lions Club has me- ceived froni soldiers averseas grateful for thc gif ta ai amokes thie club has sent. Dear Sirs: Yaur Club muai have a ciarni- cd lic as your cigarettes are Uic oniy onca tmat ever came ilirougi. If everyane lias sent them wio say tiey have I wauld be a walk- iug tobacco store. I have jusi fiihed a leave in Scoiland and s0 find it liard ta get mrto Uic walk again. Onm. B. Cameron. Dean Sirs: I I received tlsp cigarettes O.K. and do not know how I wlll be able ta rcpay you foi your kind- ness. I dan't know wflat we would do if we did not get aur amokes ironi home. Sanie of tic boys get veny few amokes and I give theni tic add package. Wicn I get a 48-hour pass I sjpend ht with Elgie Harndeni. I have met a lot ai baya iroin Bow- manville district. Some wio have juat arrived don't think muci ai tuis district but I told tieni tic firsi seven montis are tic worsi. LICpl. McMann, C 29560, No. 3 Line Section, li Can. Signal Corps, Can. Army Overseas. Dear Sirs: Once again I arn trying ta put ia words iow muci it means ta me la reccive Uic amokes. you Lions Club memberasa okindly scnd ta nie. They are, wlthaut- George's, Newcastle, came to Port Hope Sept. 30Ui ta personally pre- sent Uic cup. Bey. J. M. Crial, Port Hope, was also retumncd ta office as vice presideni. Hamry Ballard rean secretary-treasurer, a position i which he has served successiufly since the origin ai thc club. Activities for tic coming sea- son are outincd in tic following echedule: 1941 Octaber 14-Bawmanville et Port Hope. 20--Newcastle at Cobourg. Naveniber 18--Cabourg at Bowmanville. Port Hope at Newcastle. Deceniber 8-Bowmanville at Cobourg. 9--Newcastle at Port Hope. 1942 January 1 1-Port Hope at Cobourg. =2-Newcastle at Bowrnanvifle. February 10--Cobourg at Port Hope. Bowmanvillc at Newcastle. Moarch l0-Cobourg at Newcastle. Port Hope at Bowmnanville. Red Cross Joins 00Sir War Services Tic Honorable Mm. Justice P. H. Gardon, chairman of the Bcd Cross Commtice, in addresaing thc Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association convention recently, pramiacd Uic Association thaitich Rcd Cross would unite witi tic otier war serviceasithc cani- paign for funda tuis coniing March. Tic wiole 1,600,000 mcma- bers divided among over 3,000 branches will be working iand in iand with tic other war workers in tic coming drive. In teiling ai Uic work ai Uic Bed Cross, Mr. Justice Gardon stress ! our categonies. Tiese arc the Pisners af War Par- cela" which Uic Society distri- butes, thec "Blood Donor Service," tic "Civillan Relief" and the "Services to tic Soldiers." A fcw montis ago, the soiety was distributing approxiniately 10,000 parcela a wcck. Siortly ai- ice', production wns stcppedi up another 5,000 ta caver Uic Aus- tralian pisoners wio had been taken in Uic battue ai Crete. At thc end af this monti, tie angan- ization wiil be distributing '40,000 parceis a wcek . Tic cosi ai these gifta mounta ta about $2.50 caci, claimcd Justice Gardon. In regard ta tic Blaod Donor Service, thc dlstinguishcd speaker stated tint there were some 2,000 donations ai blood per weck. Tic doctors and nurses give ticir time free, while tic only thing Uic donor receives is an honarary but- ton and tuis only afier thrce dona- tions. Tie blood la turned ia a dry plasma, which closely rc- sembles brown sugar, tic speaker pointed ouitticth audience. Hclp thse War Victims In regard ta Uic Civilan Relief, wiich, clnimed Justice Gardon, la peniapa thc mosi worthy ai ail, ia taken cane of 2,500,000 evacu- ated children. Sanie $6,000,000 worth ai claties have been dis- it Education And Efficiency By C.H.Tuck Optometrist Ryeslght SI'ecWist Djsucy f145, (opp. P.) Number 192 In Uic interesi ai bealti, ias preservation and cfficiency, wc should realize what healti means; Thc degree in wiici aur health is mensured depends upon aur ai- servance ai henlth laws, cxccptig ai course accidents. Good healti, poor healti, or iilness, ther=ire. depends upon proper *nourisi- ment, proper mest, proper cIcr- cisc, proper cames in following Uic laws ai nature. Failume ta observe thc above lowcrs our cfiiciency and in- creases handcaý>s. Ail are so closely linkcd tiat uur failure in anc will lower the effectivenesof Uic ailiers. Tissues af Uic body ta be effi- cient dcpend upon tic observance af tic laws of iealth; wien warn out they muai be replaced, praper resi pcriods arc therefore dssen- tial. Defecta should be remedled s0 that energy will not be waiated timaughiniproper functioning or airain. Lwercd vitality tirougi wated energy laya thc body open ta infection and disease. No physical defeci contributes mare directly ta, fatigue and i- efficiency than fauliy vision. Most ai us unknowingly have poor vis- ion in sanie degnce. Know thc condition ai youm cyca now. (ta be continued) GARTON'S COACH LINES Ioffer economicol transportation anywlhere in Ontario for partiez. omfortablft sfedrves 07 PABSENGR. Frequent Trips Between Bowmanvflle and Whitby. For TUrne, Cali 2666. 4 WinterOonditioning,, of your eun inwl oave time and trouble on cold mnornings. IEngin. check-up at nomuinal coet. Garton's Garage ToWng Service au, Oil THURSI),&Y, OCTOMM 2,1041 ' , THE LEAIT OFr THEBE Dago arid Sheeny and Chink, Greaacr and Nlggcr and Jap; Tic devil Invented thiese ternis, I think, To hurl at each hopeful chap Who cames so far aver Uic foani Ta tuis land ai his heart's de- sire, To rear his brood, ta build bis home, And ta kindle his hearthstane- fire. While the eyes with joy are blurred, La! we make the strong man ndsa ic ol ihUi atf Adsa hnk, lwthte ae word, Dago and Shecny and Chink. Dago and Sheeny and Chink, Tiese are the vipers that swarm Up froni Uic cdge ai Perditon's' brink To hurt, and diahearten and hanm. " shame! When their Roman for- bears walkcd Where the first ai tic Caears trad; O shame! when their Hebrew fa- -tiers talkcd With Moses, and lie with God. These swarthy sons af Japheth and Sheni Gave Uic goblet oi life's sweet drink To Uic tiirsty world wiich now gives theni Dago and Sheeny and Chink. -Dago and Sheeny and Chink, Greaser and Nigger and Jap: From none af Uiem doti Jeiq>vah shrink; He liiei them ail ta Hia lap. And Uic Christ, in His klngly grace, IWhen their sad, low aob He hears, Puta His tender embrace arouind caci race As He kisses away ias tears. Saying: "O, least af these, 1 UnIr Thee ta Me for whatcver may- hap,"ý Diago and Sheeny and Chik, Greaser and Nigger and Jap. -Bishop Mclntyre. A strong committce ai lcading business men, under Uic chair- manship af Lord Bennett, has been set up in London and la giv-, ing valuable service in Uic direc- tion and management af the Can- adian Red Cross war effort in Britain. ,01 ou-- - - 'm ý ý»- - -- - - --

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