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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1941, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TEE BOWMANVILLE STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONATEIO THURSDA'~ r, OCTOBER 16. 1941 CXXXXZ....u . ---- -- - - 1 -1 _ IThe Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 J. H. Jose has installed a new tis in St. John, N.B., and who bas electrie milking machine. since been in a convalescent hos- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce, pital in Fredericton, has been Midland, have been holidaying at home on leave with his mother, H. R. Pearce's. Mrs. W. J. Hockin. Mr. W. E. Beman was at Lake Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hall and Baptiste partridge shooting with daughter, who have been on a Bey. A. M. Irwin, Whitby. farmi near Coîborne, have return- Congratulations are exended to ed to Newcastle and are living in Mr. and Mis. Carl Weyrich on te Mrs.. Frank Allin's house. Mr. birth of a son on Oct. 9th. Hall is an employee of the J. An- Mrs.Edga Osorne whohasderson Smith Co. Mrs.EdvigariOsorn oe, who bas Relatives received word of the bren living NewPortlhopema e deatb at Orilla of Wm. Malley, Dured.toBter was tenome. uncle of W. J. Malley, Newcastle,i Dr.J. . Btlr ws tkentoand busband of Mary Tebble,. Osbawa General Hospital Friday niece of Harry and Jos. Tebble of for an x-ray examinations and a this village. A number from bere possible operation. attended the funeral at Orillia on Mesdames Wmn. Cowan a.nd Monday. Jesse Baskerviile returned bome The only farmers growing ta- Sunday fromn their summer's visit matoes under contract on a large in Saskatchewan and Alberta. scale in this vicinity tbis summner Rev. D. R. Dewdney exchanged were Lorne Cobbledick & Sons pulpits with Rev. E. H. McLellan, who have practically completed Rector of Holy Trinity Cburcb, harvesting an abundant and pro- Oshawa, last Sunday morning. fitable crop. Wmn. Moffatt bas1 Newcastle Red Cross held an been their chief assistant. emergency meeting on Tuesday Among those kindly taking1 evening to consider a special un- their cars to convey tbe membersi dertakmng of considerable magni- of the United Churcb Junior tude. Choir to Kendal Sunday evenmng Miss Helen Hooper bas taken à were: W. F. Rickard, M.P., Reeve position in Mellow's Drug Store C. R. Carveth, Councîllor J. H. and Miss Margaret Brown has Jose, Pte. Jos. Hockin, E. E. Pat- joined tbe sales staff at Lang- terson, Stafiley Allin and Wilbur man's. Baskerville. Mr. Percy Hare, C.N.R. station Bowmanville Rotary Club has master, is baving bis holidays and invited the staff and pupils of he and Mrs. Hare spent the Week- Newcastle public school to be end in Kingston witb lW. and their guests at a picture show in Mrs. Jack Hare. the Royal Tbeatre at 10 a.m. Fni- There was recently sent from day, Oct. l7th. The total enroil- Newcastle ta Newcastle a n d ment at last report was exactly Clarke boys overseas 33 Christ- 100. Cartwrigbt and Clarke pub- mas boxes, financed fram some of lic sdbool -pupils are also invited. the proceeds of the basebail tour- Everybady, no matter bow namnent on Civic Holiday. young or bow old, can contribute Stanley Rickard wbo has been a little mo;e to the war effort by teaching at the Boys' Training saving evert littie scrap of lead School, Bowmanviile, bas naw a and tinfoil, taking it ta tbe post position as science master at "The office and deposîtmng it in the Red Grave," tbe Anglican Preparatory Cross box. It's a good place to School for boys at Lakefield. put alI shavmng cream and tooth Owing ta Harvest Home services paste tubes, and the tinfoil fromn at St. Saviour's next Sunday, candies, tea andother packages. when Bisbop 'Beverley will be the St. George's Cburch was taste- preacher, evensong at St. George's fully decorated witb flowers and will be beld at 4 p.m., Holy Com- fruits of nature's abundance for miunion at 8 and matins at 11 a.m. the Harvest services on Sunday, Pte. Jos. Hockin who under- and on eitber side of the altar went an operation for appendici- were vases of gladioli. Rev. E. H. McLellan, Holy Trinity Churcb, Oshawa, conducted the morning service. He took bis text from the 107th Psalm. He contrasted our ELECTRICIANS peaceful and happy conditions in tbis country with those of war- WANTED tomn Europe; but people here do YEAR ROUND 30O3 not show the gratitude they ought, AT WEEKLY WAGE else why sucb small attendances at the -table of the Lord at Holy Holidays wlth Pay - Goad Communion. He exhorted bis Wages. hearers to put not too much stress on the amassing of material Appir wealth, ail of wbieh tbey must leave behind, but to enrich them- Don ChelStiafl selves in spiritual things and so Electulc lay up for tbemselves treasures OSHAW Ù.l in beaven. Rev. D. R. Dewdney OSHAWApreached at the evening service. ______________________ A large congregation greeted ____________________Rev. R. E. Morton at the Tbanks- giving service in tbe United ____________________Cburch on Sunday morning. Mis. Jas. T. Brown took the solo in tbe anthem. Baskets of.- gladioli and ~ dahlias and tail vases of glads formed the decorations. Mi. Mou- ton contmnued tbe Tbanksgiving theme in the evening and re- counted some of the things for which Canadians should be grate- ful and give tbanks-our bomes Oshawa - Free parking and family life, the enjoyment. of loved ones,* the ideals and con- fidences and discipline of Cana- Friday and Saturday dian homes; for tbe spiit of cour- age that is so manifest at these EDWARD G. ROBINSON times, among those in the active MARLÉE DIERICH forces and on tbe part of civilians; MARLEE DIERICH for the opportunity af unselfisb GEORGE RAFT ministry, for giving cbeer and in comfort to those in need. In the absence of Mis. E. C. Fisher at Kendal Mis. Howard' M. Allin "MAN OWER"played the pipe organ. 1AAN OINERLadies of the United Church W.. A. spent a busy afternoon last Revial, ridy at~ i Frîday at their bazaar. The West y nd apron booth and clearied out &TOU MOT EMP heirwbole stock eauly. Mis. Wallace Holmes of the Lake The LANE Sisters Sbore and ber group operated a Jeffry Lynu 'Country Store' bootb wbere they ______________________ sold home cooking, fruit and veg- etables, poultry and eggs. Wild Monday and rUeediay and cultivated fruits and flowers farmed an attractive setting for th1e greatest hunt ever ta their place of business. Mis. Percy strike terror into a man's Brown's group canducted a mis- cellaneous booth with a band- heart - and a womWu' - somne background of baskets and WALTE JOAN vases af gladioli, dahlias, zinnias, WALTE JOAN esters and otber flowers. Tbere 1PIDGEON BENNETT was' practically no îeftover goods. Mrs. W. J. Maley's group manag- A fk- p-roceniabout 7. GhoSt ourg, and Miss Helen Rickard, tjWia hotToronto, at Mr. W. J. S. Rcads Mi. and Mis. Hudson Stowe, Miss Margann and Master George, Toronto, at their summer home, WBSISTERS Dam'oie. mterai»M Mr. and Mis. Hubert Anderson, ~4 Toronto, and Miss Eleanor An- .paDavis, derson, Windsor, at Mr. W. H. Anderson's. ~ Misses Aresta Martin and Gladys Davldge, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Larue Martin and chul- dren, Shaw's, at Mu. Parnaby Martin's. Mi. and Mus. Geo. A. Coyne, James of the R.A.F., Miss Isobel, Toronto, and Mis. Wannacott, Pipkering, at Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hancock's. Misses Hilda Peterson, Cobourg, Mary McCrea, Beaverton, and Patricia Pearce, nurses in training at Oshawa General Hospital, at Mr.' H. R. Pearce's, also Lieut. Art Baker, Bowmanville, and Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto. Mi. and Mis. Noray Goheen and children and Rev. and Mis. R. E. Morton and Laurence, witb rela- tives near Lake Chemong. Mr. Morton, in company with bis host, Mi. Heard, also called on Mu. Stanley Rickard at Lakefield. Dr. and Mus. Horace Walton- Baîl and Master David Hamilton, Toronto, at Harris Lodge and en- tertained a party of Toronto friends. Dr. and Mis. W. H. Wal- ton-Bail were in London visiting Rev. and Mis. Russeil Gardon. NEWCASTLE MEN ON ACTIVE SERVICE Overseas Milton Brown John Cotter Alfred Gray H. F. Rowe A. E. Rowe Paul Mifligan C. F. Rogerson Stanley Couch Cecil Wallace M. A. Clougb Victor Gaurod Gordon Laking Archie Martin Iu Canada Harold Brown Stanley Brown Rd. Anderson Geo. Meadows Douglas Langman Chas. Robinson Lloyd Allduead Al. Aildread Jos. Hockin Harold Hockin Thos. Brereton H. C. Ailin Chas. Alldread Albert Naylou List prepared by Reeve C. R. Carveth. RED CROSS DISPLAY AND TEA The display of finisbed articles in Newcastle Community Hall on October 8th, by Newcastle Red Cross and associated groups was very interesting as revealing the great amount and wide variety of work being accomplisbed by the ladies of these communities. The display was neatly arranged in sections marked by artistic pla- cards~ giving visitors information regarding the work. AUl groups had completed their quotas and the f irst to be noticed and ad- mired on the north side of the bail kitchen were the 10 girls' blouses and the 5 No. 6 and 5 No. 4 units (girls' coats, bats, etc.), made by Mis. R. S. Graham's and Mus. Mildred Purdy's groups. At the west end were hospital sup- plieà ' pyjamas, dressing gowns, etc., made by Mis. Herb. Toms' group, a box of 72 civilian hand- kerchiefs, ail handmade, sent in by Mis. H. S. Britton, and many samples of Red Cross knitting, socks, mittens, scarves, afghans, sweat ers, caps. Among the socks were noticed littie piles, a portion only of their work, knit by Mia. J. H. Middleton, Mis. W. R. Lak-~ ing and Mis. Edmund Tbackuay. These were only a few of the large quantities being finished regularly, for ail gnoups knit as well as sew. The oldest knitter in Newcastle la Mis. Mary Mc- Leod, weil over 90, who is up in heu lOth pair of socks since the war started. As visitors passed along they came fa the finished quota of Mus. Jno. Garrod's group, five com- plete layettes, ail lovely as ta material and workmanship, and then noted by way of variety that the Newtonviile group bad con- tributed 240 cans of honey and jam for overseas. Also on display were many heavy but attractive looking quilta contributed by Brown's, Lake Shore and that part of No. 9 south of the Third Line, othen groupa associated with the Newcastle Red Cross Branch. It was noted too that contribu- tions have been neceived from Port Granby. Besides the layettes thene were on display 10 girls' and 10 boys' sweaters, the full quota, made by Mis. Garnod's group. President of Newcastle Red Cross, Miss B. McIntosh, and. members were pleased ta see so many visitons ClasuifiedAd Rates Oue cent a word cash, ech insertion (minimum charge 25e). Charge of 25e extra la made when advertlaemeut la flot pald same week as iser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are dlrected *t a Stateaman box number. Births, deathsanad marriages 50e each. lu Megioriani, 50c for notice plus 10o per flue for verse. Classltled adver- tisemeuta accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. MARRIAGE HOAR-HOSKIN - On Satuiday, October llth, 1941, at London, Ontario, by Rev. E. F. Arm- strong, Alice Maude, daughteu of the late Mr. sud-Mrs. R. R. Hoakin, Bcwmanvie, ta Fred- eick Charles Hoar, 'son of the late Mi. and Mus. J. D. Hoar, Bawmanviile. 42-1* DEATIl SOMERSCALES - In Bowman- ville, on October 14th, 1941, George Edward Somneiscaies, age 73 yeais. Mi. Someracales la uesting at the F. F. Morris Ca. chapel un- til Friday manning at 10 o'ciock when he will be at home for service at 2.30 p.m. and fou. burial at Bowmanviile Ceme- tery. COMING EVENTS Bowmanvile Women's Institute Annual Bazaau will be heldi the Parlah Hall an Friday, Oct. 3lst. Sale of home cooklng, candy, ap- rons, fancy wouk, etc. Tea 15c. Mus. O. W. Rolph, Orona, wiil of- ficîaily open the bazaar at 3 o'clock. 42-1 Reserve Friday, December 5th, for tpa and sale of wouk byT St. John's Junior W. A . Particulais later. 42-1 Rev. C. P. Vanduzen of Oshawa wiil give an address in the South Waud School next Sunday after- noon at 3 o'clock. A moat cordial invitation is extended ta eveny- body ta came and heai this de- iightful speaker. 42-1' Reserve Tuesday, Oct. 2lat, for style showing of Wabasso Pua- ducts in Trinity School Boom at 8 p.m., under auspices Guoup 10, Trinity W. A. Admission by 3ad, obtainabie from Misa Leta, - son phone 2477,,Mis. A. S. Baer phone 842, Mrs. A. Smith phone 726. 42-1 Don't miss Zian Fawl Supper and Concert an Oct. 22nd. Admis- sion 60e for aduits, children 30C. 41-2 DANCE Dance - ta 10 Coilegians, Com- munity Hall, Newcastle, Friday, Oct. l7th. Admission 30c. 42-1' For Sle or Rent' FOR SALE OR RENT-8% acres, 5 room bouse, barn 20x24, goad well, ail fenceed, 'k acre strawberries, wood lot. House furnished. 21h miles north of Newcastle, %k mile eaat. APPlY Mis. Rurak,. 318 Bloar Street, Oshawa. 42-1' Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES paid fou scrap batteries. When youu battery tala, bring it i ta be x-uayed by oui newly i- stalled "Willard Trouble FPind- er Machine." G. F. Jamiosn Tire & Battery Shop, King ana Silver Sta. 40-tf WANTED TO BUY- CHICICEN coop wanted at once. Apply Heniy Van de Beit, R. R. 4, Bow- manville, (twa miles west of Orana on tawn lime). 42-1' NOTICE Marlon J. 'Hickingbottom, To- monta, elocutionist and teaéher of expression, wlll be in Bawmsu- ville Tuesday of eurh week. A iimited number of pupls can be accommodated. Mrs. Hickingbot- tom la available alsa for concerts~ and banquets, programa ta suit any organisation. For information telephone 366 Bowmsuviile. 42-1 Lic.ns.d Auctlon»r CLIFFTORD PETHICK Ennlskillen Phone Bowmanvulle 2536 Specialising in Faum Livestack, Implements and Furniture Sales. Consult me for teuma and dates. 42-4' Story tram Yugoslavla Sir Ronald Campbell, the new British Minister in Washington, wil be able ta tell the Americans some good atories of bis adven- tures atter the Yugoslav coilapse. He was British Miniater in Bel- grade. His pauty were held prisoner fou some time by the Itallans. During this perlod they averheard twa of their guards discussing haw long the war wauld lapt "A very long time," said one. "Yeaus, at least." '"Why?" asked the other. 1 "Recause the British will neveu igive lI. It will neveu end till they .wln."ý-Answers. . Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - A NUMBER OP' choice Yorkshiie pigs, 'seven weeks aid. Phone 2208. 41-2 FOR SAL'-1 YORK.SHIRE SOW and il pigs 4 weeks, old, fiist litteu; 1 Tamnworth sow due Oct. 15th. Apply Mus. Haruy Stin- son, Enfieid. 42-1 FOR SALE - 6 NICE PIGS, 10 weeks aid; 10 nice pigs, 7 weeks aid; one 4 year aid ïTeusey caw. Arthur Weinberger, R.R. 1 Or- ona, west of Craoked dreeic store. 42-1* FOR SALE-PURE BRED YORK- sbires, ail ages, young boars ready for service, aged and young saws bred ta autstanding sire, alsa choice litter neady ta wesu. H. E. Hancock, & Sons, phone Onono 84r18. 42-1' Real Estate For -Sale FOR'SALE-A. W. ANNIS FARM Tynone, 95 acres situate borne- diately adjaining the Tyrone viilage. 50 acres pasture one mile south. Large hip raof bain stone stabling, brick bouse, in gaod tate of repair. Electric light ànstailed. With or wlthaut stock, implements and winter's fadder supply. Apply Canant & Annis. 41-4 HOUSE' FOR SALE - SOLID brick, 6 raams, furnace, 2-piece bath, gaad sise garden and gar- age, canvenient ta centre of town. Phone 2485. 41-2 Articles For Sale* OSHAWA' NEW fURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesterfield, bediaam, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and, floan caverings a. specialty. Quailty merchandise at cam-' petitive puices. Before buying visit Buadley's New *Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 39-tf LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yaurs tram over 300 patterns actually in stock. You aie invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 39-tf PERSONAL RUBBER GOODS- Maiied postpaid, in plain seaied envelapes, with puice liat. 6 sampies 25c. 24 samples $1.00. Adults only. Atex Rubber Ca., Box 231, Hamilton, Ont. 39-8 FOR SALE- POTATOES, Katalidins; disc plaw, 2 furnow, Oliver gang, Cockshutt gang, M.-H. tractar plaw, M.-H. dril. Apply Keith Bradley, Ponty- pool, phone Orona 82r3. 42-2* Auction Sales The undersigned has received instructions fromn Lloyd Clysdale, Lot 1, Concession 4, Clarke, ta sel by public auction on Friday, Oct. 24th, al bhis faim stock, impie- ments, hay, hainesa, poultry, etc. Sale at 1 'clack Standard Tixne. Terms cash. Elnieu Wilbur, auc- tianeer. 42-1 Wm. S. staples will sel by pub- lic auction. at, Waverley Stables <taumerly Beith Farni), Bownian- ville, onl Saturday, October 25th, 53 Cattle, 3 Horses, sud a big variety of faim implements. See bills fan list. Sale 12.30 Standard Time. Ternis cash. Ted Jac~kson, auctianeer. 42-2 Fred Tabb, Lot 11, Con. 9, Darlington, one mile north of Woodley's'Miil, wiil sel by public auctian on Saturday, October 25, the fallowing:, Cattie, pigs, hay sud potataes. Terms: Six montha credit an approved notes beaiing interest at 4 %. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Standard Time. Clifford Pethick, auctianeer. 42-2 FURNITURE SALE Satuiday, October 25th, 1941- The undersigned has received in- structions ta seil by public auc- tion for the estate of the late F. G. Kerslake, in the village of Hamp-1 ton, ah bhis housebold effecta Mî- cluding parlour, dining, kitchen and bedraam fuiniture, bedding, rugs, dishes, lampa, cooking uten- ails, staves, gaiden tools, and many other articles taa numerous ta mention. Sale at 1 o'clock Standard Time. Ternis cash. El- mer Wilbur, auctianeer. 42-1 MWood---A le Radio Service EXPERT RADIO REPAIR-SETS called for and delivered. Phil- lips Radio Service. Phone 2238. 40-4' For Rent FOR RENT - HOUSEKEEPING Cabina for rent at Black Cat Ipin, M&ple Grave; also thîee- roomed apartment. 40-3* FOR RENT - 160 ACRE FARM at (Maple Grave) Bowman- ville, Ont., with a team of horses. Apply B. Budai, 20 Maple St., Oshawa, Ont. 42-1' TO RENT-CELLAR FOR APPLE storage, hold about 450 bariela. Wm. Aluin, Scugag St., phone 576. 42-1' Lost LOST - REAR WHEEL FROM tractar plough, rubber tiied, between Caurtice sud Port Hope. Notify L. R. Wood, Baw- manville. 42-1' Wilson's Furniturti Co. October Furulture Sale Wise shappers would do well ta avail themselves of oui 10w priced specials. Veuy large selection tram aur two stores. Wilson's values lead the market. Inuer. Sprlug Mattresse heavystietikgried, handisadvniaas hass Wonderful values. Studio'Couches $19.95-Spring f il1e d studioj couches. Gaod looking. Weil tail- oued. These will please you and save you maney. Over filty ta choase. tram. Floor Coverlnt Speclals $1.49-New borderleas ruga, 6 f t. by 9 fI. You will find at Wilson's eveiything in floor coveringa. Personal attention ta ail your floor covering problems. Inlaids, congoleums, feltols, beavy lino- leum. Ail widths. Wilson's prices. are lower. New Chesterfield Suites $69.50-Specially priced for pur sale. Modemn spning fiiled chies- terfield suites. Smart c a r v e d show wood. Excellent combina- tion of coveringa. We have many beautiful chestenfleld suites for you ta choose from. Newest styles. Grandeat caverings. Our .10w prices will please yau. Bedroom Suites $59.95-Tr i 1i ng new smart waterf ail design. This is an out- standing buy. See our large selec- tion of beautiful bedroom suites yau wlil be proud ta own. Wil- son's lower overhead means lawer prices ta yau. Glft Suggestions Cedar chests, book cases, lampa, fancy cushians, end tables, che- nille bedspreads, amokers, coffee tables, occasianal chairs, dol praima. Hundieda of other gift at Wilsan's lower puices. Trade-In Department Jammed full - hundreda of goad used furniture baigains. We must make room at once regardîcas of price - Chesterfield Suites, Din- ing Suites, Kitchen Cabinets, lýFessers, Beda, Ruga, Stoves, Couches, etc. It will pay you ta visit aur stores. WIlson'. Furniture Co. 40 King W. 20 Churoh St 1ÔSHAWA 39- eyes a new aud ioial com- fort. For Tillyér Lenses, un= e ordiuary lenses, are accurate te, the very edge, whether you look up or dowu, in oront. Tillyer Lenses are an entirely new kind of lenses, more accurate, more carefully fiubshed and -poliahed, yet they coat no mare than ather higli quality lenses. ONE CENT SALE Coming SC.. I Everybody is wait- ing for the 0=gia Rex.allOne Cn Sale. Two items for the price of one, plus only one cent. Over 300 bargains to chioose frai», and four big dy.in which t tockUP. WED., THURS., FR1. and SATURDAY Octaber 29, 30, 31 aud November 1 at Jury Lovell r z 7-1 Sr, OCTOBER 16. 1941 llelp Wanted WANTED IMMEDIATELY - A girl or woman ou mother's help- er, sleep in, must be willing ta stay nights. Caîl in persan or write Mis. Edward C. Clarke, Brown Street, Bowmanville. 42-1 WANTED - WORKING WOMAN with child, age 3, would lil<e uoom and board at once. Appiy Box 8, cia Statesman. Office. 42-1' RELIABLE MAN WANTED-TO take aveu profitable nearby. Watkins Route. Established cus- tomera. Must 1be under 56, have car or means of getting one. Na caia rexperience necessary. Stedyincome. Write, The J. R. Watkins Comnpany, Mantreal, Que. Dept. 0-B-9. 42-4 WANTED-RELIABLE GIRL OR waman ta cane for twa chlldren by bour or day as desired when wanted, one used ta childien preferred, good pay. 'Box No. 7, Statesmnan Office, Bawmranville. 42-1' MAN WANTED-TO SPLIT AND pile wood, at once. Aiso faimn fan sale or ent. Mrs. E. Strutt, Tynone, -phone 2504. 42-1 Business Di:ecty Legal M.. G, V. GO>ULD, B.- A., L.L.B. Barriater, golicitoi Notary Phbne 351 Bank of, Comm=erce Bldg. BiëwmanviUle Wî. Rl. STRIKE Bax'iister, Solicitor, NatanY Solicitor fou Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bownianville, Ontario L. C. MASO N, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law xi ail its branches Office jmmediateiy east of Rayai Theatre -. Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dental DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege. Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmsuviile. office haurs 9a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 883 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DNRECTORS Service, any haur, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Matou Equipment, Amn- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Veterînar)7 R. B. MUJRRAY, VB.; B.V.Sc. Veteriarlapl Church St. - Bowmanvilie Phone 843 29 ti "Rar- tir WANTmADS Eyesight Edùuton Efficwv c.H.TuI Optomerit Disney Dhdg. (ON,. P.) Number 194 -The recognition of health laws and byrgienic living is the 111e andi health of the mother and the child and wben properly recognized normal development of the cbild is assured. We make or mai our heritage as we wil by the.observance au non-observance of these laws, but the duty we owe ta the chlld la one we should not attempt ta evade. It is indeed a very sad thing ta, read of a young mother leaving heu childuen at a time of 111e when they most need a mother's guid- ance and influence, at the time of heu own life when that 111e is anly just being puopeuly realized. Is it not wise then ta think af the seriousness of this time of 111e and be sure to nat treat it wit.h unconcemn? At any time when the regular habits aie slightly inter- rupted investigate the reasan and have your physiclan's advice re- gaiding negular attendance if necessary. Many eyes are slowly but sure- ly being crippled by uncorrected defects. A lot of beadaches, weari- ness, nerves, are due ta the~ eyes. If you are not sure about Yaur eyes make sure. Much poor bealth comes from imperfect eyes. (to be cantinued) Phan& 1 -- 1 ý ý 1 quo%~ TI-JURSDA'Y PAGE EIGEIT THE BOWMANVICLLE STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONATRIO C.N.Rl Tickels 9-RURU a ou 1

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