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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1941, p. 9

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TIU RSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1941 B CKACHE OFTEN WARNING Iri -. zWhm.,too bak ahealo-Tt Doe't .11= t theodswm Dodd's Kidney Pills For KITCHEN ajmd BATHROOM You necd Gllctt's Lye in the itchon and in the bathrocsn K.ep it handly for dain, for pot and pans, for numu othe housebod task. GIett'sLye mil sae yo ho=r of hard won-it'u the. «Ws, efficient, econical wu cf clcanlng. *Nupur dL.sm .I». in hoàt mte. TM tioas ci th. <y 5ta4- ScialandPersonal ]Phone 11 MM m Pl10= elu Scouts met Thursday night wil 24 present. Plans wcrc made fc their Apple Day, Oct. 25th. Orono Public School pupils an teachers were gucats of Bowmai ville Rotary Club at the Royj Theatre Friday niornlng. Young Women~s Bible Clai have completed a quilt tagr whic thcy will present ta the Re Cross. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor wer lu Toronto last week. Mr. Mell( reprcsented Orono at the Wa Savings Drive chairmen's banque Mrs. Peate has been lookin aftcr Mr. C. Haw, while he wa getting ready.for his operation. Miss Kathleen Smith attende the Young peoplc's banqueta Port Hope. L.A.C. Milton Green was homE Elmer Middlcton was home. Scouts collcctcd Saturday ir stcad af the regular day which i Apple Day. In November twg collections wll be made, first an( flfth Saturdays. Mr. Sbiarpe will soon be leavini the Orono mail route from New, * castleâ, Junior Red Cross, ncwly forni ed, arc raffling off a doîl and do], carniage in December. Beverle3 Payne is president, Barbara An] Roîpli secretary and Patsy Mof. fatt treasurer. Society meets firsi Friday af cach month. Kay McKenna clebrated he: blrthday Satunday. Cccil Brutan, Valcartier, Que. bec, was home. Mns. J. Dickson spent Thanka. giving with lier daughter Mrs, Turley, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph anc Barbara Ann visited i St. Cath- arines. October meeting of the Cham- ber of Commerce was cancelled. Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Richards, Mrs. D. Myles and Edna, toolk Lloyd ta Camp Borden Sunday. A twin pumpkin is on display in an Orono business place - twc * pumpkins jolned and on anc stem., Andy Clarke please note these Siamese twlns. Mr. J. J .Mellor occupied the pulpit af Park St. Church Sunday morning and prcached an excel- lent sermon on the subject af Tolerance. in which he empliasiz- cd the heccssity af looking thro' the ather persan's cyes before criticising. Mrs. C. Wood and Mr. C. Taylor. took solo parts in the anthemn and Mrs. Wood and Miss Bertha Cain the duet ln It. A for- mer choir rnember, Mr. Arthur Bell, favored with a splendid vo- cal sala. The evcning service was withdrawn. A numben of aur citizens have secuned positions at Newcastle box factory and at Pickering. W. S. Cobbledick has secured a Starkville Shilola was favored with most beautiftil weather ion their aniii- vol-mary services which were wcll attended. Mn. Jacob Hnllowell lias beený on the sick lit. Tic tireshing machine is lu aur nciglbonhoad again, niaking tic last trip ai tic seamon. On Thanksgivlug: Day Mns. Richard Hallowell founci anc ai her geose setting on a nest ai 17 iresily laid goose eggs. This goose secîs to, bo trying ta do her siare towurd production. Wish sic mad thougit ai it soanen in tic season. \tisitors: Miss Helena Hallowell lias returned ta tic city aiter a short holiday ut home. . . Miss Bawen and Miss Wilma Farrow, iNewcastle, ut Mr. Lamne Todd's. .. Mn. and Ml-s. Lionel Hughes, Port Granby, Mn. and Mrs. T. Sowden, Elizabethville, and Miss Gwen Gilmen, Newtanville, ut Mn. H. B. Gilmer's... Mns. K. Stephen- son and Miss Marjory Farrow, Port Hope, at Mr. Victorn Farnow'm. ..Mns. Vance, Oshawa, vlaited 1lier sister, Mrs. Arthur Dumin... Mn. and Mns. Chas. Yule and family, Oshawa, ut Mn. Wm. Sav-ý cry's. .. Miss Edna Farrow, Lotus, was home. . . Gardon Clysdalc, Oshawa, witi Mns. J. Clysdale.. . Mn. and Mrs. Bert Trini and ci- dren ut Mn. Bob Pattcrson's, O0rono.. . Mns. Russell Lowery and family, Toronto, at Mn. A. Dob- son's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Muldrew, Elizabethillle, at Mn. Russel Sav- ery's. . . Mn. A. ýSouci was lu Tanaito.. . Miss Meda Hallowell, Newcastle, Mr. Hugi Stapleton, at Mn. WIlI Hallowell's. BIshop Beverley At Harvest Services Bishop Beverley, ai Tornto, peached for tic annual Harvest Home service Suuday evening 'n. St. Savloun's Anglican Churcla whlch was beautlfully deconatcd wlti small sheaves of wheat, flowcns, fruit and vegetables. Ap- propriate music was provldd by tie sluglng ai Thanksglvlng hynins and a vocal solo by Mn W. C. H. Mitchell. Rev. pewdney ~'Position at Rolph's store. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Porter and UShirley and Miss Audrey Billings Ovisited at Bobcaygeon. bMnr. and Mrs. Littlewood and Manley visited ut Sunderland on Sunday where Mr. Littlewood Preached. th Young Womcn's Bible Class was ýor entertained at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin Tuesday id evening. ýn Rv S. Littlewood attended the LeRoy G. Brown has been cam- eh mssinedas Lieutenant wth the ed Canadian Offilcers Training Corps at the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. re Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Brown, New- or castle, Mrg. Jas. Tamblyn, Miss an Maion Brown, and Miss Joan t. Shieve, Oshawa, Mr. Le Ro y g Brown, Guelph, and Miss Olive as Brown, Toronto, were guests ai Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown. ?d Everett Brown was a judge ai at the dairy cattie ut Part Hope fair. Mips Lniid Cobbledick, Toronto, e. visited ut Newton Cobbledick's. Miss Eunicc Middletoný visited il in Toronto. s Watch yaur property next Fni- ao day. It's Hallowe'en. id We wonder if there la going ta be an Armistice service this year.i ig If there is it's timne ta get plan-t 1-ning it. Thos. Lewis was home. 1- The Institute bulletin board has 11 been pinted. y Mr. and Mrs. F. Andron and son, n Tononto, visited at Mr. M. Hall's. -Union met Mon1day night lu it charge ai the missionany conven- or, Muriel Tennant. Canal Sta- r ples fuvored with a piano sala, aiter whicli the second chapter ai -the study book was introduced by Mrs. M. H. Staples and pre-1 i- scnted in the iorm ai a play by1 sMn. Robt. Sherwmn, Donald Sta-a ples, Glen Tamblyn, Majanie Mc-r d Dowell and Murîi Tennunt. The' -play outlined the work ai certain( missionanles in China and ended -with a challenge ta the yauths and maidens ai 1941 to also «"pray,9 study, give." Mrs. Mary Phasey cand Mrs. Henry Cantreli favored with a vocal duet with Miss Doris rWhyte at the piano, and Mary iHarris gave a reading. Mr. and Mns. F. B. Whyte spent eSunday in Peterboro.i The newly-painted fence at the *fair grounds lias been marred by ra kindllng-desiring vandal tearing r' away sevenal boards. t E Gardon Leai7ian has been trans- a ferned ta Moncton, N.B.a Dr. D. K. McElroy, Western t Hospital, Taranto, called ta sec his h grandmaother, Mrs. Noble, Satur- t, day cvenlug, enroute ta visit his tI imothen and sister at Peterboro. 1 Red Cross financial commuittee S met Monday at Mrs. R. A. Forres- ni ter's and arranged for bazaar and n canvass. bq W. C. T. U. met Tuesday with ai a worship periad by Mrs. S. Little- e wood who gave thoughts on "Un- e1 selfushness." Rail culi was ans-O wered with a few words regard- su ing the liquor problema. Plans s were completed ion the Medal t Contest. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Sey- t< mour and Mrs. Winter were ap- H, pointed lunch committcc; Mrs. ac flainey for decorations; and Mrs. 3tutt and Mrs. Cabbledick. ta ne- C 2!eive the ofcring. Suggestion for Co ýompiling the history ai the socle- ci y was deait with, also the ques- nu i!on ai the Temperunce cantrcst in the Sunday Schaol papers for which Mrs. Delve and Mrs. Mel- sa: ,or were appointed judges. Mee-o ing closed with prayer by Mrs. R. s Rainey. a TIRE EASILY? Take~~~ Gi il-h relief or money bick" kidney remcdy--to help remave thcexeuacide that niay be the Caus f that la", logy fel- ing. Mon.y back il not éatisfied. s Ibrâ.là 48FibLare 8u8% ahFmh la tbi.UL ailfor "Ciao Pilla"> 04 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTT.T.R nM'IAnTn _________ -- -, - .--. - ---,-.'~..-..- PAGE roeoe Send* That Ovorseas Box Now I TWO machine Oune Clark.'. Quota On War Savings Anothen War Savlugs Certifi- cates drive started lu Orono on October 20th, and it la hoped that everybody lu Clarke will do lais or hen share ta niake this a bigger success than the last anc. Looking back, it la noted tixat, although the pay rail and bank pledges were satisfactorlly carnlcd out, the Honour plcdges have fail- en down badly. As an example the manth ai Mardi was credlted with 89 pledges witla a total af $936, and August with 65 pledgcs with a total of $495. Last tume a truc pictune ai Clarkc's standing could not b. secured as bank pledgcs could 12e put in ut uny bank wheneas only the Orona bank was counted. Thia time ail pledgcs wiil be caunted and thus a truc picture will be securcd. Clarke's quota Is twa machine guns per month--or $800 in cold cash-and the drive will last a full manth. A large placard witla the picture ai a machine gun an it lias been placed ln front ai the towîi hall, divided inta ten sec- tions, each section representing one-tcnth ai the objective. As last time, no pay la being receivcd by the canvassers or chairman. This time tic emphasis is being pledged àn bank pledges.i In August one-tenth ai the people1 contributed $495, sa surely 100%- can contribute $8100. Let's go in fan an out ând out war effort! Spend less! Buy more War Sav-i ings Certificates!< Watch the personals for thei latcst resuits ecd week, secured1 ruesday aiternoon ai each week,i and do your share to make the1 result gratiiying.1 Came on, Clarke!, Don't let Canada down! Star Wecy Feature k Tells Adventures of t orono Ma.'s N.phew An intcresting stary appeuned in the Star Weckly, about C apt. t A., R. St. Louis, ncphcw ai Mr.( WIm. Stutt, Oftbno. Some tinie ugod au article appearcd in The States- I man rcgardimg Mr. Stutt's rela- 1I tives gctting out ai China. Thec i article ha part iollows: e Along. the caast have been es- f tablished R.C.A.F. bases which I hape ta f ly to shortly. Also along e te coat have been set up radia il stations which. tic ln tus no man's 0 [and except for flshing villages, r some ai them. Japanese, with its '1 aorth and south habitation. Coin- îunications have been. the bug-i cear af the command and these ire bemng marvclously strength- a: Dned anad the. weaknesses ironed tc )ut_ by an inter-communications 01 ;b-committee composed ai the ir alief signal aificers ai the three tl irvices, Capt. A. R. St. Louis ai ;e army, Flight-Lieut. Noci Ea- on, R.C.A.F., and Lieut. Raiph arty, R.C.N., assisted by civilian ivisers. Capt. St. Louis is a red-tape itten, a direct actianist and a Sc >mmunicatians genius. He is w redited with having worked MV niracles irom a defence point ai ro iew with British Columbia's Ci )culiar isolations and whisper fr ays that when he has cincuitcd in oast and interior here with a M hat-proof network he will get the tc Lii ta apply lais talents beyand pr .e seas. .Pr He began with wireless lu 1907. Rt le laits been warking on signais mc ver iice. Ho served overseas Si nd up ta 1928 ha Canadu's corps BE fsignala and thougi youtlaiul A] id dynamic is tic oldest captuin dr rom point ai service in the Cana- pii ian army. He set up rudio sta- ag >ns lu Canada's Arctic. Tien ho tei sunt ta China, became dinector- BE neral ai communications for the nei iuese goverument witi Lieut.- ar snenal's rank and a iniend af the oti îliang Kai-Sheks. He has wonk- ch, d on telegraph, telephone and ireless systems -hot only in China on d Manchuria but in Russia and ai oland. ME Of the prablems presented by 1 ritisla Columbia ho says, "I nev- tw rstnuck anythiug like it, the af st wezrd communication set-up als even met and I thougit it wus ai inny in Manchunla." by Which is ail hie will say ai lais 1 wvice in tic Orient." un hoi Gr mducted thc service, tie Bishap tii ;sisting by leadlug in prayer, Re îdiug thc acriptunes and preaci- an( gthe sermon. His discounse W eat with the thouglat ai uselesm by *nry. His remarks werc heard spi I.0.O.F. Officers Install.ed By Staff From Bowmanvile J. E. Anderson, D.D.G.M., Bowmanville, and his staff fro the Florence Nightingale Lad installed the newly appointcd E ficers af Orono Lodge No. Q~ I.O.O.F., on Octoben 15th lu Public installation service lu C an tawn hall, attended by. a vo: large crowd. Officers installed are: N. G.- Charles Stapleton; V. G.-H. D vey; Roc. Sec.-W. J. Rîddell; Fi Sec.-H. Walsh; Treasurer-E. Rainey; Warden-Howârd Chai, Conductor-G. Watson; Chapis -F. Yeo; R.S.S.-Everett Stapi tan; L.S.S.-Milton Morris; R. N.G.-James Nixon; L.S.N.G. Stan Bail; R.S.V.G.-C. Tuylc L.S.V.G.-Harold Haoey; In n e Guard-Glen Hancack; O U t E Guard-Manla Hancock. The installation iollaweda excellent program, presided ovt by R. C. Rasbarough, Past N. C Orono. The artists included: V C. H. Mitchell, R. E. Logan, ( Taylar and N. F. Porter, Oronq wha favored with a splendi quartette number with Mrs. R. I Brown ut the piano; Bro. Webbe: Brooklin, who captured the aud: ence's iancy in his twa ape ances by impersonatii jokoj and tricks with figures; Dc Hamm and Arthur White wh were heard in instrumental salc and duet; Jacqueline Smith an Pauline Deline, Newcastle,. w iavored witi tap dancing an, vocal duets; and last, but by n means least, Brian Flaherty aný his assistants Gardon Slemon uni "Kenny" af Bawmanville, wli kept the audience guessing wit] tricks ai magic with the assistanc of such celebrities as Orme Gams by, and amused with an exii tion ai thut art af ventniloquisi such as Chanlie McCartiy puts ar The installation was followei by exhibitions ai floor work b, I.O.O.F. member§ and by mma bers ai tie Rebekai Lodge c Oshawa who looked lovely a dressed in white. The floor wor] provoked rounds ai applause cs pccially the formations ai tie ici ter V, during whici Mn. J. Han cock, Bowznanville, sang "It's for Victory." Vaniaus speeches and the roi call were sprinkled amang thi itms on thc program. The worl of the lodge and thc Rebekah: received due credit and praise Thle hope was expressed tiat Rebekah lodge might be tarteÉ in Orono. About 12.30 lunch was served ifter which dancing was enjayeî to music supplied by the Lower3 orchestra. Over $20.00 was taker in collection for relief work oi th Orona lodge. B3rown*s Brown's Home and Sclaool As- iciation met October 14th, and uill hold a Hallowe'en party with Irs. C. Turner, Miss Wylma Far- ,w and Sidney Brown in charge. larence Turner received a letter Ïom Bill Clark telllug af neceiv- ng the gift sent him and asklug [r. Turner to express lais thanki ýthe people oi Brown's. Thi )ogrum was lu charge ai lst vice )resident Mrs. Clarence Turner: leading by Norman Eddy; vocal 01o by Marie Allia; readlug by ;am Turner; musical number by letty Aluin and Morley and Ross lin; reading by Mrs. Bob Hon- ýy; Reeve Cccil Carveth shawcd ctures ai Orono Fair ten yeprs ,o and af flowers and other in- eresting subjects; a vocal solo by stty Enwrigit; Wylmu Farrow ead the Home & Scioal paper; nd the Allias favored with an- lier selection. Next meeting in Large ai Sidney Brown. Rotary Club of Bawmanville ntertarned the pupils and teacher fthe sciool ta the show in Bow- ianville on Friday. Red Cross sent in 12 pair ai wo-way mitta, 5 qults, and 3 pair fsocks ta Newcastle Red Cross, Io 4 skirts, 2 blouses and 5 pair fblomers with material given y Newcastle Red Cross. Upwards af anc hundred fionda d relatives gathered ut tic me ai Mr. and Mrs. Robert raham on Octaber 16ti, it being air 40th wedding anniversary. ev. R. E. Morton was ciairman ,d called on Mn. and Mrs. H. ralsi for a vocal duet; a reading 5Miss Wylma Farrow, and seches by Alfred Reid,. Fred eDIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS C. 0, From The Orono News of id October 22, 1925 Hl.____ U' Lcw Waod's team took fright 1-whcn the conveyor started opera- rtian at the Evaporator Tuesday, ýs and ran away, leaving the springs Dn and box at Chas. Lowdcn's cor- 10 ner, hmnd whecls and Lew at the Os Vap. We did flot hear whcn thcî Id landed home or if they had front Io wheels or flot. d A big political meeting in the d0 intercsts of Fred W. Bowen was idheld here Friday cvcning. Ad- '0dresses were delivered'by Mayor th Mikel, Belleville, Col. W. H. ce Price, Provincial Treasurer, and S C.S.E.T. Tecumseh Tribe of the n Trail Rangers elected these offi- n. ccrs: Chief Ranger-Lawrence Al- ýd len; Tally - Clarence MeMullen; )y Mashier-Horace Best; Sub Chiel SRanger-Jack Cooper. )f Chicken thieves are reported tc, 1.1 have put a new anc over J. D. -k Brown. Hc was arouscd from his sbcd by a man enquiring the way ta t-Oshawa. John adviscd him tc 1rcturn the way hie had came. Mr. V Brown was then asked ta go oui ta the car and explain ta thc other l occupants (stated ta be five lad- Le ies), but hie wasn't dressed for ,k that class of company and bcing Is already vcry chully dcclincd. He e. later- discovcrcd that his chicken a pen had been raided and fowl and :1 young geese stolen. d Turner and Sam with Mr. and yr Mrs. Keith Ormiston, Oshawa.. n Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham at Mr. f Chas. Alldred's, Lake Shore... Miss Wylma Farrow with Miss Eileen Todd, Shiloh. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Farrow and Wyl- ma, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrow, Miss Jcan Perrin, Mr. A. Hunter and Mr. J. Hilier at the ploughing -match, Peterboro.. Mr. and Mrs. jR. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrow and Mr and Mrs. C. Tur- ner at Rosencath Fair. .. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Branch and family, rLockhart's, at Mr. C. Turncr's. David Henderson has purchased a new tlircshing machine. Vitamins Alone Not Enough Thr.. essential minorais aiso found int Dr. Chase' s Nerve Foodc1 help to miake this a% truc tonio for blood and nerves. Buying the large suse saves you money andr ensures a supplYE forallthefam3ily. 180 pilla $1.50. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food con- s tains vitamin B, b n ti ORONO best and r- ENTERTAINER s n Secure ]RATPR GORDON, the. wouderfully versatile en te r- filst ment. Iilustrated circular free. "In - Address - and 628b Crawford Street, Toronto the Nn.,ws SRandom Rumination By Thc Man on thc Sheil it a- WRAT 15 TRE CHURCII 's r- To some it la tic picture Le seniaus looklug treamurer.. ýy athers, tic continuous missiai iappeni . .. Ta smne parents Bible Schaol Suponintendent, te is sOoioten cxpected ta doN 'the parents cannot) . .. To s( 1- a chair elovuted, (tic resuit )ralways restful) . . . Again -i ai o empty bondhes, moequent] dcrawded hack sents. Not inirequently, certain pi ýe ai tic church Hymnal pro 1-iandy material for thc juvE t- intelligentsia ta record ticir 1pression on nîl and sundry. There is again thome who d ticir conclusions about hai 0 aguinst worship by the ebb f low ai attendance. is But there was a certain ton( ywio is rosponsible for tic st ment: "They ahl wita aneccn: began ta. make excuse." Notl inew under tic sun . . . not e rEnster finery. But wiat i churci? . . 4 walis? . . a big cii rmembership?.. a particular 9nomination? Ie aetidtawiedw dopinion: Tic churcla is the de mined effort ai, man irai dnwn ai history, ta clumb Up fi tic slavery ai ignorance ta soi tiing ever botter, tic best in1 responding ta tic caîllai soi tliing tint is better tian uis1 and tt i autside ai uni, 3he suma tiat up lu anc war, 1GOD. Strange how tic firat words Genesis are, "In tic beginning God."1 In tic New Testament tic Iý wards in Joins gospel are: the beginning was tic Word, tic Word was with God, and Word was Gad." Tic Infinite ti on for granted. Not explained. I ani not înterested in sectar theological interpretation ai th passages but in tic evident soi thing withlu the normal hunr ta reaca up. As long as he1 tic urge sjqta do, tien like1 Salvation Army is reported ta lieve . . "A man mny be do, but nover aut." Frai tic two passages quoi it seems quite evident tint1 existence af tic Supreme v taken for granted. I make1 assertion tint if you cuimini tint conviction, tien like tic Gý maus o can commit muni withoutau quaini. Sir W a i t Scott uses a couplet ta tic fi lawing cficct: "For why, becat tic word hlds good, where,. man may be, Tint le may ta wio luth the power, and lac ni keep wlia can." Well, Germa. ina got tic wonld there. But cvidently mnut lai cauid nat nccept murder, vi misery witi aIl tic attcnda evils as man's ultimate. Tic fia, ens, in orden ta obtain penfectic reaci up. Man, taa, figurative' opulated, but I would advi sanie othen sciaol ai marais. Man, wien normal, refuses believe le cannat bo botter. Thi believe today tint a botter sta ni saciety can and siauld; b tiey graped for ligit, nmom lIçkit, lu so called pagan cauntriE Marc tian 600 years before tl birti ai Christ, Babylon wus centre ai culture and thinkers. on a tablet dug up, part ai tl wards interpreted rend as iollow "Fatier long suffering and fu' ai iongiveness. whose iand up holdeti th ic loe a al mankiné First boru omnipotent, whm hcart is immensity. and tiere noue ta iathom it. Iu heaven wli is supreme? Thou art alone mu Dromo. On canti who is supreme Thou alone art supreme. As fc THEE, thy wlll is made kuowi lu heaven, and angels bow thi faces; thy. wlll is made knowi uvon carti, and tic spirits belai kisa tic gnound... You fid fault witi tic witnei of tiec durch today? Well, ho, can it be otherwise? You are t) churci, it is wiat you are, andç is every arizanization ta wii you bcbong. But ai tic churci tc Iay, yau have tic greatcst dt mnstration of Its power fromn positive and neizutîve stanipoin Germany unci Russîn had ta cr ifV tic churci ta climinate il influence froni ticir youth. Fre countries have ticir youth affei ing ticir lves ta preserve t* truti tiat kceps tici, free. Ou roui do nat want ta die, but dcat as prefcrable to a sprltl fiat ca FORE WARNED IS FOREARMED Be pnepared for the Sehool Daya mast ahead by having Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company, Limlted taie cane of yeur Laundry and Cleanlng requfrements now. PHONE 419 and aur driver wHi call. Cw- ion, 'ly. ell vie A BROKMN nb in an tunbrella doean't give complet. protection. An inaurance policy that only parti y covurs your property -or your business spial lois will not provide you wU theh amount of protection yen need. Ask Ibis agency te review your insurance policies NOW. It will b. toc Ibte to do so aller a los! Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanvlllc ki s yunglad 1k. thaneande of othe',. iu Canaat, .notl yusecknga %rlatmas box for lier friends naw scrving with th-- Omaian troope in England. Items most necded by the boys ovorseas include: socks and handikerchiefs, razana and blades, tooth paste, flaslights and batteries, fountain pens and pencis, watches, vitamine, carettes and confections. Ail newspapers in Canada aec-prtn tins month ln a campaiga to urge that parcels b. fIled gencrously with umeful gifts and that they should be mailed early. destroy the helplcss, crush the Young and old, and brag about it as necessaryse ta 'do ta give a superior race the right ta rule the world. But we came back ta the church, and brushing aside the many littie and bclittling wcaknesses You may charge arc associated with it, do net stand looking at the Master, but figuratively speaking, stand beside Him and try and sec the world as He saw it . . . saw it with a great heart full of compassion. I somchow feel that for some who wcre very foolish in their daily doings, there was net se much censure as the welling up of a desire ta divent the mind fromn the unworthy ta the worthwhlc. What tremendous poie, what resenve of spiritual strength and gcncrosity must have gone ta make up the background af The Man of Sornows and anc acquaint- cd with grief. Mr everything is being siftcd to-day, if the church is not cap- able ai doing fluer and better work, then it wül become mare ai a museum piece. If the blood oi the martyrs is the sced of the Church, se the death of the fln- est of the world's youth is too big a pnice ta pay for non-aggressive arganizutions. Like a certain fig- trec, it will warrant the words "Cut it down, why cuMbereth it the ground'". Worst Fire Hazard Caused By Smokers Statistice Prove Sixty-two per ccnt of the total ai 46,629 f ires in Canada durlug 1940 were stunted by preventable causes which resulted in 29 per cent of thc $22,735,264 propcrty loss duning the year, according ta a statemcnt releuscd today by flic Canudian Underwriters' Associa- tion in connection with the ob- servance of Fine Prevention Week.- In the five categories listed as "prcventable causes", smokers' carelessness caused the highest number of outbreaks, 13,264-aor 30 per cent of a11 fires ln Canada. Property loss resulting from this type of origin totalled $1,118,605. The other four "preventable causes" included explosions, and friction which sturted 3,610 fires and did danlage up ta $1,645,378; stoves, furnaces and boliers caus- cd 4,988 fires with a resulting loss of $2,057,428; defective and over- heuted chiiimeys, sturted 4,321 fires and caused $1,220,864 lass while 2,826 fires wcre caused by iaulty electnical wiring which marked up a bs ai $1,760,276. "The regional associations ai the 'Board' companies, ln collabo- ration with ather bodies, are con- stantly trying ta drive home the lesson of cutting fire lasses by the exercise ai more care," reuds the stutement in part. "They also point out that insuificient. caver- age of risks and lack ai insurance unnecessarily increase the wast- age ai Cunadian property. Twen- ty per cent ai ail fire lasses suf- iercd in 1940 were uninsured." paid Weil in advance, without any tof the usual commercial dis- icounts, and it costs approxunately $2.01 each, for every persan living in the Dominion of Canada," the statement reveals. THE GOOD EARTH "Ail real and wholesome enjoy- ments possible ta man have been just as possible ta hlm since flrst he was made of the earth as they are now; and they are possible to him chiefly in peace. To watch corn grow, and the blossorna set, ta draw hard breath over the ploughshare or spade; to read, to think, to love, to hope, ta pray- these are the things that make man happy. Now and then a wearicd king, or a tormented slave, found out where the truc kingdoms of the world were, and possesscd himself, in a furrow or two of garden ground, of a truly infinite dominion.>--John Ruskin. He Who loves goodness harbors angels, reveres reverence, and lives with God.-Emerson. Oshawa - Free Parking .LAST TWO DAYS Friday and Saturday BUD ABBOIT LOUJ COSTELLo HOU) that GHOST wlth Thc ANDREWS istera TED LEWIS & RIS PLAYERS REVIVAL FRIDAY ERLROL FLYNN '%'"A HAWK" wlth BRENDA MARSRALL Mlonday and Tuesday Liglit Comedy, as you 11ke it. RONALD COLEMAN 14Y LIFE WITH AILIH ANNA LEE Added Rît Mike Shaync - Super Sieuth LLOYD NOLAN In "Sleepers Weut Lynu Bat, Mary Deth Rugies - WEI)NESE)AY- For 4 Days JOAN CRAWFORD ROBERT TAYLOR GREER GABSON In 'When Ladies Moeet' HERBERT MARBRALL Spring flylngton i . THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE. ONTARrO ROMANCE - GAY COMEDY

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