~rH88DyOCTOBER 23, 14 W EEKLY PAPER * PROVIDES VITAL As eeut PUBLIC SERVICE fy C aPt. E lm ore P h ilp o t W a d y u x p c f y u newspaper? Well you expeet RETEATFRM MSCO te Tran-Siberian railway. Ja- more fromn your newspaper than an's ffrst objective in any war you do fromn any other persan or Experience at Leningrad, Kief aginst the Soviet will be ta eut institution to which you pay $2.00 and Odessa has shown',that'cities that railway. a year.. can hold Out long after complet e encirclement. But from the poit l A thinga now stand in the Par You expeet your newspaper to of viéw of the war as a whole the East, the combined forces of the give yau ail the news for 52 ,encirclement of Moscow would United States, Britain, China, the weeks. That's why you pay $2.00 inean, fiat only the end of the Netherlands, and Russia. would for it, but,- rFe4 battie of Russia in Europe have an excellent chance, flot anly You expect your newspaper ta the ed of one entire tragic of defeating Japan, but of defeat- take the lead in advcating chang- *ýodeinehuman affairs. ing her very quicklY. But with es for the belterment of the com- ~<aid that either Russie or the United Statesmuiy weys: Either as a result of in- ass rg expose graf t in publie affairs, ta telligence, and action based on Hence I figure that Japant will foresteli it by publlshing itemnized such; or by punishment of bitter put the anus on the United States. accounts of ail public maneys experience. If and when she ettacks Russian spent. If anything can save this gen-Sîberia she will attempt ta stage You expeet your newspaper ta a fait-accompli before the United eretion from paying the final pen- States cen act. Russie is reliably matatain a high standard of mor- altY of its bllndness, selfishness, adsilt ae3 ulam ih and condemnlng thtags thet -and cowardice it willpbe the cam vsidnstil the ave 5 ui amy diarety suortanhtggha r pounded lessons which follow the dvisions r a sogtes MVani or ih- from Maofteai.Fo n Ress arn estok are within effective bomb- You expect your newspaper ta F nristaken w whor livesn the am ngrng f apnsectismaintaina ahigh standard of en- tisreally espanslibe fortheîtng-which are of match-boxetype con- errsecevtogciunete tin elyrsosbefrltigstruction, easily vuinerable ta c.iumn ta prapaganda, supportingj the aggressors get out of hend- fire-bombs. With Russie in the the band, the basebali team, cam- we are going ta pay now, and war egainst Jepani the English munity celebretions, Boy Scouts, Y A I dearly, for aur folly. speaking powers have no real high school, athietics, school pro- We watched with only academic problemn in Japan. But with Rus- grams, home talent plays and doz- interest while the aggressors gob- sie out of the war the picture ens of such causes and events. bled Up Manehuria, Ethiopia, would be very much gloomnier for You expect your paper ta boost Spain, and Austria. We feiled ut- the democracies in bath Atlantic for good- raeds and protect your terly ta try ta stop the gangsters and Pacific areas. communily's dlaim ta its share of tîntil they hed become so great a rodipoeet.M u menace that such an attempt SPEED I[Lrod impc ovem es aer proved far beyond aur strength- bidu ofdnei orhm îobllzed too late. Even when In event of war with Japan the buaial cnftidenciondyouroe itegave us an unparelîeîed outcome wil likely depend, mare home tavestors from making un-L miltary opportunîty - when he than on anything else, an the wie. vetet o upusfns sent his millions pîunging int speed with which the combined angaaisfkealmn Russia - even then we failed anti-Japenese farces act. If they adorninaai akepiratesme elther ta seize that opportunity or aIl act together, and înstently, the and othe fina ncil paes. to even ta indicate that we had Jepanese nevy might well be couba tepet yar neisacert learned the lesson. swept frorn the seas in a matter coba epeddleor nuisace By"w"I en hepope of ofweeks. The Japanese armies eYou sh eetyournwtater ta Manufai By we"I eanthepeple0fcould be stranded, at least in etal redly otac tith the English..speaking dem ocracies. S u h C i a n i e t c m hP c e Hed we gone ali-out in the war SuhCta nddrc o-the rural reae r 0 sta induePie agalnst Hitler when the issue was niationsoat apened cChi-them ta make yur tawn ter ln trem bling in the balance, as it w as nese arm i y es- ia the lPaci uinports ta n otcf a p b i m ei g ,I p ra in August, the war might well rnd anonl vrteln urn o xetyu nwpprt ln have been won already.oasfW. public observances, conventions, Eportii Britin, ithut te fui ~ Japan is fia real menace, ex- etc.Eprt Bueifid suot c the funl ud cept as a by-producî af the great- You expect your newspaper ta States, wsppntotented er menace in Europe. But itflaY urge support of poor relief bene- entgates ant evnsrg well be that the beginning o the fits, library drives, Red Cross ears afocter achursi n.iTie end of Naziismn will came in Asie, drives, Christmas seal drives, Le- stili aler tanplch diie ad not ma Europe. gion and Auxiliary drives, poppy Groceri conquer technique. He was stili FAR EASTERN' FACTS saefre-e.o aehv--Brad, lb able ta deal with his victims one heart drives, etc. aI a lime. And, as a classie ex- The highly authoritative Royal You expect your newspaper ta pr@di ample of the blindness ta aur own Institute of International Affairs publish church notices,' church Fredi frii intèrest, we actually had one of has recenîîy issued bulletins programs, club news, farm bureau Fruit orv aur Canadian cabinet mmnisters which give useful information information, demonstration unitcid expre sstg gratification that these about Soviet strength i East news, market news, weather news, Cnyc 46two totalitarian monsters" were -Asia. The area hasrIbeen made as bring yau the market reports and Breakefast dslroying each other. fer as possible self-contained. It cover aIl doings of the meny hA.Cron does not, however, feed itself semi-public organizetions. FULL CYCLE fuliy, and depends mare on ti. You expeet your newspaper ta C@g<ee,1 Ailinicaios ae thl heports via the sea than via rail support every meritoriaus argani- or qpuc alneaeonsowraottatakhe from European Russia. zation effort for the town's good. Ss or a eplunge intoail-ouI war on the The unknown quantity in the Anyoexctalhifr$2O dof the Axis. We should un-Fer Eastern military picture is a year. ue !rtand clearly just whal this how far the military forces there No, il cent be done for that. chees. es.have been weekened ta buttress The money you, as e subseriber, Mille «lui IfRssie is forced ta withdrew the Red armies on the western pay for this peper covers less than earmies ta the Valga, or even Russien front. My information, one-fourth the cast of publishing er east, her ability ta remain for what il is worth, indicated the peper. The other three-fourths the war will depend an whe- that the Red armies fecing the. must be paid by advertisers. her or net she cen gel suple Japanese are emply stronfoth Since the edvertlsers pay e arnthe oulside world. tit ordeel in hand. npfr he lesha r o teepense cft erefore vital for us ta keep open A speedy clean-up of the Japan- ypublihing your weer, hýdot ta patronize them whenever they AtrDcme ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ offer you equal or better valuesAf e De m b r ithan nan-advertisers? i And you, Mr. Advertiser, don't TeMarch of Science you think that in view of the many services which the news- .. . ~.,peper performs, for which the icence AppJ * ....*.~ newspaper derives no compensea tion, but which mean more busi- ness and mare profits 10 you, the M. -.:V:.n"ewspaper deserves your adve- ~~ ~tisng and printing AbWsinessri S. ~ese menace in the Pacifie area. to thi j ight even prove more than an offset for Hitler's great suceesses ... ~agatast Russia in Europe. As long as the demacracies are forced ta boE ~ keep in the Pacifie huge naval, A " ER D air, and lànd farces their task tanR S.....<holding ad then beating Hitler R taErp s boa formidable. But ~ 1e release of ail those forces, .... .... ....w hi h w ould foll aw real defeat of .. . .Japan, would be of the greatest UNQUIRIES E iportance. Considered separately fromn that VANCOU VEi ..::::::inbSEurop., the military pieture in Asia is almost ideal from the standpoint 0f 1the anti-Jepaneso bloc. The United States strategists th~e very kind of crisis that now faces them. Those who shauld STYLES IN TLEHO POLuS know are confident that they Make yaur community newsl could either sink every Japns oravtingndrnig There was once a cartoon of a the graund. The contrast between warship within a malter of paekse oravriigadptl an sprinkling aà garden of lutIle th1e pitch-biack pales and th1e ar drive those ships to poeeks diurn adyuhlpbid lephone polos, which were gleaming red Copper wires of a the Germans are in Europe. In corhmunity. Send your adv rotngu nder th1e watering newly-compîeîed 9une is a sight such case the position of th1e Jap- ing dollar away fram home e pant. n astonished ob- well worlh seeing. anese ermies in China cen speed- you do just xwhatyu o rer was represented as saying, Many types of treelmnt i.areiyb-ed 0bcm dseae11- testad awo l>bes edbu té os ppu e l is fnleeîn oe act on on. basic principle: That wMN usullybee coer.telphoe companies in tropical fromn now on, for ahll ime ta damne, Bt ho 1 as faund thet pine cauimîrles have ta contend with they mnusl stand together nat only sýo,treiated wilh creosote, would the opposite condition. They are for their own self defence but for tw ies Thengresot sfrced 11e concerned with preventing the defence of every threatened tIoes hlcost sfred tes pale from decaying, tItan vicîim of gangster aggression.' t&e pale under tremendous from putllng out rools, acqulr.inir Perhaps the tide of aggresslon........... sure-pressure 80 great that bark, and shootlng out frssh had to roll rlght round the earth, pale will "1bleod" creosote for avgesd wbranhes whel be ome as ldfom Minchu1 efrla the93 Ibis after It heu boon set in tagewlh10 ieiaMsow a191bfr 1. No. l ./~ ul., r.>o.d ~ K.G. 0..,people of the demnooracles reafl No. I e Tl ut oue ýpopodby . . wo, reellzed thet an attack on any. Ct T nonTolpbon COMMY t CM"-&body la an attack on everybody. J5U W AANV LLE ONT RIOPAGE THR M PERSON FER Y MANUFACTURINO HANDLING, OR DEALINO IN OD, FEEDS, -LIVESTOCK, POULTRy, RN, CLOTH, CLOTHING or FOOTWEAR r HAVE A% LICENCE BY DECEMBER 1, 1941 JNDER THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD LICENSING ORDER -ý ALL PERSONS IN THE FOLLOWING TYPES 0F BUSINESS durer Warehouse operator Pmublic tnplc operatorDrvhcetrooierpsn cturr's Agnt Cold storaeoeao.Retail dletes operatorwh bust.pdusof (mais, mIs) S o rlersoplolpeértor Caterea' agriculture for ruel or' Cutom tuilor okrA tiée Clthngcnfacoro m erhtiUnit' uin ognization r~~ ~~~I .Woeaemcant or jobber Producer o bysadc" ti Co-operative aktigo Ir Retail merchent products off others sellino organization lu (Semeai) 6iscuits, or Othe, mch UitS endvegetab vegetable preepa *r chocolat.« Ifood end cered ni end kindred 1 tee, cocea, Ch naces, id) ar or rA ý- --m MUST HAVE A LICENCE Mille (evaporated, condensed or gr bakery powdered) ice-cream blet Aerated and minerai wateus iratons Meats (pcled, cured, cmnned) wlsMeats i e.h prodcts Fish (paclee, cured, canned) productsFish (fresh) ocolate, Poultry producta (eggs. dressed pou ifry) Flour or- mili feeds Feeds for livestocle or poultry Mails or lunches (catered or 'ne, u.'untr, IivedOor POUItry Producer, or lishern n fot subject to licence unlesslhe buys sucli goods for -re"saleI 1, 1941, when any of the above goods are bought for resale, botli the seller's and buyer's licence umbers must be marlced on the sales slip, hivoice, or other dlocument recording u sl 9 h sl lication Forms will be distributed through the mail. Persons who do not receive one sh@uld ipply at their Post Office where copies of the Licensjng Order may also 6e secured kate and a Licence Identification Card will be issued f0 eachli Iiensee. The Certificate must be affixed me main door or an adjoininG window of the- place of business. No licence fee required CEMBER Ir 1941, NO UNLICENSED PERSON MAY BUY FOR 3SALE, HANDLE, OR SELL ANY 0F THE ABOVE G OODS FOR FURTIIER INFORMATION SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO TIHE REGIONAL DIRECTOR 0F LICENSINO AT 'R EDMONTON, REGINA, WINNIPEG, TORONTO, MONTREAL, HALIFAX, SAINT JOHN, OR CHARLOTETON lmmued under the authorlty of' the Wartim. Prices und Trd. Soard--OTTAkWA, Cana" spaper gathered to énjoy a social even- W. W. VanCemp's. .. Miss Hazel layettes which St. John's W. A. kg me- ing. B-lackstcik Mountjay, Branle, et Mr. Norman are preparing for Britain. Lunch ip the About 17 boys were on hand et Mounltjoy1s.w. . Mrs. Wm. Steele finisered adlt fwr a vertis- th1e schoolhouse Oct. Sth ta pro- (Inbended for lasI week) inTrnto wth Mrs. R. Willan. . .îîhd eand sent applications for membership W. M. S. met et Mrs. Millard Mr. and Mi'a. Roy Avery, Bow-Sympathy is exbended 10 Mr. Arbn' ithur Crozier and Mrs. Harvey Wdnt ialT. E. Hancock of No. 8 is present. Theme wes "We Live by - . Mr. and Mrs. R. Curtis and t e than, on 111e deatofr ay Mentor. On Thanksgiving th1e Failh in God the Father." Mrs. family, Cabourg, Mr. and Mrs.thimterMs.Rb.roe. St aus boys went on a hike. A. Johnston gave a splendid bath Gordon Slrong and family, with ýiyands .a d Ms .Prf u d r. o 1e 2 r si Mr. E r r. R b. B u e a d Ms . D O N U N U L T est of Harry Héron and Mrs. C. Adams Dorreil rendered a vocal solo. King. . . Rev. and Mrs. Milton ON WINTER SCHEDULE rnake attended a Presbytery coching Mrs. S. S. Cross, Flint, Mici., Sanderson and. family, Toronto, t amein conference at Whibby. spoke very encoureging wards to Mr.C. Mariow's. .. Rev. and Mrs. Cailander, Oct. 15 - Visiting Red Cross quiling wes held et 1the auxîlîary. Rail caîl was ans- R.Jî. Cerrthers, Toronto, aI 1the hours for t11e Dionne Qutatuplets Mrs. J. Gearing's. wered by gifts af dlothing ta be personago and visited friends. . .. have been reducted for th1e wlnter sent ta British War Victîms. Mrs. Miss Ruth Mariow, Toronto, with season, fioles t11e passenger rai- Miss Jean Antil, tep daner, e- Jabez Wrighî's group was in Mrs. Jas. Marlow. .. Miss Vivien fedprmet0 h anadien tértainéd the R.A.F. etth11e egion charge of 111e program. Mrs. Roy Sadier, Claremont, et Mr. Robt. National Railways. Visitors arie Hall Oshwa, ct. th.Taylor gave a reading, "Our Sedler's. Vivian nd Mrs. Sadler now received betwe.n 3 and 3.0 A shower was heid et Pidduck's Best"; Mrs. Gordon Strong gave sang a duel Sunday mornîng at o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, hall Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. a talk an 1the life of Paderewski Cadmus. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred every aflernoon. coan Curtis Gearing. Around 40 guesîs and piayed his ceiebrated "Min-. Weidon, Toronto, with t11e Smith thé gathered to Present their gifts. uét"; Mrs. N. Mountjoy introduc- Bros. Modesty is a shining light; Il eund. Afber 1the bride had opened thé ed thé néw sludy book "Sewing A very pléasant événing was prepares thé mind to, redoive rsons parcels and thé guésts had been with thé Sons of Shuh"; Mrs. spent Oct. 8111 et Miss Eva Parr's knowledge, and th1e heart for Suibably thankéd, dancing was en- Robt. Sedler gave a fine vocal when fifleen ladies sewéd on, truth.-Guizot. joyed. Fruit and dandy wére solo, "Poor Man's Gardon"; Lén -_______________________________ served. ore Fallis piayéd e piano sala, l~ Visitors: Mrs. Henry Howard, "Polish Dance"; Mrs. Franlk Stin- ~2Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brid- son pronouncéd thé bénédiction. Sges and son, Madoc, and Aircraf t- A dainby lunch wes sérvéd. man F. Middleton, N. B., aI Mr. Visitors: Miss Kathleen Taylor, eUUh#IUflh 'a L w es PaueterlowitMiss Mary Cavell, ,Mr A daMe LightltML.w Cos grs. Fred Adams, N.S., and staff, et Mr. Roy Taylor's. .. Mr. . EretGearing, Kingston, et their and Mrs. W. A. Dawson, Kather- homes. . . Mr. and Mrs. George ine anid Sandra, Windsor, et Mr. nu Reynolds, Mrs. Paternoster, Miss F. A. Baiiey's. . . Mr. and Mrs. mv Gledys Reynolds and Master Goldwyn Feint and Velerie, Il Glenn, at Mr. George Robinson's, Queensville, et Mr. O. Wright's... o Thornton's Carners,. and et Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hoimés G. Barraball's and Dr. W. S. Fitz- visited relatives bel are leeving patrick's, Pelerboro. . . Mr. and for Ottawa where Wallace is new Mrs. Rufus Clarke and Murray, manager for thé Loblew store Ottawa, Mrs. David Clark, Whlt- there. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lorne by, et Mr. Clarence Penfound's. .. Bradburn, Toronto, àt Mr. Wesley Mms. Wm. Boyce, Brightton, wlth Bredburn's. .. Miss Florence Me- Mrs. C. Penfaund and Mr. and Leughlin, Toronto, et Mr. J. R. Mrs. John Penfaund. Masters Bill, McLaughlin's. .. Misses Joan and Bob and James, Taronte, were Patricia Marlow, Toronto, et Mr. CANAAL. Nku G.éELsERA ECTRIC 0. _ with the famlly for Sunday eve- Wallace Marlow's. .. Miss Mabel ~ rFuiI wm mu g *b uR . nlng te& -.~m± VanCamp, O.E.C., Toronto, et Mr. Meals or lunches sold for consumption on the premises Delicatessen producta Livestocle or poultry Men's or boys, clothing Men's or boys' fumishings Men's or boys' hats or caps Women's misses' or children's clothins Women's, misses' or children's Fur goods (wearing apparel) Hosiea'y Millinery Boots end shoot Rubber Iootwear Boot and shoe, lindings yarn or clo6 of cotton (inciud- ing blankets) Yarn or cioth off suIe, artilicial1 sie, rayon Y4rn or Cloth off wool (including lýiX CANADMN STATZSMAM RnVMAWVTT.T-v nWMA IMT- CANADA e OR FIRM IF THEY HANDLE OR SELL