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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1941, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR TEE CANADIAN STATEkMAN. BOWMMIVILLE. ONTARIO THURS»AY, OCTODER 80, 1941 jThe Newcastle Independent Phone CWake 1114 -O-M 0 -Mm-mm mmIl -'mu**....... ..~.=.=. * I. UMMMM .......... Mrs. Stella Anderson is taking a month's holiday. Mrs. Geo. Grass, Napanee, visit- ed Mrs. P. O'Neill. Oshawa Froe Parking1 Friday and Saturday - LAST TWO DAYS - JOAN CRAWFORD ROBERT TAYLOR GREER GARSON When Ladies Mdeet HERBERT MARSRAilL REVIVAL FRIDAY atIil WILLIAM HOLDEN BARBARA STANWYCK GOLDEN BOY Mond.y and Tu..dy LEW AYRES LARAINE DAY D.Kildare's Wedding Day LIONEL BARRYMORE - PLUS - ]DENNIS MORGAN Kisses For Breakfast SHIRLEY ROSS JTANE WYVATT COMAING NEXT WEDNESDAY FOR FOUR DAYS PYNAMIC - TOREmD - RIP ROAEING HONKY TONK LANA TURNER FRANK MORGAN CLAIRE TREVOR ALBERT DERKER Put It on your '%MUgT' list NOW À& p COFFEE BOKAR 1-lb. kag 39,c 8 G'CLOCK lb. kag 35c RED CIRCLE 1-b. kag3lc STEMMS zOASTIs The Sergeant o! Newcastle Trail Rangers camp is Murray Walton. Ma. sud Mas. Hubert Anderson, Toronto, visited M. W. H. Ander- son. Mas. Roland Davison, Morrish, visited lIre. Fred Cowan sud Mise Odie Warren. Dm. J. A. Butler has been com- iug to his office teis week, follow- iug hie receut ilinese. Ma. sud Mas. Chas. Smith sud Anus, Hampton, visited Ma. sud Mas. J. L. Crydemman. Corp. Harold Hochin, Camp Borden, sud Pte. Jos. Hochin, Al- leuburg, were home for tee weeh- end. Ma. Jack sud Miss Nancy Can- non, Toronto, sud Miss Margaret Vallesu, Oshawa, were visitoms with Mas. T. M. Gibson. Douglas Laugman, o! R.C.A.F., Belleville, was home, accompan- ied by Ma. Deeley, Trenton Air- port, formnerly of Unity, Sask. Ma. sud Mas. W. C. Allun sud Mas. Wm. Jeweil, Bowmauviile, Mr. Bort Jewell, Oshawa, visited Misses Ada sud Elizabeth Allin. Mise Vivisu Duck, office de- partmeut o! T. Eaton Co., Toronto, speut the weekend with hier par- ente, M. sud Mrs. Robt. F. Duck. Ma. sud Mas. A. F. Pepper and William, Whitby, visited Mas. W. J. Hochin, Mr. sud Mas. Ed. Pow- ell sud Mr. sud Mas. A. 0. Parker. Donald Jose was at the O.A.C., Guelph, Friday, takiug part in the judgiug o! seeds sud live stock in tee iuter-couuty judging competi- tions. M. sud Mas. W. T. Lake, Mme. W. C. Lake, Mas. Geo. Gray sud Messrs. Alfred sud Stanley Gra- ham atteuded the Rickard-Hay nuptiale in Toronto last Saturdsy. Mr. J. W. Bradley spent a week with Lieut. sud Mme. E. S. Van Der Veer, at Glovereville, N.Y., sud visited tee million year old Howe Cavemus on the banhe o! the underground river Styx. Rev. R. E. Morton wss anuiver- samy preacher at Welcome last Sundsy, while Rev. Elliot, Wei- corne, preached in Newcastle in the momnnmg sud conducted anni- versmy services at Clarke alter- uoon sud eveuiug. Newcadtle United Chumch Junior Choir, Mme. E. C. Fisher organist, sang at Clarke iu tee eveuiug. Ma. W. F. Rickamd, M.P., sud lIrs. Richard, Mars. Geo. Gray, Mr. sud Mm. Jos. Coulson sud Mr. sud lIrs. Garnet Richard were in Toronto Saturday atteuding thee weddiug of Mr. John Richard sud Miss Charlotte Hay. See report on another page. Mm. sud Mas. Rich- ard wlll reside at "The Grange," Newcastle. Friende home extend heartiest congratulations. Newcastle relatives sud ac- qusintances were deeply grieved Purk a lemuiCarlCs 2 2i-17c SaImo r <'sCWoh-oi15ceT'lu,27c SPA&ETTIRu-2 liz23c JI Aymer Strswberry 32-o*. C Colour and Pectin) JIar 31 clama White MSali 4c Coc. ou a Ct, 15e » 29c MITCUEML18 Apple Jico '¶-i-16e Mb. 29C * ZNUESPBMG oLAM LEGS ILb.29c 0 LOMISLb23c @ FitONTS lb. 17e CHICEE i~ b. 29c SU RMS [b. 21c ELIENLA b iwile FiiIEMhDOàÇ,T ib25c BU E-IJ » Dem IeL.21c SAISIE <'r'lb. 19e U&ORST ger lb. 17c 5SAIISSE un? b. 21c Sm luburg ILb. 17e U» i 'Chroies lb. 33c Made ea flghQuea lngreilenta IOur Own Dakey BREAD DOUINIUTS [)oz. 12c MINPAGIE B KIlS b. 14 CRACKE w AT MIEL CAKE PLAIN es. 9c 12. 15Sc CAE English Frit .a23c iUjPfl UASEAL P*BO iSUCT 0 Q19eT TANSEmihooeuitga AI.lb. Sc ug"E1wRmu1T iwm et gvltmulu for 190 @~~8NGUS CALWOMIA VALNCIA-..MSU Es o 7 t to mark'et dhancos. Purebanu almitai le' 4 faaalm-l y krreqaleI na EIZ CANADIAN GIRLS IN TRAJNING Tuesday evening, Oct. 14th, thee Senior C.G.I.T. met at tee par- sonage. A number o! tee gradu- ated members of tee junior goup were warmly greeted, while the departure of the graduated senior girls was regretted. The girls were ail happy to learu test lu spite o! noue too vigorous healte Mas. Irwin ColwiUl has couseuted tg take tee leadership of tee group again this year, wth tee help o! Mas. H. M. McCoil who has been heartily welcomed into tee senior C.G.I.T. group ase assistant leader. An effort is being made to or- ganize s Junior Group wite lIre. Gamnet Richard as leader sud Miss Kathleen Toms as assistant, but girls o! 12 sud 13 years o! age seem mrather lixited in num- bers at teis timo. The Senior C.G.I.T. Gmoup met at Mme. frwin Colwiil's Oct. 2lst, wite Pant President Betty Eu- wright iu tee chair. These offi- cors were elected: President- Betty Enwright; Vice President-- Paufune Deline; Sec'y-E i lee on Farrow; Aset. Sec'y.-June Allin; Treas.-Gwen Hooper; ProseH- porter-June Allin; Aset. P. R.- Margaret Ash; Publicity Sec'ys.- Jacqueline Smith, Barbara Bous- than; Pisuit-Mas. Hugh lIcColl; Asst. Pianist-Mae. Imwin Colwill. The Goup received its certificate showing tee members have fui- f illed the requimemente o! a chev- on goup sud are allowed to wear a chevron badge. Pauline Deline thanked Mas. Colwill for so hospitably o!fering hem homo. SOUTRERN DINNER A dinner test was different in these norteern latitudes was thee deep south repast served Friday by tee West Group of tee United Church W. A. lu the S. S. hall. Everybody eceived a warm wel- corne sud a handhake from Aunt Jouiuna sud Aunt Dinah o! pan- cake flour sud molasses fame. Serviug tables wss a bevy of Negro maids, Topsys sud Chloes sud Elizas, lu ail stages of growth sud msaturity. There weme no half wsy messumes about their makeup. The veteman T. W. Jack- son, o! 20 yeare travelling under the star spangled banner, saw to that. Identified amoug them were Laurence Morton sud pal, Jim Patterson, Steve White?hand, Ar- thur Ciemence, Glenn Allun, Francis Jose, Chaps. Disley, Glenn sud Rose Prout. Recognized as tee white mistresees o! these dus- ky, large footed, obedient and cheerful daxusels, sud tee organiz-1 ors of the feast were Mesdames W. J. S. Richard, N. L. Richard, F. B. Lovekin, A. O. Parker, Chas. Disley, Jno.. Cunningham, W. J. Clemence, Alec Prout sud Miss Odie Warren, whiie others of their neighbomhood helplug to1 bake sud cook weme Mesdames J.1 T. Brown, David Gray, Glenn1 Pollard, W. H. Pearco.1 The menu consisted o! baked1 squash,ý po'k sausages, pancahes1 sud co'n syrup. Thon followed co'n cake sud mo' syrup, punkin pie with inch-thich cream, lote o! molasses gingerbresd sud steam- îng cups o! old plantation coffee. Orsuqe coloured marigolds form- ed the table decorations. Whlle the feast was progrossiug euh, sud those white mon sud ladies were comiug sud. going Margaret Pearce playod coon melodies on the piano. Salem Rev. Harringtou, Toronte, gave s fine addreslu the luterost o! Bible Society womh on Sunday. Y. P. U. meeting on Oct. 22ud was opeuod by Prosident G. Bar- rie. Program was in charge o! Miss B. Thompeon: Bible read- luge, L. Coombes; topic, Mme. H. Barrie; readinge, Master Shortt, Miss T. Werry sud Mme. L. Squalr; vocal duet, Mr. sud Mas. G. Bur- rus; mouthorgan selection, B. Dsrch. A eong coutest sud sing- song !llled lu the ecreational period. Hampton W. I. East Gmoup mto at Mme. L. D. Sykes' lsst week 'd 'Il-q. L. Clouions' this wook. for their uewlng bue. .Mrs. Moody sud Mies F. Moody returned to Toronto q n Sunday after visitiug Mr. sud Mme. H. ("-aud who accompsuied them to Toronto. Pte. R. Blehop, St. Thomas Air vorce Traning Station, visited ,Mr. aud Mrs. L. Coombes. Mr. sud Mme. G. Richards sud MRfos . oau, Toronto, vislted hie- parents. to learn of the death, in Oshawa hospital on Tuesday morning, of Mas. Leonard Barrett, formerly Miss Ruby Andrews of Pickermg. She was fatally injured bya truck at Pickering on Saturdsy. She was a dsughter of the former Miss Bertha Walton, Shaw's, and a cousin of Alfred and Stanley Grahamu who on their returu from the Rickard-Hay wedding Satur- day evening noticed ail tee cars and people around the scene o! tee fatal accident. She had taken an active part lu tee Sunday School and young people's work and had been an officer of the Presbytery Y. P. U. 0 YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION Y. P. U. held a social evening on Mionday. Miss Marjorie Lycett presided for the business period. Miss Helen M. Smith, Christian Culture Convener, had charge of devotions sud prograrni. Gapnet Rickard resd thee cripture snd Miss Beruice Smith led in prayer. Progrsm consisted of a vocal duet by June and Glen Allin and piano selections by Laurence Morton, also a number of gaines and con- tests by th~ four groups into which those ýresent were divided. The two groupe, chosen sud csp- tained by Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Al- lin respectively, were subdivided into four. Apples and candy lu variety were served for lunch with a writing coutest coinciding with the esting. Ail were remind- ed that tee time was close to Hal- Iowe'eu when on entering tee hall they were accosted by a wîtch (Margaret Ash). A vemy enjoyable Lost Heir party was held et the home o! Mr. sud Mas. Halph Davis, Friday night, sponsored by Mas. Davis' group a! tee W. I. Highest scores were merited by Mas. W. Leask sud Ma. J. Baker. Delicious lunch was served by the ladies. lIre. H. J. MeXessock took charge o! the Tempersuce pro- gram at Suuday School when Mas. Roy Laugmaid preseuted an in- teresting stomy sud Betty Smales reudered a vocal solo. Chumch service was eniched by tee presence of Hev. A. J. Car- scaddeu, on Suuday, when ho de- livere da heart-stirrmmg account o! the great handicaps being over- corne, te an appreciable extent, bpmons cndemxied to a life o! oculr ahnss, by teeCnde National Institute for tee Blind, Harvey Yellowlees, Jerry Mill- sou sud Francis Wotten weme awarded three days at O.A.C., Guelph, aset week through their work on Ma. Summners' judgiieg teams. We are sory to loje Ma. Mol- rose Parker sud John who have moved to Elmvaie. Visitera: Ma. sud Mas. W. t lIcKee,.Ma. sud Mme. A. MacDofi- sld, Mr. sud Mas. Frank Pass- more, Mm. sud Mme. Lloyd Yule sud Bill, Mme. Hary Yule, Miss Elsie Brown, Tomoûto, Ma. J. R. Brown, Whitby, at Mm. Bryce Brown's. .. Ma. sud Mas. Norman Leach sud Doris, Taunton, Ma. sud Mrs. Albert Wood sud Aud- rey, Ma. sud lIre. D. J. Chambers, Miss Jean Leach, Bowmauville, m. sud lIre. Jim Hardy, Wing- ham, at Mm. J. R. Kivell's. .. Mr. sud Mas. Percy Deweil, Kinsale, at Mm H. E. Tiuk's. . . Mm. sud Mas. Cecil Bush, David sud Cath- orine, Orlaud, with Mas. S. Bush. ..Miss Helen Baker wîth friends in Toroto... Mr. sud Mrs. Ernesti Hockaday at Ma. Donald Yellow- lec'l, Columbus. sud visited Miss Eleanor MacMllans at O.L.C., Whitby. . . Ma. sud Mrs. Halph Davis at Mm. J. Davis'. Kedron.. Mr sud Mas. Frank Wright, Bow- "Hale dancing beeause he'. happy., Hia mom ordered a great bit layer eake from Carter'a for dessert."1 Caterlers for banquet@ar- ties, weddl ,lunehem, In Carter'g'Tes ERoom 3vGu enJoy'Orhe DBut Coffee ln Town." I The Carter FamiIy Bakers For Two Generationa Phone 855 Dowmanvine RELIEF FRO.M CONSTIPATION Womun Flnds a R.m.dy With peet franuea awoman correspondent write:- "I hae uffered fromcospa tion ~~ aslog an cnrememr, tkenal ore of thingap-whihl Borne cases aeemd odogodat firat, u fewrd ohv i effet. Then 1 thought I would ry' Krahen in m tea everym=rlg and 1 have don0soforoerayer I n:leesed to ainay aft the frt consiptoncd I have frit very fit.-Mr. . M. S. Kçruachen helpa to maintain a condition of initernai cleanlineua The several malte lm Kruachen etimulate the organs of elimination te amooth, gentie action. Your eyste e hskept clero lgging waCt an moioous ipuriies Tyrone Visitors: Mrs. Bruce Tewiligar, Mrs. George Wilson and John, Oshawa, with Mrs. Lorne Hoakin. . . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kilty, To- ronto, with Mrs. Byron Moore.. Mr. and Mrs Jack Hatherly and family, Newtonville, Mrs. R. Ha- therly, Enniskillen, Lieut. Gordon Cowling, St. Catharines, Mr. Geo. Cowling, Haydon, at Mr. R. Ha- therly's. . . Major Floyd Dudley, St. Catharmnes, with hie fanily... Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McFeeters, Toronto, with Mrs. A. W. Annis. ..Ptes. Walter Park, Tom Philips and Lloyd Yeo, St. Catharines, are visiting here. . . Miss Marie Thompson, Oshawa, with her par- ents... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. War- ren, Hampton, Mr.-Glen Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoskin and f amily, Oshawh, at Mr. Lorne Hoskin's. .. Mr. George Brooks, Frenchman's Butte, Sask., with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brooks. Several from here attended the fowl supper at Zion. Mfr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner were in Toronto on Saturday and attended the Rickard-Hay wed- ding in Trinity United Church. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson and family from our community. They have moved to Bo'wmanville. Soliria Visitors: Mas. Ida Toennant, To- rote ith Miss Rota Kersake... Mmisd Mas. Memwlu Cryderman sud daughter, Oshawa, at L. Cmy- dernian's. . . Jack Cowling, To- rotot, at home... Raymoud Petit, Enniehillen, at W. Chapmsu's.. Dm. sud Mas. W. R. Horn, Port Hope, at W. W. Horn's. . . Mas. MeLesu sud baby daughter, wite hem sister, Mas. G. Farucomb... Ma. sud Mas. John Slemon, Ennis- killen, at Mr. Austin Barmou's.. Miss Helen Knox, Toroute, aI J. R. Knox's... Mies JoesHoffgarte, Bowmsuville, at home. .. Mme. R. Grifflu, Enniskillen, with Mme. Charlotte Stephens. .. Dm. E. G. Komslake, Toronto, wite hie sister Rota. . . . Mr. sud Mme. James Gregory, Oshawa, Mr. sud Mas. Sam Souch sud baby, Sudbury,I Mme. Gordon Souch, Edmonton, Alta., Miss Eva Souch, Enuiskil- Ion, Misa Annie Aflin sud Mrs. J. A. Colo, Bowmenville, at Mr. C. W. -Souch's... Ma. sud Mme. Frank Hantingsansd Gloria weme t La- verne Clemeus'. Mr. sud lIrs. Howard Colo ai- teudod the diamond weddlug colo- bration o! Ma. sud Mas. W. J. Colo lu Toronto ou Satumday. Se report lu another columu. Temperauce instruction, lu charge o! Tomperauce Supt. Hil-1 ton Peters, was observed luthee Sunday School on Sunday wheu Jack Smith sud Robby Craig gave appropriate eadinga. At the eveuing church service Hev. A. J. Camcaddeu, Toronto. spoko on behaif o! the National Institute for the Blin'd. Hshbowe'eu Masquorade wlllbu hold Friday evenin«. Miss Rets Kerlake held s eue- manville, at Mr. N. C. Yellowlees'. ..Misses Verna and Ella Milleon at Mr. E. Millson's. . . Mr. sud Mrs. Arnold Taylor, Jack sud Joan, Oshawa, at Mr. J. Yellow- lees'... Mr. sud Mrs. Clare Afin and Robert, Mrs. Powers, Miss Annie AUin, Mr. Albert Allin at Mr. Wes. Yellowlees'.. . Mrs. W. H. Pearce, Newcastle, Mr. sud Mms. Walter Richard, Shaws, Mr. A. L. Baker, Bowmanvllle, at Mr. Thos. Baker's.. . Mr. sud Mrs. Clifford Peters, Toronto, Mr. sud Mrs., Harvey Hardy sud Doreen, Bowmnanvile,*r). sud Mrs. Will White sud f ariffly, Orono, Mr. and' Mrs. Charlie White sud fsmily, Maple Grove, Mr. sud Mrs. Clar- ence Tink sud family, Hamptor at Mr. Geo. White's. Zion Visitors: Mr. sud Mrs. Norman Leach sud Doris at John Kivell's, Solina. .. Mr. sud Mrs. C. J. Kers- lake, Miss Vers sud Mr. George Kersiake, Hampton, Mr. Chas. Downey, Bowmsnville, at Russel Stainton's. .. Mr. Jas. McMaster sud Miss Jean McMaster, Toronto, st home. . Mr. sud* lIrs. Fred Cameron sud Helen at Win. Walk- er's, Oshawa... Mr. sud lIrs. L. Pascoe visited hier parente, lMr. sud Mrs. Chas. Johns, at Lake- field. . . MIr. and Mrs: Walter Huff, Mme. Louisa Ford, Miss Mar- guerite Martin, Mr. Fred Martin, Toronto, MIr. Fred Wright, Soins, Miss Marion Martin, Bowman- ville, at Thos. Martin's. . . Miss Peggy Killen, Oshaws, at Robt. XKillen's. .. 1fr. sud Mme. Russel Perkins sud Margaret at Wm. Suowden's, Maple Grove. .. Mr. sud Mrs. Herbert Stainton, Messrs, Stanley -and Lloyd Stainton, To- ronto, Mr. sud lIrs. Hansen Rich- ards, Misses Elinor sud Lyls Staluton, Oshawa, at A' T. Stalu- ton's. . . Mr. sud lIrs. Newton Edgar sud Kelvin, Oshawa, 1fr. sud Mms. Alf. Ayme st Norman Moncreif's, Petemboro. Mrs. Normanu Leach had a quiltlug on Monday. Messrs. Frank Pascoe sud Re- ford Cameron, Mr. sud Mms. Lu- teer Pascoe sud Ruth atteuded tee plowing match at Petembomo. lIrs. Wes. Cameron visited Mrs. Morley Flintof f at Bowmsuville Hospital. Rdast fowl supper wss a grand succese. Idesi weateer bought a good crowd sud teere was a plentiful supply of oast fowl for evemybody. The play "Simple Si- mon Simple" put on by Eldad youug people wss enjoyed by a full house. Miss Margaret Mc- Cluer sang .between tee acte. Miss Jean Balson plsyed piano musiL, for teose waiting in the chumchl for their supper. Proceeds $380. (InteiÜded for last week> Visitors: 1fr. sud Mrs.. Ernesti Stricklsud sud Ethel, Columbus, Mr.,John Rainey, Pickering, Mis- ses Margaret sud Rose Snuddeu, Oshawa, Miss Marguerite Martin, Toronto, at Thos. Martin's. Mrs. M. H. Lsugmaid, Misses Vida, Sybil sud Florence Lang- maid, Oshawa, lMr.* sud Mme. Frank Thompsou, Solina, at Frank pascoe's. . . . Miss Jean Balson, Hampton, at Russell Stainto's... 1fr. sud Mrs. Gerry Glaspeil, IWhitby, Mr. sud Mrs. Ray Scott, Oshawa, 1fr. sud lIrs. Ralph Glas- poeu, Tyrone, Mr. sud lIrs. J. W. Balson, Hampton, Miss Bernice Arnott, Msxwell's, MIr. sud lmas. Chas. Warren, Hampton, at F. B. Glaspell's. .. Rev. Plant sud Miss Diamoud, -Enishfllen, lIr. sud lIrs. Wilbert Budd sud Gwen, MIr. sud Mre. Ross Lee, Diane sud Brian, Kedron, Misa Berenice Stainton, Mr. G. N. Moucrief, Peterboro, at A. T. Stainton's... Misses Betty sud Doreen Bslson, Caledon East, at Fred Cameron's. .1f r. sud Ms. Anson Balson sud daughters, Caledon East, at R. W. Ball's. . . . 1fr. sud Ms. Wm. Wendt, Mr. sud Mme. Roberteon, Miss Eva Gorçion, Oshawa, at lIrs. J. W. McMa§ter's. . . Mr. Huley Schmid, Newcastle, at Hans Geiss-1 berger',s. . . Miss Marlon Johus,] Lskefield, Mr. Lloyd Broome, Hampton, Mrs. M. H. Langmnaid sud dsughters , Oshawa, Miss Irene Pascoe, Pickerlug, Mr. sud Mrs. Wallace Muuday, Maple Grove, at Luther Pascoe's. Rev. Plant, Enuiskilleu, wss the speaker on Sunday. The choir sang an auteem, Mr. Jas. Han- cock, Bowmianviile, a solo, sud the Balson Quartette sang at esch service. The church wss well1 filled afternoon sud eveulug. 1 Hamipton 9 Visitome: Mr. sud Mrs. H. R. Forster sud dsughter Mme. Ken- note Reesor sud sou Larmy, Locust HUI, at F. Swallows... Ma. sud; lIre. Fred Stevens, Doris sud Harold, at Col. A. H. Bounsall's,ý Miilbrook. . . Mm. Thos. Suowdeu with Dr. sud Mas. L. H. Coates, Brantford. . . Miss Marlou Johns, Lskefield, Mm. Jack Symmington, Toronto, at Mr. Wallace Mun- day's. . . Ma. sud Mrs. Ted Bsg- neil sud. daughter Patey, Town, at Mm. H. Brooks'. .. Miss Mildred Snowdeu han returued from a visit with Dr. sud lIrs. L. H. Costes, Brantford. .. Ma. sud lIrm H. G. Freeman visited Mr. E. R. Freeman, St. Catharines, Dr. L. H. Costes, Brantford, sud Mas. J. Hynds, Toroto... Ma. and Mme. Leslie Collacutt., Pearl sud Len- ore, at Mr. W.-H. Westlaho's, So- lins. .. Mr. sud Mas. Chas. Green- hamn, Aldrey sud Elgin, wite Mme. H. G. Thompsou. Sam VanCamp han been accept- ed in the R.C.A.F. Pastor Smith couducted epeclal installation service ou Sunday o! Y. P. U. officeme.. When We Test Your Eyes You are assured absolute satisfaction in quallty, fit anid price. cessful sale of household effecta on Saturday. The public speaklug contest for Darlington was fsirly well attend- ed. There were eight contestante, five of whom chose as their sub- ject "How young Canada can help the war effort." First place was given to Miss Helep, Miller, Betheeda, who spohe on "My Hero-Wmston Churchill. Oteer subjecte which proved luteresting were, My Visit to tee Canadisu National Exhibition, sud Accident Prevention. Judges were 1fr. W. ICarpeuter, high school teacher, Mr. G. Davidge sud Mas. W. Den- sem, B.T.S., Bowmanville. W. M. S. met at 1<rs. S. G. Nid- dery's on Tuesday afternoou, ith Mas. H. Salter lu charge of open- ing, followed by prayer by Mas. Horn sud Mas. Stephens. It was decided to hold a. quilting on Nov. 4th. Program was lu charge of Mas. A. Blanchard. Mme. L. Trul had charge of worship service. Mis. C. Johns led lu prayer. Mas. K. Caverly sud Mas. H. Peters favored with a vocal duet. The first chapter of tne Sons of Shu was taken by Mrs. A. Blanchard, Mas'. Stepheus, Mas. C. Warren and Mas. T. Salter. Misses Phyllis Niddery sud Shirley Pingle fav- ored with a vocal duet. A large audience was well pleased with tee pogrsm pro- seuted under tee auspices of te C.G.I.T. Friday evenlug. At two intervals lu tee progrsm, Brian Flaherty sud- hie assistant, Gor- don Slemon, Bowmanville, aston- ished tee audience wite their cle- ver triche of magic. Musical num- bers were given by Mise Collette Ferguson, violinist, sud Miss Ar- lino Nortecutt, sololtt, Bowman- ville. Miss Joan Lougman, Eug- lish guest in Bowmsuville, brought variety into the progmam with her ecitations. Brian Fis- herty also displayed his sbility as a veutriloquist wite hie dummy "«Keuny."1 Alteough Kenny could not say tee alphabet, ho showed us his musical talent by singing "Till tee Lighte of London Shine Agalu." A social trne was enjoy- ed when tee girls served ice cream and cake. Proceede $28.85. Cowanville Anniversary Visitors: Ma. sud Mas. Ivan Farrow, Ma. sud Mme. Chas. Bebee, Omono, Mas. Geo. Henderson sud Cecil sud Mary, Newtouvllle, at Mr. Cro ssley's... Ma. sud Mas. Jim Ruteerford sud infant sud Miss Dorotey Hollings- worte at Ma. R. Hollingswort. .. Ma. sud Mas. Erwin Farrow sud Arthur, Garden Hill, Ma. sud Mas. Austin Turner at Ma. T. Ste- phes... Ma. sud Mas. Reg. Rob- inson at Ma. N. Andrews' . . Mr. sud Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer, Cmook- ed Creek, at Mm. Wes. Stringer's. ..Ma. sud Mas. Willis Farrow, Port Granby, at Mm. Clarence Burley's. .. Ma. sud lIre. Lelsud Payne sud family, Ma. sud Mas., Harry Layton sud fsmily at Ma. Wm. Layton's. . . Rev. Ma. El- liott, Welcome, Ma. sud Mme. W. Cowan, Oshawa, Ma. sud Mrs. Frank Hall, Orono, Ma. sud Mas. Os. Cowan sud Mas. Will Cowsua,. Orono, at Mr. Brooks Cowan's. ... Ma. sud Mas. Andrew Bsudy motored to Herman aset week.. Ma. Jack Barues, Toronto, was home over tee weekend. Maple Grove Lowost PrIes Pi ex --- ------2----- eZ PinkJhaj's Cornp. -- 87c Lactogen --69c - $1.59 ,Kidney Pilla 250 100 A.S.A. Tableis- 19o Woodbur,'s Soap 4 cakes ------ * Uc24 $1.00 sizo Rind's Cream 49o SPECIAL ROT WATER DOTfTE largoesibc 1 year guarantee 49ce Syringe Fitingo 8ht Enfield Visitome: Mm. sud Mme. F. Aber- uetey sud fsmily, Peterboro, Ma. sudMas. L. Barrabail, Ebenezer, at Ma. M. Samis'. . . Miss Vers Stinson at Mr. T. Whillier's, To- ronto. . . Misses Adelaide sud Loretta Smith, Port Hope, Mas. Wallace Stainton sud Miss Ellenor Stainton, Toronto, Ma. Wilbert Smith, Oshawa, Mr. sud Mme. Aly- mer Beech sud family, Mr. sud Mas. Cecil Rahm sud fsmlly, Un- ion, at Mm. Harold Ormisto's... Mr. sud Mas. George Stinson, Dunnville, Mm. and Mas. Lavemue' Stinson, Hamilton, with Mas. J. Stinson. .. Mr.a.sudMme. Ells Pas- coe, Mr. sud Mas. C. Mackey, Brooklil, Ma. snd Mas. H. Pascoe, Columbus, at Mm. L. C. Pascoe's. The Christian graces are like perfumes, tee more teey are pressed, the sweeter they smell; like stars test shmne brightest lu the dark; like tmees which, thee more teey are shaken, tee deeper root teey take, sud tee more fruit teey bear.-Beaumont. Corner Division - Queen Ste. Sun. 7.30 P.mSpecliS*bJeet God's Post War Reconstruction Be mue te hear tis message on the Nemw Order. Pasior Carman Lynu I've séen 1too much bread that was cast upon tee waters, and that returned, buttered, coverý- with jam, wrspped in paraffin paper, and marked, "With love."- Channing Pollock. IW N WOOL1 FOR S0CKM Tkree and four ply. Plain and Heather mixtures. Skebin --25C & SU Ail types of wool for servied knitting. XO ADVANCE INiPEXCE CHRISTMAS GREETIt4GS We have specialized in Christmas greetinge for ser-' vice and -overseas. Buy Nýow 1 These cards must bc sent at once to reach destination before December 25th. L. W. JEWELL ."BIG 209' Dook *]Md ou torem Phono5156 EauglSt. WHAT'S NEW, -IN STYLE ?7 FURRED HATS WeIL hffe's one draniatcalY *flatterllig new Mot, as iluatrated. A oharming color Wo delight the. oye; a, light warm fur olar for winter protection. Button front tokecp you luxuiriouslly oosy on cold days. Others, you'fl want tos.0. Wide selection. Many prices as low us $28*50 Very newI1 Match yeurs to your coat. Smart toques, plil- boxes, turbans wth skunk,*p e r s Iaun lamb, silver fox. ln Black mand colore. - Look Ahead To CHRISTMAS 1 MaBy gift selections ln ahready. 8« them today - hoslery, bags gloveso l si. CLOTHES mlts at low prie., Couch, Johnstcn & CrydermanW Phonoe 836 K14gfit. CREOHOS uara tet clear up persistent 00f C REOHOS ougbs or money refunded, bottle CoUd Remedies Sot as a floocy Cloud! LaxaeOld------25e Grove's L.B.Q. -- M4 - 44e Buckîey's Capsules ----35e Ma»s' 49 ---__ 40e - 75o Whiite Fine & Tar 25o - 50c Wampole's Extract --$1.00 Cherry Cough Syrup 2se - 50e Buckley's MiLxture 40o - 75oe2 " Vick's Dropir or Rub --43e 2 C I o Thermogene Wool 49o - 980 .NEsTrLE'S COLORUNSE Alil shades - 2 sizes............ I5C - S5C 695 Fe .R. COUV LIING, ilil. U»elîvery ietahouae, sirloin, Wing Cube. Fâan LumP «t ouha Round -7- 777-7 C.rtified Antifreeze . on-rusting Reiarded evaporatiOli $1.59gL MAC LEANS I LAROSI U.LINTO 1.,~ rIASm RA PACE POUR TEM CANADIAN- STATEbUS, BOWMANVMIX, ONTARIO TffMDAy, oCTOBM 30, 1941

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