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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1941, p. 5

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wr-ý--4q K'-é ý Great Event Coming To Blackstock A rmou ries AU thse shools ef Cartwright adothero-.aponsoms The Armourles t. bl thse crowds-Dlackstock. The. British War VIctlm< Fuind-to benefit. Dr. L. IL William'am oren ln colora of Dlscoveryl ,6f America, 1497 by Cabot. The Goverument'. restoration oft he tirst build- ings adfortifications of civlisation in North Amertecanda Champlaln's nelthborint mian Ideaid sont, 1605. The Doctor wiIl also discver new scenes la Cartwright. This pxogram la steepel tu history andinl the most hlstorically educational yet producel ln Canada. SATURDAY, NOVMMER 8ts, 8 O'CLOCK, STANDARD ChUiren-Oc. Adult"-5o. Mise Norma Hoaey, Secretary, Burketan. TEVM8DA'y OCTOBER 30, 1041 THE' CANADLA~N STATESM MICCabout a convention ta be held at S MapIe Grave Nov. 7th. Miss Bar- SCA AN PESN Lker Oshawa, assistant msinr NR HE SOCIL AN PERONALconvenor of Oshawa Presbytery, Phone 663 I was also present. A jolly lunch mncludmng candies and, apples was T. ***= ** .* enjoycd.1 Mrs.S. . Ssso, Bthay, s DoaldMoutjo, RC.AF.,and In the big vegetable cantest U.Si . Wg her sonr.E W. S isn nady Grigg , R.C.A.F., ondnsponsored by Stewart's Seed Store vistin he so Dr E.W. issn. arr GrggR.CA.F, Mnctnsome Îrniarkable specimens have Mrs. Wmi. Kirby, Detroit Mich N. B., wcrc gucsts at Mrs. Lillian already been brought ini Mary vislted her cousin Mrs, . . B. t" Mountjoy's, Concession st.. Bowcn, Lockhart's, brought in a cheil. Mr. Clyde Robinson and Miss garden beet ncarly 5 Ibs; Kenneth Thisa resalve for Nove'ne Marjorie Perkin, Toronto, spent Cox leads in the mangel class, and iWthal your getting. get the weekend withý his parents, Mr. Mrs. Scott Howard has assembied busy. . and Mrs. Chris. Robinson. a uniform array of Spanish type AMUËSg.R. Rogers, R.C.O.C. Mr. Harold N. Wagar, New York cloesNv.15.tObaCnet frlst Midland Regiment, Nia. City, and Miss Gertrude Wagar, Rbr krat 4 h a gara, wus home.' - Toronto, were guests of their par- been in BowmanviIIe Generai ',Mrs. S. C. Ailin, Provideci ent, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wagar. Hospital since Oct. 2lst, when the STYLED BY B. NEILL visiting her brother, Dr. Caire. Miss Anne Buttery, R.N., was car in which he wus riding colid- Vaedsokofa usot Lungniaid, Windsor. in town over the weekend. She ed with Garton's bus, is recover- aidsokffmusfot is now in charge of one of the ing. Thougli suffering severe con- wear ait popular prices. Mrs. Marie Clark Bell is enjay- First Aid Posts at Defence Indus- cussian and living for days, in a Men'113 hoes ........ 3.00 up ing a visit with her son Ian and tries, Pickering. coma hie is now greatly ixnproved. Mae ubr 0 her sister at Atlanta, Georgia. aspthefnhig M es Rubbers......... 0 Christmias parcels for overseas Sgt. Tom Sutton, R.C.A.F., was T. A. Garton haau h iihng, M 'arubes ..... ...... 950 should be planned. and boxed among the soldiers who, arrîved touches on his damaged bus ad right now. Information may be in Canada from Britain this week. good as new, it is ready to ven- 8HOB REPÂlit had at the Post Office. He is suffering fromn a back nu' ture on the highway again. ____________________received in a plane crash. ijr Apparently ail work has been Firat Clusa Work at Reason- Doula Nchaswh ha benstopped on the proposed new able Prices. Dttonedlat Nanaia, obC.has efour-lane Highway No. 2 planned been discharged from the arrny ta, run south of town. Eariy this QikSrie-Out~ RONDTIPRALweek highway'deîartment offi- Attention. ROUD TIP AIL and will resume his position in cial visitcd farinersai Darlington TRAVEL - BARQAINS the A. & P. Store here on Monday. and cancelled proposed contractsNA (Good ln Coambes only) The government will shortly ta, buy their ln.Shartage ofLIf~ commence paying full freight on labor and materiais la given as thc lifl R' OCT. 31 - NOV. 1-2 feed grain from the West. Watch reason for cancelling the con- S O BO XAVILZTo for announcement telling how struction. No anc mentioned S O REPAUR BO MN0LRT and wherc ta procure allotments. -shortage of gas ta run thousands Opposite Garton's Garage TORONTO $ 1.30 Another donation of $50.00 fromn of vehicles on thc super-road! HAILTON ...........$ 2.45 the Lions Club ta the Public Lib- That Ai l better ta own a home 410derichI . ..... $ 5.20 rary is making it possible for the than ta rent anc was the dccision Kitchener.. ....... ....»$ 3.15 rcst of the year for ail children of debate judges at Friday night's Own oud 490 under 15 ycars of age ta cnjoy meeting of Oshawa Property Own- McMaster Professor Sufrburreading..rivilcgcs. crs' Association aftcr hearing the Speaks To Members Sudbury$ 9.00 Canon C. R. Spencer took se evidence pro and con as submitted ' Sobreiber............ $21.50 cial services at his old charge in by the debating teams. Winning 0f Durhiaml Clui Windsor $ 7.70 Shanty Bay, north of Barrie, on debaters werc Alderman John and many Intermedlate points. Sunday, whilc worship ut St. Stacey and-Ex-Mayor Alex Mc- A friendly atmosphcrc o John's in Bowmanville was led Leese. Lasers by a very small "When Gaad Fellows Get To Goverumnent tax 10% extra. by Rev. C. D. Crosse of Shanty margin wcrc Manning Swartz and gether"' prevalled in the lobbyo Going: Afternoon and mornlng Bay.Jh otnhm ugswrteSebun H sTrnc trains Oct. 31 - Ail trains Nov. 1 onCtiga.Jde eeteSebun osTrn -Morning trains November 2. Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden, To'- Milton Wcrry, McKenzie Pen- Thursday cvening, October 23rd Return Limit* Up to Nov, S. ronto, is visiting his sister Mrs. found and F. O. Kirby. when the first meeting of the Dur Consult Agents - Procure Do6ger F. H. Morris, Elgin St. He preach- On Monday evening members barn County Club, 1941-42 seasoi POOL TRAIN SEP.VICE cd on the Hampton circuit Sun- of St. John's A.Y.P.A. were gucsts took place. A group of distin day in the intcrests of thc Cana- of Mrs. A. C. Newman, Conces- guished men formcd an lm Canadlaq dian National Institute for the sion St. It was a "Kîd's Party" promptu receiving lime, with Mý National Pacific ind.J and prizes for the most yauthfui l r.WiaeMa st ietJ.M. James, Cpi. George costume were won by Doris Spur- sponsors of thc evening. "Graham and Pte. Arthur Living, row and Mertyle H4,l. The lias- Dr. D. D. MacDonald, thc neN ________________________ail former members of The States- tess conductcd a varied program president, modestly r e m a r k e man staff, wcre among mnembers of stunts, contests and gaines giv- that he cauld not understand wh, Mlof the Midland Regiment ut Nia- ing interestiiig prizes. Mr. New- le had been honored or chasent gara home for a two-day leave man knows the art af magic and fill the important office, but as] Uftf(I! week. entertained with many tricks. cd for the co-operation of a] of t fastng n hmeDainty refreshments were served members for the continucd sue CROOSgrifn0str!wberriesfte last weconahdm a vate of thanks tendcred by cess and well-bcing of the organi of October! Wdl, that's what the president Violet McFectcrs. zation. I !hfdit~d. editor's family had far dessert Ris muny friends here wili be Dr. Frank Trebilcock outlinc4 ~MP ~"I Manday, thanks ta Mrfs. Fred Bat- pleased ta learn that Murray the proposai Of the Executive fo tic who picked a heaping basket Mitchell, son Of Mr. and Mrs. R. certain changes of thc Club whiel fromn her gurden that morniingp' M. Mitchell, formerly of this towni, will be -published next week. They wcre delicious, too.. reccntly gruduated from Uic Offi- Dr. N. D. MacDonald of Humil If you arc going south for the cers Training Centre uit Brockville ton introduced the speaker of th i ~winter and wish ta rent ý w h akfltLetnat vnnProfessor, Watson Kir house furnishcd, or if you have He is now scrving with thc British conneil of McMaster Universit3 rooms unfurnishcd or furnished, Columbia Dragoons and la station- a Durham boy, who said lie "ha, Greigcards inptroi they can be rcnted. The mcom2ing cdrt Camp Borden. Before ext- been sort oi an exile for twent Greetingc staff uit the B.T.S. camp must have listing lic was teller in Uic Royal years,* having lived in thc Can. designs for Overseas. accommodation. Let The States- Bank aut Beileville. Murray is a dian West that he loved, bu V&dOS prCeS > to 25eea. man columns state your accom- fine looking soldier, 6 fit. 2 inches there was always warmth in one' priesup~t 2c a.modation. tali, and will no doubt give a ga0d heurt for the country of one' Variauzaccount of himself an active ser- BuyGbrstm Gits arly Mothers, wives, swethearts, vie ,ei grandsan oai s youth." Àamall deposit wsil hold dny pals are rcminded that The States-y holding several university fahrbohro utpanBMthl n onL~<~D.Krosdl na d e aril nOrSoeutl man is thc bcst and "lastingest this towfl. grecs, is a writer af note, particu ar~ce 13ar toe ntl git fbr thc boys in fhec uined Trinity Wainan's Association îarly portraying lic m ic h Wes! wanted'. forces. Our special rate ta those met Oct. l4th, wtl Mas. T. W. The stories lic wrate while Uic: in Uic service is $1.50. To bu sure Cawkcr prcsiding. Mrs. W. O. lad an element of irnaginatiar Ec1ipse Pen and Pencil Sets thcy get it by Chfistmas, sub- Souch and Circle were in charge With mudli humor and interest i scribe rlght now . lf thxe devotional service and pro- recitcd several of, lis outstandiri in Ieather case, for men on A Port Hope subscribur writes: gram. Mrs. D. Rackham read the productions, and althougli advcr actve ervcè.Staionry proas i sap ighs: avescrîpture and Mrs. H. W. Foley tiscd ta speak "No Durham Bull at1 UcWpjnau fee ryr.Vclslswr had a bull of a different couo -Chiina, Books, etc. gas i t trucs tatng up Uic smaof beautifuily rendered »' Miss Ha- in Uic "Flying Bull and Othe gasin ruks tatin upth smllzel Rundie, accompanied by Mrs. Tales." Rea th bct nw boksin east grade in your metropolis. D. Aildread, and Miss Donalda Reth lendin ib ooks i Have alsa visited Regina, a city af Creasser accampanied by Miss Mr. Irving Levine, thc Russai the endng lbray. Lw '60,000 people, and could nat find Hazel Rundie; rcadmngby Mrs. soloist of St. George's Unitec mantly nd ail raes, a stop lightithetI whole area. Cawker; -and pian oo yMs Churdli, Toronta, rendered severa Ther jut ant nylJoan Grccnfield. A most interest- vocal selectians, with Mrs. Blac] lbya poppy Saturday- Aid As Uic noon whistles blewon ing Thankagiving tal# was given uit thc piano. «x-service men. Tuesday the tire siren joined in; by Rev. W. Racicham, Hampton. An enjayable social Uirne wa to anouce adisurbace it te Rport ofthe arius crcls pent uround thc tea table, wit] corner of Qucen and Brown Sts. wcre prcscntcd. the ever-gullant gentlemen as Sveppes in Bob Stevens' _________ sisting Mrs. L. B. Willianms ani hous hadbecme oerhetedMrs. Loui Washington who pourei JO HNSTON S shueadbcoe t e roofvferea Ruiral Mail C. rier. tea and cofiee. wreD.a BOOKSTORE blaze with chenicals andi a garden Organize in Durham Mrs. N. D. Douglas, Hamiltor und hase. And Northumberland Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MacDonald an, LENDJNG YIBRY Hugh Miller, Ciaremont,. presi- ___ Dr. and. Mrs. Brand, of thc clty. Phone 651 ]King t. dent of Young Peoplc's Unions ln A most intercstcd group of rural It was unnounced that Rev. Di Oshawa Prcsbytery, spoke uit mail cauriers met uit Uic Balti- Leicîliter, pustor of College Si Trinity United Monday 'night more Hotel, Cobourg, lat week ta Baptist Church, would be th organize another branch of the guest speaker for Navember. ever expanding Association ai the______________ Rural Mail Couriers af Canada. liations, and only those askig t Postmasters understand rural have their routes apcned for tcî Y ~mail problemns thoraughly, and der were being ofercd. He als stand wholcheartcdly bchind any thaugît Uic tender system shoul Association wlasc ideals arc high be donc awuy with. and objectives reasonable. Thc E. W. Boulton ai thc Damiinici R.M.C.A. are trying ta imprave Executive R.M.C.A. was chair Uic seqrvicep as wcll as pirovide for maU-a.Buta -a vst PAGE PMV ODurn the first eight months of1 of cheese was 118.7 million pounds of a m an consists in finding out 141,te production of creamery1 and of evaporated whole milk the way in which God la going, butter in Canada amounte1d ta 1122.9 million pounds. and going in that way, to.- 233.7 million pounds. The outputl The strength and the happinesslHenry Ward Beecher. r YOUR GRnOCER la TE GUARDIAN 0F YOUR HEALTH He buys produets he knows to be safe. You can be sure of only the best when you buy at HARRY ALLIN'S Our' Town is ut War taneaBrkfsCral *b Men are drilling in our town..* we can? That's one thing we can ail VITAGRANE, pkg 20e Our own Men .. men we cal by their do . .. one thing we must ail do. W. 5 Vitamins plus 3 Minerais hrs naes.Som oFîhe qut god Must ail buy more War Savings -a deliclous vitamin food firs naes. omeof tem uit oodbeverage.1 ib jobs ta join thie army. . . some quit CertiPicates. VIGOR-8 - 49e l- school. When the Empire went ta war The help of every Canadian is needed for Indlsjiensible foi health t, and Canada went ta war...fils town Victory. In these days of war the thoughtless;' h a II t r- went ta war. Every naw and tiien a selffsh spender is a traitor tao ar war effort. Kra.ft Canadiau n- Àe oemnIo hstw ev o reducf ion in personal spending is nov a vital2l bx 5 Ie atvrsrie.e'etkngti a necessity ta relieve the pressure for goods, te Clover Leaf he ativ sevice Wee tkingthewar enable mare and mare labour and materiais ta SALMON ½/ lb. 25e .W more seriously. Are we? Are we ail? i awnig1.vr h l-ft Coc okn 'Y Aetaec swh ae' andU effort, which Canada must make, demands this TURNIPS each - Sec k- anI doing ail we can? Are we Iending ail seif-denial of each of uslbb. ci-- POTATOES $ 1.25 ed SUPPORT THE WAR WEAPONS DRIVE UN YOUR COMMUNUTY or Buy a poppy Saturday, for adDL S-T 07MR HARRY ALLII4 tym w . "The Cornêý Gracery", CER IFCA ES Phone 367 -368 ustAERb V I~ Free. Dellvery Service ta 42 le- st. ýre ýýa PRESCRIPTIONS &i1 CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED Whieu you bring your prescriptions -t us yon can be ussurel of teUic nest possible resmit. Each anc Is accurately f ilîci with thse fluest and purest ingrelleuts. We speclalize la tht. work. Let us care for your prescription, fil l itand ichlver 11. SPECIAL! Large six. tube GiILETTES N EW LATHER SHAVI MG CREAM end a pkg. of 10 BLUE GILLETTE BLADES M9el1u.r f or ,uIy9C LYSOL Disinfectant Antiepio Y3 oz. - 35 S7 oz. - 65c Ib16 oz. 1.25 DARGAINS R.D.A. CALAMINE LOTION - 4 oz- .D.A. CAMPHORATED OIL - 3 oz I.D.A. CASCARA TABLETS - - - I.D.A. COLD INHALANT---- I.D.A. MAGNESIA TABLETS - 50'. I.D.A. MUSTARD RUB - - 1 oz - - .D.A. SENNA LEAVES - - 4,oz - - I.D.A. WAX PAPER --50 ft - I.D.A. WHITE LINIMENT - - 4 oz -- WASH CLOTHS - - -- 2 for -- WRITING PADS . . . Se - 2 for1 1e 17e 27e 27e 17c 17c Ise 14e Ise 9c Ise SHAVING SETS'- Woodbury's, Palmolive, Colgate's, Yardley's, etc. 29C to 5.00 Shavn Bowls - 750 up Iffim 1 Bhaving Bruhes - 5o up UTM SPAIKLU INTO TOWUR N UCONOMY eo@*masens$ iEU 599 98Ç 3 oç ANTIPEREZE Certif ied - - - - $1.59 per gallon - - - non corrosive 25pc le box ct liais Mediuixe PRESCRIPTIONS A tOÉCIALTY NEOW 29ICEALEX McOREIOOR NEW il PR C anaiecor DRUGS Phone 792 &AN, BOWMdANVILLE, ONTARIO " FEET HURTI '0 JUST Rue #TON Fm MM 1 al dàrmw 5 Il BU IOWA a^cmé --- .10

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