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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1941, p. 12

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LQE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATECSMAN, BOWbWMLE, ONTARIO - ~ r "r Mmm ETheNfewlestle Ide Ehdent Lilel Billy Fisher ha been men and young womnen, are now under the doctor'a cane. working aI Uic munitions Plant, Mn. Hughes,, Toronto, is samy- Pickering, some in th. offices and ~jng with Mr. J. W. Bradley. inspection deparîment and othens Mrs. W. H. Pearce ha been in the production lin.. visiting relatives in Toronto. Rev. Victor E. Spenccr, former- Miss Jean- Rickara Oakvillc, ly of! Nagoya, Japan, will occupy spent lb. weekend ai 1he Grange. th. pulpit o! St. George's Church Miss Jean Holmes visited hem ai 7 p.m. nexi Sunday. H. is a aunt, Miss Etta Hommes, principal brother O! Rev. Canon C. R. ef King St. school, Oshawa. Spencer, Bowmanvile. Evelyn.Foaler, youngcst daugh- Miss Catherine Minto, Newca-. 'ter o! Mrs. Noah Foster, i ami tie, was bidesrnaid for Miss Mary in thc Sick Children's Hospital, Rîznek and Mr. Alden Polard aI- Toronto, but may not. require.an tended his brother Elmer ai th. operation. Pollard-Riznek wedding aI Cour- Councillor F. B. Loveikin o! tic. on November 29Ui. Clark. bas been giving his ncph- Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard wil ob- ew, Mn. Geo. A. Wallon, expert serve ber 87th birthday on Dec., assistance in thé building o! a 121h, when hem daughler, Mra.z A. new piggery. H. Fisher,, Belleville, will jain the Misses ' Doris Allun, No. 9, Edilh four daughters in th, Newcastle Hendry and Lorraine Beighton, amea in helping hem te celebrute -Lake Shore, and Kathleen Toma: the day. Newcastle, were Sunday guests o! A number o! village ladies and Miss Wyhmna Farrow, Brown's. others froni round about attend- Another car o! Western grain, cd the Red Cross "Blanket Tea" wheat and oats, was received by at The Ems, home o! Mrs. R. S. A. W. Glenney. Carl Selby, who Grahami, Friday, and report il an runs quit. a large herd o! caIlle, enjoyable event as well as belp- was lb. heaviest buyn o! thisîng on a good çause. carload. Howard Pearce wilh his trac- Seventeen Newcastle people, tor and Jno. Garrod, operalor o! the municipal council's wheelcd grader, have been busy shaping up lb. roads and non-concret. W Hy streets and putting them in good shape for the winten. The evening service ai 1h. United Church nexi Sunday wiil doesbreainga miror b. o! a special characler, when in - êommon wilb Canadian Girls in foretll msforune? Training al aven Canada the lwo Newcastle groupa will hold a Christmas Veaper Service.. f Mr., H. E. Hancock, who was burt in an automobile accident i Monday wcek, was.more seriously injured than was realized. His - cheat was cubed in and bis lung. pierced by a nib. He ha been in b.d even since and ha been suf- fering frôni pieurisy. * . Louis Clark and R. B. LeGres- ley arc getling ready . t have ,electnic milk coolers inslaiied and have had Mn. Wilson, Cobourg, t'he odl of this bellef oyb. fraced t building new concrete, co&k in- l.days when p "'#e mnq' n hl@ sulatèd, tanks for the purpose. prhltr. flfln.ng Mn. Wilson is a brother-in-law of t*wmthought It was hi.s uL Naiurafly Mn.aand Mrs. W. J. Cie hteigfOn sucolb mencé,' nodmnelnbs than a .rlou. MîsdOnune..Shaw's. Girl employees o!lbe . J.An- *derson Smith Co. and other fri1 What do RED spots enda held a showem for Uic bride- *mrn ? dcc, Misa Meda Hallowel, in thc on Coa1 loretehli kitchen o! lb. community hall on Dec. 9th. The oomn was pretllly Th.y promise You o, new convo- decomated for lb. occasion and niec-a now ECONOMY. Thos. Miss. Hallowll received many SRED trade mark spots are your lo'vely and useful gifts. guarnto tha yo'ro ettng gn- eonhodfarsmers in this neigh- OucuntO tat ou'e gttig gn. orhodfind Ihemacîves ini the Uin. Famous Reading Anthracite- sanie predicament that Mns. ËM low ash hard cooil - your as- Snowden tels about in lat wcek's surance of Iong-buming, non-clink- paper, that is that lhey are un- Orib fumce-erformonce Give able 10 obtain 1h. benefits o! urbgà fmac - ydro-electric service when they us a Cali for this rmn.y-saving cooL moat necd il. Wc know a numnber wha have larned from Hydre * y Officiais, much 10 their disappoint- jment, tbat for an indefinit. er el iod there will be no further ex- tension o! tb. service te rural- ites. They say it'a on account a! th. war.0 Rau.: Ontario St. -'yard: C.N.R. W. M. S. met Dec. laI, with 112»n 2695Predidnt Mna. Nornan Ailin ina. ~'.on 285 Pion. «2673 the chair. Mns. Aluin gave the BO WMAN VILLE theme "The faith by which we live." A Christmas hymn was au * sung, follawcd '%y prayer by Rev. Morton, Who aiso conducted a * < simple but imPressive dedicatian service o! the W.M.S. Memaial Certificat. given bY the mçmbers in memory o! tb. laIe MrÉ. J. A. ..Butler. Nominating commutte. Dresenled its shate o! officers for 1942 which Was accenled. Lutter unI OS n' SINO ourt o! th. meeting followed the Christmas prograni suggested in the Missionary Monlhly. This was a reverent and inspiralional clos-. ing of the service in which s.r- eral of the ladies took individual parts. Newcastle Hydro-Electric Com- midssion, has hçaded up a gubscrip- tion towardW the Telegram's "Christmas Cheer" fund for Bri- tish children, Reeve C. R. Car- veth, Commissioners Geo., Jamue- son and J. E. Rmnch and Man~ager H. S. Britton each contributing a dollar. Moiiday evening when the Board of Education was *m session Recege C. R. Carveth ap- ~rach,ýd éhè,mérrÙbers Wvththe sbciti n l nd rceived sev- era mredola bla The spon- sors believe they' can raise $100 for this fund in Newcastlq. The Municipal Couneil did flot hold their regular meeting on Monday evenmng, having laid ail business over tili the statutory meeting on December 15th. Y. P. U. met, Dec. lst, with Donald Jose talcing charge of the devotional and program. Pro- gram consisteci of a humorous reading by Wylma Farrow, piano solo 'by Laurence Morton, and a talk on First Aid by Ruth Han- cock. On Dec. 8th the Y.P.U. met with Missionary Convener Edwin Hancock taking charge. Five boys from 'Cd4tWtice favored with ten songs. hse -taking part were Dona1dl Dale and ýGrant UIoy, Theo Cton arnd Kenneth Hulton, with their teacher, Edwin Han- cock accompanying at the piano. A dialogue was given, by Stanley Allin and ýCharIie Glenney, who took the part of à. returncd mis- sionary from China. No more meetings until the câming year. P URHAM LODGE OFFICERS New ôMfcçrs of Durham Lodge A. F' & A. M. are: Wor. Master- DonaldXE Gibson; I.,Past Master -4auienée Gaines; Sr. Warden- W. Harold Gibson; Jr. Warden- George A. Walton; Chaplain-T. F. eranton; 'Treas.-J.E.W. Philp; Sec'y.m-J. W. Bradley; Director of Ceremonies--C. M. Jones; Sr. Deaco n-Irwin Colwill; Jr.,_Dca- con -Wilbur Graham; Inne r Guard-]Russell Osborne; Sr. Ste- watd--Clarence J. Allun,- Jr. Stè- ward-W. J. Rowland; Tyler-T. W. Jackson. Installation of the new officers will take place Dec. 3th, after which the five stand- ing committees, Sickness and Re- lief, Finance, Entertaininent, Gen- eral Purpose, and *Masonic Edu- cation, will be appointed. NEWCASTLE RED CROSS Newcastle Red Cross met Nov. 27th, with President Miss B. Mc;- Intosh in the chair. Satisfactory reports were given by the varlous conveners. The shipping con- vener reported that since the 1ast meeting these knittcd goods had been sent to headquarters: 30 prs. socks, 5 prs. seamen's long stockings, 5 helmets, il scarves, 2 sleeveless sweaters, 16 turtle- neck sweaters, 4 alternate caps, 6 prs. mittens, 2 prs. gloves, 3 prs. two-way mitts, 15 quilts and 2 blankets. Word has been re- ceîved that since the meeting a further consignment of 14 quilts and 10 girls' blouses were sent té headquarters on Dcc. lst. The associated groups from Brown's, the Lake Shore, No. 9 and New- tonville, as well as local work- crs, have ahl contributed to this work. The response to the appeal for aii I i 1" CANDY - For'the Table or Sonny's Stockîng Oumi drope croais, han eudy, I ~ ~ Satinettes, cutrock, Christmsas ulei 001 aayGlbeehcatos, creani bella, maple creanis Dorin'. aramls V..-ail 25e lb Pattermon'. fassous MIxd Cadb.s lb 350 Special Assortd Boxs 3 lbo. for 98e iCINO SUGAR.....lb Ilc O'KEEFE'S DRY GINGER ALE, MUINCEMEAT .....2 Ib.27o ote aro... O 30 oz. boUle plus depusit C~ATS......b 15 PopulCo&, CocaCol& A».t. 5jCES-ahak.r .... 10e AIlKIndso f CkeDecoretIs OW.7MIXUPPEL . b33c lb 36c CIIfrh14 @anes...........doz. , 259,28, 30, 43, 499 SO0 59. ~ BIRTHS LYNCH-At Bowmanville Hospi- tal, Sunday, December 7 '1041, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. L'ich, a daughter. . 50.1* MORRISON - In Bowmànville Hospitl on Thursday, Decem- ber 4, 1941, to Mr. and Mra. W. S. Mornison (nec Florence Mc- Gillivray), the gif t of a daugh- ter, Linda Ann. 50-1* DEATII BASSETT-On December 5, 1941, at thc Western Hospital, To- ronto, Amy Basacti, wlfe of thc late Edward Bassett, and mo- ther of E. W. Basseit, 53 Orlole Parkway, Toronto. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. MARRIAGE CANDLER-CORBETT - On Wednesday, December 3, 1941, ai Manchester, England, Cath- erine Helenla; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Corbett, and Cpi. Russell S. H. Candier, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. R. Candler, Bowmanvllle. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cowling announce the engagement of their daughter Reta Eileen to. Wilbur Ernest, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, both of Haydon; 1he marriage to take place the 27th of December. 50-1* COMING EVENTS Maple Grave Wintcr Fair Thurs- day, Dec. 131h, 8.30 D.S.T. Ad- mission 15c and 25c. 50-1* Newcastle United Church Sun- day School Christmas Tree and Concert will be held in the Sun- day School Hall on Tuesday, De- cember 23rd, at 8.15 D.S.T. Ad- m-ission 25c and 10c. 50-i Group 4 St. Paul's W. A. will hold a sale of home made cooking and afternoon tea on Salurday, December 13th. at 3 p.m., in St. Paul's Lecture Rooni. Tea 15c. 50-1 DANCE Come and dance to the Rocky Rambler Orchestra at New~castle, on Saturday. Decembero 131h. Modern and old tyme. Admission 30c. Local 189. Proceeds for War Victinis' Fund. 50-52* MAPLE GROVE Y.P. ARE GUESTS 0F TRINITY UNION Maple Grove Young People were gucats a! Trinity Union on Manday evening. Wilb Prsident Lau Dcwell absent, Vice Preai- dent Amber Marlon welcomed the guesîs and then called upon lb. Maple Grave- members for th. warship service and pragrani. Miss Danotby McMaster, in the' absence o! their president, thank-' cd Trinity for their invitation and then took charge o! the worship service. She was assisted by Mil- dred Snowden, Sami VanCamp and Cliffard Swalhaw with Mar- ian Fohey as pianist. An excellent programfniolowed consistmng o! piano sala by Mar- ion Foley, vocal solo by Helen Melcaif, a bumorous neading giv- en by Lorrain. Smith, and a vocal duel by Jean Stevens and Mildred Snowden. The topic wus ably presented by Lloyd Melcuif. Bas- ing bis remarks on "O Canada, we stand on guard for tbee," Lloyd slrcssed the hindrances we muat overcome if wc are ta truiy stand on guard. Giving bis own personal opinions on lb. temper- anc. question and polica and views o! the war, the speaker canchuded bis commcnts with a discussion in which other mcm- bers gave their opinions. Although no definile conclusions were druwn, lb.e topic thus presented wus indeed thought-pnovoking and timely. Members wene divided mb o3 groupa for recneatiQn in charge of E. Pickard and John Ashton. Fol- howing Ibis, lunch was aerv.d and a social half-hour enjoyed. Iblankets habe eygaiy ing, with chlefly cash contribu- tions. The treasurer, Miss Ethel Lockhaml, sent $62.00 lest montl> 10 headquarters for 1h. Blanket Fund and has $50.00 on hund ai pesent for the sanie purpose. In a furlber effort to mccl thc urg- ent uppeal Mrs. R. S. Grahami kindly of!ered hem house for a Red Cross lea on Dec. Sih, pro- ceeda ta go 10 1h. Blanket Fund. Library Board has kindhy grant- cd the use of the library rooni to the Red Cross for a sewing room on days when il is not open 10 the public. In -consequence sew- ing will b. carried on there every Friduy afternoon. Business meet- ings will continue 10 be held in the council chamber as usual. Men's Committee in collabora- tion with th. Trail Rangera, who under th. leadership of Edwin Huncock collect èulvage, disposed of a large assortimenl o! wasti paper, metlh, etc., proceeda go bo Red Cross. Pieuse have your salvuge ready for Uic boys. DruglesaPractitloner ROBERT COLVILLE Druglema Practitioner Liberty Street - Dowmanville Electrlcul Treatments - Spinal Adjuaiments and Massage. 46-7 CIàssffied Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each Insertioni <minimum charte 25e). Char~gé of 25o extra ia made when advertisement, ta not pald sasse weekas biser- lion. Extra charge oZl1o when replies are dtrected'to a Statesinan box number. Birtis, deatha and marrages 50o eaeh. Ini Memorlia, 50o for notice plus lOc *per lin. for verse. Clasuified adver- tisements accepted up until 6 P.m. Wedneaday. Help Wanted GIRLS WANTED - KITCHEN and floor work ai Bowmanville Hospital. Apply toi Superinten- dent. 50-i HELP WANTED - CAPABLE middle-aged woman for general housework in modern country home. References. Phone Bow- manville 2456. 50-1* MAN'*WkrED - FOR GOOD Watkins route. Steady custom- ers. Must be honeat and re- hiable, have car or means of getting one. No capital or ex- perience requlrcd. Write The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson Street, Mon- treal, P.Q. 49-3 Radio Service ERADIO 1REPAIR - ALL WORK guçaranteed. Roy Neads, Centre Street, phone 546. 50-1* Llvestock'For Sale FOR SALE - 21 YORKSHIRE pigs 6 weeks old, 100% selects. A. H. Keane, Orono, telephone 51r3. 50-1* FOR SALE-YOUNG HOLSTEIN bull 8 months old. Apply Phillip Schwartz, R. R. 3, Bowman- ville, phone Oshawa 49iwii. 50-1 FOR SALE - ONE HOLSTEIN heifer, just renewed, calf by side; one Holstein heifer due Jan. isth, good mllking strain. A.- H. Clemens, phone 2433, R. R. 6 Bowmanville. 50-1 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-HOL- stein heifer i 34 ycars old, Dur- ham heifer i1% years olçI, both due carly un March. Also young sow with 7 pigs 4 weeks old. Apply Carol Weiss, R. R. 3, Bowmanvillc (former John Aid- worth farm). 50-1 For Rent ROUSE $10 MONTH - WARM, dlean, Hooey or Malcolmi Fanm, 1 %k miles from Maple Grove off highway, 212 miles Bowman- ville. Apply E. M. Edgemton, Box 159, Haiieybury, Ont. 49-3* Personal -AVON PRODUCTS - p HON E Bowmanvillc 2160 between the hours of 12 and 2 and 5 and 7 p.m. Mrs. W. H. Cole, local re- presentative. 49-2* PILES-WHY SUFFER HUYMILI- ating misery? Whcre to get re- lief? Write Box 271, Bowman- ville. 50-2f - Strayed ___ STRAYED - ON TO THE PRO- pcrty of Harvey Morgan, Lot 26, Con. 6, ten ?ead of 2-year- ohd caIlle. Ownen can have- samc by proving propcnly and paying expenses. Telecp hon e blr5 Orono. 50.2* "Until w. settle our quarrel with Hitler wc have no right and no lime 10 quarnel among our- selvcs."-G. H. Lash, Dindcon of Public Information. ROYAL BOWMANVI LLE Thuro., Fr1., Sat. DEC. il, 12, 18 Double Foulure Pors *FATHERS SON *JOHN LE and AFFECTIONATELY YOURS starning MERLE OBERON Mon., Tues., Wed. DEC. 15, 16, Il LITTLE NELLIE KELLY with' Judy Garlm&dGouge Murphy, and Chas. Wlnnlnor Shorts and News Cumins Soons BMIL THE KmD A YANK IN THE R.LF. DARNACLE BILL BLOSSOMS IN THE DUIT SUN VA1LLEY SERENADE Attend GalaMUnit. SJsow NEW YEARFS EVE Articles For Sale FOR SALE - EASY WASHING mcine, .electric, good wiorklng cnditon Phone 846.. 50-1 POTATOES AND CABEAGE TO sel. Stenger, Ennlskillcn, tele- phone Bowmanville 2824. 50-1* FOR SALE-VENETIAN BLINDS steel or wood slat, at lowest cost. Northcutt & Smith. *47-4* DRY WOOD FOR SALE - E. R. Walker, Pontypool. Phone Beth- any li0r32. 40-4* 120 MAGIC T R ICKXS 10c; 84 Card Tricks 10c, 596 Conun- drums 10c; 110 âowboy Songs 25c; 150 Parlor Tricks and Games 50c. Empire Novelties, Peterboro, Ontario. 49-2* FOR SALE-1929 FORD ROAD-. ster in good condition. ApPly J. T. Cooper, Lot 13, Con. 3, Darlington, phone 2820. 49-.2* FOR SALE - 1211 BEATTY Grinder complete with bagger. Excellent icondition. Apply O. J. Hyland, Burketon R. R. 3. 50-1* LINOLEUM AND ýCONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actuallyin stock. You are invited tu view these at BRADLEY'S 'Ncw Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-YOUNG RENEWED cow, calf at side, cross between Ayrshire and Guernsey, good and quiet. Apply W. T. Symons, phonle 2251. 50-1* FOR SALE - BOY'S WINTER Overcoat, size 12 or 14, in good condition, $3.00 cash. May b. seen after 6 p.m. at 22 Carlisle or phone 404. 50-2.1* FOR SALE - 4 BROOD SOWS, also 30 pigs 12 weeks old. Ap- ply H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle, phone Clarke 3823. 50-1* FOR SALE-'-.28 CHEV. COACH in Ai condition. Will sell cheap for cash. Harry Couch Jr., New- castle, 50-2* FOR SALE - MAN'S BICYCLE in good condition, $20.00 cash. Apply A. E. Wood, R. R. 4, Bow- manville, Îphone 676. 50-1* FOR SALE-ELECTRIC IRONER almost new. Will sacrifice. Phone 2082, or apply 66 Simcoc St. N., Oshawa. 50-1 FOR SALE-MAN'S SUIT, SIZE 37, only worn a few tumes; no further use as man has enlisted and is already . too big for- the suit, which speaka well for army fare. Wiil sel at a real bargain. Phone 2803. 50-1* WASHER SPECIAL FOR XMKAS -Washer geîiuine Beatty ma- chines, priced down from $29.50 up. Secure Beatty guar4nteed lifetinie service. Deal direct with manufacturer. Phone 2082. Beatty Factory Branch, 66 Sim- coe St. N., Oshawa. 50-i OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everylbing in moaemn, chesterfield, bedrooni, dining suites, and studios. Beddingand floor coveringa a specialty. Quality merchandise aI coni- petilive pnIces. Blefore buying visil Bradiey's New Fumnilure Store, 156 Sfimci. SI. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf tFOR BALANCE OWING-WAS- er, eleclric, modern action, 3'available to reliable party for 1 remainder of payments owing. Sîll under factory guaranice, Phone and ask for lh. account- anI any lime Up 10 9 p.m.-2082. Beatty-Factory Branch, 66 Simn- 1 coe St. N., Oshawa. 50-1 f Notice to Credîtors 2Ail pensons having an y claini ýgîn 1 h. Estate o! Minnie J. Ph!are, Deceased, who dled on or about the 23rd day of October, 1941, aut1h. Town o! Elowman- ville, in th. County of Durhami, are required to file the sanie wli proof thereof wlihUic undersign- cd Executors, or their Solicitor, not haler than January 101h, 1942, afler which date th. Esiate will b. distrlbuted and ail claims of which the Executors have not ne- ceived notice wll be barned as againsl then. Dated ai Bowmanville this 2lst day of November,1941i. THE TOIRONT GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Toronto, Ontario, Executons, By M. G. V. GOULD, Bowmanville, Ontario, their Solicitor.. 48-3 M lscellaneous SHOOTINO MATCH A shooting match wlU be held ai Brooks' slaughter house, 1/ ml. east of Countice, on Satur- day afternoon, Dec. 13th. Turkeys and gees for prizes. Ammunition furnlshcd. Shot guns and rifles. 50-1* BUSINESS SERVICE USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cleuned and pressed like iew. W.' also. carry new gooda. 'We are canrying a han r stock of suits, Fail and WlInter coate, punis, wlndbreakers, etc. A cail wiil convince you. Don't' mise thia place. Sami Schwartz,. 21 Bond St. W., Osh*wa. 50-8.4* CLUIFFRD PETWCK Auotioneer - Eamlskllen' Phone o wmanville 9536 Speclalizing in Fan Livestock, Implements and.Furniture Sales. Coinult me for jerms and dates. 50-tf Aucttom sales Bowibanville Property The undeàiigned bhas neceived instructions to sen by publié aue- tion the Real Estate propeniy sîtuate near Uic north-east corner of Church and Ontario Sireets, Bowmanville, to close thc Estate of thc laie Richard Hobbs, de- ceased. The property, consistlng of hous. and loi, is known as part of Town Lot No. 7, Block "Z", with a froniagé on Ontario Street of 51' with i depth of 501. -Salé on Saturday, December 13, 1941, ai 2-.30 p.m. sharp, D.S.T., on the premises. The propenty may b. lnspected ai reasonable hours by inlending purchasers. The sale wAill b. su bjeci 10 a reserve bid. Ternis cash. 20 % of Uic pur- chas. money to b. paid down ai 1h. lime -o! sale, balance 10 b. paid upon completion of sale in accordance with the Conditions of Sale. For furiher particulars and Conditions of Sale apply to Law- rence C. Mason, Barrister, Ring Street, Bowmanville. Dated at Bowmanville this 2nd day of December, 1941. William J. Challis, Auctioneer. 49-2 WOOD SALE Saturday, December 13th, 1941, Miss M. McLaughlin, Lot 12, Con. 9, Dariington, (2%' miles norlh of Haydon), will sell by public auc- lion 3 acres of mixed standing tumber in 1/ acre lots, more or leas. Purchasers wiil b. given un- til April 1, 1943, to remove tumber. Saleèeai.i1p.m. standard lime. Ternis cash. Clifford Pethiek, auctioneer. 49-2 WOOD SALE Saturday, December 20th.-H. B. Foster, lot 21, con. 2, Darling- ton, i mile north of Sheil station, Maple Grove, will seil by auction' 14 acres, more or lesa, of cedar suitable for lumber, posta and ladders; also 6 acres, more or lesa, of elm, maple, birch and ash; 10 be sold in 1/ acre lots, more or leas. Purchasers will be given tli April 1, 1943, 10 emove tumber. The farm consisting of 90 acres, more or leas, suitable for pasture wilh water, will be offered for sale, subject 10 a reserve bid, im- medialely following wood sale. eTenms cash for wood. Sale i p.m. D.S.T. J. D. Hogarth, clenk; El- mer Wilbur, auctioneer. 50-2 WOOD SALE Saturday, Dec. 20th, at 1.30 p.m. standard lime, Lot 17 and 18, Con. 9, Darlington, 2 miles north of Enniskillen (half mile.off high- way, good road for trucks), E. A. Werry will sel four acres o! mix- cd standing limber in 1/ acre lots, more or leas. Purchasers will have 18 months to remnove tumber. Temmas cash. Ted Jackson, auc- lioneer. 50-2 Wanted WANTED-BOARIP AND ROOM for lwo chiidren! Apply Box 25, Siatesman Office. 50-1* WANTED-WINTER HOME FOR *High School girl in exchange for services. Phone Bowman- Ville 2201. 50-1* Wanted To Bue~ HORSES WANTED - DR. C. W. Henders has taken- oven ithe Mlink Ranch, nonth of Tynone, and has securcd thc services of Jim Lacey, expenienccd mink rancher. Pensons havung old or dieabhed horsea Uiey wish 10 dispose of! contact Mn. Lacey who will puy top pnices. Phone Bowmanville 2859. 49-4 THE ST ATES MAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STOR* Newcastle: Anderson's Drug. Hanmpton: G. A. Barron &So Enniakillen: T. M. Slehion& Burketon: Harold GIU. Blackstock: Alex. Gilbert. Nestieton: J.G. honpson. Pontypool: W. IL. Hooper. Orono: Tyrreil's Drug Store. Newtonville: W. C. Lune'& Co. Tynone: F. L. Byam. - Courtice: Frank Walter. Bowmanville: W. J. Berry, -J. W. Jcwell. J. H. Johnston, Jury & Lovell. * Wllson's Furnlture* Co. December Furnitune Sale Wise shoppers would do well b avail themacîlvea of our 10w priced speclals. Very large selection trein our two stores. Wilson's values lead the market. Xmas Gift suggestions Cedar chests, book cases, lampe, fancy cushions, end tables, che nille bedspneads, smokers, coffee tables, occasional chairs, doll pranis: Hundreds of other gifts at Wilson's lower pnices. Imner Sprint Mattresses $9.95-Spring filled mattresses in heavy striped ticking,, roll edge, handies and ventilators. Ail sizes. Wonderful values. Floor Covering *Specials $1.49-New borderless rugs, 6 ft. by 9 f t. You will find at Wilson!s everythlng un floor coveringa. Personal attention to ail your floor cevcring problenis. Inlids, congoleunis, feltols, heavy lino- leum. Ail wldths. Wilson'prices are lower. .1 Trade-m Department Jammed full - hundreds of good used furniture bargains. W.e muai make rooni at oince regardîcas of price - Chesterfield Suites, Din- ing Suites, Kitchen Cabinets, Dressera, Beds, Bugs,* Stoves, Couches, etc. It will pay you to visit dur stores. Wllson's FurnIture Co. <40 King W. 20 Church St. OSHAWAi 46-tf I il SAVE MORTY Dr Oriering youn Christmnas Gift from llartwig's befone Dec. 20th ycu recolvo a iscount o! 25 poncent on aul Lorie and Elco Watches rings, locketa, ligiters and eloÇks. Catalogues te make voun ehoice froms. Articles oniered are for youn approval. Befon, buying elsewhere- corne hlnindsee me. Sel J.HARTWMe 1Expert Watcbssaker* ;King St. JE. 1Dowmmuvlll E b. i 'i eù7t, tif R FA Dand lis E I/W WA if TBA Ds LIJS Bowmanvllle ORDER EARLY Christmas As usual we WilI have an excellent dlsplay of ail hnd of beat quality Poultry for the. Chrlias Season. Il la advisabie* toplae your crier early wlt th u s at thon. willbe no disappointmenta. .ust phone, tel! us what you want and when you want It iellveroi For Thtis Week-End We woli advise you before plaing your orier for par,; or poultry 10 se. our apeclal isplay. You'llb. ar tlcularly ploaaei with our offoninga CAWKR'S Mleat Shop "t TIIURSD.AY, DECEMEER 11~ iki t n I j il - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - > 1 1 1 - 1

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