PAGE SIXK THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IBOWMANVniLLu ONTARIO BLAME OTTAWA (Continued from page i) was flot canfined to farmers of opposite political beief s. Noble Metcall, owner of Nep- tune Grove Farin, selling milk to an Oshawa dairy, Is struggling along with the aid af a 'teen-age boy. He daes flot plan ta increase his herd of pure red oIsteins. Hec blâmes it on lack af help nec- essary ta plant and harvest crops and the high price of feed. Nie stated United States buyers are coming into Canada and buylng ail available stack at top prices. Hie sald he would seil ail his sur- plus stock to U. S. buyers. "Ini a radius af about anc and a haif miles, il boys have let this district. I had to buy a tractor this year ta do the work on the farm. 1 always had my awn son and an extra man to wark thc farm. Now, my son has gone and I can't say that I blame hum."' Cases Are Clted Mr. Metcalf told af cases where1 farmers were now warkmng i Oshawa and Whitby plants, and said "daing their chores night andi morning.") "Certainly, I arn cutting down on production," declared Thomas Baker, 87-year-old Darlington farmner. "I have rented some afi my land for pasture. What is the1 Cive SLIPPERS t Sureaad impe soutio fo aay f tie poble reltivS outilil Suw reinds-lsc lutonafor tSk tatesmae perfers glt a Repaniataail kand nof botsg sboes, goloshes, rubbse work1 boots, etc.S NAYILOIVSh SHOE HOMPITAL Opposite Garton's Garage L Phone 605n i. N SAIMON Fandd'C*he : W: 15's STRAW. iJANon TOMATOIS loua A & p 'COIN SOUP Tu,.tie o Cnnm ANN PAGE BAKED GOODS BR E AD Ann Page White Whole Wheat Croked Wheat 24.oz.U ZWrappec! Loaves w ANGEL CAM Plain Cke1 DOUGIINUT DOL 12ne &p Cake Sc il$27Ç Tin1O 3 tins 25Ç - Tlns 25Ç A&P M«EATË Steaks or Roast Porterhouae, Sirloin, WIng, Cube, Face Rump or Bonelesa Round lb.2 Rossi Shouldei' orj ]ROMt Chuck lb.1 Prme 1R outsib. 2 Bl1aeB oUSsilb 1 Short Sib Roustitb. Verni haut Doneleaslb. 5c 18C 9C 9C Ipru Lamnb, legs, lb 27c Loims, lb 2Mc, fronfts,Ilb 17e Chice. lnFrh osisRatlng27 4!/2to @/, Ibn. lb. 7 Imbu Steak Sb.17Ç huuage tyleb. 19ce Iauwme Verîbeat '-înk lb. 21c edi@huChaiSe lb. 29c APRIT ................Sifor2lc UalmEs....... ..1b&23c .....E............... doz. 29C APPE~...... ' S..6qt. basket 30c sense ai putting icraps ify are not; sure you are gaing to able ta harvcst Uiem." M.r. Baker elso cited cases fariner acquaintances "wlio ha nat turned a furraw." "«Yau must do Uic bcst Y know haw. I dan't look ta governinent ta do anything. Th can pay bonuses ta aill you ci felaws but Uic farinera dan'tà a Uiing."y 'II amn not;Iicking aver priceç declared Mr. Baker, adding t] prices for farin products we satisfactory. III don't blanie Uic boys f leaving Uic farins. Wc cann campete wiUi Uic wagcs paid thc industrial plants," he said. Not Buying Faru Mr. Baker's son, Jack BakE whois ficîdmeni for Uic Durha County Shorthorn Associatio said of Uic change that has con over agriculture, "There used1 be cempetition among farine sons ta buy f arins. Now or] foreigners are buying: the land. Farmers used ta hire helpi $13 per inanth and now Uiey cal not get hclp at $400 a year, 1 said. S. E. Werry, Darlington towr ship dairy fariner, declared1 had always had hircd help i now lad only his son hclping hin Extra help he securcd during th past summer was from a ma working in Oshawa, wlo came ot ta Uic farm. on halidays. Mrs. Werry, who is president the SaUina Womcn's Institute, si faim. womcn "are getting in overaîls" in an effort ta hel their husbands ta keep the ai going. Girls Are Scarce "Farmers' daughters are scarc£ said Mrs. Werry, and addcd t few f erm girls i that section( the county have leit for munitior plant positions. Saine womcn ai frced ta drap their membershi in thc Institute duc ta the prei sure ai farm work in which the are trying ta do a man's job. Forbes Heyland, president Uic Durham County Federatià ai Agriculture, tald ncwspapei men that ai ailUichefermera inh: district who previously had hel he was the only anc wiso now ha a hired mn. 'II will have ta raise his wag( next yeer ta kccp him," lie seit "We cen't campete with indw trial weges."1 Engaged in apple growing, M Hcylend elso expressed the opir ion that girls are no solution1 Uic problem. ..How meny farinera cen boar 10 or 15 girls during thc pickin scason?" lie askcd. "Whcn cames ta apereting tractars yo have ta cmploy a skiiled in." Will MRun Down", Mr. Hcyland predictcd Ontari ferma wauld "run down" as fai mers got rid ai livcstack and lack ed hclp ta propcrly till th ground. le declered Uic Federationc y'ou be of ive 'au thc hey ity get 's"'i Lat are for not in ter, amn on, me ta LACK 0F LABOR rls' ihly (Contlnued from page 1) at structive progran.) in In policy, The Canadien States- le man has backed carpulsory sehec- m- coinpulsary selective service," Uic lie editor said. "But if it cames now, ut t us e bit toa late ta inake it as [m effective as it niglit have been lie- lie cause prejudices have been rais- La cd."9 'ut Advocates also ai coinpulsory selective service as e potentiel ai means ai aleviating Uicthe alior ad shortage arc Mi. and Mis. S. E. ta Weriy, SixUi Concession, Darling- eptan Township. Thcy awn 150 Macres sud rent fifty acres af pas- turc. Their son, Wesley, lias re- ccived twa calis fron Uic dirait Wtboard, and twuce his training lias e"beca poatpaned.- Noinmeily, Uicy lic keep anc year-raur*l insuand Of accesional lielp. They have farty- 'ns five heed ai catthe, sud sel whole ire milk ta Toronto consumera. »P Wives Aid Farmers ai labor lack sud tUic uncertainty [è asdby lest yeQr's puice agree- e-ment have rcduced Uceir pens. hi Mis. Werry, who for six ycaia lias epbcen preaident ai Uic Saline Wo- ,ad men's Institute, had a girl helpmng lier for seven wccks this sun- 2rmer. Shc leavea Uic hause et 5.40 id. every morning, su haur after lier LIS mea, sud gaes ta Uic bain ta lelp wuth Uic milking and helpa again e. t niglit. in- Three of thé members ai Uic toinstitute, site seid, "are i fact wamen in ovells liecause Uiey id have ta take the place of nmen on ngthei faim. One, I knaw, lies been ng lieuling out menure." Mis. Werry 'OUasfearful af thc future ai the oucmmunity sud statcd Uiat in a fcw ycais, unlesa people with dhildren mave into the commun- uo ty, there wiil be only four pupils 'r- in Uic achol -"The young people arc not rais- bic ing dhldrcn on the ferma," sIc said, "because they can't afford ai it."e lOf compulsory selective service, inisapplication ta thc faim labor situation, she said: "It scema ta me that la the solution ta the Pro* 1em that faces thc land." Mi. Werry: "I don't know law we will adjust thinga witlout that.1 Sa fer as I an concerncd, if Wes- ley la drafted, we will lave ta sel out, because I arn over 60. There isn't a day mi nsulathe entire aaighbarlioad. If lebor wes aval-9 able at a price comparable with1 faim prices, there wauld be no prolileni."1 NÔ Money lu Mllk N. I. Mtceli sels wholc milk ta the Oshawa market, but is gra-E dueily adllng off lits herd. "There is no mongey in shipping milk wlth the puice ai feed as it us, and I amn getting more money by sefling brccding stock ta United States buycrs," lie said.t The Metcalfs are farming mare than 140 acres with thc lclp af a youth.t Mi. Metcalf, as did other dairyi fermera, wafited nmlk consumera ta undersasd farinera do flot get the whohe 'cantract price for milk, but that Uierc la a deduction for I] haulage sud an adjustinent an 15 % oaicontîact iuI. The Osha- t wa agreemenl cals for $2.28 per ti hundicdwcigift. lis cheue tgî- aed $2.03. The Toronto pricet cals for $2.40 per huadicdweight, but the Weriys' cheque avereged ti $1.91. They claimed that an up- turn la butter pricea would S strcagthen the puices on surplus ci mihk. C. H. Muniford lives an the c' Ftftl Concession, Derhington ai Township, sud la preaideat af the i Durhami Sharthorn Breeders' As- I sociation. Jack' Baker, fieldnm01O af tIc association, lives an the SixUi Concession, acroas the road main lis father, Tam Baker, 85, si who was bora on lits farim as la still açtive in ita operatian. The l Sliorthorn mcnaegreed that theic beef business "puetty good shape." Like thc dairymn, mic are selling bîeeding stock ta Azn- enican buyers. But Uicy, too, Vir pleaded for a deasonable price a Panity and "cansideratian an thce e saine terms as labor and wa ge dustry." wrm-b Wilfrid Carruthers and Farbea tu: Hcyland, president ai tIc Duram as Cauaty Federetian ai Agriculture, tir botî apple growers apd gencral u fermiers, sid it was imipossible ta 50 get Ieip. cri "TIc fariner is flot camplining about lits job," seid Mi. lieylsud, "but le sliould be cansidercd as an essentiel imdustry and Piut on thc same footing.", Innuincreble instances wcrc ctted ai farmers who gat upetan 3 Arnm didt#h-ir lais .]d w n earn andi femlly, Taranto, Mi. lan Wearn, R.C.A.F., Toronto, MIr. A. Wern's... Mis. J. Pari Mr. J. A. Werry's and callcd iricada. . . Misses Jean Werry dJoyce l'cGiil in Oshawa witli ir aunt, Mi. J. Borrowdale... and Mis. Wm. Robinson, Ken- et Mr. W. E. Sandcrson's. asud Mis. P. Frayer and i.r 2Mis. A. Wlllan, Ceesmrea,et D. Lewin'.,.. Mr. F. Peick --i" m?2,¶~e?~ A ~ ¶%~#~W0.D~W~ 4 I * ~ - .L1iU1~OAJL~ z, AJ~~~iAVW~M~ AA. ~T" T~f 1" Agriculture branches arc holding forums ta discuss agricultural pro' leins and prepare resolutions but emphaaized it would be wccks and passibly inonths before Uic resolutions could bc prescnted ta Uic gaverninent in cancreta faim. *I Uink Uic press can prabably do Uic mast good un stirring up thc governinent." Gea. W. James, Bowmsuville editor, told Uic ncwspapemmen lits teleplie was continuafly busy with fariners cailing hlm sud ask- ing hum ta do something Uirougli Ic emediumnai lits newspapcr ta ewakcn Uic gaverninent ta Uic nccd of immendiate action. "Wlat Uicy are esklng for naw should have been donc a yeer ega,"' Mr. James contcndcd. ONTARIO FARMERI <Continu.d from page 1) radius of here," Mr. Metcaif i clared. 11 bougit ts fanm for $12,C and I cauldn't sel it to-day1 $8,000,9" ' was Mr. Metcelf's pa ing comment Thomas Baker, 86, Darlingi township, a former reeve, % ncxt visited. "Too nmy pceo Uiink Uiat governments cen wc wandcrs. Wc cu= on]y do thec b wc can and taeipe sý no use looke ta Uic goveriment for somethi ail Uic time,, I've alwitws staodi my own feet snd It seens toc Ib that business to-day has ta be eamipercd sud pap-fed," Mr,. 1 econsnented. "Pm cultivating 10 acres ig ncxt year and It'» probably bu moreclcss the-neict, but we'l cR ry an," hc asserted., "I know e man who lied a si but no help an is farm tils yei Sa lie grew no coin sud ml&h no caws. The young people a gaing« into munitions right ai Icit in ts district. Why, wel maintaining Uic township ache for Uic benefit ai anly 11 pupilî lie remarked.. Mr. Baker doesn't lame far yautlis for gaing into indust "After ail tliy cen get as mui as $7 a day i lots ai jobs. Yc can't very weil conscîipt you frain Uic faim-thcy'rc ail ii dustry." "Farn familles arc getth Émailer, toa. Why, wc'vc on Uircc childrcn af achoal age in village wliere there used ta a hundrcd," lic observed. Captai C. H. Muniford, a ve cran ai Uic great wer, who rats Shorthorns on a large acale, car fid eny criticisin aif farn youi takxng war jobs. "It means min money for him sud how ean t fermer compete In Uic metter wages?" wes lis vicw. The newspaper group wei treatad et the home ai Mr. ai Mrs. S. E. Wcrry toan old-fashioi cd farin dinner ai dhicken pie a, "ail Uic trmmunga." Mrs. Wcri said she belicved that suyor working on a faim should bu heaity cater" and she evident] placed Uic vusitars on this bas as she insistcd an plying thei with cxcecdingly gencraus 'se onda." Mrs. Wcrry is president afi ta local women's institutc. She is i s0 Uic only lady member ai tai Durhamn Federation of Agrieu ture. "ýOur institute packcd hi casE ai jain for soldiers during' th pat yeer and we'rc trying ta d more ail thc ture," she saud. "Ourinhstitute also carnies c the work ai war charnUies in th section. -Wc're trying ail Uic tin to help aur familles of new Cai dians, too. I aiten think that pez haps thcy dan't adapt theinselve ta Canadien ways as mucli a we'd like simply beceuse wc don' take enaugli intereat in thcin sIc statcd. Mrs. Werry favors some ionr ai sciective service for egricultur sucli as they have in England to day. "My oldest son is in lis las year for dentistry et Uic Ualvcî sity of Toronto sud my other soi ha receivcd lis cali for arm: dluty. l'mn alreedy helping nir iusbsud with tIc milking and know a number ai fermera' wivc who are workmng i overals imos of the day. It'sea problein that hi to be met," she cammented. "Unîcas saine ai Uic fans tha heye become idle arc occupiec Aithi the next seven years wc'l heye only four dhildren in tIq school," Mra. Werry saud. Wilfrid Carruthers had a mor encauraging yeai tIen many fer. mers. Mr Carruthers raises ap. ples ona large scale and jusi e'len the harvest time errivet lhe St. Catharines strike leit î arge number ai Oshawa workerc idle. Many of thein trekked down ao Bawmanvillc and there werE lenty ai pickers availablc. "Tlicre's a keen dcmand for ep- tics these daya J)ut gettîng farin help is going ta 'be a really grave probîcin next year," declared Mr. Carruthers. Living withia Uic town limita ai Bowmanvîille he inds that "the dloser you get to twn the harder it la ta fiad ferm. dep. We just can't pay Uic wages to compete with industry."1 The visiting news p a p e r in e n alked with Forbea Heyland, pre- dent ai thc Federation ai Agri- !u1ture. "Production lis decresing be- suse the land must lbc worked id wc haven't Uic men ta work t. Of ail the aurrounding fermers n my neigliborhood I'm Uic only mce who lias any iarm help left,"- &r. Heylend declarcd. Farmers do nat ask special con- ieretion, but "'we feel wc should dle- 00 for at- ron was este aug On let- ,10 Mr- silo Dire and 're loo t7. ach aou th in- ng aa be es .th ore the Of ere id Di- id me em ec- the al- Lhe il.. eSé his me ani r- at asme ',t Ke "'Ba ve] -n Mr >.- As' it bri e': for on 1 ny be( Ky Mr 1 Mr ,es res )st Wl as ,t 1d, reFer 'pre r- duc p- pr, DGr wes. 'Mrs ,Jan r. FOR DEPUTY REEVE FOR COUNCIL I ALLISON, N. lX CROOK, MAURICE W. ,UTILITIESREPORT (Contlnued from page 1) n siglit for Uic ncxt fcw yeans. Enough te Swim Iu "It's easy ta sec is * ila elocal ption tawn," cantinucd Mi. trike turning ta the water de- )artmnat of Public Utilities. 'verage daily consumptian for iery in, womanand dhild in he tawn is 71.79 gais. Figures how there la not mudl eakae in he systeni. Wc liuy this wateî fan 7c par 1000 gals sud sell it et 7 % wliich la supposcd ta be e afa mergin. Sb, fer ail profits tve been 'turned back inta cep- LI expenditure." Thc clairmen reviewed thc dif- iulties Bowmeanville lies lad in iaintaining its supply. Recently e i ew dam wes bufit endtwo new t rels suats but experts find there à re no large wclls withifi tIc dis- i îct which cen lic put into pro- -à uction. Sa now Uic new supply 1 drewn fran a creek ai purec iring waer. It la conducted into arn Uiiough an 811 pipe by gra- ty. This pipe la toc sinlta j te cane ai future aceds of Uic >n but et prescat ut is quite lequete. Ia other words Uice lailala upply la noie than Uiche 1pipe wiil stand neveuthelesa ie pipa is not yet diewtng taits c tpacity. Pressure wiil never lie t ght ulitil a tank la buli. Wecan a ýaloag withaut anc just et pies- e bt but ht wiil have ta lie erected yeais to came. a Reeve Edmondatone Old age pensions have nat; teken re af Uic prolems of thc agedS wc lad hoped, stated Reeve- [x Edmondatane in Uce course aif brie! report on bia work as arden et Counties Council. RaUh- Uic population aifUtceliause ai !fuge la increasing sud it la naw ercrowdcd. It enis thet child- ndon't went ta take cane ai renta even when Uicy can e!- rd ta. This is Uic onb>' depait- Dn in which we will go over restiniates ts ycar but I do tbegiudge it in UiceIeat ta >se paonoh d folks. At Uie be- iing ai Uie year Counties uncii lied. e $9000 deficît but Dyerzll end wihe surplus. Deput>' Reeve Speakas ZG. Morris, deputy neeve, ex- msed regrets that several 1941 =ibers ai councih wauld not lie ining agein. i la e strenge ait- ion when ts liappensand su- er member Ôf council lias ta minete them. lie abacrved. aouncihlibas lied a good yean in br way i spite ai a few ltl ferences, le seid. Finencieily end Uic ycan la fair aliape Ugh a iew uniorseen circun- nces mhay put us on thc wiong ai ofthe bedgcr. h thoughi Uic rate wes set a little too law yer but there la no acriaus rîit. )ther speakers weîc: len Martyn: I was clainn lic Industriel commuttcc. Wc 1no budget. Two fectanica pty et tle first cf Uic yeer are efilbcd. ïR. liarrison: WleUier an a )r plaiforin or working for Uic n as a wliole, h wll continue Ln unblased way. r.G. C. Bonnycastle: Thc rd ai Education las little extra ay for eny purpose bcyond essary expenditunes fon the )OIS. luricc Crook:, On behaif ai )r wc've dclded ta runa eshete. retepayera lave not lied a rical. C. Kihaetick, Noaien All- OWeaN cola, Lucas Nid- Jack Glenvifle sud Frank NU per absa spoke. NICHOLL39 LUCAS x x x I xJ xj For an effective and efficient couneîl vote solily lfor the aI>ove coiqddates r, (Thi advrtismonî le;-nied bÏ ordp iLqlvii J t1 i s' CICARS, CIGARETE%, TOBACCOS IN CHRtISTMAS WRAPPING Patterson Preshpcký Choeolates, Fane>' Boxes 1 -2 -3 - 4lbs. Sc'to $2.50 Millltry Brushes and FItted Case 2- 3 -4up to 11pieces -c6to $6.95 STATIONERY............ 25e to. $2.50 a most acceptable gft ln fane>' boxes and cedar eh"st. -------nd-ne---r s.... ..---t--5- GIFTS FOR MEN Sbavlng Sets Bilifolds ..... 39e - $2.50 Shaving Needs Mennen ............. $14.35 Key Cases. 69c, 75c, $ 1.00 Gillette Razor Sets 98e , 2.50 Woodbury .. 29c; 55c, $ 1.-10 Fîashllghts...45e - $2.50 Shaving Brushes .. 39e - $5. Yardiey ...... $1.10 - $4.40 Pen & Pencil Sets 98c-$9.00 Rolis Razor......... $7095 GIFTS FOR LADI.ES Tollet Sets Perfumes and Colognes - Cutex Sets Yardiey .... $ 1.10 to $4.25 Yardley ...... 65e - $2.20' Brasa Band......... $5600 Cashmere Bouquet 60e - $3. Molinard ....... 60e - $ 1.25 Squadron Leader...$4.00 Woodbury..$ 1.I10to $2. 10 Houbigant ........... $1.25 Bugle Corps.....$3.50, Jergens ............. $1.00 Evening iD Paris.. 35e - 65e Trumpet Se....$2.00 A Camera makes an ideal Brownies and Kodaks ... $1.35 to $11.75 Ladies' Brusk, l Comb andi Mirror Sets P. OL N Metal and Pyralin - 3 - 4 - 5 - 7 pleces S239 .p te $15.95 Phono 695 **Prompt Delivery id Miss Jean Rabbins, Touonto, Irs C. Burginastar, Hampton, Mi. S. PeUiick's. .. Mis. Lang- aid, Mi. sud Mis. R. McGiil, li sud Reva, et Mi. L. Crega's, ase Lin.... Mi. and Mis, I. Tre- Il, BeUi and Bruce, Oshawa, et r.G. Beecli'. We~dnsday cvcning Mis. O. C. ston cntertained an Oshawa idgc club -of whidli shc was 'mcnly a meamber. lins. C. Burgaester, wha las san visiting wihlier sisters, rs. J., Topping, Ahbertg. and rs. C. Steplena, lias taken up ideace in Bawmsuville for the Inter. -- - - - - - - - - -- m 1 get 1 ffpt wqàý à a Hampton W. C. T. 3. 'met et Mia. Bruce rgusan's wiUi Miss Keterson esiding. Devotionel was con- cted ,ly Mis. J. G. Burns and >. Rackhain led ia pnayer. Miss yaolds reed an eddiess glven Uie National Presideat Mia. ace Kaiglit. Mirs. C. J. Karsake rorcd with a piano solo, and >clip sheet entitled "la the rplc's wuilh nespected sud la nocracy betreyed in Ontario?" s given by Mis. Rackham sud sJ. Clepaen. Nexi nmeeting i13t1 et Mis. Trenoutli's. GLAN VILLE, JOHN H. HARRISON ,Wm. W. NICJIOLAS, OWEN ,L10 EE Christmas Spclais GREETING CARDS 15e dos. to 350ecacis BOXED STATIONEET 25e te $2.25 DOLLS Red Cross, Air Fore sud Army G4M ES Sec "Warzon", Quiz games and broadeait basebal BOOKS Klddles Picture Books, Ju- veniles, New Fiction, Bi- ograpis>'asd Travel Handkcerchlefs Boxed and singles from 5c Up speelal plaids 250 CHINA, GLASS, SIL«VR, PICTURES, MOTTOS Je W. JEWELL Phone 556 Klng st. Shorthorn Breeders Directrs, Garnet pickard, Earl Meetn'g Hears Salesm Osborn, RussellOsborne, Edgar Good For Stock Leask, Wil Baker, John Hawdcn, ____Russell Richardson. E. A. Sum- Sales of Shorthorn cattle have mers is assistant Sec'y.-treasurer. been brlsk in Uic past year it was Auditors, Russeil OsbQrne ad learned at the annual meeting ai Garnet Rickard. ldma nJh Durham Shrthorn Association Baker. FedaJh hcld in thc Agriculture office The annual sale is set for MVarch Saturday. Ficîdman Jack Baker 5th, 1942 with Duncan Brown was instrumental in effecting the auctionee, asistcd by Elmer sale of more than 20 young buils Wilbur. which were purchased, by Uic Net'proceeds fromi a sale ai a government. Many ai these were heifer cal! (at thc annuel sale> o>f higli quality and went to, east- wiil be donated to thc Evcning ern Canada. Two good heifers Telegram. British War Victim's were purchascd by Dr. Shaw, Fuiid. This cal! is ta be puirchascd dcputy minister of Agriculture by contributions by Uic members. for Prince Edward Island. Before Uic meeting adjourned Durhami breeders elso did' well the executive. and directors, e- at Lindsay Fair. One young herd ccp ted an invitation from presi- sire won first place for W. F. Rick- dent C. H-. Muzp!ord ta a banquet ard, M.P., and steers won iirst at lis home. honors at mast ai Uic big shows. __________ A heifer cal! bred by President C. Lff Munifard sald for a top price B ted of $1500 at Chicago. B ted Mr. Baker said that present de- nand is for larger cattle sires with Bethcsda Camimunity Club met a little more banc. Dec. 5th,. with a good attendance. Bath membership in the associ- President R. Wright o'pened the ation and ettendàncc et Uic annu- meeting, then E. Whit, convener al meeting stand at record figures. of group, was chairman for Uie C. H. Muniford continues as presi- program. Mr. L. Coombes gave dent, S. C. Allin, gecretary and ai the devotional; Mrs. E. White led Other Officers werc rc-elected with in conimunity lsinging; Lloyd thc exception af Uic replacement Skinner, Tyrone, gave a temper- of Maurice Baker bY Morley BcaUi ance reading; miss Edith White as a director. a Piano solo; Roland Coombes Officers ai thc Association are sang a sala; Mrs. H. rnsd .s folows:Mrs. G. Brent, a piano duet; Bey'. President, C. H. Muinford; W. P. Rogers, BawmanVille, spoke Vice..president, John Rickard; -on "Aiter This War,' Wlat?". Secretary Treasurer, S. C. Allin; Contest and lunch was cnjaycd. <AD VERTISEMENT) FOR A COUNCIL TrHAT. WILL HAVE THE I NTERESTS 0F THE ENTfIRE COMMUNITy AT HEART F qm 'i ý. ' - 9 urtie or "nsomme ýl CROOK, MAURICE W.