PAEEGTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAIq, BOWMANVILLE, ONTABO Ti Hamipton- Visitors: Miss Elsie MacMillan wlth relatives in Toronto. .. . Pri- vate Bruce Hogarth, Niagara, at home... Miss Joan Balson, Eben- ezor, at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. wml White, Donald and Douglas, Orono, wlth Mrs. C. Johns. ... MISS Ruby Clatworthy, R.N., Bow- mnanville, with friends. . . Miss DOreen Wood, Bowaianviile, with her grandparents, Mr,. and Mrs. S. Williams. .. Mr. and Mrs. An- son Bulson and two daughters, go MALE HELP WANTED TO TRAIN FOR JOBS IN WAR INDUSTRIES SHORT COURSES UN MACHINE SéROP PRACTISE and ELECTRIC AND OAS WELDING nt Oshawa Collogifte & Vocational Institut. These courses are froc, wlth a ubstenee allowane of $7 a week for single mcnanad $12 a weck for married men Sucusseful trainees are aaured employment upon completlon o! course QUALIFICATIONS: Irltlsh subjeots over 16 ycars o! age excepi single mcn be- tween thc ages of 20 and 26 Inclusive, who are eligible for APPlicants willi be Interviewed by Mr. H. F. Irwln, Flou bue- resentative, War Emergcncy Tralning'Prrmme, at the BALMORAL HOTEL King Street - flowmavile MONDAYY DEC. 15y at 8 p.m. ham, and a missionary hymn. School children are busy pro. parmng their Christmas concert. We are sorry ta lose Mr. and Mrs. Williams from aur village, who have resided in Mr. G. Bar- ron's house. They have maved to Bowmanville. 1 Visitais: Mr. George Werr University o! Toronto, at Mi.1 E. Werry'... Mi. and Mis. Cc Bush,' David and Catherine, 01 land, with Mis. S. Bush; Mi. ai Mis. Charlton McBride, Burtc and Mary,. Pctprboio, at Mi. Ge White's. . . Miss Helen Bake Pickering, at Mi. J. Bakcr's. .. M and Mis. Oliver Pancoe, Mi. an Mis. Percy Pancoe and Beverle. Pickering, Mi. and Mis. Joe Chal man, Hampton, at Mi. C. D. Pai cae's. . . Mis. R. J. McKessoci Mi. and Mis. Bryce Brown, MiE May Merriam at Mi. Everett E: liott's, Oshawa. . . Mi. and Mr A. L. Panéce with Mis. J. W. Mc Master, ....... Jim. Smales, R.< A.F., who dhas been statianed î Calgary, is riow at St. Thomas an SEND The Beys la Unlform. The Home Town Paper .e TheY are oager to know what is going on back la the old home surroundings. Nothing will satlafy that longing for local news lik. The Statesman. Subsoribe today by sendiung i t direc t t them, 0 SPECCIAL OFFER TO ALL MEN UN UNIFORM Uic tateoeaswilil bc sent ta any *maa ln uniforin, lu any part of Uic woîld, aS a Speolal Tear'yRa"te . 15. (This Includes postage). Regular subscriptlon f. $2.0. W. maake 5h15 ffer as the publisers are obllged ta discontinue sendlng froc copies. MAIL-OR BIIINO INTHIS COUPON M ESTATESMAN, Bownmnle, Ontarlo. Please send The Statesma for one year at your Special Rate o! $1.50, (including postage); ta Uic followlng address: Regt. No. ___ - Rank and Name ____ Unit ------__ _ Address -- - _------ Nffle o! Sonder Caledon, visited his parents. Mmr. C. MacNab, who has been convalescmng at her sister's, Mrs. Ferguson, Thornton's Corners, has returned homo. A number from here attended the Township Suaday Schaol con- vention at Zion and report a splendid convention. Miss Edith Rackham, Mission- ary Supt., conducted the mission- ary programn at the S. S. session which consisted cf an interesting Christmas story with a missionary touch very capably presented by Thelma Rabbins; readings by Madlyn Wilcox and Edith Rack- Infontry Rides To -Iight - Ambusheu Carrier Enfield Women's Association met Mrs. L. Bradley's on Dec. 2n Mrs. J. A. Plant, Mrs. G. Boi man and Elisabeth Pascoe gai readings, and Mrs. J. Parr favo ed with a solo. Election o! afi cors was as follows: Pres.-M W. Ashton; Vice Pres.-Elsabe Pascae; Sec.-Mrs. G. Bowma Treas-Mrs. H. Smith; Pianiste Mrs. J. Parr and Mrs. G. Boç man; Program Com.-Mrs.i Bowman, Mrs. A. Prescott; Lunt Cam.-Mrs. M. Samis, Mis.1 Smith; Comfart Com.-Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. W. Ferguson. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. 'L.1 Pascoe and Miss Elisabeth Pascq at Mr. H. Pascoe's, Columbus.. Albert -Niddery, Calvin Niddei and Eric Smith, Toronto, s5el Sunday at. the cottage. .. Mr. ar Mrs. Walter Green, Mr. and M Ted Gardop, Toronto, with Mi John McCulloch. . . . Miss Jeî Taylor, Blackstock, at Mr.' Taylor's. .. Mr. and Mis. Larr Lamb and famlly, Enniskillen, Mr. Harold Ormiston's. . .M and Mis. M. Samids at Mr. L. Ba rabal's, Caurtice. .. Miss Marie Allia, Newcastle, Mr. John TanI lyn, Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Mr Russell Best, Mrs. J. C. Tamblyi Orono, Mr. and Mis. Ivison Tami lyn and Grant, Mr. and Mr Harold Beamish and Johnry Osh4wa, at .Mr. W. Bowman's.. Mr. L. C. Pascoe was among ti guests at the Agricultural har quet at Oshawa... Mr. and Mr Ralph Johnson and family, Rsi Ian, Mr. Bil Page, Camp Bardet at Mr. A. Prescott's. Miss Dorothy Hall bas accepte a position with the Bell To) phone Co. in Oshawa. Miss Elisabetil Pascoe attende thc supper and concert at Wick Mr. Neil McCulloch, BarkE arport, has been*flying his plan around aur village. Solina Led w an home for the weokead. . - . 5.. Ue l-Harold Balson with friends tain .Frm r e-Kingstan. Estabilli Program led The Farm Forum met at Mau- T. Use Supplies k. rice Baker's, Monday night. ____ tr Kathleen Baker han returned Of interest ta mast Ontario ne home froni Peterboro hospital. farmers are Uic words cf Minis- Cocil Pascoe has been sufféring tors o! Agriculture, Dominiân and from a severe attack a! lumbago. Proicabtpatclry o A qiltng or embrs f lerminion. A few weeks ago Han. J. W. I. group was held at Mms.Wl G. Gardiner made some buoyant ter Parrinder's on Manday, observations, hero and- there. In Solina Schaal pupils under the thc face of present conditions on leadership of their teacher, Miss fam eqoepato i e y, May Merriam, and Music Super- marms:w ut ata a e s. visai, Mrs. D. Robb, presenit an "Canada can muster 1,000,000 Cil excellent concert Friday night mon for the armed forces and still )r- wlth W. J. Reynolds as chairmian. attain the necessary production in id The children sold candy, entire farm and factory." on praceeds for Christmnas Cheer for If 1,000,000 mon were called ta 1. British Children's Fund. arms, ho said, there would still ho 'r, Y. p. u. met Monday night with 7000,000 persans ovor 16 years of r. Fellawship convener May Mer- age left, and these, "«praperly or- ad riam in charge o! the pragrani ganized and deteraiined ta stand y, which was based on Christmas 1iehnd Uic armed forces, caxi op- P- Carols. Scripture readng wgs rtaloufrasorfcoié 5- given by Mamaon Halfyard with oaaid lacsoursarinsiur actoris k, the devotional story by Ileon Bal- ndrplaces o! busines taeapma- Bs son. The topic an '"Carcls and dfireichw e u te ro U- their Composers" was well pro- dctindEïrm re." dth Mn r. sented by Jessie Yellowlees. Vocal Cse aan faiersad her Min-al k- duet, "Gentle Mary laid her Child"madte,h a n heredevrsty ar caf C yGladys Yelwesad neen war tile caîl was for mca ta build atBaIson. A humroaus reO in'bym achinies and make thc arma ta, idPearl Leachl was much cnjoyed, enable disarrned democracies ta -and May led in some appropriate figlit. Mon and wamen wefit fromn cantests. farms ta thc shops ta, do this. In the second year o! -war the cail was for fighting mon to use MapleGrove tho arais. Again Uic yauth from Maplei.zi-ve the farais reapanded, and sameofo W. M.* S. met Dec. 3rd, with those who went itta tdustry in the arSidn thccai.~ i first ycar of war joincd Uic ,rFideti h car r.forces. H. . Foley, tawn, took charge Now in Uic third yeur thc cal for the eloction of officers, the ta f arniers wan for more food for slate o! off icers betag read by Britaln-pork, cheese, eggs, niilk, Mrs. Chas. Greenharn as follows, butter and bec!intahUi ordet. Presidcrt-Mrs. G. Talcott; lat namned. Agata the faraiers were Vlce-Mrs. H. G. Freeman; 2nd respanding. Vice-Mlrs. W. J. Snowden; Re- Back in hia office after a corn- cordiag and Press Se'y.-Mrs. C. bined holiday and business trip H. Snowden; Ass't.-Mrs. M. Mun- te, the West, Uic Miniater said day; Treas.-Mrs. J. D. Stevens; farmeni wcudg ha n C o r r e s p n d i g S c ly M r s P . p r o d u c o a ll U ic h o g s , b u tte r , Swallow; Christfan Stowardship cheese ând eggs Uicy can with and Finance-Mrs. A. Laird Sr., thxe assurance o! sellbng Uiemn at Mis.. W. J. Snawden, Mr5. M. botter prices than have prevailed Munday, Mrs. J. D. Stevens; Mi- pta fixe preseat. sion Band-Mrs. Ivison Munday, up inse said the feed situ- Mrs. Chas. White; Baby Band- TeMnse Mrs.Erni Twit, ~ L atio an n ont be us serojus as Msowde TissaiteHo s 0 L. was flrst anticipatcd. Ho propased Snoden Asocite e p r .-to cail a conférence. Mrs. Chas. Greenham, Mrs. L. C. As anc farni wife remarked, "it Snowden, Mrs. E. W. Foley, Mra. may be ail right for Mr. Gardiner Fred Ste*ýns; Supply-Mrs. Swal- ta, keep vigorous and optimistic low, Mrs. Noble Metcalf, Mrs. H. from Uic depUis a! an overstuffed Evans, Mrs. H. Wright; Flaver chair, but when the long day's Com. snd Comaxunity Friendahip wark is donc on -the faai we -Mrs. Leslie Collacutt, Mrs. R. sml aenihrtm o n R. Stevens; tet oxe-Mrs. R.R.eryta enthuse about aaything. Stevns; alet Moey-Ms. . Plasethank Mr. Gardiner for hlm JSnowden; Missianary Meathly assurances." Se Uiere your are. -r.H. GQ. Freemnan; Literature ________ S.-Mrs. L. C. Snowdcn; Tom perance Sec.-Mrs. Cecil Jcffery; 14 POINT PLAN Pianist-Mrs. Ivison Munday; As- ADOPTED DY slstant-Mrs. J. D. Stevens; Pro- I gram Com.-Mrs. R. L. Worden, U. S. FARMERS Mis. Ormiston; Auditrs-M rs. Rosa Stevens, Mis. Stephen Jef- Over ta the U.S.A. rccently was f ery. Mis. Swallow took charge held Uic 75th anniversary conven- a! this pragram: Several Christ- tion o! thc National Grange. Dur- mas carols wore sung; Bible road- lng a period o! 75 ycars, anc tag, Mrs. H. Wright; duet, Misaf. wauld imagine that a long range Jean Stevens, Mis. Chas. White, agricultural programme could accampanied by Mrs. J. D. Ste- have been evoltred, but changing yens; 3rd chapter o! thc study factors gavera alnat evorythlag. book wan given by Mis. H. W. Farniers in Uie Stata.2 have what IFoley, tawn. is callcd "parity" or cven botter, Miss Joan Munday is dolng today. They achieved it by logis- inicoly after her operation la Bow- lation. And legilatian came about> manville hospital. because farmers becamc arganized Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cailacutt, and put Uic boots ta tîmarous Misses Pearl and Lenore Colla- legislators. cutt visitcd at Mr. W. H. West- Twa othor itoms te be included lake's, Sauina. . inFParm Forum discussions ought- Mr. and Mis. Archie McDonald, ta be on Uic agenda, namely: What- Oshawa, visited at Mr. M. Mun- la "parity" and the "1twa-prlce"' day's. system? A whole lot o! these Mrs. A. Trenouth, Hampton, ternis aie obscure ta 90 percent at Mis. Roy Metcalf's. o! the people. Every farmer and his family should he perfectly S nGogySfamiliar with what these things HIOPPIDGD YSmean. We pbihhrwt h S Il1 point programme adoptod b 11LL ClRIi A two-price system, for dispos- lng o! surpluses at prices lower than those charged for thse portion o! Uiecrcop praduced ta nicet the Nation'. requirement is, la Mi. Taber's judgment, one of these ,1st%~' moans. It la anly anc, however, of his 14 points. Il Plauls la Program His catire program as offered '~' ~ the convention ruas as foleows: ~LIIIJIIIeI 1. Establieh a two-price systemn. 2. Conserve thc Amnerlean mai- ket for the Amoeilcan fermer to thUiralit a! his ability ta supply lt. 3. Develop better tirkýetlng methoda thiaugis co-operative marketing arrangements. 4. Continue mil conservation and a sound land use prograni. 5. Encourage -research ta dis- caver new uses for faim producta. 6. Promote inccntivc payments ta aid in developtag o! new crapa, especially those cantributing ta the national defensc. 7. Provide adequate production, marketing, and capital credit through a !armcr-owned and faimcr-controlled credit system. 8., Remove ail unnecessary trade barriers betweon States. 9. Maintain adequate transpor- tation ta make available the wid- est range o! markets and assure the lowest rates consistent wli at )W- vo air- rfi- eth - W. ch C. coe ent nd frs. Frs. an T. ne at ian Irs. b'- Irs. îy, In. Irs. g9- Three Supe at your WALKER GayPrt Hlousedresses mast arrlveid for the -festive measn, beautiful prits. lu stripe, floral and other de- signa ln a wlde varlety cf styles, lncludlng wrap and button front coat styles smar-tly trlmmed.. Sises 14 ta 46 MARTHA WASHINGTON & MARATHMON BRANDS SNOW SU UTS These cosy suit. of ail wool B3lauket Cloth will stand Up under the hardest treatment. Double Iknees, some fleece llned throtighout with elastie rlbblng at wrlst and aulles. One plece style wlth helmet to, match. Green or red ouly. Sises 4 ta 6. 'You save $2.00 on ecd smit at thf. special price. Only lernwood Iaicts fne. Dure wool Kenwcods ta dellght the heart of tie home- maker. Beautlfully soft sud cosy. ln soit toues of rose, wlnep mren, bine, cedar, p.aèh and gbid. Bise 60 x 84. Satin bouai. 6.95 & 8.95-2-ton. 'Floraltnts' 10.50 «a. 1 SEEOULSEIAR STOR FGITGES, ,MTION FINE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Juat twlce a ycar we hold Sia speclal shirt sale. Prloes have advauced go sharply this puat rear that these values are slmply amazlng. AIl made from better grade. ,clotha lu stripes and checks Fusci collai sud sei- laundcîed collai attached styles Cnt, scwu sud fin imbed, full aise and ta rlgld hlgh standards Bises 143% te 164 Sîceve lengths 32 ta 85 luches Speclal, $129' KIng Street Bowmanvllle Phone'451 Thousmadi 'cf householders who have alredy chauged senbine coil' have no coal worle this winter. The.y are sure of seady .comIcu heading ..unlform wazmtb aud comfot ... ALL IWINTERLONG.-. 0 Lot us show Yeu 1mw «OF it.techoru" te lms cons'. »e~~u uatedy. Uhepud& CI luabeCo..i !hono> 711,;wavll Llïe ','rift -oc mt ,e PAGE EIGHT Mhisonblnatlon et photograplas abowu W»fU7 rytralnlngla CanMad aEnglaud. ln the largo ploture Canadians la Englani ambual a Bren-gun carrier, fian s sole bomba 10 acereen tdiu acions from foflowing vehieles. Other plotures, readlng tromi the top, ShowYOuugIS nfanrymen training ln Canada for raPid movernent bY apedIlY eQulpped transports. They PraeUse 'rapid embuaalag and debusalng no that almost before the bg vehioea sron 90SILa atopsiey eau bceon Iheir war 10 Lake a»offensive positions& Mmcli auloal transport for lnfantry upeeda moveent byp more &han 10 Urnes, saves mera for tlgbtlng. adoquate service. 10. Mahgtain thc family-sized faraL 11. Practise strictoateoconomy in goverrnent. 12. Encourage permanent li- provoments designod ta promote farm efficlency and home cern- forts. 13. Expand the rural electrifi- cation program. 14. Encourage ca-operatio good will and mutai undrti- Ing aniong agriculture, lndtzstry, and labor to promote the common welfare. Eyesight Education Ani Efsciency Ey C.H.Tuck Optometrist Eyesight Speckist Disney Bldg. Number 202 Ilaily baths should xbe practised, the momning being best suited, but the evenings may be resorted ta when hard ta put ta sloep. Practise cleanlineas and protect the child from the gerais o! dis - eases which may be carried by fies. Baby should be pratected out of doors as well as within. The ears and nostrils iùay bo cleansed gently when bathing, and habits1 of cleanliness may be taught when1 able ta proporly understand. If routine af sleeping is broken, bathing is often the means of in-« ducing sleep. If taught ta enjoy the bath, there is less trouble of putting the child ta bed and ta sleep. The development- of any defect1 in the child is more rapid when proper rest periods are flot fol- lowed. Cross-eyed conditions for example, are often most noticed when tired and cross from loss of sleep and the eyes are straight when rested. This child has flot the energy ta stand for such neg- lect and tries ta tell you so by being cross and pettish. Wlsdom in the care of the child, wisdam in the care cf its eyos, is ta supply what nature demands. Don't neg- lect either. Imm ------------ ---- E!URSDAY, Dn. È 1,1941 Diune.Diwectoy Legal KL 0. V. GOULD, IL, A., L.L. Barriatr Solicitor Notary Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowinanville W. I. STRIR 4 Barrister, Solicitor Notary s Solicitor for Bank oi Montre i Money to, Loan. - Phonoel Bowmanvlle, Ontario ILC. MASON, B.A. Barrister -Solicitor NoayPblic - Etc. Law h i Its brazichos Office imnxediate st ot Royal Phono Office 688 Hiome 553 Dentist DR. 31. C. DEVUT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sinonu Graduate of Ro y al Dénta1 Col- loge, Toronto. Office: Jury Jtblee Bldg.. Bowmanvlle. Office hemr 9. a.m. to ôOp.m. daily, except sundey Phono 790 - House phono 883 X-Ray Equlpment ln Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DMECTOIRS Service, any hour any day F.F. Morris C. Modern Motor -Equlpnent, Amn- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phono 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Llcensed Auctioneers. ELMR WELDUR Hampton - Ontario Speclalizing in Farm, Livestock, Implemonts and Furnitùire Sales TERMS MODERATE Phono for Torms and Date toe, Bowmanviile 2428 Veterinary IL B8. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.So. Vêterinarl[an Churoh St. - Bowmanvllo. Phono 843 29 t! Statesman for mailing inwrp pers are obtainable at this offi at 5c a copy. SaluEs .-ý Bowmanville Phon ê' 451