a' ~t4t~rnun Wlth Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanvilie News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUTME 8R7 PwrIIzT1KA XTITTTT T VTrri rLTm TTn * -A DUVVJ.VL&1"I VILLaL. UNI.. I~UI~IJAY. JJ~UNlVIHI4M 1~th 11~A1 -, -----, --. r4ULYI»Lfl, Restrictions C àt Goodyear One Hundred .Supt. »A. M.a Hardy Ex- plans r de r Wll CutalDom estie Use and Prohibit Exporta -Older Exnpioyees G-Iven Preference )nRbb' Plant Hard Are Laid Off rGOE8 TO SUDBURY *Almost one-filtu ai tho emplay. ea aif Goodyear Tire & Rubbci Ca. in Bowmanvile wcuo thnawr out of cniplayment aitichefirsi ai this week folioiig an order froir tue Depariment ai -Munitions and Supply ai Ottawa. hi statec tuai "Between Uicel1thday ai Deceni. ber, 1941, sud Uic 2nd day ai Jas- uaiy, 1942, no persan shail, ex- copi under a permit in writing isaucci by Uic Controiler, tari or beglu ta, process any rubber foi oUicr than doience pnojocts sud for Uic making ai munitions." By way ai expîsuation tue or- der adds: "Vehicle manuacturera mi have tires sud rubber parts neessary ta finish chrs and trucks comiug down Uic asscmbly SUes. Essentialinldutik ansu minea must be supplied *-with mechanical uubber parts noces. sary for maintenance and repair. Ifit is necessax-y ta tari any neiw run rubbcr Ibila procesa durilu thse above peiod so tuai delivery for current requi.iemerits anly, tnay be mnade, we will issue per- mils.9 "Ail this wiil undoubtedly be a blow ta thc factory bore,"I Sup- erlutendont A. M. Hardy said, "but Uic auilook for Uic future us not taa -dark." . Thé mon sud wamen wha have been laid off were cxclusively tuose wio stauted wltbin Uic last six months. Otheis, have had working bours reducoci. Aiter Jan. 2,\ 1942, the industry wiil be lni a btier position ta survey its * future, but il is certain thai ail expant markets are cul off and Products, fan donieaiic use, sucb as wlngen roilers, hbecs, etc., wili be sovcnely curtaîled, if nat tappeci altogether.. ** Before last week the total staff at tho local Goodyear plant was 583. Now about 100) less are om- PlaYeci. Mr. Hardy sad tuaI niast raw rubbe suepplies fron*thie East werc cul off sud be cas sec no- Chance ai the supply being ne- eumed. Substilutes cannai be do- * velapeci for mvral Years, ho think. The order placlug * virtually eerY item ai household, office ,and commercial equipment af wbhicbhubbor is a major part lu tic nstricted clasa, bas gano luta ýbtfect..Fnam girdies ta, golf balla e industry has been bard bit. ediateiy upon déclaration of ai wth Japan it-became appar- tat supplies ai crude nubber foithe East would be seriously curtailed. * This poses a seriaus probieni for citizens ai Bawmanvilc where onc ouitaofo ur wauking mon are dependent upan the Goodyear faciai'y. Mifen Uic first fluuny af excitement wbicb causeci a gen- eral layofi on Monday, tic -men weue calieci back ta wonk Tues- day. A iew girls have been-- pou- minntly laid off. Sanie ncw cm- ployeem ýarc also outi-ai watk. The situation is nat immediale- whic ar sue t becontinucci. Otucu doniestic . ondera muai be comipleted and sanie crude rubber supplies will undoubtedly be *available. Ini addition tho local Plant h 'adapiecitao oher uses and -there hs a possiblity ht may b)ranci but luto .ather phases.ai war, wank. Another Possibiliy farseen ïs that thc situation wiil create ka big * *dfemand for rubber substilutea auci as neoprenie, which, thaugh «epnsive now, may be produceci in groat quantities Thursday's onder freezlng the Sale or Punchase ai automobile tires was alsma anly the beglnlng .of swceplug curtailmeut aofnma- -,iulasd praducha uunnlug ihua thousauds, of items. Ottawa officiaIs are engaged lu& compiling s long liai ai articles containing rubber of whlch man- .ufactuYe will be curtaileci. - Rubber usod * ere camnes toas large extent frai Netherlauda E ast Indice, Malsys sud Ceylon. Nqnç la comling now. Becsusc tires are. the grestesi "product miade ai rubbeon.tlicy wenc firet ta Corné under Uic freezing arder. The nexi stop lo for <aadiau cgp)trollers ta survcy Uic wbole situation, determine esenrtial - needa and thon, If there la any1 lcii aveu, appoutian ilt tue masi essontial services. Meanwbile Uic Goodyear plant, A golng along as tgst It can. Beyofid what bas boon pub- 11, od lu clly papers on tue Ih- IaDhng shaulage ai rubber ile thc futurecoai the plant la by officiais bore. But anc -Y tlg4-l dcflnllc-wonking hours kwll have ta. be cut down consici- *erabl lu n many depailmenta. 'About *$2 damage was donc ta R. L. Mtchell's car in su acci-i dent, wcst ai Whltby about a week1 h Rev. A. R. Cragg, M;A. rThe Officiai Board af St. Paul's ,United Cburch has acccpted Mr. 9Cragg's reaignatian. He is answer- y ng a call ta St. Andrew's United yChurch in Sudbuiy, probably thi *largeat United church in Ontario, bavig 12,000 familles an its rails. ,About Fcb. lat Bowmanville will ,. bac Mr. and Mrs. Cragg anc 1family Who have been here a ycmr 3and a hall. The former Sudbury mniiiter was Rcv. Earl Lauten- esiager, a brilliant and popular yyoung pastar, who, is joining the R.C.A.F. eCIIP.R. TiLEGRAPHI OFFICE MOVED Ycsterday, warkmcn movcd in- ta Uic office af J,,J. Mason & Son. Taday, fuily equmppcd for busi- ness, hya e Ucagents for rC.P.R. Telcgrapbs, wbich was re- scently iclinquishcd by Postmastcx -C. B. Kent..Regular houis weeb tdays wrnl be extendcd ta evenings tbetwcen 7 and 8 p.m. Sunday h ouks* wll be annaunccd later. . Installed as operatar is Mrs. D. SR Viater, an expert aperatar, - aey of Toronta. Office phone numnber hs 681 and it wiil be in- Stereating ta know wha wiil be the ,first ta send a message an its firat Eday af aperation. Now that tele- Sphone talks have been restrictcd, )thia uptown tclegraph office wfll ibe welcomed. DON'T ASK US Lacking proper fùnctionig af a Chamber ai Commerce or Busi- ness Men's Association, it cannat yet be learned which local stores will remain closed on Baxing Day 'ôr which wili be open. Speaking Io a number af merchants The Statesmran learncd that scvcral intend ta be closed whulc others will be open for business. Such a chaotic arrangemcnt reminds anc of business in Russia whcre a cus- tomer neyer knows when he goca toashop whcther the place ai business may bc ciosed on ac- caunt of it being the flfth, Tir "free" day for clcrks. New Rotary Mei Tlmree Join As O1 Fergus E. Marrill, Wlllow Acres Farm ., was made a member ai Bowmanviilc Rotary Club, and three residents ai "Uiecécntre ai civilizatian," Orano, inductcd as Outpast-Members, on Friday. The trio are 0. W. Rolph, M. H. Staples and C. B. Tyridil, who enter thc club under a membcrship sciieme wbich will enable them to become active Rotarians yet relax Uic at- tendance requirements an accaunt of the distance and difficulty in- volved in being present cvery wcek on Uic hour. W. R. Strike intraduccd Mr. Mtirrlll, whule that irrepressible resident ai Uic ambitiaus villa ge, Rotarian Charlie Miller, did thc honors for Uic Orana men. Geo. E. Chase gave cach a framed copy af the Rotary code af ethics. Appropriate ta Uic occasion Past District Govçrnor Dr. Grant L.. Bird ai Oshawa spoke an Uic Rotary theme. Ho was itroduced by Gea. W. James. Dr. Bird first revlewed Uic gonesis ai the Rotary movement, rclatlng how Uic Chicago lawycr Paul Haris, concelved the nees ai a club where professionai and business men could get tagether ta exchange vlcws and become ac- qualnted. Prom Uic summer ai 1900 ho 'iulled aver the idea and founded the first club i Chicago five ycars later. Harris had no conception ai how Rotary wauld develop and1 what It would mean ta the world whcn ho began, Dr.. Bird stated.1 I thlnk ho had an unusual type1 ai ýmcntality whlch wc sec toa rarely. It la illustrated in niany1 of hua sayings as when ho sacri- ficed a brilliant business carceri preferring ta 'live a 112e!' Harise aima bas said Uiat ho arefers ta enjoy Uic rieheat gUiIng In llfe-enjoyznent ai tfriendship,i the. speaker contitnued. He aima q AUTHOR-LECTURER W.J1 Challis ES Deputy Rteeve GO- 'OVER MARK SPEAKS ON BOMBED Auen othutLad ol IN ESTIMATES BRITISHCHURCHES . . thutLed PlsCOUNCILLEARNS Th Chnitie nu nin wteredlu 'At -CivicElMections bMonday Council concluded tUicer' *h!* business WLedncsday night satis- doEgad, sffred a direct bit dbi in he bliz"andis o Mre ItUnîn H ndd R btif VHa poigeen factarily adbify. Consider- in ic"bit" ad a a ~ar.i Uio IIndd ebff civla Poiee ably mellowed by the sentiment is just anceaifniany whicb suffer- As Rutîng Body For of___a parting and rcceipt ai the d cd simlar fate last yeai. Speak- T ing ta Uic Wamniexs Canadian To wfn - Pre'sident The rank and filieai con- yearly stipend members indulged ClbModythsotsadnsT-urners thraughout Canada in a round ai goad wishes and Clu Mndy hi ouatndngTa rmself la uefeated hv o en aldma faiewells before adjaurning. ronto clergyman tald ai Uic dam- For hveCounn ale it age ta British chunches and hoe cunil service by the gavernment ta Mayon R. O. Joncs expressed his showd aseres f piturs tkenact as police investigatars thanks ta evenyane for great showed A hse e i p ictue s Bltaken .a itieheunder the price ceiling law. assistance during the yean and fro A.. hots t ephaizebi Balotngwasa Jitle eaver To wamen who spend four- wished everyonc success. About remarks. than last year at Uic municipal fîllths ai the ~ml dollar, a the financial condition af the Mr. Innes was listcned ta at- election Monday and interest lag. spécial appea ai ad a ' tawii he voiced satisfaction. Sev- tentively' for he is weil known ged ince the clhief offices had Mmad oOkp acrsa anaa a anautorar-bee iiledby cclmaton nd prices under the ceîling. On erai substantial debentures are acros Cnad asan utho, a- ben illd byaccamaionand Page 3 will be faund full par- about ta be retired and municipal dent temperance workcr, Captain the resuit af cauncil contest was ticulars ai procedure. Do nat finances seem ta be an the up af the Toronto Scottish Regt. and aimast a foregone concuision. fail ta read the instructions, grade. Mayor Jones ends four known for his activities un Uic The Local Union 189 siate was It ail saunds, indeed, like cansecutive yeais as Chief Magis- "Protestant League." Re ih pastor decisively rejected by Uic dcec- holding a club over retailers traie and eight years on caunicil at ai Knox Picabyterian Church in tors. Three union men had ta be and- there is some resem- the end ai thîs yoar. Toronto and stull speaks with the elected since a majbrity wei'e blance ta it. However, it is a The reeve, depîity reeve and al accent betraying thecocuntry ai running and these thice bnougbt necessary sîep *hicii will in- the cauncullors also toak occasion his origin-Scotland. up the rear with low vote tatals. sure pretty effective coapera- ta review the year and many1 "Britons aie miaculousiy for- W. J. Challs won handsomely tion. If we can curb inflation cammented on the good job tunate in their present leader- aveu Wmn. Kilpatrick by almast a we can ride out the starms af Mayor Joncs has donc, sacruficing« ship," ho said, as pictures ai Uic thrce ta anc majority in the con- war. bis personal and business inter-1 *King and Qucen and Churchill test for deputy reeve. <Figures _____ ests and health ta conduct tawn1 flashcd an Uic scrcen. Linking aie tabulated ,elsewhere.) Ailey affaira. Clerk Alex Lyle also came the plight ai thc warld taday with Northcutt led Uic poils for ae r .C in for his due ahane af praise by its causes and pointing Uic way cil with about 200 majority virtueDae.he.efficiet manner i ta a solution the speaker quated bis neaicat oppanient Glen Maityn. Talks On Education which ho looks after civic busi- Prof. Enil! Brurnuer as saying: Gien beat hua uncle W. J. (Casey) A .&s lbnoss. "Humanity hIaur time suifera Martyn by a littie greater lead At_._ &S._lu Reports included anc irom Uic frani chronic undernourishment than in 1941. W. R. Harrison, J. tax coilectar in which ho nated a 'S ai its souV" The real battle in Uic Glanville and Owen Nicholas, ail Christmas meeting af Bowxnan- bi eduction in autstanding tax- r.orld taday is in Uic realin ai union mon, foilowed lu Uic arder ville Home and Schooi Clu b was bsîhirepr ln ihohr .thought, ho cantendcd. namne& whiie Maurice Crook, Nor- held on Dec. l0Ui in the Central will be publisbed in full at a later d WiUi Uic showing ai more pic- man Allison and.Lucas Nichails Schoal gym with a splendid at- date. e turcs af wrecked churches Mn. were unsuccessful. tendance.. Seven cammittees sbowed ex- , Iunes commented that aveu 1000 The spread In vote for deputy President, Mus. C. Robinson, penditures aven estimates total- 3chunches have been demollshed; reeve is probably due o thUi fact apened Uic meeting but befone ling aven $1,350 while three cam- Il 2000 others have been damaged, that ratepayers were ioatlie ta turiiing it aven ta, the convoner mitîces spent 1cms than their ai- ci including thc moat faniaus in Uic elect an inexperienced nman tô an ahe taok great pleasune lu offer- iottment ta Uic extent ai $557. r Empire, Westminster Abbey apnd important office. Mayorality was ig a vote ai thanks ta Mrs. The discrepency h nai seniaus y St. Paul's Cathedrai. One picture fillcd a weck ago by the accla- Woolley, who, with the hclp af when viewed with total expendi- -showed Canon Alexander loaking mation ai Reeve Alex Edmond- hon "Smuling Thru" club and a turcs. r sarrowfuily. at Uic destruction itone and C. G. Marris was smi friend had made very beautiful Only anc item ai business was eSt. Paul's. Another shawed de- larly accaimed .Ieeve, stepping baby woollens which were on1 transacted, namely Town Engin- bris iu Uic famous "Wnen" struc- up froni office af Dcputy Reeve diplay. This gnaup desenves the en AU . Bickeil h ta be granted *tures. One photo depicted a which office ho has s0 capably hlgesi credit for thein wonderful a bonus ai $100 ion services lic h Bishop canducting service in a held 'for several ycars. work. past ycar. E whally wrecked churcb while Uic Mrs. S. Grant, convener, begant wansbippers staod with- baned Uic' pranm with cammunityt heads. On Uic third national dysinging ai Christmas canais, led1 0' whra w a eft doit- Rev. W. J. J ohnoton by Miss Helen Morris. Hamipton 19 Localec Us= swrefl icth Speake at Orono Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Chair- Of Federation c Ldevout. ' an ai the Board ai Education The. Remedy Breedera' Banquet gave sanie valuable information Group MeetingI r gis i u etuto nd Teana etn iUcDr on bath thc School Board ande desain, Ml ti. ldestprutoedui ha Cunlety sin BrteeDurs dcntistry in bis addncss. Darlingion Fedonation ai Agni-c r eoaiayspr. es ta toeduthongamCtio lten eds Tc o si afus, shanie ta say, the culture leaders met in Hampton1 cahope for Uic future. The rcmedy Assoatowh its accompany- school board la just anc ai those an Dec. 151h ta hear neoats ai 8 isalwys resnt o tosewhoingand expansive banquet, ai- Rpîcces that help make tic town Faîl Forum activities and ta planr will accopi it. Our late sovercîgn tractcd sanie 130 membens and leîk" but about which we know the winten terma. Charles Osborne,t George V made a practice ai read- friends ta Onono on Dec. 1otui. practically noiliing. Par aur in- presideni, was chairman. There inga haporaiUicBileer3r The business meeting lu Orange formation thon, Du. Bannycasile were five Forums reprosented: day. Likewise bis son is a devoted Hall ai 10 a.m., heard reports' and told us, that ai present we have a Providence-Mus. Chas. W i g h t, man who encourages Uic reading eîecîed officera for 1942. Presi- joint board for tic public and ecceiary, reported four meetings O af Scriptune. These and othen. dont J. T. Bnown neviewed events higi achools. i is comprîsed ai wîth good atteedance; Bradloy's1 great worid leaders af today have ai the curent year and county seven mombers elected by the -Mrs. Maurice Baker, sccretary, t alu ie aiuic ibes aoluton tesae agent John Tamblyn ne- people, for iwo ycars, and gaing repouted two meetings; Shaw s- ' vau 'o heB Rlos osvlicans t panted sales ai araund $10,000 oui and caming ita the board in Otto Bragg, secrctary, reports twoa ho~~~ ~~ w dal, era" duigi4.Dsussion ceutred twa groupa ai thrce and four. The meetings; Betheada - G o n d y ny "Emancipation froiniero about cantinuance ai Black and county cauricli can send anc miem- Brent, secretary, reponted twa Photos ai the British Museumi White Day ai Orona Pair with ber on more but. ho (or aie) has meetings; No. E colScin an HussaiPalimntinic. main oniphasis upan the blood test a vote oniy an higi achool affaira, rcportod by Walter Rundie lu the e cdab eba enhle approci-for situation in cannectian wiîh cx- not on public, absence af secretary Miss Alice f Babl daaeima f pcuer. hibits ai fairs. Tic board is divîded intocoim- Arnold, two meetings. By melesai ictnesMu. he meeting stuck stricîly ta mittees i.e.: finance, management Fer the wintcr prajecta the nia- tInnea showed how the Bible carne tie local sccne and passcd no ne- and building. The finances for tic jonity aithie Forums voied ta .ta bcing and in evangelistic vini solutions on tic milk question ta îwo achoals are kept scpaiaiely, study Cooperative Purchasing and tho urged that acceptance aiofbè ionwarded to governments. At for instance, last year, $13,000~ was Credit Unions, ri Ciristianuty by nations woul& put noan, aiher cîcciion, the membera spent on Uic high achool and $18,- Darlington Federatian is plan- ai a speedy end ta war. Ho gave as stepped cxpectantly acroas ta, the 000 an the public achool. Public ning ta hold a mass meeting eaily ri reason fou Uic present conflict Uic Park St. Chunch fan the raison achool fundsarae dcrived frani a in January with a special speak- ai evil spirit which puts self i irai d'ctne ai why reparters wene pro- Governnient grant and a suma er, sa waich for funthen notice, t] andy ain wirt complotedi sent, a sumptuous, succulent, sat- inoni achool section No. 2 Darling- It is hopcd ihat befone the sea- " regard for vnyn cAste iafylug goase dinner. But ethat ion, monda its chîlduen bore. The son is aveu that as many school la veryne lse Asthewas not ail; there was happy on- high achoal receives a larger sections as possible wiil have le bsl Chnesmausd givte Bibes an trarîment, animnated convivial- grant ai $3,000 and a caunty started Forums, SI pres oents ol eBbe o ity, and the guesi speaker, Rev. grant. Anothor point wbich is not Mu.W Rgrpresdent ai W.J Johnston ai Eglinton United properly understaod by al la the Mrs. . P.Roges, pesid Church, Taronto, together wiih fact that childien caming ta ig Uic club, pnesîded and in graciaus association officiais from, other achool frani the country do pay L wrds convr:yed hanks ta Mu. parts of Ontario wha braught thein siane ai educatianal exîgh United Churcn Sui Inesfr i rmrk.wonds ai grceting and succesa ta ses "pro rata." O thc Holstein industry. hn regard ta dentistny and its làer ter ~President Brown as *chairnian effects an hcaith, Uic dactor said Oser ve htec mbex R e ive as assisted by Wiil Bickle as that we abuaod and neglccted aur___t- prossed gratification that so ayte with dimoases ai gumeng lPu' *,. A t were present and welcomed new onigin. Shatistica show that two hi was a day fan yauth ai St. sm Sol iS breedera ta the Association. He o thnec per cent afithe population Paul's Church Sunday when Uh i SEVlstressed thc need ai cooporation la suffening froni disabling iliness- annual "White Git Service" waa go amidmi wartice uncetainties. os. Ho mentioned, inu hua cannec- held in the manniug and Uic C.G. mc prized good relationships beiween Bni speeches followed by W. F. ton, diphthenia, typhoid and tu- I.T. girls of tic town joined i a th parents and children.- Rickard, M.P., Field Director R. berculosis and gave the surpnising Candle Ligit service in Uic aiter- Rotary offens spontaneous fol- M. HoIbýy, Clifford Graham, Chief information thal for al Uic tuber- noan. The boys and gis ai the lowship and thia club hs the ideal af Extension Service, Brantford, culoais tcsting donc in Bowman- Sunday School met fan mornmng ie for maximum results in ibis Mn. Walkcn, President ai Ontario ville higi achool last yean, Uic worship, marching inla Uie way, Dr. Bird said. Rotary pro- County Holstein BEcdons Asso- total expcnsc was anly $9.00, a churéh in a body with their teach- uB vides lime fan fellawship, a bu- ciation, and Lewý Coulson ai Ue ic sall sum indeed for suchi a fine ers and officers led by Joan Rice CI man neccssity which cannot be Holstein Breeders Journal. undcrtaking. and Charlotte Gray, beautifuily th purchased with funds. An in- Rcv. S. Littlewood inluaduced The tecth are a great. exîcunal gawncd in white. ce clination taward feilowahip cames Rev. Jobnston who i humorous originator of much trouble and a These two girls toak thoin ua more nstursily ta sanie Uian yet soben vein, enlanged upon bis lot ai exporimenting bas been places ai Uic iront and acccpted th, athers. Often prof essianal mon ldrnt find il harder ta deveiop, but Ro- <Continued on page 8) (Cortinued on Page 7) Uic white gifla froni thc chil tarycanhclpmuc. Saie uc-as they niarched ta Uic altar A c] tacalbn epmmen jain îhsukc-short pragrani was also givenby r Rtaiy causneassm en iliîlein T -'on e sanie ai Uiechildren. Joan New potryanty dcvebopment butina ..UVK O f eton, Saliy Colo anid Ruth Aber- inl mars ionlg hdveo cannt, profit by e ro id dnethy recîted a pooni and Ray 0fi contact wlbighe n aiothepro-oCp G ar s nbS lies Dudley, Kenneth Davies, Billy an contct wth en o othr po-Fo Ca p Qu irdsAnd Solders Slaght, Bernice Welsh and Helen e fessions. Good Roknlians do nat _________Stevens quoteci acipturo verses. t think ai using the club fan busi- ness contacts pnrimarily. Since Uic arrivalinl town once las Uic immediate purpose h ta Chismainia luic was heard Trînlty Y.P.U. Presen*ed Wftlu Ulate ofOfflcers A new slale ai officers was pro- senteci by Ambon Morton ai Tuin- iiy Young People's Union on Mon- day ovening. The iallowing %e hold office in 1942: Past Pres.- Hubert Hooper; Hon. Pres.-Rev. J. E. Griffith; Pres.-Lou Dewell; Vice Pres-Amber Morton* Se. sud Publications--Heleii Irrh- aid; Treas-Grace Hall; War Sav- inga Treas.-Ruth Purdy; Mis-, sianaiy Treas.-Mabel B ai1a on; Pianists-Hazel Rundlc, George Boberts. Couven r: peuàawh -Doris Dudley; Citizenship-Bert Johnston sud Thelma Scbuicvert; Missions--HelenRundle* Culture -Evelyn Plcka ai S cia oi- mitte-Jean Runcile, Bernlce Gay sud Betty Bic.; Recreation Con- milice-Ada Clark, John Ashton andi Susie VanCamnp. Plans for a crokinole party on Dec. 2Mh were compieteci. Devotional was con- ducieci by Ada Clark wlth Evo Picksud and Bey. J, E. Griffith assisting. A subscription ta The States- man will be thé beat Christmias gifi for many on your liaI. A cal ta the office (663) will ensune that your fnienci gela the Dec. 241h Issue with a suitable gi card. Lighleci candies, symbollc ai Uic gentie Christmas spirit wili illumine St. Paul's Church nexi Sunday cvoning whlle a Canal service wili be presenteci in a very attractive manner. A seron acidress on Uic orîgin andi eignifi- cance ai Yuletido carolîs will be givon by Bey. A. R. Cnsgg. The chair has preparçd many ai tue aid favorite hymnesand Uie con- guegation wlll Jolu inu much of tue singlug. 1 Nazi Cuts Wirè At Camp Few Feet Front Machine Sun Eludes GuardsSecond Time P e t h 1 c k Sum mer Cottages Burned-Blaze Thought To Be Incendiary-Fire Truck Block- cd By Snow And Gates Did Not Reach Lake In Time-No Connection Given Between The Two Events. In an attempt ta defiantly show 'it could be' donc again' or yielding ta a nostalgie yearning ta get home for Christmas, Otto Steinhipler, 22-year-ald member af the German Air Force Who escaped fram miternment here an Nov. 24th, again taak icave of bis captors last night. He escaped through eut wires under the nose af a machine gun. An haur aiter his escape the town was aroused whcn fire brake out ini twa summer cottages at the lake, completelyr des- troying bath. It is said ta be af incendiary arigmn. Up ta press tizne no more information an the whereabouts of the German or cause of the fies was learned. *According ta authentic infor- mation the prisoner made the Pipr Isuei, ay aile:break about 10 p.m. after cutting Pape Isse& Dy Malierthe wfre fence of the camp en- ciosure. A rail-cal! was made at Next weck awing ta Christ- once and though somne one ans- mas Day falling an Thursday wcrcd ta Steinhipler's namne it The Statesman wil be issued was cstabliisiied it was tic same a day carier than usual. Cor- man wha made a daring break respandents and others send- less than a month ago, succecding ing in neivs, as well as mer- in reaching thc United States at chants and athers sending in Niagara, only ta be captured. advts., are requested ta have whcn he returned ta Canada by capy in this office flot Inter mistake. than Tuesday noan. Your co- Camp authorities wauld flot be aperatian wiil be appreciated quoted as ta why thc same man and will get al of us ii Uic should have miade good his escape right maod for enjoying again, cspecially now U.S. la at Christmas. war. As be'forc every precaution was taken ta prevent bis leavmng this area by road or train. NO ELECTIONS The German is reputedly de- AT NEW ASTLEfiant and af the worst type. Hé is ____EWC STLEesribed as bcing 5' 10", age 22, weight 176, fair bair, ean shaven, Because ai the provisions of the bears 1" scar an icit forefinger; provincial legislaturc's Local Gov- speaks a littie English; when es- ernment Extensian Act, 1940, caped was wcaring air, force tuiiic there will be no municipal elec- and grey-blue trousers. He bas a tions i Newcastle this year. good manner, fine appearance. rhere was na vote taken in New- castle last year an the question Pethick Cottages Buru of "Are Yau In Favr ... 0f Uic Internmnent guards patroling thc Local Gavernmcnt Extension Act" lakefrant and C.N.R. station flrst and therefore the act cames auto-1 spotted Uic lake cottage fire at Eaticaily ita force. A memoran- about 11.15 p.m. In a light wind dura fram A. J. B. Gray, Deputy it sprcad rapidly. The fire bri- Ninistcr ai Municipal Affairs, ta gade was unabie ta answer Uic Miunicipal Clcrks and School Sec- cail in goad tinie because of road retarica makes it clear that whcrecocnditions ta Uic lake. The burn- the act is in farce ail members afi mg cottages werc on Uic west municipal cauncils, lacal boards side. The brigade flrst trlcd ta (icluding schaal boards) and la- enter the area frarnUic Training cal commissions, who wcre in School Camp Road but found it office an the i5th ai February, blacked with snow. Then they 1941, "continue in office for Uic returncd ta the station road, got termn for which thcy werc clectcd Uic gate open an teUic rcloka- and for a furthcr terni ai anc Kingsway property and drove in ycai."1 that way. Though ather cottages Ail elected members ai the were thicatcncd for a time ini Board ai Education, Who werc what bid fair to be a gencral con- electcd for two ycar tcrms in flagration the direction af the Newcastle, will continue in office wind prevcntcd spread af fic ta for thrce years. places next door. One ai Uic cot- tages bclangcd ta F. C. Petbick, Bowmanville, and the other ta bis Skating rinks soan wil be brother Fred PeUiick, Toronto. eady. The cold wcather is here Damage was tcntatively placcd at and caietakers ai bath Rotary $1,300. The bass is cavcrcd by in- ink and the public schoal rink surance. re putting finishing touches on It was reliably lcarncd that Uic teir work. The Rotary rink is bold Nazi abtained a pair ai pliera rcally sumpin' with a very ta cut the wire. Warking his way arge ice surface having been out, only a few yards from a tvelled. A hut for cbanging guard tower on Uic west aide of kates'in comîort is aîmast carn- the camp he struck off up Uic railway and hhs tracks wcre accu near a bridge east ai town. Prom there ho taak shelter in a amal graup ai trees and then could flot mday S hooluProvincial police, guards, R.C. M.P. and local police have been ift s m eesan the hunt constantly since il has startcd with thrce shats belng round Uic altar ta sing "Tapa". fired at a car on Uic highwaY Aiter Uic evcnig service in St.* which did nat stop when chai- rathering was put on ta entortain ;orn ai tho Velerans' Quand froni he inlernnient camp. Trnîty The need supplled by the sun- al White Gi Service ai Trinity 'hurch was founci ta lic far afieid his year 50 aiferinga were ne- eived in cash instalcaofaitUi us- il Christmas gits presenird by he Sunday Schooi. The maney Lus coliecieci wiii be given for ,histmas cheer ta uniortunate Iritish childien. Sunday Schaal pupils attondoci r a body wîth their teachers sud ,ficers and the service waa held nid beautiful decorations af Uic eason with evergreens ilanklug he pulpit. Harmonlzing wli tute thème af he service twa ile girls, Arlene x and Gwynneth Griffith re- ied verscs ai sculpture sud a ,mn. Sunday School Superintondent V. R. Strike was on Uic plaifouni iih Bey. J. E. Griffith andi 104 oe nesponsivo roading ai the les- n. In place ai a sermon Mr. 'rifiith gave a children'a story in Ilegorical ionm, entiiled "Hidden ýcrets."1 In addition ta Uic chair muic ,rected by W. E. C. Woukmnan ecial choruses wene given by e primary sud secandary S.S. asoes. Misa Jean Wight led Uic [y lots and Mus. J. A. Cale ac- ompaijiecithenan the piano. ,'h 'Mame of thein sang was !vyerytbing's Ai Right lu My ather's- House."1 The Osborne îaitctte aima rendered a number. The presentation ai gifle was ,tend by s candi. llgbtlng cene- iony duuing whicb Mn. Strike xplained thc meanlg ai Uic hhto Gi Service. Gifla weuc en deplited as pupls and eachers rmarched ta thc iront of eo church, IJUWAIANVILLE, ONT., THUMDAY, DECEMBER 18th. 1941 'KTTTIff«DViD ffi