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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1941, p. 4

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'r.w (bAlATqATMNmWMNTLE POURT!RSADOULE 1.~4 MN THE DIM AND DISTANT PASI From The Stalesman File TxwENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO I..N-am The Canadian Statosman, December 21, 1916 Every min between 16 sud 65 la tobc invcutoried by lerms of the 1"War Measures Act. 1914." Tweu- ty-four questions mnust be sus- wered. A memorial service was beld lu Ottawa 'for PIe. Oscar Plugle, s ]Bowmsuville bey, son af Mm. sud Mma Thas. Pingle. He wss killed i cmn June 2ud. The W.C.T.U. silver medal con- test toak place lu Orcue with Fank Ardron, son cf James Ard- ron, Keudal, wiuning the medal. Judges weme 'Rev. Conudil, New- castle, F . O. McMabon and L. E. Arnold, leachers lu Newcastle Xigli School. Proceeds cf Girls' Patrietic Ba- 2zar were $150. A pair af sax knitted by Lucy McMurtry, enly 7y arsofage, attracted inuch attention. Oddlellows af Pontypoal gave a banqluet as a farewcll ta E. Ben- am who ils leavmng for Peterboro. Gea. IH. Hale, publisher af Uic Orillia Packct, died ut Uic age of 70. Wilh hlm brother W. M. Hale he founded tbe Packel in 1870. The tawu wss visitcd by tbmee fnsthis week. Que ut Gould's en Libenty St., oue at Cowan's stable sud Uic third sI F. O. Ma- mono King St. The fiemen were holding their auuual mccl- Ing when Uic latter alarm came iand gat lit under coutrol befare ft spresd. Binder twine, impie- moents sud vehicles weme burued. . The 93md Batt. Band cf Peter- boro ta bomeward .bound fom avoxucas. The Borden gavern- nwat had better bring home thase long distance safcty-fimst Causer- vative M .PA', Colonels sud Ma- oo. Ebenezer: Mms. Gea. Aunis' baby la severely'il..... Mr. sud Mmr. Smith froin Uic U. S. uiaved te thec J. Stacey farin north of Courtice. SoMma: Congratulations ta M. aud Mrs. Elmer Wilbur on theïr mar.ag.. .. S. A. Fairweather in emembrance oaI dlassocia- tnsent Ivan M. Law a 25-lb. moose steak.. .. Sympathy is cx- tended la relatives af Uic late T. C. Luangiaid. He speut the greal- or part af his life lu Ibis coin- rmuity. FflTY VEARS AGO Vroox The Cs.nadlan Stutesman, December 23, 1891 Municipal Matters: Iu Bow- inanville thene ila a regrettable lack ot intemest manif ested by leadlng citizena lu the peuding eloctions. It la certainly unfortun- ae thul msuy wothy citizena -c esunt be pevailcd upon te run adas a censequence in gel thee who have no special quali- fications. Il la ta be haped that tepmndeinonluin scenes which have disgruced the council last jean will nual be epcated. lira. F. W. Baughrnan who has beon onductmg the kindergarten schoo in te aid Disciples' Churcli (ncw Uic Fire Hall), clos- ed the terra with a concert, Uic progzam, bcing given enlirely by theI 111e flk who have becu ut- tonding. (Prescut editor of The Statesinu was a inember of this clam). Mm. Baughmsu wiil have charge cf the priinary deparîmnut of Uic public achoal next yeam. * The tias af teachers who have just* graduated frein the Ceiniy Model School t Port Hope speak hlghly cf F. Wood, pepular head- nmster. Out cf a cias af 25 lie - sed23. %rss Gertie Joncs as rcsigned es teaciier lu the Central Schcol. Mise Hall bas been granted leave of absence far six maulhs toat- tend Normal. Miss Reid sud Mm. Baughmau are the new teachers.1 Miss Mabel Norîhcate hum been1 appointed organist in the Methii dist chumch. She has becu mcciv- iug special training frain Prof.1 Singelton, Part Hope. Plowing bas been going on about here up te 1551 Wednesday« when a cold wave olled over the province. Providence: Miss Ida Osborne is home roin Normal. . . . Fred Allin af Owen Sound Colleiate la visitiug hlm sister. Tyrone: E. Chafiion had s bad fall frein scabfolding. He was picked up seuselessansd is slowly reccvering. . . . Frienda met at the home cf Mm. sud Mrs. Jees. Hawkey ta join in celebmaling their silver wýeddiug. A nice ad- dress was read by J. H. Allin sud A. E. Clemeuce made the presen- tation. M. A. James wss chair- mani. Newcastle: B. Brent af Trînity medical school is home fer Christ- mas vacation. . .. Dr. John Bur- wash, Victoria Callege, couducted auuiverssry services lu the Me- thodist church. The cengregation contributed nearly $170.00 which will wipe eut the chumch debt. Salins: Wm. VanNest is busy hauliug lumber ber a uew barn... Master Harold Westlake has diph- theria. . . . Miss, Lick, Oshawa, will teach Mitchell's Corners achoal for 1892. Enuiskilleu.: Wc welcome la aur village our ucw teacher, J. Coolidge sud hlm bride who ame seltliug dowu ta housekeeping this weck.. .. Henry Wcrmy and his bride are also taking up mci- dence ucnar heme. . . . Frieuda hQporcd Fred Grill lu sud his wllc ciftheir 20th wcdding day.... Maggic Rodgers and John Les have etumued froin Port Hope Madel School. Bath passed their ex9ms. ARE YOU GOING HOM#E FOR CHRISTM&AS? Are you goiug home ts Christ- nmas lime To Dad sud Mther, toc, Ta share Ihat dear day's happi- ness Just like you used ta da? Il secins - oh, such a littlc time Since you werc just a child, A-ruuning, playing 'round Ihal place, WiUi happy childmen, wild.1 You'd bang your tockiug Christ- mas eve out by the cbimney side; And lu the ionom, befere 'twas lighl, Then ouI af bcd you'd slide. Yau'd tip-tac ta that cbimuey, Iben Wi wide cyca you would stop, For you wauld sec that stocking filed Frain tec, ight te Uic top. Iu lad se bull, it would ual hold Another sinal Uilng marc, And biggcr Icys yaun Ma wauld lay Beneath il on Uic floor. Yau 'nember how your Ma would have A chicken roasted through, And dressing, saged sa tastily, And lhick, brown gravy, toc. And big pluin pudding, car'mel sauce, And lovely Christmas cake, Se nicely iced sud filled with fruit, Made specially for youm sake. But now your parents aen't za yeuug, Thcy msy net be heme lang; Se go home Christmas, fil the place With Laughter, Lave sud Sang. -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. Col. C. IL MeCullough Honot»d Wfth Royalty We are iudebted to Mrs. Mildred Jury New, of Hamitnfra copy of the Hamilton Spettor af Dec. 8th, which contains news of iu- terest about an aid Bawmanvilllc boy, Lt. Col. Charles R. McCul- loughLof Hamilton. A whole page is dcvoted ta photographs and speeches upon the occasion of the visit of Lord Athione, Governor Lt.-CoL Charles R. McCullough General, who received an ovation sud hanorary incmbership lu the Canadian Club at which be was guest sud speaker. Pictured with hlm las Col. McCulough, founden of Uic Canadian Club frcm whicb sprsug ail such clubs acrosa. Canada. The occasion was made doubly memnomable by Uic preacuce af members af the Six Nations TÎibc cf Indians whe camne as guests cf the Club ta greet Uic Klng's Repeetative, aud by Uic pre- seutation la Icunder Charlie Mc- Cuilough cf a check on behfall cf Cansdigu Clubs Uioughcut 1he Dominion. Frein Uic Spectalar we arc happy ta print extradas per- taining ta the programme: W. J. McCulaoch made prescu- talion af a cheque ta Lieut.-Cal. Chas. R. McCullough on behaif af Canadisu clubs Uioughout the Dominion lu token cf apprecia- lion sud regard. In accepting the cheque pre- seulalion Lieut.-Cel. McCulough mid he "'appecisled Uic goodus sud loving kindness af fricnds froeiscuta ses" who had remen- bcred "an aid timer." Re paid tribute ta Uic Indisus frein the Six Nations reserve, sud then weul on ta recull a visit ai Lcrd Aberdeen ta Uic Huamilton club years ugo, when the then gaver- norgeerl accftd an hanoary mcmrbcrship l ic eclub. At the conclusion af His Excel- lency's address presentalion af a Canadian club pin was macle by Lieut.-Ccl. McCulaough, whc said thal the late Lord Tweedsrnuir acceptcd a siminlar gilt wheu he visited the club three years aga. Licul.-Col. McCullough said he hoped that on the occasion whcn Hlm Excelleucy retumns ta Eug- land he would wear the pin. Iu reply the Gavemur-Geucral mid that wbeu meme pleasaut timnes came sud aller he had e- tumned le Eugland he would wcam the pin sud rernember '«a very pleasaut.cvening speut lu Hamil- ton." His Excelleucy pmopomed a toast to Lieut.-Col. McCullough sud led off with singing Hc'm a Jolly Good Fsllow. ÇTRADESMEN URGENTLY NEEDED for CANADA'S. ARMY MOTOR MECHANICS DRIVERS -WIRELESS & RADIO FITTERS MECHANICS TOOL MAKERS ELLECYRICIANS TINSMITHS BRICKLAYERS OK BLACKSMITHSCOK ARTUFÇERSINSTRUMENT MECHANICS WELDERS LINEMEN TURNERS VULCANIZERS SAWYERS SAWFILLERS I b bve are only a fw ofth 175 trad.s requlr.d by the. Aruny. AGE 18 1o2 te 50 TEARS Yf >- PWgICAL CATEGORIES AiA29, D1,B29CI RECEUITINS OFFICES AT: 93 Spamis Street KINGSTON, Fort Fmontem Bar. M Daîhusîe Street rocks Lasýd.wno ParMk KINGSTON, Armourins ~1 MléanStrot PETERBOROUOH. Annoure ArmeurlesCORNWALL, Armoure am~ Uaéquarters of my Resmys Fbrce Unit. :1 keta an a cash and carry basis at 15%c per quart. The business theme lo mgulatsd by a State Milk Board which hbas real auUiarity. Floride, hiln ote years, hum became very conslder- ably a dalry sttle and it lu evident that producers are numemeus aud Weilghty enough ta couiznand bet- ter ha parity prics. The lm'.! 5i &lnot printd tcreate ocal VALEDICTRY IS GIVEN IBY LYNN MITCHELL The Statesman is pleased ta present the valedlctary address gîven at the Hlgh School, Com- miencement by: Lindsay Mitchell, sbn cf Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mitchell. Lindsay la naw attending tic Uni- versity cf Torante taking a course ln Commerce and Finance. Durlng his years at B.HS. he was an eut- standing student in evcry way and a large prizc-winner lai his final year. The addrcss follaws: As representative cf the gradu- atîng class cf 1941, 1 stand here to look back on the -enjayable events cf Uhc last five years, and ta step forward into a warld .tamn by hate, barbarism n sd cruelty. The future may be very diftilýilt but I arn sure we can cantrol 11. As we pass along the raad cf life and matuîity, we sec thc mile- stanes cf events projecting frein thc roadbed cf knawledge. This path is gradually widenlng, straightcuiug and pragressing frain an Indian trail ta thc smocth highway af 11e. Back an Uic hor- izan we can sec thc yearly sign- posts, that have marked aur ad- vance frain class ta class. Here sud there, lies a gap, whcn' frein negligence ar sickness, we have failed ta make the grade. Far back stands a seemingly more import- ant signpost, aur entrance into high schoal. Everything seemed new and strauge and it was sever- ai months before we had cxploied the halls aud nooks af Uic scheal, aud feit that we kuew our way araund. But it teck two or three years before we feit at home. Suddenly, L for Uic time passcd very quickly, we find ourselves iu thc honared V fori and in our last year af schooi, we hape. Field day, athletic and literary society elections sprmng upon us, and be- fore wc realize it, rugby season is heme. Eagerly wc look farward ta the trips to neighbaring tawns, Uic home gaines aud dances, and accasianally, a longer trip ta Uic playoff gaines. Befame we have had turne te recuperate froin Uic rugby, commencement, aud sean Christinas are upon us. After Uic holidays, we find that turne has elapsed aud we know very littie. W. work harder, but still flnd time for the basketball gaines and Uic At Home. We envision thc miles af decarations glued, dapcd and pinned frein the furnishiugs aud' wafls cf the auditorium. By now it la aur turu te put on thc forin prograin. For Uic last. twa. years aur class has attempted a partion cf a light opera. The cias skating party is another aunual eventi i which Uic undiscovered charactcristics of aur classmatcs wcre brought fcrth. Here alse, we discovered, or rediscovcred, thé mare yauthiful spirits cf aur teach- crs. Froin these parties sprang up a fricndly campanionship bctwecn teacher aud pupil. Hurried &long by these eveuts, May turned up aud made us aware of Uic presence cf final examinatiaus. We then realized, that although wc had lcarned much, wc knew very littie. We looked back Urcugh thc yearg we had spent here and saw that aur subjects, first boring, had naw becorne intercsting and -would help us iu aur way Uirough life. Our teachers uaw wcre rccognized in their truc ight. To these mould- crs of character, we oecain ever- lasting dcbt of thankfulness and gratitude fer lightiug aur way in, Uic search for kucwledge. This year, Uic graduatiug class la stcpping iuta a world tamn by war. Ils prescuce was feit last year, with Uic early graduation af rnuy cf cm- classinates. These have dane their part, sinail though it may be iu Uic large total, ta help bring Uic war ta a successful- conclusion. Aithaugh we must ail do our utmnost ta win the war, and great sacrifice la neccssary, we must samehow recognize Uic dangers of education iu wartirne, and seek ta avoid Uicmn. Many of Uic schaals loday have turned tawards strictly techuical teach- mng. This is very ncccssary in war- time, but we alsa must net forget aur culture, far, if wc faîl ta li- prove it, although wc will win Uic struggle, wc ndght lose what we arc fightiug for, aur standard. of culture. Before bidding the achool a final farewell wc wlsh ta pasa on Uic results of our expeience ta thase Who fallaw lu aur footsteps. Wark hard and faithfully, enjay yaurself i sports and dances, aud be companiaus flot chlldren, af ycur teachers. Wc have doue our utmast ta uphold Uice.faditlan of cm- achool. Do your betand hand it -on lu turn untarnlshed. Of Uic graduating class this Nestieton Nestîctan Wemen's Association met ut Mm. M. Emcson's au Dcc. ~th, with me;eting in charge cf Mn. Emesan's group. Rev. D. M. Stinsan gave Uic acripture sud taok Uic chair for electien af offi- cers. Mms. Emerson was given a hcarty vote cf thanks for refmcsh- ments and haspitality. Off icers for 1942: President-Mrs. W. G. Bawles; lst Vice-Mms. S. Mai- colin; 2nd Vice-Mrs. R. W. Mar- low; Sec.-Mms. W. Jackson; As- sistant Sec.-Mrs. K. S ain e1lis; Treas.-Mms. N. Marlaw; Fruit and Flawer Comm.-Mms. C. H. Porteaus, Mms. J. L. Joblin; Group Lcadrs-l, Mmm. W. Camnpbell; 2, Mrs. W. Steele; 3, Mrs. G. Bow- ers; 4, Mrs. M. Emerson; 5, Mms. R. W. Màrlow; 6, Mmm. W. Wil- liams. Visitors: Mm. sud Mrs. n Em- erson at Mr. Dan Black's. . . Rev. D. M. Stinson, Mr., sud Mms. E. Armstrong at Mrs. John Williams'. ..Mr. and Mrs. Melville Henry, Oshawa, Mm. anl Mms. Harald Wheeler sud family with Mm. R. M. Haslcin. . . Miss Cama Crozier, whc spent the sumuier with hem sister Mrs. Arthur Malcolin, Lems- fard, Sask., bas returncd home with her brother Mm. Gea. Cra- zier. . . . Mrs. John Heudemacu, Lindsay, is staying with hem daughter, Mms. Kennelh Sameils. .Miss Marie Marlow, Oshawa, at Mns. R. W. Marlow's. M. Walker, Janelvile, ha ft- ished deccratmng the church sud madea wondcrful impravement. Blackstock Congratulations te, Mrs. Jas. Bycra cu clebrating hem 83rd binthday an Dec. 11111. Rcv. Wm. Stocks, Port Pemry, took Uic service at St. John's An- glican Chunch an Sunmy. Saine tiie ago, Percy Phayme of Christie Brawn Co., Toronto, donated a fruit cake ta Uic Vic- torian Wamcn's Instituts. Tickets weme sold for gucssing Uiecocrrect *eight. Miss Helen VanCamp sud Mr. J. C. Cettrdil, high schoal teacher, bath- guesscd the exact weight, 7 lbs. 9 azs.. The cake wai eut lu hall. $20.00 was ealized ou this for whlch Uic Institute la very' gruteful tc Mm. Phayre. Mmm. Jas. Marlow was hostess ta, the mexubers af Uic W.M.S. au Dec. 111h. For Uic devotional the Christinas progmain far Auxiliar- les sud Mission Circle was used. Carola cf diffement lands were sung. Mrs. J. E. ElliaIt, treasurer, ,gave the annual flusucial report. Officers elected are: President- Mms. Jabez Wright; Vice Pres.- Mms. C. Hill; Rec. sud Ccmr. Sec.- Mms. Roy Taý'1am; Treas.-Mms. J. E. Elliott; Miss. Monthly Sec- Mmm. John Larmer; Supply Sec.- Mrs. A. J. Johnston; Press Sec.- Mrs. C. Hil; Ccmm. Fin<ship- Mmm. John McKee sud Mrs. Jas. Henry; Pianist-Mrs. E. Dorreil; Fruit sud Flowcm-Mms. M. Failis; Mission Baud Sec.-Mrs. C. Hill, Quit Cemm.-Mrs. Dormel. Mmm. A. Johustan; Baby Band Sec- Mrs. Jabez Wright, Mrs. Carl Wright; Gr oau p Leaders - M"s. John Larmer, Mmm. Dordil, Mmm. .Tohnstau, Mbs. Ellaît. Pragarni: Reading, "'The Gift of Sharing"' by Mms. Jas. G. Mariew; hymn "Lcve Divine" was sung. Girls' Homemklng Cluab Girls' Hon'ernaking Club met ut Mm. R. Castes' au Wcdnesday fer thc sixth meeting in Uic unit "Sleeping Garçieuts." Presideut Jean Tans presidcd sud Secre- tamy Dorolhy Watteu mcad Uic minutes. Rail cail was answemed I. - I WDLE WORDS I would rather play wli the forked lightnlng, cr takeluin y haxids living wlres, with their fisry current, than spcak a reck- icas word against any servant cf Christ, or ldly repeat Uic lander- oua darta which thausands cf Christians are humliug an others, ta Uic hurt cf their owu sauta and bodies. Yau may elten, wauder, 4 per1 aa, W- - -- L aA.wl m-4i-4 healed, your spirit fi1Usd wlth the joy of the Soly Spirit, or your m1e biessed msud prosperous. 1* mM be that some Ga;t which you haeflung wlthagy voie, or in an hour of .theughtels gouulp, la pursuing you onisreung way, as it describes the cir1î which always bringa back ta the source frein which Il came svery shaft of bitterness, and evsry idie and evii word.-A. Nanymnous. with one 4o qakidUi kind cf materLal d ty eog te- ment ta whlch it la suitcd. The leaders, Mrs. Wrgt sud Mrs. Bailcy, hclped Uic gis ta fit their garmeuls and ch ekd Up onu cul!- culties they mgt be having. Mms. Baîlly lookcd alter thc cut- ting eut and making af the slip- pers. The slippers are macle cf feit lu a colar that harmanizes with the hausecoat sud gawn. Thcy cemplete Uic bedroam en- semble. Sevcnth meeting of the club was held at Mrs. Wotlen's au Fi- day. The girls are studying Uic unit "Sleeping Garments." Ral cali wss answcmed with the naine of Uic unit I would like ta study next ycar. The girls finished the alippers and the last cf the gar- ments were fittcd. A sewing con- test was canducted by Uic leaders at Uic close of Uic meeting. This sevcnth meeting was the asat anc for this fail. Iu Uic spriug the girls wiil finish the unit. The ral caîl for the ncxt meeting, "Saine onc thing I have faund or planncd for my record book that is ln- temsting."1 Blaekstock C. S. Commencement Blackstack Cantinuatian Schoal Commencement Exercises werc hcld on Thlursday sud Frida>' evcrling, Dec. llth and l2th, lu the coinmunity hall. Gaod cmawds wceèprescut tg sec the splendid performances. 'Under the capable direction cf Miss Janet Watson, "The Alice Blue" dance with sala part taken by Miss Jean Malcolin sud "~The Druin Majorettes" drill were stagcd by Uic girls. These werc bath lavely. The boys de- monstratcd drills and exercises taught by Mr. J. Cottreli. A play cutitied "Simple Simon" was prcscnted by these sçuiors: Simple Simon-Frank Emerson; Sophie, his wife-Anue Thomnson; Stdila, hlm daughtcr-Pearl Wright; Sammy, hlmsauo-Ralph Malcolmn; Sally Anu-Helen Van- Camp; Minerva Webb-Gwenyth Marlaw; Hazel Hawkius--Bessie Edgetan; Thsukful Barlow- John Wcrry; Elwcod Elkins- Grant Ferguson; Darothea Ducks- worth-Kathieen Wright. Mr. R. P. Aluin, principal, coached Uic play which was well given. On Friday night the Depart- mental certificates and prizes for field day were awarded. Senior Graduation Diplamas: Jean Caulter, Kathleen Taylor, Madeline Marlow, Henry DeMille. Secandary Schaol. Graduatian Diplamas: Marian Beacock, Frank Emersan, Ralph Malcolmn, Gweu- yUi Marlaw, Aune Thomuson, Pearl Wright. Junior Matriculation: Ranald Archer, Noreen Argue, Marlon Beacack, Dalton Dorreil, Frank Emerson, Grant Fergusan, Marlon Hill, Jean Malcalmn, G wcn yt h Mamiaw, Ralph Malcolmn, Madeline Marlaw, Evelyn Philp, Janet Swain, Aune Thoinson, Helcu VanCarnp, Kathleen Wright, Pearl Wright, Bessie Edgertan. Intermediate Certificatcs: Jahn Archer, Dalton Dorreil, Lois Lar- mer, Joyce Scott, Wiinia Van- Camp, Beverley Veale, Elcanor Vine. Field Day Prizes: Girls-Senior, Gwcnyth Marlaw; Intermediate, Doris. Mountjoy; Junior, Marion Phayme; Boys-Senior, Frank Emi- ersan; Intermed. Ralph Malcolmi; Junior, Jack Marlaw. ,, - M»00OOPROVERDS Da ual publish people's defecta. Da net negecat yaur own field sud plough yaur ueighbom's. Courage isalaways saler than cowardice. The wse must be respccted even wheu the advice they give us is not suit4ble. GIFIS for the CAR Instead of glving hlm something he doesn't need or want, gîve hlm somethlng for the car. Heli appreclate a n y one of these accessor- les. Buy on Our Easy Pay- ment Plan AMBER F00 LIGHIT Complets wlth bulb, wiro and clamap. SEAT Ce-VERS Fer either sedan or coach. la- stalled BLAST HORNS priced from....... $4. Chrome finlshod. Complote wlth bracketa TIRES Guaranteed le give super serv ie longer Sealed 011 Anti Freeze Garton's Garage PHBONE 2666'BuS"I""Vil", (Rl. H. Waddeîl) Major District Recrultlng Officor Military District No. 3 f 7-7, 7-Mr TgUPMAY, 1 -ik- wmiii- ait-Irnam in nnl 1 1 - - - - i '~r Tim cANADiAN sTAT&WLa.N. BOWYLU«IljýE. ONTARIO

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