pA~m~I'IvE THURSDAY, DECEMEER 18. 1941 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO GIVE SLIPPERS Ths Christnia te every ment- .ber of the famlly Shoe Repairing* donc qulckly & reasonably NAYLOR9S SHOE R HOSIAL Agents for>Neili Footwear nhoue 625 Bowmanile '~r II~* Do You Intond te Buy, a N.ew REFRIGE RATOR ELECTRIC RANGE WASHER * RADIO' If no we advlse you to see our stock and huy now whlle you can get dellvery COMPLETE STOCK 0F ALL GENERAL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES. APPLIANC- ES 0F ALL KINDS AVAILABLE NOW Irons, toastims sandwich t<>aters pereolaters, ooffee maiers, bcd lampe, floor lampe, glas kettles, double'bolIers, sauce- pans, electrie kettles, egg cockers sud many ethers. Don Chrita u lctl 38-44 Bümcee St. N. Ohawa open eveninis Phonos 84-85 LAST'CALL. Buy Now'for Dec. 25th Devon dom. 45 0OI?4UR ALE 3 boUle oaton Canada Dry - The Champagne of Ginger ,Ae&. Small and large cartons Satinettes, cutrouli, Chriet- Oq dropu, crous, lbard ssaa oeam blle ale C=,iay, tiIiemdc4, Globe oe. j choc.l&te=rDrdeu's *Il 25clb *Il ISC b ErteLu Phoa--NDel--e-Sevie Maple Grove Mis. Helen Clarke Young ond son Cuyler, Toronto, Sergt. R. G. Thompson, B.C.A.F., of Montreal were visiter. at Mrs. L. C. Snew- den's. Scrgt. Sam Castle Is in King- ston General Hospital. 1. Bey. W. C. Smith will bold a christenlng service on Sunday long witb special Christmas ser- vice. Offering next Sunday at Sunday School wll be hI d et Slck Children's Hospital, Toronto. Wbte Glft service wilU eh eld at cbuncb service Sunday, but i- stead ef usuol giftt, money Twill be presented iaid oethUiC hrist- mas Cheer for British, Cildren fund. SGlad te report Master Bonnie Brooks is domng niccly atten hi. operotion in Bowmanville Hospi- tal. The editer of -The Statesman ocknowledges with thanks two complimentary tickets for Maple Grovd Winter Fair beld tonight and> is leokig forward te attend- ing. Solina Women's Institute met Thurs- day with Mrs. S. E. Werry presid- ing. Program, in charge et Mis. J. Smales, commenced with Christmas carols. Mis. W. J. Leask prcsented an excellent report et the Toronto convention and this was augmented with further con- vention highlighta b y Mis. Good- mon, District President, Tyrene. Piano sole by Ileen Blson. Lunch was served. Y. P. U. met Monday nigbt for election of officers. A short wen- ship period preceded, witb Gladys Yellowlees .giving a Christmas stery and Pearl Leach a vocal solo "Silent Night." Morion Halfyard favoned with Uic vocal 'selection "Wben Irish Byes Are Soiing," atten wbicb Bey. W. Backbam presided. These officers Were sc- cloimed: Presldent-Peorl Leach; Vice President-Marion Halfyard; Secnetary - Harvey Yllewlees; Treasuer-Eber MiEsen; C o n- veners - Fellowship, May Mer- noam; Missionary, Ileen Baléon; Citlzensblp, Muriel Langmaid; Cultural, Francis Wotten; Pian- ists-Gladys Ycllowlees and Ilcen Balsdn. Mi. Rackham aise conducted a Sunday School business meeting, Uic present efficers belng ne- instated. Mis. J. Smnales hod charge et Uic moissionary program ot Sun- day Scbool. Mis. J. Yellowlees gave the scripture readig, Bunice Leask a vocal solo, and Mis. Maurice Baker teld Uic story. Adult Bible Clos. elected these otticers: Pres-Mi. N. C. Wotten; lst Vice Pres.-Mis. F. 'Gibert; 2nd Vice-Mis. M. Baker; Sec'y.-, Treas-Mr.' A. L. Poscoc; Sick Committe-Mi. and Mis. Gordon Leaak, Mis. Beoy Longmaid, Mrs. J. Smales; Lookeut Cemmittee- Mis. B. J. McKessock, Mns. J. Yellewlées, Mis. J. Baker, Mr. N. C. Wotten. Visitons: Mi. and hMrs. Bryce Brown with relatives in Toronto. ..Misses Mary Smith an~d June Baird, Donald Yellewlees, Bud Boas, Toronto, Miss Margaret Brackenridge, Pont Hope, Mi. and Mis. Frank Wright, Bowmanville, ot Mi. N. C. Yellowlees'... Miss Irene Pascoe, Pickering, Miss Ada Pascoe, Tenonte, at Mi. Art Moore's. . . Mi. Bussell Themp- son, Mi. and Mrs. B. MacIntosb ond sens, Toronto, ot Mr. S. E. Werry's. Mis. S. Thompson ne- turned home with Uiem. . . Mr. and Mis. Clayton Hallett, Osha- wa, Mi. and Mis. Lamne. Hoski, Tyrone, t Mn. B. Davis'. .. Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson, Marilyn and Keith, Grcenbonk, otMi. Ed- gar Prescott's. .. Miss Velma Gil- bert, Ballyduff, at borne. .. Mr. and Mis. Verne Trot, Toronto, at Mn. Maurice Baker'. .. Miss Mor- ion Halfyard ot ber borne, Thorn- bill. BOWMANVILLE Thurs., Fr1., Sat.1 DEC. 18, 19, 2Q Double Feature EAST 0F THE RIVER starring John Gariteid and Roger Prier and "SHE COULDN'T SAY, NO" M on., Tues., Wed. DEC. 22, 23, 24 MAJOR BARBARA Wendy Hiler and Robert Morley Shorts and News Christmas Prograt Matinee Dec. 25th a# 2.30 "dBIIIy the Kid"y OAM EnnisillenChristmas Carde Visitors: X;. and Mis. C. Rahm, Large assortmnent of attrae- l Ada and Elsie,,Union, at Mrs. tive wrspplnmu ties, tacs Ella Smnith's. Ms Elsie Rahm is 'and seais remaining with her grandmother.t ..Mr. and Mrs. D. Barton and family at Mr. Walter Oke's. ald Carr aMrs. Ela Smnith's. ... JeW E E ' Mr. and Mis. 0. Ashton at Mr. O C w7E B. Ashton's, Cartwright. . . Mr. 2 and Mrs. G. Beech at Mr. R. Grif- BOOKSTO]RE Haydon, at Mis. E. C.,Ashton's. Phone1 556 King St. Everyone enjoyed a jolly good time at the pot luck supper held ' in the church basement last Wed -________________ nesday evening. Alter everyone'st appetites were satlstied, Mr. J. A.- Thursday when 7 quilts were Werry as chairman called on Bey. made for Red Cross. J. Plant to lead in cômninty Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snider singing. Sevenal numbers of gui- and son Donald, and Mr. W. H. tar and vocal music were given Nichols visited i Brantford. by Misses Elleen and Vivian Cowling, Haydon. The lucky name W.MS. met i Ebenezer Church, for the quilt was dnawn, Bruce Courtice, December 9th. Mis. R. Wood, Oshawa, being the lucky C. Pearce, president, opened thec wnn. Proceeds from the quilt meeting with a poemn on Peace.ç $18.50, from suppen $8.70. Minutes were nead by Secretery1 Our Mission Band met Sunday Mis. B. Oke. The Christmias Mes-1 morning, with Jesus Loves M sage was given, by members of1 plaed y JyceMcGII.CaMet<Gnoup 2 with Mis. C. Wordcn as worship, PsoycM 00 w a ed byleader and Mis. Geo. Annis'as 'Mris E. AlmW100ry read by soloist. Scril1pture reading was1 . 'cWelr reading by ae read by Mis. F. Rundie. Mrs. W.1 Raihm; pray; er y is. Wey.ablC.Smith led Group 1 by neadlng, Rahm praer y Mr. Wery. a*poem on Love (Our Best Gift),( ______________ each other member reading some-1 thing on love and friendsblP.1 New officens were presented by Mon Mis. H. F. Osborne: Hon. Pres.- _____Mis. W. C. Smith, President-Mis.j Visitors: Mr. and Mis. A. T. G. F. Annis; lst Vice-Mis. A. J. Stainton at Sam Snowden's, Osha- Gay; 2nd Vice-Mis. J. Beau- wa. .. Lloyd Flintoff and Clifford champ; 3rd Vice-Mis. Esli Oke; Johns, Kedron, and Miss Dorothy Rec. Sec'y.-Mis. Elton Wcrry; Hayes, Columbus, at Wes. Canm- Asst. Rec. Sec.-Mis. Blake Oke; eron's... John Stainton, Hamnil- Treas.-Mis. R. Gay; Se<t'y. Chris- ton, at home.. .. Mr. and Mis. tian Stewardship -Mrs. F. W.i Malcolm McMfullen, Spingbrook, Rundle; Sec. Community Fiend- at Russell Stainton's. . . Mi. and ship-Mis. CecilFound; Supply Mis. Ed. Hoskin1 Harmony, at Sec.-Mis. W. H-. Nic)iols; Asso- Hans Geissbergen s. . . Mi. and ciate Helpers-Mrs. Frank Wor- Mrs. Genry Glaspel, Whitby, at den; Temperance Christian Cýti- F. B. Glaspell's. . . Miss Marguer- zenship-Mis. A. J. Oke; Mission- ite Martin, Toronto, Misses Thel- ary onthle-Aura Osborne; It- ma Martin, Mople Grove, and enature Sec.-Mis. Blake Cour- Marion Martin, Bowmanville, at tice; Press Sec-Mis. Devlin; Ad- Thos. Martin's. . . Mis. Russell visory Pres. Mission Circle-Mrs. Stainton ot Bernard McEwen's, H. Nichols; Supt. Loyal Messeni. Oshawa. .. Mr. Frank Pascoe at ger Mission Band-Mis. S. Caver- Toronto. ley; Assistants - Eileen Pickell, Mr. and Mis. John Cruick- Miss Arnold; Supt. Sunbeam Mis- shonks, Mi. and Mis. Chas. Nay- sion Band-Miss Ann Hoît; Supt. lor, Mr. Alex McMaster, Mis. J. Baby Bandý-Mis. Chas. Osborne; W. McMaster, Mi. and Mis. A. T. Assistent-Mis. Chas. Found; Cor- Stointon attended the Hostein respon ding S e c. - Mis. R. C. banlquet ot Orono. Pearce. Mis. Russell Perl<lns has the To the staff of The Canadion sympothy of the community. She Statesman, a Merry Christmas was clled to Chesley by the death and Happy, Prosperous New Year. of her brother Cephos Perkins, __________ on Soturday. Haydon' Ebénezer (Intended for lost week) Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Sidney services on Sundoy were well Lancaster, Newtonville, at Mr. C. attended. The W. M. Society had Slemon's. . . Miss Laura Philp, charge of the morning service Toronto, with her mother. .. Non- which was opened by President man aopd Clinton Hall, Oshawa, Mrs. Ross Pearce. She introduced Lieut. and Mrs. GordonCowling, Mis. Young, Persia, returned mis- Niagara, at Mis. D. Groham's.. sionary, who delighted her audi- Mi. and Mis. A. BondIe and Eve- ence. She also addressed the Sun- lyn, Ms. Fred Adams, Hampton, day School i the atternoon which at ME. Stephenson's... Mr. and was an open session. Junior choir Mis. Wm. Trewin, Mr. Silas Tre- provided musical selections, with win, at Mi. Herb. Scott's, Orono. solos by Mi. James Honcock at . ., is. W. I'hompson ot Mr. J. the evening service. Next Sunday Sleightholma's, Whitby. will be the White CGift, presenta- A mlsonary -program was giv- tion.. en at the Sunday Scliool session Bozoar sponsored by the W.M.S. with.Miss Eileen Cowling presid- and C.G.I.T. proved a decided ing. A duet wag given by Misses success, W.M.S. reolizing about Jean Houston and Winnie Trewin. $60, and the C.G.I.T. who present- Mrs. H. Ashton gave a talk on ed the program about $20. Every- "Stewardshlp"l, and Miss Blanche thing was sold, and cafeteria Degeen gave a piano sole. lunch served. Bazaar was opened Home and School Club met by Mis. Wagar, Bowmanville. Monday evening wlth President No. 4 Mission Band held ita% C. Avery pnesiding. Albert Hills Christmas program on Wednes- took charge of an excellent pro- day and had a good attendance of gram. Rev. Plant, Mr. A. Wearn parents and visitons. Following and Miss Wllma Wotten rendered perogram was given: Recitation, two delightfui, trios. M. Black- John Vennoft;1 play "The Coming burn Rave a huzbiorous neading. of Christmas,' Gwen, Raymond Mis. Fred Bowen gave an inter- and Ronald Osborne; chorus, 42nd esting addresg on Home and Psalm; The Mssionary Dollar, School work. An instrumental 10 boys; story, Mis. Coverley; was given by Miss Bessie Hills. piano solo, Eileen Pickell; recita- Lunch was served. tion, Erma Wade; Peace, 6 boys; u.mtoTudaeen chorus Juniors. Remarks were Y.PU.mto usaevn given 6y Rev. W. C. Smith, and ig Worship period was conduct- greetings from W.MS. by Presi- cd by Miss June Ashton. Quiet dent Mis. Pearce. A nicelv word- music wos played by Mrs. John ed ddrss as eadby oro Slemon; 'a poem by Miss June Hlggins, and a levely gif t preset-yAho;Bbe edn yM ed b y Freddie Kay to Mis. Cecil Plant. Bey. Plant and Mrs. Gor- Worden ton ber untînîng efforts don Becch rendcred a duet and for many years wlth regards'- to the devotional was taken by Miss the Band. Mis. Worden thanked Alilce Stevenson. Marie Ashton the Band for their klndness. Can- took charge of this progrom: A 9 an popornwas pased. . reodngb y Claribel Tnwin; in- djaýndPxrn Msaatet . h strumental duet by Mesdames C. Bond toe r aia treat of a Crosman and A. gead; guitan mu- gift and fruit for each child. o ic and song by Miss Elleen Cowl- Mission Circle met at tic home lng; reading by Mis. C. Slemon; of Jean Gay on Wednesday e -Mis. T. Cowllng gave the topic on Ing and had the Christmas theme H if. throughout thc program. Mis. Ha7don Sohool News Harry Gay pnesented thc devo- tiensl; vocal duet, Mis. Clarence Junior Red Cross met Fiday CE e For the benefit of our customers we wish to cail attention to the recent regulations of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, of the Dominion Government. It is, therefore, necessary. for our customers to pay for their, coal promptly* Orders for fuel cannot be 'accepted hereafter unless the customer is sure of completion of payment in a very short time after delivery* Long term. credits cannot be given. This means that orders- for fuel cannot be accepted hereafter unless the customer is sure of payment as above. stated. We also ask your cooperation ini the saving of gasoline ini truck delivery as requested by the government' Customers can aid delivery by ordering early ini the. day, and avoid delay and possible disappointment by having their fuel delis- ered in mid-week, to escape the congestion at the weekend. Where it is not possible for customiers to purchase their fuel ini load lots, they should help the War Effort by*placing their orders two or three days in advance, 'so that small orders may be grouped for de- livery and thereby save gasoline. Quantities less than 1-2 ton or 1-4 cord cannoe be guaranteed4 for delivery the day ordered. Coal Merchants oF Bowmanville J. J. Flett Fuele Wilkins Fuels -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - al OT Last Minute OUFT SUGGESTIONS. The new game "1Warzon"9 Every home ahould have eue AiteBOOKS fo Altestandard bookisfo luveniles. New fiction Mid outstandlng books on cur- rent events CHINA Cups and saucers, cake plates, creains and augars snd open stock sets. GLASU A wide range et Indlvldual aumbers trom l15e adeh cnt stemwate sat eeol ri 3 r a c c T * if Sheppard & Gill Luniber Co. John A. Holgate & Son Tyrone '. Miss Dorothy Bedford, Bow- manvîlle, visited with Mis. Byron Moore. Mis. Hughson bas gene te To- ronto for tbe wintcr. Mis. A. W. Annis visited witb fnienda in Orono. Mrs. B. Hathenly entertoined ai' number et ladies te afterneen tea in aid et the W.M.S., and repent it an enieyable event. Mi. Evon Danbrook, whe bas been employed at Mi. N. Wood- ley's, broke bis Ieg wben the herses became frightcncd and rn away. Mis. B. McCullougb received word ef the death et ber aunt, Mns. Joe Bresbin, Burnt River. W. M. S. met at Mis. Frank Werry's, Betheada, witb a large attendance. The meeting was op- ened by Uic presideof, Mis. Sid Hear. Minutes were read by Miss Clora Woodley. A Cbristmas carol "Sulent Nigbt" was played by Mis. Howard Brent. Mis. A. F. Gardner took charge efthUi devotionol: Mis. Floyd Dudley read the acnipture; prayer by Mis. Gardner; a solo, "O Little Town et Betblehem" by Everton White. Pregnam was: Christmas corols played by Mis. B. Virtue; reading, Lorna Hooper;, sole, Mis. Gordon Brent; Mis. Otto Freund gave a tolk on Christmas in Europe, in the absence et Mis. B. Wrigbt; Mn.. Gardner read "The Inn Keeper." A Bible centest con- ducted by Mis. Gardner was very interestlng. Mis. A. Hilas moved a vote et thanks te Mis. Werry. Lunch was served and a social chat enjoyed. Wemen's Institute met Wednes- day at Mis. B. McCulleugb's, with Mns. Dudley presiding. Arrange- ments were mode fer the Christ-. mas Cheer work. Mis. Bosevear took charge et this program: Read- ing, Mrs. B. Virtue; duet, Misses Doreen and Yvonne Byam; Christ- mas Message, Mrs. L. J. Good- mon; anid a contest conducted by Mis. Bosevear. A very dainty lunch was served by Mis. Rose- veor's greup. A happy time was spent on Fri- day wben the Mission Bond beld a special meeting. They have been busy for two weeks making 20 picture books and toys and 20 Bible story books f or the Cl- dren's Incurable Hospital, Toren- te. Atter the children had placed their gifts at the front et Uic room, Mis. Luther Goodman spoke words et oppreciation te Uic chul- dren as a representative from Uic Women's Missionary Society. Bil- lie Dudley and Victeria Sytnyk offered short prayers. G 1 e n n Brooks gave a reading. All en- jeyed singing several Christmas carois. Breta Collacutt, took charge ef three games and a bis- cuit contest. Much credit i. due Miss Clora Woodîey in helping the chtîdren- in making their pic- turc books and for ber special intereat in the Mission Bond. Have yeu renewed yeur sub- scription te The Statesman? SUPERSTITIONS ABOUT CHRISTMAS Significant meanings surround Christmas, according to super- stitions beieved in vanieus parts et the wonld. In Holstein, Mistletoe is net only supposed te be a cure for all green wounds, but wil insure success in thc chose ond give strength te the wrestler. Early Norsemen believcd tor centuries that Uic Mistietoe would give protection against bath bodi- ly aliments and evil spirits. A person wbe is born on Christ- mas will have power te sec and command spirits, according to a Scottisb belief. French peosants believe that babies boni on Christmas have the gift of prophecy. If a baby is bonn at sermon time on Christmas time in Middle Europe, it portends that semeone in the bouse will die within a year. Doughtera hemn in the Vosges, France, on December 25 will be wise, witty ond virtuous. A baby born on. Christmas in Silesia will beceme cither a law- yen or o thief. Girls in the oncient Ducby of Swavia seldom m-issed the oppor- tunity off ened by Christmas te look into thc future at their fu- ture husbands. On Christmas Bye tbey would go te the woodpile te draw sticks. If a girl pullcd o tbick stick, ber busband would be stout; if a long stick, be would be tail; if a crooked stick, he would be deformed. They would determine -the business ef their future busbands by dropping melted lead into a pan of cold water. Thé molten metal would form various shapes in coeling, and thus resemble Uic hxsigniaofo bis occupation: hammen shape, a carpenten; shoe shape, a cobbler. Every piece et lead resembled seme occupation te the oId wives. A moiden in Switzenland whe accepta a bunch of Edelweiss ot Christmas aise accepta the mon who proffers it. Ail animaIs in the Germon Alps con speak on Christmas Bye. It is belleved in the Nether- bonds that nothing sown on Christmas Bye will perish. Even seed sown in the snow will live. A Bobemian wif e will die with- in a year if she bunns a Christmas coke. To insune on abundont harvest i Denmark, some et the bread baked on Ch;ristmas is kept until sowing time, wben it is mixed with the seed. It is said that bread baked on Christmas in England neyer be- cornes moldy. Ashes must flot be thnown out on Christmas day iil seme sec- tions of Europe, for fear they might be thrown into the Sav- ior's face. Some familles in Scondinavia place all their shoes together on Cbristmas. This will cause theni te live in barmony througbout the year. TRUMDAY, DECEMER 18, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMR, ONTARIO NEILSON'S ICE CREAM To top off your Christmas dessert! BRICKS............25e NUT ROLL ...................... 30e 25e ICE CREAMPIS........40e Treat the FamlIy to BAKERY IREATS! MINCIE PIS-Oh boy! wat t il you gret a tate of tMe»e Chrbstm aspecias *tey're REALLY geood. Pie serves ive. B" Is30e