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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1942, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1942 Established 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Wlth whlch are Incorporated The Bowmanvllle News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 85 Years' Continuons Service To The Town of Bowmanvllle and Durham County. Member _ Audit Bureau _ of Circulations iiI Canadian I,7 Weekly Newspaperse Association Class A Weeklies of Canada SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 a Year, strlctly i advance. $2.50 a Year I the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. Town Council 1942 There wil be no easy road for the new council SOQU to meet and strike its standing committees. There will be a tendency to go elowly because so many lack municipal ex- perience which is gcnerally a good thing.' The Statesman already lias emphasized the need for a local census which would yield considerable of the information necessary fo accommodate a situation which w'ould result ini any early cessation of the war. A consid- erable overflow is lioused here of people eho work elsewhere. Relief will bc back dà us in tripled proportions if war ends ommittees should be so struck that ex- ience and adaptibility may lie placed f0 st advantage. Upkecp, which lias long sur- v-ed on small appropriations, may have to be enhanced. Truck transports carrying war goods will make necessary some hcavy out- lays on our roads. Several bad spots are already developing on our paved streets which soon or later will need expensîve at- tention. Signs at flic to-wn 's approaclies need briglitening. Sidewalks are split and jum- gbled disgracefully and f ails rnay rcsulf in p' damage actions. Garbage disposai is liap- hazard. Tax defauîfs and arrears slîould af- tain anl ali-time low niow tliat cveryone is working, so civic grants miglit be weiglied appreciatively. One thing tliaf would meet the wishies of _the niajority of tlie lectorate is that Coun- tcil sliould insist upon ail sidewalks being akept clear of snlow this winter. Last winter was a disgrace witli mainy supposedhl lad- ing citizens contemptuou s of the law, the town. their neiglibors and particularly flic old folk. The law in this ouglif f0 be strengfliencd and enforced. And that goes or every bylaw or comrittce regulation. srun the absence of a Chiamber of Commerce. nextra duty fails upon Counceil to whieh very public spirited citizen sliould give hoieliearted cooperation. The Statesman wil applaud and support but will bic cqually alert fo sliortcoming Let us al get out and take an intcrcst in municipal affairs for 1942. The Late Arthur R. Kennedy Tliere are times witliin a single gener- ation which stand out. singly. with a sense of loss tliat no pen can express. Tliose are the times fliat mark the passing of some quiet, lovable. infliuential soul. or the ecml of the cartll endeavors of sonie great, force- fuI leader of mankind. Thiere cornes a pause and a sense of sliock whieh cannotfighfly- be dissipated. Thiese were our feelings wlien news same of lie passing of Arthur R. Kennedy, lafely editor of flic Peterboroughi Examiner and one of Canada 's noblest gentlemen. Our weighited seîîse of loss of a valued friendsliip was added f0 because of inability fo lic present and follow thc cortege as an hionorary pail-bearer. Just a few weeks ago a fricnd feleplioned to say Mr. Kennedy wvas f0 lic chef speaker at a local meeting and fliaf we sliould not miss if, becanse lie wvas a speaker of power and insiglit. Then came ncws of lis îllniess and lis passing. 0f all c brilliant mcen among Ontario's dailies, Mr. Kennedy lias long stood at fthc pinnacle. Soft v oiced. Ievel-eycd, kindiy, Ibis Christian gentleman of the Fonrtli Estafe rose from flie humble- ness of a composing-room boy', througli al the intricacies of flic back shop f0 become one of Canada 's niosf quoted edifors. His greaf power as an oufsfandi ig leader and commenfaf or came nn11donbfe'dly froin siderably more,.lIiiîmother col ou k ,isa letter from Aif. Ayr-,0e. ifd ',11-1) 111(1auu successful fariner, m-11o is i ci ere<l ujt ail and his lette" speaiks for leit. Tiiereis the point: Farmjers tbelinsel ves are iiof dle- pressed even wheni they w'ork 14 houirs a day throughout the Whlole year, huit tlîey dlaim fiicy arc opcrafiîug a "dcpressed" industry in wartiimie agriculture. The inatter is simple enougli if oiuiy proper accoinnfing would bring ont average trufli. But fcw kecp books andi noue chiarge up finie, overlucad or acts o f God L. ShortIy, we hope fo have accurafe records for publicationi uhieichuareii. ucg eonupiled by ami officiail fflie Di'luham Comiufv Feder- afioii cf Auî'ienmuîre. If .,Itiild lie simple emoili. Cost of plantf. land aîîd equipmcnf is so nueil. The fainmier'faies in se muclu peru' ycar. Hc pays omt se muuiceli affer charg- ing ail expeuises. over]iead anîd depreciatuon. Wluaf lie lias ieff xiii detiinmitflicextenf cf lus "deprcssed" state. Meairnie xvc shahl file amni puuhisli acciunuated leffers and liope fo lhave flic active iîuferesf of flic Federaiomu ligeffimig a coinpiefely acemrafe average pcture for fuis district. If is finie soincone did if iii view cf flic fact of diver- sify cf opinion. Tlîcîu xw'cean go alîead and do somncfiing about if. If niay lic a good idea f0 offer prizes for a cross section of curremuf farm opinioni on xlat is flue besf policy for agri- culture duriiig and iinuiediafeiy folioxiiîg thlis war. Only lard-licaded commoxu sense us îîccdcd. As Toîuu Baker, Sr. fold Honi. Artliur Meigluen at flic baniquet: "Outside markets and flic weafier biave more f0 do withi farmers' sîîccess tlaail lich promises cf polificians ini Clrisfendoin you arc al alike wlucîi yon are ouf for votes, flic sky 's flhc linif aîd we plue aloîug as flic back- bouc of flue country wlilc govcrnmuîeiifs fal aIl over flîcmselvcs appeasing flic labor cicinent for pcrpetuity iii office." To ail of w'hiclu, Mr. Meiglien smilingly subscribcd. The Statesmian 's opinion is fliat farmers solidiy organized xiii command flic riglit f0 share cqualiy- wif h ail of ler classes and it w'ould bcte i part of wisdom for middlemcn and processors cf farm produets fo gef down to bedrock iii widc awake public relations ifluouf delay. -V Ilere We Are Together A phr'ase ific hepcrorafioîî of Winsfon Cliurchill as lue addrcssecdfthc joint meet- ing of Senafe and House of Represenfatîves ini Washinigtonu did mot catch flic leadlines ln newspaper reports. Hie repeafcd if, "Here w'e are . . . fogefler" aînd ifs sigîîificance stnîmed up alluat lic said concerîuing Aîîglo Saxonu nuuify affer flic war as a gîar- aîîfce of flue peace cf flic world for ages. By fluaf speech and bis sorcly mîedcd iii- spirational nmessage 10 Camadians. f0 Parlia- ment aîîd press, lie lias usluered lu a period w-leu we cai w-cil do witlu less faik and more work. For tw-o years flic air lias beexu a jumble cf "blalu" on hoth sides cf tue bord- er'. If rexuaimîs for Churchlli o dot flic""' in Eifyt. If we are mot togetiier now for ami aIl-ouf effort, flîc w-e îevcr shahli e. We liave w-îfnesscd some sorru' siglîts ini recent wceks; siglifs whicli, eveui twenty monflus affer flic rape of Europe, fonnd flic sprawiing giant U.S.A. asieep af flic swifch and Brifain about as bad. \Ve saw sw'arms of liffle ycllow tripe fanu ouf anid siap flic giant siv as lie boastffnly prociainîcd lus îm- preguîablc position iii fli Pacifie amud lis prowess f0 "lick flic world". And wc saw Brifain 's finesf slips go down wifh nof a planue f0 profeef flicr, anîdflic saine coin- plaenuf l)astfunnss fliat lias lest Penang anud eiidangered Sixigapore. Wliat a mess! Nýo woiider flic Raj. of Sarawak laid a blisferiuu iîudictincmif agaiîsf flic arîn-cluair huass-iafs wifli fli old sehool-ties, uî'lo sit i soff chairs iii swaiuk clubs af Sing-apore ad uJcîaff gin-svizzlcs. The wiuoie weak setup lias beexi cxposcd and now wýe have Churchilli corne fo America as apologisf for blitliering iiefficelucy and flicemipfiiiess cf boasts. bis "explaiîatiomi" tlîat becauise ofc ouniftmenns iin Libva, the sitmuatioîn iii fle soufhue'n Pacifie met regret- ful sefliacks, wýas a liard pili f0 sw'allow'. He conld hiave said ofluer fhings but didn'f. Aîuyway, "Here uve arc tagether" and at lasf weseexul fo i'alize if. -V Last War And This War l ifxiili c rccallcd by many fliaf during flic last war uve liad a lof cf caustic comment about flue U.S.A. nef getfiuug info the war until 1917. We l)oasfed considcrabiy and crackcd some îilald jokes. It inav lie re calied b1w- niv, toc. fliat ii tlue i)ieseiif uar wue lhave been, suîpposediy, at wýar siuîcc Sept cunler 1939 and flic U.S.A. lias oniuimoxvrolled up flîcir siceves. We eau re!oud fluese fhîinîgsfliaf desfu'oy flic pnauallel: Wifluii 4 davs of affack fhe and : ave 0l)lmsQ(. Anid nofluhe fluie, M. Lavasse. edifoi' cf LuiFeuille Derahîle, w'as uiosi nmi i<>ipu'omuusiuig. The division was uof political. Oiiiy a fcw iidetdpolitie-al leauîiugs anid thîus werc ~pigssfou'tflic govem'umeuf. 'lie big uua- jcrity didnu't cam'e whîat flic stripe anudlier- Canadian Tanks From C. P. R. Shops T he craffsmen of the Canadian Paclfic Rallway Angus Shops af Montreal are proud of the powerful tanks they are building for the Can adian, British and Allied Armies. These mighfy weapons stream off the assembly lines as flie day and nlght shifts labor f0 produce more and more of these "Valentines for Victory." The illustration shows a number of fthe tanks in mass for- mation ýlust befare they rolled aboard Canadian Pa cifie fiat-cars for shipment fo the fightUng fronts. soîmuic; flic maini thing ivas to get inspircd leadersihip and gef on wif hflic war. Signifi- caxît iiidccd xvas the fact that 26 editors re- ferred dirccfix'aîîd lu no uncerfain tfermis te flue farm problem. Thc Globe aud Mail poinîts ouftf hat flic xvcklies hîave flicir fiîîgers ounflic puise of rural Canada in a xvay mot approaclied by auy cf ler public. ist.s. In referring, to this rural voice, fhey ask: "Wliy lias fuis voice not beexu carried f0 flic floor of flic House of Commons by mcei elcctcd by flicir coustituents to serve flierci"' Thiaf is a question xvhic i xiili c ounflic agemmd'a cf bof l conventions and luusflings for pseudo-pelifîciaîus f0 aiswer un flic ncxt Fcd- cral confcst. Tiere vi lieb a lot cf îîcx faces iii flic Oftawa bouse uvhen a new Parliameuf; meets. Rural Canada uvon 'f liglifly forget or forgive flic dcplorab!e conîditionu fhucy have luectuiii due fo lack of a farm policy and flic iuîdiffereîucc cf sîttiîîg farm mnmbers. And 4siftiiug' seenu.s te lie ami appropriafe woi'd. Quality of Mercy The quîalify of mcrcy lias liecoîue consid- erabiy sfraiuîed of 1sf c; if droppel from flic lips cf outraged stafesmemu te fali witli icy fury upom ami expiodiîîg globe. "We shal beat flic living dayliglits ouf of flic black- liearfcd Nazi", and "We shahl neyer rest ummtil wc exterminaf c fli pagan pesfs wlio uuow' swaru like yellow locnsts over flic is- lanîds cf flic Pacifie." No qnarter is asked, niouie xii be given until flic day of reekon- ing, ivien in faxvninîg supplicatioun fli poor xveak tools of fyrraîîy coune to beg- for mcrcy af flic feet of triuîîplîsnt liberty. Tlese are flic xords anîd fhuaf is flic faik thaf lias been so sorely îîccdcd iii flicAmieri- cas and pau'ficulau'ly' flic ortliermîhaîf of Northî Amuirica. We have luad too muchu of "please' aiud pacificîsiui and spuricus "un- itv." 'Thamk God for Churîchill"' lias been flic resouiudiiug cry siîuce lie lias iimuuîed ini living w'ords flic purpose cf wbaf is left of Dcmiciacy. Baffle searred, weary, yet reso- imte, w'e shahl follomlis lead until xvc corne f0 flic day cf aSssssmcîîf sud cf peace . .. a peace as forgivîng. as is customnary xith Angolo-Saxons. Meanfime we have a long, liard, road. Openu cities arc ou longer "open". fo pa- -ail sw'arms and scavengers, bofli Basf aud îWcsf. Mamila is sliatfcrcd whilc Rome still stanuds. The qualiifycf mercy is a one-way streef. The disilluisîiîcd af Hoîugç Kongr view flic Newv Ycar w'ithî dread and doubf; con- sigyned f0 tue niseries cf indignifies and flue meagre diet cf paddy-fields . . . flic remuants cf a "gyloricus chapter"iii incfficieney. Clirisfianifv trembles at flic crossroads, wlilc a hostage Head of au Eternal Chureh muîely shivers li bis palace, w'îf b fle door locked c thfliimside. if the Clinrehu caniot spcak, fhuei let us bave an end cf Mecy. Change of PolicY ,lit siinply cauunof lie donc'"xvas flic re- piy cf tflic iuisfry liflue Hbuse cf Com- muons w'iucmîan opposition meunber argued fluat Canada eould anud shuould produce tanks, gns anîd diversified planes. Ncxv we fiuud flat flic impossible is not only possible but flue saune Ministry is evemu boastiîîg cf their "uîîagniificeîîf effort," wiflinof a xvord cf cî'edit f0 flic Opposition nember wliose imsisteuîce prex'ailed over sfnliborn denial. Publie opiniîon lias beemu uuarching along i s(> naîîv dir'eetionus fliaffexv'e sfoppcd te consider f0 xvhat exteît "changes of policy" have lieen employcd by flic preseut Ottawa gox'eu'nmîucîî. There was sudden chiange cf policy ini flic natter cf Ontario bonid iuufeu'st, cliauuiiiflic ridiculed 30- (lau trainuing, of shipients te Japan, tue scrappiuug cf thue Vohuuufary Sei-vice Bureau, flic cveu'seas coîîfei'cnce, flic ree'uifmeuîf cf w'ouuen, fîme double shuffle oui feed gr'ainî, thie triple soinicisaults oui ieei'uîitig a re- ser've ariuv hesides fluese tanîks aud guns. Thie li.sf cuhd lie exteuided amni ifw'ould bcie nterestiuug f0 conmpile flic(ompiete isf, but eulilmghm i as beemu iudicated te dcmoui- stuate vhîat uve have scveu'al fiuaes mnain- faiîmed ; flaf flue i)iescut gox'euuuuicuutis of a jiîeu'al buit a Conservatixe adumiistration. Avoidiug mefoî'nis amui change unuiltheli inal feu is fomeed throulu opposutioui or by publie opinuion is flue essence..cf onservafuve poliey. If is aimost fuse for chîange of labels.____J Another Newspaper Merger On Jan. 3rd, 1942, txvo SoufthOuftario papers become eue. The wcekiy Whitby Gazette sud Clironicle becomes merged wifli1 flic daiiy Oshiawa Times. The ncw paper xiii lie styled, The Times-Gazefttc sud issued f lrec fîmes a week: Tuesdays, Tliursdays, Saturdays. Proximity, gcograpliy, economy sud efficicncy, xvcre factors dcferminiug flic change. Bofli papers, ecdl in ifs particular sphcrc, xvcre outsfauudiug in service, gencral make- up sud ediforiai leadership. There is no doulit under flic amalgamation, flicir high standards xvi liebcontinucd. lunflic advance nîotice, xve observ'e liat thcy xiii turii cou- spieuously f0 local iîevs xith support for crgauîized labor aud particularly agricul- ture. Minimnum circulation xiili c around 6000 xvlichî speakis xx'cl for flue discriminafcî fastes cf Southu Ontario cifizens. Iunf imes agouuc, The Statcsuîaîî las beemu slouldercd a bit by fle icTmes but xvc have mut oiîly surx'ixcd but cxpandcd and xve are pieased to lie expanmsive enouglufo uvelcome fhis ehauuged eoîifemporary f0 hflieild of cern- mumify xvcklies, wif Ithfliuope thaf our old and csfeemed friends Editor J. b. Ormiston of Whitby and Editor G. K. Brown cf Oshi- awa sud flicir execufives Messrs. Mundy, Goedfellow', Alioway sud Wilson, xiii con- tinue in service cf this ncw venture sud thus remain our uîigîbors. _V St. Pierre-M iquelon A Free Frenchu admirai, reprcsenting Gemu. Charles DeGaulle came f0 Canada s few da.ys ago aundflic press rccordcd lis appear- amce lucre and thcrc, xvithu a group pieture cf hue aud bon. Auîgus Macdonîald, with oChers lu smuiing conversationî. Wifhuîu a fecxvheurs, xvord xvas fiaslîcd toe icxorld fliat flic ad- muiral lîad quiefly iamded and lîad fakemuccin- frol cf flhe islauîds of St. Pierre-Mique- Ion fhat lic off flic shores cf Ncxfoundland, and w'cre umder suzeraiufy cf flic Vichy goxernmeuit. The UTnited States imnmediately profcsfcd. Primne Mixister Kinig vas onmi s xvay te \\Tsuiuiteu o uueet Churchill and Roose- v'elt. Hotu. Mr. Macdonald could nof be feund. A "spokesmaiu" at Ottawa, that scrry pass-the-buck-figurc, disehaimed al kuîoxledge cf flie evemît sud didu 't kiuoxv if xvas about te fake place. If seems thaf Mr. Hull's office 1s li emu carrying on nego-j tiaficuis xitlu Vichiy in regard to Martinique and Canada didn'f knoxv a thiug about if. Ail cf xvlieli adds up te: Wiy mut imumediaf e and fulcollaborationu? Lct's get if seftlce wvlile Cihuhi is lierc. -V Magnificent Effort Iflic rump sessionu cf parliamemît 1sfely adjouuruued, after liavig aecomplislied prae- fically uofhuug if xvc read our Hamsard cor- rcctiy, au opposition member critical cf gov- erumeuf effort, w'as iuferruptcd liy Prime Minister Kinug w'ho said: " I say fliat Canuada us makimug a muagificent effort xvhen cern- parcd xitli any cfhîer democracy-ctc." A peint xvas missed xvlenu flicdistinction xvas nef chaliengced. Thuat us te say, Canada's ef- fort aud goverumeut effort may lic separ- afchy assesscd. Goverumcuf effort lias been from fli ci- gyiîîniiigc, f flis xvar, tunder propulsion cf publie pressure-imu oflier xvords, Canuada's, effort. People .gencrahiylhaxe flue impressionu fiaf flic goverrnent, or flic Cabinuet if you prefeî', reahiy directs policy and fhius riles Canada. Thue frufli is fluat about aIl fhiey do us sut ariiîd a fable lisfcning fto repor'ts aud adx'ice of senior civ'il servants-, 'lo, xitli ouufsi<le experts, indieafe flic hesf course te puîm'smîe aud fume Caubinet siinply adopt if. So far' as a iuia2mificeent effor't is couceruu- cd, it xvcild lue flue part'f cwxisdom fou' fle Pm'imne Miuisfeu' amd C'inuiet te gef cuit aud cuquuiî' e ucscially iin an-ycmnunity lcw' magnificeuuf is flue effor't. Let uis stafe fxvc examples locally. Fiî'sf. farmng,liereaiouts has sfnîîggled magnifieenfly. lut has about gmvei up. Second, af a rnuuîuifions plant some huundî'cds vei'e laid 'off indeflnifely snd ncxv, fodlax vrk lasfs fromîu Monday te a shuort Pridav xvithu flic rest cfflicexveck idie, xvhilcflue war truck liue is icile flurce quart- crs cf flic timue. Thîis kind cf magnificent effort hacked by tlie goverument creates disgusf lu place of euthlusiasm. Agricultural "Jeremiahs" Create DefeatistAttitude (From Marketing, Toronto) of prîvately-owned farms ail over Farersarexilsered y teirthe country, demonstrate. Telling Fres aeress who fved bthem you men that you are in a losing almosfda ithafres te l arem agame, is no acf of friendship on depressed industry, J. S. McLean, theldpart of these writers who Canad Packrs Lt., sd just as easily make ouf president, Cnd akr t. a case for many other indus- told a group of farmers at Bow- tries." manville, last week. The occasion Mr. McLean's addrcss deait was a luncheon of whîch Geo. W. with the situation in the hog James, editor of fthc Bowmanville markef today. 'Canadian far- Stafesman, was the host. Mr. mers have an opportunity fo cap- James invifed a number of repre- turc the British bacon market senfative farmers from Durham from Denmark that wili neyer oc- County f0 meef Mr. McLean and cur again. They have that market air, in lis presence, their real or riglit now but flie Danes will get imaginary grievances against the if back uniess we can make bacon packing indusfry. as good as or better than they can. "Jeremialis who tell the farmer Today Canadian farmers who can three times a week thaf lis in- raise the standard hogs required dustry is depressed are confribut- for the British market are geffing ing f0 a defeatisf frame of mind," good money, and theýr wîll' con- Mr. McLean said, in reply to the tinue ta gef if after peace cornes numerous questions fired af him only if they can maintain that foilowing his faik. "For every standard. Ofherwise flie price case of hardship I can tell of num- wili drop f0 an unprofitabie level. erous successes. Wvhy don'f these If that happens, if wiil not be be- Jeremialis write up the successful cause of economic conditions farmers for a change? There are pressing unduly on the farmer, or pienty of them. Farming can be because of lack of Governmenf made fa psy-as Canada Packers' support. If will be due entireiy experimental farmn and hundreds f0 poor hog raising." ~INTHE DIMAND DISTANT PAST From The Statesman Files TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO address was signed by John El- liotf, M. A. James and J. T. Pol- From the Canadian Statesmali, lock. January 4, 1917 Providence: Richard Osborne's Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys cele- horse fell whule he was returnirig brafed fheîr golden wedding. from Millbrook where lie had They were married in Bowman- taken his daughter Miss Ida Os- ville on Jan. 1sf, 1867 by Rev. borne to teach . . . A number of Geo. Coclirane. Mrs. Keys was the young people met af fthe residence former Miss Mary A. Nunn, of J. D. Hoar where fhey amused daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert themselves unfil a lafe hour... Nunn. On the anniversary occas- One of the greatesf Chrisfmas ion fhey were surrounded by their parties was af the residence of five married dauglifers, t wo sons, Samuel Aluin where 15 families four sons-in-law, one dauglifer-in- were represenfed, including Clif- law and grandchildren. ford Elford from S. Dakofta. He The death of Harry Can, in- lived here 15 years ago. surance agent, was a greaf sur- Enniskillen: Miss Sanderson is prise fa flic fown. He was son of going ta attend Alberf College, Thomas Cann for many years of Belleville, and Miss Edith Riggs is Darlington. His wife who was in attendance at Ottawa Normal Miss Ida Worth, survives. . .. Miss M. Rogers has charge of Those wlio attended flie lecture Baker's school this year . . . John on "How British Pluck Won fhe Lee lef t Monday for Bethesda War" were delighfed. Çtev. W. S. where hie wields flic ferrule for Blyth gave the address. Miss this year succeeding Mr. Orchard Nellie James sang a solo. Sergt. who succeeded E. C. Sanderson af Dan. M. Douglas gave a brief ad- Long Saulf whule the latter holds dress and A. N. McMullen accu- the fort af Bradley's . . . Nathan pied fthe chair. Byers was elected a trustee. He John A. Holgafe & Son have was also returning officer Mon- bouglif ouf the builder's supply day . . . Metliodisfs feel quife business of Win. Brock. elated at clearing off the cliurch H. Douglas, Peferboro, an- debf ... On giving up hier school nounces the engagement of lis af Burkefon Miss E. R. Brown was youngesf dauglifer, Ida Jean f0 presented with several useful Stanley R. Carvefli, Millbrook. articles. She is now feaching af Ebenezer: The remains of M'rs the Union school while Miss Mc- A. J. Courfice were laid f0 res Cuilough, Hampton, fakes Burke- Thursday . . . Win. Terry's liff le ton school. dauglifer Gladys feul on a lead Courtice: A deep gloom is casf pencil which pierced hier eye . . . over the district by the deafli of Scliools began Wed. witli Misses Anson, second son of Eli Os- VanNesf, Aluin and Lear, in borne. Proper precaufions should charge. be taken that the diphfheria is Sergf. Dan Douglas is home stayed . . . Mrs. W. H. Jackson, fromn overseas af lasf. He wenf daughter of R. Everson, Harmony, overseas wifh the 1sf Canadian is seriously ill in Toronto. contingent and is home on a Newcastle: Samne councillors as month's leave of absence. He lias last year-Anderson, Hedges, Bar- been four fimes wounded in baffle rie and Aluin . . . Percy Bell lias and spent weeks convalescing. gone f0 Toronto f0 attend business college . .. Rev. F. Farncombe is home. From fthe Canadian Statesman, January 6th, 1892 The oulî% election in this town was for flirce councillors in flic Southi Ward. As was expected S. W. Masôn headed flic poil with 110 votes, D. Davis 88 and T. H. Spry 87. In Darlingfan there was a spirifed civic clection. Smnall is reeve again by il majoont y sud J. T. Pollock is second depufy over W. Trewin by 122 majorify. Toronto citizens elevfed R. J. Fleming mayor and voted down s by-law for Sunday street cars. In Clarke T. W. Underwaod was elected reeve. Police Magistrafe Geo. Haines is recovering fram an injury f0 lis back caused by falliug dawn a stairway. China wedding celebraf ion of Mr. sud Mrs. I. L. Brown of Cedar Valley farm, Hampton, was held on New Year's eve. Presenfation. A former Bowmanville lady, now living in Oshiawa, in forward- ing lier subscription fa The States- mac and a Christmas Gift suli- scripfion for a relative, enclosed $5.00 witli this comment: "Wliat amount fliaf is over will you put if in flic Xmas fund where need- ed." We seldomn speak of flic virfue whidh we have, but mudli offener of fliat whidli we lack. Confidence is fliaf feeling by whicli the mmnd embarks lu greaf and honorable courses witli a sure hope sud trust in ifself. The sun gives down energy of more than one liorsepower per square yard on flic earfh's surface in flic tropics. The tropics have if ail over fliese parts during these sunless days. MAY YOUR 1942 CAKE BE FULL 0F "PLUMS"1. To Dur Patrons.. ..To Dur Friends ~aC'4 otîJ, uL: ~ etn4 4 PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1942

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