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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1942, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARLO PAGE SEVEN HEAD PRICE OFFICES ORONOVISITORSTwnhpCucsLokatsSoo " SoiladPesnl WDent at home.____ h!Tom Lewis at home. CLARKE COUNCIL S.S. No. 9 Christmas Concert 1 Phone 40rl6 Mr. McMurray at home. on Dec. l9th was most entertain- iS ______________________ ajr LcetahoeClarke Councîl annual meeting ing with a variety of Christmas1 Myjrie Smcth ithomred. was held Monday. There were noc Mr. . eae iitd n ornt. Myr.Kaymt h. Ctham'ens. nominations and the meeting con- numbers-songs, recitations, dia- 1 Sgt. Pilot S. Hall has arrived Jim Major with his family. sisited entirely of reports present- lousadd0l-n losv safely in England. Grace Warren with friends. ebyteRve and hisasit eral excellent patriotic numbers. Mr.an Ms.R.E. ogn ist- Roy Colville,, Toronto, with ants. Very few citizens were Mrfatn eevspra rdi ed. ndort. R .Lgnvs friends. present. J. J. Mellor was chair- for the splendid quality ofpo edi oot.Miss V. Gilfillan, Hamilton, at man, gram presented. Following the Mr. O. W. Scott visited Mr. and home. Finances are in good shape with visit of Santa and distribution of Mrs. W. K. Sloane, Peterboro. Stanley Bruton, Toronto, at receipts $76,716.63, expenditures gifts there were several specialc Mr. and Mrs. C. Jones and home. $64,558.33, and balance $12,158.30, features. The Hygiene prizes, family visited relatives down east. Miss Ruth Lowden, Toronto, at less estimnated Jan. road voucher doaetyHm colCu Rev. and Mrs. Littlewood and Chas. M. Lowden's. of $2,500. and consisting of warbysavings Picture shows, from left to right, Mr. Edwin S. CossittgofeBrock-V Manley were in Sunderland. M.adMs e.Amtog Reeve T. A. Reid in his remarks stamps, were presented yPei il n r Hrl chi1o odnwoaeoeigrgoa Mr. Norman Allen was taken Timmins, at John Armstrong's. deatpicplywt onyaf- dent Mary Bowen:Snosgrs offices of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board in Brockville and iîl Christmas eve. Miss Beatrice Hamm, Hamilton, faîrs. Shirley and Arvilla Brunt.(tied); London, as Prices and Supply Representatives. Mr. McPhillips ist Robbers of Watson's garage at E. J. Hamm's. Deputy Reeve J. Patton ex- boys-Grant Malley; J la n i o r s- President of the electriacl branch of the Retail Dealers Association have received their just deserts. LeRoy and Olive Brown at J. pressed gratification at the finan- girls, Lenore Osborne; boys, Bob- of Ontario. Mr. Cossitt is well known throughout Ontario as an in- Miss Mildred Richards visited D. Brown's. cial condition. by Martin. Mr. Patten, who is surance broker. in Toronto. Miss M. E. Rowe, Oshawa, with F. B. Lovekin deait with relief leaving our school, was called to Miss Doris Lowden, Orillia, was her parents. and roads, and the fact that for the platform and an address was operated on for appendicitis. Miss Jo Armstrong, Hartford, soeea brs Clarke adnot feth ea y Siln ey Brt ornehafgrade and quality that will meet The Daveys, Founds and Keats Conn., at home. Wforcedgtoprowne y. mo o f rethed pupi and Lenor.Oboreat-waGreat Britain's war requirements spent Christmas at the cottage. Miss Thelma Myles, Toronto, W an pee yhmoospen ted atgift to hîm.fMr. t- r F m Ne s should not suffer because his Mr. and Mrs. F. Duncan visîted with hier parents. ly remarking that Andy Clarke's tengtane theachiîdren rteir neighbour is loading the market their son. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn Irwin, Mi_ question as to why women lived togtuns.Mr oe x ___ with an inferior product, and the Rev. and Mrs. Littlewood en- mico, with her mother. longer could be answered by the plained that the Home & Schooi a n odidvde amrwoi akt tertained Park St. Union execu- Bob and John Keane, R.C.A.F., athtonymnadolie Cu wsa hstm psnig ing off-grade hogs should be the0 tive Monday evening. with their parents. to dry council speeches. He spoke the Club gifts to any of our boys Bleisise ytegvr-oewowudicrayls Mrs. John Milîson returned to CclBuoRCAFwt i briefly. in the services who were present. BulltinlisuedbyThe gBen n h o a icrany los Kingston with John after some mother. J. H. Lowery commented onThsinuddCr.RgGb-m twtinheattowesinovd TeBar wil o months at Mrs. J. Dickson'sDoGrhmadM.adrs. finances and roads. son, R.C.A.F., and Pte. Bill Gib- list hay as selling as high as $23 everything within its powers to0 Ron attrsonrecivedleae oR Graham withther.parents. J .Mlo xlie h e son, R.C.O.C. Also included was per ton in certain sections of On- see that the highest possible price after reaching Moncton and came Miss M. Patterson with Mr. and bentures-police trustees, school, Mr. Patten who leaves soon to tario. The average would prob- is paid for hogs of a quaiity suit- back to Orono.MsD.rcde. etc., showing the amount of in- take up duties in thie army. The ably.be about $17 over the whole able for export, but no protectionv Mr. and ~~Mrs. GereBtDsM. Jon lsodn. adMs eet optlzto n icl appreciation of the club was ex- province. As we mentioned a few can be given to producers whof and Mr. Caswell spent Christmas Turley with Mrs. J. Dickson. laneous. He intimated over $800 pressed for his work as pianist week aghrwodieed erstnmreighgsfa at Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robb's. M.adMs .Ad n had been collected in penalties for and his faithful cooperation in ail was $18 and soft wood $13 per type and weight that cannot bet Mr. R. Sherwin was presented family, Toronto, et C. F. Awde's. arrears in taxes. He said estimates ctmntyatviisior.n ow ew the appe "e lica- xporedt with a Christmas gift by members Bill and Bob Casey, Lindsay, at had been over what the road Saturday evening, Dec. 27, about tion of the pridcs."cei.ingW t of his S. S. ciass. A. J. Tamblyn's. voucher would be so more money 40 friends gathered at the home of thes fam poducs. r. . W Mrs. W. B. Hoar is home after Friends from Sudbury at Virtle wouid be availabie. Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson to con- Presant, a Toronto elevator opera-CandSw visiting Mrs. P. Snodgrass, Ro- Wilson's. gauteCrraanMrs. Reg. tor, lately appointed Feed Con- FrO esa cheser. rche Wason ithhis aren HA L UP EEP Gibson on their marriage. Chair- troller, has this to say about hay: FrO re a c ympsthyixeddt r. Ern Boeat ihme rnt. TOWNHA LU K E man R. Osborne explained the Under ordinary circumstances One of the most important ques- W. M. Stutt on the death of his Mr. Edgerton at Mr. and Mrs. TO BE SHMARED purpose of the visit and called on farmers with hay to seil might tions that Farmi Forums and Thea brother. Another brother died Ed. Dean's. Chas. Gienney to read an address feel justified in holding their hay Federation may enquire into is0 last December. Miss Marion Cooper, Toronto, ON EQUAL BASIS to Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Gibson and for higher prices-but, as hie says, that of the whole field of the hog0 Mr. and Mrs. Dean Carscadden at F. O . Cooper's. Betty Aluin presented themn with hay will be affected by the price raising industry, with particularI received a cable fromn their son, ltsAdeMotn rno, Hydro and Police meetings were a pair of pictures. Mr. and Mrs. ceiling just as ahl other commodi- reference to ail phases of process-b MissAdel MotonTorotoheid December 22nd, being the Gibson expressed their apprecia- ties. The price of hay from Dec. ing and prices obtaîned by pack- Cprltr i. G L. Cascadten, om-in is he pa en oono last meetings for 1941. tion and short remarks were lst onward viill be governed by ers here and abroad. It wili re-C plibrentas highe the com- Mwitfiss MeGenyTrno These Hydro bills were passed: made by Art Gibson, W. Adams, the price at which it sold between quire deep and extensive re- Andy Clarke's christening con- Mr. and Mrs. F. Ardron and B.P.U. $149.52; H.E.P.C. $305.00; Fred Bowen and R. Osborne. The Sept. 15 - Oct. il. It might dîffer search. There will be obstruc-b test Sunday proved most interest- Madison, Toronto, at Mr. Madison N. F. Porter, rent, $6.00; J. J. Mel- rest of the evening was spent in in different localities but it can- tions and evasions but the facts ing to Orono listeners as Rev. A. Hal's. lor, secretary's salary, $15.00; to- dancing and serving refreshments. not go above the ceiling in any must come out. Many suspectb K. Edmison was a former pastor Mr. and Mrs. Keat and Elinor tai $475.52. Holiday Guests: Mr. and Mrs. locality whatsoever. that by-products and offal yield here.an Mran r.Dn od At the Police meeting it was Howard Bowen and Bill, Ciare- Further and finally, the Board higher net than pork. To stimu-a Services at Park St. Church and Birl andWMs. Dae Foun decided that the Police Trustees, mont, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Wickett has asked universal cooperation. late discussion, we quote below, Sunaywee os iteesin. M. ndMr. rothr ndin co-operation with the Clarke and Maurice, Oshawa, and Mr. This applies to movement of hay officiai news from The Baconc Hubert Cobbledick and M. H. baby and Mr. Neil Wood with Mr. Township Council should assume and Mrs. Alden Gibson and fam-tocnuesawelstooerBrd Staples favored with vocal solos, and Mrs. Chas. Wood. management of the town hall ily at Mr. F. W. Bowen's. . . M,. materiais and farm products. The "The latest additions to the list At Sunday School Mrs. Drum- Mr. and Mrs. Syd Hughson and dlock and shouhd be responsible and Mrs. Russell Osborne and Board provides imprisonmient and of pork products for export are mond gave a speciai talk and Glen, Toronto, with C. J. Hughi-'For 50% of the cost of upkeep. famihy, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Os- fnes up to $5000 for violations. canned pork loaf and hami loaf. also delighted the audience with son.' These bills were ordered paid: borne and famihy with Mr. and There you have it. Hardwood and Not only will the shipment of a vocal solo. Neihie Wright and Mr. and Mrs. K. Fralick and Street lights and f ire hall, $129.79; Mrs. Leslie Guy, Oshawa. . . Mr. fuel corne under the Fuel Con- these products add to British food Donald Staples read the scrip- Ruby, Toronto, with Miss M. Davy Orono Garage $3.10; W. E. Davey, and Mrs. Wellie Brunt and famihy, troller and if they attain a value stocks, but at the samne time a ture. The Beginners were award- and Mrs. L. Fralick. fire brigade, $90.00; Orono Coal Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Malley and of $30 they will stili be sold at market nutiet will he provided for ed ýthe banner. M.adMs omnWhim Co., fuel, $25.88; Rolph's Hdwe., family with Mrs. C. Brown, Sept.-Oct. prices. No more. carcasses too heavy for the manu- _______________________ wthrlativersNornoWiNewam fire brigade ladder, $32.00; Geo. Brown's School. . . Mrs. Annis, ____ facture of export Wiltshire sides cati eldBatvi nvie ew- Butters, sanding sidewalks, $2.00; Scarboro, Mrs. W. H. Gîbson, or cuts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crease total $282.77. Newcastle, at Mr. Harold Gib- Low Grade Hogs "Ti diint h ito orkI and Paul, Toronto, Mrs. F. Cowan, son's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Du pdo aktproducts to be accepted for ex-, SOrono, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry LOL H IT A Dean with her family in Toronto. D m e nM re port, which already includes tin-c Cowan. LOL H IT A . . Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner TeBcnBad gi noened hams, and edible offal com-t Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Winter, PARTY PROVES and Helen with her sister, Mrs. o The acn or agani oe prising kidneys, livers and ton- at Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Winter and G L V N Chas. Hunter, Lakefiehd. , . Ptes. lof it see atany reeaerimqoed be gues, should bie especially bene- ng at ,* Family, Toronto, at Mrs. I. Win- G L V N Bihl Gibson and Chas. Smith at lw tsesta ayfres ficial to the prices of sows. It is ~ ers.home. . . Mr. A. E. Bellman and at the approach of winter are anticipated that sow prices, based Mr.andMr. Wlte Frguon L. O. L. Christmas party Friday Miss Marion, Bowmanville, and "upn"haisadhgt f on their value for the production à.1~ ~ and son, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. evening was attended by about Mr. and Mrs. John Clayton, To- temrepoal o w of canned product for export, wil ,. ~~à Zeck Adams and~~~ main reasons: (a) they are shortshwmtraimprovement ý1 R OT E L il, a d L on f ml, N wo-500 people. The program w sronto, at Mr. Russell Osbornes. s ri; () te ne h o- tr ho u terc mng w eks. ILSville, with Mr. Elford, Bowman- presided over by Russ Creighton. of____grain;__ y. (ostofthey e trobe comes ruhotcmngwes vle ihM.and Mrs. R. Sutton. Clara Pelly, Toronto's baby star, fr. o to the aries, bte oeas "By making provision for a MdmMrand Mrs. H. Linton and won the audience's hearts as she Browntheapsaicoetri but t e quotin market outlet for canned pork i FieroFlorenice, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lin- sang, danced, played the accor- the ' astatentbelowithequCa.Ir- the processing of which better cflwo1 tn Mrorwihreaies r.danad_______cobtethtaeen elw teC gi-rades of sow product and trim- to, amoawthreaivs.M. untanTd prformend acrbati _______man puts it ail on the farmers,9 la* Linton has recently been pen- mstunts. Ted Rust and his dummyu sioned, having served 46 years on "Fat" kept the audience roaring Some from here attended the none on the government, and minswcan lbe utihized th rplush - the raîîway. with laughter. After Fat had L.O.L. concert and dance in Orono threatens to crack down hard. ofswcilb bobdfo h es low asUnion meeting Dec. 22nd was been put in the suitcase and his Friday evening. Quote: "Unhess something is done imarte i Cnda, tus in at-r ________ place taken by N. F. Porter - Visitors: Mr. Kenneth Stephen- by the producers themselves inthchecorbungftr $15 ichreothdeoinlcnwell, the roof's stilh on the hall, son with friends in Montreal. i t rmight be necessary to impo'se fdpesdpîe n gh venors. Myrtie Tamblyn and Le- but it's a wonder it is! George Miss Phyllis McNeii, Oshawa, drastic, etc, etc." Farers ha lon G rudee fora Wood. The meeting was Shaw and Sonny Jordan also were with Miss W. Farrow. .. Mr. and To which most farmers would that ail thisem assoGrd 50ddctdt hoe0 h re called up on the stage to help Mrs. Wmn. Huggins, Oshawa, at reply, "unless something is done "~A" Wiltshires has been some- force w holsedofro this vil- Fat before hie was "suitcased!" Mr. R. Graham's. .. Mr. A. Gra- by the government to reduce costs what exaggerated. British peoplec perpersea ~~lage and vicinity and whose The Wratton sisters sang and ham, Newtonvilie, at Mr. Welling- of concentrates and narrow the rgtnwaentadcno e FO WFo namnes were read by President danced and proved to be excellent ton Farrow's. . . Mr. and Mrs. spread between $19.90 seaboard mand h100% Wiltshires. Rationedr FOLD804 wr"Glen Hancock. Program consisted entertainers. Dônald Spence, 11- Keith Ormiston, Oshawa, at Mr. ani farm, etc, etc." It can't ail and restricted, their ultra-dis-t of:ScipurebyGln Hncck year-old tenor, delighted ail with C. Turner's. . . Mr. Bihl Morley be saddled on farmers when there scriminating tastes have gone by Motoireading by Edna Myles; piano his patriotic songs and his two at Mr. Fali's, Kendal. .. Miss Bes- is no farm poîicy.tebor.Tyaegadtgt sol b Dnad tale; ndvoalScotch selections. During dancing sie Law, Oshawa, at Mr. Geo. "Folhowing many protests that anything. We must aim to pro- solo by R.oE.logtalean Tocwas he also sang, dedicating his two Law's.. Miss Isobel Stephenson, are being received by the Bacon duce Ai bacon at ahi times, of M-199,wehl presented by Miss Bertha numbers "Kiss Me Good-Night, Toronto, at Mr. Geo. Stephenson's. Board regarding increased dis- course. ~ ain, who in an interesting man- Sgt. Major" and "Wish Me Luck" Red Cross meeting at Miss Jean counts on low-grade hogs, par- ner told the story of the other to the members of the armed Perrin's, January 7th. ticularhy in Western Canada, Hon. ,, wieman from the tr writtenfocspent h wr ald J. G. Taggart, Chairman of the DIM AND DISTANT i;ý-Henry VanDyke. to the front to receive the honor.Borsae hthr a bnHA P N GSI Abut2 mmbr o tearyno cut in price of A and Bl grade H PE IG -and air force were present. Russ Sa k il hogs. He said thatonNvme ______________________________________Creighton and his 5-piece orches- 4th and hith hast the Board issued From The Orono News of De-i -- tra î,rovided dance music and for a statement to the effect that un- cember 3lst, 19251 the program. Last but not îeast Mrs. Andrew Finney is quite iess something could be done by was 87-year-ohd Jimmy Faux who iii and has gene to the hospitai. hog producers themselves to re- At the Police Trustee meeting1 kept the audience laughing at his Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd and duce the number of out-weight or the ohd board were re-elected. C.E facial expressions, his comîc songs Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson attended the how-grade hogs it might be F. Awde, James Dickson and W.1 and bis humorous "between a funeral at Dunsford on Sunday. necessary to impose drastic reduc- E. Davey. Thos. Smith was chair.I verse" patter. The hast item was Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Jack tions on hoes marketed in these man.1 "Oh Johnny", with the three girls Reid in Millbrook. . . 'Mr. and lover grades. or even refuse to Cornish bakery and ice creamni dancing and Donald Spence sing- Mrs. Warren Carson and famihy at bu,' them at ail except on the pub- parlour were purchased hast week experience in iiancing tfleso boys. ivrs. R~oss H-alowell at Mr. E. -defe-nseës ag-ainst colds.- w U ACINT (f'~TWhite's, Elizabethvîhle. . . . Mr. . .. And remember-when a hcad cold A man up in years wvas lef t a j* J y~~'jjj"This war is oct a war between Wilfred Walker, Toronto, at Mrs. niakes you sufer, or transient conges- widower. He married again, and J e J A O O one nation or any group cf na- S. G. Hallowelh's. .. Mr. and Mrs. tien "fllis up" nose, spoils sleep, 3-pur-. his bride was a young girl. His tions and another. It is a war of Geo. Smiith held a large Christmas gt()h i e s alu ebae hls, 2 close friends were shocked. They INSURANCE AGENTS mnwoaefe n h atgteig isHln al-rlee Irritationdmne oko h emr to be free against thoso who woll, Toronto, with her paets (3hhs flush oui, idayon il heodflo P h o n e 6 8 1 o w m an ville w ould ensav o th om . That is w hat .. M r. H M Cu i gh St Th m s n sa p s a e , said: "W el, l'Il just tell you w hat. makes it dîfferent from any other with his aunt, Mrs. H. B. Gilmer. clearing clogging VI<s_ý; I decided I'd rather smoll per- war cf ahl our Christian era.- . . Miss Gwen Gilmer, Newton- mucus. Enjoy the fume the rest 0f my days than MRRW Percy J. Philip. ville, at home. roee it brings. VATRONvIL liniment." Obituary T. E. Know1ton Thomas Edward Knowlton, pre- sident of Children's Wear Limit- ed, died December h7th at the Toronto General Hospital, foi- lowing a lengthy ilhness. He was sixty-two years of age. For some years Mr. Knowhton was a director of the Canadian Garment Makers. He was a hife- long resident of Toronto and a son of the late W. H. Knowlton. He was a charter member of the Granite Club, a member of York Downs Golf Club; a lite member of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club and also a member of Harcourt Lodge A. F. and A.M., and Ail Saints Anglican Church, where he served.as a sidesman, a mem- ber of the advisory and finance committee and a lay delegate te the Synod. Curling and bowling were bis recreations. Surviving are bis widow, Ethel Y. King Knowlton, formerly of Bowmanville, and three daugh- ters, Mrs. Norman E. Russell, Mrs. Bernard L. McEvoy and Mrs. Wil- liam J. Ayers. A private funeral service was hehd Friday at the A. W. Miles' Funeral Chapel, St. Clair Avenue West. Peter Thomas Serves One of Granthamn Township's.- ohdest and most highly esteemed residents in the person of Peter Thomas Serves, beloved husband of Mouissa Serves, passed away Dec. i lth at the famihy residence, McNab. The late Mr. Servos, who was in bis 89th year, had been faiiing in health for some time but had been active until about three months ago. 0f U. E. Loyal- ist descent, he was a son cf the late William and Elizabeth Ser- ves, pioneer settiers in that dis- trict. Ho had resided in Grant- ham allhbis life successfully carry- ing on tho occupation cf farming, and although o! a quiet and retir- ing manner enjoyed the acquaint- ance of a host of friends threugh- out the cemmunity who wihh learn of bis passing with deep regret. In religion ho was an Anglican, being a member of Christ Church at McNab. Ho was aise a strong Conservative in politics. To mourn bis passing he beaves besides bis sorrowing wife, one brother, A. T. Serves, St. Cathar- ines. Several nieces and nephews aise survive. Interment was in Christ Church cemetery at McNab. General Foods Honor Fifteen 25-Year Men In recognition et 25 years com- pleted service with General Foods .Limited, 15 employees were pro- sented with gold service embhems. Inauguration 0f General Foods new "Quarter Century Club" was celebrated at a dinner and enter- tainment at the Royal York Hotel. Mr. R. T. Mohan, President of the Company. himself a "Quarter Century Club" member, was host and among those in attendance was a group of emphoyees fromn offices and factories in Toronto, Cobourg, Montreal and Windsor. Employees now qualifying for (ho "Quarter Century Club" include 4 women and il mon. Similar gold service emblems were presented te employees of General Foods in various other cities throughout the United States who participated in a na- tion-wide hookup on the radio programme, "We (ho People." During this programme, Mr. C. M. Chester, Chairmnan of (he Board of General Foods Corporation, ad- dressed gatherings 0f empheyees in these various cities, who wit- nessed (ho presentations; thus, these several community parties were united ioto a national Gen- oral Foods "Quarter Century" party. The grewth of General Foods Corporation is one of the groat achievements of modemn indus- trial history. From a humble be- ginning in a 0n0 roem building, the company has gradually ex- panded until te-day it eperates factories, milîs, testing laborator- ies, warehouses and offices in various parts of the world. The Canadians who are sharing honours te be bestowed at (bis evening's "Quarter Century Club" oarty are, from. Toronto: R. T. Mohan; from Cobourg: Richard G. Parker: trom Windsor: Russell J. Padgett and Martin L. Burns; fromn Montreal: J. Andrew Brooks, James J. Floyd, Joseph Gregory Treasurer's Sale 0OF Land For Taxes Trown of Bowmanville COUNTY 0F DURHAM TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town cf Bowmanvilhe bearing date of tho l6th day of September, A.D. 1941, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town cf Bowmanville wil be held in the Council Chambers in the Town Hall, Bowmanville, at the hour of two o'chock i.n the afternoon on Tuesday the Sixth day of January A.D. 1942, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arroars of taxes is being published in the Ontario Gazette on the 4th day of October, and ho The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvihle, on the 9th day of October, on the l9th day of November and on the 3lst day of Doc'omber, 19~41, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 2Oth day of Septomber, 1941. A. J. LYLE, Treasurer. BIZb- ... MAY IT BE FILLED WITK HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS We appreclate the oppor- tunity we have had te, serve you and look forward Wo contlnuing this pleasant re- latlonshlp lin 1942. JOHN LENZ Shoe and Harness Repair King St. at Silver I l 12 Tradition hem It that Ev. took with her from the Gardon of Eden, on. keepsake, a four-eaf claver. Ever ince, this "plant tram Paradis." has brought good fortune te hlm who flnds It. Why doles RED trade marked coal mean money in your pockot? Try our Fomous Reading Anthracite, the Iow ash bard coal-and you'iI know the answer te that one. Those RED trade mark spots areyourguar. antee of a Iong-burning, non-clink- ering, premium product at the price of ordinary cool. la Ja FLETT FUIELS Res.: Ontario St. Yard: C.N.R. Phone 2695 Phone 2673 BOWMANVELLE I. A A HAPPY NEW YEAR WE'RE RESOLVED Wo carry on our faithful service in your behalf. Our entire staff joins in this pledge and i xtendlng their wlshes for your health and happinesi 1942 Bowmnanville Daary Phone 446 King St. lý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1942 PAGE SÈVEN

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