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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1942, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1942 I ______________________________ The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 More Newcastle news will be found on page 8. Rev. Lorno Thomas, L.Th., Ma- bcriy, visited his mother, Mrs. W. F. Thomas. M. Joseph Quigg of De Havil. lands, Toronto, spent Sunday witl bis parents. Carl Fisher has resigned as sexton of the United Church tc join the R.C.A.F. Pte. Douglas Walton, in train. ing at the C.N.E. park, Toronto, was home for the weekcnd. Mm. John VanDusen, Toronto, and Douglas VanDusen of the R.C.N., Kingston, spent the week- end with their father. Golden Rule Mission Band. Miss Marion Ailin, superintendent, will meet in the U. C. S. S. hall oni Sat- urday afternoon, May l6th. Rev. W. J. Byers, minister of St. Stephen's United Church, To- ronto, is again spending his Mon- days at "~Harris Lodge" with Dr. W. H. Walton-Bail. Congratulations are extended to M. and Mrs. Donald E. Gibson (nee Salome Howý,ard) on the .birth of a son (Ailan Bernard). in Bowmanivilie Hospital on May 9th. Memibors of Newcastle Horti- cultural Society are invited to at- tend a district meeting in Orono May lth. Horticulturists from the five-county district xiii meet at 3 p.m. Mr. ai-d Mrs. Exxart G. Clem- ence. Oshawa, and Mrs. Wm. eHanna and Gordon, Corbett's Point. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crydermnan and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Clemence. Roses in season aren't ail that can be seen at "The Rosery." home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cow- an. Just now there are tuiips that scan be counited in thousands,- but a visit must ho made to the rear gardon to sec thein. Mm. and Mrs. Archie Glenney and Edwýamd, Newcastle, Mm. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence. Oshawa, Dr. and Mrs. Carl Clemence. To- ronto, Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Ross. Loaside. spent Mother's Day with their parents, Mm. and Mrs. T. H. Clomence. 1 The Evening Auxiliary of St. George's Church. Mrs. D. R. Dewdney president, held their 1annual tea May 6th. and despite the drizzle and the dampness quite a number attended and found brightncss and cheeriness at the tables in the teamoom. Pro- ceods $14.î5. Sundav visitors with Mm. and Mrs. T. F. Branton xvcme: Mrs. Jno. Tuff. Mm. Percy Tuff and Miss Salisbury. Misses Hilda and Mary Tuff. Toronto. They vere just in tinie 10 see Mr. and Mrs. Branlon's tulips in bloom, hun- drods of thein. one of the finest displays in Newcastle. Sergt. Charles Hamilton, an airman fron-i Nexw Zealand. xvas a vekend guest of Mm. and Mrs. Percy F. Hame. Ho has been in Canada nine rronths and is nowI transfermed froin Montreal to Trenton Air Port. Mm. and Mrs. Haro gave himi a lift on the high- wýay. took hinm bt their home-and to church and gave him. a com- plote stranger. a pleasant day. Mmr. and Mrs. Jack Hare, xvho have just finished their soason's ternm at Quee's University. Kingston. one in Medicine and the other in Arts. called on his par- ents. Mm. and Mrs. P. F. Hare, and thon xvont on to visit Mrs. Hare's parents. Dr. and Mrs. Munro. Cleveland, O. Jack will have but three weeks' vacation and wili thon go back to finish his medical course by Christmas. Newcastle citizens were shock- We are busy f illing wallpaper orders, but not toc, busy to show you the beautiful patterns whlch will brighten your home. FLORENAME1-Quick drying, for interior or extenior use. Reg. $1.45 qt., limlted quantity for $1.25 qt. JOHNSTON'S BDOKSTORE Phone 651 Bowmanville DRESSES for al OCCASI ONS s3.95 up A ved attractive lot .iust ne- celved in spun rayons and crepes SMART COATS In Cheviot and other Materlais $9.95 uP c d 10 iearn of the dcath of Judgc L. V. O'Connor, Cobourg. The last timo ho xvas in Newcastle was the day of the Eilbeck house fumniture sale, when ho mingled with the cmoxvds and appeared to be quite xv cli. Ho was a connois- seur of good house furnishings. Ex-erybody in Newcastle who knew him had a high regard for Judge O'Connor. Ho was kindly and unpretcntious. Mrs. A. N. McEvoy and Mrs. R. B. LeGresley received word of the death of their cousin, John Marsdcn, Brandon, Man. Ho lived xvith his parents, Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Marsden, at their farm home on the banks of the Assiniboine, River. He visited his relatives homoe a fexv years ago. Ho was unmarmied. His mother is a sis- tom of the late Mms. (Dr.) Alfred Farncomb and this correspondent once visited their picturesque home in the Assiniboine vaiiey. Mrs. Jack Nesbitt, nee Helen Lycett, xvas guest of honor at a misceilaneous shoxver tendered hem at the homo of Mm. and Mrs. Geo. A. Wallon on Friday oven- ing. About 40 young ladies. maids and matrons, weme present, in- ciuding the Misses Nesbitt fmom Port Granby ai-d a number of the bride's schooigiri friends fmom Omono. A pmettily decorated, mub- bem-tired, tny express xwagon bore the noati wmapped gifts to the bride xxho graciousiy cxpmessed hiem thanks and appreciation. The decorations of mcd, xwhite and blue and the R.C.A.F. candies. which adorned the house %vhen the wed- ding supper xvas semved foiiowing the Nesbitt-Lycett nuptiais, weme stili in place for this event of feminine goodwill and kindliness. A dainty lunch xvas served. CITIZENS ORGANIZE FOR RED CROSS DRIVE An initiai meeting of Newcastle citizens to organize for the local Red Cross campaign, was heid in the council chamber, May 6th. Meeting confirmed the local bmanch*s appointment of Dr. J. A. Butler as convener of Campaign Committee and named him chair- man. R. S. Graham was eiected secmtary-treasurer, and C. R. Carveth, J. H. Smith and H. S. Britton, executive co m mit t ee. Newcastle's shame of $9,000,000 objective is $1250. Newcastle area includes parts of Shaw's and No. 9 and Brown's and the Lake Shore. Miss B. Mcîntosh, Presi- dent of local Red Cross, gave a clear, concise resume of the work of the Red Cross, and pointcd out how ail funds must necedsanily be raised by voluntary subscriptions. The expanding war areas and the intensity and sevemity of the fight- ing have made unpmecedented demands on the Red Cross Socie-.- ty. RUINOUS EFFECT 0F LIQUOR STRESSED BY REV. MORTON Sunday being Mother's Day Rev. R. E. Morton of the United Chumch spoke on, The Home, in which Mother is a central figure, as a basic institution in our na- tional life. In the momrning he spoke particuiarly of the ministry of the home in other spheres of our national stmucture, while in the evoning ho strossed the peo- pie's duty in maintaining the stability and sufficiency of the home. This naturally led to a survey of the deriroraiizing and ruinous influence of the govomnment pro- tected and encouraged liquor traffic which by ail the figures and facts quoted appears to have ,right of way over everything cisc in this country, even the war programme. How else cao the fact be accounted for as stated in Liberty that in three months one Canadian Brcwery had sent to, the troops overseas 400,000 cases of beer or 19,200,000 quarts (90% water) and that since the out- break of the war the amount of boom that had been shipped would f ill a train of box cars 50 miles long. At the same time, while the government could find ship- ping space for over 19 million botties of beer, the best they could do for the beieaguered de- fenders of Hong Kong was an 8 knot per hour ship that didn't arrive in time. The sermon made the listeners xvonder who is run- ning this country anyway, the government or the liquor inter- ests. and whether the 'Yes' 'or 'No' vote has any meal sîgnifi- cance. Many lovely flowems and plants adorned the church, among the donors being Miss Hattie Mason, Mm. and Mrs. E. E. Patterson, Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, -Mr. and Mrs. BIRTFIS ALLIN-In Bowmanville Hospi- tal, on May 5th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Allun, a daugh- ter-Julia Elizabeth Shrubb Ai- lin. BLACKBURN - At Bowmanville Hospital on May 5th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Black- burn, Salem, the gift of a son, Ernest Glen. 20-1 GIBSON-At Bowmanville Gen- eral Hospital on May 9th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Z. Gib- son, (nee Sally Howard), a son (Allan Bernard). Both well. MARRIAGE HOCKIN-FEARCE - At New- castle on Friday, May 8th, 1942, by Rev. R. E. Morton, Ptp. Wil- liam Joseph Hockin of the lst Midland Regiment, Edmonton, Alta., and Margaret Vera. Pearce, Newcastle. DEATFIS COLVILLE-Killed in plane crash on May th, 1942, at Newfound- land, Flight-Sergt. Pilot Wil- liam Freeborn Colville, beloved second son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Colville. Church St., Bowman- ville. Buied at Gander, New- foundland. He paid the sup- eme sacrifice to save us. COOLEY-At the Hamilton Gen- emal Hospital on Thursday, May 7th. 1942, Harriet Borland, 170 Maple Avenue, Hamilton, Ont., wife of -the late Rev. J. W. Cooley, mother of Dora M. of Hamilton, and Frank B. Cooley of Toronto. The funeral was held on Friday evening. Inter- ment in Guelph Cemetemy, Guelph.. -20-1 LAWRENCE-In Toronto on May llth, 1942. Margaret Lawrence, beloved wife of Bernard (Bert) Lawrence, in her 44th yeam. In- terment Bowmanville Cemetery. LEE-On May 9th. 1942, at Osh- awa Genemal Hospital. Bursey Alberta, in her 82nd year, be- loved daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Lee, Kedron. IN MEMORIAM NEEDHAM -In loving memory of our dear daughter, Marjorie, who passed away May 14, 1936. God took hem home, it was His will, But in our hearts she liveth still. -Lovingly remembered, Mother, Dad, and Bernice. 20-1 * Card of Thanks Mm. and Mrs. Alex Colville and family wish to thank their manv friends for their beau tifu I thoughts of sympathy and many floral trîbutes extended to them in the Ioss of their beloved son. Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES paid for scrap tires, any size. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop. Cal 467. 2-ltf SPRING ROUND TRIP FARES TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERNCANADA GOING DATES May 22 -31, 1942 RETURN LIMIT: 45 days TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES Trickets good in Tourist, Parlor and Standard sleeping cars also available on payment of slightly higher pas. sage tares, plus price of parlor or sleeping car accommodation. ROUTEDS - Tickets good going and returning via same Canadian routes and line. Generous optional rout- i ngs. STOPOVERS-wilI lie allowed at any poinît ini Canada on the going or return trip, or 1)oth, wthin final Iinîiit of ticket, on application to Conductor. Full particulars fmom any agent. îeP1 )l 1 ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertlsement is not paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e ivhen replies are dlrected to a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marniages 50c each. In Mfemorlams, 50c for notice plus 10c per line for verse. Classiied adver- tisemnents accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Cooper, Kendal. Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Audrey Elizabeth, to Leading Air- craftman Charles V. Walkcm, Winnipeg, son of Mm. and Mms. Clarkson Walker of Tomonto. The mnarriage xiii take place ealy in june. 20-1* Mr. and Mrs. H. Bremeton, New- castle, announce the engagement of their daughter, Iene, to Doug- las John Cunningham, son of Mm. aiid Mrs. John Cunningham, New- castle. The marriage to take place in June. 20-1* Mm. and Mms. W. H. Carruthers. Eoxv-manville. announce the en- I ageraent of their daughtem, Elsie IRa thicen to Roy Clinton Lunney. son of Mr. and Mms. Clinton Lun- !re '\. Bowmanviile; the mamiage to take place in St. Pauls United Church, Saturday, June 6th. COMING EVENTS Women's Institute will meet in St. John's Parish Hall, Wednes- day. M\ay 27th, at 2.30. Hostesses: i\r.J. Levett and Mms. N. Gil- mnore. Topic: Agriculture. Rol ail: Exchange of seeds, bulbs or piants. 20-1 Special meetings held at the Salvation Ammy. Division Street, SLinday. May l7th, at il a.m. and 7 p.m.. conducted by Envoy and Mrs. Wells of Peterboro. A hear- ty invitation to ail. 20-1 Beauty Culture ALL TYPES 0F BEAUTY CUL- ture and reasonable prices at New Grove Beauty Salon. For appointment phone Jean Ste- yens at 2245 Evenings and Sat- purdays. 20-2* Kelp Wanted HELP WANTED - MARRIED man wanted for general farm work, sepamate house. Wanted immediately. Write Box 74, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 20-1 C AR ET AK E RWANTED FOR Newcastle United Chumch; dut- ies to, begin June lst. Apply to A. O. Parker, Chairman Pro- pety Committee. Phone Clarke 3712. 20-1 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - 3 OR 4 oomed modemn apartment be- tween now and June lSth. S. J. Hatwig, P. O. Box 153, Bow- manville. 20-1* Lawn NMowers LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and Reconditioned lawn mow- ers for sale. Apply Hilliard Brown, Newcastle. 20-2* Warning Articles For Sale FOR SALE-GENUINE BARRY- more Rug, 9' x 12', neamly new. Phone Clarke 1904. 20-1* FOR SALE - FLOOR MODEL Electric Ironer, in good work- ing order. Cheap for cash. En- quire Mason & Dale. 20-1 FOR SALE-FORD COUPE, 1927 Model "T", in good condition. Apply Harold Wickett, Dundas E., Whitby. 20-1 FOR SALE-3 BURNER COAL- oul stove with large oven, wal- nut table, bedstead with springs, also 3 mooms to rent. Phone 2385. 20-1 FOR SALE-MDOUGAL DEEP well head underground dis- charge pump, like new, $ 15.00. Quantity of Cobbler potatoes. Phone 2539. 20-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE-ELECTRIC WASH- er. stainless steel tub. late mo- del. Big meduction in price; may be bought on termas. Enquire Mason & Dale. 20-1 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in mcdemn, chesterfield, bedroom, dining~ suites, and studios. Bedding and' f loor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradiey's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE -BEATTY ENGINE Drive Washer. new model, fully guaranteed. This is the last of the engine drives, under new Wartime Prices and Trade Board megulations. Enquire at Mason & Dale's. 20-1 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE -SOLID BR IC K house on Centre St., Bowman- ville. Must be sold to, close an estate and will be sold cheap for cash. Apply A. E. Bellman, King St. West, phone 526. 13-tf Found FOUND - SUM 0F MONEY IN Barron's Store at Hampton. Owner may have same by prov- ing property and paying for this advt. 18-3 FOUND-KIT 0F AUTO TOOLS. Owner may have same by prov- ing pmoperty and paying for this advt. Mrs. Bert Andrus, King St. E., Bowmanvîlle. 20-1* Chicks for Sale FOR SALE - 8 WEEKS OLD Barred Rock and New Hamp- shire cockerels. Apply E. Hock- aday, Solina, phone 2182. 20-1 CHICKS FOR SALE - BABY Chicks, White Leghorns and Rocks. Blood tested flock. R.O.P. sired. Apply Alvin Clemens, near Hampton, phone 2433. 9-tf C H IC KS! - BUY THE BEST. As booking is unusually heavy this year we suggest you order at once to avoid disappointment. Many breeds to choose fmom in Tweddle High Quality Chicks. Price list on mequest. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 18-tf AUCTION SALE The undersigned has rcceived WARNING-TO WHOM IT MAY instructions from Mrs. Thos. Mc- conccmn: The party with a .22 Comb, Mill Street N., Orono, 10 who shot our child's pet cal wiii seil by public auction at hiemrosi- be prosecuted if a similar act dence on Saturday, May 16, 1942, occurs again. H. Westaway. ail of hiem household offocts, in- 20-1 cîuding living room, dining oomi, Theony ptaoo tht ao egl-bedroom and kitchen fumniture Tyhe old or ade tisedas eedl and furnishings, as well as a good potat olor aetosethatshae heater, a quantity of dishes and boeacertfc se potatoos bythav bedding and numerous othor arti- te DomtinionD a rmen ott of Agcles. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. riculture. An advertisemont for Wn .Cals utoer 1- seed potatoos must. to conformi with the Destructive Insect and AUCTION SALE Pest Act, rofer 10 cortified seed potatoes. If il does not, the ad- The undemsigned has recoived vertisement Is illegal, and persons instructions fromn in any way responsible for the JOHN ASHTON advertisement are hiable to pro- Lt1 ..D r.go secution. Lt1 ..D rigo (3 miles east of Bowmanville, Livestock and Articles 1/2 mile south, off No. 2 Highway) to seil by public auction on FOR SALE - 12" FLEURY OAT WED., MAY 20th rouler in perfect condition, pnice ail his famm stock: $45.00. Lorne Annis, Tymone, Durham Cattie: i aged cow, not phone 2341. 20-1 bred (milking); 5 yr. old cow, FOR SALE - TWO PUREBRED bmod Feb. 7 (milkiflg good); 4 yr. Yorkshire Boars, seven months oid cow, bred Feb. 8; 4 yr. old old. Appiy 10 R. H. Brown, cow, bred Mar. 20 (milkirig good); Orono, phono 65r2. 20-1* 4 yr. old Jersey cow, bred April 10 (milking good); 2 yr. old heif - FOR SALE-HAY WAGON AND cm, bred Dcc. 3; 2 yr. old hieifer, rack, excellent condition. Apply bred Jan. 27; two 2 yr. old hoif- Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries, ors, bred Feb. il; 2 yr. old heif er, Duke St. 20-1 bred Mar. 18; two i yr. old calves; 3 sucking caives; 1 Durham bull, FOR SALE-USED M.-H. CORN 2 yrs. old, Reg.; i Durham bull, binder, Case corn binder, Case 8 mos. old. thresher, 28x47 (rubber tires). Holstein Cattie: 1 Holstein cow. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, 3 yrs. old (milking good); i yr. Bowmanvilie 2610. 20-1 old heifer and a caif. Horses: i black mare, 7 yrs. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - old; i brown mare, 8 yrs. old; Three Young. sound, heavY 2 brown mares, 6 yrs. old. Also work horsos; fresh milking cow; 2 sets of tcamn harness. also riding saddle and bridie. Plgs: 14 shoats; 2 sows bred Arnly ovenings or weekend at in March; 2 sows bmed in April; Stables. Wilson Rd. and Athol i Young hog. St.. Oshawa. 20-1* Terms Cash-No Reserve. E. A. WERRY OFFERS FOR ale aib1.30 p.m. ee Sale: 2 springer cows. due now, J. me. Wogbr, ctione. $65 each: 1 cow, caif at foot, J.DHoatCek $60: 1 Ax'shiro bull, service- able ago, $40: i yearling heifer The retiring president exhorted $38; 2 nigs, 140 lbs. $28. Sdil the society bo have a project as cheap for quick sale. Phono definite plans lead 10 action and 2570. 20-1 provent drifting. Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY-FEATHERS, feather beds of ail descriptions. Highest prices paid. Send par- ticulars to Qucen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 19-4* For Rent FOR RENT-FOUR LARGE rooms in Hampton. Apply Gem- aid Balson, phone 2823. 20-1* FOR RENT -4 ROOM APART- ment on ground floor. Apply W. J. Martyn or phone 461. 20-1 FOR RENT-FURNISHED COT- tage "Windy Cove" at Bow- manville beach; screened and with hydro service. Apply Mrs. Gerry, phone 2287. 20-1 Notice To Dog Owners Ail persons owning or harbour- ing a dog are required to secure a license for same not later than the 3th day of May, next. After the above date, prosecution for failure to hold a license may be instituted, without further notice, under By-law governing the keep- ing or harbouring of dogs. F. PATT1INSON, Tax Collector. Town Hall, Bowmanville May 7, 1942. 20-1 Wilson's Furniture Co. Floor Covering Bargains Better selection . .. Our prices are lower than catalogue prices. Congoleums, Inlaids, 4 Yd. Lino- leums, Feltols, Rugs. Bring your meqsurements. Our experts will gladly help you with your floor covering problems. Several Wonderful Bargains 29c Sq. Yd. Floor Coverings new cheerful patterns.. large selection. ý $1.49 Borderless Rugs size 9'x6'. $5.95 Occasional Chairs Uphol- stered. $5.85 Felt Mattresses, good quality. $15.95 Lovely Spring Filled Mat- tresses. $22.50 Cedar Chest - Walnut Waterfall design. $29.50 Studio Couches, sping filled. $39.50 Breakfast Suites, modern, smart. $49.50 Bedmoom Suite, waterfall, new. $59.00 Chesterfield Suite, special- ly priced. $89.00 Krochlem Chesterfield Suite, splendid value. Wedding Gifts and Presentations We can save you money - Tri- light Lamps, Book Cases, Chenille Bedspmeads, Coffee Tables, Smnok- crs, Blankets, Rugs, Occasional Chairs, Mirmors . . Many other beautiful lasting gifts. Visit our large Trade-in Dcpt. Wilson's Furniture Co. "Everything for the Home" 40 King St. West 20 Church St. OSHAWA 18-tf Dress well at low cost! Ladies, buy your new spring coat at the, Arcade during their Clearance' Sale of ladies' coats. ROYAL TRITR BOWMANVI LLE Thurs., Fri., Sat. Double Feature "HIGH SIERRA" with Humphrey Bogart Ida Lupino also "HONEYMOON FOR THREE" starring George Brent Mon., Tues., Wed. MAY 18, 19, 20 Double Feature "NEW WINE" with ilona Massey Binnie Darnes also "CASTLE IN THE DESERT" with Sidney Foler Arlene Whelen Thurs., Fri., Sat. MAY 21, 22, 23 ààÇAPTAINS 0F TIHE CLOUDS" starring James Cagney! Dennis Morgan and Alan Hale ST EWART'S SEED STORE Hybrid Corn, Sudan Grass, Roots, Rape, etc. SEED POTATOES Cent. P.E.I. Cobblers Cert. Ont. Cobblers Cent. P.E.I. Chlppawas Cert. P.E.I. Katahdlns Cent. P.E.1. Gm. Mountaffu CERT. DOOLEYS (llmlted supply) BULK GARDEN SEEDS Fertilizers, Two-ln-One Bug Kifler Cattie Sprays Phone 577 Bowmanvile SAVE METAL... BUY ELIZABETH ARDEN -W ThLis is a day of conservation s;;a time to economize and make good things last. Your lipsticlc cases are precious. Cherish them carefully. Buy Elizabeth Arden lipstick refis in your favourite shades and save metal and money essential to victory. There's a wide variety of lovely shades of Elizabeth Airden satin smooth lipstick refls . .. .. ..each 81 JURY Y LOVELL ~e ~'D.4uSÉtore BOWMANVILLE- C.N.R. TICKETS - PHONE 778' Make your selections of these New Suits and Dresses early. Couch, Johoston & Cryderman Ladies' Ready-to-Weal', Dry Goods. 1Millinery and Meu's Clothing - 1 111-1 1 --- - . 1 -1 -- 1.11-11 ;, ý BFOM IMM- leur- l vu la READa,ýoiw SE ùwWANTBAD fil 1'l %oillif% 0111961q THURSDAY, MAY 14,1942 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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