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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1942, p. 10

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THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1942 THE C A NADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO p- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -= M U M IThe Newcastle Independnt Phone Clarke 1114 Miss Margaret Toms, R.N. To- eral of J. F. McMllan, Supt. of ronto, spent the w eekend w th lier the Counties' Home, Cobourg, onf i parents. Monday. Mr. Patterson is a Pte. Chas. Robinson of the nephew of the deceaseci. ability and uses it as you have Westminsters, Toronto, spent the Pte. W. J. Hockin of the lst done for the betterment of the weekend with his parents. Midland Regiment, who had been community you canit help but be Look where you will: every home on furlough, lef t Newcastle rewarded3 by hiaving the esteem 1 orchrd s nw agaren f 10w-Sunday for Edmonton. Alta. Froln and the friendship of al. young ers and every tree a bouquet. there he expects to go on xvith anciMagarolder. Rev. D. M. ~part of the regiment to Prince w prcae agrt h Rev D.M.Stinson, Blackstock, Rupert. B. C. hielp vou have given the Young will occupy the puipit of New- Mr. W. T. Baker, Solina, visited Peopie's Union in your capacity castie United Church next Sun- his cousin. H. R. Pearce, Saturday as treasurer, convener, and the day. and attended Mrs. J. A. Awde's assistance with music. It has ai- The girls' softball teami held auction sale and then went back ways been good to know that you their first practice on Monday to Mr. Howard Glenney's. He also could be depended upon to dIO evening with a number of new visited his old friends. Mr. and whatev,ýr you were asked and to1 recruits. Mrs. Geo. H. Joli. do il willingly and with a smile. Mrs. Gordon White and babe, At a meeting of St. George's The Junior and Senior Choirs Margaret Ann. Tyrone, visited Meni's Club on Tuesday evenmig have also been quite fortunate in her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. prizes of copper articles made inl having your voice ta blend with Robinson. the shop of Ed. Neilson. copper- theirs in-song Sunday after Sun- Mrs. J. N. Nesbitt entertained smnith. were presented ta the win- day and wý,e hope that you may1 at a trousseau tea Saturday at ners of the Ed. Neilson carpet long remain with them. The Sun- the home of her grandfather, Mr. bowling competition. Members Of day School Orchestra has always Thos. Moffat. the wvinning team w-,ere: Walter cotinted oni you as one of their Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kerr and Cro%ýther, skip, Geo. Butler, Chas. most useful members, always1 Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Kerr and Brereton and R. S. Graham. being present for rehearsais and sons Wesley ai-d Donald, Toronto, Mr. J. H. Smith, Manager Bank on duty every Sunday for Sunday visited Mrs. H. C. Allun. of Commerce. has had bath old Schoo]. We were quite willing ta As there seemed to be no open- barns at the back of the lot ad- give you a holiday on the Sunday ing in the R.C.A.F.. Carl Fisher joining the United Church shed following your marriage, but you has joined the arnîy and is now property tom dawn and is now were with us as usual. in training at the C.N.E. .,rounds. cleaning up the area. From the It is interesting to note that Toronto. debris 'fe has raked up several vou. Jae, have also played a pro- Contractor Martineil and men, hundred pounds of scrap metal. -minent part in each of the or- Kendai. are making good head- iron. copper. brass, lead, accumu- ganiz ations in which Margaret way in the erection ofHeri lations of a century. including the hashbeen sa helpful. The Choirs, Hamiltons house at Newcastle- days of the George Eilbeck occu- Orchestra, Y.P.U. and Sunday on-the-Lake. pation, and hias turned it over to School ail owe you their sincere Thousands of tulips are now in Corporal A. K. Owen's emporium thanks for your efforts an their bloom in the gardens of New- for the benefit of the Red Cross' castie. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Percy Brown and Asa Clark did* behaîf. W a' epbtfe Tom' sallpedborersarea te dmoltio wok.that your influence with your fine' exalpled of massedblamreEa Awde's auction saleSunday Sehool class and your fineexamle f masedbloo. Ms. EaAdew aun le i week-night boys' group will long Mrs. Peterkin and sons Carl on Saturday de nte i be feit. and Ross, formerly of Ottawa, are crowd to Newcastle. Husbands We are ail sorry that you can't living in Newcastle at the home and wives. parents and future be with us now ta carry on your of ber sister. Mrs. Chas. Rogersan. parents-in-law and prospective fine okbuweaepudtt Mr. Peterkin has a jovernment brides and grooms were present wokbuweaepudtt job inlage umerstabuyevry-yo are a mnember of His Ma- RevjCo.ba.ehan r.tinlagofered fr sale. Nineety- esty's forces, that you have of- Reee C R.CarehandMr.thnne yeread fP atrick Cotterwasfered if need be ta lay down your E. E. Pattersan attended the fun- nieya l arc otr sljife for the defence aI aur Ifair ___________________again on band as brisk as ever, Dominion against the Axis op- and witb an eye ta summer'sprsinadw shyutebt beautification bought a bushel oaIopressin and wetwish youiterst Sdahlia tubers which he carried of luck iney.uueecutr * awer in a sack. He'll take plea-wihteney * sure in their cultivatian andi As 1 h ken of the esteem * growth. A large assortment aI in wbiých 1yau are bath held by welwnee alatbr n the members of the Y.P.U. and wel-witerd dhli tuersandthe Junior and Senior Chairs we R O Y A L gladioli bulbs found ready sale. :sk y:; ta accept thi: ::ectric Newcstl_______ mrits ertabe ap ng Thn abe BOWMAN VILLE o he çtngon- e recipients expressed their BOWMA VILLE of Dstric No. i ere weoreon-surprise and appreciation and ____ Coucillor nd Mfrs. J.H. Jaeese, eeythne vryoy h Mr nd Mlrs.nd RJ. S..raha , s-presentation was made by Misses Thur., F .,MSt. aes Cris.LaR . . arv eth Betty Allun and Wylma Farrow. Thur., ri.,Sat dPe c rw, Cm . Cenefic , H' An enjoyable prelude ta the MAY 21, 2PereyC.BA wn, W. . Gibsn Margaretevening's programme was a sing- Topliff. Beatrice Thomas, Misses Bsay ngchrigly led issbyMis 11QAPTAINS 0F THE E. M. Blackburn, E. L. Trenwith,ABen t tynwih, itho MissBtty Odie Warren, Rev. R. E. Morton,Alna tepio.Ficau CLOU DS" Francis Jase and H. R. Pearce, speeches were made by Mr. W. starring and also Rev. and Mrs. H. W. J.S. Rickard, former choir leader; Foley, Bowmanviile, who are can- Mr. H. M. Allin, choir president, James Cagney, Dennis Morgan nected with the Newcastle Horti_ and Mr. Chas. Glenney, teacher and Alan Hale cultural Society. It was a profit- of the yaung men's class. Other able day, for in addition toaa, entertainment numbers were: re- March of Time the mental and moral inspiration citations by Mrs. Percy Brown, _____________________ derived framn the addresses and vocal solo by Miss Betty Enwright discussions and the musical num- accompanied by Mrs. Enwrigbt; bers the members were given humorous reading on "Husbands" Mon. Tus., ed. litte bndle ofwhit spuceby Miss Grace Pawell; recitation Mn.,2Tues., '27 . te tie bundies nof paitesceon "Wives" b y Miss Margaret' tres t tae hme nd lan asAsh; and two piano selections by MAY25,26,27mementoes of their visit to the Laurence Morton. Refreshments Double Feature forest tree nurseries. Then at e srdbym br oth 6 o'clock in the basement of the wreemved bymember of th Park St. Churcb everybody en- treognztos "PLAYMATES" joyed. for the nominal sum aof 25c, Kay Kyser John Barrymore a 60c supper, limitless in quantity, Beauty Culture boundless in variety and superb also in quality. served by the Orono ALL TYPES 0F BEAUTY CUL- ladies. ture and reasonable prices at "THE GAY FALCON" New Grave Beauty Salon. For thNEWV HIGH SCHOOL COURSE appointment phone Jean Ste- _______vens at 2245 Evenings and Sat- Geo. Saunders Wendy Barrie Newcastle High School bas re- urdays. 20-2* ceived notice fromn the Depart- NEWS ment of Educatian that a new Lawn Mowers course. known as "The Course in - ,fvIto ~TA~tTTT Defence--AJ.?raM nîng, Heaitu anaE Now Playing ANDY HARDY as the modern pygmalion of the day -... He glorifies the girl . .. the girl floors hlm . .. in "THE COURTSHIP OF ANDY HARDY" with MICKEY ROONEY LEWIS STONE Cecilia Parker Fay Holden Aun Rutherford and Donna Reed REVIVAL FRIDAY--- Edward G. Robinson George Raf t Marlene Dietrich in &"MANPOWER" MON. to WED. PAULETT~E GODDARD RAY MILLAND in 'The Lady Has Plans' Roland Young Albert Dekker PLUS the screen's f irst fuIl-Iength MUSICAL COMEDY CARTOON d'Mr. Bug Goes To Town"y IN TECHNICOLOR Canadian Premiere Speclal Advantce Showiag SUNDAY after MIDNIGHT MAY 24th at 12.05 Bud Abbott inLoui Contello àdRIo ROTA" Katillyn Orayson John Carrol AT REGULAR PRICES! Physicai Education," wili be lu- troduced inta the curriculum oI ail secondamy schools and wiil be obligatory after Sept.1 lst, 1942. Special instruction is set forth un- dem these headings: Kuots and lashings, small arms, map read- ing, field craft, woadscraft, first aid, signais, internai combustion engines, navigation, airframes, theomy of flight, nutrition, home nursing and camp craît. This is cetainiy a big and comprehensive course and the Department an- nounces that it expects sbortly ta issue regulatians iudicating what financiai assistance wili be avail- abie ta boards for carmying out the uew program. It is intimatedi that certain suhjects are particu- larly suitable ta boys and athers ta girls. With a view af equipping tea- chers for this. new work speciai sumnmer schools for bath sexes wili be oîfered at the Y.M.C.A. Camp, Geneva Park, Orillia, this summer. Departmeiit wil bear ail the expense, except that each teacher enrolling wiil be required ta pay a fee af $1000. PTE. W. j. HOCKIN AND BRIDE GUESTS 0F HONOR On Friday evening in the Unit- ed Cburch Sunday School hall the Senior and Junior Chairs of the United Church and the Young People's Union joined in honour- ing Pte. W. J. Hockin and bride (nee Margaret Pearce), and mak- ing themn a presentatiari. Bey. R. E. Morton, chairman, cailed on Miss Evelyn Allun wha read and presented ta the newlyweds an address as Iallows, compiled by a commîttee representing the three groups: De~ Margaret and Joe: We, same af your frieuds of the Young People's Union and the Junior and Senior Chairs of the Newcastle United Cburch, have gathered tagether this evening ta extend ta you aur congratulations and best wishes ou the occasion af yaur receIit marriage. We are happy ta honaur yau this evening as bath aI you have lived with us ail yaur lives. Same aI us who are aider have seen you grow up througb the cradie ral aI the Sunday School, into the Sunday School itselî, the church, boys' and girls' groups, and inta the Young Peaple's Union. You Lhave bath %vorked hard and have shown that you possess many fine and useful talents. When one bas and Reconditioned lawn maw- ers for sale. Apply Hilliard Brawn, Newcastle. 20-2* Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT-GARAGE lu tawn. Apply D. Kaufman. Queen St., Bowmanville. 21-1* WANTED TO RENT - SMALL bouse, in or near Bowmauville. Apply B. Hickman, R. R. 3, Bawmanville. 21-1' WANTED TO RENT - 3 OR 4 oomed modemn apartment be- tween naw aud June lStb. S. J. Hartwig, P. O. Box 153, Bow- manville. 21-1' RECONDITIONED SEWING MACHINES TREADLE .& ELECTRIC 10.00 to 36.00 Singer Sewing Machine Company 16 Ontario St., Oshawa MERCHANTS FACTORY OWNERS ATTENT ION FLUORESCENT LIGHTING wiII eut down your Hydro bis and give better light. Let us quote now DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC 38-40 Slmcoe Street North OSHAWA Phone 84 and 85 OPEN EVENINGS BIRTIl PROUT - At Oshawa General I Hospital ou May 4th, 1942, ta Mr. and Mrs. Alan Prout, the gift of a daughter, Shirley Lorriane. 21-1* DEATiIS ARMSTRONG-In Darlington, on May l4th, 1942, Maurice H. and Melbourne L., beloved sans of Mr. and Mrs. Hanlan J. Arm- strong, aged 10 and 6 years. PHILP-At Burketan, on May 15, 1942, Robert Philp, beloved husband of the late Mary E. Wright, aged 89 years. REYNOLDS-In Bowmanville, on Mouday. May l8th, 1942, Estella Reynolds, beloved daughter af the late Mm. and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds. Resting at the family residence, Queen St. East. Private service on Thursday, May 2lst, at 2.30 p.m. Interment at Bowmanville Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM ARMISTEAD-In loving memory af a dear mother, Elizabeth Emma Armistead, who 'passed away May 2Oth, 1937. "Just a thought aI sweet re- membrance, Just a memory fond and true, Just a token of affection And a heartache stili for you." -Ever memembemed by Son, Daughters, Son-in-law and Bro- ther Jack. 21-1' COUCH-In loving memary aI a dear mother, Winana (Parsons) Couch, who passed away May 24th, 1939. God took hem home, it was His will, But in aur heamts she liveth stili. -Sadly missed, Fred and Eva. 21-1' COUCH-In loving memary af a dear mother, Winaua (Parsons) Couch. who passed away May 24th, 1939. Neyer an hour but I'm learning Haw preciaus you were, and how true, And haw mucb aI God wenit into making The heart aI a mather like you. -Lovîngly remembered by her daughter Denelda, Sid. and grandcbiidren. 21-1' Cards of Thanks Mm. and Mrs. H. Armstrong, Maple Grave, wisb ta tbank rela- tives, Iriends and neighbors wba weme s0 beipful and kind in their beeavement at the death aI their sons by drowning. Part iculamiy tbey wish Mrs. W. Stewart to kuow bow grateful they are for hem prompt help and sympathy. 21l'l The Iamily of the late Mrs. B. Lawrence wish ta express their sincere appreciation and thanks ta their relatives and friends for their many acts af kindness, ex- pressions of sympathy and beau- tiful floral tributes, during the illness and passing of a beloved wiîe and mother. 21-1 The family aI the late Eleanor Taylor desire ta tbank ail their friends and neighbors for their very great kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement and for the beautiful floral of- ferings. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. E. Bennett wîshes ta an- nounce the engagement aI ber youngest daugbtem, Marjorie Rose ta Mr. John Ellis Grill in, son aI Mrs. Mary Griffin and the late William Grilfin af Enniskillen. Marriage will take place on June 6th, St. Peter's Anglican Cburch, Churchill. 21-1' AUCTION SALE Friday, May 29tb-Mrs. Richard Pascoe, one mile sauth af Sauina village, will seil alilber funiture and household effects, including soiid walnut parlar suite, limoges china, etc. Sale 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 21-2 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - EIGHT ROOM brick bouse with barn and 4% acres pI land, and bydro, hall- mile south aI Sauina. Apply A. L. Pascoe, R. R. 1, Hampton. 21-2' FOR SALE - SOLID BR I CK bouse on Centre St., Bowman- ville. Must be sold ta close an estate and will be sold cheap for cash. Apply A. E. Beliman, Kig St. West, phone 526. 3t Wanted To Buy WANTED -A ROAD CART IN good repair. Apply W. T. Sy- mous, phone 2251. 21-i WANTED TO BUY-FEATHERS, feather beds aI ail descriptions. Higbest prices paid. Send par- ticulars ta Queen City Feather Ca., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 19-4' Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES paid for scrap tires. any size. G. F. Jamieson Tire Sbop. Cali ' 467. 2-itI Articles For Sale FO- AL-1LMTE IJN tity of Katahdin potatoes. S. Chas. Aluin, phone 2198. 21-1' FOR SALE-12 BAGS 0F EAT- ing potatoes. John Tabb, Ty- roue, phone 2504. 21-1 FOR SALE-ELECTRIC WASH- er, fully rebuilt and guaranteed. Looks like new. Big reduction in price. Enquire Masan & Dale. 21-1 FOR SALE-ONE RUBBER TIRE wagon. Clifford Petbick, Ennis- killen, phone 2536. 21-1 FOR SALE-i ONLY BEATTY Engine Drive Washer. Fully guaranteed. Enquire Mason & Dale. 21-1 FOR SALE - DODGE SEDAN 1936, D2 model, in gooèd condi- tion, particular tires. Real bar- gain for immediate sale. Mrs. Floyd Dudley, Tyrone. 21-1' FOR SALE - FLOOR MODEL Electric Ironer, in perfect con- dition. Very reasonable. En- quire Masan & Dale. 21-1 FOR SALE - OLD SM OB I LE Coach, lu goad condition, almost new Firestane tires, mileage 24,526. Apply Mrs. McEvoy, Newcastle. 21-1' FOR SALE - USED HOOVER Vacuum Cleaner with ail at- tachments. Good condition. En- quire Masan & Dale. 21-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yaurs from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Fumniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE -PERSONAL RUB- ber Goods mailed postpaid, in plain, sealed envelape, with price list. Aduits aniy. 6 sam- pies 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Please state age. Atex Rubber Ca., Box 231, Hamilton, Ont. 21-8 FOR SALE - SMALL WALNUT and mabagany pianos with benches ta match; beautiful keys and lacquered brass trim. The quality of these instru- ments is very fine. Terms may be amanged. Fred* Mitchell, Church Street West, telephane 492. 21-1' FOR SALE-SATURDAY, MAY 23rd, 1942, at the residence aI the late Wm. Ford, Miii Street, Newcastle, dining roomn suite, parlor suite, bed, springs, wash stand, scales (100 lbs.), wheat grinder, Iloar oilclath, c o oki stove, kitchen furniture, other small articles. 21-1 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE.. Store - Everytbiug in mcdern, cbesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and Iloor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bredley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcie St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - GENERAL PUR- pose black horse, 8 years old. Apply Wilson Abemnethy, Bow- manvilie R. R. 2, phone 2419. 21-1 FOR SALE - 6 MONTHS OLD Collie pup, will make gaod watch and cattie dog for lar- mer. Apply Mrs. T. Cowling, Haydon, phne 2Y2. 21- FOR SALE-THREE YEAR OLD Holstein heifer, due ta freshen May 26th. Apply Howard Mill- son, Enniskiileu, or phone 2263 Bowmanville. 21-1 FOR SALE-i DURHAM BULL, well bred, serviceable age, $70; 1 sow, due tbmee weeks, $55.00; 1 sow, due six weeks, $45.00; 1 Durham cow, due tbree weeks $85.00; 50 cattle, 550 lbs and up, $50,00 each and up. sE.A. Werry, phone 2570. 21-1 Lost LOST - SUM 0F MONEY, IN bis, on Saturday, May l6th, between 5.30 and 6 p.m., near Marr's Jewellery Store. Reward. offered for its return. Phone 82or P. O. Box 451. 21-1* Business Service USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like new. We alsa carry new goods. We are, carrying a large stock of suits, Fali and Winter coats, pants, windbreakers, etc. A eaUl will convince you. Dont miss this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 10-tf Nothing lu buman hife, ieast oi ail in religion, is ever right until it is beautiful.-Harry Emersoni Fosdick. "TrIRED"1 ALL THE TIME She beIt niseable- daggy-low in vitalitY -lower ini spirit&S. h. hadat thought of ber kidneys, until a friend ' suggestedl Dodd's Kid. ney PUIS. At once she teck Dodd's. The" "ýwahqed cu" feeling was soon replaced byl clea' headed energy a-nd rteMaeep. Headache, backache, lassitude mnd other signs f faulty kidneys disappeared. 112 Dodd'sKidney Pis HeIp Wanted WANTED-GIRL FOR GENER- al housewark. Cail Bowman- ville 505. 21-1* HELP WANTED - IN A FARM home. Apply in persan ta Mrs. Orville Osborne, Concession Rd. E., Bowmanville. 21-1 TEACHER WANTED - FOR School Section No. 9, Clarke, (Lockhart's). Duties ta com- mence after midsummer. Ap- ply ta Russell Osborne, Sec.- Treas., Newcastle, Ont. 21-1 FARM HELP WANTED -MAR- ried man, single man or boy wanted for fruit and stock farm; separate bouse with hydro; per- manent job if satisfactary; start at once. Russell Osborne, New- castle. 21-1 HELP WANTED - T0 Y OU, Madam or Miss: If you can spare a few hours each week and would like ta make a few dollars extra easily selling Raw- leigh Praducts, apply: Raw- leigh's, De pt. ML-140-311-E., Montreal. 21-1 For Rent FOR RENT -4 ROOM APART- ment on ground floor. Apply W. J. Martyn or phone 461. e 2 1-1- FOR RENT-COTTAGE AT THE beach with modern convenien- ces, screened verandah and gar- age. Rent reasonable. Apply Mrs. Archie Tait. 21-tf, FOR RENT- APARTMENT IN Victor Manor Apts., Bowman- ville. Immediate possession. Phone Oshawa, day 1062, night. 1441J. 21-tf FOR RENT-FURNISHED COT- tage, 6 rooms, stone fireplace. Bathing, fishing. $75 for seasan or $40 per month. Fifty miles east of Toronto. Apply Mrs. McEvoy, Newcastle. 21-1' FOR RENT - 5 BOOM APART- ment, July lst,ý garage, cellar, hydra, and water. Not desir- able for children. Apply T. Lymer, Box 51, phone 379. 21-2' Chicks for Sale CHICKS FOR SALE - BABY Cbicks, White Leghorns and Rocks. Blood tested flock. R.O.P. sired. Apply Alvin Clemens, near Hampton, phone 2433. 9-tf C HI C KS! - BUY THE BEST. As booking is unusually heavy this year we suggest you order at once toayaoid disappointment. Many breeds ta choose from in Tweddle High Quality Chicks. Price list on request. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 18-tf Applications will be received for an Assessar for the Township af Darlîngton for the year 1943, up ta 12 a'clock noon the 6th aI June, 1942, addressed ta the un- dersigued. J. D. HOGARTH, Township Cierk. Hampton, May 4, 1942. 19-21 Wilson's Furniture Co. .Floor Coverlng Bargains Better selection . . . Our prices are lower than catalogue prices. Congoieums, Iniaids, 4 Yd. Lino- leums, Feltols, Eugs. Bring your measurements. D~ur experts will giadly help you with youm Iloor covering problems. Several Wonderful Bargains 29c Sq. Yd. Floor Coverings new cheerful patterns... large selection. $1.49 Borderless Rugs size 9'x6'.. $5.95 Occasional Chairs Uphol- stered. $5.85 Feit Mattresses, gaod quality. $15.95 Lovely Spring Filied Mat- tresses. $22.50 Cedar Cbest - Walnut Waterfali design. $29.50 Studio Couches, spring f illed. $39.50 Breakfast Suites, modern, smart.1 $49.50 Bedroom Suite, waterfali, new. $59 .00 Chesterfield Suite, special- ly priced. $89.00 Kroehler Chesterfield Suite, splendid value. Wedding Glfts and Presentations We can save you money - Tri- iight Lamps, Book Cases, Chenille Bedspreads, CalIce Tables, Smok- ers, Blankets, Bugs, Occasional Chairs, Mirmors . . . Many other beautiful lasting glîts. Visit aur large Trade-in Dept. Wilson's Furniture Co. "Everytbing for the Home" 40 King St. West 20 Church St. OSHAWA 18-tf STEWART'S Seed Store SIEED CORN Hybrids: Nos. 606, 645, 531, 525, 355, 325, bus. $5.25 to $5.50 OPEN-POLLINATED DENT VARIETIES Balley and Golden Glow.....------------ --------------- bus. $2.45 Wisconsin No. 7 and White Cap --------------------bus. $2.55 Sweepstakes .---- bus. $2.60 Eureka -----------bus. $3.25 FLINT VARUETIES Longfellow, Compton's Early and North Dakota -- bus. $2.80 MANGEL SEED Giant White Sugar; Yellow Leviathan; Yellow ]Inter- mediate; Golden Tankard; Mammoth Long Red --- lb. 60o TURNIP SEED Canadlan Gem; Perfect Model; Best of Ail; Purple King; ]Irish King; Halls Westbury; New Century; New Perfection; Greystone --------------------------------... .60e SOY BEANS1J O.A.C. 211 ----------bus. $2.25 Mandarin ----------bus. $2.50 RAPE 1 D w arf Essex ---------- ---------------- ------------ lb. 26e Sudan Grass, Millets, Sorghum SEED POTATOES1 Certif ied P. E. I. Cobblers, Katahdins, Chippawas, Green Mountains, Ontario Cert. Cobblers. Fertilizers - Bug Killers - Cattie Spray Bowmavill BRING IN YOUR FAVORITE PICTURES Our expenienced photo finishers know exactly how to handle your snapshots to bring out their best qualities in sizes ideal for framing. Cost is low, service prompt. While you're here, ask for Kodak Veri- chrome Film. lt's good insurance for more pictures of the enlarge- ment kind. SGAY. FRESH Pink Clover Enchanting fragrance of3 clover fields at dawn captured S PINK in a refreshing cologne, (LOV(R in the new 3 oz. size COL o n£ pusM&PIE P. HOLIDAY NEEDS Noxzema Cream 19e, 65e, 89C Noxzema Sun Tan 011 --------- 30e, 60e D u ration L eg-D o -------45e Silk-like Llquid Silk Stocklngs ---------15C Thermos Botties $1.50, $1.75, $1.98, $3.50 When we test eyes t la done properly. Phone 778..J.il r.- &g\u/jbI C.N.R. Tickets I The Rexaîl Drug StoreI Clearam~e SALE of L A DIE S SPRING MILLINERY Feits and straws in ail the new sprlng styles and colors. Reg. from $1,49 to $2.98. Styles for the Miss or the Matroil. Large selection of 'styles. ON SALE THE ARCADE BO WMAINVILLE I 4,, ~1 i ý -irkqwý - - - . - - 1--quan ýAGE TEN FADa USE WA T eu la R oii om 1 - ............................. 'D A fl-V Irvm Phone 577

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