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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1942, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MAY 2lst, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Mr. George Crawford, Torontc, was home for the weekend. Mr. Lindsay Mitchell, Toronto University, is home for a week. Mrs. W. P. Rogers visited witl her son in Niagara Falls, Ont. Miss Louise Skutezky, Montreal is gucst o! Miss Ruth James. Mr. Keith Slemon is spending *esummer ini a wan industry in Welland. Put a flag out on the 24th. You can get 'cm at Johnston's Book Store. Ail sizes and prices. Mr. Vernon Ott, Belleville, visited his wife and family who have not yet moved to Belleville. Mr. Donald Mcllveen, Manning Pool, Toronto, was home on three days' leave. Armour Sgt. R. Rogers, Edmon- ton, Alta., is home on two weeks' furlough. Misses Evelyn and Mildred Thcimpscin, Oshawa, visited at Mr. and Mrs. J. Humphries'. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bird, To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ted Bird. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fair and Shir- ley, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Kelly. Capt. and Mrs. Clemens Percy, Ottawa, are visiting his mothe. Mrs. John Percy. Clem is con- valescing fromn an operation. GLIDDEN'S Jap-a*Lac Paints that will last at prices that wlll please FLOREN4AMEL for verandah. Reg. $1.45 for $1.25 a qt. SPEEDWALL for interior work $1.45 for $1.35 qt. Four Hour Enamel $1.95 a qt. ROCK SPAR VARNISH a-hard, quick drylng enamel the le sale is still on BARGAINS IN WALL PAPERS THIS WEEK M3HNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanvllle We lose at 8 o'clock DRESSES for al OCCASIONS $3.95 Dp A very attractive lot just re- elved in spun rayons and erepes Make your selection and Drem Couch, iohnstc Ladies' Ready-to-wear, Men's mm ... *MM MM Russell Haîlman was a lucky ELECTED PRESIDENT COLD FACTS ABOUT of beef or a loin of pork, and a keen interest that had developed* ticket holder in the Chinese War turkey and fresh brook trout and in their Club with reference to ftRelief Fund draw, winning $25.00 FOOD SHOWN IN frozen fruits and so forth. the Potato Club and also the Boys' Eyesight Education D PERSIJNAL i War Savings Certificates. MOVING PICTURES inOne can buy goods very cheap]y Swine Club for which they haci And iseason and have them at that purchased twenty weanling pure- )ne 663 In the list of transfers and pro- price when the cost is almost pro- bred Yorkshire sow pigs during Putieols prn c is iootom For something over a year The hibitive, out of season. The pic- the spring of 1940. For this year By MMrnmm mambutcSchamlswe nte Boy:t Statesman has been urging in- tures were designed to be educa- the pigs were mostly distributed Dr. J.C. Devitt attended the Eaot V larD . rha onthBoy (I asec production of foodpr tive to meet the needs of wartime in the forth part of East Durham C .Tc Ontajo entl Asocitio con Ewrt . Polar, BA., romtheticularly garden vegetables. This contingencies and it is probable but this club will move south tmers OtroDnaAsoito co-principalship of Shirley St. School of course was before Japan enter- that further information will be again and either next year or the Op ttis vention in Toronto this week. to the principalship of HodgsonedtewrNwthtalooufrhcmgirgrdotepo-yrflown.Sea Mr.MadHrrs Trnoi Sho.rde urces o rubberad tin have jec ocalinreay. îng pr- wia llbon thefollwîngbas hvi siting her niccc, Mrs. H. Stain- rsucso ubradtnhv etlcly The awards for the final stand-DiSney ldg ton, Liberty St. The May issue of "The Blue _______he_________avng__lbeonte oloin ass DsnyBlg B3ell," that excellent house organ heard considerable about what we 0 onsfrfedsoe Mr.Mr udfo h elTlpoeC. e-should do, flot only to increase 100 points for field notes and fin- -O~w Mri ndsay Mwrs.inMortMudoffofte Belm eh one Co. featosproduction but to preserve and1 SOFTBALL GAMES ancial statement.OPhae151 Ldsay, wrofnto Wdns-tue mr etanpae of photosesafeguard it. A remarkable ad- SA TMA 6h200 points for exhibit at club fair Phone_151 day.Ptrci ofsopion n ee r it te mp 30yee e ave dress on the subject delivered by -T RrMA 6hon Achieverent Day. Nme 1 MrissngPaticamWilton, n rlrmrsin enwthe. opn y 30 y eears Miss Elliott o! Ottawa before the 100 points for judging competi- Nme 1 Hospital, is spending her holidays is Frank Williams, popular local Women's Canadian Club, was re- Four outstanding teams will tion. Caesnss botfdisn training at Hailton General r more. Among hesedveteransStatesman and just provîde unusual sports entertain- 20pitCorqetosbaeaniprtaesn fao iutoding to i at home, manager o! Bowmanville. 20contordedsiosbae o ipinn fcorcThebtngt ~late]y the Hon. J. G. Gardiner ment and battle it out to a final clubs work, cultural prac- malnutrition in children. The Mrs. Maitland Gould and so Bowmanville Lawn Bowling 1Minister of Agriculture, spoke decision in the playoffs. Unless tcs t.cniinmyb eetdb North Bay, r istn'hrpr Club will have its official opening here xith some references to the otherwise notified, all games will 10pins fore ttednca.nexegtlc !clr it aents, Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bon nCapsat7pm the greens on Monday, May John A. Marsh stibject. be played on the Public School metns lsn n d rveal ppeafolrnce to ýocsl.25th, at 2 p.m. The club invites Monday evening in the Opera As well as the regular prize eyes. Perhaps dark circles may ctl. aIl men and women in the vicinity Publisher of the Amherstburg House a coîored motion picture Ma y 26-189 vs Salem. money in which ail members wMl ccm Mr. nd Ms. CrmanO'Haa, itereted n bolingto b ther Eco, wo wa eleted resappearapp aroundndththe eseyes m g Mr. n r. amnOHaa neeseonbwlnfob theirEcOntawhowaeecdprsdn was shown which extended the. May 28-Front St. vs Foundry. share, immediate Past President pne yanrosadrsls Mr.Harry O'Hara and Miss Bet- paiggetfoteatrnn.fthOtri-Quebec division of idea of conserving food by way June 2-Front St. vs Salem. Ken. Hodgert announced thatth disposition. To returfi to the path ýty OHara, Belleville and Conse- Plenty of bowls for aIl. No ad- the Canadian Weekly Newspaper of refrigeration and of saving June 4-189 vs Foundry. cetet hrewudfeprizes afn$00, gveno health hsieabitnsh ollow- con. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. mission or entry fee. Association at the annual meeting money. The meeting was free and June 9-Salemn vs Foundry. i 0 n d3$100. ivng ulsof eat, resits fleep an 1-W. Slaght. oLaborashasatbecome vet0 scarcee oin Elvn on cas ald n or Hp ecatmen ocar nno eo h ascainheld in Toronto. wi.dely advertised but notices June 11-189 vs Front Sti.heo$gni.tnndannage-.open air. I wofde, bteepectnd S Eleven young chaps called un Port Hope______men______________ 1__ enrt out only on Saturday. Atten- June 16-Salem vs 189.Th raitonndm ag-pear.Iwulb xecd der the Military Service Act, le! t found to cut the grass at the (lance approached 200 and those June 18-Foundry vs Front St. ment o! the club resis with E. A. then that some improvement d Bowmanville by C.N.R. this morn- cemeteries in "The Prettiest Town CANVASS RESULTS who came got some conception o! June 23-Salem vs Front St. Summers, Agricultural Represen- would show both physicallv and r. ng for Connaught Park, Ottawa, in Canada." To maintain this Akýv '~hat the plan is. It may best be June 25-Foundry vs 189. tative, who has been greatly as- mentaîly. Errors of vision should to take up active army training. self appointed distinction what do AND T G DAj explained by stating that science, June 30-Foundry vs Salem. sisted by the local leader, Murray be corrected. The defects are o!- Th Ptrbr Eainrassyou think the cemetery authori- FOR THE BLIND some years ago, discovered a July 2-Front St. vs 189. Lord, Campbellcro!t. Many will ten an unnecessary strain and ___qesin___te__br fteshv dnThyhvepr means of "quick !reezing" foodsrealttMuayangwh waste o! energy, handicapping the escapes from Bowmanville have chased a !lock of 40 sheep which At the annual meeting o! the Of ail descriptions and in the a Vernon White, now in the Air individual whether child or man. thsqesiniantenubro tiehaeptdonthey havte r- olclcmitetoteCnda ntdStts lnssrnForce, won the Dominion Cham- Imperfect vision will make hard anything to do with Canada's cwîlltbeket n te emeeres tio alcommtitte tortheBanada nite ttescplntsy ndare in POTATOESGV Npionship in the Potato ClubCon work of play and the man's work d pe DorPoicMr. W. R. Strike in addressing there was a unanimous resolu- success!ul operation today, where- BOYS AND GIRLS petition against the other provin- much harder on him. The child's Misses Audrey and Mary Hum- Oshawa Rotary Club on Monday tion o! the appreciation o! the in these foods are stored and -cal team of wo ro this n f 94ew yeHow mch theught oav e ve phries, Helen Roach and Master noon stated, "We must be pre- committee for the interest and where people can come and get On Monday nîght twenty-three organzed Club ill compnete i hewm c huh hv i r Bll ad oby Sagt er Sn-pared to put more into life than co-operation and gi!ts o! the peo-temaantie members o! the newly organxzed against the other county teams (ob oniud -day guests at Baker Farms, So- we have in the past. If we are pIe o! this community durîng the For instance, fresh raspberrîes Boys' and Girls' Potato Club o! !rom Ontario at Guelph duringI(tbecniud lina. prepared to do that we will be recent campaign. and green peas, right out o! the North Hope, each received a bag October. Congratulations to Hugh R. building a better world. But we The committee wants to say, garden, can be quickly frozen and o! Certi!ied Katahdin Potatoes __________ Smale. son o! Mrs. C. J. Smale, muist change our ways to bring with the utmost sincerity, that kept tili midwinter in a storage which were growii by Mr. DelbertHo tenB edr Salem Scugog St., on sharing a scholar- that about. Unless we analyse behind the words o! the resolu- "locker" and then taken out ini Olan, Millbrook.HosenB edr ship in Philosophy at Queen's the situation confronting us and tion there lies tremendous appre- midwinter and served with ail the The potatoes as weîî as twenty- Donate Caif to Salem Women's Association met University. do something about it, it will ciation, on the part o! aIl those !reshness that one enjoys if just five pounds o! 4-8-10 fertilizer WarEf r aea r.C rn',My1t.Ms Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hord, Ruth, bring us much grief." on the committee, o! the invalu- picked. were !urnished to each member arEfortSae trs. C Frakshaygelofthe rs John, Hugh and Marilyn, Toronto, Rev. C. W. Lynn o! the Evan- able assistance given them by the But the chie! items we should through the kind co-operation o! Mrs. D. Morris, Mr. Milton Morris gelistic Tabernacle has been canvassers, by those who organîz- be concerned with are staple !oods the Port Hope Rotary Club which Local Holstein -Friesian brecd- business session. The programn was and Miss Mildred Morris, Osh- granted three .months' leave to ed the tags in towns and villages such as meats and vegetables . . . is sponsoring the Potato Club. In ers are co-operating to donate a in charge o! Mrs. R. Winter's awa, were weekend visitors with carry on evangelistic work in throughout the riding, by the things too which, !ormerly we the faîl, each Potato Club memn- high class purebred Holstein hei- group. Mrs. Ken Werry had Mr ndMs.G A cTgar. Ontario and Quebec. A lady work- large number o! students who di.d have bought in cans. Canned ber is obliged to return a bag o! fer cal! to be sold in the War charge o! the devotional: scripture Mr. nd rs.G. A Mcaggrt. er o! the Pentecostal Assemblies the actual tagging, by the organi- goods will practically cease as commercial potatoes to the Rotary Effort Cal! Auction in conjunc- by Mrs. L. Buttery; readings by Harry Allin, genial corner gro- o! Canada, Miss Ruth Johnson, zations and press which afforded time goes on so it is up to the in- Club. tion with the National Holstein Mrs. P. Cann, Mrs. Barrie and cer o! King St., has called in who has recently been in charge a medium o! bringing the work dividual to look to his own needs. During the distribution pro- Sale at Brampton, on May 27th. Mrs. Hall. Mrs. R. Squair told the technician Ted Flaxman who now o! gospel work at Lindsay, wilî o! the Institute before the public, Then again it is certain that use of gramme each boy and girl also Last year through the sale o! story o! the book "A Lantern in is per!ormîng a face-lifting opera- conduct services at the local and by those individuals who did electricity will be curtailed and Af received enough formalin through calves and donations, Canadian Her Hand." Next meeting at the tion on his store front. It's to be Tabernacle durîng Mr. Lynn's ab- without something they wanted is argued that a central freezing the Ontario Department o! Agri- Holstein breeders raised $11,986.06 Butery's on June llth. gleaming vitrolite. sence. in order to give the money to be plant could operate more e!!ic- cullture to treat the bag o! pota- which was sent to England and Rev. Gardener's fine discourse PreidntElet . . ippll Mis uthJaes b spcil n-administered on their behal! for iently. and more cheaply than a toes against scab. used chîe!ly for shipwrecked Sunday was built around the tcxt, and Secretary M. A. Neal repre- vitation, was a member o!f ithe _aeo h ihls n i unrdo huadidvda The twenty-three club members mariners' relief funds. The gross "Ye are the saIt o! the earth." sented Bowmanville Rotary Club caste which presentcd the patrio- prevention o! blindness. refrigerators. are: Murray Lord, Leo Spicer, receipts fromn the sale o! the 1,5 Beautiful flowers adorned the at the International Rotary Dis- tic revue "Pull Together Canada" The returns are not compîcte As was explained and shown in Mary Bristow, June Hanna, Don- calves being donated by the Coun- pulpit and the service was wcll trict Conference held at Niagara Tuesday night at the Royal York but the Committee hopes that the pictures, Canadians now are aid Morton, Maurice Cruse, Gloria ty Holstein Clubs in Ontario this attended. with the aid o! organizations !rom adopting the central plant idea Cruse, Dorean Bristow, Eric Bris- year will be used for the same Y.P.U. met May l3th with presi- Falls, Ontario, May 17-19. They Hotel, Toronto, as a feature en- which the Institute has hitherto with good satisfaction. The pro- tow, Mary Lord, Herman Shep- purpose. dent in charge. Mrs. E. Darch con- Mer. aC P Pinen, itherr w eter aening teOntrioheDeentlCon- always receîved support the total ýposai is by several interested in pard, Earl Merrill, Brodie Hanna, The cal! to represent the breed- ducted the worship period. Pro- the local German officers' prison vention. Col. and Mrs. L. T. Mc- will be well over $500.00. th pln oclyoesaihaWm Aln, ornDudsE- ers o! this district was selected in gram was in charge o! Mr. M. camp, was guest speaker at Pick- Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. T aetee a ee ieev- plant here and the best way to wyn Dundas, Montford Seymour- the herd o! J. D. Brown, Orono, Marchant: topic, Rev. Gardiner; ering Rotary Club Monday even- Strike, Mr. and Mrs. Ôeo W ed from these sources: give a picture o! it is to caîl at- Taylor, James Caswell, Gordon and is not only a heifer o! spien- violin selections. Miss D. Wintcr; in. e asacopaie b Jms en u fo twntowi-Canvass, Bowmanville ---- $277.99 tention to, for instance, the box- Palmer. Beverley Gray, Doreen did type but is backed by some o! readings, Mrs. R. Winter, Miss H. Rian eo.W.sacmaib James o n-nes the prone.ntowi Tag Day, Bowmanville --- 145.81 es in a post office. A boxholder Trew, Marvin Kinsman, Carmen the breeds most outstanding ani- Thompson, Mrs. W. Frank and Rtruc e i. W"Commerce, ifn-tis t oe preservece Tag Day, Hampton------- 13.84 bas his key and can go at ail reg- Irwin. For the first time Potato, mals. She is sired by a son o! Master T. McKechine; mouth- rs. J. H. . Jr ecie "aisrihCommrevoifut i onayprressv Tag Day, Newtonville ---- 4.25 ular hours and get his mail. The Grain and Cal! Clubs have been Montvic Bonheur Pietje B. the organ selections, Ms .Drh caleramJ.H.Ma uy t rm vDad mstcontin e ouethe res ,toTag Day. Blackstock --- --17.66 samne principle has been adopted opened for girls in Ontario. We ali-American four year old o! 1941 piano solo, Miss M. Collacutt. Mrs. Gron S. Juhf r n imsr caobjnecetiv es,stJonEastern Star, Bowmanville 5.00 in refrigeration, but on a much are therefore. delighted to have and winner o! two Superior Pro- Visitors: Miss I. Stephens, town, Man.GdaonBrm. Tuey ae oi ins adminecistr sat o! JorntigRotary Club, Bowmanville 10.00 larger scale. A boxholder bay rent six girls as members o! this club. duction certificates. Her dam, a at the Scîuair home . .. Mr. K. - to India immediately. Their many and publishing, Wartime PricesToa $745 a box at 50c a month or so and It is expected they will give the daughter o! Man-O-War Dictator, Werry. Shaw's, with his parents Bowmanville friends will be glad and Trade Board, in addressîng Total___$474.55__ up, and he has his key and can boys a run for the honours. is a two year oîd now on test and . . . Mr. and Mrs. Savery and to hear of their escape. the Ontario-Quebec Division o! withdraw his own preserved foods Rotarians Bey. George and Ken. her dam made 538 lb. fat as a family, Newtonville, at Mr. L. Mrs. Harvey Joint has resigned the Canadian Weekly Newspapers sTr. PAUL'S W.M.S.. at will. Pictures were shown Hodgert were present for the four year old and is a daughter of Welsh's. !romn Dominion Stores staff to be- Association in Toronto. "T h e where boxes held say a quarter ceremony and each expressed the - the famous sire, Sir Pansy Segis. Mr. W. Cowling is quite ill. come chie! clerk at W. C. Caver- press is, in a sense, a custodian on St. Paui's W.M.S. met May 19th ly's grocery due to Lorne Mc- behaîf o! the public o! our pooled with President Mrs. Robert Heth- Quarrie's enlisting. Miss Shirley freedom," he added. erington presiding. Meetngopen- 0 0E=== 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 00Oc - O Or - O oc - O0 Challis is the new clerk at Do- Trinity Woman's Association ed with the theme "The Church, minion Stores. met in the school room on Mythe !aith by which we live." Mrs. 0 Rev. W. P. Rogers represented l2th with President Mrs. KMye etherington extended a wel- the Ontario Temperance Federa- Squair presiding. Mrs. E. Clarke HoWA ME T ER NDS MA LEAN tion in Leamington last weekend. and circle were in charge o! the who has returned front Fiorida T M C He preached in the United Church programn and Mrs. S. R. James and called on her to address the0 guest o! Rev. S. and Mrs. Davison interesting talk on "Inflation" înteresting and instructive ad-Sudyfrno.M.Rgr a h eoinlsrie otmeig r.Lya aea FOR;CMFORTNDIPEASUR -who are enjoying their work in was given by Mrs. L. W. Dippel,. dress On "The !amily in the Hours o! relaxation-yes, and your working hours of today, too--can bc 0their new charge very much. Piano solo "Melody in F" was church pew, and why we go to 0 oeejyal fvn r rpre o hm ihtoe aytig nicely given by Miss Winona church," proving the family is 0Ioeejybe fyuaepeprdfrten ihtoemnytig -. therkearRiesttunit o!eworship that contribute to your personal comfort and add to your pleasure. 14 Cirlrke Re portseo!te vriuTherefore an environment is- Trns oraton di! cu ti ~ created whereby youth has a LO W EST Many o ! your needs you'l find a t our I.D.A. Drug Store at economical TABLETS 0 whchtheaendtopu adei e ship attitude for divine wor- PRICES prices. Look over these feiv suggestions fromn our stock.2559 SMART COATS crimp in the attendance at the church members with their ini- O ________ Northumberland Music Festival, dividual reasons for church a- (6ech-.a47pats being heid at Coîborne this week, tendance -iaiytaiin re-oMoue me have been solved. A special rate ted the early habit forming of Ii II fi napkins, forks and spoons> )V RLE O OTTOBE has been secured fromn the Cana- church attendance - spiritual in- fl -IT1 c REssEFCORn FOSalveO 5E O dian National Railways for the tercourse whereby we rise above Crs onSle---------- 0 transportation o! approximately our troubles and renew our !aith N-et IlaedIsle 5 175 contestants fromt Cobourg to in humanity. Mrs. Kenneth Wer- FIRSI AID KITS 25c-39c-98 cN e0eictdIsoe 5 Coiborne, states the Sentinel-Star.ri e sa pesn anxOBlue Jay Corn Plasters ------ 25e Too bad Durham Festival didn't explained the study book chapter.O .0a i2 c73 c-3 c Shols Zinc Pads 25c,35 consider a similar plan to trans- "TeCîeeCuc1Cmson4LV~Koa rSlcrm port Port Hope children here in-"Tge" es huc Cms o u IM oa rSlcrm 5 -0 - ----- sead o! calling the festival off. __________ jAmong the iist o! graduates nod 0 fom McMaster University we ilandfls nspectea IDS Crearone & londri i ere pleased to see the namne o! IlRSAV IN S25 -5 jDavid Foley, B.A., son o! Mr. and At Edmonton, Alta. 0 u4 fl~f Mrs. Fred R. Foley, St. Cathar- Ak+ David not only graduated with Reviews the Regiment n WILLIAM Il 1111 ROeule ne i,- CB ROMO0,I honors but received the award o!fO0S1LTZO# LZE 7 f the Rand Memorial Scholarship (Edmonton Journal) AQUA VELVA Velvetta Cleansing Palm Beach WhitecE1E ETE m for literary menit. This was won Mrhn ih mcielk lAlter Shave Lotion Petals 25c - refis 29e Shoe Creamn--------- 5 uul UME partly for a poemt inspired by the precision, soldiers o! the Midland aeCus10fr----10 quiet o! the St. Catharines city Regiment, C.A.(A), Thursday ai- 49c - 98c Pond's Face Creains 34c, 59e ae us 0fr 1el market on a Sunday morning. ternoon were inspected by Mai.- 25c Noxzema------------------- 15 Sun Glasses --- 25e to $1.95 We have asked his dad to send Gen. W. A. Griesbach, C.B., C.0 Bye25e Nox-----e--a--- 2215c8 Sta-Way Lotion keeps 4f us a copy o! the poem for publi- G., D.S.O.,V.D., inspector general ByrApii 2,98 e rc Creamn---- 50c, 1.00 moqutoes te. wy39e catininTheStatsman o!the.Cnaia -amyiciwetern Anacm Tablets ------- 22c.e 8 .e195o4uee.aay cI Mrs. W. F. Banister, Millbrook, lu te. The march past was held onO w xas a welcome guest a t this Kingsway, and Lt.-Col. J. C. Ga-n y, *UiI5~~M~~It eeting. As Mrs. Geo. Davidge is ey, M.M., E.D., was at the front to0h soito ocdter _________ I U l ~ L ~ I I on & CrydUriIGII aving town to reside in Hamil- o! his regiment. hI U ~UK Dry Good, Milliery andappreciation o! her work as mcm- RrLRSZ Dry ooda Mlilner and ber and group leader. Beauty is but the sensible image l auaSodPhn79 Clothing ~o! the Infinite. Like truth and IIgIps Ptevenl Dad Ireath Gives LuDRUGSd hoe 9 Clothlng ~~The soul, by an instinct strong- justice it lives within us; like vr o*îMe aah* S l mîe25dis~e eie en than reason, ever 4ssociates tue and the moral law it is a p-no=======oo==oo beauty with truth.-Tuckerman. companion o! the soul.-Bancroft. ,o=O@ O== 0O=O O O OOM=O O O O O O M THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1942 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ]BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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