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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1942, p. 10

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THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1942 PAGE TEN jTHE ..,flN £AJ(I.N * V~Vf~ ~ Mrs. Jennie Fenwick, Toronto, tors ta help out the Sunday meals. visited at Cyril Rutiand's. Ail the bouses on the late Dr. Miss Pauline Deline has taken a Geo. 1-L Carveth Estate, New- job wifb the D.I.L. at Ajax. castie-on-the-Lake, have b e e ii Miss Maria Rabinsan has been1 rented. The large double bouse very iii for ncarly two wceks. 1 wiii be occupied by Dr. and Mrs. Mr. nd Ms. hos.Enwrght Lower3' and Mrs. J. G. H. Wal- Mr. nd rs.Tho. Ewrihtlace and daughter. Mrs. Rusf- Connie and Wilfred, spent the DEye. The Stowe bouse bv Mrs. holiday weekend at Strathroy. R. W. Gibson and Mrs. Mildred Mrs. Jno. Caswell was taken ta Purdv. and the historic brick, dat- the Women's Coliege Haspitai, ing framn McIntosh miii days, by Toranto, for treatment for rheu- Mr. and Mrs. Crichton and fami- matism. l] Toronto. Mr. Parnaby Martin received W. A. of United Cburch met word that bis son, Archie R. Mar- May 21sf, with Mrs. J. H. Jose in tin of the R.C.A.F., is now in the chair. Mrs. Percy Brown's Cairo, Egypt. group conducfed devofions, pre- Reeve C. R. and Mrs. Carvetb sented the pragramn and served have received word af the seriaus lunch. Program consisted of a illness af ber brother, Dr. Stanley piano trio by Mesdames M. HaaP- Ugiow in Chicago. er. C. A . CwnadH .MC Mrs. Paul Bertramn Adams, To-voa trio by Mesdames Irwin ronto, is recuperating at ber fa- Colwill, C. A. Cowan and H. M. ther's, Mr. W. VanDusen. Mr. McColl; vocal solo by Miss Gwen Adams was dawn for the week- Hooper. witb Mrs. Hoaper ac- end. campanying. and a reading by Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball of "Har- Mrs. H. C. Allun. ris Ladge" has rented "Broad- Rev. D. M. Stinson, Biackstock, lawn" ta Mrs. Ida Camer, Toron- prcached in the United Cburcb ta, and "The Lilacs" ta the Misses Sunday morning. returned ta Chidley again, and Mr. and Mrs. Blackstock for a funeral in the Henry Hamilton will be accuying afternoon. came out and preach- "Longwood." cd in Newcastle again at night. Mr. T. W. Jackson accampanied Rev. R. E. Morton had an equally Rev. R. E. Morton ta Blackstock strenuous day, preaching at Sun- Sunday morning and then return- day Schooi anniversary services cd with bim as far as Orono in Blackstock morning and even- wbere he attendcd the funeral of ing and at Clarke Cburcb in bis Mrs. Rickaby. Mr. and Mrs. Percy home appointment in the after- Brawn also attcnded Mrs. Ricka- noon. At the evening service in by's funeral. Newcasfle Rev. D. M. Stinson The fire truck was called ouf spoke happiiy of the number of Friday ta put out a chimney fire friends and acquaintances he had at the Webber Apartments, King -noted among the day's congrega- St. West, aithough there xvas fions. Assisting the choir at this probabiy uitile danger o! a con- service was Mr. R. N. Smitb, To- flagration as everyfhing around ront o. who rendered a solo. Mis- here was already wafer-soaked ses Gwen Gibson and Betty Aluin from the bottom of the cellars up. sang a duci in the anfhem and the Yaur correspondent ,vas pleas- preacher complimented the choir cd to receive a copy of the special on their inspiring service of sang Trail Ranger Issue of the Cour- at bath services. Rev. Gardon tice Monfhly News. publisbed by Lapp. Keswick. will preach in the Court ice Public Scbool pupils. It United Church next Sunday. is a nevwsy six page paper and besides a wealth of local items bas a historv of the Courtice Trail HOLIDAY VISITORS Rangers anýd some good adver- tisements. Mr. Joseph Quigg, Toronto, at Browýn's Red Cross Commit tee Mr, Wm. Quigg's. beld a splendid display of articles Pt e. Carl Fisher, Toronto, witb af clothing and quiits in the comn- Mrs. E. C. Fisber. munify hall Safurday affernoon, Miss Sara Moise, Oshawa, at everything being donated ta the Mr. Benj. Moises. Newcast le Red Cross. ivit h whicb Miss Mary Chaplin, Ajax, witb Browrfs is affiliated. fa be sent Mrs. W. H. B. Chaplin. fa Toronto. Mrs. Tom Wilson and Pte. Sidney Ferguson, Camp Mrs. Clarence Turner had charge Borden, witb bis parents. of a home cooking sale. Articles Miss Ruth Symons, R.N., Osh- xere quickly bougbf up by _"'si- awa, at Mr. H. E. Hancock's.. RO A I TEATRE BOWMANVI LLE Thurs., Fni., Sat. MAY 28, 29, 30 Double Feature "BELLE STAR" in technicolor starring Randolph Scott- Gene Tierney aise "FOUR JACKS AND A JILL" with Amne Shirley and Ray Boiger Mon., Tues., Wed. JUNE 1, 2, 3 "6HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY'? with Roddy McDowell and Walter Pidgeon News r / l/ BIRTHS DOUGLAS - On May 24f b, 1942. af Mountain Hospital, Hamil- ton, ta Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Douglas (nec Nellie Mution), a son, Raiph Neil. 22-1 ELFORD -In Bowmanville Hos- pifai, MVay 26th, 1942, ta Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Elford, a son. PARK-In Bowmnanvilie Hospital on Saturday, May 23rd, 1942, ta Mm. and Mrs. David Park, Shaw's, the gift o! a son (Ken- nctb David). 22-1* STRATHDEE - Flying Officer (R.C.A.F.) and Mrs. E. J. Strath- dcc (nec June Loughman) are happy ta announce the arrivai o! their son, at St. Mary's bas- pifai, Montreal, on Saturday, May 23rd, 1942. Mother and baby doing nicely. MARRIAGE DAVIS-WRIGHT-On Tuesday, May l9th, 1942, at St. Patrick's Cburcb, McCaui Si., Toronto, by Rev. Faiher Dale, Doris Wright, daughtcr o! Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright of Bow- manvilie, ta William Davis, son o! Mm. and Mrs. F. J. Davis. Toronto. 22-1* DEATH-S AL L IN - In Denver, Coi., on March l4th, 1942, Alice Maud Mary Aluin, daugbtcr of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Allun o! Newcastle. Ashes interred in the famiiy plot in Bowmanville Ccmetery, May 23rd, 1942. IGREENESS-In Bowmanville, on May 22nd, 1942, Ricbard Green- ess, bcloved husband o! Maria J. Greeness, in bis 74th year. MORTON-In Wbitby, on Sun- day, May 24tb, 1942, Mary G. Morton, agcd 67 years, widow o! Robert Morion. The funeral taok place !rom the F. F. Morris Ca. Chapel on Tuesday, May 26th. Intermeni in Betbesda Cemctery. Pte. Douglas Walton, Toronto, ai Councillor E. A. Waiton's. when over 40 ladies gave hem a Miss Margaret Wright, Toroýnto, iniscllaneaus shower. M iss es with ber auni. Mrs. Gardon Ash. Irene Brereton, Evelyn Allun, Rev D.M. Stinson, Blackstock, Margaret Bowen and Muriel Mwithbscosn, Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Shaw were active members o! the Ms Jean Holmes, Toronto, commiitee in charge. Miss Powell ai Mm.r and Mrs. Wallace Holmes'. was seated in an armn chair, decor- Pic. Gea. Buckiey, C.A.S.C., ated in white, in the reception Ncwmarket, ai Mm. W. N. Buck- roam, and above ber w-as a canopy ley's. o! pink and white mbbons rcach- Miss Reif a Cooke, Peterbaro ing !rom the chair ta a wedding Normal Schoal, with Mrs. W. H. bell o! white, suspended fromn the Cooke. ceiling. At the proper time Miss Mm. and Mrs. Russel Colwill and Irene Brereton causcd the bell ta Miss Jean, Toronto, with Mrs. W. vibrate and release a shower o! H. Pearce. confetti upon the bride-to-be. She -Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, was the ecipient o! a ioveiy as- and Miss Patricia Pearce, Oshawa, sorimeni o! kitchen and other ai H. R. Pearce's. houschold articles for which she Mm. Gea. Gaines, Bank o! Com- graciously expressed ber thanks. merce, Camp Borden, ai Fire She put the unmarried damsels Chie! George Gaines'. through a ribbon test, and if the Mrs. James Thompson and signs are truc Miss Louise Han- daughter. Bowmanville. Mrs. Herb cock appeared ta be the nextinii Henning and daughtcr, Mrs. uine, afier Miss Powell, ta walk Woods (the former Miss Vina ta Hymen's aitar. Rcfreshments Hcnnîng), Tarantoa, ai Mm. Wm. were servcd, witb Master Scidor Henning's. Parker, cousin o! the bride-eiecf, Constable George Morion, R.C. taking a lcading part as anc o! the M.P., and bride, Kamsack, Sask., iwo maies preseni, in waiting or on their honcymoon trip, and Mm. the company and entertaining. and Mrs. Rd. N. Smith and twO Amnong ibose taking part in the children, Toronto, with their un- presentaf ion were the female cm- cie and auni, Rev. and Mrs. R. E. ployees o! the J. Anderson Smith Morion. Ca. and other girl friends anc Mm. Stanley Richard, Lakefield, relatives. Miss Marlon Rickamd, Cobourg, __________ Miss Helen Richard. Miss June Sanders and Miss Winnie Paden, MEN'S CLUB ENTERTAIN Toronto, ai Mr. W. J. S. Rickard's. LADIES ON CLOSING Miss Sanders also called on hem NIGHT uncle, Mm. Asa Clark.____ The Men's Ciu' a! Si. George'. *SHOWER FOR BRIDE-ELECT. Church clased the 1941-42 seasor ________with a "Ladies' Night" on Ma) Miss Reta Powell, bride-eiect, l9tb. Winner o! the bridge priz( was guest o! honor at the home was Mrs. Keith Aiken, and o! thi a! ber auni, Mrs. A. O. Parker, 500, Ai!. Garod. With Waiteý on Thursday evening, May 2lst, Crawther presiding refreshment were nrvrunriiU SEED CORN Grant Bros. famous seed corn. A linuted supply left. Phone i your order for that water-laden land. FRESH FRUITS FRESH FISH t. Fresh Vegetables Daily Business as usual during alteratiois to ou" Store front. HARRY ALLIN The Corner Grocery Phones 367 - 368 We Deliver 16M., speeches made. Prizes werc pre- sentcd ta the winners o! the sea- san's variaus contesis. K c i t h Aiken received the Patrick O'Neil Memortai Cup for hîghiest indivi- dual points in carpef bowling. Al!. Garod and J. Tucker wcre prescnted with large capper serv- ing tays as winners in the crib- bage competition, inauguraied by Ed. Neilson. Winning team in the carpet bowling contests consisted o! Walter Crowther, skip, wha received a copper relish dish, R. S. Graham, Gea. Butler and Chas. Bremetan, who received copper hurricane lamps, ail made ai Neil-, san's. Club will resumne meetings lasi Tuesday in Sepiember when a vegetable show will be held with each member entiiled ta en- ter i cabbage, i cauliflower, 6 becis, 6 carrais, 6 onions and 6 potatoes. Prizes will be of!emed and some war fund will benefit fom the pnacecds. Hundreds o! acres in the dis- trict remain unsecded due ta ex- cessive ains. Ih bas been suggest- cd ihat barley, f lax, say beans, or a mixture a! barley and flax wili save the situation if planted even as laie as the firsi week in June. Wanted WANTED-ROOM AND BOARD for eiderly persan in homne cen- trally located ta churches. Ap- ply Box 75, Statesmian Office. 22-1* WANT D-CLYDE OR PERCH- cran Horse 10 or 12 years old, wcigh about 1400 pounds. Ap- ply Wilson Abernethy, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 2419. 22-1 ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Cnarge of 25c extra is made when advertisement is flot paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of -10e when replies are dlrected te a Statesman box flamber. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50c each. In Memorlams, 50e for notice plus 10e per line for verse. CIassfied adver- tisements accepted Up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. IN MEMORIAM GILDERS-In loving memory o! Mrs. Sarah Jane Gilders wbo lefi us two years aga, June 1sf. 1940. "Yau ofi times said I'd miss yau; Those words have proved too truc; I lost my best, my dearesi f riend, Dear Mother, when I lost you." -Sadly missed by hem daugh- ter, Ethel Preston. 22-1* REYNOLDS-In loving memory o! aur dear parents, Annie Reynolds who passed away June 1sf, 1938, and Samuel H. Reynolds, Juiy 27ib, 1931. "Borne away from sin and sor- S row To a better home above." -Sadly missed by Family. 22-i * Card of Thanks The family o! the laie Robert Pbiip wish fa tbank ail friends and ncigbbors for the many ex- pressions o! sympathy, floral tri- butes, etc., mcceived during the bereavemeni reccntly visiied upon tbem. 22-1* ENGAGEMENT î M r. and M rs E . Powell, Nce" - casile, announce the engagement o! their eldesi daugbter Reta ta Mr. Clifford Flintof!, son o! Mm. and Mrs. Flintof!, Kedron, Ont. The marriage ta take place in May. 22 -1* The engagement is announced o! Josephine Louise, daughter o! Mrs. Caveriy and the laie Mm. H. C. Caverly, Bowmanville, f0 Frcdcrick M. Gardner, son o! Mm. and Mrs. R. M. Gardner, Si. Thomnas,' the wedding ta tft place quictly the latter part o! June. eKING'S eBIRTRDAY JUNE 8, 1942 nLOW RAIL FARES kBetween ail points ini Canada and 'te certain destinations in United n States t, FARE AND ONE-QUARTER ,nfor the round trip Le GO: Noan Friday, June 5, until 2.00 p.m. Manday, June 8, 1942. Ld RETURN: Leave destination up MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE - 251 Full particulars fram any agent CANADIAN PACIFI( e er NOW the king of la!!-BB queen of hie f MADELEINE CARROLL 'My Favorite Blond.'l wlth Gale Soixdergaard REVIIVAL FRIDAY NITE Edward G. Robinson 11 Arn The Law" Mon. & Tues. only "SECRET AGENT 0F JAPAN" 'Preston Foster Lynn Bari Sen Yung Kurt Katch -and on the same program- DON AMECHE ROSALIND RUSSELL i the Iong-awalted stage epic 'The Ferninine Touch' Donald Meek Kay Francis Next Wednesday sec "KING'S ROW" Articles For Sale FOR SALE - MAROON PRAM, in good condition. Apply Mrs. J. F. Martyn, Division St. 22-l* FOR SALE - SCOTCH COLLIE, 1 year old, trained heeler, also good watch dog. J. C. Naylar, Hampton, phone 2473. 22-1 FOR SALE - BERRY BOXES, best quality, pints and quarts. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 22-1 Anderson Electric Rangette in good condition, with aven. Ap- ply Mrs. J. Eagleson, Orano. 22-1* FOR SALE-i GREY PRAM IN good condition, price $5.00. Ap- ply Mrs. L. W. Martin, Brad- shaw St., Bowmanville. 22-1* FOR SALE - HAY RAKE AND mower. Apply ta Broakdale- Kingsway Limited, phine 345, Bowmanvilic. 22-1 FOR SALE-REBUILT BEATTY Vacuum Cleaner with ail at- tachments. A good buy. En- quire Masan & Dale. 22-1 FOR SALE - i LADY's WOOL plaid jacket, and 1 navy fitted coat size 18, goad condition. Mrs. F. Webber, King St. East, opp. Sheppard & Gi. 22-1 FOR SALE-28-44 HART PARR Tractor in Ai working order, price $600.00; Monitor claver- huiler, $50.00. Frank Bamsey, Canton P. O. 22-4* FOR SALE - BEATTY ELEC- tric Washer, in good condition, appearance like new. Wiil sac- rifice for quick sale. Terms may be had. Enquire Mason & Dale. 22-i FOR SALE-PIANOS, FIFTEEN ta choose from, price $29,00 and up. Guarantced for ten years. Chas. H. Pcacock, 80 Simcoc St. North, Oshawa, phone 251. 22-4* FOR SALE - SOLID MAHOG- any Bcdroomn Suite in excellent condition. Bargain for imme- diate sale. Apply Mrs. C. A. Cawkcr, Hydro Apariments. 22-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yaurs fram over 300 patterns aciualiy in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE -STEEL SLAT Venetian Blinds. Have F. F. I Morris Ca. measure yaur win- dows now while these popular blinds are availabie. Manufac- ture o! new stocks now pro- hibited by government arder. Cail 480 for free estimate - we measure and instali. 22-1 FOR SALE-NEW MACHINERY. We now can supply the follow- ing: "D" tractors on steel; "1S. C."1 tractors on rubber; hay mowers; tandem tractor discs; spring-tootb harraws; etc. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, phone Bowmanvilie 2610. 22-1* ,PIANOS FOR SALE-MASON & Risch, brand new console ma- dels, anc sligbtly used, low price. Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, phone 251. 22-4* FOR SALE -PERSONAL RUB- ber Goods mailed postpaid, in plain, sealed envelape, wit] price lisi. Aduits anly. 6 sam- pies 25c, 24 sampies $1.00. Please 5f aie age. Atex Rubber Ca. ;c Box 231, Hamilton, Ont. 21-. t. FOR SALE - FLOOR MODE] Electric Ironer, mechanicali: perfect. A real buy can be had pby some anc as we wish ta dis- pose o! ibis machine ta setlE - an accouni. Enquire Masan & Dale. 22-1 SOSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURI Store - Everything in medern chesterfield, bedroom, diini suites, and studios. Bedding anc floor caverings a speciait: Quality merchandise ai con petitive prices. Befare buyirj visit Bradiey's New Furniiun Store, 156 Simcie St. S., Osi awa. 46-t Bargains at F. F. Marris Ca. Simmans Studio Lounges with arms, spring-!illed construction, $32.50. 3 Pce. Bedraom Suite, modemn dresser, bed and chif- fonier, round crystal mirrars and water!all taps, rich wal. finish, $49.50. Chestecrfi el1d Suites, heavy repp covering, balloon cushions, spring base. A depasit will reserve this special, $59.00. Dinette Suites, buffet, ext. table and four chairs, in enamel or natural finish with red, green or black trim, $49.50. 3 Raams of Furniture-Jufle Budget Special, your living raam, bedraom and dinette compietely furnished with 37 carefully chasen items-$229.00. 22-1 Teacher Wanted TEACHER WANTED - FOR Scbaal Section No. 2, Clarke. Duties ta cammence after mid- summer. Apply ta W. A. Adams, Sec.-Treas., Newcastle, Ont. 22-1* Business Service USED CLOTHES, STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like new. We also carry new gaods. We are carryîng a large stock of suits, Faîl and Winter coats, pants, windbreakers. etc. A cail will convince you. Don't miiss this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 10-tf R ADidUEIpWaedPrnAtntn WANTED-GIRL FOR GENER- ai housework. Apply Mrs. C. Caitran, Bowmanville. 22-l*s WANTED-WOMAN FOR GEN- eral bousewark, $25.00 montbly,t sleep in, evenings, anc after-f noon week free, also every 2ndf Sunday. Appiy Bax 499, Bow-r manville, giving references. 2- 22- TO YOU, MADAM OR MISS -c Perhaps you have selling quali-r fications. You know of women making reasonable salary in their spare time. Would yau like ta do the same with weil- known and very prafitable Pro- ducts? For details, write: Raw- leigh's, D ep t. ML-140-312-E, Montreal. 22-1 MAN OR WOMAN WANTED - For established Watkins Route. Steady customers. Must be hon- est and reliable, have travel out!ii or means o! getting anc. No capital ar experience re- quired. Write The J. R. Wat- kins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson Street, Montîcal, Que. 22-1 For Rent FOR RENT-COTTAGE AT THE beach with modemn convenien- ces, screencd verandah and gar- age. Rent reasonable. Apply Mrs. Archie Tait. 21-t! FOR RENT - APARTMENT IN Victor Manor Apts., Bowman- ville. Immediate possession. Phone Osbawa, day 1062, night 1441J. 21-t! FOR RENT - 5 ROOM APART- ment, Juiy lst, garage, celiar, hydro, and water. Not desir- able for children. Apply T;* Lymer, Box 51, phone 379. 21-2* FOR SALE OR RENT - FUR- nished cottage "Windy Cave" at Bowmanville beach, screen- cd and witb bydro service. Ap- piy Mrs. Gerry, phone 2287. 2- Lost *LOS T - HANDLE 0F REAR door o! car losi north of King St. on Tuesday about 6 p.m. Finder please phone 720. Re- ward. 22-1 LOST-A GREEN MOIRE SILK knitting bag containing anc air- force sock, almost completed, lost in Bowmanvillc on Satur- day. Apply Mrs. R. O. Bull, phone 863. 22-1* MONEY LOST - WILL THE lady seen picking up the maney outside Marr's Jewelry Store on.- May l6th get in tauch with man she was talking witb by writing L ta Box 76, cia Statesman Office, * Bowmanville. 22-1 * Wanted to Rent roamed modemn apartment be- tween now and June lSth. S. J. Hartwig, P. O. Box 153, Baw- manville. 22-1* Chieka for Sale CHICKS FOR SALE - BABY Chicks, White Leghorns and Rocks. Bload tested flock. R . .P. sired. AppîF Alvin Clemens, near Hampton, phone 2433. 9-tf year ta buy chicks. Get your arder in now for highem quality chicks and join aur many sais- fied customers. Price lisi on requesi. Stewart's Seed Store, Bowmanville, phone 577. 22-1 CHICKS! - BUY THE BEST. As booking is unusually heavy this year we suggest you order ai once ta avoid disappointment. Many breeds ta choose fromn in Tweddle High Quality Chicks. Price lisi on requesi. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 18-tf Wilson's Furniture Co. Floor Covenng Bargains Beter selectian . . . Our prices - are lower than catalogue prices. Congoleums, Inlaids, 4 Yd. Lino- leums. Feitols, Rugs. Bring yaur measurements. Our experts will gladly help yau with your floor covering problems. Several Wonderful Bargains 29c Sq. Yd. Floor Covrings new cheerful patterns.. large selectian. $1.49 Border-less Rugs size 9'x6'. $5.95 Occasional Chairs Uphl- stered. $5.85 Feit Maîtresses, good quality. $15.95 Laveiy Spring Filled Maî- tresses. $22.50 Cedar Chest - Wainut Waterfail design. $29.50 Studio Couches, spring f illed. $39.50 Breakfast Suites, modemn, smart. $49.50 Bedroom Suite, waterf ail, $.0new. $590 Chesterfield Suite, special- ly priccd. $89.00 Kroehier Chesterfield Suite, splendid value. Weddlng Gits and Presentations Wc can save you money - Tri- light Lampa, Book Cases, Chenille Bedspreads, Coffec Tables, Smak- rs, Blankets, Rugs, Occasional Chairs, Mirrors . . . Many other beautiful lasting gifia. Visit aur large Trade-in Dept. WlIson's Furniture Co. "Everything for the Home" 40 King St. West 20 Church St. OSHAWA 18-tf Parents of children beginnifg school in September are request- ed to register tbem with the Town Nurse, Miss Taylor, at the Cen- tral Schol. on any morning of the first two weeks of June. If pre- ferred, pupils of the South Ward may be registered on Tuesday afternoons at South Ward School. Besides the registratian requir- d, Miss Taylor would like ta dis- cus health problems wth the mothers af beginners. 22-2 AUCTION SALE Friday, May 29th-Mrs. Richard Pascoe, nc mile south a! Slina village, will sell al her furniture and household effects, inciuding solid walnut parlor suite, limoges china, etc. Sale 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctianeer. 21-2 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - EIGHT ROOM brick bause with barn and 4½ acres af land, and hydro, baif- mile sauth of Salina. AppiF A. L. Pascae, R. R. 1, Hamptan. 21-2* FOR SALE - SOLID BR IC K house an Centre St., Bowman- ville. Must be sold ta clase an estate and will be sold cheap for cash. Apply A. E. Bellman, King St. West, phane 526. 3t Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BTUY-FEATHERS, feather beds of ail descriptions. Highest prices paid. Send par- ticulars ta Queen City Feather Ca., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 19-4* STE WART'S SEED STORE No Ban OU TIRE REPAhiRt Having your tires repaired pramptly will keep your car roiling longer G.F. JAMIESONÏ TIRE VULCANIZINU SHOP .22-tf The cultivation of the moral judgment is the crucial need of civilization.-Dr. Torrance Phelps. Eyewear fDesignl bits a neW à&BG 4'i-4?1ez - Women wjil appreciate the ultra- smartness and inconspicuousness of this completely new eyewear style. Radical construction fea- turcs elininate eadpiecea on lensea, reduce breakage. Temples are attached directly to the bridge, througb gracefully curved, gold. filled arma hidden behind the lenses. On the face, NuinOnt FuI- Vue Tri.FIex combines the appear. ance features of the eyeglass wih the protection of frames and rim- less mauntings. Let us show you these modern glasses today. Hybrid and Open Pollinated____ Corni. Dent and Flint ____ Iie JURY & LOVEIL SEED POTATOESne89Kfl -ýq9 Cert. Ont. Cobblers It5 Cert. PE. Chippawas Cert. P.E.I. Katahdlns Cert. PEl. Gmn. Mountains oe Sudan Grass, Roots, Rape, RGSO BULK GARDEN SEEDS Wlien we test eyes 14~ donc Fertilizers, Two-ln-One Bug properly. Killer Catte spaysC.N.R. Ticket Agency3. Phone 778 BowmanviIle Phone 577 Bowmanville- DRESSES for ail OCCASIONS s3.95 ur A very attractive lot Just ne- celved i spun rayons and crepes lu Cheviot and other Materlals Make your selections of these New Suits and Dresses early.1 Couch, Johoston & Cryderman Ladies' Ready-to-Wear, Dry Goods, Mlllinery and Men's Olothlng -~-1 I rir(A TT AN ;rA aTP--QMA7q ~IXT?.,ANVTTI D' (OTTrARIO [Cartoon Àm - 1 ýl Ëèý 1 SMART COATS

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