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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1942, p. 2

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____________-- ~ ..'Â ÂZITLj .LflURSL'tiz vt o w Established 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With which ls Incorporatedl Th1e Bownianville News, The Newcastle Judependent, and The Orono News. 86 Year's Continuous Service To The Town of Bowvmanvllle and Durham County. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Weekly Newspaperse <* Association Class A IVeekiies of Canada SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 a Year, strictly in advance. $2.50 a Year i the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. Apples In Abundance ilere we are ini the beginingii( of the sea- son of 1942 with apple orebards again ini bloomi and from il1 reports thue inidications are that there siioiîci be a bumiper crop. There biave been heard for inanv seasons past. variotns conipla ilts ab)out marketing and prices of Ontario apples. The latest crop, however, seemis fo have been absorbed at reasona bic prices and f0 the best of our in- formation there lias heeîi but a scant carry over. For this. the government action in re- strictiii-g intake of coastal apples must be commiended. Wliat the arrangements will be in case of a big yield increase this year we are yet to learn. At tlhe moment in retail stores in town we find none but Britislh Columbia boxed apples. They are flot oniy attractive and highlv colored but aise highly priced, and they are being- sold. Our taste lias always persuaded us that Ontario apples are better than aiiv other varieties but our observation has been thaf w-e pay littie attention f0 col- oring. s izing and boxing. The trend with Ontario orclîardists seems to be f0 get what protection in marketing the government miglit accord and then f0 get rid of the volunme iin the shortest time possible. Last fali, several orclîardists miarketed tlîroughi retail stores in small baskets and averag-ed froni $6 to $8 per barrel or more. B.C. grow- ers are geftiingo better thani that locally. righit flow today. But we set ont pruînarilY f0 suggest that in case of an overfloiv crop, we shouild do what we have failed adequateiy f0 do so far iin this war, and that is process a larg-e portion and send if overseas. If a bonus is necessary, then go ahead and bonus. No matter what officiai reports have fo say o11 tle sub.iect, if is our observation from soldiers - letters fliat they get far f00 littie of fruit of ail kinds and Britain's civil population almost nothing. Coastal produc- ers are being bonused each season and On- tario gets indirect aid, and yet there are COmplaints. So let us anticipatè surplus and contract for the boys overseas. A Divided Canada There should no long-er becîîeed of trying to fool ourselves about.the present schisrn in national unity. The plebiscite. taken ini April affer feverish preparafion and utimosf haste, revealed states of mm iiii various sections, particularly in flic provinue of Que- bec, whidi must be broughft into -under- standiug- wifh the majorit\ or we ma 'v as well give up the ghiost su far as a feder- ation is concerned. Politicians and parochial preceptors neow face flhe prospect of reap- ing fhe whîrlwind. An accord is perfectly feasible. To reachi it most effectively, ail those wluo were in- strumiental in creafing the imtpasse might be interned whule realisfs and bunianitarians af- tack the problem. Leagues cannot do if. We have too many of them already. There is fhe League for flie Defence of Canada, and a haîf dozeil other niarrow-souled "isms" that fan flames rather flian quencli flîem. The sfark fact of the momenît is tlîat fie haste ini taking the plebiscite now stretches into festering indecision, a sort of April Pool or a finie bomb f hat sputters toward explosion. About fhe only practical plan be- ing put f0 tie test af the nmoment is flie coming mieeting of g7rass-roofs editors of weekl 'v papers from both Quebec and On- tario. w-ho ineef for discussion in Ioi otreal, Safnrday f0 seek a way ouf by appealing f0 their sns i-brs te1-11lo -1eole Do cause f0 feel peeved if, sîiddenl *-, w-c are set afoot and the tires coniiandeered from our automobiles. Mr. Morî-isoii-,pokie ini fli evening of the day we were eclebrtatiui.fVic- toria Day, and even as lie spoke flic stre#ets of tbis quiet fown were ined wiflîseores of parked cars and tens of scores w-ci-e roar- ing along the highways. lleasiire bent, carrying the enîd produet of demiocracy, careless. fhoughfless, indifferent bipeds whîo w-on 'f confess even te theniselves fiat a war is on. Meantime wve have debates in parliamnent anîd warnings by miîîisters aîîd fimerous crack-doîvns with assurances fiat orders must be obeyed . .. or else aîîd allue îîhile w-e see here, evervw-lere about us, fliaf onlv flie realists anîd tlîe iatriotic are iin dead earnesf. Tlie otiers wlio scoff aînd flouf and refuse fo believe ftle wariigs are pre- ciscly thiose uu'ho eîîdauîger flue ivhole and they exhibift te types of mid upen whichi Hitler came te power . .. the types vluo îmust be whipped inito line nder înest drastic reg- imeutation. _V Effective Wartime Advertising In flue abusenîce of officiai and< regutlar liroadcasts emîauating directly f0 flicpeople from flthc lîead of onr govcrunif couplet îvifh the decliîîe in production iin constnu-r giiod.s aîd flic sfepped up productionu of mii- ntions of w-ar. if lias beeil foiniid expedieiit and higlily îîecessarv f0 keeli thue puiblie mind inforinîd aiîd ,tiiiiiilatecd ini -garîo jusf wlîat ive are doiîîg as a nation anti 1mwv fast w-e are doiug if f0 the enid fliaf vitor 'v lue achieved. Governient spoîîsored adver- tisiîîg lias been weigbftilv effective in mîobil- iznug tfli muids of Canadiais fori- uaiy mnitlis. Thîis is a ineaiis of bmildinug and( iii- vigorafiig înationîal morale. Ail repuitable publicationis have caî-ried fhiese miessages aîd flic weekly press lias shiared f0 a con- siderable degree in tfli relcases. In tiis issue will be fouîîd firce Deparf- ments of gYovernmeiif speakingc thu-ougli ad- verfising, directly f0 fie people. Thie Fi- aiice Deparfment tells of flue nccessity for War Savings Sfanîps; flic Departinent of Labor fells of flic Registration of the Un- employed and finally flic Wartime Prices anîd Trade Board empliasises fli ueed for re- strictions ini fli use of Tea, Coffee and Sugar. Ail of this, yen "-ill sec, is bofli cdi- cative aînd admoiiitorv. And so have been pi-eions releases dcaliiag wîfithfie Victory Loan, Iîîcoîne Tax. Unemploymcîif Insur- aîîce, Gasoline aîud Rubber RestrictionA, Sal- via ge,.IRecruitiîig anîd Agricultuu-al Produe- tiî Ilîîtrafcd and worded by- expeufs flueee adverfisemeîîfs lave fornîed, reall '.v fjlic P , e s Encyclopaedia of Caiîada's War effor-t, lI n Iosf journals, anîd particuharly flic iveeklies, fliese officiali îuessag-es have beeîî aceorded aeconipaîiyiuig editeriais anîd iiews stories enipiasiziuig flîir nationial import- anîce and iîiploriîg lpeople f0 study thuein with care. Thuaf lias ben, iii our opinion, co- operatienl of flic îîîest effective kind aîîd at thie saine finie freelv givcuî as te space. If is bccoming more aîî more borne ini upon us thafwve eati have but a single purpose auîd fiat is, winiing this w-ar. Local, or weekly ncwspapcrs have carried oui a splendid tra- dition iii fins closely confacfing fliat rnosf imp4i'ta ný eci ient*-,wityin'-the nafiiu, t}ýe i)eop le of rural Canada. Whicli is a prime reason xvhy every famiy shîeuld bc a regu- lar subserîber to a local paper and fhus as- sociafe tfhîcmselves directly wifli fli govern- nîenits au te inform and build by w'ay of nîationîal and educative appeals toward ail aIl-ouf effort.- Massey-I-arris In Wartime One of Caîîada 's grcafest aînd eldest mani- ufacfuring orgauîizatiouus foinîd itself af flic outl)reak of w-ar, capable of inistant div-er- siionf war p)roduction anîd af flue same time geaî-ed f0 ral)id expanîsionî. There lias l)eui îne boasfing aîîd îlegreaf publicity but flue Massey-Harris Company , Litnited, wiflî thîousaid.s of eîuployees anîd facfou-ies befi liere and iii fli U.S.A. stands today ini the forefi-ont of establishments on this conitin- ent iii lelpiîîg along flue w-ar effort. A short finie ago w-e *lad fie pleasure of seeinig a prenhiere of a motion picture pre- pared hy fheir public relation.-s department wiicli gave vivid impressionis of their tre- mendous production of beflu war and agri- culfural iniplements. Noiw w-e are ini reccipf of a 16-page br-chure wifli equally vivid lialf-fone views supplemeuîtal f0 tic moî'ie. Iii our vicw if is ail excellent way of briîîging home flic facfs of war and at fie sainuefimne emplîasiziîîg wiiat ('anadian en- terpi-ise is capabule o)f fhronglu flic joit cf- forts of capital aînd laboî-. Massey-Harî-is staî-fed iii Newcastle iii 1847 anîd mai h claiîiicd as aîîotler contfributfion fu'om ur But mcauîfiîe, aiiotlicu- conifioîlex- or fai theorst dscovrs awa c set fhîoîis dscoer aw'y f0 coax yougi. ME cijaps info flic aiuy."okt' says lie I "lcf 's get ont a siiappy îîcw - walkitig-oufý umiform for flic line-fn-ont fî-oeps (not fie' a fhuose overseas, of course) su fluat, admiruig- anE ly. fhelichold-backs will sfep) ri-lit up and in siguu p. 'And so if w-as done, te the dis- gust of flic sleep raiser w-ho w-as doing lis bit, as lue f lugiht, for humanity, rathler titan fou- a poliiicai parfy trying te duck conscrip- ion. Thie incrcascd wooi cliip and the siash iuîto civilian garb was ail abserbed in utter minsenise. Anîd now w-e need more slieep than eveu-. We sec, meantime, a U.S.A. release: "Tic a'my is cutfing dow-n clofhing ailot- meuts for freeps sfafioned af home; ne new suifs înay bce issuîed if w-on extra ciothing is au-ailable for reissue." Wifi t hat as a prime exampie of fie dif- fering, policies of two wartimie neighbors, Caniada aud flue U.S.A., we suggcsf thaf farmers be giî-eu the go-ahîcad again in titis shueci>anud weel business, withîîet oya better basic price but some latitude in ac- quiriuîg uot eiily capital atîd help but as- sistanîce iuu gettiuug feundatjoui stock. A brisk w-alk alouug Ontfario higluw-ays uili reveal euieuglu roadsidc pastui-age te support a mnillioni sheep anud fiere au-c enougit sehîoe children f0 attend te everu- flock, but alas, even ini fhis 3î-d year of war ifs 'agiiite iauw-' f pasture siieep aîîd stock along flic roadsides. Wc w'oudcr w-haf flue Axis w-euid do about if. -V Oit, Rubber and Tin Thie Hotuse of Commens at Ottaw-a, heard a notable speech on Friday by John R. Mac- Nicel, M.P. for a Toronto riding. He filcd about six pages of llausaýd witi a compre- itensix-e summary of fleic 4)rld situation as te ou î-eseurccs, with part icular reference te wvlaf Canîada sliould do in regard te lier own and Brifaiîî's requiremeuits. If may becfluat some action w~iil follow- bx the goxernment for he w-as compiimenfed most warmly by Hon, C. D. How-c. But, nuest puobably, fie maffer will dragy on iidefinitcly as if lias in flic past, war or no w-ar. The point w-e wish te emphuasize us this: Tiat fthc gevern- meuit and parliameîît secm te be alive f0 sco-es of situuationîs capable of instanîf action but they simnpl.v canîuof gef down te cases. In fie inatters cf oiî, rublier and tin, fhey mnustliav-e seenu flicpnobabiiiy cf Japaîî's iiroads yet littie w-as donc. Anîd mow- they are femporizing aud cxperimcuiting with restrictions aîud ratiouiings aînd listen- inîg te a member rcpeîting past hisfory about oil. Tic same soi-t of lesitauîcy lias occurred finie and fime agrain. For instanîce, w-len fie oppositionin usisfed that Canada ceuid niake taunks auud -uns and wooden ships, a respeuusibie Miiter of tic Crown combaffed fthe idea and ouly acccpfcd tlicse propositions under pî'cssîîre. Today w-e are prodclueng ail along fie ulne. our attention f0 domesfic oul Japan lias got important fie tireatens others. This paper away back iii 1 speech nmade in Bowmanvill mate of the editor who lîad of thîe oul fields described lîy Thc survey îvas made as far 1 comipany with governmnti ofl moters, anîd fhe sam-e figuriies and experinîclifs niade tliciiaf IN THE DIM ANE From The st TWENTY-FJVE YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, May 31, 1917 A memorial service was held at Befhesda Church in memory of Pte. Percy H. Werry, who died In ation at Vimy Ridge, April 9th, 17. He was the son of Mr. and Wrs. J. H. Werry. Services were also beld in îemory of Pte. Charles W. Wot- en, Burketon, and of Major A. E. [IcLaughlin, Bowmanvhle, both )fwhom died of wounds on the uttle front. Recent prices: Cheese 30c; but- er 43c; potatoes $2.75. Lance L. Mason, son of F. H., Jason, has operued a shoe store at )rillia. Farm Service Medals were pre- nted f0 25 boys who have sign- dup for fhe holidays f0 work on rms in this district. The pre- anations were made in fie lehodist Sunday School with W. Bragg officiating. Headquarters M. D. No. 3 noti- ed fhe B.H.S. Cadet Corps fiat sufficient number of 303 rifles re available for ail Cadet Corps iOntario. tote icattention cf parliameuit hast Friday. If w-as iii 1913 that a goveriment exper-t le- gan explorations of fiat field îviicit is in the Fort McMurray district of Alberta, some 300 miles ilorf l east ef Edmonutonu. If is flic greafest out area iun lithe rid or thaftich world wiil ever sec, but if is composcd of "tar sands" and a satisfacfory system of extraction lias rcfarded producionu. Now- thaf a privaf e premofer is geffing resuif s and now- thaf a war is on and we may be faced wifh a condition paraliel te titat of rubber and tin, insefar as out is con- ccrned, if w-il be inferesfing te sec what flic geveruiment will do. Tic excuse fliaf fhere is ne money is nef valid for we have fiuanced indusfry te the extent cf millions. If is now- 29 ycars silice fie government cf Canîada firsf had a comprehensive report on fie arca. -Mr. MacNicol bas simply recalicd if te parliament anîd fie geveruiment for regular, fime-tried, deniocratie action. -V They Give ... Over There XVe, hîcre, ini f lis district of Ontario, w-hich is part of flue fanied Counfy of Durlham, are asked te couifribute $9,000 fow-ard the Red Cross campaigmu new- uuder way across Canu- ada to raise niuc millioni dollars, flic whloi of w-hich is nueded te bring comfort te fhuose wvlo have been sick as fliey serve in fte aruned forces of Canada, as they come back w-eunded from flic front, as tliey languisit un prison camps in Gcrman3y, in tfhe clutch of henieus Huîu, am hey sweifer in flic heat of dcscrf Lybia and as they starve and die on a meagre dief of rice and under the cruel whip of flic inituman Jap. Too lightly have we ini fie pasf acccpted fie facf of wîar auid with fiat iin view-, jusf as w-e underfake the drive for Red 'Cross funds, quotafionus are here appended from an Emuglisit paper, The West Cu.mberand New-s. To conserve paper, if incorperates sevcuî ether papers ini is issue of Mardi 21, 1942. Picfured on ftle front page is a w-ar- slip, flue cost of which w-as £ 140,000 (rougit- iy $630,000) and a local drive was instiftut- cd fer fuuuds te build aîofhuer siip of flic same cîass. The district of Cumberland, whidhi iuiludes several fow-ns anîd villag-es w-ifu a total population about flic size of Oshiawa, is onue cf w-erkiuig people, minurs anîd farmers. Wifhin firce days of tic openiîg of flue drive, fie full objective w-as rcacied. Ticîu flic amoutif w-as raised te £ 200,000 te inelude a fcw- smaller boafs, anîd fiat, tee, was reached, in round fcrms, arouuîd one milion Now w-e turnare 'fiai;,Elliof f purchased a shipmcnf of Now e tun rst, fie people of Brifain kuîow fiat a war splendid caffle liere for Glasgow, fields, new fiat is on; seconîd, fiat slips are needcd anud Scotland, markets. One from elds and Hifler finally fiat cveryouic must dig up flic lasf Chas. Thompson's weigied 2,210 dime fliey possess te help wm the w-ar. Tiat lbs. Canaianshaveyet Clarke Union: Jas. Berry, Al- 1929 reporfed a is a lessoîî thaf many Cndashv e bert College, Belleville, is home. le by a schooi- te learn -... fully. We are indchfcd te Veter- i . . James Conneli, lafe of fie made a survey ail Joliîe Humphries, caretaker cf fie N.W.T.M.P., us building a steekade Mr. Mac.Nicol. armouries for this ucwspaper clippiuîg. He arouad is premises. C. Souci backas 924in ome frin hatdisric intheoldcoutry and wif e were driving fo town backns 924iii com.s romfiatdisric inticeldceufry wicn, ucar Providence, fie horses ficials anîd pro- anud is justly prend of tic home felk. Let bolfed. Mr. Souci was fhrown on ;were obfaiîîcd evcryeuic confi-ibufe his full siare f0 f us hus icad and was unconscions for ýs werc broighuf Red Cross appeal. somne time. New Haven: W. F. Curtis ias erceteti a dinner bell. - - Mr. and her Mrs. Ira Pearce visifed in To- mmm .... .. M .C Courtice, visitcd le dangifer ronto. . . . Jos. VanCamp with Mrs. A. H. Brent... Dr. and Mrs. niece and nepieW, Miss Vida and J DITANTH.~ C. Rnndle, Brighton, were Master Eddie VanCamp, visitcd 0!T!Aý T PA TI omne for fie memorial service f0 at Brantford. Pte. Pcrcy Werry. Oshawa: Tic Pediar Ce. com- tateZman Files Solina: Noticed at Eldad anni- mcnced operations last week. -... cz. esrnversary, Prof. J. B. R eynolds, A num ber of farm ers f tfis ~~MU ..m * =... Winnipeg, Miss Irene Argue, Pte. vicinify iring their produce here Locals: Miss Kafe Dustan, To- N. W. Reynolds, Miss Switzer, To- for sale and tien spend fie pro- ronto, was home....--Aif. Shrubb ronfo, W. C. Werry and Audrey, ceeds in Bowmaruvillc; w-e would world's champion runner, wili Oshawa. like f0 know wiy? . . . Census manage sports day and give an ___________ retnrns show in tic iasf 10 ycars: exhibition of rnnning. -... Wilfon Oshawa shows an increase of 73, H. Ellioff, son of Principal John FIFTY YEARS AGO wiilc Whifby and Bowmanvilc Elliof f of our Higi School, lias show decreases of 354 and 127, enlisted la No. 1 Cyclist Corps. From The Canadian Statesnian, respectively. Engagement us announccd of May 28, 1942 Courtice: Luther Courtice was Miss Muriel MacLeod to T. H. home. . . . A large number of McCrcdy, Pim.B., bofi of Lefi- Under 'Vacation Excursions" a patrons of fie D.U.C. facfory are1 bridge, Alfa, front page descriptive four of using a patent cooler and acratori Miss Stella M. Mason, Toronto, England and Scofland, wifh side introdnced by manufacturers of visitcd her sister, Mrs. N. S. B. trip f0 Paris, from Bowmanville cicese. . . . Patrons of Industry James. and retnrn tiereto, of 4 weeks are firiving under fie presidcncy Birtis: May 25ti, f0 IMr. and duration. is atfracfivly set forth; of Levi Annis. Mrs. A. W. Piekard, a daugiter. fie total cosf, ahi cxpcnse, nof Editorial: Jndging from recentt May 25fh, f0 Mr. and Mrs. Frank over $150.00. (Times have ciang- siipmenfs, fie caffle frade be-i Tomlnson, a daugifer. cd). tween Monifreal and tic Unitedr Marriage: May 23rd, Ethel Vie- Pontypool: A new baby boy at Kingdom will far excced any. toni Scobel f0 Capt. Wilbert John Wmn. Brown's. - -. Tic old Metho- previons year. Despite an over-t Hoar, af Lcyfon Cottage, Bow- dîsf cinrel ius beîng removed. If seas deprcssion, volume keeps np.i manville, home of tic bride's mo- will be reconstructed info an Since hast Monday, 4,085 iead e fier. Orange Hall, have been siippcd. Since May 5, - Enficld: Mrs. J. Alexander, Taunton: T. H. Tremeer has average shipmenfs of livcsfocks Oshawa, at L. C. Pascoe's. -... F. crecfed a ncw brick dwelling af a liave been nearly 1,000 per day. T. Ashton, Arthur Ormiston, Wes- cost of $3,000. - Hedge and wire Tic government press is iowl- ley Knapp and Jno. Hobbs have fences have been introduced info ing lustily because tlie Liberalsa purchased uew autos, fie district by these prominent in fie House continue fo oppose F Mapie Grove: Mr. and Mrs. R. farmers: Jas. Leask, J. McDougali, fie partisan measures fiat are c R. Stevens wifi dauglifers Mar- Jno. Cornisi, Jno. McGregor, constanfly being introduced f0 jory and Dorofliy, spent Sunday Wm. Bafty and Thos. Short. ielp friends of tic government or in PFor t Hope. Orono: Henry Bowen left hast sfrengtien their position as a b Tyrone: Mrs. Levi A ni is, week for California. . . . Henry panty.p 1 - S E E BY -T H EPA PE RS THE RAILWAY AND THE WAR D y Thurtian Topham Wêrtme nVta1, FINFL NORAtiDA-5ENNE1-EPRE AREAo wari mtaldevelo ped since constructioni inwbeinq of C*NR'TRAN S-CONTriNENrAL produced in N-J.Li NLin 1PI5, wkiere 21 Mines qreat cLua«ntitLj "-produced QoLD.)C0PPERFZmd from areàs whi chi. otker ynetalstothe value of were wilderness Trb4 PAS $'55000000. in 1941 beforethe rail- rWINfl waejs came.Lines aJ4a-. - of the National System thatwere CANADA built into the unpopulated The FLiN-FLON sections of the SHERRIDON countryj have ce~pet proved to be nt&de possible bij the NO)RANDAag VÎ 0 building of CQN-RH of trenendous branch Lnes i-i. g value ÏiI, - northern MANs-roSAJCI CANADAS îsowof th.e reate!>t WAR E-FFORT CoPPE-R prodiicers i. No.-rH AmErnIcA MORE EDUCATION NEEDED Winnipeg: Lieutenant-Colonel Bovcy of Montreal, founder and ciairman of fie Canadian Legion Educafional Services, 'said in an interview here fiat tiere arc nof enougi pcople sufficienfly cdu- cated in Canada f0 be "good soldiers, sailors and airmen." He said no Province has a record as good as if siould be in regard f0 educational work for adaptation ta war. ELORA CALL ACCEPTED New York: Rev. Frank M. Cry- derman has accepfed a eau ft0 fie Elora, Ont., United Churci. Pas- for of Christ Presbyferian Ciurci icre since 1935, he will preaci uis farewcll sermon Sunday, June 7. Mr. Cryderman, a graduafe of Victoria College, Universify of Toronto and Emmanuel College of fie United Churci of Canada, servcd tic Christ Prcsbyferian Churci for five years as assistant pastor and director of fie Churci House before succceding Rev. Cameron P. Hall as pastor. Mr. Cryderman is a ncpiew of uis namesake F. M. Cryderman. well known blacksmiti, Bowman- -ville. NOIV LISTED A PRISONER Fligif Sergeant William Russell Parr, 23, reported missing April 28, is a prisoner of war in Ger- many, according to word reccived in Toronfo. He is tic son of Mrs. Russell Parr, 938 Avenue Road, Toronto, and fie late Dr. Parr native of Biackstock. A felcgram from fie Ciief of Air Staff, 0f- fawa, informcd Mrs. Parr fiat fie information came firougi fie In- ternational Red Cross from Ger- man sources. 4-FOLD FARM PROGRAM Speaking Safurday at fie open- ing of fie nmnti annual conven- tion of fthe Fellowsiip for a Chris- flan Social Order, Agnes Mac- piail, former member of Parlia- ment, emphasized tie four-fold program fthe farmn movement f0- day must adopf, if if is ta be a snccessful warfimc implement. The four points sic advocafedt were organizat ion, suci as fieE Federat ion of Agriculture; aduit r education, suci as fie Radio Farma Forum; co-operative farming a-ndd political acfion. Miss Macphail h] spoke iighly of fie work bcingé done in Barrie by fie Rural Lifeh Training Institute.v i HANNAM TO SPEAK 0 On Monday, June 1, at 8.30 p.m. r, EDT, fie CBC National Farm 0 Radio Forum will present H-. H. C Hannam, President of fie Cana- b dian Federaf ion of Agriculture, b in a talk: "The Farmer Looks at Price Confrol." This is fie second g. et- six special broadcasts devoted ai f0 price control and ifs relation f0 h, labor and agriculture. The speak- nr er on June 8 will be Donald Gor- fi don, Ciairman of fie Wartime ai Prices and Trade Board, address- ni ing t he National Labor Radio sr Forum, SE i OUR DEBT TO BRITAIN S! London: Hon. Vincent Massy, ol Canadian Higi Commissioner in ti London, said in a speech broad- b( cast f0 Canada fiat "Empire Day, rE 1942, will be known as a fateful ul moment in our iistory." "Tic tide of enemy aggression ac has submcrged some of fie ouf- or posts and nowr laps dangeronsly ga about far casteru shores and fie Wý hast six montis have scen un- nm thinkabie happenings," he addcd. Wý "We are more than ever con- a scions of our dcbt f0 Britain," Mr. tic Massey said. IfI is a fit f ime f0 rcaffirm wiat we feel sa pro- foundly of lier effort and lier example. C.ý "We in North America will re- ha member with grateful icarts fiat1 ca. ,000 Channel Islanders are rg clotied in garments sup- I by fie Canadian Red Cross. if was Brifain's siield fiat i n tiese f wo years ield off a ruti- iess cnemy from our own shores.- "We have given fie word Em-. pire a new meaning," Mr. Massey said. "Now we are in peril we are figiting for survival; there us no doubf of fie oufcome, no doubt of fie victory we shahl win. î "If may be said fiat ini -elit' fiere have been threetrfiP Empires ratier fian one anid fie fourti Empire is siaping and if will be fie iighesf fask f0 work wifi our sister Commonwealfh in America and ail free loving peo- pies in building fie worid anew."1 APPOINTED TRAINING OFFICER R.Q.M.S. Walter B. Branci of fie lfi (Reserve) Army Tank Battalion, Oshawa, has been pro- moted to fie rank of Second Lieutenant and will become Training Officer. Mr. Branci is a native of Bowmanville, but for many years has been a citizen of Oshawa, having been associated witi fie Kinsmen Club and many sporting activities prior fo hus en- lisfmenf in Juiy, 1940, wien ic joined tic Ilf (Reserve) Army Tank Battalion as a private. He was for many ycars an employee of The Times-Gazette and lafterly operated 'is own grocery busi- ness. Since joining fie local unit Lieut. Branci has taken varions courses including Bren gun, small arms and range finding, qualify- ing in ahl courses leading up f0 the rank of Regimental Quarter- master Sergeant. Lieuf. Brandi is extrcmely popular wifi fie bat- talion and is many friends wihl be pleased f0 learn of thc recogni- tion granted. Mrs. Branci is also serving in the C.A.T.S. and if will be remembered fiat lier fat ier, fie late Bert Joinston, served wif h disfitîction in World War I. Tins fie fradition of service is being ably carried on by fie Branci family. 'AINT NATURE GRAND!I (As described in fie Society Page of Tic Globe and Mail) Tic spring meefing of fie On- tario Jockey Club openecl on Saturday af fie Woodbine under rather depressing circumsfances and a variefy of rains. Before fie downpour fie enclosure looked like a Barnardo ciild, rosy-cheek- ed, wit h spofless frock and every hair in place. Witfe paint sur- vived fie downpour; fie grass gof more like velve, and barriers of gleaming pansies cieered fie race-goers. Green boxes impris- oning gay pink geraniums en- circied caci box, and masses of brilliant flowcrs filled fie larger beds. But no one could sif on fie gay green bencies in fie enclosure and no one dared sit below fie boxes, but a crowd of smart wo- muen were pusied like refî~ from fie Joinsfown flood h nd igier up. Every variet~~ umbrella was notîced, jýM tbe smaîl ones fipped i-wat gecmed f0 be very false teefi, tf0 uge coach umbrellas fiat would 3uelfer iundreds. Every variety i )f "golosi" was in evidence, from he foc rubber f0 fie rubber mots, and salvage would have .malized quite a few dollars by insioeing women spectafors. Tic iorses were regal, citier iorned wif i colorful wrappers, )jusf plain horse. Tie sfriped larnishing fiat "Ten f0 Ace" wore. ýas muci admired by fie wo- .cn-and wiat a race! Every one vas good-iumored, and fea was Svcry gay meal in tic big laf- oed room. BACK IN POLITICS Agncs Ma .cpiail ias joined fie CF. parfy ... I's nof fiat sic as ciangcd lier vicws on polifi- al parties-even flic C.C.F. parfy but tic veteran M.P. (ex.) de- lares fiat everyone must have a olifical firesidc somewhere . . >arty means nofiing f0 me.I is wanf to geftitings donc, is ow sic expiained if f0 us. in looking back over Miss Mýac- Lail's political record we find 'e has had anyfhing but a peace- il fume. As fie first Canadian ,man f0 enfer fie House of Com- ins, and also one of fie firsf of înada's carcer girls, sic ias had uny biting epitiets iurlcd at r. For exampie - "tiat lady king machine" - "an ignorant Élie school feacier" - "perf, shlow and misinformed" - "tic Iy wio says wiat sic tiinks but dom thiîîks before sic says if", . But fhe one tiing fiat kepf upping up tirougiont Miss Mac- iail's 20-year sojoura in fie use was her sfafe of single esscdncss. Every ycar a wed- îg rumor was waffcd aqrndr lb THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF ngTÀlPTr% 'PT-TTTn'ZT't,&V MAV qQ inA, PAGE TWO m

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