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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1942, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1942 Ontario and National Unity Do iîot lie too preeipitate. liere in Ontario, in blainiing - Qteb)ee andiugn force and ealuliuîg for, a "show doN -ix. *Quebec - 'is soinethiiîg of au abstraet terni to the grreat unajority of people ini tiis province. We sliouuld differeiiate betw-ecn flic"people" of thec provincee of Quebec andi the politicians and deiag-ogýtes w-ho trick andi fool themi. Tliere is a 'Vax-ont iu this plebiscite affer- math anid The Statesmiai caîînot be shaken frorn its stand as eniuîîciated ini last week *s editorial on ftie issue. We reaffirm tlîat the most ueasoîîable anîd ultiniatelv successful plan is an educafive mie, to bai-e îvise lead- ers explain the -wlole rnatter in simple terns that cannot be refuted. Only today we hiave had evidence of the effectiî-eness of tîtat plan. A letter ivas re- ceivedl telling biow one manî of lhiglu positionî ivent quietly aînd privately amng several French- Canýadians prior to the voting aînd converfed thein immediatelv frorn rabid "noes" to enthusiastie "v-es** votes. He did if by telliig flic straigt. ft rutli datiug froin beyond the last great war. So fliat aloîîe ouglif f0 cone very nlea r provinig our con- tent-ion. The simple frufli is fliaf flic lonest facts have beexi withheld from the Habi- fant ; îof only wiflileld, tlîey have beeîî hîdeousîx- disforted. And that distorfion lias led f0 propagationi of fingi secret societies the most potent anid dangcrous fiffli- colunmnists o1 tliîs continîent. If you ini Ontario w-ho are impatient for immediate actionî, wish f0 exercise aceunu- latin-g wratl dite f0 a majorityv vote, ]et if be for flhc monment against flic two daîîgerouîs elenients stihi threatening an uîuibridgeable sebisiin in national uniity. First flic inept and fearful politicians -ho preparcd flic -rounîd and sec-ond, flie traitors whio are assiduously cultivating if. Do îlot blanie the common people. To those w-ho cry delay; that w-e eau- flot waif a month or so whieb îvill be al tbnt's necded f0 diffuse triuth f0 the pro- vince *s rernofest disricts, we have fuis to sav: Canada lias w'aited two and onie baîf years on this "ail-ouf" manpower question, and fiî'e monflis simîce the plebiscite n'as first miooted. Surelv w-e sbould continue our faith ini the i-ast miass of the commron people. Witbii flic space of days w-e shoild kîîow just îvbat Prirne Minister King- lias in mind. Let us await lus position fîrst and meantîme practice'folerance. Your Duty to Look' Ahead Cnanadianî people may be divided roughly info two gi'oups- at flic pueseuf tirne. One group is spendiig money as fast as if conues in. Tlhe ofheî-s are piiing up War Snaviiîgs Certificates and Bonds as hig-h as possible through rigfid suîppressionî of flic tempta- tion f0 spend as others ai-e doing. The spcndiiîîg group is finding if increas- ingly difficuit to buy expensive arifies, as war productionî iiicreasiîîgly curtails the manufacture of inaiiy peacefirne coinodit- ies. But they manage to speîîd mosf of their current incoine by the purchabc of rnany articles anîd services f0 lie securcd at low eost. Thus, Canadian amnusemient centres are fimding if liard f0 accoimnodate flic crowds. Retail stor'es arc bcsieg-ed daily by fliousands of mein and w-omen ýwbo iake a raid on uerebamidise costing fî-orn 25e up f0 $15 and $20. Theî-e is oîie celtaini predictioîî wliecb iny be miade nion-. \lieni peaceecoiiles, the ment aîîd w-onuiinw-ho will be able f0 buy neiv fur-)iiiiue foi- flic Iouse, new' cars, washiîig machiines, radios and the like. or w-ho will be faking- holiday triîps t(> fainios Canadian and United States resorts, will îîot be those who are now' speîiding flieiu- quarters anid their dollar bis witli îeckless abanîdon. The speuiding sprec affer flieuwaur will be con- duce d la-gely by flic people who are niow iuvestiîîg heavilx' in Goveriiîrnent war se- curities. If is mucli casier f0 buy more and more War Saviiigs Ceztificates now when oune visualizes tlîem in ternis of spending nioney -affer Hitler is.beaten. -V Those Qùeer People Jusf a few monflis before flic present n-a- broke ouf, Rex Froste, radio comrncntatoî- and leefurer, addressed flic Rotary Club) of Bowmaiville on wbnt lie saw, "Iuside Ger- manv. " He lad made a tour- of flhc contili- Mje Oabian ~4t1I Established 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With whlch is Incorporated The Bowmanvllle News, The Newvcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 86 Year's Continuns Service To The Town of Bowmianville and Durham County. Member Eaî-ly in flic war flue govermuneuit souigluf outside mmmn of ahiiity-tfo hîcip get Cainde orgauîizcd for flue coufliie. W'allace Camp- hell of flue Ford Co. of Canada w-as one of flue first, huit lic quit, evcuufuaiiy, anîd weuît hack f0 pîiîafe iiudusfu-y. The publiic got flic usuai u-casoîu, a polit-c letter or fîvo; -cor- dially yours- and ail that sort of fhiîîg. Simice fhuemutbem-c lias beeuî a long procession of able mcmi xx'o have foiiowed Mr. Camup- beli's example. Tîte Statesmani lias coin- mcîufed upomifhis hefore. But omly one of tiese able exccutiv'cs .5 fan lins stated rea- sous. Thuaf n'as Walter Zelier, bead of flic Zeller Stores, w-ho liadtflic courage or "cf- fi-oiuerx-' to state fhat officialdonli anud red tape si;iply ýpueveuted luiiiîîrcudeiîug nde- qîiafely flue service lue ivas cap)able of renud- cîinîg, due f0 a lifefirne of hbusinîess exper- ince. Now, omlv last n'eck w'e bai-e iord fhiat Leouuaî't W. Bi-ockiiugfoui, K.C.. lawyeu-, oî-a- tor' and for'merî speciai w-aî-fiuue assistanît f0 Prmeu Miiîistei- Kinig, lias acccpted a "îc- quest- 'of0rogof0Eîtglatîd as adîiseî' ou i u- pire affaim-s f0 Hou. Hu'ciidauîBrackcii, Bnit- ishu Miuiistei- of Iiformiationî.LIe is aiso f0 do coiisitlerablc iviitiiig. speecii-iiakýiiig and hui-oadcasfititg. Tutus Mr'. Brockiiigftoit, witiiont î-ealinin i his letfeî- of rcsiinatioui to Mu'. Kinu- jutst ivliaf îvas back of if ail, joisflue pr-ocessionu of able mien wihiose î-ecogmizcd ahility is completely foreio ftfle -"-Ottaw'a Blighît. -'Mr. 1Brockiitgýtoi s pmobably flic Mnost effective andi polislîcd orafor oui ttis continent anîd lias i'eiudteth greaf sei-iiee iin publie relationis as aiîoig thie i'S.A., Buif- ain anîd Canada. If is ruîmîoîed fhuat sonte - wlumisi --of Mr. i's led to emîntuai resignationi. W'hatei-er if was, fliceîmainî pointf is tliat Mn. Brockiuigtoni's serviices n-cie soughif af- tci' by t1iose iii Britaiuiihio reeogmuiized o(-)lt staui-u abiity, but oily, if uuay lie assuinm- cd, afteu- lue lîad seî-ened associationi uitît Mr. Kinug antihis claque of iuteileefuîals. TIhue editou' of Tlîe Statesuîiaiu lias luat i iaiiv cou- -vemsatiouts witit ?i,-. Bu'o-kiugtont hothu ii Ottawva anid Winnuipeg anîd ike aIl otîters wlio kuton hiî iutiuuafly admir-es his ahlity anid Iolds liîîiii lîighîlesf e-ard as ai ouf- stanidinig and î-aliabîc Camadiaîî. Ini al pnb- li- r-eationîs cidea%,our-s Mr. Brockinîgtouu iitî al l hs fu-euienitouis braimi power anîd lus j greniuis for interpi-efafion of eî'emts, is juîst a plaint. oi-dinaiau n îamu iii the fmuest anîd iolelsf scuene fofluhe ferni. If is ou- lhumble opinion fliaf Mu'. Kiiuîg lias caused ('anada iîrepar- uiblo loss imi accepfiiig Mr-. Bi-ockingfonu's l 'es i uatiouî. AuditBure a u of Circulations Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association j--- ti v1 fi o1 nI G War Savings Stamps window sigmîs confirming fhem in the ir appointmenf as representa- Soon Available at tives o! the Commitfee whicli is Your Local Store chargcd with seiling flic idea o! tliriff f0Candi fs trougli fli regular purchase o! war savings Oftawa, June 9tli-Morc thon stamps and cecu-ificates. 0,000 retaul deahers across Canada Mn. Spinney cxphained that if ire soon f0 be askcd f0 piedge flic sole of war savings sfamps themnselves f0 press the sale Of had not been on what miglif be Wan Savings Sfomps for the dura- calhed a "total war" scale thus ion o!flhe war as represenfotives far, one of the adverse factors was )f lic National War Finance Com- that in many cases people had f0 iff ce, if was announced here by go some disfance f0 gef thern. To eorge W. Spinncy, chairmnan. overcome this, tlie aid o!flice ne- Pledgees will receive officiai sponsible merchant s o! Canadai Iwas being enlisted and flicir ob- o! good augury, according f0 Mr. Having due regard f0 the in-I feafure the front Page. Rev. W. S. offer flerelves for Christian fcreased incomes o!fn-any wagel1 Pascoe, D.D., Hamilton, writes minisfry. He intimafed fliafflic and salary corners in the Domin- flic editor fliat lie was superan- number o! yearsi necessary for ion, ut was poînfed ouf by Mr. nuafed in 1899 and given up by ordinants fo receive their train- flic National War Finance Com- Brighf's disease, but lie writes a Oflier officers elecfed were: mittee f0 sec thaf no means sliould breezy letter 18 years afferward. Secretary, Rev. J. E. Beckel o! be overhooked f0 remind Cana- And Rev. J. J. Rae, D.D., is com- Stirling; freasurer, Rev. J. E. Glo- dians o!flice two!ohd invesfmenf ing f0 Maple Grove anniversary ver o! Hastings; conference sfa- in every purcliase o! war savings fromn Richmond, Indiana. thon and press representafive, stamps or certfiicates,-fhrif and The Honàr Roll: Kihied, Edgar Rev. Andrew MacLaugliîn o! a stake in vicfory. Graham, Ponfypool. Prisoner o! Toronto. laitghed uproarlousiy at 'those queer people, the Gerinans. ' WVe îere utterly incapable of understaiid- ing ,tliut tiiose -i cri- fats were evenflien le- in- e onverted imto îowerful explosives that ,lave since killed hunîdreds of thîousands of inînocentf people and riglif at this moment are blastin- C(atiadiaii airiien froni the skies. Now w-e are beginiiuing to know what it is ail about and wve'otrselves are organiz- ing Giril Guides to garner fats, froin tiiose Whîo Save. Aîid the latest is:"Save vour old toofli- ])aste tubes and turni thiem in-' A M\r. Rosen- ber(, is the "conitroller" in charge and lie sa 'vs: 'This is absolutely mandatory; the penalty for infraction is a fine up to $5000 or 2 years in jaiU" Then alongY cornes our quarterly supply of new ink for this paper. Formeriý six big cans lheld the supply. Now we get 12 sinaîl cans hiolding the saine anount, but with more fin wasted. Just wlîo are the "Qucer People" any- w'ay? Help the Navy League The price of liberty for the fî'ee-living people of tlîis province is being paid for us bN tîhe sailors, soldiers and airmen w-ho are serving ini the ranks of Canada 's arrned. forces. Whiat a large portion of that priee is be- iugo paid hy t-lie mereliant seaien-the "Un- sung Heroes' of tlîis w-ar. andtihile men of oui' sileîît service' -the Royal Canadian Nav-x, onix- flose beiîd flic scemues eau fully tell. For everv stori- of leroisrn that bits the front pagres of oir newspapers, thiere are a thJousand otiier stories untold. Tlhe nerchiant seamnan in lus lightlY-armi- ed uerliant slip working tlîat ship to a distant port. runniiing ftie risk of bondb. shieli and machîine gun fire, daily gamibles witlî deatli so fliaf our figlîters. ofteui better prio- teeted thîaî lie, max- receive the food and aimmuiiiition that thîey uîeed to keep tlhe cneniî- at bax- ou a dozen different fronts. Our nereliant seaxien are uncornplaining. Plue- wear no uiîiforin. Tlîeir position ini the jdock-side waiilg uine of appicants for uvork at sea, niay- deterinue w-hct er flîci- '1 be sailiîîg on a sliip that wuill "- et tlirough", or Nvhiether they 'Il conneet witb a ship that lias the devil*s inumiber on it. Tlîey -amble their ]ives in the Empire 's war effort. Soldiers aiid aiuiîcn î'isk their ]ives in an attack, bult if tuhiey survive, they corne back f0 a period of rest. The echant seameu anîd sailors have a continuahly dangerous job witlî little surcease fror worrv. The NavY League voluiitarily make it it's responsibilifv f0 "service"fhiese more fluan a Iiuundred tbousand galiauf rnen w'henever àihex- toucli a Canadian port. by- providing them with accommodation at Allied Mer- chant Seamcn's Clubs. by giviing tlîcm wool- lies andi cornforts anîd ditty bags and rnaga- zies anîd books. That "service' can ouly be provided uifl the lîelp of the public. Our merchant sea- men mnust uot be let down. We, tàbe public, hav-e a definite duty- in this matter. Make a generous contribution to the Navy League Tag, Day, dune 1Htb. Brockington Goes To Britain They Read The Editorials Thiere arc tests of flic usefulness and effectivencss of editorinîs îvhiclî appear iin the ios nioestof jouruîals. One is flic pronptindewithi whlich local subseribers, part iculaîly faiii people, cahl, write or tele- phlonie tlîe office wifh cîthet- praise or ccii- sure. Auolîci is flic press* clippings iailed fo us frinu a ceuntral bureau. rfhîcx show how witlespread aund to w'baf exteuif The States- manî is quoted ini ofler pnpcu-s. lu bofli these clepari'tnents tlîis ome-horse weekly fares faiu-ly well. Criiicism lias been sînaîl indeed. \Ve shioultl wclcomc more of if. The third test is exemplificd and emphas- îzcd iii flic iiunibers of lefteî-s receîvcd from pei'sons highly placcd in. iud ustry, finance, educafion, and part icularly fhuose ini goverii- unecuts aid flic cabinet ministers admiuister- in- dtepartaucuits of goveu-iuienf. Almosf n-cekly n-e are favored w'ithî letters from sncbh people, w'hiicli proves fliey rcad Tlîe Stfafesnîaîu fliaf not only do) tlcy rend if but dcciii if w'ortl w'hile f0 comnti by ]etteî-. Tlîeî' is sonie rcnsoui foi' satisfaction inu ail fis. We inîvite sug-gestions ns w-cIl as criticisin. We like, for insfance, flue kitud of leffer îve receiveti fuoîîu Hon. J. G. Gar'diner, MAimister of Agriculfturc, w'hiicb appeaî's elsew'hîere iin fluis issue. He"disag&rees" and is Prcpared f0 coile back f0 Durham Counity and argue policies . . . or lack of ther, n. d propose to .-Q back ox-er our past fwo vears' files -f0 sustain our case. But fhîis wiIl be for a inter issue. Meaîitiune we heartily invite Mr. Gar- diner bnck f0 Duîrhîam. His is a pcrsouîality w'eadnmire. And we fbank, foo, flic baîf dozcîî other important personges ini To- ronfto, Ottawa anîd Moîîtreal w'ho bave so geîîerously comrnded oureditorinls duriug flic past weck. Rationing On The Way The daily press duriiig fli past few days lias carried mews of an interview wifl Doni- ald Gordon,. czar of fthc Pice Ceiliug seheune as Cliairinaii of flic Warfime Prices aîîd Trade Board, aînd of bis radio fnlks touching flic importance of preveuting inflafionî. Ac- cordiîîg to a letter rcceiî-ed by flic edifor of tItis paper direct froîn Mr. Gordon, dune 3, 1942, bie calîs oui the w'eckly press for support as weli. LIN initial falks withî the press were with flic mnuîbeî-s of the parlia- iucmufary press gallcry, at îvhicb flic wcek- lies ivere mot presdut, amni bis leffer tells frankly of wliat hie said on thaf occasion. Froni local observ-ation, if is flie opinion of this paper flîn thefl'hionor" system of rat ioîîing at pi-esent iii effeet (iiucluding flic gasoliuîe couploni sysfern) is ouly a 50 per cenît syýstcrni and always n-ill be just fhiaf. Haîf the people siuiply w-ou'f couîform un- less thex- are liferalîx- elubbed and fbnt eau ledcnonsfrated ci'ci-x-moment of flic day'%-aiidi i-ciiing i ianx- coiumunify by simi- ply sittimîg stili or n'alking arouiîd anid oh- serinig w-bat goes oui. Mr. (lordoni no doubt is faîuiliar wifli ail fuiis amni probably if lic liad an absoluitchy fi-e iaud liceivould eciaek doi%'." But lie lias fakenu flicpositionfhiaf flic p)ubie hfiîsf sliould be - 'educafed ' 'nup f0 flic pointf iviere thieY-wil accepf coupon ra- tioning i in ui nmes, w%%itlioutanuy sort of painie. Aux sndden ianiinememit uiiglit liai-e fliceffeet of sceing flic "onor",,roupl liasteui to stores andîtl iops to lny ini excessiv'e sto-ks. Tlîaf is precisely w-h1iaf Mr. Gor-doni aitieipafes so ie lias uîerely indieated to flic press tlhat couipoîn afioning is initer eousideration and( mla ' hîeuonîc uccessai- as w'e enter- moi-c dîreefhi nto the decpcning comfiet. Hîsn-hiole tlîeuîîc is tlîis:'"If if hîccoiues micessaix- -w-e imunst adopt flie systeni. Meamu- fiinie, gîiard aga imst iuni ii-ssary hiuig: flicee's plcnty for eî-eryouuc, hiut at flic nio- nienit, nio onle slionld boy auytbing whi ich is mot ue urdfor c ijreuit coiisimptioI." More Sources of Taxes * Thie realizatiomi by leader's of flic United Nationîs tbaf the tide of w'ar us swingiig daily dloser fo au equal balance of power, aîd fhiat victorx- eau be ours if w'e strike sooui, strike loîîg and strike with i-ery iota of force ive caiTinuster, îîill have ifs direct refiectionuiupon everi- one of us. A greaf tlirust sucli as is uueded, meamîs more mcii, more guns, more ships, more planecs, anîd muor'e munitions. Aud ecdi of fhiese means muor'eunonex-. Taxation is aiready burden- sorne, huit ifs iveighît is carried by' ail of us îvifb griiîî apprcciafiouî of ifs necessity; anîd if more moiucy nmust be found to send flic full force of flic United Nationîs ovcr the top aîîd crasiuîg doîvn uponu fli eneiny, no onie îvo culls iiîîiself a Caîîadiaiî wouid ob- ject f0 an eveîî beavier iuîdividunl fax lond. Aniother source of taxes, oîcne wiclu lias be'euîappareiîfix-oî-eu-ooked uîp f0 flicpres- cuit, is that of goî-erumeuf in businecss, such as proiincial liquor stores, provinceial elcc- friec power systeuns, mnicipal îvaterîvorks anud transportationî systcms. Thînnks f0'ot moded lcg-islatiouî, mouîey-mnakiuig corpor- ationîs suchi as fliese hiav-e ionî escaped pny- iig flîcir share of flic genieral public expen- ses. Thougb i1in nany cases flîcir earuiiigs liai-eheenî lighi fhiey haî'e heeîîexcuused froni coîtributiiig f0 flicgeucral w'elfare anîd. have beeiî pcî-îitted f0 diverf flicir suîrpluîs cnîings iuîto sizeable rescri-'es. To the imdividual taxpayer, cliarged witli fli respoîîsihility of rnising mouiey f0 fightf fli ivar aîîd sbielded by no snob mensure, flic exemption of public corporationîs means ouly fhuat lus share of flue Ioad is proportion- afely greafer. Willing thougli flic axpayer miglit be f0 strain himsclf even more in flic infcrcsf s of victory if is <igh tfime public- owmucd businesses w'ere made f0 feel fbey have a part in flic sfruggle. -V Dragnet For P.O.Ws. Iin hast n-cek 's issue of The Statesaman, un- der a front page caption, "Cooperafion of Cifizeuis Requested", appcarcd information aîîd a rcqucst from flic Prison Camp Comn- mîanîdanît, Lt. Col. R. 0. Bull, f0 ahi citizeus of this district as a guide oui wlinf o do if P.O.Ws. weuuf A.XV.L. These'cr3'ptogramrnic designafions are fraditiouual harîîacles ad- hcriuug fo the mesh anîd mess of red tape fhiaf cluffcî-s officiai documents w'bicb ahr duck soup for burenuicrafs but duiteli puzzles f0 lé'average reader." Wif hi fli wraps off, thbe meaniîug is, "w'lîat to do when prison-ers of ivar go absentf iithout leave.' Wc arc asked f0 recapliasize flic main points: First, whcn flic sircu souuds af bigh uîoouu oui Saturday omly, pay no attention, tbýey arc mereiy testiîîg if. At alil ofher f imes ivlien iti souîîds, if nîcans n POW is AWL aîud everyoiic must he on flic 'alerf" and plione 880 imunediafely if suspicious cbnrac- fers arc secuu. Pluomeie he directionu they fake amîd phîone ah nieighuhors f00. If mnusf be re- nieinlured fhiat whuufic hesiuciîis hîcard, if is affeu- the escape, and inybe for sonue time affer, for a chîeck amîd coumîf nusf be mande f0 be sure. Agaimi, do mot forget the nunîber: phlonle Bowuîuauuîille 880. Thîis plani as oîuflimîcd above lias ionig heemi adî'ocated hy Tlue Statesmaîî. Ami editorial cau-îied sonie fime ago oithfli subjeef lias hîeeuu copied iii scores of papers ail across flue coîuntry. Thie Board appoiuuted hîy 0f- taw'a f0 ilvestigate escapes also ivas pre- seutteti nith flic plan hy flic edifor in persoui aîud as îîrounpfly ns possible nffcm'îard camîe govern~imaeit sanîctioni for- puffiig flicplanu imto effeet. Onîce agaimu, as in tfli case of sei'ajuiuon anud a dozemi other fluiugs, flic gov- eri-mnmî lias, adopted our suggestionu. Whîiclî ahi gocs f0 show tbaf effective hcads aîîd constructive policies anîd cornînihorse sense arc nof flic prerogafives of bureau- crats and high-priced "dohinu'-a-xear"mnî, but cvoiî'e sornefimes amoîg flic comuuîoîu or gidemi variefy of individial fouuîd iii srnll towis whio kîîow rlîubarb fî'oîn bu'dock anîd for-gatucus Safuu-day cveitings am-ounîd the crackei- han-ci. i FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, June 8, 1892 Maple Grove: Chas. Rundie lias gone f0 Rochester, N.Y., on a visit. ... The gipsies are camping again at Gimbletf's corners . ..Thos. J. Cole has a fine, young, iron- grey driver under training - a dlean stepper and as gay as a Bowmanviile girl with a new spring hat." Enniskiilen: Dr. McDonahd o! ISf rafford looked affer Dr. J. C. jMitcheli's practice whule he af- tended the Ontario Medicai Asso- ciation. . . . A dîsastrous storm occurred here Thursday. Many buildings werc unroo!ed. ... The party who opens the cemetery gate f0 let bis cattle graze and trample graves had better stop short or lie will inld himsei! in a pretty warm corner. Tyrone: Mrs. W. Hambly died Monday affer a lingering iiiness. . Miss E. Rowc, Bowmanville, is hoiidaying here. Enfîeid: Thursday's sform fook off flic roof o! Thos. Hall's kit- chen and lighfning killed f wo. o! Mr. Reid's horses. . . . Sons o! Temperance have bouglit Raglan churcli and moved if liere as a public hall. Haydoa: E. T. Siemon, B.A., spent Sunday here ......If is gen- erally supposed fliat we have five Hebrew chiîdren liere instead o! flirce and judging !rom the way thcy hustie flic news around they would bura like coal oil."1 Taunton: The residence o! F. Glaspel was besieged May 27fh by about 50 people wif h gi!ts. If was their 35th wcdding anniversary. Solina: Stone work for W. Van- Nesf's barn is about complefed by Vice Bros. , . - Jno. Truhi is under the doctor's care. j Bowmanvjlle: The M is sio n Band o! the Met hodist Churcli presentcd a program with flic fol- lowing f aking part: Misses Susie Allin, Lena Mason, Ethel King,i Inez Mason, Vida Haines. Bea( Joncss, . May Vanstone, Maggîc i Trebilcock and ofliers. Each o! these Tiff le people per!ormed their parts s0 well as greafhy f0 please 1 their fcacherà, Miss Bunner and t Miss Lot tic Brimacombe. Miss Neads prcsided aithfli organ. W. A. Windaff, Winnipeg, is .j visiting at home. If us illegal f0 sehh tobacco f0 those under 18 and anyone giving the wecd tf0 minors wîll lie pro- i secuf cd. "If flic law is en!orced r there wilhl be !ewer frade-marks T on streets and door-ways." c The following appear as having T obtained degrees or higli stand- T ings at recent universify exams: f J. W. Odeh, Orono, rnathemafics; -EF Miss Julian Thomas, flic degree O! M.B.C.M.; W. F. T. Tamblyn higli honors in Arts; J. J. Gilfil- l Ian and AT!. 5igginbotham, pliar- macy: W. A. Plarlis and A. E. Mc- Laughlin, won B.A.'s. A two col. report appears o! E flic annual, international, 1co- -L operation" o! Disciples o! Christ tt which met in Bowmanvihe's0 Churcl o!flice Disciples with dehe- ý gafes !rom aIl over Ontario and i 1casteru United States. John J Gilfillan was on flic Committee. Editoriah Note: A !ew wecks ago our blls were sent ouf, and h a !ew paid up. Others have nof. 3 We have decided f0 Place some ci more o! these in our lawyer's jý hands wlien cosf s wihl l e added.Q M TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO t FI Fromn The Canadian Statesman, ta June 14, 1917 W th war and wounded, LIC E. W. Watt, Port Hope. Wounded: Wal- ter Bradshaw, Enniskillen, J. A. Hardy, Cavan, J. W. Walmsley, town, and Gnr. L. A. Driver, Bethany. Midland Press Association in convention at Port Hope heard an admirable address by Arthur R. Ahloway. W. S. Given, Milibrook, said that over 100 familles in Cavan do flot fake a newspaper or magazine. Locahs: Congrafs f0 Miss M. Ruth Squair on passing final ex- ams at Faculty o! Education with a first ciass certificate. . .. Glenn Strike, younger son o! Rev. and Mrs. A. J. H. Strike, and grand-- son o! Mrs. Auna Elford, lias en- listed with the Cobourg Heavy Battery. Their whoic family, two boys, are now in ......... Leslie C. Cox, Ph.D., lately greduated !rom Johns Hopkins University, has been appointed f0 a profes- sorate in Hamlinc University, Sf. Paul, Minri. -... Death camie denly f0 Daniel Grenniss, Hope, Tuesday. He workMt.W day Saturday but was suWdenly, stricken Sunday, and dielbwîtli- ont regaining consciousneà. Birth: June 7th, f0 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Wannan, Orono, a son- Married: June 1sf, Roland Lorne Fairbairu and Clara Alfrena Rolfe, only daugliter o! Welling- ton F. Rolfe, Orono. Married: Af The Maples, Taun- ton, June 1sf, George Wilfrid Hilts and Irene, only daughfer o! Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Glaspeli. Deaths: June l3fh, at Colum- bus, John H. James, age 64 years; June 7fh, Mrs. Gco. Trimble, Bowmanviha% aged 77; Mrs. Thos. Burrows, Hampton, aged 77. Ebenezer: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rundie af W. R. Pickell's-..Miss Louise Osborne, Albert College, Belleville, at home.... Bert Wor- den, Winnipeg. at home. Tyrone: A. W. Aunis conducfcd the morning cliurch services and A. E. Clemens and A. F. Annis in the evenig.... Miss Marjorie' )ke is visiting lier sister Greta in f own. Enniskilien: J. A. Werry is at Conference ln Picton. . . . Miss Pearl Sharp is home !romn Toron- to. ... Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker, Solina. af F. W. Lee's. Hamoton: C. Hastines is on fthe rury, Cobourg. . . . W. R. Allin took in flic Warden's excursion fo Rochester. Higli Scbool Notes: Robent Par- ker won flic Tamblyn prîze in 'ubhie speaking, on "Submarines." /ss Rena Jewel won !irst and Charles Rowe second in flic D. G. IV. Galbraith- prizes. G o r d o n /Toorecra!f won $2.00 on "How a High School boy can lielp flic Empire and the Farmer." REV. J. J. BLACK ELECTED HEAD 0F CONFEItENCE Rev. J. Jolinstone Black, B.A., B.D., minister o! Cambridge Street United Church, Lindsay, was elcc- id f0 flie presidency o! the Bay )f Quinte Confercuce o!f the Unit- id Churcli o! Canada, at fthc open- îg session held at Lindsay last veek. Extra billeting o!flice delegates 'as made nccessary in district ioes wben registration totaiicd 30, an uncrease over last year. A Uvic wehcomne was extendedj Vayor C. Lamb. Rev. D. ýueen and Rev. P. C. Reid oWIruP Jinisferiah Association addrcssei e conference. Retiring president, Rev.D [etcher, staf cd that if was regret- able thaf only flirce students vererad for ordination into he mi=îr. He nrged flic dele- *'.es tn in youi. g mca__0 Class A Weeklies of Canada SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 a Year, strictly in advance. $2.50 a Year ini the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THE RAILWAY AND THE WAR D y Thurstan Topham_ 1Waste is 5abotage' is thre wariirne sloqan. of CandirL R~i,~.n-~rt.Canàdzý radi sqstc>ms sbivaqed and reclaic!ncd rnateriblis e.ssertad tot-ie couritry's twr effort tôt1w valu.e of $1000000 I~t ea~'.Since 1939 tuie CNR Motive '- Power departnent has A> -e recondit iorÉed 83 freiqht enciines which ordinrirîkjwouldd kice been. L repIaced btj i-eu.' ocomtocs. Th.eq are ail qiuiriq valuable service todaq:S oine of theni hL\ve served Canrada in. tour Salv>ôqe iaterial t forn ho mtesof r-Al- wàq rrierL j ilt ered Soucartee W-r-i(D6 bq nembere of V4av .5oud~rese ~r-~96 ___ 5ervice5 As5oc- Every bit oft waste paper- tinfomdb Ï5 saved bti tthe empLo34ees Be artnD« -yl 94 Thn arts o efuCnda of- trie National ste-t Be m.-&9 cectW6-114Tft Lo r ie undsri5 qo irtto baJes liie 14ce. ~tye&r frmbl ~te more tiian. a, miIllior. poundS were- relh'îCRS recairnedem.ou9ghto imake 9Z,593 r~c{WrI» and othei- war relief. PAGE TWO 1 .THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Minister of Agriculture Agrees to Disagree With The Editor Ottawa, 3th May 1942 the first and second years of the Geo. W. James, Esq., war. Editor, I think that the present Position- The Canadian Statesman, is the resut of very carefully Bowmanville, Ont. planned production and market- ing policies. Dear Mr. James: -Irnrediately the war started we 1 very much appreciate your organized the Directors of hs letter calling my attention to the different divisions into what ii'b report of my speech at the Can- now called the Agriculturqie~up)t adian Club in Bowmanville, and plies Board. This Board haÇWýer- *also to the editorial commennt. I ed into agreemnents with britain appreciate greatly the very effec- for the marketing of Our surpluses tive way in whih you reorted of products required in Britamn the speech and also the comment. drn h a eîd I, naturally, do not agree when Our production programi carried you suggest that we have had a on in cooperation wth the Pro- hit and miss policy ini co nnection vinces and farm organiZations, with Agriculture. We think that and our marketing program car- Our policy has been fairly far- ried on in co-operation with the sighted from the beginning and British Food Ministry, have re- even before the war started. sulted in a very marked increase The ositon hichI tae .in the production of farm products Thepostio whch tae 3 required to supplY food to Britain that when I was over in Britain inl and any other markets. 1936 1 realized fully what was Ithn weav avryie happening there in preparation Istrhouin conna ecti n w i nte forgawar. When I carmentack I rwhole matter which could be told orgn azed theDearvisnentani on an occasion different from that then wde asrineothree Divis" n which was presented through the the aded Maketng iviion mnedium of the Canadian Club. I, to promote the sale of our farm therefore, hope that at some fu- products in Britain, and prornotetreineImybabetcoe the Production of such farm pro- ftur istict ayadediscssthi ducts as w ould be required in rn ue t your f t a rm ing people. Britain if any difficulties arose. Again, let me say that I apprec- One only has to follow the record late greatly both the manner in of what happened from that tirne which you reported the meeting forth f0 realize that we had great- and the comment which was made ly increased our production in in your editorial. hogs and dairy products even in Kindest regards, the year before war started, and Yours sincerely, had everything set for a very rnarked increase in hogs during - James G. Gardiner IN THE DIMAN DISTANT PAST From The Statesman Files 1 i

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