PAGE SbIX THE ANAIAN TATSMAN BOMANVLLE ONTRIOTHURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1942 Maple Grove Visitors: Misses Beverly Shea, Cauline Lever, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker, Miss Vera Baker, Sauina, at Mrs. L. C. Snow- den's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flintoff, Jean, Marilyn, Barbara Anne, with her sister. Mrs. Denis Pickard, H-ampton. . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Misses Frayn, Anna and DorothY Johns. Lake- field, Miss Marion Johns. Town, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pascoe, Ruth and Lorne Pascoe. Zion. at Mr. Wallace Munday's. .. Mrs. Gertie Darby, Whitby, with her cousin, Mrs. H. G. Freeman. .. Miss Betty Stevens with Miss Hilda Richards, Salem. Miss Dorothy Snowden is with the Farm Girls' Camp, Waterford. Full particulars concerning the anniversary are in Coming Events column. Congratulations ta Alex An- nanichule an his marriage. Maple Grove SChool1 News (By Jack Munday and Billie Skelding) The Smiths who lef t here ten weeks aga are looking for a house in this community. We knew Donald would get homesick... On June the fifth the Mission Band concert made S9.50.... Grade V boys are making an Underground'Hangar. They have formed a group called thp. Secreti Squadron. ... The Junior Victory Club made $1400 in salvage and donated it to the boys' boxes for overseas. Don't miss seeing aur salvage buggy in the Rotary Par- ade at Bowmanville on July 22. For Don't miss the opportunity to show "Dad"' how much he is appreciated. Let us help you select a gift for hlm. We have: books, bill folds, key rings, fountain pens, pencils, sta- tionery, pictures, ash trays, and many other gifts from which to choose FATHER'S DAY CARDS 5, 10, 15C J,.VW. JEWELL "BIG 20" BOOKSTORE Phone 556 Bowinanviile EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE PASTOR CARMAN LYNN Sunday, June 21 10 a.m.-Bible School. il a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-"'The Llghts That Failed" Evangelist RUTrH JOHNSON of Lindsay, Ontario wil speak at both services OSHAWA A Famous Players Theatre Now 'tii Satufèay An unforgettable ev e nt i n screen entertainment!... CHARLIE CHAPLIN i "THE OOLD RUSH"? with words and music - Added Feature-1 d«WHO IS HOPE SCHUYLER" with Sheila Ryan Joseph Allen Revival Frlday Night "MANHUNT" wlth Walter Pld- geon and George Sanders Next Mon. & Tues. The Fastest 'unniest Picture of the year!.. Joel MeCrea Veronica Lake in "àSullivan's Travels"' - Plus - jane Wlther» in "«SMALL TOWN DEB" Next Wed. & Thurs. John Garfield, Nancy Colman, Raymonld Massey in DANGEROUSLY THEY LIVE -also - Charlie Ruggles in "ýTHE pERFECT SNOB" Salem Salem Women's Association met at the Buttery home un Thursday evening, witb the president open- ing the meeting. Scripture was taken by Thelma Werry. Mrs. Coombes had change of this pro- gram: Piano solo. Marie Colla- cutt: readings. Mrs. Hall and Mns. Richards: Mrs. L. Goodman. Ty- rone. guest speaker, spoke on "Woman's duty ta henscîf. home and hem God": vocal solo, Mms. Darch. Meeting closed with a social time. Lady war wonkers of Salem held an entertainment in the church June ltb, wben Reeve Canveth, Newcastle, ententained witb some fine lantern slde pic- turcs. VTocal solos by Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Burrus. Oshawa, were rendered in tlieir usual fine voice. A large display of needlewank for War Victims was exhibited. A bountiful luncheon wvas served. Proceeds aven $1300. Mrs. F. L. Squair is visiting ber daughter. Mrs. W. Moffat, Orono. Mr. and Mns. E. Doidge visited Mrs. J. Storie, Tyrone, wba is vcry ill at Mrs. D. Hooper's, Or- ana. Mr. M. Marchant motored down witb themn on Sunday. They also called on Mn. F. Cator xvho is improved in hcaltb enough ta sit up a little. Hampton Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson and son Douglas, Ton- onto, at Mn. Edgar Horn's... Mn. and Mns. Morley Flintoff and cbildren. Maple Grave, at Mn. D. Pickard's . .. Mrs. Chas. Kerslake accampanied Mn. and Mrs. C. Downcy, Bowmanville, ta Hamil- ton ta attend a funenal of a rela- tive . .. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Horn and Mrs. Catherine Jacob, Port Hope, at Mn. W. W. Horn's... Mr. Fred Muin, Hamilton, witb bis wife and baby . . . Pte. Reg. Rackham, Manning Pool, Toron-ý ta, at home . . . Mn. and Mms. J. Macnab and Audrey and Mn. and Mrs Alf. Randal in Toronto.. Mrs. A. Clark and Phyllis witb relatives in Oshawa. Frank Rogers was in Quebec with Alf. Ayne, Zion, delivering sheep. Preparations are on the way for aur Sunday scboal anniversary. Mrs. W. G. Doidge was bostess ta, the narth group war womkers on Wednesday when 20 ladies gathercd ta quilt and sew, and do other needy wonk. Refeshments wcrc senved. Mrs. Austin Barman bas gone ta reside witb ber husband wbo is in the Canadian Postal Corps, Ottawa. Solina Visitons: Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Migs May Mcriam at Mn. Everett Elliott's, Oshawa ... Mn. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds and family at Mr. Hilton Tink's . . . Mn. and Mns. Bryce Brown with relatives at Hatley . . . Mrs. Arthur West- lake ahd Ola, Oshawa, with Mms. C. Blanchard . . . Mn. and Mrs. Will White and sons, Oona; Mrs. C. John, Hampton, at Mn. Gea. Witc's . . . M. Sam Dewell, Thistîcton, with friends hene.. Miss Marjorie Coucb, Bowman- ville, at Mn. Jack Bakem's . .. Miss Verna Milîson, Western Hospital, Toronto, at home . . . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Webbcm and Grace, Columbus, Rev. E. W. Tink, Michigan, Mms. W. J. Warner, Hastings, Mrs. George McKenzie, Alberta, at Mr. H. E. Tink's... M. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlces at- tended a party at Mr. Clame Allin, Bowmanville, Satunday night.. Mn. John Brown, Whitby, with bis son, Bryce Brown . .. Mm. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Beryl and Glenn. Blackstock, at Mn. A. J. Balson's . .. Mn. and Mns. W. W. Bray, Mn. Gardon Law, Pickering, Mr. C. E. Bray, Swift Curent, Sask., at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's... Mr and Mrs. A. L. Pascac with fiends in Oshawa and Pickering and attended the Erskine Memor- ial service at Dunharton, Sunday. Mm. Frank Gilbent's condition is very grave. Friends from this community were sormy ta learn of the death of Mn. Jas. McKenzie, Columbus. Sec "Coming Events" for the C.G.I.T. Strawbemmy Tea! M Zon Visitons: Mms. Archie Whitmee, Pontypool, Mr. and Mms. Robt. Stainton. Berenice and Elleen, at Newton Edgar's and Hansen Rich- a-rds, Oshawa . . . Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Metcalf e, Oshawa, at Alf. Ayre's . .. Alf. Ayme bas retumned fnom the fair at Lachute Que., whene he carriedgff many pnizes with bis sheep.W Mms. Herb Flintoff had anotb- cm W.A. quilting. LEADING PERSONAGE3 IN WOMEN'S INSTITUTE WORK Strong's, Cadmus ... Spr. Arthur ___________Wright, Camp Barden, with his We are indebted ta The Farmer*s Advocate, Canada's autstalid- parents . . . Mr. and Mrs. E. C. ing farm journal, for sending us the accompanying haîf tanes of Ashton and June, Mr. and Mrs. photos taken at the recent successful West Durham Women's Insti- O. C. Ashton attended thee fam- tute District convention held at Tyrone. There is no organization ily gathering at Mr. 1. Travell's, in the County doing a more practical and thorough wark year inOsa ,inhorô er5t and year out along patriatic lines and for the betterment of homje wedding anniversary . .. Mr. and life than the Wamen*s Institute. The Statesman is always happy ta Mrs. J. Griffin with friends bere add its support ta any of their endeavours and worthy accamplish- Blaksoc Mr. and Mrs. J. ments. BýktcM.adMs .A Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright and Jean, Blackstack, STpr. Arthur Wright, Camp Bar- den, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and family, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey McGill and family at Mr. N. E. Wright's. June lth W.M.S. and W.A. met at Mrs. O. Ashton's with a goad - attendance. Rev. J. A. Plant con- - ~ 4~-4ducted the worship service. Miss Soucb led in prayer; scripture ~ :~ read by Mrs. Habbs; sola by Mrs. ~.E. Wright, accampanieed by Rev. J. A. Plant on autaharp. Mrs. E. C. Ashton gave a eading and a poem, "Just Yesterday" was read - - by Mrs. J. A. Werry in memory of Mrs. T. McGill who was a member of the group. After busi- Hous Dres Paade t Tyoneness the afternoan was spent Hous Dres Paade t Tyonequilting for Rfd Cross. Lunch was Front raw, from left, the three prizewinners: Mrs. G.C. Allchin, served and a social hour spent. A Bowmanville; Mrs H. Dean, Oono; Mrs. N. Waodley, Tyrone. Back vote of thanks was given the row: Mrs. E. Luxon, Clarke; Mrs. A. E. Billett, Hampton; Mrs. M. hostess.& Graham, Blackstack. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Howard Olce (nee Hazel Per- kins) and ta Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin (nec Rase Bennett), Weston, on their marriage. Mms. Walter Oke underwent a seriaus operation in Bowmanville hospital and is impraving nicely. Newtonville W. 1. Leaders in West Durham i From the left: Mrs. W. Joncs, Newtonville; Mrs. F. E. Birdsall , Bird- salis; Mrs. J. Thickson, Bawmanville; and the President, Mrs. L. J. Goodman, Tyrone. #W. N. TILLEY, K.C. <Continued from page 1) sulted in a complete vîndication of Sir Arthur. Mn. Tilley, wbo was in bis seventy-fifth year, was head of the fimm, Tilley, Carson, Morlock & M cCrimmon, and bad been ac- tive in its direction with succes- sive partners for baîf a century. He was appointed anc of His Majesty's counsel in 1915 and was first elected a Bencher of the Law Society in 1916. Upon bis election at tbree succeeding quinquennial elections he became a Bencher for life on April 17, 1931. He was treasurer of the Law Society of Upper Canada from 1930 ta 1935. Witb bis skill in law, he beld a keen insight into business prac- tice, as testified by bis work with corporations, and he served as director of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, the Bank of Montreal, Canada Life Insurance Company, and the Royal Trust Company. The funeral was beld from the Timothy Eaton Memorial Church on Fiday at 2.15 p.m., with inter- ment in Mount Pleasant Ceme- tery. Those wbo caried the nated lawyem ta the grave were, C. F. H. Carson, W. S. Marlock, B. V. Mc- Crimmon, S. E. Wedd, J. G. Mid- dîcton and E. Philp Tilley. The service at the cburch was con- ducted by the previaus minister, Rev. Dr. Trevor H. Davies, and the present occupant of the pul- pit, Rev. David A. MacLennan. "Canada and the Empire are I icher in the tbings that make fan stability because he lived," Rev. David A. MacLennan said. "To bis family we offer aur affection- ate sympatby. Their grief must be assuaged at least a little by evidence on every side that the greatness of bis mind and spirit are realized by large numbers of people throughaut the English- 1speakîng warld." "He bated injustice with an >honorable hatred, and with con- summate generalsbip employed the weapons of bis knawledge and skill in many assaults upon its entrenched positions," Mn. Mac- Lennan added. "His own un- swerving loyalty ta the right, and bis championship of the ights of rich and pon alike, made him tbe embodiment of justice ta multi- tudes who did nat know himn per- sonally. By bis awn keen sense of bonesty and bonon be made At casier ta believe in thein sover- eign command. By bis concern for the bigbest ideals of bis pro- fession, be made every lawyer prouder of bis vocation. Young students of the law have more ardent a desine ta acquit tbemn- selves wotbily because W. N. Tilley m.pmhed at the head of their ranIts" Chief moumners were Mr. Til- ley's widow, fommely Cannie Young, and two daughters, Mns. M. A. Cox and Mrs. Stephen M., Greey, and a sister, Mrs. A. N. Mitchell. Three young grand- children were among members of bis family present. Same 600 mourners attended the service, including, Dr. E. H. C o 1 e m a n, Unde-Secretary of State, repesenting also the Cana- dian Bar Association, attending with Frederick P. Vancae, Deputy Minister of Justice. D. L. McCartby, K.C., obtained adjoumnment of the Supreme LCourt at Ottawa ta attend. Mr. McCarthy is treasurer of the Up- per Canada Law Society, a posi- tion which Mn. Tilley f illed s0 successfully from 1930 ta 1935 that bis legal friends considered bis tenure of office a highligbt in bis career. Chief Justice R. S. Robertson, Sir William Mulock, wba retimed as Chief Justice of the Supremne Court of Ontario six yeans ago, and Chief Justice Hugb E. Rase of the High Court were among the vast throng of mourners. Sir Edward Beatty, chairman, and D. C. Coleman, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, of which Mr. Tilley for many years was cansulting counsel, attended with other C.P.R. directors and officiais. Dr. H. A. Beatty of To- ronto attended with his brother. Lieutenant-Colonel B a p t i s t Jahnston represented Han. Albert Matthews, Lieutenant-Governar of Ontario, and the Ontaria Gov- ernment was represented by At- torney-General Gardon Canant. Others present included Ross Il. McMaster, Marris W. Wilson, and G. Blair Gordon of Montreal; R. S. McLaughlin, John W. Habbs, Han. G. Howard Fergusan and Mrs. Fergusan, Colonel R. Y. Ea- ton, W. D. Ross, former Lieuten- ant-Governar of Ontario and Mrs. Ross; Mr. and Mrs. J. Ir GundP; Arthur G. Slaght, M.P.; J. M. Mc- Intosh, Mayor F. J. Conbay, Mr. Justice W. E. Middletan, Mr. Jus- tice John Keiller MacKay, Mr. Justice George A. Urquhart, Mr. Justice C. A. Masten, Mr. Justice Charles P. McTague, Mr. Justice W. T. Hendersan, J. C. McRuer, George T. Walsh, G. W. Mason, J. M. Bullen, Frank Hughes, Lieu- tenant-Colonel George A. Drew, Judge M. J. Kenny, C. L. Snyder, W. B. Common, Cliffard Magone, W. G. Angus; E. P. Flintoft, gen- eral counsel, C.P.R.; J. P. Pratt, R. E. Laidlaw and D. I. Grant of the C.N.R. legal department; Sen- ator Salter Hayden; Robert J. Browne, Toronto Chief Magis- trate; Judge F. M. Morson, Judge Frank Denton, Judge James Par- ker, D. T. Symonds, G. T. Clark- son, Alfred Rogers, J. Johnson, F. Erichsen-Brown, Gardon B. Balfour. Counsel and leaders on the bench joined alike in paying their respects ta their former associate. Sir Edward Beatty, bath friend and assaciate tbrough their joint interest in the affairs of the C.P.R. spoke of Mr. Tilley's death as "a great loss toalal members of the bar." D. C. Coleman, naw presi- dent of the railway campany, stressed that Mr. Tilley, whose death came as a "crusbing blow" ta the officers and directors of the campany, was, as caunsel "wise and far-seeing and, wbile prudent and careful by nature, neyer failed ta give caurageous support ta progressive measures." Sir William Mulock, former Chief Justice, declared: "Canada has lost onc of ber most brilliant lawyers," and spoke warmly of the deceased's talents and indus- try. "He won for bimself the re- spect of the bench, the bar and the general public," said Sir Wil- liam. Enniskillen Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabm, Ranald, Clem and Doreen with their daughter, Lamna at Island Grave, Lake Simcae . . . Pte. G. H. Stevens, Camp Borden, at Mr. H. Stevens . .. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lewis and family at Mrs. Sweet- man's, Uxbridge . .. Mrs. Wesley Oke with friends in Pickering, Mm. and Mms. L. Rex, Toronto, at Mr. Wesley Oke's ... Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Graham and children at Mrs. C. Boyd's . . . Mrs. Hooey, Mrs. M. Mountjay, Union, Mr. Burt Porter, Mr. Harvey Mitchell, Dr. Roy Henderson, New York, at Mrs. C. Boyd . . . Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wery with relatives in Oshawa and Kedmon . .. Mm. and Mrs. Lapncastem, Newtanville, Mr. J. Cale, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cale and family, Bethesda, at Mr. E. A. Wery's . .. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson and family at Mr. E. Drugless Practitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Druglesç Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowmanvllle Electrical Treatments - Spinal Adjustments and Massage. A number of ladies spent an enjoyable evening in the home of Mrs. H. Randal on Friday. . After a game of cards, tickets were drawn on the quilt made for the Evening Telegramt B.W.V.F. by Mrs. Randal. Wayne Elliott held the lucky ticket and kindly turn- cd the quilt back ta be resold. Amount realized and sent on ta Toronto Telegram was $15.40. EnU'lJfield The seating capacity was in- adequate for the large attendance at aur church annivensary services on Sunday. Rev. D. M. Stinson, Blackstock, held the interest of ail witb bis inspiring messages. The Sunday school provided mu- sic in the afternoon under the leadership of Mrs. C. G. Bowman and Enniskillen chair very kind- ly provided music in the evening. Much praise is due ta Mrs. W. J. Ormistan for the beautiful floral arrangements. Talmage Taylor has bad a new roof put on anc of bis barns. Mr. Albert Niddery is baving bis cot- tage painted. A baby boy bas arrived at Mr. and Mns. Carl Mayr's. Miss Lela Knight bas been re- engaged at teacher for another year. Visitors: Mn. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Mrs. H. Werry, Ennis- killen, at Mr. W. Ashton's... Mr. and Mns. E. Luke and babe, Bowmanville, at Mrs. L. Bradley's ...Mn. and Mrs. Frances Werry and family, Enniskillen, at Mr. Harold Ormiston's ... Miss Verna Giffin, Oshawa, Mrs. John Web- ster, Roy and Stanley, Toronto, at Mr. M. Samis' .. . Mn. and Mrs. E. W. Pascae, Booklin, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Maple Grave, L.A.C. Howard Ormiston, Rockclif f e, at Mn. Wallace Pas- coe's . . . Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Plant, Enniskillen, Rev. D. M. Stinson, Blackstoock, at Mr. C. G. Bowman's. . Miss Elaine Ormiston, Maple Grave, Roy Wemny, Ennis- killen, at Mm. Hoskin Smith's.. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston, Mrs. Julia Grieves, Bowmanville, with Mms. W. J. Ormiston . .. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott, Margaret, Donald, Murray and Glen, Solina, Mr. Joe Hambly, Raglan, Mr. and 1Mrs. Jas. Davidson, Oshawa, Miss Shirley McPberson, Newcastle, Pte. Harold Prescott, Camp Bar- den, at Mr. A. Prescott's . .. Mr. and Mrs. T. Willier and Mm. Hanry Anderson, Toronto, Miss Jean Taylor, Blackstock, Miss IMaggie Stinson, Hamilton, Miss Ferne Gilray, Columbus, Miss Grace Stark, Toronto, at Mm. Norman Stinson's . .. Mr. Oliver Heathie, Aldersbot, at Mm. L. C. Pascoe's. Ebenezer Anniversary services an Sunday proved a great succeess with large congregations. Rev. H. C. *Wolf - raim, Lindsay, delivered inspiring addresses. Miss Elsie Oke favared with a vocal solo at morning ser.- vice; a duet by Louise Pearce and Eileen Pickell and chorus by the cbildmen, at the afternaon session; and Miss Velma Peance sang a solo in the evening. The choir contributeed numbers morning and evenîng. W. M. Society meet June l6th with an attendance of 19. A poem by President Mrs. G. Annis open- cd the meeting. Mrs. Cecil Wor- den presided at the piano. De- votional arranged by Miss Mar- garet Pollock included scripture, Miss Louise Osborne; prayer, Mrs. R. E. Osborne; vocal solo, Mrs. Annis. Mrs. R. Gay and Mrs. Cecil Worden, gave repor- of Presbyterîal at Newcastle with other higbligbts given by other members. Study book was in charge of Mrs. Beaucbamp. No. 4 Mission Band, beld its closing meeting and will bold an- nual picinc July 7 on school grounds. Four bitbdays were ob- served. Payer by Bill Rundle; scripture by Wilma Marshall. Chinese Hymn was sung. This progmam was then given: paem, Murray Osborne; piano trio, Eileen Pickell, Darotby Higgins and Gwen Osborne; story, Bill Rundle; duet, Anna and Lily Pan- ko; reading, George Osborne; Chinese story, Eileen Pickell; reading on temperance, Books Pearce. Miss Flomabelle Marshall bas been the guest of banor, previaus FINE SHIRTrS Fine quality shirts. Made by Tooke, Brill, Savoy and other well known brands. 1.00 to 2.50L PYJAMAS Broadcloth or yama cloth men's pyjamas. S m a r t patterns and style. Made by Tooke and Brili. 2.25 to 3.00 Windbreakers Men's sport wlndbreakers ln sharkskin, poplins, cot- tons, etc. Double or single breasted styles. Full length zippers. 1.98 to 4.95 -i dinner party at "The Grand" Oshawa, with Misses Rosena Edgar and Doris McBrian acting as hostesses, when a lovely per- sanal gift was presented on Fni- night. Mms. Cecil Worden assis- ted by Miss Kay Scatt, were bas- tesses at a miscellaneous shower, and on Tuesday evening, the community presented a miscel- laneous shower at the Marshall home. Congratulations to Miss Flor- ence Bennett, on obtaining ber English II exams at Queen's University, Kingston. Many homes entertained anni- versary visitors Sunday, namnely: at Ross Pearce's Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Glaspel, Mrs. Wesley Glas- pel, Taunton, Mrs. Norman Allin and Miss Marian. Newcastle, Rev. H. C. and Mrs. Walfraim, Lindsay. G. F. Annis' Misses Jean Stevens, Mildred Snowden, Maple Grave, and Mr. Lawrence Wragg, Oshawa. . . at Chas. Osborne's, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mason, Bow- manvi «lle, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stafford, Oshawa . . . at Elton Werry's, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wermy and Thelma, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Bragg, Shaw's, Mr. and Mrs. K. Werry, New- castle . .. at Esli Oke's, Mr. and Mms. Evertan White and Miss Edythe, Bethesda Mr. and Mrs. Russel Warden, lVlaple*Grave at Herb Nichal's, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcàlfe and family, Base Line, Miss Hilda Hawkshaw, Oshawa . .. at Bill Bickle's, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brooks, Providence, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton, Salem, Mr. and Mns. Cecil Jeffery and Doreen, Maple Grave . .. at Stan Coverley's, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron and cbildren, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and children, Oshawa . . . at Gea. Edgar's, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cale, Miss McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. Hamry Wilcox, Bloyd and Madeline, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tbompsan, Dr. and Mrs. Davies, Marilyn and John, Oshawa . . . at Frank Worden's, Mrs. John Stevens, Maple Grave, Mrs. Walter Patte, Oshawa, Mr. Sydney Venton, Bowmanville.. at Thos. Bickle's, Mrs. Sydney Venton and Audrey, Bowmanville, with Marjory Down; Miss Mar- garet Patte, Oshawa with Eileen Pickell. RAY R. MeLAUGHLIN ADDRESSES FORUM AT MAPLE GROVE Aften listening with keen in- terest ta Donald Gardon, chair- man of Prices and Trade Board, defend bis position in a radio discussion, Ray McLaughlin, Hol- stein breeder and milk producer of Ontario County, led in a dis- cussion on prices and conditions affecting milk producers in pan- ticular. The conclusion reacbed was that if farmers will nat make the effort ta help themselves in the economic field no one else will do it for themn and that gov- ernments ignore the group wbich bas nat strong backing. Ac ,tual figures were presented ta prove that anc industry is in a depressed condition. Briefs presented showed mu- nition warkers refusing ta drink manufactured milk and produéers are selling surpluses. In the past week we learn of three large farms gaing out of production anc berd of 25 dairy cows going ta U.S.A. and others marketed for beef. SHAVE CREAM 19C tube For Sunburn Velvetta Lotion ------- ---35o Noxzema 011 ----30c, 60e Nivea Cream --------- Oc-- 0 Unguentine---------------- 44e Tangel--------- - - ------ 50C TOOTH PASTE 19C tube White Shoe Cleaners Nyal Liquid ----------- ---- 25c Nyal Paste (Tube) ----25e -t ---------- ------ 15c, 25c shu-milk ---------------19e Palm Beach -----------25e WE TEST EYES AND FIT TRUSSES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone (f~IL" lIf Tl~Prompt 695 COWILING'S DUWU i IIE Delivery URGENT NEED FOR MORE WOOL It is imperative that Canada should produce more waol and every effort made to raise at least one million more sheep in the Dominion by 1943. Even in nor- mal times, Canada praduces only about one-quarter of the wool she requires. Under wartime condi- tions, with haîf a million fighting men to equip with uniforms, great coats, blankets and other woollen articles, at least 85 per cent of the wool needed has to be brought from overseas, largely from Australia and New Zealand. With war developments now threatening the supply lines, Can- ada faces a seriaus situation-so serious as to caîl not only for compulsory reduction in the amaunt of wQol allowed to be used for civilian purposes but also for greatly increased num- bers of sheep on Canadian farms arid ranges in order that Canada myattain a greater degree of self-sufficiency in wool. To supplement the programs for increased sheep production that are being carried on by the Provincial Departments of Agri- culture throughaut Canada, the Dominion Government will assist by the payment of freight charges on the movement of female breed- ing stock, and by loaning rams ta f armers starting to raise new flocks. During the five-month period August 1 to December 31, 1942, the railway freight charges will be paid by the Agricultural Sup- plies Board from points of origin to points of distribution on ewes or ewe lambs purchased for breeding. The above cames directly from the Dominion Department of riculture. One year ago, ' months ago and 3 weks go Statesman suggested not Il~y an increase as above' but rit ns of feed supply by roadside pastur- age. See editorial comment. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown, daughter Mrs., Leonard -Sox¶her- scales, and Miss Bessie Minnis, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. V. Somerscales. - NECK WEAR Mil Fine quallty neckwear ln Va large assortment of shades and patterns. Boxed 29ctol1.00 SOCKS Extremely large selection of fine socks inaail the latest patterns and colors. 19c to 1.25 BELTS AND SUSPENDERS An extra beit or suspen ders always cornes handy for that extra paf of trousers. 29c to 1.00, Don't Forget Dai .maON un FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 21st With the shortage of merchandise beeoming more acute, this year give him wearing apparel. The ARCADE B 0W M AN V1LL E mm" ah.doumlb-% L--.«ý DAfl-V CTr 1 SOMMER NEEDS Arrid Cream ---- 59e, 39C Lovalon Hair Rimse ----- 35e Mui ------------ 1c, 9c,59C Nestle's Hair Rinse 15c, 35e Mum------15e 39c 59c Marchand's Hair Wash 49e Odorono Cream ---------39c Marplne Sbampoo Liqaid Odorono ---39c, 59c 8 shades, 2 for -----25c SILK LIKE - the iquid silk stockings 2ex HO-SAVER - the modern silk hosiery 15c- FLY-TOX 9tALKA 43c - 73c 9 7 FLY FLOI FUME ~SYRUF 24- - 43e - 73ec~ "<" $1.39 - 89C LYSOL NU-FEET 35C - 65C 25e OLYMPINE ~Fruitatives 50e - $1.00 23c - 39c SPECIIAL SPECIAL M-..OMN.. 1 - - 1 t lý -1