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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1942, p. 9

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THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1942PAENN THE CNADIN STAESMA, BOWANPALGE OTART RNNO Scouts collected 2870 pounds of ivlage Saturday. and ersnal Mrs. John Milison visited hier Socia andPersnal other, Mrs. James Dickson. Phone 40rl6 A very large number of Orono- ites enjoyed the show "One Foot UMmm ------mm. in Heaven" shown ait Bowman. _àMrs.C. Cooper and famil*r ville theatre. And how! ri¶Vvng into Orono shortly. Orono Hydro Commission has ci( Mrs. S. Hall entertained memn- nstalled a new street dlock which th, bers of her Sunday School class works automatically, its move- sr Thursday. ment governed by the suni, turn- inl ing on the street lamps at night Mr. and Mrs. Leaman have andofith rng purchased the Mrs. G. Seymour d f n h orig house. Mr. and Mrs. S. Chapman visit- Di Mrs. M. Smith is ***tngine in Wilsonvjfl.M( Newtonville.vstig ' Mrs. Keane, RN., is at Mrs. th( Hooper's where Mrs. Story is iii, Pa Miss K. Smith has been re- and Miss Marion McKelvey, R.N., gai engaged as teacher ait Antioch is at Miss Little's. Hu school. Dr. A. F. McKenzie handed chý Mr. and Mrs. N. Couvier and around 10c cigars Thursday in Th~ family have moved into part Of honour of his becoming the proud vei the late Robert Foster property. daddy of a son. me Mrs. H. Lycett visited in To- Ken Gamsby caught 3 trout, shi ronto. prne measuring 161/2", Good fish: lyî Miss McKenzie is visiting hier ing. lati brother, Dr. A. F. McKenzie. G h bEnr Miss Little isil. errow picnic has been can- Bal The Sherwin family and rela- celled owing ta gasoline and tire bar tives fromn Oshawa, Newtonville restrictions. and Orona enjayed a strawberry Mr. and Mrs. Graham and fami- tab supper at Orono Park, Sunday. ly, Toronto, visited here. ini About 16 were present. Sgt. Pilot Ron Patterson visited 'pri! Mr. and Mrs. Lane and sonait Mr. D. Carscadden's. Col Oshawa, vîsited friends here. Interment was made Monday P. Miss Ida Stephens visited Mrs. in Orono cemetery of Edgar James laié W. S. Roy. Berry, 12 year old sofl 0f Mr. and Du( Rev. Littlewood preached an Mrs. S. L. Berry. an'. excellent sermon on the suhject Miss Edra Best, Toronto, visited stre "Youth Leaves Home, Sunday lher mother, Mrs. Herb. Best. morning. Glen Tamblyn took the . an r.JhCoylvit-ra solo in the anthem. dhrpns Mr. and Mrs. Jon.orel Fiiefr Mr. and Mrs. Syd Rutherford eH e p ae r an M rs.Wi and family, Nakina, wiîî arriveH. oe, telte. eann o Sunday ta spend the summer va- a long e visit di orno cation with their parents.' - Mrs. W.Crane viitediTo rono Miss Lois Wood visited Mr. and d Mrs.iW.Powan vioed. e Mrs. F. Wood.dAugtherGiesmPor gt e. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Gamsby nesAt the Gieds m eeig thewin- and son, Kingston, visited rela-pnies. atserfe l ay recied ther tives here, the latter two remain- caprie.Plnweeasstrdfo ing. cmpng Mrs Jons s vsiingherdauh- School's out to-morrow, the en- in tr Mrs. ohi ite. ie auh trance being the last exams. ta be i teMr. ndiMr. E.Suhvstdtried. lace atr. J.nHghsns. d ocvite Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family Bet ai J h Gysomenlev. attended the funeral of the late AJmoh n ay al oe wnspakedMr. McHolm. Mrs A misioarybal wa pakeâ Mrs. P. Gardon hias returned cr Friday at the pirsonage for the from the south. Cor. .Mr. . CwnvstdM adi Cecil Jones and H. Hooey were ard Mrs.F. Cwan isied M. an inToronto during the blackout. kr Mrs. Chas. Crease, Toronto' Mrs. J. J. Mellor entertained gow~ Have you signed for your sugar her Sunday School class Thurs- shee ration book? dyeeigorch Miss Doris Lowden, RN., Oril- Congrats. ta Mr. and Mrs. Alphafre lia. is on holidays. PinchOhwfbmryo ro'ra iestaff, iso a m otortpOwithono, on their 63rd wedding anni- bo fic stff isona mtortrp wthversary. Mr. Pinch is credited hier her sister Doris. with catching the iargest traut inl MyI Clarke's pond in the north ward best S years aga.r. the ~vi so iMr. and Ms S. Payne and hapl Beverley attended the former's honE W IL O N S sister's wedding in Toronto, Bey-th erley remaining for a visit. Hydro meeting was held Mon- day. H. Mercer was lnstructed- to CRI see council regarding the fixing of town dlock sa that illumination camnes on with streetlights (now Or operated automatically according with ta the season), thus preventing the chair waste of the dlock electricity dur- tendý R AL ILPolice meeting was Mona tt One pad kilis fies ail day and every Orono Coal and Lumber Ca. 56c; in th -day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in each George Butters, labour, $10.20; was packet. No Spraylng, no stlckfness, George Richards, fixing dlock, thef nio bad odor. Ask your Druggist, $500. The treasurer was author- comil Grocery or General Store. ized to pay Mac Carleton and D. Mrs. 10 CENTS PER PACKET Myles for work on tannery hili, er's and township for calcium chlor- by c WHY PAV MORE? ide. point THE WILSON FLY PAO CO., Hamilton, ont. The Gooýlwil1 Bible Class met was1 ait Mrs. J., J. Mellor's Thursday RowE evening. It was decided ta con- Left tinue the monthly meetings dur- in T] ing the summer but not the regu- gave a 1 lar Sunday School class for which cooki aduit teachers will take turns. nut il Mrs. R. Hancork, Mrs. H. Best sampg and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin w:re being MI arrangements for the stunts for plans _e the S. S. picnic. Programi con- in th. PARJADOL sisted of a reading by Mrs. W. W. make Sherwin, the topic "Mary, sister dent in their of Martha" by Mrs. J. Gibsan, and be - aquiz contest conducted by Mrs. ers & Hundbags H. Allen. Ice creamn and cookies be reE were served. A vote of thanks inclué was extended to the hostess by meetii Mrs. Sherwin. An Australian tried ta enlist at Sydney. He was refused on ac- count of his bad feet. Next morn- The ing h e presented himself once withi more before the doctor: folloxw "ts no use; I can't take you. servalt You couldn't stand the marching," - *in the Dr. C ase'ssaid the medico. "But why are are in McLar( Oshawa Laundry& Dry uuuauuuuu ter, Ený 1Fr.Lat Company, Limlted Lat.;Ji eilFr. PHONE 419 Do1 Skhaki DIM AND DISTAN1 HAPPENINGS From The Orono News of June 24, 1926 Morris Poulter met with an ident ta his Ford when climi he hill south of the villa mashing the windshield and te, g off same of the tires. Durham Regiment Band ack from camp, the besty iring camp they piayed at1 Temarial service at Kendal w: e Harvey Jackson Memor ark was formally opened andt ates unveiled by Gen. Jo .îghes. Capt. J. C., Gamey i arge of the Guard of Honct he band also played at theu iling of the Memarial Mon int by Lieut.-Governor H. Cac iutt. Bandmaster M. J. Tar ýn received personal congrat tions from Inspector Genei rîsley on the efficiency of1 and. Fifteen of the twen indsmen were from Orono. Ai movement is on foot ta blish a Junior Basebail Leai connection with O.B.A.A. cor sing teams from Bowmanvil )bourg, Port Hope and Orono. Ak new concrete walk has bet id along the narth side chess street from George Cal s residence on Main to Chur( reet. '. W. Bowen, M.P., was hai m)i Ottawa ta attend the Men al Park Grand Opening ar Ild Day at Kendal. Wedding Coryell-Rowe 7he marriage was solemnize Hamilton by Archdeacon Wax rof the Church of the Ascer i, Satumday, June l3th, whe tty Rowe, daughter of Mr. ai -.W. H. Rowre of Orano, bE ne thé bride of John Warre yell, R.C.N.V.R., son oflMi 1Mrs. W. R. Coryeil of Les r. The bride ware a becomini 'ni of aquamarine medingot ýr, hem flowers being mauv sids. She was attended by he and Mrs. Smees (nee Earleni dy), Hamilton, who close ýn and white redingote sheer flowers being yellow orchids es Nicholson, Hamilton, wa ýman. A reception followe( cememony, after which thi )py couple left for a shor lymoon ta Muskoka, prior t( groom returning ta his duties toNO WOMErN'INSTITUT MEETING >rono Women's Institute me' il Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn in tii r. Congratulations were ex. ded ta Mrs. Dean who war )nd prize for the Orono branch ;e convention with her housE s. Woollens will be sent away :e near future. Arrangement made for the making of jar following week, with Kendal ing in with Orono branch H. Hooey gave the treasur- report, which was followed discussion regarding the ap- itment of a president whicl left until next meeting. Elsie ;e gave a reading, "Things SUndorie," previously printed 'he Statesman. Mrs. E. Dean atwo redipes for sugarless es, honey hermits and cocoa- macamoons, and the members pled the f irst type, som<e ,brought by Mrs. Dean. The exhibit was dealt with anc ýfor raising money was left ie hands of the executive. Tc ethe womk of the new presi- easier - whoever she may it was decided that conven- and their cammittees would, Esponsible for aIl the meeting, iing the presiding over the bng. ORONO CONTINUATION SCHOOL REPORT ,following will bie promoted reservations in the subjects wing their names. These re- tions are further specified ýindividual reports. Names il order 0f menit: Grade X -D a wn Moffat, Harness, Peter Chmara, Mil- Richards, Norman Dent, Or- Chatterton (Fr.), Carl Flin- .averne Boyd, Doreen Cor- Jean Fee (Hist. and Bus. Hartley Dent (Fr.), ROSS ton (Fr.), Nellie Wright Geo.), Greta Mercer (Agir., ), Betty Linton (Agr., Bus. ist., aý . Pau lie Rob- IT ac- bing âge, sar- are yet. the ,hen rial the )hn had Dur. ýnu- )ck- nb- RESERVE ARMY FORMING tu- ANTI-AIRCRAFT PLATOON ral his It is the purpose 0f the Mid- inty lands Reserve Army Battalion to estabiish an anti-aircraft platoan es- with headquarters in Orono arm- gue ouries. Drilliîng will be two nights Contributed by Canadian Publis )m- a week and those who sign will lIe, sign up for a term of three years. The purpose of the Reserve Army C o k~~.ef en is to train certain classes ta be A PI.. ree of able to defend the district in ____ )W- which they live and ail men join- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Fred rch ing will be fuily equipped and Bidgood at Mrs. Clysdale's ... Mr. will get the necessary training ta Cherry, Mrs. Ward and Doris me make them efficient *at the time motored to Coliingwood. . . Miss ým- of the district's need. These men Embury with her sister Mrs. Mc- nd wiIl not be shipped or moved ta Kinney at Jack Reid's... Miidred -any part of the dominion nor tak- Wood with her grandmother Mrs. en from their regular occupation Chas. Reid. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed- but will only be calied if needed. i oad daadLran fer omewig. lase .my o and Walter Clark, Port Hope, at The floigcassmyji Mr. Geo. Clark's. . . Miss Aileen after passing medical examina- Ogdeîî. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Og- tion: boys from 17 to 19; married den. Oshawa, at Mr. Wilbur Og-i men from 30 to 50; unmarried den s. men from 35 to 50; and ail others :ed in lower physical category than il- Bl. These men wiîl be paid for m_. drillint and in order ta have a Lake Shore, Clarke encomplete platoon there must be nd 20 men. Anyone wishing ta join >e- or secure further information Red Cross met at Mrs. C. J. en contact F. O. Cooper, R. A. For- Mitchell's. Next meeting at Mrs.t r. rester, or J. J. Mellor, Oronio or John Hendry's. ~. Cpt.J. 'NellBowanvlie Congratulations to Dr. John cs - a p t J . 'N e ll , B o w m n vi l e . H e n d r3 y a n d b rid e w h o w e re m a r- ng ried Saturday in Halifax. de Vîsitors: Mrs. Margaret Day, ve Cowafl ie Toronto, at C. Brown's. . . Miss er ___ Jean Holmes and Mr. Eric Dam- a Visitors: Mm. and Mrs. George lnTrno r n m.G r, Heriderson, Mary and Cecil, at Pollard and farnily, Newcastle, at Is. r. . C Crssly's.. .Mr.andW. olme'. . r. nd rs.C. as Mrs. E. Farrow and Arthur at Mm. Bedwin, Mrs. F. Parker, Brown's, d N. Andrews'.* . * Mm. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilbank, Kendai, he Leonard Heard and family at Mr. at A. Bedwin's. .. Mr. Jack Dun- rt T. Stephens'. . . Mr. and Mms. J. can and lady friend, Toronto, at ta Rutherford and son at Mm. R. C. J. Mitchellis. . . Mm. and Mrs. s.Hollingsworth's. . . Mm. and Mms. E. Wicks and Maurice Powell, M. Chatterton and family, Mm. Toronto, at S. Powell's... Stanley and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer at Mm. Bmowý,n, Oshawa. at home. .. Jack Wes. Stringem's. . . Mm. and Mrs. Spiers, R.C.A.F., Toronto, at J. 'E Frank Ogden and Orin, Campbell- Hendry's. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. croft, at Mms. B. Milison's.. . Mm. Brown and Les. Allin at Robt. and Mms. Roy Burley at Mm. Clar- Pattemson's, Orono. et ence Burley's.___________ e Theme was a large cowd of K-friends and neighbors along with )n the I.O.O.F. members attending Clarke Union !h the memamial service at Clarke 3e Church on Sunday in honor of Anmerhvsttdhang iy our Young and highly espected but with so much ain it is almost it man, John Barnes. impossible to save it. M Fred Hill has been sick with a .LockhIarfs SchLool The oad grader bas been il El _______ing up the bad hales which was - m.Ca.Gbo a evd greatly needed. Ms worhfomP.B Gibs an thatve Everett Cain had a lamb killed e hr spente illeaveinng ha y dogs. Everett was lucky sh spandwth his gmstladpains, Mm enough to shoot one of the dogs ýs andwit hi gandarets r.and wounded another. What we d and Mrs. Thomas Ward, Newýport, can't understand, why ownems of s Nho.p9sunaycore.dt these animaIs allow them to wan- ;S o.9 undy for hihsaan, o der aound ail night long as this closing servicefo hsean n is the time the sheep killing is -s Sunday. Treasurer reported a done. What we edialw " balance on hand, with which it need i re suc a law " was decided ta purchase anotherpasdiCakeuc asty d War Savings Certificate as a gif t have passed in Darlington. t ta he chrch.Visitors: Mm. Marshal Chatter- H oe an coo Excutveson and family at Mm. Stringer's, Dme anms d. Dolean'st mae Clark e. . . Ernest Bowen, Nova - e aragemensfor the pnîcJunae Scotia, at his father's, Mm. Hector 5raragmnt orteh.ncJn Bowen. . . Mm. and Mrs. W. E. - Mrsh. Gme ikr n Souch, Oshawa, at his brothem's, NoM. upis eld icaran tue H. J. Souch... Miss Marion Ricka- afeml nguss f oorben To ronto, with Miss Eileen ah a trne cîss.o oo en Souch. .. Mm. and Mrs. Bates and Grant Malley and John Gibson baby. Bowmanviile, at Mm. Gea. have been granted their Entrance Fogg's. Certificates on their year's work. Visitors: Mms. W. H. Gibson with Messrs. Wallace and Chas. Strvil eGibson. . . Mm. Cahoun, Auroma,____ with Mm. and Mms. Chas. Gibson. Lag cngetiswee t Shiioh Sunday when Rev. Little-. wood, Orono, was speaker at aur STOPPEDannivemsamy. TcH PPf4 A numbem attended a shower .vM anoy Dac in Kendai hall in honor of Mm. roq uk rlieffrom itching ofeoema.pimpie ah n r . a e n a r w et àfotscle, caie, ase ad thr xtrnll M. ndMr.Warren Carson cauedakn roblsus fstactng cudng ad.an Ms.R.Savery attended the sepic lqud D D D Pesripio. remieefuerl f fiend at Garden mS rugit tda fr DD.. RESRITIN. Visitons: Miss Helena Halia- _________________________well has returned ta the city af- _________________________ter' holidaying at home... Mr. and Mrs. Wray, Peterboro, at S. G. Hallowell's... Lavern Stone, To- iN~irk T.dN. ronto, at home. . . Mrs. Day, To- DOMINIONronto, at Mrs. Ross Halloweîl's.. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn in D A Y at d.Rthens bon. M. n Mrs. Laurence White and son, Maple Grave, at Mr. Ross Hallo- Reduce Fares well's. .. Mm. and Mrs. T. Sowden, Redu ed F res Eliizabethville, Mm. and Mrs. Lio- Betwen il oins I Caadaandnel Hughes, Port Granby, at Mr. Bto certainldeintinCandthendH.B. Gilmer's. . . Mm. and Mms. Uocranltedstateos i L.he T. Savemy and family, Oshawa, UnitedState at Mr. Wm. Savery's... Miss Mar- FARE AND ONE-QUARTER jory Farrow, Port Hope, at home. ..Mm. and Mrs. Walter Farrow, for the round trip Ncwýcastle, at Mr. Howard Far- rows. .. Mr. and Mrs. Milton GO: Ail day Tuesday, June 30, Robinson, Kendai, at Mr. George until 2.00 p.m. Wednesday, Sinith's. . . Mm. and Mms. Willis Juy11942. Farrow, Port Granby, at Mr. RETURN: uLeave destination' Percv Farrow's... Danny Shutka, nat later than midnight Thums_ Air Force, St. Thomnas, at home. day, July 2, 1942.. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, MISSION BAND PARTY The Mission Band held their dlosing party Manday afternoon at the parsonage when games and singsong were enjoyed, pictîifres taken, and a deliciaus lunch of salad, cookies, tea or lemongde was partaken of. Folîowing lunch, races were held on the churck ilawn, prize winners being as follows: Girls, 5 and under-Lorna Lewis; boys, 5 and under-Dick Gibbs; girls 6 and, 7-Caroline Jones; boys 6 and 7-Keith West; girls 8, 9 and 10- Shirley Fiintoff; boys 8, 9 and 10 -Don Mercer; aver 10, boys and girls-Jean Rainey. More games followed, after which those present wended their way home, ail having had a good SAVING TO SPEND-APTFR THE WAR gOY!/ /J'£ qzmosl- T a'or ,Vzl' CEPTFCAEJPOPA VEW CAR bOIV'7 CO&/Nt ME COO/<F/PoleA NEW4 ________ ~CuPESTER/dELD _________ see . shers to National War Finance Brown's Mrs. Gea. Stephenson was hos- tess at a pantry-shelf and kitchen showem in honor of Miss Bessie Clarke, bride-to-be. Ray Brown is working in To- monta. Visitors: The Tait famiiy, To- ronto, at Miss Jean Perrin's.... Mr. and Mrs. R. Branch and Betty Ann, Lockhart's, at Mr. C. Tur- ner's. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Curson and famiîy and Mr. M. Grahamn in Toronto. . . Miss P. McNeil, Oshawa, at Miss Wylma Farrow's. ..Mr. and Mr. W. Huggins, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and Barbara Ann, and Mrs. P. Hotson, Lake Shore, at Mr. R. Graham's. . . Mr. and Mrs. T. Woodlock and Douglas, Newcas- tle. at Mr. A. Brown's. guest speaker. NEws services areatian7.0 with Rev. Spencer of Bowmanvill? a Veterinarian Church St. - Bowmanville 'Phone 843 29tf O p P tt 4 WITH OUR ARME» FORCES Behind the lines where men and women are risking life to defend home and country, other men and women are toiling to supply the materials of war -ships, planes, tanks, guns. These mantîfacturers-management and work- ers alike-are thus fighting shoulder to shoulder with our armed forces. But what about the farmers? They are doing a work of equal impor- tance. They too are marching to battie, by toiling early and late to per- suade nature to increase food and other essential supplies on which the issues of the fight so greatlv depend. The farmer marches side by side with the soldier and his armourer. Farmers who are doing their bit to help Canada's ali-out war effort may find it necessary to borrow money at the Bank. You should flot hesitate to discuss your requirements with our nearest branch manager. Your business will be regarded as strictly confidential. DANK OF DMONTREAL "A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME- Modern, Experienced Banking Service... the Outome of 124 Years' Successful Operatian Bownianville Branch: F. O. McILVEEN, Manager 162 r f i B lackstock - --------_ ___ CpI. Lloyd G. Harvey, son of B sns ieti Mr. and Mrs . James P. Harvey, 23 Archibaid St., Moncton, wasLea among the first Canadians serv- ea ing in Canada ta be mentioned in the ist f King's Birthday hion- M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. ors. Cpi. Harvey joined the R.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary A.F. shortiy after the outbreak Phone 351 of the war and after compieting Bank of Commerce Bldg. a wireless course was posted to omnil an east coast centre. He wasBwmnie awarded the Air Force medal as W. R. STRIKE a result of being considered the Barrister, Solicitor, Natary outstanding man of his class in solicitor for Bank of Montreal his squadron on the east caast. Maney ta Loan - Phone 791 This item is of special rnterest ta omnile nai us on account of Cpi. Harvey Bwavle nas being a grandson of Mrs. Ida Crawford. L. C. MASON, B.A. Many from this district attend- Barrister - Solicitor ed the Decoration Day at Pine Notary Public - Etc. Grove cemetery, Prince Albert, Law in ail its branches on Sunday Office immediately east of Royal Theatre Rýev. Foley, Bowmanvilie, was Phone Office 688 Home 553 theurg est speaker at the United ________________ Chrh on Sunday evening and prsnte ery interesting talkD nts on "Temperanev DR. . C . DEVIITT Mr. Jas. Byers and Mr. Herb. Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Swain attended the Orange LodgeGrdaeoRylDntlCl Tonvnton latte RoalYoklege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee Toroto, ast eek.Bldg., Bowmanville. Office houri Miss Edith Wright has taken a 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, position in a store in Toronto. except Sunday Visitors: Mrs. S. Swain, Mrs. Phone 790 - House phone 325 Herb. Swain and Miriam in To- X-Ray Equipment in Office ronto at Rev. M. R. Sanderson's.' Fnrl ietr ..Mr. and Mrs. Watson, Huron Fnra Dret s County, visited here for the week- end and their daughter, Miss Janet FUNERAL DIRECTORS Watson, returned home with them. Service, any hour, any day ..Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Bradburn, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. IF. Morris Co. Carter and baby, Bowmanville, Modemn Motor Equipment, Amn- with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brad-1 bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- buirn... Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. spent Sunday at Manchester.... Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry, En- Licne uto er niskilien, with Mrs. W. A. Van- cne utoer Camp. CIFR EHC Miss Mabel VanCamp is home CIFR EHC from South Mountain, where she Actioneer - Ennskillen has been rehired next terni. Phone Bowmanvilie 2536 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorreli Mr Specializing in Farm, Livestock, and Mrs. Roy Ferguson and Mrs: Implements and Furniture Sales. Cecil Hill attended an agricul- Consult me for terms and dates. tural meeting in Guelph last 50-tf week. St. John's Anglican Church Veterinary Anniversary Service will be held R.BMURY S;BVSe AGR IC ULTURE MARCHES THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWWIANVILLE, ONTARIO E à6

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