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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1942, p. 6

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.~r, .,q.4.J,~w - - Z~ '~P'~'~ ~rO2~N~W f "c PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1942 Hampton Mrs. R. Katerson, Hampton*s oldest resident, celebrated her 93rd birthday on Sunday. Owing to being somewhat frail in heaIttn there were no invted guests, but a number of her friends and neighbors called to offer congrat- ulations and best wishes. She also received many lovely cards. Mr. and Mrs. H. Raymond Horn, daughter Elinor and son Stanley, Mnneapolis, Mrnn., were week- end guests of their cousins the Horn family. They had been in Cambridge, Mass., where Elinor had graduated with honors from Radcliffe Coflege on June 1Mt She majored in government with international relations, the special f ield of concentration and wrote a thesis on United States relations with Panama and the Carribean area. Raymond is a nephew of the late Chas. Horn, and his father James Horn worked in the miii here over 50 years ago. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cowîe, Mr. and Mrs. John Cowie and daughters at Gilbert Adcock's ..Sgt. Arnold Damant who has been in Newfoundland visited his wife and family prior to locating in Kingston for a time . . . Miss E]sie MacMillan with friends in Toronto . . . Mr. and Mrs. Avery Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wight, Miss Maude Elliott and Mrs. S. Morris, Bowmanville, att Mrs. R. Katerson's.. Mrs. N. E. Doidge, Oshawa, with her sister,s Miss Minnie Horn . . . Miss Peggy1 Shaw, Toronto, with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Farncomb . . . Dr. and Mrs. Mark W. Pascoe, San Gab- riel, Calif., visited Mr. and Mrs.r Joe Chapman . . . Dr. Ellis Rey- nolds, Erin, with his sister Miss L. Reynolds . . . Mr. and Mrs. Allan Parker, Montreal, with Mrz. M. Goodman and sister Louise.. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson wîth Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson at Caledon East. W. W. Hor who has been con- I IFLAGSI Buy your flag now for "Flag 7 Week". Decorate to express F your loyalty.c Our assortment of flags is IV. large ranging from E ei Se to $1.00 R Decorated crepe paper in I patriotie colors. 1 a/' PICNICS a: Use paper ta save labor. We a have eups, plates, t a b 1 e r cloths, forks and spoons. c J. W. JEWELL a rr "àBIG 209Y a: BOOKSTORE D Phone 556 Bowmanville TJ t, Drugless Practitioner E S ROBERT COLVILLE ai Drugles% Practitioner E Liberty Street - Bowmanvllle Electrical Treatments - Spinal tc Adjustments and Massage. tJ hi EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Corner Queen and Division Sts. PASTOR CARMAN LYNN SUNDAY, JUNE 2th 10 a.m.-Sunday school Il a.m.-Morning worship 7.30 p.m.-Evangelistic service Come and hear the old-time gospel with testimonies, bright singing and special music Evangelists Ruth Johnxson and 0. Nastion are in charge. fined to the house for the past two weeks is slowly improving. The Hampton folk are looking forward to a visit from a former beloved pastor Rev. C. W. Barrett, Brighton, when hie will be guest speaker at the Sunday school an. tniversary on Sunday, June 28th. The village was saddened June >l7th when it was leamned that Mrs. A. Peters had passed sud- denly away. We extend sympathy to Mr. Peters and family in their bereavement. The burial of Leslie Pascoe, Enfield, took place in Hampton cemetery on Safurday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Blanchard visited at A. Northcutt's, Bow- manville. Mrs. A. Blanchard visited in Toronto. A meeting of the Bible Society was held on Monday evening witli Rex'. W. Rackhamn presiding. Rev. Alînuf, Toronto, presented an in- teresting illustrated lecture, show- ing many pictures of how the bible is printed and the work car- ried on in Japan and Africa. be also showed a number of slides, regarding the work among the soldiers and the presentation of the New Testaments to them. A canvass for the work will be made later. W. M. S. met at Mrs. A. E. Hi]- 1ett*s on Tuesday with the presi- dent in charge. Program was in charge of Mrs. H. Cole who took the lead in the worship service. Mrs. A. E. Billett read the Bible lesson. Miss L. Reynolds took the study book, "'The Tide Comes In." Piano solo by Mrs. b. Cole. Mrs. Burns read a letter from West China written by Miss Jean Som-i merville. Mrs. Rackham closedi with prayer. Haydon baydon W.A. met at Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. President Mms. Martin had charge of the business part. Mrs. C. Gammard gave the Bible reading, and Mrs. C. Slemon the devotional topic. Mrs. Cowling had charge of the program which consisted of piano duet by Mrs. E. Wermy and Mrs. b. McGill; mead- ing, Mrs. Sheckelton; solo, Mrs. Russel Ormiston; reading, Mrs. Thompson; solo, Marie Ashton. Lunch was semved.t Visitors: Mm. and Mrs. Donald1 Mackenzie, at Mr. A. McNeil's, t hiave returned f0 Ajax . . . Mrs.t F'rank Osmond and baby Con- stance, with hem parents, Mm. anda VIrs. Wesley Thompson . . . Mm. l and Mms. Lloyd Ashton and fam-p ly and Mrs. Werry at Mrs. F. MIorton's, Maple Grove . . . Miss Blanche Beech at Brighton and7 Trmenton . . . Mm. and Mrs. Bert Ford, Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar p Cooper and family, Toronto, at 4 Mfr. C. Avery's ... Rev. and Mms. te Harold Stainton, Ronald and Bev- , erley at Mm. William Trexvin's.p Ronald is remaining . .. Mm. and iMrs. John Graham, Oshawa, atc /Irs. D. Gmaham's . . . Mm. and F IMrs. Lou Ashton and Mary Lou E at Mm. Henry Ashton's . . . Mr. te and Mrs. Herb. Siemon and Greta b and Mrs. Kathemine McNeil, To- b onto, Mms. Marion Moore and C Miss Kate Moore, Bowmanville, at V MIr. A. McNeil's. . . . Pt e. Frank a Osmond, Kitchener, Miss Lomnar Thompson, Mm. Ray Chater, Mm. Roland Thompson, Toronto, Mm., and Mms. Eaml Thompson, Bow- nanville, Mm. and Mms. Roy Thompson and Gary, Leskard, Mi. and Mms. Thomas Woodlock and Douglas, Newcastle, at Mm. Wesley Thompson's . . . Mm. and Mrs. Themon Mountjoy at Mm. Harold Awde's, Toronto . . . Miss Viola Il Bradley, Mm. and Mms. Bert Ash- ei ton and Bradley, Toronto, at Mr. E E.Bmadley's . . . Mrs. Eaml ü Stephenson, Vaughn and Beverly, T1 t Mms. A. Randa's, Hampton. .. sc Earl Stephenson was home, l Mm. Theron Mountjoy motored F to Hamilton whceehle attended TI the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. g( Frank Brimacombe. Sc Russel Aunger is mepairing his ai uouse in the village, E. Bradley is bi aving a garage made, and a newv w roofing was put on Wm. Trewin's w arn. X Mm. and Mrs. Shekelfon and Si Fred have moved to the McLaugh- tc n famm. fr Congratulations f0 Mm. and Mrs. !rthum Read on the birth of afi Jaughter (Ina Bemyl).' fi A colomed preacher, a good man, se n his youfh served aterm in hý rison but succeeded in conceal- le ng the fact fmom his congregation or itil one Sunday morning as hie i vas about to deliver his sermon th ie discovered in the midst of his mu lock his former celîmate. Prompt 41 etion was necessamy but hie was teý qual to the occasion. Looking the Pc) tranger straight in the eye, hie re the 27- meg evE icou Iger guE sol( Tel but Up Up cal] dug and nec Ost a'm ba.] out Ref The etr in the for Froi Port Hope Rinks Wins Goodyear Trophy Tournamnent IIeld in Bowmanville June I 7th Under a summer sky and a Rail birds peered over the fence mellowed atmospheme, ten lawn in awe at the loud shouts of bowling teams b a t t 1 e d for veteran players who, released "straight, place, and show," Wed- from winter's rheumatic inactivi- nesday, June l7th, on Bowman- ties, gamboled along the green- ville's velvet greens in a district sward like geldings in sweet dlo- tournament f e a t u r e. "Hank" ver. Only one goose egg was rung Rosevear, Port Hope's veteran up onl the day's play and contests bowler and Beau Brummel, held waged hotly ight up to the final the rail position ail the way moment. Bowmanville, it was against a Bowmanville teamn skip- observed, seemed to do better ped by Rev. W. G. Blake and top- away fromn home, so their show- ped the day with a perfect score ing on the day might be charged to take first place. bis final score to courtesy and conviviality. vas 45 plus 5. Detenbeck of Osh- A ladies' committee under the awa took second, with a 43 plus convenorship of Miss Mabel Bor- 7in third place came Chief land served delightful refresh- Gimblett of Peterboro with 42 ments as the gladiators paused plus 8; Jewell was fourth, with between bouts. 40 plus 8, and Bert Keys' quar- tette took Bowmanville's only Frank McIlveen came in for money with 40 plus 5 in fifth genuine felicitations on his ap- place. pearance in battlîng mood after The complete roster of teamn a winter of misery through arthri- aptains was as follows: Harry tis. Rosevear, Port Hope; Rev. W. G. The occasion could not be class- Blake, Bowmanville: Ben Ches- ed in the realm of the Rose Bowl ter, Peterboro; Joe McTague, Co- tournaments, yet it would not be bourg; George Gimblett, Peter- difficuit to attract a considerable >oro: Bert Keys, Bowmanville; crowd f0 an event of this charac- C.W. Detenbeck, Oshawa; Ben ter. Caretaker Bill Ellis deserves Vard, Whitby; Ralph Jewell, Osh- much praise for the excellence of .wa, and J. D. Carruthers, Bow- the greens. That's haîf the baffle nanville.. at aIl times. AGAIN FRONT ST. TEAM HUMBLES MIDLAND PLAYERS Tuesday's league-gamne between the 2nd Midlands and Front St. ended in the usual uneven score. Fmont Sf. eased off f0 canter home te winner f0 the tune of 25-10. 'he soldiers were first f0 bat and scored 2 in the first frame with a lad off by Breslin, a walk by Pcarce and a hit by Thompson. 'heir next two frames weme oose-eggs but they shoved Dad- son across for a mun in the 4th, Rnd a batfing rally in the 5th rouglit in 4 counters. The 6th was scoreless and the final frame was featured wifh a home run by Kilpatrick chasing Dadson and Sellers before him. Oke pitched to Cole until relieved in the final [rame by Polly. Front Sf. garnered 6 runs in fthc rst through successive home runs y Rickard and Colville. They Kent down, one, two, three in fthe ;cond; gathered 3 in the 3rd and iad a field day in the 4th with no ess than 3 coming up for the sec- id f ime to score 8 runs. With 3 nore in the 5th fhey eased off in ie 6th by starting with a home mn by Brougli which ushered in more runs before successive bat- ers were lobbed out. Their op- mnent's play in the field was the cal cause of fthe lopsided score or they booted easy chances al mer the lot. Cole and Murphy cndled the game wifh usual ompefence. RONT ST. TEAM )OUBLES THE SCORE 'N SOLD UER LADS Af five minutes f0 nine, when 'e game ended, the score stood -13, wifh Front Street winnems vem the 2nd Midlands team. The egular league fixture Thursday vening was postponed on ac- :unt of wet grounds, but if was enerally overlooked that a lea- ue game was billed for the fol- )wing cvening f0 permit the idiers to get away f0 camp. elephone calîs got the boys ouf ut Sid Little could not be found. ýhad the bats and balîs locked p in his garage. Someone dug p a single bat ,and one dog- ired bail and Referce Jack Cole lled "Play Baîl." A Boy Scout g Up a mask and an extra bat id the feams battled neck and ýck unt il flic 3rd, when 'Porky"l borne smashed a liner fhrough ivindow of the public school. The door was locked and the il could not be recovered with- it "breaking and entering," £0 f. Cole called "no contest." en someone found a way f0 ,treye if and the baîl was again play. The slaughtem came in e5th innings. The record speaks ritself. Brough led off for ont St., followed by *'Porky" Osborne who promptly hit a homer, The net was five runs. They got two in the 2nd, three in the 3rd, four in the 4th, eleven in the Sth, and two in the final frame. Their only goose egg came in the 6th. In the Sth Porky led off and set the pace by scoring twice in the one frame. Pickell and Runâle followed suif. Hom- ers were registered by Osborne, Pickell and Rundle. H. Osborne pitched, relieved by Gay in the 4th, and Pickell caught aIl the way. For the Soldiers, young Thomp- son was the standout. He reliev- ed Sturrock in the 3rd, scored three times and handled right field f0 perfection. A few more like him and the khaki boys could lead the league. The team scored three in the Ist, with Clarke as lead-off man stealing three bases for a un. He scored again in the 2nd. when two more runs came in . They gathered onel each in the 3rd and 4th, got four in the 5th. and two in the final. Like Front St. they registered their onlv' zero in the 6th. Breslin relieved Cowle in the 4th, and pepped up the team by stealing three bases, blind. to be caught as he slid for safety whi]e the nexf man xvas passed. Polly was the only one to gather a homer. Trewin pitched a heady game and Taylor caught aIl the way. 1 OronoNews sports were held June 22nd. The school children maked the hay fmom the bah grounds and engag- The Central Committee for ed softball. Then Base Line play- A.R.P., Orono, met Tucsday at ed a softball game with Maple Dr. McKenzie's. Those present Grove Stars. Base Line had Keith included: G. M. Linton, chairman, Crago pitching and Jim Colliss J. J. Mellor, secretamy, b. A' and Hammy Snowden took turris in Clarke, J. Morris, F. O. Cooper, pitching for Maple Grove. Maple C. S. McLaren, Dr. McKenzie. Grove won 27-5. . .. The childmen Orono is divided into two zones. then had a picnic supper after The North Zone, in charge of W. which they had their races. Keen J. Riddell, includes north of Park interest was shown throughout St. and the north side of Park St. and the children are to be con- The South Zone, in charge of C. gratulated for the enthusiasm S. McLaren, includes the south shown, and the good sportsman- side of Park St., alI the south part ship displayed.... Then the Mar- of the village, south side of the ried Men played the Single Men Sth line and also the Forestry. with Walter Ormiston pitching Executive meets 3rd Monday of for the Single men, and Harvey each mont h. H. A. Clarke was Brooks and Howard Foley for appointed f0 secure free use of the Mamried. This was a meal live- Couneil chamber. These commit- ]y game fmom start to finish. The tees were chosen: Public Utilities single lads took the lead in the -J. Morris (confroller), A. Har- latter part of the game until the ris, R. Logan, H. Mercer, M. Mor- last innings when the marmied ris, E. St apleton; Police-.-H. A. men piled Up 12 runs winningl Clarke (controller), W. j. Wat- 22-17. son, George Butters, A. West; Transportation-F. O. C oo p er (controller), b. Goode and For- estry (and H. Dean and J. Tamb- e tn il lyn ambulances); 'irst Aid-Dr. IycKenzie (controller), C. B. Tyr- Visîtors: Mm. and Mrs. Reg. relI, and ahl local trained nurses. Woodhamn and Marie, Toronto, and Mms. Norman Samis, New- castle, with Mm. Ed. Samis. . . Mr. M aie Grove and Mrs. Earl Walkey and Joan MapleGrove at Mm. Harvey Osborne's, Wel- come.. . Mm. Ed. Symons and Inez, Mms. Robert Preston received a BobrsMs . .Pac n cablegiçam fmom hem son Allan omithMms. R . and Mrs. akGl announcing his safe arrivai in Sih r n r.FakGl England. mer and sons, af Mm. Stanley Sunday School will meet Sun- Rowe's, if being Mms. Stanley day ,June 28th, at 1.45 p.m. on Rowe's bimthday. .. Jack McLach- account of decoration day. There lan, R .A.F., St. Thomas, and Miss will be no church service. Felicia Gallon, Peterbomo, af Rev. Visitors: Mrs. Lawrence Staples J. McLachlan's. . . Mrs. George and son Barry, Bethany, at M. Runnals and Mm. Roger Tamblyn, R. D Trmbles.. Mis Dooth Zion, af Mm. J. A. Barie's... Mrs. R.aser D.Tibes isDrty Harold Skinner, Tyrone, with hem McMaterToronto, with Miss Jean Stevens. .. Mm. and Mms. R. mother, Mrs. Wm. Lake, at Mm. R. Stevens with Mrs. Ray Snow- Alf. Bmown's. Mrs. Lake is im- den, Toronto. Mm. Stevens at- proving nicely after hem opera- tended the Rotary convention.. tion. . . Mm. Robt. Martin, Mm. Mm. Milford Wilkins, Oshawa, and Mms. Gordon Martin and fam- wifh his sister, Mrs. J. H. Munday. ily, Lake Shore, af Mm. George with Miss Lenore Collacutt. ' Mrs. R. J. Rowe has returned Mm. and Mrs. Willamd Stevens, from Niagara and Mms. Maria Toronto, at Mm. F. Swallow's. Smith, Omono, is staying with hem. Anniversary Visitars Mm. Ed. Samis is impmoving Mr. nd Ms. sli ke, issaffer a severe illness. Elsie Oke, Mms. Price, Ebenezer, cever ors a Charlie tr has r- Misses Helen and Betty Knox, rived saf tatCale a r Toronto, Mm. Howard Milîson, El- ivd aely in England. dadMm.andMrs Llod Rchad s United S. S. Anniversamy, Sun- Donald and Domeen, Salém, Mrs' aJn 8 ecCmn vns Harry Vickery, Mm. and Mrs. Len Rev. J. McLachlan occupied the RcadMr and Mm .Henry pulpit at Kirby Sunday. FRcars, r.w, t . Wrey' Billie Wade, son of Mm. and Mrs. ..Mrs. S. T. Bartlett, Miss Aud- barry Wade, has been ill. rey Hall, Toront o, Mms. Walter Silver Wedding Co Foley, Mrs. Mark Blackburn, A happy time was spent at Mm. H Hampton, Mm. and Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Cecil Burley's on Satur- wiâ Bennett, Miss Hazel Truli, Base day evening, June 6th, when 45 s' Line, Miss Isobel Clemence, relatives joined them in celebrat- on Kingston Road East, at b. R. ing their 25th Wedding Anniver- cd Foley's. . .. Mm. Mark Blackburn, sary. The fimst of the evening was Co bampton, af Wilbur Blackburn's. spent in a horseshoe game by the wil Mrs. J. b. Abernefhy, Ray, Ruth men and a social time by the by and barold, Mm. Wm. Lymer, Mm. ladies. When darkness felI, the dui and Mrs. Art Lymer, sons Billie gathering was called f0 order by lyr and Ray, Oshawa, Mm. and Mms. Mrs. Tone Langstaff. Mrs. Sid- W- Charlie Nichols, Miss Marlon ney Lancaster mead an address Pei Nichols, Harmony, at Chas. Green- and Harold and Keith prcsented 1 ham's. . .. Misses Nina Carnricke, their parents with fwo beaufiful chZ Enid McMillan, Oshawa, Mm. and chairs and Mms. Burley with a ser Mrs. W. J. E. Ormiston, Bowman- corsage of roses and forget-me- 1 ville, Mm. Tom Baker, Solins, af nots. Mm. and Mrs. Burley both Ni( E. Ormiston's. . .. Mrs. Bert Wil- spoke words of thanks and wel-.. kins and Miss Greta Wilkins, come. Ronald was pmesented with gu( Courtice, Mm. and Mrs. J. R. Or- a service watch for his birfhday Mr miston, Enniskillen, at R. S. Or- which feli in the same week. bis fer misfon's. . .. Mm. and Mrs. Bruce sister Mary read an addrcss of Mr Wood and Nancy, Oshawa, Miss "Godspeed" and Miss Margaret at Marguamef Nichols, Miss Joan Denaulf made the presentation. Mr Longman, Mm. Don Morris, Town, Ronald thanked his fmiends for W< Mm. Walter Ommiston, at Ross their good wishes. The evening- Stevens'. finished with dancing and a lun-- Mm. and Mrs. Fred Twist,' Miss cheon fit for the occasion. Even Eileen Twist, Mrs. L. Twist, Osh- in this happy event war could not awa, Mm. and Mms. Howard Cry- be forgotten. Mm. and Mrs. Bur- derman, Shirley, Carlos and Jim- ley were married on June l2th,' my Crydemman, Miss Wilma, Mm. but their sons and daughters Carl Down, Miss Florence Ben- being cither in the armed forces neft, Ebcnezcr, at E. Twisf's. . .. or war womk an evening had f0 Rev. A. D. Cornett, Mm. and Mrs. be chosen when aIl could be af F. C. Davidson, Oshawa, Mrs. b. home. Then owing to government W. Foley, Miss Chrissie Freeman, restrictions only relatives in the Town, at b. G. Freeman's. . . * immediate vicinity were invited. Mm. and Mrs. Bert Colwell and Newtonville Sehool News Teddy, Mrs. Mina Colwell, Town, (By Jean Milligan, Grade VII) Mm. and Mrs. W. b. Nichols, Cour- June lSfh flhe school softball fiee, Mm. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, teamn went f0 Befhany and lost Base Line, Mm. and Mrs. Luther 3 to 12..Ouf of the money we Pascoe, Ruth and Lorne, Zion, get from the salvage we pack par- Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, Miss cels for Newfonville boys over- Marion Johns, Town, Mm. Lloyd seas. . . Mm. McMulien got us a Brooms, bampton, at Wallace pair of ralibifs. . . . At the back Munday's. . .. Mm. and Mrs. Gar- of the school the boys fixed a nef Riekard, Shaws, Mrs. Norman table for us f0 eat our dinner on. Pingle, Town, Mm. Bihl Lewis,. . . Fmiday afternoon we had a Ebenezer, Miss Helen Baker, So- program at which we gave Bud lina, Mm. Lawrence Wragg, Osh- Jones, Bill Couch and Evelyn awa. Mr. Philip Ayling, at Mrs. Gordon a present. . . . The girls' L. C. Snowden's. have finished the qui]lt forhe Mm. and Mrs. Samuel Snowden, Red Cross. . . . Nexf Friday we Mm. and Mrs. C. Daniels, Oshawa, quit school for two monflis Miss Margaret Trevail, Taunton, Monday is the pienie at the sho Mm. and Mrs. Hemb. Nichols, Miss grounds. Irma Wade, Mm. Bill bawkeshaw, Ebenezer, Mm. and Mrs. JackeCox, Miss Sfarling, Town, at J. R. Met- Dalf's. . . . Mm. and Mrs. Earl F R E»-ou, Town, Mises elm Cn- F FORUMS Eyes Tested -- Glasses Fitted Satisfaction in quality and price guarant.eed. Whiz FIy Fume 24e - 43c - 73c FLIT --------- --- 23e, 39c, 69e FLY TOX ------ 24c, 43c, 73e SHELL TOX -29c, 49c, 89e Band Aid.-------10c, 25c Elastoplast dressings 15c Flrst Aid Kits ---- 29e, 79c Absorbent Cotton, lb 39e 5 yd. gauze........-----35e Paper serviettes ------15c Paper cups, 12's ---- 10e Waxed paper ------l1c, 25e Pienie set.......---------15e Thermos botties $1.25, $2.50 Sta-w ay ---- -------------- 39c Sunburn lotion -------30c, 60e Sunburn cream ------------39c 1 Siotasafcy Ioud!1 O . 12 pads Cin box For White Shos NYAL LIQUmD or FASTE - ----- --- ----25e IT-------------- 5c, 25e SHU-MJLK--e--------- - - 9c PALM BEACH ----------23*q ÇASHME RE TISSUE _ ConpL-tely t*nûpPed Sofi Pure White 700 SEBETS P ta the rail mC4MFJt Tone-Ray Sun Glaises Optlcally perfect $2.50 - $3.00 Lux Soap, 2 for ---------lic Lifebuoy Soap, 2 for --, lic Palmolive, 2 for -------lie SILK-LI[KE the liquid silk stocklngs 25e bottle FLASHLIGHTS 2, 3, 5 celîs 45c to $2.75 complete Films Developed FREE 65COW LING'S DRUG STOREtvýusse" Ebenezer Mission Circle met at Mrs. Eric urtice's with President Mrs. lrry Gay in charge. Devotional as taken by Evelyn Wade, as- sted by Alice Arnold. Pamphlet nmissionary work was present- :by Mrs. Gay, with Mrs. Lloyd ourtice giving a reading dealing th same. Vocal solo was given yMrs. Harold Muir and piano uet Mrs. Eric Courtice and Mari- in Rundle. July meeting at Rev. 7C. and Mrs. Smith's, Port erry. Refreshments were served. Mr. Stan Covemley was in 'arge of the Sunday morning rvice. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ichois at Mrs. J. H. Munday's .Mrs. Elsie Oke and Elsie were iests on Sunday with Mr. and. ýrs Russel Worden . .. Mr. Wal. ýSnider, with his family... r.and Mrs. W. Oke, Port Credit, Mm. Geo. Pearce's . .. Mr. and .rs Willard Stevens at Frank rden's . .. Misses Eileen Pick- eli and Louise Pearce with Rev. W. C. and Mrs. Smith, Port Pemmy. Enniskillen Wedding bells are ringing. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Pas- coe, Bowmanville, at Mr. M. J. Hobbs'... Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt, Mona and Carl, at Mr. R. Pres- ton's, Maple Grove. . . Miss Isa- belle Rahm with Miss-Alice Simp- son, Enfield. . . -Miss Jean Rob- bins, Mr. F. Pethick, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wood and Nancy, Oshawa, at Mrs. S. Pethick's... Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mr. H. Ashton at Mr. S. Rodman's, Port Perry.. Mms. C. R. Walton and family, Mrs. W. Boucher, Kingston, at Mr. H. Stevens'... Mr. and M-¶.* W. Sanderson and f amily at W. Oke's. .. Mm. and Mrs. S.. Hancock, Rochester, with ]Urs. Page. .. Mr. and Mrs. w~eech at Mr. R. Richards', Bowm'anville. Mrs. C. Boyd and Alvin, Miss Jean McLean attended the Johns- ton-Cowan wedding in Toronto. Mother Knows. Best.0.# When She Gîves Her Children Glen Rae MiIk A sufficient quantity of millc daily is neces- sa.ry for the maintenance of health and energy -partioiilarly in children. Glen Rae milk is milk in its most beneficial form. It 's tested for purity, quality and flavor. It 's freali from the farm-still fresh when you get it. These facto make Glen Rae what it is . .. the finest mtlkthat is obtainable. Power, Miss Vivian Bunner, Town Asodeisfeinhslf. &r.andMrs Llyd shfn, amie, Can'f you, during Army Week, Ross, Ronald and Ray, Mrs. Henrymaesm deilhawilep ~Terybayonaf tewrtMor- him help you? tn's. . . . Miss Vie McFeeters, Many Canadian soldiers become 'own, with Miss Greta Munday. so intemested in Map Reading thaf. Maple Grove Sehool News fhey are experts when their ad- (By Harold Stevens, Grade Vil) vanced training has been com- . Sunday School anniversamy plefed. F ;I i i Conserve Your Car- and Keep It Serving Canada Cainada needs ail Its cars ta get millions of workers to thefr wartlme jobs on time. * * * Make your car do the work of two or three by sharlng it wlth others. Keep It servlng wlth expert Garton service! W. speclalize ianalyzlng motors and keeping thent AC top performance. A tune-up now wlll save gas, ail and replacemelits later on. GARTON'S GARAGE BM S tation Iznperlal 011 Phone 2666 S'Y c«a«Oý

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