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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1942, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATEsMAN, ROWMANI"fTTL' .mAit, U14 TAV TTRIO' q~ Establlshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSFAPER With which is Incorporated The Bowmanvilie News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 86 Year's Continunus Service To The Town of Bowmanviile and Durham County. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations I ~~ Canadian@ Weekiy Ncwspaperse Association Class A IVeekiies of Canada SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 a Year, strictly in advance. $2.50 a Year ini the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. After bcing ou liolidavs for two wecks the editor finds it a bit <ificilt to g-el <ownii o business. W'e had a delizltfulitrip West and a niost iinsliîiig ý,and enjoya bicîpress coivifjoli a t Sasia tooji. To case lîaek 111h the ecd itorial (lia il' wjtthe flIeast i'esistaiîcc ive are going to base oîîîiruliorial Sîiects tlîîs eek On soîne of, Ille olitstiîdj(ii±,.ad- dresses giveii at flic con vent ion.i.l'le speak- ers were aIl iîitioniali.N- known and t lîcir to1)ius wcretfinine]-yvand 1n toriniat ive. Wc reg-ret spae <1 oes îlot permit cia boîating more on tiiese iiddi'sscs. -hie Lditor Government and Country i)aîîv reasoîîs have becîî giveiî as to wlîy Caîiadiaîis are îîof putti.îg forth a total -%var effort. Perhaps the best yef is that advauc- cd b.v G. Hl. Lasli. Direefor of Public lIjfor- niafion, wvhen a<dressiiig the C.W.N.A. cou- veîîtion af Saskatoon, lie said: "If we scarcli for the reason why Canada has îîot yet foiuid its full moral streuîgtli in tis ivai. we may discover it iin our seenino'- inabilify to distiîiguish between goveruneut and country. This difficulfy exists and is aravafed by our Jack of an adequate pop- ular unlifyiîîg smNubol. lu the United States wlien if is coiisidered undesirable or incx- pedicuît to liav-e the 1oifical lîcad of the na- tion issue au appcal. thc words eau alvavs, be put iiîto the inouth of Ueiile Sain * a svm- bol arouid îvhich îîîcn of ail politieal al- legîcucile eau al. Dvýecl-jn-tlie-îv-ool part - polities stili liave tlic deatlî gril) ou Canadians fo tlue exteut thaf the iiîdividual fiuids it difficult to sup- port and hla ve faith ini a 'governiieut in power iiiless it lîappeîis to be of lis owîî political stripe. 'lioîsa idcs fbroughiout the country today are îv-itlilioldiiiîg tleir support from U(anada s vai' effort because tluev (I0 flot subserie to flic political faitb of the goverinncuit iin power. The.v do flot real ize that the goveriiînïent is but an instrument in promotinb tflîir coutrv's welfare. The speaker is onlv partially correct w-heu he says thiat we liave not au "adcquatc polp- ular uniifying syunibol' . Wc have but if is flot accepted as sucb. We have ,Jaek Can- uck. We could rallv around .Jaek Caiiucek if Canadians w'ouldi divorce hîn ii i Ihiir mids fromn the political power' at thlîe hin. "These foirces are îlot seeking the clown- fall of sone particitlar polit ical partyv. Tbey arc sceking the iitter destruction of a iv of life. vour w'av of life, iv wav of life. This is îot just oui» oeîi wîf siai'. If is voui' iv-ar." strcssed Mr. Laslî. Tue Axis is iiot îa ii' ts itaîîîc,;triil--,,Ie to put flic Libeî'al l)arfY ouf of business. This isîi't tlic Liberal party 's ivari ioî is if Mackenzie King's ivar. If is an attenpt by the womst bîigands flicw'orld1 lias ever known f0 fake fr'ont Canadiaîis their soft, easy w-ay of liviig. Wc are oiîlY fighfing to hold what we have. Canadiaiis kuiow liow they have grumiblcd at beiîîg deprived of a few thiîîgs by ratioîîiig. God lhelp thcm if they lose this war! Mr. Lash furthcr wariicd flic people ini thesc w'ords:"Lct us wig-hi flicissues w'ell before w-e acf anîd nof be influenced by flic moufhing-s of tliose who wish to use us-as pawis inuflic service of some selfislî pur- pose." Tlîe governiineiit is in plower l)ccause flic majorit 'v of Caiiadians bv their v-otes put if flicre. If hîolds tlic desfiivN of oui' Canada in ifs liaids. Evcîî if w-e disag-rce witb soîne of ifs policies. Jeftlis tliink of oui' couîuitrv. firsf, and suppor't it. Letf nsbca' of N azi prop)agýatiidau(]i of politicallI inuspii'ed propaga idla. ilinisteî's take tiiis af t- ilit îgtlc classes oncee a meelç, usuall - vtirst Iliiint in the uîorî iiîg., xvifh flic local pri.cst I iiuk i n aftei' flecspiritual necds of I lie Iloijiat Catliolii! ebjîdren. In oCher scliools a peiio is set aside for religious tecehi'g wit i liei roorn fea<lier Iookiîîg affer the imsi inef joui. "The kiîîd of educafion we bave lîeîi li1 ing lias almosf riîîied flie world,"flct pce c er coîfiîîucd. If lîad deait with flic fcch- îîicalifies of life. Teclîîîicjaîîs of ail kimnds liad Iîeii fraiiicd. But, would iivoue say fliat a sc'icîîtific civilizafioiî would. save flic ivorld ? T l ouiîti'ics fliafnmade the îîiosf aîiiaziîig seieîîfufie pîrogu'ess are fliose fliat liave 10osf ficir faifli.' 'JDr. Tbioiiisoîidecînu'- cd, ]boiniit o 0Geiiaiiv as anexample. It is îîîîfiliifiendd i edication and iii tccýliîiologîioal aîiîis, Io rî'ui 'i fl Ic hespiiiiiîg îvlieel 0f (la îlii . luit NN1vltafis îiecessarvi-Ns to <ledioleacd neation and lcivîlîzafioxi to iicxv ends. Tflic îveclv press, slîariig eoîniiiuiitY ini- flîic ivî wtfi flie ('11iirelî anid lie scliloil, lias a gî'caf oppori'tif f0support tfli îuject- l in of la ifliiii fo moder'n civilization. The Consumner's Part "Whlitler Cauiadian bovs lunflic fiî'iîîg iics are, equipîe1anid cloflîed fo -win us vieforv depeiids f0 a coîîsidcrable extent ou flic tliiigs ive bux-,""Byrie Hope Sauc's, I)ii'cctor îîf flie Cilisuiiiei' Brancli, Wartiine Pi'ices anid Tu'ade Boai'd, toîd Caîiadiaîi îveelv iueispa)eniieii. ('aniad lau civil ians iiîîist chiange flîcir luv- iiiîshabits. Tlicv iiîuist liux-oilv flic *es- seitials. 'llie 'v uîuuîsfbux- fever Iluxui'ies so t liaf fuis iiioiicî îa.v gofoîvai'ds flc puri- 'h1ase of' Waii Saviiigs ( eitificafes andi Sfaius. Tî'îe. the îiew- iiicoîiîe taxes îvlili 10io iîfeffeef iii Scîtcînber iildvr uo' iiioiie 'v initii flic w-ar iaehine aîd w-il I uirfa il I ixuii' spcid i ng tii a cer'ta inicxfeut. Thiis woun't ]be cingi-Cailial is iluisf,.\y tleii' ow-î efforts, pass flic luîxiiu*v itemis by. The uiaiipowei' anid tfl i iiîenials îiised iniilic pro- duel ioîî of Iiuixiî'ies îîîuîst be divei'fed fo flic pi'diefiuiof iiiioiios anid tfli mpleineits of wai-. XVe inist reduce oui' seale of livinig aîid like if. XVliaf people bouiglif af one finlie ivas fhîcir OW'u u'espouisihiiliti- Now if is a nîationîal If lias lîecîîestiuuîafcd fhiaf flicaverage urîban mwomai with aî familv of fivc bouglif foui' tous of food a veau'. 'Think of fliaf fi-uu'e %\-lieu ficd up ivifh oir population. iin terins of lîuîyi*ig spî'ees or of hioardiug," the spcakcî'.said. "And von. eatisec bow quickly devasfatiuig shorfagcs eau occur." A few w'eeks ago thîcre w-cre repor'ts of flic greatest fî'affic jai iii flic isfory of East- cr'u Caniada. Miss Sauîders fcu'uncd if a 'national disg'-iacc" as slîc did flic stupciud- ou biigsprcee0on sugar w-heiiflic word of sug-a' ratioiig lcaked ont. A Caiiadiaui cii-ilian îvould lbe quick f0 coidfeiiii lus uîiglîhour if tlîe latter weî'e cauiglif aidinig a Cler'uiaui pîisoîucr of vai' fo escape. He could terniu hm a "t'aitou-' Yef. fInît Canîadiaî w-ho w'oîlduii'f aid flic pis oieu' iiîgbf cmuitffreason iin aîotîeu' %va. Hle ivouh(I board suîgar. tea, or coffcc or -obtaij iti illcgall.v if lie couuldl If flie 1î'uuiior w-cnt aroinifhuat a certain coîin- rnoîlîtv ias f0 be î'atioîîed lue w-ould go outf a nd purchiase ail lie could. lHe lasu 't î'calized tiliat fuis practice is tm'casoîu al- fhiougli on a sunaîl scale. 14'How eau w-e drive boule to our people flic facffhiaf flic rigbht to purchase what we like and whlîn ix'c hike iîîîust bc sacî'ificed fo flic general good of aIl?" the spcaker asked. If citizemîs oîîl.vsfopped to comsider liow faix' rafiomîinîg is amui the had practices if pi'cveuts. tlicy-w-ould w-elcome if îvith openi ai-fis. Truc, if is au inconv-ciieîîcc af finies but if is flic hesseu' of tiio ci-ils. Ratiouuilig assuu'es cadi cifizemi of flic-saie amnoitifof a oununoditi-. Wifhout ratioîimg flic uich eould go ouf anîd hinx up a ecomunodit.\ anud litfle, if anv~, ivould be leff fou' flicpci'souis iinflic hoiver line bu'ackefs. Emider 1rationi- ing fleic nilliomiaii'e gets luis minîce <of fea a îvek aloîîgiiftl e flccderlr peu'sou livinîg on a penisioni. "Oui fli home front flic eouîstimîcu"s par't iii fuis vau' is gu'cafer fliami flat of amiy oflier gIrouip" Miss Sauîders said. If is becauîsc of flic importanice of the cou- sîîmcr undcr the ivartime cconomy fliat the consumer' branei w-as csfablisbcd ini Canada. Represeuitatives of this hiranch represent the couisumers ounflic Warfiinc Prices and Trade Board. Thcv sit in on discussions regard- iîug the iiew ordcrs as fbcy corne onf anud liai-e a definite voice. Thcy iîîferpret flic i'uiigs anîd reguilations of flic boar'd info flic dail.v hife of the public. -V The Family Journal "Rural îvcckly- micwspapei's cuiter flic hioiicaiid aprci'c d).Y tflie faiuiil amnd i'ad a ~ ~ ~ ý ga.-ufgaî'îîutluuiidv Auifca i 'îîks is hîead oftif f Ii' ouiun î'so-it îî t lBctfx- Sue Bm'own ia lier lîîî ousils ont luîst i ivu'ck Suin iSiilfi bus ,jiiiud tliu' l.( AF lu .1dl iniituui. 'i'ie 1-v uîî'î' peuipl-Io hauugli î mît tlise tlîiugs- flics (Io uiof iaiz tlîuît MIIuIIîc' u11,0 ui's ini fleic lluue touviw clv i. ('liifcs sfateud fuUmpflîI', "lic ek of f Iîîuîî l 'fue-gaie 111p)riuuiclpayiluug posi- o tinîs lut'v lutt fhueir hoties, ivives uand<ifauuî- iîes. Mmiivlu'a%-ch avieau -liiid thue sumpri'ec CI î'iî' iii 11ii effort'tfo him-cscu'x-e for us oui' wau W' )f lieand lmanv' yîmor'e'will lay clowuî fbciî' IV- i-es hiefore flue shoxxus oîcr. fi Oui flue unuwou'fhijuuss of Canuadiaîî civiliaiis ii i use flic lioly woi'd 'sacti'iI'icc"Dr. M. Mv. ix flicw-ecklics is to take oui tli job, fhirougli ifs cdiforials.iucixs cohuins anmd picfîurcs, of euîlistiuîg ei'ery reader in Itlue baffle f0W',vin flicw-ar, scum'e flic peace aîid buuild a ncw îvorld. Tbcî- lai-cto hxîil(Iiii Ilîcir î'caders a figliig spir'it fuuat w'ill fiu'cail the icws, bad andcl ood, iifout bcu-îuuuîiuîg discouîrag- cd ou' fuîlimîg pi'e. f0 casv- uîptiîîîisîîî. Thev huav-c fui ccouirage fliccifizînis f0 'stop pass- in.g-flicluick ', admit inisfake s maid apologizc, îîîstea1 of blaminîg otliers, muid f0 pull flîcir oiviiueigflut foi' îîaximunî îprodluct'ion." his is flue task facing flue ieekîies. Tt is a lbig omie but1 flic îvcklies arme big ciioxgh f0 taekle flic Job. -V Honor War Fleroes l!uani inaî'ficulatc -;oüls liuui-ctlîoîîghîf for soniec tinue thaf Canîada shoul< starf a cam- paigu to luonor ifs w'ar hcrocs. Now a prom- imicui Caiiadiauî lias corne ouf anîd bluntly said so. Wilfrcd H. Goodrnuin, Mauiagiiig Editor of Thei Caiuadian Publishers War FinîanîcePub- Iieifv Commîffcc, fold fle ic auuuual counventionu of the C.W.N.A. fluat if woulul be a "nîaionîal fouie" if Caîîadianis sfartcd a eaiiipaigu f0 luiom' flîcir wîv lieroes. ',Ieîo iorshii1 is so întlii g of whiichw -c "Ift si uatui'ul fhiat an uambiitions people sliould vaîît fo pay hiornage f0 inîcividuuals w'ho sfauid as sýYmbols of flic per'fctfionî of hîîîîaî e ffor't. Whiv theu slould, aivouîc tiw-a't flch age', ssof Caumuuiauîs f0 huouor iuîdi-iduual Caîîadiuîîîw-ar lîcî'ocs?- Cauiadiuus ar'e a' ittue ba<'k-aivrd lui show- in-g fleiu' true feýel iîug(s. Tlîcv liai-c a î'escnî'e fliat us iîissi.11g lu our Auicricauî cousinîs. Aniccauus niake huerocs lin eiei'y-walkof life, Balie Rufti, flic haseliall idou, andc Liuudliei-i, (wxho hafer disgi'aeed flic u'rx- people ii'lo idoiized hlm > ure-ctiio gooci cx- amples. Lafest is Genecial Arthuir Mac- Ar'turm, lîcîo of Bataauî, îvliois inowin-l Auistralia. Arneiaus arc au ambitions peopile. Tbcy are proud of flic fact thaf aiiv American bon boy eauu beconue presidemif. if lic bas the stîiff, regardless of îvhaf side of flic raihroad tî'acks lic came fî'or. By luouding up Gen- cral MacAr'thur, thcy cite hini as an exanîple of ivlaf auny Aierican' boy eaui do-îic sky-'s fhli iit. Geneu'al MacArhur lbas beemu au inîspir'ationî to Ainericans; licelias been a symunbol of Anierica anîd has muade Auîîcnicans fceu that theieyvlîad soîncfuiîug îvorfhwhîhc figlutiîg foi'.1He lbas sfinulafccl recnxiiiîg lue lias filled miany a lîcant w-iflipride. "Doîî't ]et flic wotundcd youuuigster corne lîack from niigîaud and slip iiito fow w-ifh- ouît au officiai reception and pîubhlic ovationî fou' lîi,-' 'uîgcd Mu'. Goodiii. Y'ef, hiow offeu is fhuis doue ? Toliuîui' Jouies us ivalidec hîomeî. Ilis pahs stol) liiuuî oui fli sfu'eef. -- 'Toigli luuckz, Joluiiv. Too bad you i lad tcu îmiss flic show- ' .oliuiuii-feels bal ciioxglui isidc ivithout hlimîig if rîbbed lu-hi- unuY stay-,-af-lîome sîackers. If .Tohuuuiv Joncs gof xvliat ivas couîiug f0 blun, the foîvnî band lwouuld bave lîeei af flic stat tion f0 uîîecf liînplaiiig 'AIl hal fliccon- qucniîîg huero cornes", tfli naYor aîd flue toîîî coîîîîcil %vould bai-e beeuu flicre, a nd theu'c îould have been a reception, His uwotlîcr anîd lad would hauvîe beeni flîre, aund flic 'esf of flic famnilv, f00. ,Johiiiiv îoîld hav'e stammi'ed ouft,"GceJ1 di.dîî't do any- fluiiuîg!" aîd gof red iui ftie face, Tlîat is ivhit would liav-c hapîîciced if Joluimîv luad got w-lat lic dcscrvcd. ,M. Gooidmian sai, "l>ioof the Caîîadian people ivilI u'espoîd i%'as offereci rcceîifhv af Ottawxa îîluerer 'ioids liiîccl flicstreefs f0 clucer flic arrîiî-aIîof tiio lîeroes of flic Roy-al Canadiaii Air Foî'ee-Enuihce Mor'iin adc Lauirenit Robilîai'd.-' Caniada lias ifs Paddy Fiîueaîucs, Cobbcr Kuimues. Malauîs, Fogarfy FegYaus, anid Geueî'au MINcaArtbuu's. Lef 's nîef flucîn! "\Xivw-ui.t before erccfiîîg a placcju or a meunonial of some kiîd f0 flic îuueiory of flic yoîuni ulua from yoîun coin- înunify whîo. huas alrcady given bis life for fliat comiiiuiiit-?" _V No Greater Love' "Sacrifices? Do not ]et us prostifufe the uîobiliti' and the bcaufv of thaf ivord, Sac- rifice is a rcverciît, God-gix-cu word rescrvcd for flic mcenanîd wornuiwho bave niade a fm'ce-w-ill offeriiuîg of flueir lives upon flic alfan of frccdom; for flue cliildrn of China w-ho have died hy fîousaiîds bencafli fbeiî' uiîpm'nfected skies; foi' the bosfagcs of Fr'aunce, for fhiose whio lic in the long- coin- mîoî gmavcs of ('ovi'etrv, uanud for the gauuif, g'vfiguuu'-es ,Paiu(-Iiiiig the guffers of Aflicus fou'. a sdî'ap fo caf." (:,. H-. hash, Dirccfîîî of Pulifliainfýyf-c a +,,i], l -iusîeu i fi iLastly, t flic 'the 1"uien tuh Vaiuuuui fo laiug ouut iuieuîfal vacuumis, blieh ii' nîuîst eu'fmiuly ail sfai' uîsing if ve ar'e uot fo lue ouif-fhu)lit as wcll as, onf- 1ulliu. Ve 'h lube Surupîisec l hoiveleai»-tluiiîkç- - g. ouu braiu boxes becorne once flic cob- dibs ar'c swcpf aîvay. MacOdrurn of National \Var Saviuigs ag-reel with Mr, Laslî. 1He said: "Wlieu your boy is driveîi out of the sliis in. a buniçig plane'c, whicu -xouur boy falîs iufo flue rougui ater of fl ic îglislî Chianneîl or cr'ashecs iii the Libyaui desert, fan fu'ouu uatr-let's caîlluat sac- rifice," flicspeaker' pleaded. fhene is a script umal passagc wix-l îiîsfatcs: Greafer lov i-chafhno mnuflau fuis, fuuaf a mnuw-lt Iav doîvu lis hife fou' lis fu'ienucs" Tîmaf is the on]yihy liuîg vorfhy oftiffue nauuine of sacnificc. _V The Fourth Estate ""You haveu't a free people iîîîlcss vou liaive a free, press, anîd wlicnc you have a frce press, flic people cuijoy liberty-,"' Premier W, J. Paftersoîî of Saskatoonî fold niîcuîbers of the C.W.N.A. Ercedonu of the press is a prnciplc accepf- cd by ahl free people, aiid peruajus f00 cas- ually by some. If is ovcrlookcd fluaf iu Bnifish counfnies if lias cxisf cd for ouly about 150 ycars. Today if miglit bc couîsid- crcd a bau'orncer of iuidividual liber'fy. 'flicpress uvas onîce couinoulynefcrrcd f0 as "fli Fourflî Estafe,' a feurn ivlichli lad corne iuîfo use at flue time of flue Frenich R-ev- olufion, whiîlie nobility, flic clcu'gy anîd flic cornus liad bccn flie fiu'sf flice estafes, 'flicpr-ess iviped ouf old distinuctionus anîd preseî-î'd flic freedomu of flic people. lu Europe flic press is gagged aînd fhîrottued; 50 areflic peole. lu Cainada auîd oflier free coulîfries, flic press is able f0 prnt îhaf if hikes kccpiug in indiuiilcensor- slîiî uegîulafions ixhielu arcecluafted for our ouvuîprotectioni. Today lu Europe îeîvspapers arc beinîg l)iiuted but tliey arc fillec ii-fihyiugp*'op ag-auda iuîspiu'ed by tfle Nazi u'cgiuîue. Onle speaker told flic cdifou-s of a case of a Bclgianî îiw'spapcr vhicluix-as publislu- cd uîudcr flic moses of flic Geruuîans dîuni.ng.ý flic firsf GreaftNVar, îxith ueîvmnuspriaig- iuîg forward f0 cari-y oui as soouî as flic cuînuy arrcsfed auîd kiîIcd flic cdifou's and prinfers,. Today ini Europe flîcre arc unuder- ground meîspapcrs bciuîg publislîcd and.- dirculatcd arn7ong people' sympafhictie f0 flic ailicI cause. Tlicy arceflic people wluo value frecdorn. Canadians must place a hîlghier v-alîue ou flic press. Reporters sbould be mnade wel- coule af publiermectinîgs and gatberngs as fiey rnîdcr au imîporantf public seurvice. Pîublislîcns flîrougu long cxpcî'icîce use discrefion iin flicnciis tbey publisli. ilîcre i-s nîo eed for people f0 ask the editor f0 leav-c "flis or fliaf" ouf of flic papîeî. People rnakiuug siieh equesf s oftenî fr.v f0 shuield tiieuiselu-es. "'Tli fircs of fî-eeclonu w-ill îeî-er buu'u ouf as lonug as flics- ure fed wx-ilpiiien's iuik," MamiagiuigDirector Chuarter's folhdeic îs - papeniemi, Shortage of Nurses Arnogtflic ny ofler dircurnsfances broughîit about by flic war, is a shorfage of persouis linfthe nursing profession., 'flicCan- adiau Nur'ses Assoeiationu is vcry anxious about the situation anudan urgenit appeal is going oUý for more nurses for bofli civilian anîd war wuork. Large uubers of nurses bave cnrollcd linflic differcuit branchecs of the Wounis Armed Services, manyiv e forsak-ux fle nursinîg profession for mni- flou work, andI flîre lias beemu a falliug off iii fthe uuber of gilu-s vho wouiid take up flue îork of niursinîg. The sliorfage of urses us bccoming acufe and mnîy suggesionus arc beinîg made as f0 ivliaf renîs eau lic cm- plo0yed f0 stirnulafe a greafer iiiîfercst linf luis i'cry uecded profession., If lias bccuî sug- gesfcd that oîdcr îîoîîenu iilurusinîg cx- pcriecc, xvlîo are sfill rncdicaliv fit, bie recallcd f0 the profession anîd so auîgmeînt if, XVorkiuig hîours for nuises hauve also been rcviscd so fliaf the work is muade more af- tu-active anîd mre' of'f-duf v fim-e is alhow-cI for recrcafioi anul other puirposes. In war- time, nîurses are as mîecessary as soldiers, anîd flic liarder the baffle flic more nîurses arc uîccdcd. The profession also requires a nec- cssary amouint of trainîiug and knoîvlcdgc lin order fo propcu'iy carry ouf flue work uvifl a vicîv f0 saving life and proper cane of woundcd and suffering pensons, If is pointcd ouftfliafuîlcss sorncfhiuîg is donc qîiickly flue shorfage xviii growv noreanul more acufe as flue monflis pass. NoW slîould bie a g*ool opporfuiifvfor fliose îvornî îitb nîursinîg experience, and who bai-c fli time, f0 înakc application f0 rc.join tfle profession. ____V Victory - Home-Made K, Colwell, Llewelbyn Ellis, C. i f wice as greaf. TWENTY-FIVE EARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, August 30, 1917 Augusf was notable for Potato Rot exactly as many local farm- rs are expericncing this year, and there were more than 'usual of fies that dstroycd barns and harvested crops, Word was received of the death in England at a Military Hospital while engaged in war work, of Nurse Sarah E. Garbutt, sister of Rev. John Garbutt, former paston of Bowmanville Methodist. W. J. Tenouth had just esign- d the principalshp of Norwood and accepted a similan position at Napauee at an increased salary. Alan B. Keifh, Newark, N.J, was vîsifing his Unele David af fer an absence of twelve years. Mns. Julia VanNest and daugh- fer Marlon netunned from visitiug ber daughfer Mrs. LaVenne Hoff in Phiîadelphia, The Editor's son, Capt. George W. James neturned fnomn service in England. Mns, E. V. Scobell exhibitcd lier f wo Pensian cats at thec Toront o Exposition. Among deaths of fthe wcek were Mrs. Samuel Snowden, Sr., Mrs. Thomas Couifer, John Worden, and Mns. Elien Jane Ratcliffe, sisten of our bat e Constable Tom Coleman. On the Wonld's Wan Honon Roll wene: H. V. Burgess, Oshawa, kiltcd in action; missing, J. Owen, Oshawa; wounded, J. W. Wright and Lawrence, Bowmanvlhe. The prospects for the apple crop are very dubious wif h ahi kinds two weeks late and affected by fungus and scab. Look for a smaîl yield and higli pnices this winten. Pte. G. W. Allin of flic Royal Flying Corps, Deseronto, spent Sunday with bis parents Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Allin, FIFTY VEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, August 24, 1892 'flicgneatest excitement of fthc week was flie publication of flie 1 nesuits of the Deparmental Ex- 1 aminafions. Those who matnicu- I bat ed wene Herbent W. Foley withi houons in Frencli Genman andc Engîisli, and T. Hoidge passed in -Latin and German. Successful in thec Junior Leav- ing wene Amy Armoun, C. Ev-I enett Brown, J. Colwell, E. Hawk- 2 ey, W. Jennings, M. Joltiffe, J. è Laing, A. McMurfrY, M. Riggs, v J. S. Somens, Fnrank Tnebiicoc k.p In flie Primary were Ogal Adain, 1f 1< "l te"n my fomnilY fluat as long as Jack is oversous, wo'lI euaflhash and lik. lt.", MEAR&E at war. It costs lots to Wvin. It would cont everythig to lose. So 1 don't figure that because we'Il soon pay a srmal amount as comupulsory savings, 1 can fold my hands and say 'That's that!V No sir 1 Somne people mnay need comipulsory savings to Save somnething for their own good. But that's the mninimiumn. I' out to Save al 1 can to buy War Savings Stamps and Certificates to help win the war and have somnethixug substantial Put bY for the days when there won't be ail this work ad overtime." "l'va chrstndnuy garbage can d'iilery and bolieve me ho doesn't g., anything thaf's Worth anyflujng.1" Iluy War Savings Stapnps rmdugs bakotoffices, telepho- offices, depari - ment stores, grocers, tobacconiâs~ and other retail stores. Certificates niay be purchased for ifluinedjate delivery in denominations of $5, $10, $25 fromn banks, trust companies and post offices. National War Finance Committec a ffi' i Giffin, Edith Mounfjoy, D. \,, Donald, Cyrus Slemon, E. Smna1> Robf. Stephens, F. Thompson, M Wardcr, Ettie Washington, L. Williams. Next in general attention ivas flic Big Bicycle and Calithumpiami Procession Friday evening f'or 1which pnactically everyone could waik was-lined up on~u< street f0 watch and augh at fbuŽ L idiculous and oflenwise inter- 1esfing ouffits. If was as good as a circus. The wedding of flic week wi, not in oun fown but at Pont Perrv- where Rev. D. C. McDoweîms daughten Caro was united in mar- niage witli T. C. Nichoîs of that fown. M. and Mrs, T. E. Hiiggiii- bofham and Master Hubert at- fended her sisfer's wedding, Zelotes Haney of Belleville was vusîtung hus relatives on Centre St. Dr. H. C. Phillips, Rochiester, was guest of F. H. Mason, Norman H. Hall was home froni S. Thomas for a few days. Miss Noswonthy was visiting Lindsay friends. Chas. A. Windatt retunned fromn flic rifle ranges af Bisley, Eng- land, wif h houons for slianpslioot- ing as usual. This was the year in whicli the langer grand stand and flic muctu langer race track wene addel fo the attractions at flic Toronto Ex- hibition as horse racing became flic major feature for thousands, and stll is. 1SAFE PORK IN STORAGE Iu flic United States where many people use food locker plants f0 store thein food, fthcU.S. Depantmeut of Agiiculfure gives warning fliat temperatunes are not kept iow enouglifo, complefe- ly kili fhe trichiuae lu pork. Picces of pork or pork products not cxceeding six luches lu thick- ness must be stored for a continu- ous period of nof less than 20 days af a femperature not higher than 5 degrees F., or nof less than i10 days at minus 10 degrees F., or -îot less than six days af minus 20 degrees F., f0 assure complefe protection. For langer pieces or packages up f0 27 juches lu fhick- ed, except lu the case of 5 de- grecs F., when flic period is iu- creased f0 30 days, Shipping is Britain's life-line. Launchings lu 1941 totalled 1,- 250,000 tons. Naval tonnage pro- luced lunflic last quarter of 1941 ras four times as greaf as that îroduccd lunflic last quarter be- fore flie war; merchant tonnage, TT4TJRSDAY. AUGUST 27 in- 2 a . i

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