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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1942, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANAflIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 24th, 1942 Haydon. Visitors: Mrs. Don MacKenzie, Miss MacKenzie. Ajax. at Mr. A. McNeil's... Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and family at Mr. Louis Ashton's, Toront... Mrs. Bert Ashton and Bradley at Mr. Fred Ashton's, Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ashton, Mrs. Gordon Beech, Mr. Frank Smith, Enniskillen, Mrs. Heddon, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs. Lennox, Miss THANKS A MILLION... to ail the HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Who Patronized Our Store We Wtll Continue To Give You Good Service During Thse Sehool Year. et J. W. JEWELL "dBIG 20"y BOOKSTOREa Phone 556 Bowmanvile T Ritson, Beth Traveil, Oshawa, Miss Helen Rundle, Bowmanville, at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. .. Mr. and Mms. Alymer Beecb and Lloyd at Mm. Carson Cbilderbose's, Bow- manville. . . Mr. Donald Carr, Miss Blanche Beech at Mr. Percy Carr's. Petembomo. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Siemon at Mr. Raymond Clapp's, Tyrone. .. Mr. W. Smith, Ross and Clifford. Osbawa, at Mr. A. Beech's. . . Serg. Dan aid Mountjoy, R.C.A.F., is borne on furlaugb. Zion Visitors: Mr. A. Ritchie, Thorn-j ton's Corners. at Hans Geissber- ger's. . . Mr. and Mms. Stan Cov- erly and Lloyd, Ebenezer, Betty and Mariene Cochrane, Courtice, at Wes. Camerons:. . . Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Killen. Delmer. John- ny and Marie. at John Knax's, Columbus. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Camieran. Jack and Joycc. Mms. Russell Stainton and Grace at Bernard McEw:%en's, Dunbarton.. L Cpi. Harvey Balson. Camp Bar- den. Mrs. Balson. Hampton, at Robt. Killen's. . . Mvr. and Mrs. George Awde. Drayton. Mrs. M. H. Langmaid and Florence, Osb- awa. at Frank Pascae's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rabbins and Ruth at Howard Aluins, Newcas- tle... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen at Hilliard Simpson's, Orona. . . Mr. and Mrs. George JolI. Miss Jean Mowat, Toronto, at Norman Leach's. . . Mr. and Mms. Fred Rabbins and Isabel at Chas. Kerslake's, Hampton.... Misses Reta Desveoux, Marguer- ite Martin. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Edwamd Martin and Laverne, Or- ano. Mr. Gea. Malcolm, Nestieton, Miss« Shirley Martin, Oshawa, Messrs. Harold and Percy Snud- den, North Oshawa, at Tbos. Mar- tin's. . . Miss Margaret MeCleur et Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerrv. Alan and Arthur. Miss Betty Harlick, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Germy Glaspel, Wbitby. at F. B. Giaspell's. . . Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peterboro. LAC John Stainton, Toronto. at A. T. Stain- ton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lundy, Owen Sound, at Russell Perkins'. . . Miss Eileen Stainton at borne. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bail on tbe arrival of a baby girl at Bowrnanville Hospi- tai. To Dur Customers and Friends Wartime demands Economy; to maintain our high standard of service to you at no in- creased cost, we decided to continue our retail business entirely from our Greenhouses, King Street East, and close with October 1, the Kings- way Flower Shop. We thank you for your past patronage and niay we serve you in the future as faithfully as ever. KINGSWAY GREENHOUSES AND FLOWER SHOP 1Phones - 772 - 2632 Âfter Hours - 2633 Salem A goadly cangregetian att( cd the Sunday service wben1 Gardner deiivcred a fine srn At the close of the semvici christening toak place wben twin sons of Mm. and Mrs. Welsb and the littie son of and Mrs. F. Blackburn were 1 tized. Congratulations ta the t sons of Mm. and Mrs. Welsh winning first prize et Osbý Faim. Mrs. May, son and daugh Windsor. visited ber sister,D E. Silver. Mr. and Mrs. L. Annis deugbter. Toronto, visitedv Mm. and Mrs. W. Cann. Mm. and Mrs. J. Cator, Ralpb and nepbcw Donald Ho] Toranto, visited bis parents. Mm. and Mrs. G. Comnisb Mrs. W. Fitz, Janetville, rene' aid acquaintances bere. Funeral service xvas held Miss M. Berrett et the home Mn. and Mrs. F. Honey on Mon, afternoon wben Rev. Moni pastor of the Newcastle Uni Church, conducted the service spoke in glowing tcrms of high Christian chanecter of deceased wbo bed been a big estecmed member of bis chui Relatives tram Brighton, Ri wood. Pickering, Brougham, Ný castie. Toronto and Brampton tended the service and intem- was in Bowmenville cemetemy. wealtb of beautiful fiowers sh( cd the esteemn of hem many frici Salem friends extend sympa ta the relatives in the loss c truc and faitbful fiend. Courtice Church services Sunday w wxell attcnded. On Tbursdey nigbt a la: number attcnded the MissionC cie wiener raast et Rund Beach' and everyone reports good time. Sympatbv is extended to1 and Mrs. Walter Oke, Wind. formeriy of this cammunity, in ioss of their littie girl whov killed by a truck. Also ta Mr.a Mrs. W. Kicka an lasing th littie boy. On Tuesday evening a lai numbem of friends gatbered et home of Mm. Carl Down ta si prise Miss Marjorie Downa Mn. Harny Warden witb a misc leneous sbawem. Mn. Glen Piciý acted as chairmen and after1 number of lovely gifts had bE opened the happy couple expre ed thein tbanks. Several of1 girls served fruit. On the previc Saturday Merjorie had been gih a pyrex sbowen by e number the girls et the home of Mrs. C. Pearce. Miss Lorraine Antil was a surprised by ber friends with sbowcr et the home of Mn. a VIns. Koapecki. Mr. R. R. Gay is home fnomt hospital etter bis operetion. Visitors: John Tristram w his mother et Port Penny.. . M MIary Wilkins, Oshawa Haspi' at home. .. Miss Norme Sexsmi Belleville, et Mr. J. Trull's. . . and Mrs. Howard Cryderman a family et Mrs. Tristrem's, Pi Penny. .. Miss Edythe White, i tbesda, et Mns. Alan Down's.. Masber Billy Laird, Maple Groa at Mns. Blake Courtice's. . .M Allie Worden, Toronto, witb father Mn. Frank Worden. Maple Grove Congratulations ta Mn. and M' Wesley Werry (nec Helen N caîf) an their memniage. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Collect Misses Pearl and Lenome Col cutt visited et Mn. Arthur BE man's, Providence. Maple Grove Sehool News We are off ta a gaod stant t« year with evcrything looking n adnew. Senior roam is rédg orated and 3 bulletin boards aé GET to the TO-P of THINGS INSULATE * FOR COMFORT *FOR ECONOMY Insulation can save you up to 30 per cent of your annual fuel bill by stopping the heat which is lost through unin- sulated walls and ceilings. Because f uel is hard to get and costs are rising, your savings now will be greater than ever before. Superseal Insulating Wool la one of the most economicai and soundest investments you can make - for the fuel savings pay the bill and continue paying div- Idends for years to corne. You'll be surprised how littie SUPER- SEAL INSULATING WOOL costs. It is easily and quickly installed. Cali and get an estimate to-day. SHEPPARD & GuiL LUMBER CO., LTD. Phone 715 Bowmanville ed. We wish ta thank aur tr for this mucb needed irn ment. . . . Juniors are 1i ;end- scbool in the aid bail whi Rev. Sunday Scbool is aiso unde ,non. a new paint job. . . . Thi ,e a time of saving and we 1 the there is mucb in the paint L. "Save the surface and yot Mr. ahl." Not saying anything bap- baw mucb more we fcc warking with cheery suri twnings.. . Our attendance ion witb 4 comprising Grades îawa VIII in Mr. Lycett's room in aur Junior raom. Go hter,' or bad luck, the Juniors b. M,'rs. girls and 13 boys in their witb 13 in eacb of tbeii and grades. . . . Miss Helen Wil with Bowmenviiie, is aur Junio cher this year. . . . We w( son these new pupils: Ethel1 )bbs, Harry Litavchik, Dorothr Audrey King, and alsa and Budai wbo was here twa ýwed ago. . .. We started aur mu witb full marks. . . . Bert for den and Jack Munday haý eof ready started the Mapie day Monthiy. . .. Vera Smith is .tn, ing a book of poems. This ited of tbem: and Home Sweet Home the Tbere's notbing like that the bouse gly A mile out of tawn, rcb. Where I can take my troi ing- And there lay tbem down. rew- Wben I'm a littie aider, iat- And around the wamid sba ient roam. .A I'll know that I can alway! tow- Back ta my home sweet ho nds. thy f a Hampton Vîsîtars: Miss Constance comb, Toronto, with ber pa ..Miss Minnie Horn witb fi in Toronto... Mr. and Mrs.1 Peters and Ralpb with rel ,ere in Oshawa. . . Mrs. Sarah is home after visiting frier .rge Claremont, Brooklin and Tc Cir- . . Bioyd Wilcox, R.C.O.C., I, .e's ton, is enjaying a furloul Sa home. .. Mr. anîd Mrs. C. E. and Acy, Mrs. W. G. Daidg Mr. Miss Norah Horn ith thei [sor, ter Mrs. N. E. Doidge, Oshaý the Miss Barbara Reynolds, To: vas bas returned ta ber home. and and Mrs. W. R. Horn, Port hcir with bis parents. . . Reg. ham, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, irge his parents. .. Mr. Jno. Wi]: the Oshawa, with relatives... 3ur- Reta Kerslake, Bowmanville, and relatives. . . Mr. and Mrs. ce1- Oshawa, at Mr. S. Williams keli Mrs. C. J. Kerslake was the ta St. Michael's Hospital, Toi cen on Saturday wheme she undei ess- an operatian. the Young Peaple's Union mi ýus Friday nigbt witb President ven ma Rabbins presiding. ThasE of ing part in tbe worsbip SE R. were Eileen Wray, W. S IGladys Barron and Marjor3 150 I lin. Harold Quarry presidei àathis pragram: Reading, G and Kemsey: vocal solo, Muriel S tapie "Lif e of Pauline Jobn the Miss E. Macmillan; reading, itb Balson; piano solo, Keith Pe iss ýt, Tyrone Myr. Vîsitors: Mr. and Mrs. and Innis and Juditb, Mancbest. art Mr. Lamne Hoskin's. . . Mr. Be- Mrs. Cecil Siemon, Ennisk ..at Mr. Raymond Clapp's.. )ve, Nina Hodgson, Toronto, atI /"s..Murray and Allyn Hoskin her their grandparents, Mr. and Wesley Hoskin, Burketon. Baptismal service was Sunday morning, when SI Loraine, daugbter of Mr. and Gussie Rosevear, and Ronald ms. son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl1 let- were baptized. Service next day will be beld at 10.30 att, when Rally Sunday will bE lia- served. dl- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis lina, and Mr. and Mrs. 1 Hoskin attended Lindsay Fai bis Congratulations ta Mr. and ice Harold Burgess on the bintb lec- daugbtem at Bowmanviiie H dd- tai. Tyrone Women's Institute -a number of pnizes at Osl Fi.Tyrone School News (Glenn Brooks, Grade VIE We are again bringing you first edition of aur scbool ev We invite you ta read this ail the other editions.... finst fact of great importan( that we are ail back ta sc and proceeding steadily. On 8 we welcomed Mns. Pbilp ber son Ronnie ta aur schooi. sides these there are these beginners: Betty Burgess. L Rosevear. Grenville Byam. Hall and Murray Hoskin, and7 Sheekieton of Grade 7.. .. WE very proud ta say ail of term's entrance ciass passed fic ient togive tbhis brieèf skeètc MIdevelopmcnts: In Februamy, 1 MIat the annuel meeting of- MiOntario Conservation and Re M.estatinAsoiation, the idea tee was fommed witb J. D. Thoi as chairman. Its aim was te, vocrt el prps migbt be1 sented to governments. This e( ,rustees mittee joinecl with the Federation iprove- of Ontario Naturalists and calleci àalding a meeting representatîve of men ile the and organizations likely to lend rging weight and influence to the plans. is is a This meeting was heid at the believe O.A.C., Guelph, and bas since slogan, corne ta be known as The Guelph ,u save Conference. Out of this meeting Sabout came a Steering Committee com- el like posed of widely known educa- .round- tionists, technicians and iaymen, is up with J. D. Thomas continued as III to chairman. Their deliber a t i o n s and 26 were presented in a bookIet "Con- El luck servation and Post-War Rehabili- Lave 13 tation" which outiined the plan rroomn now developing in Durham Coun- ir two ty. lliams, Governments Cooperate r tea- elcome The proposais were first pre- Fraser, sented to Dr. Cyril James, Princi- y and Pal Of McGill University and Victor Chairman of the Reconstruction years Committee which had been creat- ,sic off ed by the Dominion Government. Snow- This was in August, 1941, and ve al- governmental action soon folaow- Grave ed. Hon. Ian Mackenzie, Minister swî'it- of Pensions and National Health, is one conferred with the Ontario Gov- ernment and Premier Hepburn instantly gave his Minister af littie Lands and Forests, Han. N. 0. Hipel, the "go-ahead" for fuil coaperation. Jointiy, therefore, 'ubles tbey nomninated experts and spe- cialists to forward the plan and the headwaters of the Ganaraska ai became the scene of action. 1 No great public scheme has s0 rs go quickiy captured the imagina- ome. tions of thase in authority in gov- ernments and na joint action ever befare has been sa quickiy put into effect. To Chairman Thomas and those zealaus Canadians who gave of their time and intelligence Farn- ta launcb this far-r e ach in g arents. scheme, their campatriats owe riends deep homage. Hiltan ____________ [atives SAluin I Unsolicited Gift nds at____ ronta. Kings- <Contlnued from page 1) igh at pany. The sons learned the busi- SHorn ness from the ground up and thus e and were ready for the advent of the ir sis- motor car. First came their de- ,wa. .. velopment of the McLaugblin- 'ranta. Buick, a sturdy car stili canquer- . Dr. ing road conditions upan every Hope, continent of the globe. Later came Rack- eniargement and consolidation as with part of Generai Motors Corpora- liams, tion. With all this expansion came Miss a modicum of wealth for those ,with who carried the burdens of man- Lane, agemýent and directed general SI. policies. Capital increment brings taken even increased burdens ta those )ronta, passessing a deep sense of nation- ýrwent al and civic respansibilîty. Sa af- ter a few years George McLaugh- iet on lin retired ta private life and Thel- saught means of belpîng others, ;e tak- while his brother R.S., wba oh- ervice served his 7lst birthday this male, month, continues as President and y Ai- directing genius of the great Gen- ýd for eral Motors Corporation of Can- ladys ada, which today, almost wboliy 3mith; is devoted ta war production. Jnso Back to Farming ýters. Many men of wealth seek means of distributing it through variaus hobbies, but G. W. McLaughlin saugbt means of extending bis alang avenues of use and uplif t. Earl As a son of the farm himself he :er, atI established farms for bis family; 1and improved them witb buildings kiiien, and stock and now they are gaing Miss concerns and models open ta the ýome. public. Other acreages were pur- ,wîth cbased and improved in nartb 1Mrs. Darlington and at Tyrone, until something over 2000 acres bad held been acquired for development hirley and constant improvement. The 1 Mrs. Tyrone praperties centre about Earl, the original family homestead and Luke, mucb of the time bas been pleas- Su-antly spent by Mr. McLaugblin in ammotoring amang these farms and ,ob- directing activities. His "hobby" is inwputting bis dollars back inta Sa- tbe soul in up-to-the-minute de- .,orne velopments wbich benefit the ir. wbole district, for as modern im- 1Mrs. provements came in, the value of iof a adjacent properties are enbanced. [ospi- imports Livestock One of the most expensive and won risky ventures in the wbale range ;hawa of agriculture is that of encoumag- ing the improvement of livestock by way of importations. Few are i) really aware of what Mr. Mc- .i the Laugblin bas done in this regard. ents. Over a period of years bie sent and agents ta Britain wbere tbey pur- Tbe chased tbe best in Clydesdales, ce is Sbortborns, and Suffolks and ýhoo1 sheep and povided sires in Can- sept. ada that mamkedly impraved gen- and eral qualities. At National and Be- International exhibitions bis en- new tries often swept the boards. Al 'arry stockmen know of tbe heavy ex- Ross pense involved in these ventures, Fred but tbey were undertaken flot e are for personal profit; rather for the îast benefit and encouragement amang 1the the local farming communit ies. 94ï, the for- Drugless Practitioner and Imit- )Mas ROBERT COLVILLE de- Drugles-, Practitioner here Liberty Street -, Bowmanville pre- Electrical Treatments - Spinal .om- Adjustments and Massage. irone boy bad done for local farm- 1ing. 1Communlty Glfts In the village of Enniskillen, witbaut ostentation, be ebabili- tated tbe cburcb and gmaveyamd iwitb a lavisb expenditure wbicb sbouid be pubiicized widely for the benefit of those communities that let sucb sacmed precincts go back ta weeds and ruin. To round out the cammunity centre of this village be. built a new parsonage s and supplied funds for the scbool whicb relieved tbem of current burdens. He is now in the midst of baving completed a modern cammunity ball at Enniskillen. And in the vicinity of the nartb Oshawa McLaughlin farms, many people pause and wonder wbo it was wbo suppiied tbe funds for the model ural school located *there. The answem. of course, is George W. McLaugblin. But tra- vel tbe wbole route wbere bis îhand bas taucbed the countryside and you wili find littie that will tell you wbo was the benefactor. Lasting Benefaetions Whiie still alive and "raptured iwith the wold" this unastenta- ftiaus son &f Durham chooses ta .make bis deeds bis monument. 1He bas succeeded in a way that even bis close friends are naw aniy finding out. In this article 1it will be nated we bave not me- 1fermed ta the many benefactions Mm. McLaugblin bas made ta Osh- awa. Many's the letter of wisdom and inspiration that this editor treasures fmom Mm. McLaugbuin. Amang tbem are comments and conclusions that reveal a man of exceptianally deep insight. Few, in aur opinion, are so widely ead as Mm. McLaughiin and bis fore- casts an national affairs bave been borne out by events. We salute Mr. McLaugbiin to-day as one of Durham's greatest sans, and in grateful acknowiedgdment of this cbeck for $5000.00 wbich we bave already passed on ta the Hospital Board, we also state that we shaîl, at the eamliest moment, cail persanally ta rpceive the donar's admonitions %r publisb- ing tbese ail tao inadequate ex- pressions of wbat anc Durham boy bas donc. PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM Providence Forum met Monday evening at Arthur Barnett's, with convener J. F. Heyland in tbe chair, with 22 present. The broad- cast was received fromn Great Bni- tain witb the subject under dis- cussion, "The major differences and similarities between British and Canadian agicultural condi- tions." Canada bas always been an exporting country wbilc Eng- land bas in the past impomted most of hem faodstuffs and feed, but taday they are praducing 70 per cent. of ber awn agricultural products. Our labor conditions are practicaliy the same with a seiaus lack of experienced belp. In Britain they bave a definite advantage aver Canada in the supervision of power machinery ta belp relieve the labor shortage. Tbey also bave a better market tbmougb their national food board, while in Canada we seli an the open market under a price ceiling. Britain bas bmougbt every acre of available land under cultivation, but in Canada uncertainty regard- ing future prices and post war conditions coupled with shartage of bclp bas caused tbousends of acres ta be lef t uncultivated.t These officers were elected: Eyes Tested - Glasses Fitted Satisfaction in style and, price assured 6 RILLETTE BLADES 25e FRUITATIVES -----22c-39c Long Bar Castile Soap 15e VODD'S Kldney Pills --43c WOODBURY Soap 4 for 24e Chase's Nerve Food 60c-1.50 LUX SOAP ------ 2 for Ilc 1 GIN PILLS -------- 39c-69c WARDONIA BLADES AGAIN AVAILABLE 4 Blades 25c - Razor and Blades 49e VITAMIN PREPARATIONS 100 Halibut 011 Caps. 1.25 A.B.D. Caps.------ 1.00-2.75 Irradol A -,----. 1.50-3.25 Nyal Cod Liver Oul-- 1.25 Wampole's Extraet ---- 1.00 Ayerst lot. Cod Liver 011 ---67c-1.69 BEMINAL TABLETS 25 for 1.00 - 100 for 3.75 Calcium A Caps. 1.10-2.00 Soft as a floecy cloug I25C 'lnb« Convener-F. H e y i a n d; Sec'y.- Treas.-Mrs. H. Earle Osborne; Social Com.-Mrs. O. Luxton and Mrs. M. H. Wigbt; Publicity Con- venen-Mrs. F. S. Phillips. Next meeting Octaber 26tb et Clame Alin's. ANNOUNCEMENT The Doctans of Bowmanville bave agreed ta uniform office boums as faliows: Afternoons-2.00 ta 4.00 except Wednesday. Evenings-7.00 ta 9.00 Tuesday, Tbursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients will be seen et other hours anly by appaintment. In case of an emergency, pa- tients may eau tbe Bowmanviile Hospital ta find aut wbich docton is on duty. These boums in effect as tram October lst. A MISSIONARY FROM THE ARGENTINE, S.A. Samuel E. Sorensen will be speaking at EVANG ELISTI C TABERNACLE Friday, 25th at 8 p.m. Sunday Services As Usual~ il a.m. - 7:30 p.m. YOU ARE WELC«f, h Miss'es, Junic Womený's -and srs' 1Dresses Famous spun rayon O '1woollenes' - Sizes 12 to '-44. ln blues, tan, green, 2 98 X 'Ile oxford and wine.2 .Wowen's and Misses styles in firm 'textured ray- on crepes. Black, navy, wine, green or blue - Size 4.05 12 to 44.4 Ar]l wool rabbit hi jersey dresses. Some in two-piece styles - Sizes 12 0.05 *Haîf-size dresses for fl lr hard-to-fit women, in san ~ q' silk crepes - new faîl styles z95U Sizes 181/2 to 261/2.W Smart crepe dresses in women's and misses styles for faîl - Sizes 12 to 20 & 3U053i 36 to 52.3 ARCADE STORE DO WMAN VILLE We Carry The Largest Selection In Town VICK'S VICK'S ESTIVIN HAYTONE DROPS RUB EYE DROPS 25e 43e 43e 1.23 50e - 1.00 MEADS Woodbury's Cod Liver Oil 50c-75c-1.00 Face Powder --- 25c-49c Viosterol -----65c-1.75-3.25 egnsLto 25 4998 lod. Cod Liver Oul 55c-1.70 ergn's Lotion- 25e-49c-9 Oleum Hn' ra 5-5-9 Percomorphum 75c-3.00 Italian Balai------------35e NYAL 2FOR 1 SALE OCT. 15416-17_ FILMS DEVELOPED FREE Phone LIl'CPromptCTlD 695 COW1LII1US UUU IUIRLDeivery MF.7 PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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