THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE SEVEN Soiland Personal John Grady visited his gfrand- mother, Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Scouts collected salvage Satur- day. Miss Gwen Tennant has resign- ed her position at Armstrong's store. Elvin Blewett is on a month's leave. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams, Toronto, visited here. Miss Muriel Morton was at G. Morton's. Although the Salvation Army drive is not yet completed in Orono $82 .00 had been received up to Tuesday noon. IGES, YOUR NOSE FIILUP. SPOIL SLEEP? ni~se MEDICINEIng diffIcult, spoils -leeP - put 3 -pur. Pose Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril. Va-tro-nol does 3 important thlngs for you: (1) ahrinks swollen mem- branes; (2) soothes Irritation; (3) helpa flush out nasal passages, cIearing clogging mucus, relleving trans1ent co non It brings more confiot, mae reathing easier, invites sieep. When a Col Threatena, use 9 4 Va-tro-nol at first unife or sneeze. VICKS->;vq Belpe to prevent coldis developing. VAITRêNOL > Mrs. Roy visited Margaret Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Jonnson, Toronto, visiteci Mr. and Mrs. Morton. Miss Gloria Richardson has ac- Icepted a Position at Bowmanville I oodyear. 0. A. Gamsby visited in To- ronto. LAC Don Graham has been transferred tb Newfoundîand. Mrs. K. Gamsby, Douglas and Jimmy, are in Coîborne. S Misses Kathleen and Grace Gamnsby are guests of Anna Marie SHall. Glen Tamblyn is attending Bowmanviîîe High Sehool. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baldwin visited in Toronto. Orono friends exbend sympathy to Rev. John E. Griffith on the 1death of his father. 1 Nursing Sister Miss Drysdale was guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kenne. Miss Bertha Cain will be hostess to the Goodwilî Bible Class to- night (Thursday). 100.OF. officers were elecbed Wednesday and will be installed in October. Mervyn Keane is in Oshawa hospital with a recurrence of rheumnatic fever. Orono W.M.S. are invited to Kirby Oct. 7th. Mm. Sandy Sommerville visited. his brother, T. W. Sommerville. Mrs. Ward is guest at Mm. Ed- ward Morton's. Mr. J. Arnutt, B.S.A., Guelph, was guest of Mms. W. S. Roy. Jr. Red Cross elected Gale Low- - ther as president, Patsy Moffatt secmetry, and Lois Dean treasumer. Mr. A. C. Stevenson, Dominion Textiles Co., Montreal, is visiting his parents, Mm. and Mrs. James Stevenson. Mrs. Annis visited friends here. We welcome Mms. Bruce Goode to our village. Mms. W. A. Moore, Coîbomne, visibed Mrs. K. Gamsby. A pictume of Mm. and Mrs. Cheebham (nec Enid McKenzie) appeamed in Thumsday's Star. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Carruthers and Jane visited at Mm. H. A. Mill- son's. Ed Graham was home on leave. Mrs. McElroy and daughter Margaret, Peterboro, and son Dm. Keith McElmoy, Toronto, visited Mms. Noble. Mrs. Don Graham bas meturned from Montreal. Cal Myles Jr. was heard over the "Beaver Club," speaking from England. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Shemwin and daughtem and Mm. and Mrs. Walter Sherwin enjoyed a holiday weekend trip. Mission Bands held their open- ing meetings Monday, the Jrs. at 3 and the Srs. at 4 o'clock. There weme quite a number who gradu. ated from the Jr. group to the Srs. Mm. and Mrs. Wilson, Wood- stock, (the latter a niece of Mm. and Mrs. Yonkem who made ber home with themn in Omono), spent a day in town while en route to Lakefield. ~unes DESTRUCTION of your property by wind- storm or explosion can be as severe as by fire. Ask titis agency to tell you how insurance protection from these perla can be included in your fixe policy. It can be added at very littie cost. See us today! J. J, MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville Harry Taylor visited heme. Misses Jean Forrester, Margaret Fiintoff, Gwen Tennant and Mar- garet Roy are attending Toronto Normal, and Ruth Goode and Kathleen Simpson, P e b e r b o r o Normal. A letter enclosing a sprig of heather to bis parents from Lloyd Myles proved himn to be in Scot- land. Union met Monday evening in charge of Glen Hancock, cultural convenor. Meeting opened with a woship peiod in which Elsie Rowe ead the scripburc and Mar- jorie McDowell the explanation. Ib was decided to buy the study book "The church on the city stre ets," and give $10.00 to Mis- sions. Progmam consisted of piano solo by Carol Staples, vocal solo by Dick Morton, and the topic "Sbained Glass Windows" by Glen Hancock. SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY Sunday was a big day for mem- bers of Park St. Sunday Sehool because at their aliy service they had the privilege of bearing Dr. W. T. Brown, Chancellor of To- ronto University. In his inberest- ing taik he told the sbomy of "The Stone Face" and applied the moral fmom it ("what we love we yeb shahl be") ta present day com- panions and habits, stressing the influence of good habits on the formation of Christian characten. He urged ah ta read the Bible and make companions of bbc wondem- fui characters within its pages. The church was beautifuliy dec- oated with dahlias and mountain ash bernies. The service was held in the chumch ta accommodabe the large cmawd. Carman Cornish, Marjorie Mc- Laren, Howard Wood and June Goode read portions of scripture, and Mms. A. A. Dummand, Supt., tald an interesting stomy. Music was provided by five choruses by bbc school, a chorus by the pri- mary (one verse being sung by Lamna Clarke, Harry Lynch and Jean Moffat), and a duet by Mis- ses Stella Best and Audrey Bill- ings. Miss Aud.rey Billings was accompanist for the choruses and Mms. R. H. Brown for bbc hymns and the duet. ORONO WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Mrs. J. L. Goodman, Tyrone, District President, was bbc guest speaker at Orono Women's Inati- tute Friday, giving a splendid paper on "Woman's duty ta hem- self, ber home, ber God and hem communiby." Among the things deait wibh weme: tasteful dressing, healbh, cultivation of mind and voice, came of children, training schoois, and the part which will have ta be piayed by the women in bbc pogram of reconstruction. Mrs. Goodman aiso bold of the efforts of ber society in faim ex- bibits, citing as an example Sa- iina's winning first in bedspreads at Oshawa faim. Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Tam- blyn gave financial reports show- ing $30.06 netted from cooking sale and over $21 from tbc faim boobh with aven $40 warth still for sale. Mrs. Tamblyn aiso gave a detailed report on the booth wbich proved ta be much appre- ciated. Special mention was made of the work of Mrs. Casey wba, aibhough now living in Lindsay, supplied the booth with many articles (made by herself) at far less than cost of material. Plans were made for helping with lay- ette making. Two biankets are being secured for tbc Institube via members sending woollens. Rail cail was "Current Events" and it was noticed that haîf of the replies deait wibh Sbalingrad. Lunch and social haif-boun con- ciuded the meeting. The members quilted during the afternaon for war services. BACON HOG CONTEST AT TIIE ORONO FAIR They were in pens of f ive bacon bags. $45 purse was divided into six prizes of $12, $10, $8, $6, $5 and $4. Standing of exhibibors was: 1, Milford Shemwin; 2, M. H. Staples; 3, Carl Biilings; 4, Carl Biiings; 5, W. S. Moffatb & Sons; 6, W. J. Rowland. T. Eaton Ca. supplied $30.00 in cash on condition that bbc Society add $15. Eabon Ca. aiso make all the ules and fix bbc prizes. This cooperatian is greatiy appneciated by the saciety. Lockhart's School Letters have been received fmom nîl three of aur boys avenseas acknawledging eceipb of pancels No. 1. We are ghad ta, know that bhey are at ast eceiving mail fnom home. Betty Gibson, daughber of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson, celebrat- cd ber fifbb binbhday on Friday by enberbaining a number of ber young friends. Many happy ne- turns Betty. Jas. Hamris, M.P. for a Taronto riding, and Mark Senn, M.P. for Haidimand county, caiied an F. W. Bawen on Saturday and book him wibh themn on a fishing trip ta Rice Lake reburning Sunday eve- ning. Elray Gibsan accompanied Mn. and Mrs. Clair Wickett ta Lind- say Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Malley aiso atended Lindsay Faim. Girl friends of Mrs. Chas. Gien- ney in Newcastle and viciniby presentcd ber wibh a table and some pictures on Fiday evening. Mn. and Wm. Ciemence visited Austin Turner's. Congratulations ta Russell Os- bonne for winning bbc Wellington & Stone Special price for a bushel of Mclnbosb apples. Mrs. Roy Banch was caiied home as ber mother bad been taken suddenly ill. SCOUTNEWS The Scouts decided ta scnd Christmas boxes ta Scouts over- seas right away so tbey will ar- rive in time. Aithough Scouts will continue ta meet each Thumsday, regular meetings of Cubs will be discon- inued for the present. Cubs will go for a hike on Sat- urday with the Scoutmaster J. J. Mellor. Salvage collection in Orona Sat- urday nesulted in two tons being gathered. It being impossible ta, get aduît help, Scoutmastem J. J. Mellor, wibh the eager aid of chiidrcn, did the job himseif. Hurrah for John Patton and Fred Cornish! Mm. Patton organ- ized Kendal district and 5700 lbs. of saivage were coliected, and Mr. Cornish book charge of the 6th Uine district whicb netted 3110 ibs. Last week 9300 lbs. were shipped. Packing was commenc- ed Tuesday for another shipment. We need beter cooperabion for salvage work. Can YOU give it? Thank you! DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orono News of September 29, 1927 Durham County was well to the fore in the judging competition at the C.N.E., Toronto, with over 700 boys and girls competing. Dur- ham county had a girls' team com- peting in Household Science com- prising Nora Gibson, Marlon Allen and Marie Selby which stood in lSth place. Standings in the Jr. Farmers' Competitions w e r e: Grain and Roots-Carman Sey- mour, Cavan, l2th, Norman Hogg, Orono, l3th, Jas. Brown, Orono, l5th. In stock judging, Norman Hogg stood 6th in a class of 70 in swine judging, making 98%. Orono finished a successful basebaîl season by defeating Sun- derland. At Port Hope they de- feated Bethany by 14-4. Batteries for Orono, Osborne and McNeil; Bethany, Dow, Staples and Rey- nolds. Orono Fair is sparing no effort to make the fair the most attrac- tive in its history. It was estab- lished in 1875 - 52 years ago. Eyesight Education And Efficiency C. .Tuck Optemetrist Eyesight Specialist Disney Bldg. (opp. P-0.) Oshawa Phone 1516 Number 225 It ]S better to have many ex- aminations and find that you are in good condition than to be just a littie too late, when something could have been done if attention had been given earlier. The demand for changes are created through the changing condition of the eyes, and this may be governed by the person's physical condition, living condi- tions, food, etc., in many the one is dependant upon the other. The accuracy of your correction depends upon the accuracy of the examination. Many tests or eye surveys are oniy superficial. Periodic examinations are the means of developing what is best from every test and all super- ficial work will be discarded. It may also be possible to grade the cases so that the work for the one will not in any way retard or hinder the development of the other. (to be continued) WHY; PAY MORE Beat or ali l y killers. Clean, qulck, sure. cheap. Ask your Drug. E sto Grocer or Generai St ore. THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., HAMILTON, ONT. ®RONO FRUIT Apples: Coll. of Faîl apples-1 Bruce Mutton, Gea. Bickle & Son, J. H. Jase. Coll. Winben apples-3 Mutton, Bickle, F. W. Tamblyn.1 Snows, basket-Mutton. St. Law-a rence, basket -Tamblyn, Bickle.D Gravenstein, basket - M u b t o n,1 Bickle. Duchess - Bickle, R. K.1 Squair. Melb-J. H. Jase. Alex- andem-Bickle, Mutton. St. Law-1 rence-Bickle, Tamblyn. Graven-1 stein-Mubton, Bickle. Wealty-1 R. Osborne, Biekie. Snow-Bic-3 kie, Mutan. McInbasb-Osborne,I Biekie. Scanlet Pippin-Osborne., Wolf River-Mutton, Jase. Bien-g heim Pippin-Mns. E. Dean, F.( Tamblyn. Toiman Sweeb-Tamb-1 lyn, Bickic. R. I. Greening-Mut-1 ton, Tamblyn. King-Bickle, Mut- ban. Baldwin-Osborne, Mns. E. Dean. La Saile-Tamblyn. G o 1- den Russetb - Osborne, Mutton. Nonbhemn Spy-Osbamne, M a r y Bowen. Sbank-Mutbon, Osborne. Ben Davis or Gano-Mrs. E. Dean, Mary Bowen. Crab Appies-Bic- kle, Mrs. J. Eagleson. Deliciaus- Bickle, Jase. R. M. Cale Special -Muttan, Jase. Pears: Coll. of Pears-Bickie, Tamblyn. Barbiett-T a m b i y ni, Squair. Sheldon Osborne, Bic- klc. Fiemish Beauy-Mrs. Dean, Jase. Buerre Bosc-Squair, Jase. Anjou-Squair, Bickie. Plums: Coll. Piums-Tamhiyn. Imperial Gage-Tamblyn. Lom- bard - Squair, Tamblyn. Reine-i claude-Jose, F. Blackburn. Prune Plums-Tambiyn, Jase. Grapes: Red-Bickle. Green- Biekie, Tamblyn. Biack-Tamb- lyn, Bickle. FLOWERS AND PLANTS Asters: White, Mrs. R. Putnam; shell pink, Ada Annis,R.K Squair; rose, Jase, Mns. Dean; mcd, Squair, Jase; mauve, Mms. Dean, Mns. R. Sutton; purpie, Jase, Squair. Carnations-A. Annis. Caien- dula-Mrs. L. Bryant. Marigold, African-Mrs. Dean, Bickle. Mari- gold, Fnench-Bickle, Mrs. Bry- ant. Nasburiums-A. Annis, Mrs. Dean. Scabiosis-A. Annis, R. K. Squaim. Pebunias, single plain - Mrs. Dean. Petunias, single fancy - Jase, Bickie. Pebunias, double- Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. A. Richards. Celosia-A. Annis. Verbenas-A. Annis, Bickle. Saipigiossis -A. Annis, Bickie. Salvia-Mrs. Bry- nt. Snapdragons-Mrs. Pubnamn. Zinnia, Pom-Pam - Mrs. Put- nam, Bickle. Zinnia, large fiow- ered-Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Putnam Cosmos-Bickle. Dahlias, collec- tion-Mrs. Hooper. Mrs. C. Tamb- lyn. Dahlias, Show -A. Annis, Mrs. Hooper. Dahlias, Decarabive -Mrs. Hooper, A. Annis. Dining Table Bouquet. formal -Squair, Jase. Dining Table Bouquet, nab- ural-A. Annis, Squair. Living Roomn Bouquet-Jase, Anna Sta- ples. Gladiali - Single spike, Jase, Mrs. C. Tamiblyn; lighb, Squair, Mrs. Tamblyn; dark. Mrs. Tamb- lyn. Jase; pink or rose, Jase, Mrs. Tamblyn: 10 distinct varieites, Mrs. Tamblyn. Jose; basket Giads, Jase, Mrs. Taniblyn: arranged in iow bowl, Anna Staples. Jase; smail flawered type, Mrs. Tamb- lyn. Arranged Vase Cut Fiowers- Jase. BuItbonhoi.e Bouquets-A. Annis. Aranged High Basket- Jase, Mrs. Putnam. Arranged Low Basket-A. Annis, Mrs. Br-ab Corsage-A. Annis, Agnes 'Wàd- deli. Pansies-Bickle, A. Annis. HOME DEPARTMENT Domestie Manufacture Quiit, appliqud-Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. Bryant. Quilt, cotton, pieced -Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. B ry antb. Quilb, fancy quiiing-Mrs. Bry- ant, Mrs. Putnam. Quilt, double wedding ring-Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Putnain. Bed Spread, crochet, new -Mrs. Bryant. Bed Spread, can- dlewick-Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Bryanb. Heamtb Rug, rags, booked-Mms. M. Bogart, Mrs. Hooper. Hearth P-lIuw 'Cases to match - J.vs. Lowe, Mms. Bryant. Needlcpoint -Mrs. Rutie, Mms. Stinson. Petit Point-Mns. Bogart. Tabing-A. Waddell, Mns. Rutie. Bridge Set Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Bryant. Guest Toweis-Mrs. Bogart, Mns. Bry- ant. Dresser Set, embroidered- Mns. Ruttlc, Mrs. Bryant. Fancy Bath Towels-Mrs. Ruttle, Mns. Bogart. Embroidered Tea Towels -Mns. Bogart, Mrs. R ic ha r ds. Fancy Hand -made Apron - Mrs. Bryant. Mrs. Ruttie. Hand-.made Print Dress, adult's-Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Bryant. Hand-made Pnint Dress, child's - Mrs. B o g a r t. Child's Print Playsuit-Mrs. Bo- gart, Mrs. Putnam. Card Table Caver-Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. Stinson. Knitting Bag-Mns. Bogart, Mms. Putnam. Collection of Fancy Wonk-Mrs. Putnam, Mns. Bogart. Oid Ladies' Work (70 years and ovr-r.Bogart won ail prizes. Junior Section, girls under 20 Business Directory years: Dress, print-E. Langmaid,I C. Staples. Work Apron-C. Sta- pies, D. Moffat. Blouse-C. Sta- pies, B. Osborne. Collar, Cuff Set Legal -C. Stapies. Boudoir Pillow-E. Langmaid. Tea Towel, embroid- M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.L.B. ered-D. Moffat, C. Staples. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary NISws THE HDOEETI POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO y.Rug, wobaddMs unm Mrs. Bryant. Hearth Rug, crochet Oron Far Winer 1-Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Eagleson. Bath Mat, crochet, string - Mrs. One thing about Orono Fair Bogart, Mrs.. Putnam. Knitted which impressed the writer of Suit-Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. Put- these f ew paragraphs was the nam. Housecoat - Mrs. Stinson, quality and quantity of the wo- Mrs.W.Rtl KiedDs, men's work on exhibit. As it was WtigMs .Rut. Knite, Drs our first visit to the fair, we can- stre.g-Mrs. J. R. C, ooerMrs. flot compare the entries with Putnam, Mrs. Bryant. Crochet those of former years. Suffice it Dmess, string-Mrs. Bryant. Twmn to say that the exhibit compared Sweater Set-Mms. Bryant, Mrs. favorably with those seen at Putnam. Pullover-Mrs. Stinson, rural fairs throughout Southern Mrs. Lowe. Sport Shirt -Mrs. Ontario. Putnam, Mrs. Bryant. Child's Out- We will not attempt to cata- door Playsuit-Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. logue the exhibits but will give Ruttle. Child's Play Dress and a few impressions and thoughts Bloomers-Mrs. Ruttie, Mrs. Bo- that came to us when viewing the gart. Kitchen Ensemble- Mrs. work. Cooper, Mrs. Putnam. Housework Hot water bottie covers in vani- Apron-Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. Ruttie. nus styles and knitted of bright Cover for Hot Water Bottie-Miss colored wools were on display. E. Langmaid, Mrs. Lowe. Afghan, One exhibitor had a genuine hot wool, knitted-Mrs. Putnam. Af- water bottie in hers. Several ghan, wool, crochet-Mrs. Lowe, spectators were noticed fondling Mrs. Stinson. Sofa Pillow, wool, it lovingly ("lovingly" may not crochet or knit-Mrs. Ruttie, Mrs. be the exact adverb but it will Stinson. Sofa Pillow, wool, AOK. fi11 the bill a littie better at a -Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. Lowe. Tea later date as this precious rubber Cosy-Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Ruttie. article is becoming scarce). Socks Socks, knitted, fine-Mrs. Bryant, in airforce blue and khaki drew Mrs. Lowe. Socks, knitted, coarse critical gazes from many expert -Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. Stinson. knitters. Some socks were knit- Junior Section, girls under 20: ted in fine wools and others in Pullover, short sleeves - Carol coarse. There were several knit- Staples. Sockees or Skating Socks ted and crocheted afghans. One -Evelyn Langmaid. Cardigan- was in dusky tones of pink and C. Staples. Twin Set-C. Staples. green, somewhat resembling the LADIES' WORK colors of the Scotch thistle: an- other of green, yellow and or- Luncheon Set - Mrs. Bryant îange, a startling combination. Mrs. Lowe. Gloves, crochet, cot- There was a sofa pillow in the ton-Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Bryant.1 latter colo? combination entered Gloves, wool, knit-Mrs. Stinson, in another class. Mrs.'Bogart. Pyjamas, ladies, silk A white quiît with wild pink -Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Bogart. Cut- roses appliqued on it was the first work-Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Putnam. of the quilts to catch our eye. It, Sofa Pillow, modern-Mrs. Bry- in passing, won first prize in its ant, Mrs. Stinson. Sofa Pillow, class. Another appliqued quilt AOK.-Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. A. Rich- aDpeared to be a version of the ards. Fancy Work, 5 different Dutch girl. kinds-Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. Ruttie. The tea cosy section drew sev- Tea Cloth, 4 serviettes, white- eral entries. One, in particular, Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. Bryant. Tea was a yellow rose, its countless Cloth, 4 serviettes, coloured-Mrs. petals knitted in two shades of Lowe, Mrs. Putnam. Set Hand- yellow wool, with green sepals made Underwear - Mrs. Bogart, around the base. One exhibitor Mrs. Ruttie. Crochet Work, cot- we noticed, brought aîong a teý ton-Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. Bryant. pot to place her cosy over. Breakfast Set, cloth and 2 servi- In he ecoatie ad cnstuc-ettes-Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Bogart.* ineatecrassstiverand constrc-Handkerchiefs-Mrs. Ruttie, Mrs. tiv ar casss ter wee mnyLowe. exhibits. A unique one was that of the collection of hand-painted Pillow Cases, embroidered - china. Mrs.Lowe, E. Langmaid. ilow Prize winners continued from CasesctwkMr.L e, rs Putnam. Fancy Bcd Sheet and last week's issue: pl-~, M 11 FINE ART Oul Painting: Portrait-A. Wad- dcli, E. Waddell; Figure--A. Wad- deil, E. Waddeil; A n i m a 1-E. Waddeii, Mms. Putnam; Marine- Mrs. Bryant, A. Waddeii; Land- scape-A. Waddeil, E. Waddeill Fruit-E. Waddeil, A. Waddeii; Flowers-A. Waddell, E. Waddeli. Water Colors: Figure-A. Wad- dcli, E. Waddeii; Portraib-Mms. Bogart, E. Waddeli; Animai-Mrs. Bryant, E. Waddeii; Mamine-Mrs. Putnam, Mms. Bryant; Landscape -A. Waddell, Mrs. Bogart; Flow- ers-Mrs. Bogart, A. W a d d ecli; Fruit-A. Waddeli, E. Waddeii. Sepia, any subject-A. Waddeii, Mrs. Bogamt. Crayon Drawing- A. Waddeii, E. Waddeli. Pastel Drawing-A. Waddeli, E. Waddeli. Pencil Drawing, figure-E. Wad- delI, A. Waddeil. Pencil Dmawing, animai-E. Waddeli, Mrs. Bryant. Pencil Drawing, iandscape- A. Waddeil, E. Waddeii. Pen and Ink Skeh-Mrs. Bryant, A. Waddeii. Collection China Painting - E. Waddell. Best New C r a f t - E. Waddeii, A. Waddeil. Students: Coll. Art, 12 years and under-Jean Turner. Coll. Art. 16 years and under-C. Sta- pies, D. Moffat. Coll. 8 Snapshots. agricuitural subjects-A. Staples, C. Stapies. Public Sehool Students: Girls, Needlecraft-J. Turner, W ild a Hooey, Jean Moffat. Boys, Man- ual Training-Geo. Shaw, Biiiy Moffat. Handwribing - Do nn a West, J. Turner, Betty Chapman. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Bmead-Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Rich- ards. Bread, wbole wheat-Mms. Subton, Mrs. Richards. Raisin Loaf -Mrs. Richards, Mrs. S u t b o n. Date Loaf-Mms. Hooper. Buns- Mrs. Sutton, Mms. Dean. Tea Bis- cuits-Mms. Hooper, Mrs. Dean. Orange Cake - Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Hooper. Lemon Sponge Cake- M. Bowen, Mms. Richards. Bread Roiis-Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Sut- ton. Muffins-Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Dean. Date Bams-Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Eagleson. Layer Cake, damk -Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Subton. Layer Cake, light-Mrs. Sutton. One Egg Cake-Anna Staples. Apple Pie-Mms. Sutton, M. B o w e n. Pumpkin Pie - Mrs. Sutton, M. Bowen. Lemon Pie-Mrs. Hooper. Raisin Pie-Mms. Sutton, Mms. Richards. Butter Tarts - Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. Sutton. Cream Puffs -Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Hooper. Sandwishes-R. K. Squair. 4 ways serving Apples-D. Moffat. Mrs. Dean. 4 ways serving Toma- toes-Mrs. Dean, R. K. Squair. Chili Sauce-Mms. Richards, Mrs. Eagleson. Cucumber P i c k i e s- Mrs. Richards, Mms. Subton. Mix- ed Pickles - Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Richards. Mustard Pickles-Mrs Sutton, Mms. Richards. Pickied Pears-Mms. Sutton, Mrs. Rich- w r DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and dellvery ini your district. This is made necessary by new government regulations which permit us to cover any one district tbree days a week, only, on alternate days. We wiIl, tiierefore, be In Bowmanvilie TUESOAY- THURSDAY - SAT. Have your bundie ready Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Limited FOR ECONOMY Send your leaning with your laundry PHONE 419 mmý Every 10c Packet of WILSONS FLY PADS WILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN SEVERAL DOLLAR!ÇWORTH .OFANYOTHERFLYKILLER me Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches Office immediately east of Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service. any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. ards. Meat Reish-Mrs. F. Black- burn, Mrs. Stinson. Collection of Canned Fruit-Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Richards. 5 lbs. Butter in blocks -Mrs. Sutton. Mrs. Hooper. Roast Chicken-M. Bowen. Specials: Orono Flour Mil- Mrs. H. C. Allun. Daly Tea Spe- cial-Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. Richards. Vanstone Special-Mrs. Richards. Orono W. I.-Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Sutton. Statesman for mailing in wrap- pers are obtainable at this office at 5c a copy. TH-URSDAY, SEPT. 24th, 1942 -Ir, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN