THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1942 PAGE FIVZ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SOCIAL ANI ~ Phon , .c M-1MI Mrs. A. Edwards, Brantford, was guest of Mrs. F. C. Colmer. Mrs. Hugh Thurlow is vîsiting her sister in Brantford. Miss Vera Goslin, Napanee, is visiting friends in town. Junior Neal left this week to continue bis studies at Choate School, Wallingford, Conn. This PATRICIA 15 iewels Jewellery k4iF 1%& p JUICI BOKAIR PEAS COFFEE DEAM 1 ib NEW Sag3 9'ç MACA 1 LAI ANN PAGE SOAF VITAMIN B LAMY BREAD 'àc'ùu, a White WetROLR Whole WheatF0 24 oz KETC Loaves LVAI -DOG CELERY HEARTS G RAPES Niagara Conc FOWL DUCKS hieN 1l31 PORT FRIDAY ani OCTOR] $1500.00 Offered in Agricultural a -Russ Creightonq AFTERNOC Dance at Town E Board Appoints New Munition Workers Boy Scouts Now Wedding PERSONALSuperintendent For In Bad Taxi Collisiona Form New Patrol ro D PERS NAL B wmanvile Hopital Guy Pethick, who operatesa The Second Bowmanville ro Worden-DownInS e ihS o nething ne___663___ Miss Winnifred Hudson, nigbt pant et icta t or A accniin ent IIThe wr e 17 mh i temPbles Ebenezer United Church was t eTi me s suevsr Ohw enea ast o Pickering Tuesday mid- present and one new boy was frtewdigo anud gadioli Miss Evelyn Harnden, Purpie Hospital, has been appointed SUP- night when a head-on collision welcomed into the Troop. ternoon, September 26th, whenN W Hiisen hewekn a om.erintendent of Bowmanville Gen- occurred. Mrs. Thos. Cartwright, The absence was noted of three Marjorie Ellen, daughter of Mr. i ng o f r Mr.JA.CxseteaHoptCa.Jo O'eloefth egtpasgesre mibaedbywhhaebn and Mrs. Norman Don, becam president of the hospital board, quired medical attention. Peth- dismissed entirely from the Troop the bride of Harry Worden, soLLnCofo t several days in Glengarry. announced yesterday. ick's car was a total wreck. It ,is because of disobedience and dis- of Mr. Frank Worden and the late A L S 0E Mrs. F. C. Clmer visited Mr. Miss Hudson wiîî commence claimed the driver of the other orderly conduct during the meet- Mrs. Worden. Rev. W. C. Smith, and Mrs. G. W. Clmer, Ingersoîl, ber duties on November lst. She car was on the wrong side of the ing. This means that our Troop Port Perry, officiated and was Built for comfort, styled for an rinsatBatfr.succeeds Miss Pearl Lumby, who road. is anxious to get rid of ail the assisted by Rev. H. Linstead of I o near.. heareathe Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Davis, Pet- resigned to accept a position as bad stock and open our gatherings Ebenezer. Miss Hazel Rundie e islartnes ete areh ando Mrs Leod harsn. asNiagaatant s Hopintand o tseMiscellaneous Showers to any new .boys wishing to join. played the wedding music and Nelshsaetme ar anrorsiedRbersns NMr asista s supitlnd 0whe isA new patrol is being formed Mrs. Walter Bestwick was vocal wearing, -today! Casual leaving the staff at the end of the For Brides-to-Be and Gordon Irwin will be the soloist. styles of fine leathers for al Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday, montb. Miss Lumby came from ____ patrol leader and Ron Simpkins Given in marriage by ber father, occasion wear. Solina, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank the Lady Minto Hospital, Coch- Ms etueHoe a a bis assistant. This will make at the bride wore a white silk jersey1 Staf gbt. DnKmEgn rane, Ontario, in October, 1941. guest of bonor at a miscellaneous least five boys in each four pa- gown fashioned with a shirred Staf St. onKem, Egi- _________________ _____ shower given at the home of Mrs. trois. bodice with bracelet lengtb sleeves eers, Camp No. 30, bas been trans- Elgie Harnden. About twenty- and a bouffant skirt. Her bead- ferred to London, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Elliott visit- five friends congregated in the dress was of white baby chrysan- These extra husy days you Mr. Russell and Miss Doreen ed their daughter in Ottawa. living room wbich was prettîly themums and roses and she car- need an extra comfortable Hardy, Toronto, visited their par-. Harold L. King, A.B., Halifax, decoated in pink and white. The Sweet Gift of 1440 ried a bouquet of pink Better so . ieNilwles ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy. -.. hsreun- a uy-fe vr srrie btated brid- P uns ony en t Time roses and pink carnations. so ieNiIwies The canvass for funds for theNS., as eturneidwt dutyar-t-e supried thelatmed 'ouns uonyfntto She was attended by ber sister, Find more walking pleasure Hm Frn ofteSlainand thanked everyone wbole- British Bomb Victims Miss Wilma Down, who wore a ,.. i the welI-built arch... Home Fr ont o ell avaton rents and friends. beartedly. Luncheon was served qusette ime w i trqpikselvetof eter hï;"ie Army ias oing wll T dte over Mrs. A. Ormiston, Enfield, Mr. and an enjoyable evening was Bowmanvîlle Women's Institute qibe iming g w turquisk e mar sof etheors f at "geine Tpr. F. A. Wood, Camp Borden and Mrs. Harry Milîson and Mar- set met îast Thursday at St. John's bronze or anthe sadres. of.wth yur fot. orne in an r.Wod sawsetgaref, Orono, were guests of Mrs. About 20 friends gathered at Parîsh Hall. In the absence of the ad crsnhmm n oe an Ms.WodOsaw, petL. J. Barton. the home of Mrs. FreçiClKn rsdn adsceay hs alisman rseanduqetofbrote - Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. ___Col,_King_________and_______________Talsmanrsesanwhitecarna Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. S. Leggott, Mrs. Street, on Tbursday evening and chairs were occupied by Mrs. Ross fions. Mr. Douglas Oke of Cour- L T U E A R Y U H E Monday, October 12, is Thanks- E.Rs ndduhe Mary spent presented Miss leleen Hailman Grant and Mrs. James Hayman, tice was groomsman, and the L T U E A R Y U H E giving Day adi statutory hl-teweedwt Mr. and Mrs. witb a miscellaneous shower. The espectively. usbers were Carl and Lloyd day. Watcb the ads in next week's J. McFadyen, Collingwood. living oomn was decorated -along It was reported two more cases Down, brothers of the bride. 0 IR__ KING ST. Statesman. Public Sehool Field Day and military lines with a large tank of honey had been sent to Eng- Following a reception at the ~ * ~ ~ 5~ES Pte. Tom Carter, Dartmouth, Fair,We.atron Oc.tb gay in red, white and blue crepe land ta the Bombed Victims, mak- home of Mr. Carl Down, Mr. and e S N ALE T NS., was home on two days' leave Sports events, bootbs and sale.pae Frmacnalwiebl ing a total for this year of 1440 Mrs. Worden left on a wedding ble nabwmoitesaecoo was voted toward the upkeep of1 wore an airforce blue wool dress family. ~~~Mrs. Allie Welsh Sbantz, after were used on the-walls and cur- the Soldiers' Resf Room. witb wîne accessories and a e 0mk ragmnsfradMs .M rhe Pte. Tommy Lyle, lst Midland enjoying a nine weeks' visit witb tains. The bride-to-be took her e amk ragmnsfradMs .M rhe Batt., Prince Rupert, B.C., was friends and relatives in Bowman- place before the tank and pro- An interesting event o! the a!- matching tweed coat. transportation f0 the Deanery A son was born f0 Mr. and home Sunday on leave from miii- ville district, leff Monday for ber ceeded to remove the gifts !rom ternoon was the presentation to meeting at Fenelon Falls, Sept. Mrs. Lorne Bradburn, Toronto, tary school, Hamilton. home in Chicago, Ill. if and open tbem. She tbanked the grandmothers o! the Institute 30. Members decided f0 cater f0 (nee Helen Waldon) Sept. 26. Mrs. R. Dumas leaves on Satur- Fit. Sgt. Mark Cornisb, Rock- the girls for their kindness. The a pin of blue and gold, bearing 1 . D. Willis, former editor.o! the the clergy of Arcbdeacon Simp- day fa spend the winter witb ber cliff, Ottawa, who recentîy re- bride's book was read by Mrs. the words "For Home and Coun'- Port Hope Guide, bas taken a son's Arcbdeanery, Oct. 14. If was DEATH daugbter, Mrs. James Miligan, turned from England as an In- Geo. Pritchard, then eacb gues tmy." The following grandmotbers position as accountant with a f irm decided f0 buy the new study North Bay. structor in Canada, visifed bis autngraphed the book. Refresh- were present: Mrs. Mina Colwell, in Gananoque. The work o! edi- book, "Publishers o! Peace". A GRAHAM-In Haydon, Tbursday, Mrs. Gordon Rice and Mrs. D. cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ments were served fromn a large Mrs. E. R. Bounsali, Mrs. A. Pas- for has now been taken over by fbanl'offering will be beld insfead Otbr1 92 ml let J. Chambers affended Grand Hardy. table centred wltb the cake faste- sant, Mrs. L. Barton, Mrs. A. E. Miss Laura Kincaid, Toronto. o! a fowl supper this year. Amcb- OCobling, 1widow o! letela Chatero! heOrdr o te Es- r. ndMrs J.Inantne ndfully îced in ed, white and blue Wren, Mrs. F. Jackman, Mrs. C. Mr. Hugb F. Ketcbum, master deacon Simpson gave a report o Daid Ga, in bo er 7t er tern Star at the Royal York, To- Mm. Philp Cancilla were in' Port symbolizing the Union Jack. oinnMsF.C nosMr.a the Lakefield Preparatory the W.A. at Conference at Port Funemal service on Saturday, ronto. Hope Thumsday attending the fun- Mrs. C. W. E. Meatb and Mrs. G. Collacutt, Mrs. F. Clarke. Scbool, bas received bis cal f0Arthur, by Mms. Wodehouse, Do- Oct. 3rd, af 3 p.m., in United MissAlie Le, traheoa Pi- eal ! br bothr, r. hasAlan Campbell, Toronto, were in Mrs. W. B. Pollard took the the Army f0 take up special work minion President and Mms. Me- CucHyo.Itmeta vate Hlospital, and Rif leman Harry Cancilla, wbo died in bis 66th fwnTusaycalngonfiedshrthListlerodra: sol o, ttateoesnelIar.Scrtm.Hmto eeey Lee, Queen's Own Rifles, Toronto, year. _____________~ossdngLitn ie nodieub ectio t tawBlackstock Faim, beld Sept. 23, ________________ visited their mother Mms. Selena Sgt. Bill Clarke left on Tuesday "The. Ros lGt and p ian sdes,___________ ad a good aftendance. Exhibif _______________ f0e t join bis regiment, 1sf Midlands, Fae Boe and Ruth Abernetby.ofanywr sgodbuth af Prince Rupert, B. C. M r s. MssDrohbLnslyTro-Blrstc cooking and dairy products were Clarke and Bill Jr. went f0 To- to, gave an exceedingly inferesf-1w.Lvsok asgdbuno ronto with him and visited hem _____ n-Cosevaio o very many. Girl Guides tagged Chit a rd parets r. nd rs. oac. Ms. Rev. J.E. rifith Clothing in Wartime." By means Rally day was obsemved in the the crowd for the Navy League Camp. George Graham, 15f Mid- An impressive service was held o! slides and demonstration she United Cburcb S.S. Sunday morn- and received $44.13. The Money- FOR EARLY MAILING lands, Prince Rupert, B.C., who Wednesday affemnoon in Trinity showed the proper means of laun- ing. Merle Henmy, Arnold Taylor, Duil, sponsored by Mns. Hermnan bas been in bospifal at Vancouver United Churcb, Bowmanvilje, for deing the varlous new types o! Merlyn Bailey and Steward Dom- Hooey for the Canadian Prisoners Boxed Cards fâr sevemal weeks due f0 a bomb Mrs. Griffith, wife o! the pastor, rayon and nylon maferials, wbich ei, read the scriptumes. Miss o! War Fund was won by Miss exploding causing injury f0 bis Rev. J. E. Griffith, who died early are largely a direct outcome o! the Janet Watson fold the theme story Hazel Mountjoy, Bronte, ticket Patriotic Cards eyes as well as a concussion, is Monday momning, Sept. 28fb. war. These new materials e- "Looking f0 Jesus", exceptionally was drawn by Mm. Wesley Camp a dinS e s home on furlougb. Rev. J. Vernar McNeely, pastor quiro careful handling during the well. Mr. Harper, Port Perry, bell. Russ Ceighfon's hi colours Tags sold in Bowmanville Sat- o! King Street United, Oshawa, process o! wasbing and ironing. gave a very interesting address. ers supplied the program in the i oor uday for the Chinese War Relief presided, and Rev. F. Joblin, past- A very tepid water should ho St. John's W.A. met at Mms. evening and music for the dance. riences of the A A P Orgonization Fund amounted ta $13778, C. W. or o! St. Pauls, Bowmanville, used, good cleansing and mild John Carter's, Burketon, Friday Mention must be made o! the SEE OUR ASSORTMENT ~dsohep ouenoyth fnet f Carter, chairman o! the commit- read the scripture lesson. Rev. soap flakes, with three rinsing evening. President, Mrs. Simpson wonderful supper served by the ed a hlp ou njo th fiestof, tee, told The Statesman. Girls Wendell P. Woodger, Cobourg, led waters. Do not bang rayons wben led in the W.A. Litany. Mrs. T. United Church ladies. )west possible prices. Corne to A & P fom the high scbool assisted by in prayer, Rev. Dr. Manson Doyle, drying, as rayon when wet is only Smith read the Bible reading. Miss Brown and Mm. Anson the Boy Scouts did the tagging, Associate Secmetamy o! the Board bal! as strong as when dry, lav Treasurer Miss Eva Parr and Taylor, Oshawa, at Mr. Roy Tay- hf yail your-foods under one roof. and later were treated f0 bot o! Christian Education, Toronto, the finer rayons out fiat to dry Dorcas Secretary, Mms. R. Parr, lor's. Joh sIl' chocolate by Carter's Bakery. preached the sermon, and the or. on a hanger. Wben ironing gave reports. Mrs. Flamenco Rager Rormeli, R.C.A.F., with Constable Gardon K. Hardy o! benediction was pronounced by use an iran that will not scorch a Crawford invited the members ta bis parents. BOOKSTORE Ay-r 20.ooz. 16e the Peterboro Police Deparfment Rev. J. J. Black, Lindsay, pmesi- piece o! brown paper while count- ber home for a quilting for the Mr. Sam Ferguson is i11 witb Phone 651 King St. "E Tmt isbas been appointed Chie! o! Pol- dent o! the Bay o! Quinte Con- ing sîowîy to twenty. These and Cburch bale. The moll cal was1 pneumanîa. We close at 8 o'elock. Aylmer 2 16 oz0 ul ice af Port Hope at a salary o! ference. The choir assisted with many other "tips" were presented answered by prosenting gifts for 1Mm. and Mrs. Hammy Vincent, Z,5Sive19nÇL $2,000 per year. He succeeds Chie! the service, ta an. attentive audience. -the bale. A committee was nam-1 Toronto, with Mrs. Jas . Marlow 4-5 S20 e.Tins Murphy, whose resignation was The palîbeamers were members_____________________________ MS t A Ti 12 asked a short time ago. Constable o! the Official Board o! Tinify ____ CREE 27b. Hardy, Sp.o! Goodyear plant Messrs.W L. Elliott, C. H. Mason, AlIRON Genova lb. 5 Local veterans wbo celebrated W. R. Strike, F. C. Vanstone andO Lg."a the reunion o! the "Iron" 2lst Geo. W. James. Flowerbearers N T IGBT E O CES Princess Pg.L« Battalion in Toronto over the included Rev. John W. Bunner, 0 RY p Cashmere 2 Cakes 11Ç Childs, Wil! Jobnston and Oliver W. Foley, and Rev. W. P. Rogers, 9 S Solex6 Roberts. Col. Cockeram, ex-M.P., refired ministers o! Bowmanvile,U -4 fl ID RUHE e. 2~ perone o! the regirnentalmascot, Army, Rev. Blake, St. Andrews' 1AR' 2 Tins. ed over an extra day. nacle, Bowmanville, and other ~m ,LED OATS 5 ibi. 23e Mm. and Mrs. James A. Mac- ministers fmom out-of-town.unx LOWEST >...HUT T E IN E 0f DS AymrBby tn c Donald, Toronto, were guests o! The deatb of Mrs. Griffith after PRICES j.i.TH EwWINi-a-cv0 'CHUP Aylmer 12-oz. btl. 12e Smith, Town Line, on Tuesday. pectd as saen asM r itJ.cll li _________ START TAKING VITAMINS NOW !_____________ M. MacDonald is chie! dispenser Sudamad M. . . ellr ________il____ gr.__ >MLK A &P2 % 17 and cbemisf o! Toronto General Orono, preached for Mm. Griffith il ---.-Cod-iv-r 011 16 TisHospital and completed 30 years' in the morning witb the evening 126u. i IldCo ieOl 3 UbE 2A service with this institution on service being cancelled. Born in M----iE S 4-oz. and 16-oz. 67U-I.6 CUBES A & P Bag Sept.e1sf. Jimmy also favomed the Nova Scotia 47 yeams ago, she was0 editor with a cali when tbey re, the former Bona Milîs, daughter called scbool days at B.H.S. o! J. Clifford Milîs, Ha lifax, Nova HALIBORANGE 85c-1.50-2.750 Native Grown 2 bun. 19C around the turn o! the century. Scotia, and Mrs. Milîs, Rochester, (ý1 Rally Day at St. Andrew's N. y.- cor E' QtBasetPresbyterian Sunday Scbool was Surviving are ber busband,o COD IVER 011 8-ozGHaTEST bz. 6 c-1.19 I W alk er, m issB aakytfromCR ock y d au g h fers, B o n a M ary an d aàd 6-à. 42w ~ Wakr isoayfo ok Gwyneth, at home, and a step- 0Fo Capsules Mounfain HosAbta ad- daughter, Miss Anne Griffith, an IqN O C E IA 50's and 1001s.25-2 5 27C dressed the Sunday Scbool and the nursing staff o! the Women's f E co27 bi!l brps srn-College Hospital, Toronto. A *flW n ni of qeu0 task d bin tyhe a s t fl en asobrother, ProfessQr Henry T. Mihis, NEL UW PRlI WAM LCY) iflfl R BAYCREAM Native 4 to e lbs. lb. s tsed n th cmyid ned o a Rochester, N.Y.,' and two sisters, WruLE Cod Liver Oil *1.00P Smafl . 280 Tubes - 300 ily woship in every home. Mrs. Harold Dunn, Halifax, and o aoe r-.a550rjars L-5550 Thanks to Bîlly Knox Jr. who Mrs. Geo. Grant, New Brunswick,flLr1 M IL .u - 85 35- fild i sulplc t h paoand hem parents also survive. 0 ADY SOAP D T R Sand aIl who belped. Dr. Doyle, in preaching the 5Os _______________ Haliver Oul Plain 50c-1.75 ldamalt - Malt and Cod 1A II50 e«Ch C.1A1.nti uii I' .Lt.i If gives us a greaf deal o! mon, took as bis text "Blessed are * Mead's Oleum Liver 011-- _ 59c-98c Roguloe - 600 pleasure to be able f0 report that the dead wbo die in the Lord"', ONE Percomorphum 75c-3.00 Halibut Liver Oui Capsules Econony - 1.10 0 Miss Mary Jewell, daughter o! later eferring f0 the verse o!fR E IahsTnc1.0 10s11 ~ Ms.J.W.Jewell, e-sriue "Remember now thy turned to hem home Tuesday nigbt creator in the days o! tby youth' - Scott's Emulsion -- 59c-98c Waterbury's Cod Liver fromn Toronto General Hospital. He spoke o!-Mrs. Griffith as eutO Gillette Creotone------------ 98e Compound --------- 93e Mary bas been i11 for over a montb off in the midst o! life and. as one Abdol Capsules - Multiple Kepler Cod Liver 011 with____ Worsbip service was conducted rano -ev. tD. btinson, Black u iPrizes for Live Stock by George Roberts; sciptume pas- stock, Rev. W. H. Smythe, Blen- 0 and Ladies' Work saeithMarphyBcc; strhDay- 1emg, rme r miine aistn e o!IBRAGE md Ladies' Work sagesraion eack rMuiaereimRvnidyneydaCucvisn.e J.BRNG XI n OE ! ' 0 by George Roberts and violin Morton, Newcastle, Rev. Wylîe, taking Halibut Liver LXMGEO )N and NIGIIT §olos by Don Anderson accom Columbus, and Rev. C. A. Wil- Où.A I*i U iUiI l i au d yNg tpanied b lenBlon. An in- liams.L.1' u aS cr la audyNgt teresting Quiz in charge o! the U DRUGSr Pon 7 convenors closed the meeting. "There isn't a single statue in 1 85c $1.50 - $275 Candies RG We Deliver f Next meeting in charge o! Thelma Central Park that couldn't be Schlievert and hem group. spared for war needs."-Flagg. PAGE FIVZ TRURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 a 1 Fr =P.-