PAGE FOUR THE CANAPIAN.STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1942 Tyrone Visitors: Miss Bernice Chapman, Toronto, with Mrs. Floyd Dudley. ..Mr. and Mis. Lorne Hoskin, Murray and Allyn, at Mr. Ralph Davis', Solina. .. Miss Grace Lit- tle, Toronto, at Mr. Lorne Annis'. Wesley Taylor is taking a spe- cial course this week at Agricul- tural College, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Simon McCoy celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary, Congratulations! Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. Albert Poulter (nee Verna Mc- Coy) on their marriage. W. M. S. met at Mrs. L. J. Good- man's with a good attendance. President Mis. Sid Hoar was in the chair. Mrs. A. F. Gardner took the devotional. A Christmas story by Mrs. R. Hodgson was mucb en- joyed; reading by Mrs. Albert Wood; music and song by Mrs. Otto Freund; Christmas message by Mrs. N. Woodley. Meeting clos- ed with a Christmas hymn. A gift was presented to our president Mrs. Sid Hoar. Lunch was served. Orono News Mrs. A. Gilnoy is in the bospital. Harvey Robert Porteous, a for- mer resident of this district, died in Port Hope Dec. 7th. Mr. and Mis. George Armour, Hampton, and Mrs. Herb. Rundle, Bowmanville, visited at R. H. Wood's. At a well attended meeting Monday evening it was decided to arganize a platoon next Monday. Drill will be beld each Tbursday. The Rotary Club in Oshawa will entertain the crippled cbildren next Tbursday l7th. Mr. Orme Gamsby bas been invited ta as- sist in tbe entertainment. At Union Monday evening slides on India were tbrown an the screen by Glén Hancock and explained by Rev. Littlewaod. K. Smith gave a readng. Cards will be sent ta ex-members in the arm ed forces. Next meeting bas ta be held in the Presbyterian cburch. Four weddings took place Sat- urday of interest ta Oronoites. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell (nee P. ï-.9 i IFT -~ ISUGGESTIONS RANGER.. 15 jewels. $2850 Gov.rnment Purchase Tax Extra GRUEN and WESTFIELD WATCHES A large display of SILVERWARE COMMUNITY PLATE, 1847 ROGERS BROS. and WM. A. ROGERS CO. PEN and PENCIL SETS By PARKER and ECLIPSE BRIDAL WREATH DIAMONDS EMBLEM RINGS MILITARY JEWELRY MANTEL CLOCKS BOUDOIR CLOCKS TOILET SETS - Nice Seleetion 2.95 ta 25.00 GENTS' MILITARY SETS COSTUME JEWELRY And many other gifts ta delight any member of the family. MARRIS JEWELRY KING STREET PHONE 463 A &PFCoffee&Tea PRICES REDUCED CONFORMING WITM W.T.P.B.- REG- LILATIONS, SAME l-lGl4 QUALITY CUSTOM GROUNO. DOKAR 1 lb. Bag 35ç /2lb. Bag 18Ç S 09CLOCK . 1 lb. Bag 31Ç V, IL Bag 16Ç RED CIRCLE 1 ib. Bag 27ç '/, lb. B3ag 14Ç 1 ib. 61Ec /2 lb. 31c 4 oz. Pkg. 17e PRINCESS GIANT SOAP FLAKES 32c ANN PAGE MIARIN S DBREAD White Whole Wheat Graoked Wheat 2 24 oz.c OIRANGES GIRAPEFRUIT IRICE Fancy Long a10i..10 Grain a OXYDOL Lge. Pkg. 22 D)OMESTIC Shortening lb. ç ROSES FLOUE 7'b-25e CHIPSO 2 Lge. Pkgu 43Ç 010 CUBES 10's Tin23 OATS Robinhlood rs lb. Bag 23Ç COCOA . cowana l,, b. -Tin 14Ç Florida 288'o Doz. 250 Marahacedless, Texas, 96'8 3 for 17e GRAPES - California Emperor - lb. 19C i COOKING APPLES 6 qt. bas. Chiche" Frowl Large, Roasting Fresh, Bolling 30Ç lb. 29C I & FOOD STORKl ES~l Carleton) were married in United Church, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Smith (nee T. Myles) in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Manson Patton in Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Greenwood (nee G. Aid) at the United Church parsonage, Orono. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn was ,lected president of Park St. W. A. on Tuesday, with these officers: lst Vice-Mrs. S. Littlewood; 2nd- Mrs. W. Stutt; 3rd-Mrs. M. H. Staples; Rec. Sec'y.-Mrs. R. E. Logan; Treasurer-Miss L. Allin; Fin. Sec. -Miss F. Cobbledick; Corr. Sec.-Mrs. N. Porter; Pianist -Mis. W. Cobbledick; Convenors: Visiting-Mrs. Kelly; Devotional -Miss Davy; P ro p e rty-Mrs. Winter; P an t ry -Mrs. Smith; Quilting-Mrs. Couch; Parsonagei -Mrs. Wood; Floral Committee- Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Mrs. Stainton, Mrs. D. Hooper. Meeting opened with a worship service conducted by Miss M. Davy. The eleven blankets for the Red Cross, which will be pîesented by Mrs. Couch and Mrs. Mellor, were on display. Cards will be sent to men in the aîmed forces. $50 was granted t the M. & M. Fund. Clarke Union Friends met at the home of Mi. and Mis. Kenneth Hilîs on Friday and pnesented them with an occa- sional chair and end table. Mis. Fred Blackburn nead an addness speaking of the good qualities of the bride and groom. Kenneth made a suitable reply thanking the friends for the beautiful gifts. The îest of the evening was spent in friendly chat and singing afteî which lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Cain have~ returned from visiting thein dau- ghter, Mis. Reesor, at Markham. Mr. and Mis. Harny Bailey and son Wayne, Mi. and Mis. Gardon Power, Catherine and James, spent Sunday at Mr. Carlos Tamb- lyn's. Mr. and Mis. Ed. Graham and Maîline spent Sunday at H. J. Souch's. Salemn S. S. beld a special missionany prognam Sunday, conducted by Mis. R. Winten, missianary con- venen, as follows: Scripture read- ing, Hilda Cowling; recitatian, 23rd Psalm, Doris Butteîy; nead- ing, Donald Richards; vocal duet, Roland and John Coombes; sala, Reta Cann. Mis. Winteî nead a story and intîoduced the guest speaker, Mis. R. Langmaid, Sa- lina, wbo gave an inteîesting reading an "Layalty," and a stany of the loyalty of a Chinese girl wbich was much appieciated. Y. P. U. was withdnawn last week owing ta inclement weather. Despite the cold weatbeî and bad road conditions, the Salem folk journeyed to Newcastle an Fniday evening and pîesented their play "Coveralîs" ta a very appreciative audience. Mn. W. Taylor is serving on the jury at Cobourg. Nestieton Mis. R. C. Jackson is impîaving aftei ber operation in Oshawa. Owing to storm and condition of noads the W. I. meeting and the Young People's meeting weîe called off, also the Red Cross euchre party. Mis. Kennetb Samelîs is having the school in the basement of the Presbyterian cbuîch for the win- ter. Mis. Jas. Williamson is confined ta ber bed at time of writing. Mn. John Elford bas suffeied a stioke. He is with bis daughten Mis. Zack Adams, Newtonville. Mis. Wilfred Williams spnained ber ankle. Mis. Jas. Dickey is unden the doctor's cane. Visitons: Misses Gladys and Irene Emerson witb Misses Helen and Jean Bowers... Mn. and Mis. Harold Wbeeler and family in Port Penny. . . Wilfred Williams and Ralpb Sadler at Mr. Geo. Johns'. . . Mr. and Mis. George Bowers and family with bis sister Mis. John Fratlock. . . Lawrence Sandy, R.C.A.M.C., Toronto, with bis cousin Rev. D. M. Stinson and attended service at Nestleton on Sunday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Jean and Dora, at Mn. Gea. Johns'. . . Mn. and Mis. David Johins witb friends in Bowman- ville. . . Mn. and Mrs. George Chapman, Ballyduff, witb bis sis- ter, Mis. Susan Johns. Solina "Doing Good" was the theme of an excellent pîogîam pîesented et Y.P.U., Monday nigbt, by Zian Young People. Margaret McCleur gave tbe devotianal talk, assisted by Eileen Glaspell, Marjarie Groat and Ralpb Stainton. The tapic was ably given by Victor Bawen. Humorous musical numbers were sung by Lloyd and Boyd Ayne. A quiz cantest was conducted by Charles Langmaid and Harvey Yellowlees and lunch served. Luther Pascoe's wood sale was quite successful, realizing about $100 per acre. Visitons: Miss Muriel Baker, R.N., Military Hospital, Kingston, at Mn. Jack Baker's. .. Miss Aud- rey Robertson at ber home in Cobourg... Mn. and Mns. Douglas Flett, Columbus, at Mn. J. R. Kivell's. .. Miss Muriel Langmaid, Nicolîs Hospital, Peterboro, at Mi. Roy Langmaid's. . . Mr. and Mis. Edgar Prescott and family at Mr. Elmer Gibson's, Greenbank. ..Mi. and Mis. Alan McKenzie and Lorraine, Columbus, Mn. and Mis. Laine Hoskin, Murray and Alan, Tyrone, at Mn. Ralph Davis'. ..Mrs. N. C. Yellawlees attended the wedding of ber niece, Miss Isobel Cation, at Toronto. .. Mr. and Mis. Roy Langmaid, Charles and Helen, at Mi. Norman Allin's, Newcastle. .. Mr. and Mis. Allan Balson. Kingston, at Mn. A. J. Balson 's. Mn. Arthur Moore attended the funeral of bis brother, Wilbur, wbo died followine a stroke, at Toronto, Friday. Messrs. FnaÏnk, Luther and A. L. Pascae accam- Henry James Knight Veteran Musician Joins The Choir Invisible In failing health for several years, Henry James Knight passed away on Nov. 25 in bis 8th year. He was a son of the late, James and Mary Knight and was born on the homestead wbicb. over- looked Lake Ontario, just east of Bowmanville Harbour. About 15 years aga he retired from faim- ing and bas since lived in Bow- manville. For aven baîf a century Mr. Knight was an autstanding mus- ician in this district. Hîs services as a singer were in great demand Henry James Knlght and he always gave generously of his God given talents as he was a natural born singer, neyer having received a musical education. It had often been remarked that had Henry had the benefit of a pro- fessional training there was no Jimit to the heights he might have risen in musical circles, including the opera. Early in life he be- came choir leader in the Bible Christian Church, and after the union of the Methodist Church, (later Trinity United). He held a similar position in St. Paul's Pies- byterian Church.- He had the re- markable record of being a choir leader for over 50 years. During ail those years he was a most faithful and regular attendant at choir practices and Sunday ser- vices, often at considerable incon- venience wben he lived at the lake and had bad roads ta con- tend with in the winter time. Mr. Knight's passing will recal many pleýsant memories of can- tatas, operettas, musical comedies, minstrel shows, choruses and quartettes in which he was the director or took a leading part. Those days of amateur perform- ances in which much talent was developed seems to have disap- peared with the good old days. Deceased is survived by his be- reaved wife, formerly Ethel Pow- er, and two sisters, Miss Jessie Knight, Belleville, and Mrs. Fred Aluin, Bowmanville. The funeral was conducted by Rev. P. H. Joblin of St. Paul's United Church, from his late res- idence, Division Street, on Nov. 28. Palîbearers were: T. H. Knight, Geo. E. Chase, C. M. Car- ruthers, S. Chas. Allun, D. Alex McGregor, F. J. Mitchell. Beautiful floral tributes includ- ed pieces from St. Paul's Choir and Church, and St. Paul's Eve- ning Auxiliary. Relatives and friends from a distance included Miss Jessie Knight, Mr. C. Bonisteel and son Gerald, Belleville, Mrs. W. E. Bishop, Mrs. H. Dennison, Mrs. L. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. M. Os;, borne, Mr. Gerald Osborne, To- ronto, Mrs. H. L. Creeper, Chat- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stan- ley, Beaverton. panied him. Congratulations to Mr. and Mis. Roscoe Baker on their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Baker and Louise, Mr. Jack Baker, Tom, Kathleen and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Balson and Harold attended the wedding at Toronto. Enniskillen Visitors: Pte. G. H. Stevens, wbo has been transferred from Ottawa to Camp Barden again visited bis parents over the week- end. .. Mrs. H. Strutt and Phyllis, Oshawa, and Mrs. J. Avery, Burketon, at Mr. C. Pethick's... Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman, Port Perry, Mrs. I. Travell, Beth and Bruce, Oshawa, at Mr. O. C. Ash- tan's. Mr and Mis. Norman Wright are moving ta Maple Grave this week. We are sarry ta lase themn from aur community. A few of the near neighbors gatheîed at their home Monday evening and presented them with an electîic iran. Zion Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Budd, Miss Gwen Budd, Mn. and Mrs. Orme Beatty, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane and Brian, Kedron, at A. T. Stainton's. ..Miss Jean McMaster, Toronto, at home. . . Mrs. Jas. McMullen with her brother, Newton J. Lan- der, Toronto. .. Mrs. Wes. Cam- eron called on Mrs. Lloyd Flintoff at Bowmanville Hospital. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspeli, Tyrone, at F. B. Glaspell's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Parker and baby Don- ald, Mrs. Ray Drinkle, Miss Shir- ley Martin, Oshawa, Miss Mar- guerite Martin, Toronto, at Thos. Martin's. . . Mr. and Mis. Alf. Ayre at Lloyd Metcalf's, Oshawa. ..Mrs. Alan Lavis, Douglas and Mary, Whitby, at A. T. Stainton's. ..Mr. George Killen is spending a week at Sam Lee's. Toronto. Mr. Harold Gifford Is progress- ing favorably after an openation in Bowmanville Hospital. Mrs. Reford Cameron is sick with the flu. Mn. Russell Stainton was at Cobourg on the jury. Zion Young People visited El- dad on Monday evening and re- port a pleasant evening. Lloyd Ayre took a team and sleigh and they enjoyed a real old fashioned sleighride. Blackstock Cpl. Lloyd Harvey, R.C.A.F., a grandson of Mrs. Ida Crawford, was among the 68 men and one woman who received medals at Ottawa from the Governor Gen- eral. He was the outstanding man in his class on the East Coast af the coastal patrol along New- foundland. December lst the young people gathened in the hall ta honour Bruce Scott and John Werry who have joined the R.C.A.F. A Wat- erman pen and pencil set was given ta eacb, the presentation being made by Dalton Dorrell and Laverne *Devitt. An evening of dancing ta, music supplied by Larm Hyland and Jack Smith was enjoyed. Good wishes for luck is extended ta these young fellows. Visitors: Mrs. Osmond Wright in Toronto... Miss Gwenyth Mar., low, Toronto Normal, with ber paents. .. Mr. and Mis. Austin Laimen and family, Bawmanville, at John Laimer's... Mr. and Mrs. C. Venning and family, Mi. and Mrs. John Rahin and Allen, witb Orr Venning, near Claremont. * Mr. and Mis. Jabez Wright, Mr. and Mis. Jno. Larmer, Mrs. Er- nest Larmer attended the funeral of their cousin, Mis. F. Orchard, at Solina. Victorian Women's Institute met at Mis. C. Marlow's, who oc-i cupied the chair in the absence of1 President Mrs. N. Mountjoy. The secretary gave financial report of euchre parties. On motion of Mis. A. L. Bailey and Mrs. P. VanCamp the secretany was instnucted ta send $25.00 ta central fund desig- nating $20.00 for mobile kitchen and $5 for seeds to Britain. A let- ter was read fnom Mis. W. R. Strike, Bowmanville, Cor. Sec. of Women's Hospital Auxiliary, ask-« ing if we would send one on two members ta their monthly meet- ings for the purpose of assisting tbem in carrying on the work at the hospital. Program: Readings1 by Mrs. H. Shortridge and Mrs.« C. Marlow; Mrs. Herman Hooey gave an interesting report of the Toronto convention. Collection 50c. Lunch was served by Mis. C. Marlow and Mis. F. A. Bailey. Maple Grove Visitais: Mi. and Mis. Charlie Johns, Miss Dorothy Johns, Lake- field, Mi. and Mis. Luther Pas- coe and twa children, Zion, Miss Marion Johns, town, Mi. Lloyd Broome, Hampton, at Mi. Wallace Munday's... Miss Edna Swallaw halidayed with Mis. Wallie Pear- son, Lakefield, and Mis. John Cator, Toronto. . . Mi. and Mis. N. I. Metcalf at Mr. Lloyd Met- calf's, Oshawa. .. Mr. Steve Wall- ing, Haliburton, at Mis. L. C. Snowden's. Quaîteîly service next Sunday. Mis. L. C. Snowden and Miss Betty Snowden attended the Baker-Boyle wedding in Taranto. Maple Grave Sehool News (By Harry Snowden and Jack Munday) Mis. Robb came Monday and we had the actions Of "Old Black Pete." . .. Billy Skelding, oui booster for penny bank, bas raised aurp average to $43.18. . .. We are learning more about Africa as we are making a nu-ber of maps an that continent. . . . We are stil having fun with the basebaîl. We are taking tuins knocking out ........ The girls are busy ipak- ing costumes for aur WinterF air. ...We îeceived oui reports on Monday. Most weîe well pleased, otheis got what they thaught tbey would. . .. See aur ad. in the cam- ing events. Newtonville Visitais: Mi. Fard Chambers and bride, Madoc, at Mr. Robt. Moîton's. .. . Mi. and Mis. Robt. Morton, Helen and Bull, at Mi. Lloyd McGahey's, Peterboro... Mis. Cleland Lane, Mis. Willis Jones and Mi. Melville Jones in Toronto. .. Miss Florence Builey and Mi. Keith Buîley, Petprboro, at home. . . Pte. Edgar Milîson, Woodstock, at home. . . Mi. and Mis. Bert Caldwell and daughter, Mis. Ernest Halse, Toronto, at Mr. George Stapleton's and Mi. Lan- son Millson's. .. Mis. Fosteî, Mis. Hibbard and Joyce, and Mis. Lunna and family, Toronto, at Mi. Wm. Stapleton's. .. Mr. Gea. Griffin, Omnemee, at Mr. S. R. Jones'. Mi. Griffin attended the funeral of Mis. W. Walkeî, Portl Hope. . . Mis. George Smith, Starkville, with bei mother, Mis. Thos. Stapleton. .. Mn. and Mis. Wm. Stapleton and Betty at Mi. John Morris', Orono. Newtonville friends wene shock- ed ta hear of the sudden passing of Harvey Porteous, Port Hope, on Monday. He spent a good many years anound Newtonville. We extend sympatby toalal thase wbo mouin bim. Cecil Burley, Clinton Burley and Sid. Buîley left Friday for Labrador. They will travel 1300 miles by train and 1000 miles by plane. A large bomber plane will make the 1000 miles in 4 hours. These men are employed by the MacNamaîa Construction Co. Ce- cil Burley will wark in a machine sbop. This is the third trip ta Labrador fan Clinton Burley. Mr. and Mis. George Smith, Staîkville, Mis. Lanson Milîson, Doreen, Lawrence and Floyd, and Mn. and Mrs. George Stapleton were guests at the Caldwell- Carleton wedding in Orono Sat- uîday. Harold Buîley bas joined the Ordnance Corps. Miss Annie Nesbitt entertained ladies two evenings at dinner and donated the proceeds for the pack- ing of boxes for the soldiers. "6CROSS ROADS"1 wlth BASIL RATHBONE MONDAY 3 DAYS Another grand hit fram the producers of "MRS. MINIVER" "'THE WAR AGAINST MRS HADLEY" Starrlng FAY BAINTER EDWARD ARNOLD RICHARD NEY JEAN ROGERS -ADDED HIT!- LEW AYRES LARAINE DAY Fingers at the Window GIFTS Brusl'i Comb and Mirror Sets 3 - 6 - 10 pleces - New Styles in Gift Boxes SHAVING SETS Devon Kit -- - -------55e Yardley's -------- 1.00-3.25 Colgate's --------- ----59C-2.25 Woodbury's ---29c-55e-1.10 Buekingham------------- 1.00 Palmolive ..59C-1.23-2.25 Ab.1 2,98 to 11.50 Gifts for SMOKERS Ronson Lighters --- 5.00-6.90 Other Llghters ----59c-1.06 Xmas Cigarettes --- 50c-70e Pipes------------------- 50c-1.25 Tins of Tobacco -----65e iup Cigars 5 and 251à, 25c-1.25 1 lb. 2 lbs. 3 Iba. Freshpack Chocolates 60e 1.20 1.80 BILLFOLD SHAVING SHA VING1 MOLINARD 39e BOWLS BRUSHES PERFUMES 69c to 3.50 49c-59c-75c 39C-5.00. 75c to 6.60 Ladies' GIFT SETS Men's Travelling Sets MOLINARD ---- 2.75-18.00 with Zipper Cases PONDIS,-------------------- 1.10 2.98 - &.9S YARDLEY'S --- 1.00-10.00 Pen and Pencil NOXZEMA ---------------- 79c SETS. CUTEX --------- 50e to 4.00 1.98 -10.70 WOODBURY'S - 29e to 2.10 _________ Cashmere Boxed Stationery BOUQUET --- 29c-59c-1.65 Fancy Boxes - Cedar Chests Novelty PERFUMES ----1.50-2.00 soc to 2.50 WE TEST EYES and FIT TRUSSES Phone Prompt 695 COPWLINGS DRUG, STOREeivr of Mn. Hawke and widow of the late Sgt. Wesley Ougb of Toronto Police Fonce. Sgt. Ougb was a Newcastle boy, attended scbool here and later became acquainted witb bis future wife when she was living in Newcastle at Mi. and Mis. Benj. Moise's." There are museums in Toronto that would bhave been glad ta secure these specimens that have been s0 well preserved by the art of taxidenmy and in which Sgt. Ougb took sucb an intenest; but it was Mrs. Ough's tbought to offer tbem ta the scbool in ber late busband's old horpe village, the villpge wbere she herself spent some of ber bappiest times. The Higb Scbool bas long had a small biological museum; but not the Public School. This col- lection will prove of considenable belp ta the pupils in their zoo- logical studies and in their pur- suit of natural science. CARTER'S XMlAS CAKE MIADE PROM FAMOUS ENGLISH RECIPE Delicious, Spicy, Pull of Fruits and Nuts. CUT Cake lb. SOC Plain Cakes 2.00 DECORATED CAKES............. 3.00 - PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY - GIFT CHOCOLATES LOWNEY'8 AMERICAN BEAUTY OHOCOLATES Box of 1 lb. 70c Box of 28 ozs. 1. 20 SERVE CARTER'S BREAD K-eep the faily healthy and satisfied by serving Carter's Wholesome Bread at every meal. Be patriotic, carry your parcels. CARTERS8 BRZAD 18S MADE HERE - BAKED HIERE FRESH PROM OVEN TO YOU m - DANCE. BOWMANVI LLE ARMOURIES AT 8.30 ,FRIDAY DECEMDBER Round and Square Daké g Proceeds In Aid of Associated Service Clubs Admission - 25e MEN IN UNIFORM FREE r WAR-7*ZMB TRAVEL TIP NO. 1 euAeeÀM 1ê40 A Newcastle PUBLIC SCHOOL TO RECEIVE CABINET 0F MOUNTED BIRDS AND ANIMALS Through the good offices of Ernest Hawke, Leskard, the New- castle Board of Education and the Public School have been made acquainted with the offer of a donation of a well preserved case of mounted birds and animais. Principal T. A. Rodger and the Board are pleased with the offer and have gone on record as ap- preciating the gift and delighted to receive it., The donator is the former Miss Hannah Beale, sister OSHAWA, ONTARIO NOW PLAYING 1 WM. lledy POWELL LAMARR lb 'lIý- 1 ewé