THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1942 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTABIO ~The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Mr. Stanley Aluin was home from Cobourg. Miss Helen Hooper, Ajax, was guest o! Miss Evelyn Allin. Miss Margaret Tonms, R.N., Wes- tern Hospital, Toronto, visited lier parents. Mr. E. H. Joli, Ajax, visited at Mr. Geo. J-. Joll's and Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard's on Sunday. Mr. and Mcs. Ernest Davidson, Toronto, visited tlieic Newcastle property, Copper Beeeh. Mr. and Mcs. Geo. A. Walton and Mr. and Mrs. WVii. Bruuit and son spent Fiday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ashton, Ajax, spent the weekend with Mr. Thos. Moffat and Mrs. Jack Nes- bitt. Pte. Sidniey Ferguson. Camp Borden. and Pte. Chas. Thackray, Canadian Tank Corps, Toronto, were home. 1 Mr. Relit. DUek's hritliday coin- cides wltlî tlat o! Prinile lVinister Winston Churcclill's and he cele- bcated HIle date ini fitting fashion. Sgt. Wireless Gunner Stanley Brown and bride, who visîted his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Brown, ef t Friday for Nova Sco- tia. Mrs. Paul B. Adams and sisters, Misses Betty. Yvonne and June VanDusen, Toronto, spent the woekend at the Newcastle-on-the- Lake home. Mr'. Howard Glenney accom- paniied Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glen- niey to Toronto Saturday and visited his sister, Mrs. Wm. Ban- nerman, and Miss Edith Cowan. The weekly cottage prayer meeting being conducted by Rev. R. E. Morton w-as hield last week at Mrs. Norman Allin's, and this weck at Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard's. Mr. an-d Mrs. N. L. Rickard have rcceived wvord from their former farm cemployee, Gnr. Stephen Whitchand, that lie is ini Halifax. He had been ini training out west. Mrs. E. H. Joli and youngest son. William, Glidden, Sask., are stay-ing with hier mother, Mrs. Gea. P. Riekard. before settling in their new home at Ajax where Mr. Joli is empioyed ini the muni- tions plant. Stanley Grahiam lias resigned as a mnember of the Board of Edu- cation. He stili had another year ini office. Elected members of the Board whose ternis expire at the end of tlîis year are: Rev. D. R. Dewdney. R. B. LeGresley and W.- T. Lake. Mr. Patterson, Toronto business mani. occupied the United Chureh pulpit November 29th, as a re- presentative o! the Temperance GENERAL MERCHANT Phono Port Perry 106-21 - BLACKSTOCK, ONT. Our Motto: Quality and Service IGiFts for WXartimeI GIVING Handkerchiefs Se to 1.00 ea. d. Give Yourself A LOUNGING ROBE SMART 80F? ROBES FOR FIIRES]IDE GLAMOUR! Chenilles, flannels and other materials lnx choice colors. 32-40 3.25 to 10-95 colors. Boxes of three 29e - 59e and up to 1.00 LADIES' UMB RELLAS In black and colors, with fancy handhes, at 1.95 -2.95 and 3.95 GLU VES Woollen, at 59c and up Aiso Kid at 1.69 -2.95 Fabrie at 59c and up PURSES In black and colors, many new stylos, from 98c to 7.50 Children's Purses at soc 1 KNITTING BAGS 98c and up LUNCHEON SETS 1.00 to 3.50 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 836 King St. Federation. He gave a clear, un- biased picture o! the depiorable conditions in Ontario under so- caibod gavernment contrai, told o! the work of the Federation and made a strong appeal for ils sup- port in its efforts to curb drunk- enness and lessen the evils o! in- tempecance. Sgt. S. D. Cowan, R.C.A.F. Wire- less Instructor, Moutreal, and Miss Sylvia North, Mantreal, were married Nov. 28th, by Rev. A. Lloyd Smith, o! Dominion-Doug- las United Church, Montreal. The groom is the youngest son o! Mrs. Fred Cowan, Newcastle, and had just recently returned fromn Flani- da where he was one o! a group sent to take a special course. Ho and lus fiancee visited bis mother here last August. Hampton Women's Institute met Dec. 3rd with President L. Reynolds in charge. Mrs. Wm. Chapman and Mrs. R. Widdicomb were appoint- ed ta represent aur W. 1. at Bow- manville Hospital Auxiiiary meet- ings. $10.00 was voted taward the Mobile Kitchen (ta be used in Canada) on request fromn the National War Services Dept., and Seeds for Britain Fund. It was decided also ta filmare ditty bags for the Navy. This pragramn was candueteci by Mrs. L. Truli in charge o! the west graup: Opening number, a lively well rendered piano solo by Keith Pet- ors; reading, "Old Time Philaso- phy" by, Mrs. H. Saiter; nicely rendered vocal duet by Mrs. K. Caverly and Minnie Horn, "White Christmas"; Rev. W. Rackhamn gave an excellent address on "Re- ligion and the New Order" which was based on citizenship. This was a very helpful taik and much enjoyed. Keith Peters played twyo patriotie numbers, and Mrs. L. Truli read the Institute Ode. Hamptan W.C.T.U. met at Miss L. Reynalds' December 8th, wth Miss M. Katerson, president, in the chair. Mrs. Walter Rackham canducted the devotianal periad in the absence o! Mrs. J. Burns. It was decided ta, help -tawards getting a mobile canteen for On- tario. Miss Reynolds gave an in- teresting paper an aur study caurse. Miss Katerson read the President's message, and Mrs. Rackhamn read the "Goad Wil Creed" a! ane minister's wife. A reading by Mrs. J. Chapman an "'Peace and Internatianal Rela-. tions."' The clip sheet was taken by Mrs. B. Ferguson an-d Mrs. Rackham. Visitors: Wesley Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wilson, son and daughter, Toronto, with Mrs. Ma- bel Taylor. .. Mn. and Mrs. Daug- las Raekham, Bowmanville, at the parsanage. . . Mrs. Jno. Balson with her daughCter at Thorntan's Corners. . .LCp. Bloyd Wilcax, Kingston, at home: . . Mrs. F. M. Cryderman, Bowmanville, with Mrs. M. Taylor and Miss M. Kater- son. . . Misses Gladys Chapman and Ceeule Petit, Bowmanviiie, at W. Chapman's.. . Gardon Wiibur, Debert, N.S., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur. . . Mrs. Bruce Yeo and Carol, Bowman-, ville, at C. Colwill's. .. Miss C. Fanneomb, Toranto, Mr. Ed. Rab- son. Oshawa. at Mr. Gea. Farn- comb's. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett in Toronto and Scarboro. ..Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Ta- ronto, at Mr. S. Kersey's. Congratulatians ta D o n a i d White. Orona, son a! Mr. and Mrs. IWill White, formeriy af Hampton, on winning the silvor modal in the W.C.T.U. Oratorical Contest at Orono. He was aisa the recipi- ent of a book. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Balson at- tended the silver wedding anni- versary af Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Courtice at their homo. It was Th. - Fri. - a - Double Feature BIG SHOT wlth HUMPHREY BOGART and IRENE MANNING - on the same bill - WILD BILL HICKOK RIDES wlth CONSTANCE BENNETT and WARREN WILLIAMS M on.-Tues.-Wed. DECEMBER 14-15-16 MNINE TOUCH wlth ROSILAND RUSSELL and DON AMECHE News - Shorts COMING JANUARY 11-12-13 Reap the WiId Winds JANUARV 28-29-30 Mrs. Miniver BIRTH-S PARK-In Bowmanville Hospital on Sunday, December 6, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park Jr. (nee Dbreen Byam), Tyrone, the gift of a daughter. 50-1 PURDY-At Bowmanville Hospi- tal on Friday, December 4, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Purdy, a daughter, "Linda Diane." 50-1* TYRRELL-On Tuesday, Decemn- ber 1, 1942, at Bowmanville Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Char- les B. Tyrreil, Orono, a daugh- ter. 50-1* .DEATI-S DEVITT - At Bowmanville, De- cember 5, 19412, Annie Maude Devitt, beioved wife of Dr. J. C. Devitt and dear mother of Mrs. Beatrice Hall, Toronto, and J. W. Devitt, Halifax. RUSE-On December 7, 1942, at bis home, 26 35th Street, Long Branch, Lewis Ruse, in his 78th year, beloved husband of Ettie - Clarke. Interment at Hampton Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM BROWN - In loving memory of Gelina M. Brown, sadly missed as a loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother by Fred and Annie, Irene and Herb, Leonard and Leslie. Just a thought of sweet re- membrance, Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sweet devo- tion 0f those who think of you. Cards of Thanks I wish to sincerely thank the ratepayers for re-electing me a member of Town Couneil for the coming year. W. R. Harrison. Ladies and Gentlemen: I wish to thank those who sup- ported me at the poils on Mon- day. I also take this opportunity to wish the citizens of Bowman- ville and those electod a Happy and Prosperous New Year. N. Allison. I take this opportunity of ex- pressing my grateful thanks to ail who voted for me on Monday. I will continue ta give my best to make Bowmanville a good town in which to live and work. Wishing you ail the Compliments of the season. Owen Nicholas. To the Electars o! Bawmnanville: My sincere thanks ta thase who re-eleeted me to the Town Coun- cil. By vigilant attention ta the business a! the municipality, I hope in a measure ta justify your confidence. With aIl goad wishes for 'Christmas and the New Year. Arley W. G. Narthcutt. I wish to express my sineere appreciation toalal wha supported me in the election an Manday. I wiil do my utmost ta warrant the confidence placed in me by co- operating with ather members o! the council in giving the electars efficient and economical adminis- Christmas and a Happy New Year. John H. Gianville. COMING EVENTS Dance at Tyrone Hall, Wed- nesday, Dec. 16, ta music by the Serenaders. Admission 25c. Please reserve Thursday, Dec. l7th, for Maple Grave Winter Fair, Christmas Tree and Big Negro demonstration. 50-1 Newcastle United Church Sun- day Sehool Christmas Tree Enter- tainment on Tuesday evenîng, December 22nd. Program begins at 8 o'clock. Admission: Adults 25e, children free. 50- "The Strike of the Ladies' Aid" will be presented in Trinity Sun- day Sehool on Friday, Dec. llth, at 8 p.m., by Group 1 of the W. A. Tickets 25c. 50-1 Dance and "Lucky Goose Draw" at Solina Hall, Saturday, Dec. 12, under auspices of Solina Football Club. Cuth Burt's Orchestra. Ad- mission 25c. 50-1 Durham County Holstein Breed- ors annual meeting and banquet will be held at Orono, Tuesday, December 15. Business meeting at 10 a.m., banquet at 12.30. Guest speaker, Mr. C. D. Graham. Mr. Clare Rouse, Toronto, entertainer and comedian, wiil present the erogram. Came and enjoy a roast goose dinner and an afternoon o! laughs. Tickets $1.00. Jas. T. Brown, president; H. C. Muir, secretary. 50-1 Repairs EXPERT REPAIRS 0F ALL makes o! Vacuum Cleaners. Tel. our "1C.U.C. Depat", Bow- manville 774 at the McGregor Hardware Store.' 49-8* also the occasion o! the 33rd wed- ding anniversary o! Reeve and Mrs. W. Piekeil, and the 93rd birthday of Mr. O. Piekeil. Young ladies met at Mrs. L. Allins oV. Tuesday evening for Christmas' Cheer work. For Rent FOR RENT-HOUSE AT END 0F pavement on Manvers Road. Possession Janubry lst. Phone 2686. 50-1* FERRETS FOR RENT-$l0 DE- posit, $1 a day; real hunters. Fred Bond, George St. East, Newcastle, Ont. 49-4* FOR RENT - SMALL APART- ment, newly redecorated, suit- able for 2 aduits and 2 small eidren. Apply T. L y mer, Bowmanville, phono 379. 50-1* Wanted WANTED-LAWN BOWLS, ONE set or pair, composition, Towns- end and Clark preferred. State price and size. R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. 50-1 SEED WANTED-WE ARE BUY- ers of Alfalfa, Timothy, Timo- thy and Alsike mixtures, Alsike, Red Clover, Sweet C 1 o v e r. Bring or mail in a sample for highest offer. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 38-tf Livestock and Articles FOR SALE - 4 PIGS 9 WEEKS old. Apply W. Lycett, phone 2382. 50-1 FOR SALE - 20 YEARLING rock hens, laying. Apply L. Draige, Tyrone, opposite the school. 50-1 FOR SALE - SIX YORKSHIRE pigs 6 weeks old. Apply H. E. Tink, Hampton, phone 2232. 5- FOR SALE- 50 BARRED ROCK pullets, laying. Apply Frank Krolewski, R. R. 3 Bowman- FORiSle. - HIT LEHO pullets, 7 months old, already laying; also 1 year old Plymouth Rock- hens, goad layers. Otto Freund, Tyrane, phono 2523. 50-1* FOR SALE - ONE TAMWORTH sow, due Jan. 7; carrying third litter; goad mathen. One Jersey heifer, T.B. and blood-tested, due Dec. 20. R. B. LeGresley, Newcastle, phono Clarke 1130. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE-REG- istered Holstein Bull, 9 months, gaad type, from a 3.7 % cdam and sired by a grandson o! Montvic Colantha Abbekirk. Priced ta seli. Noble Meteal!, phono 2259. 50-1* Articles For Sale FOR SALE-2 LARGE SIMMONS cots, walnut finish. Telephone 559. 50-1 FOR SALE - 2 INEXPENSIVE electrical fixtures, 3 buib and 2 bulb. Phone 2481. 50-1* PIANOS FOR SALE-FOR IN- formation telephone 492 or write P. O. Box 353, Bowman- ville. Fred J. Mitchell, Church St. West. 50-1 FOR SALE - CHRISTMAS trocs, ail sizes up to 6 foot. Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries, NEAR C.N.R. STATION, be- tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily. 50-1* FOR SALE - PIANOS, HEINTZ- man & Co., Gerhard-Hointzman, and Bell. Apartment sizes. Ap- ply Chas. H. Peacock, 80 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, phone 251. 44-8* FOR SALE - RADIOS, NEWI Philco and Marconi, all models, priced from $23.95 ta $144.95. Telephone Bowmanviile 2415 or Oshawa 289W3, Frank L. Wal- ter, Courtice. 50-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf OubSLE -bedAwithErnsandR matbleredresintable, electaic rio, cogoeums ug and ecrn- rao coembinandstrm dor andotheriartiesEvry- thig r ac ticarl es. and in bthiof rcotioyn andlyMrs Powell, 29 Carlisle Ave. 50-1* OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesterfieid, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Beddinig and. floor coverings a specialt3. Quaiity merehandise at coin- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Personal PILES - SUFFERERS 0Fý bleeding and protruding Piles should know Bunker's Herbai PuIs treats the cause at its source. Mony back if not f ied, at Jury & Love]i's, aisei Alex McGregor's. 50-1 Order your counter check books at The Statesman office. Reconditioned TIRES The largest stock ot -e condltloned tires east of Toronto, ail suzes. TIRE Sliop 1 Bilock West of Po0st o)ffice HeIp Wanted HEL? WANTED - RELIABLE man for poultry farmn. Good wages. Apply Alvin Clemons, R. R. 6 BowmanviliO, phone 2433. 50-1* Work Wanted WORK WANTED - WIDOW DE- sires position as companion help to lady or light housekeeping. Write Box 148, Statesman 0f- fice, Bowmanville. 50-1* Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - A FUR- nished room, convenient for two people; or a five roomed bouse immediately. Reliabie p a r t y. Write Box 149, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. AUCTION SALE Furniture Sale-The household effeets of the late Ella O'Neil will be sold by public auction at her late residence, Newcastle, on Sat- urday, December 19, at 1 o'clock. Terms cash. Wilbor Hancock, auctioneer. . 50-1 Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS having any dlaimn against the Estate af the late James D. Carruthers, who died on or about the 15th day of No- vembor, 1942, at the Town o! Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, are required to file the same with proaf thereof with the undersigned, Executar, or his Solicitor, nat later than Decemberi 3lst, 1942, after which date the. Estate will be distributed and al dlaims of which the Executar has, not received notice will be barred as against him. DATED at Bawmanville this 28th day o! November, 1942. 1 CHARLES M. CARRUTHERS. Executor, Bawmanville. Ontario, R.R.6- By M. G. V. GOULD, Bawmanville, Ontario, Ris Solicitar. 49-2 Voters' List Posted CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FTRST POSTING 0F VOTERS'MLST Voters' List 1942, TownshiP of Darlington, County o! Durhami Natice is hereby given that 1 have camplied with Section 10 o! the Vaters' List Act and that I have posted up in rny office at Hampton, on the 2nd day ef De- cember, 1942, the list ef ail per- sons entitlod ta vote in the said municipaiity at Municipal Elec- tions, and that such list nenins there for inspection. And I hereby eall tipen ail vot- ers ta tako immediate proceedings ta have any errors or oeîîissions corrected aceording te law the last day for appeal beînîg Wednesday, the 23rd day o! Deccnuber. 1942. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk of tlue Tewnship of Darlingtan. Dated this 2nd da' of4 December, 1942. 50-2 ANNOIJNCEMENT The Doctors of Bowmanville have agreed to uîufrm office hours as fo]iows: Afternoors-2.00 te 4.00 except Wednesday. Evenings-7.00 te 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday afld Saturday ONLY. Patients will be seen at other hours only by appointment. In case of an emergency, pa-, tients may cal] the Bowmanvill~ Hospital te find eut which doctor ti is on duty. These boucs in effeet as from l October lI. FOR THE MEN ... Bachelor Sets ... Lotion and Uream --- 1.15 Shaving BoVI ------- 1.25 Shamnpoo, Lotion, Brillian- tino, Bowl, Talcum and Gold-FllCd Cuff Links. 4.50 Colgate's Sets ... Talcum, Shave Stick, Tooth Powder and After Shave Lotion ---- ------------ 59e Cue, (Liq. Dentifrice), Tai- cum, Shave Stick and Af- ter Shave Lotion ---- 1.19 PALMOLIVE SETS .......Oc & 123 Gardeflia and Shaving Cream and Jasm ine ... Lotion --------------115 TaIcunm. Shaving Cream and Lotion ----------------2.15 Woodbury's Sets Talcum and Shave Soap, Lotion (Small), Creamr ------------- 1.00 Cream, Toothpaste -- 1.10 NoXZEMA IFT SETS ........79ê Evening in Paris.. "Scanty" by Picard Talcum -----------------50e Talum ndPerume--- 115 Perfume -------------- 1.25 alU an Pef e 1.5 Cologne ---------------1.25 Talcum & Toilet Water 1.15 Body powder - - -.--- 1.25 Body Powder and Bubbling Bath Essence ------ 2.75 Gifts by "IRevioli" Bublig BthEsenc 125 MATCH MAKER SET BubbingBathEssnce .25 Polish Remover & Lipstlic Cologne - --- --------- --65e 1.00 Perfume - 35c-65c-1.25-2.25 Other Sets 1.50-2.50-3.00-5.00 Cutex Manicure Sets .... from 35e to 7.50 WATERMAN'S Pen and Pencil Sets .. fromn 1.50 to 13.50 For Ladies and Gentlemen EATON, CRANE and PIKE FINE STATIONERY .......Oc to 2.25 YARDLEY OLD.ENGLUSH LAVENDER .. 1.10 - 5.00 Gift Sets for Ladies & Gentlemen We have the above as welI as our exclusive .Unes of Elizabeth Arden, Ilarriet I-ubbard Ayer, Hielena Rubinstein and Adrienne. CHOCOLATES CHRISTMAS WRAPPED lb. 59C ELITE BOX............. 1.17 Greeting Cards 2 for Se, Sc, 3 for 10c, 10c Jury & Lovel The Rexail Drug Store Phone 778 C.N.R. Ticket Agency Military Headquarters at Kings- among the nine officers of Re- ton announce that Lieut. M. Bres- serve Force Units who have quali- fied as full lieutenants as a resuit lin and Lieut. P. E. Hamilton, 2nd of passing courses held at Con- 'R) Battalion Midland Regt., are naught Ranges. Lasting appiness With Lasting Home ifts . Chesterfield Suites Dining Room-Dinette Bedroom Suites STOCK AVAILABLE FOR f '~ CHRISTMAS DELIVERY SPECIAL - Walnut Bedroom Suites wlth MARSHALL mat- -~ tresses and Saglesa sprlng * ' $139mOO SELET YIJR AMPFrom 01W large stock - over 100 SELEC YOURLAMP lamps to,,choose frem "iA Tri-Light Lamp Makes an Ideal Gift"y G1FT SUGGESTIONS Desks Card Tables Coffee Tables Smokers Footstools Chairs Tea-Wagons Trays Bridge Sets Rockers Bookeases Mirrors Sewlng Cabinets Boudglr Chairs Cedar Chests Hassocks Mats Bedspreads End Tables Comforters QU" F. F, MORRIS Co. BOWMANVILLE ORONO t a' GIFT SUGGESTION S FOR DAD- TIES - SI-IRTS - GLOVES - SCARVES SOCKS - CIGARS - CIGARETTES SLIPPERS and BOOKS GOOD ASSORTMENT AT GILBERT'S MINCEME AT MAPLE LEAF - 2 pie size.......... 29c DUTHIES FRUIT FILLED ...2 Ibs. 25c .GET MOTHER TO BAKE A PIE TODAY BUY YOUR ONUONS NOW ...3 Ibs. 10c GOOD KEEPERS - WELL DRIED Take Advantage of The New Prices -ON - TEA, COFFEE and ORANGES QIUALITY ALWAYS GOOD Send War Savings Stamnps and Certificates AS CH-RISTMAS GIFTS Available at Blackstock Post Office - See the new Christmas Folders ALEX. GILBERT 1~t r et THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGEEIGHT %5%3L