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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1942, p. 3

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BQWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE Wedding Graham-Clemence A quiet wedding was solemniz- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clernence, Shaw's, on Mon- day evening, December 14, when their eldest daughter, Mary Helen, became the bride o! Wesley Bea- cock Graham, son a! Mrs. Graham and the late Mr. Charles Graham o! Pontiac, Mich. Rev. R. E. Mor- ton oficiated and Mrs. Laura Fishér played the wedding music. The bride iooked lovely in hier FOR D Oranges Apples--4 Grapes RED EMPEROR travelling dress a! sapphire blue velvet with matching turban and veil, and carsage a! red roses. She ware the groam's gift, a two- strand necklace of pearîs. Miss Betty Snawden was bridesmaid in a gald waal frock with brawn ac- cessaries and carsage o! bronze mums. Mr. John Holmnes was graomsman. Fallowing the recep- tian a dainty lunch was served, after which the happy couple lef t for paots west. Far travelling the bride wore a blue-gray fitted coat with blue fox collar and navy accessories. They wili reside in Pontiac, Michigan. ARTER'S MAS CAKE KADE PROU FAMOUS ENGISER REOIPE Delicious, Spicy, p'ull of Fruits and Nuts. CUT Cake lb. 50cg Plain Cakes 2.00 DECORATED CAKES 3.00 - PLACE rOUR ORDER EARîLY GIFT CHOCOLATES LOWNEY'S AMERICAN BEAUTY CHOCOLATES Box of 11hb. 70c Box of 28 ozs. 1.20 SERVE CARTER'S 13READ Keep the family healthy and satisfied by serving Carter 's Wholesome Bread ut every mxal. Be patriotic, carry youx parcels. CARTER'S BREAD 13B MADE HERE - BAKED HERE FRESH PROM OVEN TO YOU THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED DECEMBER 25, 26 and 27 IV 4- - Obituary . Soldier's Letter "D" Coy. 3 Mrs. Mary Etta Freemian Allen tMdadRet A meriber of Lisgar Street Sal- Area P. O. vation Army Corps, Toronto, Mrs. Prince Rupert, B.C. Mary Etta Freeman Allen, 62 November 22, 1942 widow of George Allen, died 'D'c Dear George.- 9th at the Toronto General Hos- Just a line to acknowledge yôui Lpital. She suffered a stroke last letter. I remember you sayini Friday. Born at Bowmanville, the that the older a person got, th( daughter of the late William Free- faster the years seem to fly by man, for many years a painter and and I believe you are right. As ' decorator in that community, Mrs. look back at the two years oi Allen received her educatioA at more we have been with the Mid. the local school. She came to To- land Regt., the changes that havd ronto 38 years ago, following her taken place, and the. differen marriage, and was residing at 26 parts of the country we have bee: Westminster Ave. Her husband in, it seems but yesterday that was, for many years, employed at le! t your staff and enlisted, an( the Bowmanville Organ Works altho' I am flot as yet grey-headec and at Massey-Harris Ltd. as a or old, I realize that time marche woodturner. Surviving are four on with an ever-quickening pace daughters, Mrs. William Baxter, Even as these birthdays comi Mrs. J. Hill and Mrs. Robert Gil- and go, the years pile up to sta3 berds, ail o! Toronto, and Mrs. and I am glad to think you ar Harold Chapman of Las Angeles, stillinm good health and carryiný Cal., and a son, Cecil, also of To- onl as editor o! the home-towi ronto. paper, as you must realize by nom how much it means to the boys ir the forces away from home, (aý Alfred M. James some express it as "«an open lettei from home"). As one o! them The remains of Alfred M. James realize how much At means. were braught from Detroit, Michi- It has been raining prett3 gan, for interment in Bowmnan- steady for the last two weeks ville Cemetery on December lst. but today it has changed to snow The deceased passed away in De- s0 I guess "We'll be dreaming ai troit on Nov. 28, in his 83rd year. a White Christmas," which woul< Born in Cambray, Ontario, in be much better than a "Wet One? 1860, he was the youngest child o! I wish you would thank everyý the late William and Elizabeth one back home for being sa kin< James. In 1884 he married Nellie in looking me up when I waý McAuliffe o! St. Thomas who pre- home on sick leave. Especially thE deceased him two years ago. They Womnen's Auxiliary for the grand ceiebrated their golden wedding basket o! fruit they sent me. eight years ago. He spent severai I am back to work now afte: years in St. Thomas and Toronto, five manths in hospital, and ex- Mexico and El Paso, Texas, as a cept for.my right eye, I am feel. building contractor, and for the ing myself again, and have no re- last 25 years was with the "De- grets for my experience o! beinga trait Lubricator," Detroit. He was casualty in the field-while only a member of El Paso, Texas, in training. Lodge No. 130, A. F. & A. M. Give my regards to members of Surviving are two daughters, the staff, George, and thanks Mrs. George Herringer (Aima), agaîn for remembering me as ar Maple Creek, Sask., Mrs. Ord aid employee. Rhodes (Edna), Detroit, and one George Graham. son, Earl M. James, Detroit; six- teen grandchildren and five great- grandchiidren; and one sister, POSTMASTER KENT OFFERS Mrs. Edward Power, Oshawa. TIMELY SUGGESTIONS Friends and relatives from a TO POST OFFICE PATRONS distance who attended the funeral_____ service at F. F. Morris Chapel Business Mail-When mailing a were Mr. and Mrs. Ord Rhodes, number of letters !irst class mail Mrs. Francis Burke, Mr. and Mrs. be sure to tie them with string and Earl James, Mr. Frank Harding, hand in at the wicket, instead af Detroit; Misses Noreen and Le- dropping themn in the letter boxes. titia Herringer, Mr. and Mrs. W. Attend ta your mailing as early E. James, Mrs. H. C. Bowerman, as possible each day. Miss Maude Houck, Toronto; Mrs. Christmas Cards-Will patrons O'Donaghue, Mimico; Mrs. Ed- mailing Christmas cards segregate ward Power, Mr. Harold Power, the first class mail, namely with Misses Maude and Hazel Power, three cent stamps on, !rom the Miss Birdie Pollard, Oshawa; Mr'. cards with only a one cent stamp, Gardon Power, Orono; Mr. and as cards with one cent stamps are Mrs. Earl Houck, Bowmanville. third class mail and must be On Monday evening, Nov. 30, treated as such. previous ta shipping the remains Christmas Cards far Children- here a service was conducted in In mailing Christmas cards ta- Detroit by Rev. Jeffrey. The ser- children kindly address themn in vice here was canducted by Rev. care o! their parents. Canan C. R. Spencer, and the Where ta Buy Stamps - All bearers were members o! Jerusa- stamps wiii be sold at the end af lem Ladge A. F. & A. M. Rt. Wor. the office thru the door, NOT AT Bro. F. C: Hoar, P.D.D.G.M., had ANY 0F THE WICKETS. A large charge a! the impressive Masonic sign over the door indicates where service at the grave. the postage stamps are sold. LB. 250 1ce 12-OZ.JA 2 24-OZ. l ii LOAVES15 DATES SPITTEDLb H allowi 23Ç Lb. 19Ç SULTANA SEEDLESS RAISINS CANDY Creams & Jellies ILb. 23Ç Canada Dry IGINGER ALE SO-oz. Bottie24 ir ýg Le )r le le ýy .e ýg ,n ýn is ry I f, )f d Is e ýr -. Pedrs: Miss Thelma Roblin, 1Port Hope, Mrs. E. Strutt and Mrs. EC. Pethick, Enniskillen, wîth Mrs. *E.- Caughiii. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. *Dean and Beth, and Mr. Harold -Gatcheil, Oshawa, with Mrs. L. LOUNGING ROBES- Gatchel.. . Mr. W. Hoskins, Osh- (~-,~-. rm69 a79 awa,at home .AC2 RyCarter, rm69to75 Congratulations ta Miss Irene PJMSsye h Sharp, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. wyh ie hml Ada Sharp, and granddaughter ahelestmi o! Mrs. C. Sanderson, Burketon,al smart new colora on her marriage ta Harmy Gregg, 2.00 - 3.00 U.S.A.A.C., in California. SHIRTS o! rich broad- Blackstock à ~cloth.. euily Blac stoc " ~tailored . . . Ti!uII /11/ 5rr,. and standard Red Cross had a quiiting in the I' 14/ brands - --- -- 2.00 up community hall Dec. 8th, with 34 Others from 1.00, 1.25 ladiesupresent and 8 quilts made. 1.79 up A.Y.P.A. met at Mrs. Rabt. Parr's Dec. lith. Archdeacon ._.._.._.._.._ Simpson read the Christmas . TES.-resadfu- Story. Prayers were led by Presi- ards inil ep atol dent Tom Hadge. Miss Vera Far- atrdins.arth ateed der read a letter from the Domin- ta hold shape. ion Council leader, who hoped50,5e&10 that these associations could be50,7e&10 carried an in these trying times. Readings were given by Irene Rahm, Vera Farder and Tom SOCKS ... bath sflk Hadge. Contest was conducted by. and wool-Smart new Mrs. V. M. Archer. sae n atrs L.OL. 133 heid its annuai meet- shaesan pttm1.0 ing Dec. 7th when Rt. Wor. Bra. Henry Graham, Belleville, instaîl-........... ed these officers: I.P.M.-Stanford Van Camp; W. M. - Carl Wright; . his prciaus eck Deputy Master - Laverne Devitt; . w a re. o!t e Chapiain-Earl Dorrell; Rec. Sec. wr.Sf virgin -Ernest Larmer; Fin. Sec.-Roy- woal, and silk. aI Whitfieid; Treas.-Herb Swain; 75c Up to 1.95 Marshal-Henry Thampson; lst Lect.-Cecii Hill; 2nd Lect.-Roy Fergusan; Committee-Fred Wii- Men's Initialed ian, R. Hamiltan, S. Je!frey, W. HN)ECIF W.M.S, . mettr. H.hat If yau want ta be sure that the gi!t you give him will be grate- eah 45e ridge's Dec. loth. Meeting apened fully received . .. then you'd better be sure that it's fromn Couch, Box of 3 for 1.35 by singing camais. The Christmas Jahnstan & Cryderman. Needless ta say aur seiection is camplete ... ____ Story was given by Mrs. E. Lar- mer. Rail caii was answered by a and if yau knaw aur firmn at ail, yau'll know that aur prîces will fit SPLENDID LINE 0F Christmas thought and a dona- your Christrnas budget. Whether he's your husband, boy friend or SUITS AND tion ta B.W.V. Fund. These affi- cers were elected: President-Mrs. brother you'll !ind his favorite gi!t here. OVERCOATS IJabez Wright; Vice Pres.-Mrs. Cecil Hill; Sec'y.-Mrs. Roy Taï- MisTra s. MntiySe. -M. El Jn. U GNLADIES'ID E J e. -Er. Ehot 0GR B M R L A Lammer; Literature Sec. -'0*Mrs.IN R B Frank Stinson; Supply Sec.-Mrs. SMAT SFT OBE FO A. J. Johnston; Cammunity Sec'y. SATSI OE O nbakadclrmn -Mrs. Jno. McKee, Mrs. Jas. Hen- FIRESIDE GLAMOUR! In black and colora, wllh nwsles, andoloa mn ry; Press Sec.-Mrs. Alex Gilbert-, Chenilles flanne Mission Band -Mrs. Cecil Hill; Ceils lalsand other fnc9an8eeatne tyle 7.fr 0 Baby Band-Mrs. C. Wright; Fruit mater"alsinucholce colora. 1.95 -2-9598 to75 and Fiower-Mrs. Aiex Gilbert; 32-40 anid 3.95 Children's Purses at Graup Leaders-Mrs. E. Larmer, Mrs. H. Shortridge, Mrs. C. Wright 3.25 to 10-95SO and Mrs. N1. Mountjoy. Program____ LADIESso was in charge o! Mrs. Johnston: Topic, Christian Home, Mms. John- stan; 2nd part, Mrs. H. Hooey; Ha ke hif GLOVES eadings, Making o! Friends, Mrs. a d ec if KNI1TING BACS Jas. Henry; Soidier's Letter ta His Woollen, at Mother, Mrs. C. Hill; A Soldiem's Se to 1.00 ea. 59e and up 98e and up Christmas, Mrs. Jobb. Mms. W. R. Strike, dietitian Single and boxed, ln aIl Also Kid at____ Bawmanviiie, on Dec. 10th, ad: colors. Bo3res of three 1.69 -2.95 dressed the Home Nursing Course 9 -59FaretL NC E NST sponsored by Cartwright Twp. i -59FaretLU C E NST Red Cross, in the high schooi. Mrs. and up to 1.00 59e and up 1.00 to 3.50 Strike gave a mast interesting ad- dmess on "Thé Food Need a! Aduits" under these headings, THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED DECEMBER 25th and 26th The Day's Food, Sampie Meals, _____________________________________________ Food Groups, Food Combinations, Overweieht and Underweight. A 'homt discussion, in which Mmrs. Sie hser dred ssins.ol OUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN S t r i k e r a s w r e d s t i n s f l Miss Minnie Stevenson fell and PHONE 836 KING ST. fractured hem hiD. She is in Bow- manvilie Hospital.I. Dariington and Cartwrightl BusinessMn met at Ale. Gil- besDec. th. MsStanford VanCamp isi W e l l e l y H as p i t a l , T o r o n t o where she is imprving slwly after an aperatian. Mr. Wesley Bradburn is out again. At the special service in the United Church Sunday night Rev. W. C. Smith, Port Perry, was guest minister, and Archdeacon Simpson o! St. Jahn's assisted. Special music by the chair, direct- ed by Mrs. Ada Jones-Sadler, was Cadmus Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. met December 8th with Il present. Meeting was opened by President Mrs. H. Philp. Roll caîl was ans- wered by a Christmas thought. The beautiful story of the birth of Christ was read by the presi- dent. Devotional was taken by Rev. D. M. Stinson who gave same inspiring Christmas t h a u g h t s. Mrs. H A. Galbraith and Mrs. M. McKee gave Christmas readings full of inspiring messages. While the pragram was being given the ladies' fingers were busy and two qults were quilted for Red Cross. The ladies decided ta give $25.00 towards local support o! our church and $15.00 as aur mission- ary allocation. Election of officers was conducted by the pastar and are: President-Mrs. Harry Phiip; Ist Vice Pres.-Mrs . H . A. Gai braith; Secretary-Miss A nnie *Mountjoy; Treas.-Mrs. Marwaad McKee; Press Sec'y.-Mrs J. E. rEiliott; Strangers Sec'y.-Mrs. H. A. Galbraith; Organist-Mrs. Gar- don Stinson; Assistant-Mrs. W. G. Philp; Flower and Fruit Com- mittee-Mrs. Gea. Fowler, Mrs. W. Sweet; Program Committee- Mrs. Gea. Fowler, Mrs. Oscar Mc- Quade, Mrs. Lamne McKee, Mrs. Phayre, Mrs. Sweet, Mrs. Mar- wood McKee. Burketon Women's Association held their annual bazaar and tea in the church Thursday, with a faim at- tendance. Most o! the lovely and useful articles were disposed of. Pmoceeds were well over $50.00. A rummage sale was also held. In the evening the regular meet- ing was held, with Mrs. J. Plant, president, in the chair. Reports fram the secretary, treasurer, and war womk treasurer were read. Mrs. J. Carter took the missionamy topic and offered a beautiful prayer. Pmagram consisted o! readings by Mrs. W. Hoskin. Mm J. Plant took charge for the eiecr- tian o! officers, ail being re-ect ed, with the exception o! thefri and fiowem committee. They are: President-Mrs. J. Plant; Vice- President-Mrs. J. GilI; Secmetary -Mrs. W. Hoskin; Treasurer- Mrs. A. Aidred; Devotional-Mrs. T. Baiiey and Mrs. H. Rahm; Mis- sionary-Mrs. J. Carter; Organists -Mrs. F. Caughill and Mr'. J. Plant; Fruit and Flower-Mrs. L. Gatcheli and Mrs. T. Bailey; War Work Treasurer -Mrs. J. GilI; Group Leaders-Mrs. D. McTag- gart, Mrs. J. Gi, Mrs. L. Gatcheli and Mms. T. Breck. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rahm have gone ta Toronto ta spend the wîn- Vivian Sadier, and a duet by Mrs. SadIer and Mrs. Jabez Wright. 0 Visitors: Miss Helen VanCamp, Oshawa, with her parents... Mr. THE DAIRYMAN- and Mrs. Stephen Saywell, Osh- awa, at Mr. A. L. Bailey's. .. Mr'. A MODERN W. L. Scott, Cobaurg, at home.. Mr. and Mrs. C. Venning and WARRIOR family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fer- gusan, at Mr'. T. Samelîs'. ~ _ Peat bogs and timber supplies in Sweden are being intensively developed to alleviate coal short- - ages, according ta the Department Phone Port Perry 106-21 Our Motta: Quallty and Service ~NP~ HE FIGHTS FOR SEE OUR SELECTION 0F EATON-CRANE and PMRE BETTER QUALITY STATIONERY - - 50c to 1.50. CHRISTMAS GIFTS For The Whole Family at GILBERT'S BUY TODAY FOR BEST SELECTIONS For Your Christmas Baking Use FARNCOMB'S 3xxx 24-lb. Bag PASTRY FLOUR --79c ORDER YOUR BREAD FOR DRESSINGS EARLY WE WILL KEEP IT STALE FOR YOU SEE THE NEW Navel Oranges and Emperor Grapes PRICED TO W.PT.B. REQUIREMENTS ALEX. GIILIERT GENERAL MERCHANT - BLACKSTOCK, ONT. Milk le Down 2c qt. Bowm a ovile Dairy You, too, can be Healthy and strong, If with the milkman You'll string aiong. He fights for yau, Cooperate with him, Drink milk each day For Vigor and Vim. They both begin With the letter V And help us stand REI PARW ... 5& DINNERi4%, Good Size DOZ. -27C CROSSE & BLACKWELL'e MWint Jelly DOMINIlON Bread For the Xmas Feast SEE OUR SPECIAL PRICES -ON - CRANBERRIES ALL SUZES Navel ORANGE CRISP CELERY FIRM-ICEBERG LETTUCE FIRM-RIE' TOMATOES FRESH WASHED PARSNIPS Richmello Coffee LB. 3V FANCY LB. Shortbiead Biscuits 25< CLARK'S 20-OZ. TIN Tomato Juice -- 9c CRISTIS XMAS LB. FRUIT CAKE 40e KRAF"T or CHATEAU PKG. CREAMW CHEESE 21c BULK LB.I Glazed CHERRIES 49e APPLE IDER - 19e STORE CLOSED SAT., DEC. 26, -for BOXING DAY - , - -- ""F TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE

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