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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1942, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1942 BOOKS New fiction - non-fiction- reprints - juveies - toy books - cut-outs-paint books. STATIONERY PAPETERIIES from 25e to 3.50 Good quallty paper attractlvely boxed. PEN AND PENCIL SETS CHINA and GLASS English cups and saucers - cake plates - bon bons - novelties - glass plates, fruit bowls and vases - ail from 10e to 3.00 HANDKERCHIEFS Single and boxed for children and grown-ups Se to soc Embroidered Pillow Cases and Towels Games, toys, dolis, Christmas cards, calendars, glft wrappings and ties, candies for table dec- orations. STORE OPEN EVENINGS BEGWINNNG FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18 J. W. JEWELL "dBIG 20"9 BOOKSTORE Phone 556 Bowmanvile PROCLAMATION Pursuant to a resolution of the Coundil of the Muni- icipal Corporation of the Town of Bownianville, I do hereby proclaim SAT., DEC. 2bth 1942 (BOXING DAY) A Civic Holiday IN THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Dated tixis 17th day of December, 1942 C. .MORRIS, Acting Mayor GOD SAVE THE KING Nestieton W. I. met at Mrs. Jos. Fordcr's Dcc. 9th, with meeting in charge of Mrs. D. Davidson's graup. Ral cail: Blessings for which I am thankfui. There wcre 21 ladies present and a number of childrcn. Draws were made and Mrs. Harry McLaughiin got the quilt. and Mrs. W. Johnson, Pcfferiaw, the cushian. $7.25 was realized for the Red Cross. Readings were given by Miss Ethel Thampson, Mrs. Lamne Thampson and Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Letters were read from boys averseas wha had re- ccived boxes. Bobby and Bryce Philp have had chickcnpox. Deibert Beacock has taken over Arthur Hulbert's mail raute. Mrs. Albemt Beacock's sale was quito a success. Lucky it was such a nice day. Miss Crystal Fallis, R.N., Lind- say, is nursing Mrs. R. P. Bowles. Gilbert Malaw gat his eall and went ta Kingston last Manday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black who ceicbrated their 15th wedding annivcrsary and gave their friends a party. Robt. Ewers, Royal Navy, is home canvalescing from scarlet fever. Farm Forum met at Mr. Ivan Proutt's Dec. 7th. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt visited friends in Lindsay. Mrs. Prautt's mother is very sick in Lindsay hospital. . . Mr. and Mrs. Burney Haaey with Mrs. Herman Samelîs. .. Mrs. L. Jablin with hermomther, Mrs. Jas. Mal- colm, Part Perry. . . Miss Anna Sameils with her grandmather1 Mrs. John Henderson. . . Mrs. Stanley Malcolm with lier mather, Mrs. Anson Taylor. Blackstock.. Mr. John MeGili, Janetville, with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Williamson.. Edgar Emerson, R.C.A.F., with lis parents. W. A. met at Mrs. Wilfred Wil- liams' Dec. 101h, with meeting in charge of Mrs. Williams' graup. Scripture lesson was read by Rev. D. M. Stinson. Election af affi- cers: President-Mrs. S. Malcolm; 151 Vice-Mrs. R. W. Marlaw; 2nd1 Vice-Mrs. A. Suggitt; Sece-Treas. -Mrs. Wm. Steele; Assist. Sec.- Mrs. L. Joblin; Treasurer-Mrs. N. C. Marlow; Flowcr Committee -Mrs. C. H. Porteous and Mms. M. Emérsan. Dainty lunch was scrved. Courtice W.M.S. met Dec. lth, with thE Mission Circle girls as guests. ThE meeting was apened by Pres. Mrs G. F. Annis, followed by praye: by Mrs. E. Werry. Mrs. Harry Gay, Pres. of Mission Circle, pre- sented this program: Piano duet, Mrs. Eric Courtice, Miss Ada An- nis; reading, Miss A. Arnold; solo. Mrs. C. Hookin; paper on Friend. ship, Mrs. L. Courtice; Christmaç Candlelight Service was present- ed by the girls. Meeting closec with contests and refreshments. These officers were elected for 1943: Hon. Pres.-Mrs. R. E. Os- borne; Pres.-Mrs. G. F. Annis; lst Vice Pres.-Mrs. A. J. Gay; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs. H. F. Os- borne; 3rd Vice Pres.-Mrs.. Esli Oke; Rec. Sec.-Mrs. R. R. Gay; Asst. Sec.-Mrs. W. Biekle; Treas- urer-Mrs. Elton Werry; Cor. Sec. -Mrs. A. J. Oke; Sec. Christian Stewardship-Mrs. F. W. Rundie; Sec. Community Friendship-Mrs. J. C. Found; Supply Sec.-Mrs. W. H. Nichois; Red Cross Sec.- Mrs. Cecil Worden: Associate Helper-Mrs. F. Rundle; Temper- ance and Christian Stewardship- Mrs. R. C. Pearce; Missionary Monthies-Aura Osborne; Litera. turc Sec.-Mrs. H. Linstead; Press Sec.-Mrs. . R. Pickeli; Missior Circle-Mrs. H. H. Nichais; No.4 Mission Band-Mrs. S. Coverly, Eileen Pickell. Alice Arnold; Baby Band Supt.-Mrs. Chas. Osborne; Asst. Supt.-Mrs. Chas. Faund. Congratulations to G. F. Annis on becoming President of Bow. manville Men's Canadian Club, and to W. R. Piekell on becoming 111 LIKE WislsCOCOA BECAUSE IT'S THE CHOCOLATE COCOA95 Yeti And it's a Quality Cocoai too-fuII of nourisliment tu, give you energy. It's just as deliclous to, drink as Neilson's Jersey MiIk Chocolate is to eut. ~lin 194 1lb. in 29t Wittlït(0(011O is )r Enn iskillen We welcomc Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Cornish and son Sidney, Whitby, ta aur cammunity who have mav- cd on to the Smith farm wcst af the village. Haydon Our leadher, Miss Jean Hauston, las asked for icave of absence, having jained tle Women's Divi- sion of R.C.A.F. SIc reparts ai Rockciiffe on Jan. 8. Congratulatians ta Gardon Sic- mon on winning the Barton, Ro- tary Club, and Lions Club prizes at the Commencement, also for having the honor of delivering the vaiedictary address. Cliffard Trewin has completed his caurse in the Machine Shap and has abtaincd work at Whitby. Mrs. Russell Ormiston has re- turncd home after spending sev- cral wceks at her sister's, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Mrs. E. Bradley apencd 1er home for the W. A. Thursday, when the ladies entertained the men. A tasty supper was scrved. Bible reading was given by Mrs. C. Garrard, and the devotional by Mrs. H. Ashton. Readings were given by Mrs. C. Sieman, Mrs. T. Mountjoy and Mrs. T. Cowling, and music by the Beecel family; solos by Vivian Cawling and Win- nie Trewin, accampanied by Cccil Siemon an the violin. Miss Jean Houston gave an instrumental. Thc remainder of the evening was spent in a social time. Five dol- lars will be sent ta British War1 Victimne>Fund. Visitors: Mrs. E. Luke, Bow- manville, Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Enniskillcn, at Mm. E. Bradlcy's. . . Gnr. Arthur Trewin, L.A.A.,) Brampton, at lame. . . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Maple Grave, Mr. Gardon Werry and Boyd, Mimico, at Mr. L. Ashton's. .Mrs. W. Tlampson, Mrs. Frank Osmond and Connie with relatives in Bowmanville. . . Mrs. Fred Adams, Hampton, at Mr. E. Ste- phenson's. .. Bruce Garrard, Cal- umbus, at home.. . Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wcrry, Enniskillen, at Mr. C. Slemon's. . . . Sgt. Donald Mauntjoy, R.C.A.F., is home. OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS GOLOSHIM ISKI BOOTS SNOW BOOTS USED SKATES Corne and sec our stock- You'd be surpriscd at the large varlcty and low prices. E. S. NAYLQR SHOE REPAIR Opposite Gartpn's BOWMANVILLE President of Ebenezer Circuit Brotherhood. Visitors: James Hancock, R.C.N. Toronto, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Hancock... Miss Pat Hus- band, Toronto, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Husband. .. Miss Muriel Found with Mrs. J. Beau- champ, Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lymer, Maple Grove, at Mr. Chas. Found's. .. Byron Worden, R.C.O.C., Brantford, at home.... Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gay at Mr. Cecil Robinson's, Ajax. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Gay and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gay, with Mr. Les. Jackson, Bowmanvilie. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worden, Oshawa, at Mr. A. Down's... Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Robinson, Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Gay. . . Misses Veima and Louise Pearce, Osha- wva, with their parents. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Osborne and Lynda from aur community. They have moved to that ever growing town of Ajax. Obituary Ralph Stutt Rowland il Mentian was made in a recent yissue of the death of Ralph Stutt Rowland at his home, 94 Niagara St., Winnipeg. He was the fourth ýson of the late Mm. and Mrs. James Rowland, Lake Shore, Clarke. He attended the Lakce 9Shore public sclool and receivcd his bigh school education, like nearly al lte Rowland family, at Newcastle higî schaal. Later le attcnded the Toronto Normal Sehool and at the age of 21 went ta Winnipeg where le joined the staff of the Federai Life Insur- ance Company as a saiesman, later being appaintcd as manager at Winnipeg. (It was in tIc fali of 1905 that this correspondent cailed an him at his Winnipeg office). When the Federal Life Insurance Company amalgamated with the Sun Life Mr. Rowland was made boan manager for Mani- toba. In 1934 he retired owing ta iii health. Mm. Rowland was a member of the Prince Rupert Lodgc, A. F. & A. M. Activeiy associated with the Scottish Rite, he was past pmesiding officer of the Rase Croix clapter and member of the Mani- toba Consistory, 32ndl degree of tle Rite. In Sîrine circies he was intercstcd in the Shriners' hospi- tai for crippied children. At anc lime le was a member of the lospital board of governars. He was anc of the original members of the Carleton Club in Winnipeg and in Is cariier yeams held membemship in thc Winnipeg Young Men's Board Qf Trade. Mm. Rowland was a member of St. Stcphens-Broadway U n i t ed Church, and the funemai service November 241h, was conducted by Rev. H. A. Frame, assistcd by Rev. jDr. G. A. Woodside, a farmer pas- jtam. He is survivcd by lis widow» thîe former Miss Olive Clark; anc daughter, Mrs. Crawford M. Thmn ofd nnipesofoubatders, Tlomnd of innipeg, and brtwor J. F. Rowland, Kingstan, Arthur of Toronto, John of Elmira, and Howell, on the Rowland home- stead, RR3 Newcastle; and two s is teýrsý,Mrs.3 Chas. Baker, West- mount, Que., and Mrs. Leslie C. Fallis, London, Ont. Officiating at île funeral and athe burial in Eimwaod ceme- temy wcmre six lanomamy and six active pallbeamers. The ligît of nature, tle light of science, and the light of meason, are but as darkness, compared with the divine ligît which shines oniy fmom the word of God.-John R. Lard. Local Employees of Bell Telephone Co. On Active Service Recent issues of that splendid magazine "The Blue Bell" pub- lishcd by tIc Bell Telephone Com- pany, contained many photos of their employecs on active service. Among the photos we recognized the following men whom we are proud ta dlaim as Bowmanville boys: AC2 W. J. Hutehinson wha was on the staff of tle To- ranto Exchange when he en listed with the R.C.F.C. He is son of Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson.1 L.ICpL. Cleve W. MeMan is the saldier on tle right of this graup and was an installer at thc Oshawa office wîen he cniisted. He is son of Mrs. Fred Baker, Scugog Street. Capt. A. Lcland Edger was on the Engineering Dept. at Toronto whcn le enlistcd well over a year aga. He is with the Signal Corps on averseas duty with the armed forces. Bill, as he is known in his home town, serv- ed averseas with the Canadian traops in thc first Worid War. He is a brother of W. A. Edger, town, and Mrs. W. E. Crago, Providence. October sales in general country! stores avcraged 17 per cent higleri than last year, it is estimated by' the Dominion Bureau af Statistics. Ail regians of the country report- cd gains ranging from i1 per cent for Northcrn Ontario ta 36 per cent for Southern Saskatchewan. Sales for the ten months ending Octaber average 13.7 per cent higher than in the corresponding periad of last year. Your daiiy duties are a part of your religiaus life just as much as your devotion.-Beecler. The best advertisement of a workshop is first-class work. The strongest attractian ta Christian- ity is a well-made Christian char- acter.-T. L. Cuylem. PERMANENT For CHRISTMAS The ideal Christmas pres- cnt for your wife, mother, daughter, sister or sweet- heart. Whether she is six- teen or sixty she'li tell you it is the best gift yct. Flattcring Styles From $2.50_up A happy Christmas and the jolliest of New Years ta ail our friends and patrons. MILLER'S BEAUTY PARLOUR Bowmanvllle Phone 85e~ 800 William St. London, Ont. December 12, 1942 Dear George: Two items in last wcek's States- man had my special attention. There was the fine understand- ing tribute paid ta the memory of that master of sang, Henry Knight. Who that ever heard him will forget the way he cauld put saul into what he sang? Do you remember tIc request of gaod aid Dr. Brimacombe that at his fun- emal service Henry Knight sîould sing "The Glory Sang." Those were great days in Bowmanvilie musical circles, when Henry Knight and Mrs. Arthur Cawker were in their prime. And then there was Everett Haar's letter from the far north. I remember him as anc of the bright sturdy lads who came ta the high school from Darlington township in my time. Years after, I saw him when he had a branch office of his trucking business here in London, and naw I read with great interest his message fram Dawson Crcek, B.C. Everet has literally gane far during the years. Good luck ta him. And further. an item in the daily press which stated that Rev. H. S. Cobb, B.A., B.D., United Church minister at Tilisanburg and chaîrman of Oxford Presby- tery, had esigned ta accept ser- vice in the Veterans' Guard of Canada as a combatant afficer with the rank of Lieutenant and was ta report for duty at London on Dec. llth, has also a Darling-. ton suggestion. Mrs. Cobb, for- merly Ella Wight, will be rcmem- bercd by former B.H.S. students ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT COOKING APPLES CRANEERRIES GRAES Calil CELERY YAMS LOUISIA GIFT- SUGGESTIONS We invite You To Inspect Our Stock For Your Gits of Superlor Quallty at Lowest Prices In The Editor's Mail, Detroit, Mich. December 10, 1942 Dear George James,- Here it is time once more ta renew our subscription to the home town paper. We stili are most eager to go over its pages. Once in a while we find ourselves rather confused over the genera tion of some old familiar narne but that is flot surprising after being away more than forty ycars. It has been in our family a long time and after seeing a few per- sonal lines in the "Fifty Years Ago" colum-n recenlly it remind- ed us that is many years! The fine morale of the paper neyer wavers. We scarcely expect this holiday time ta be quite as merry as usual with so much sadness and suffer- ing in this war-torn time but we must celebrate Christmas with al its beauty of meaning and trust a happier new year may follow. Frank joins me in sincere good wishes. Velma Jewell Downs. Desk Thermometers --- Brusll, Comb and Nail File -- ----- 49c-1.25 FRESHPACK STATIONERY i PEN and CHOCOLATES In Cedar Chesti PENCIL SETS 1-2-3 lbs. Fancy Boxes 60c-1.20-1.80 1 49c-2.50 1.98 te 10.70 MO0LINARD SETS In Fancy Chests with Mirror Are Distinctive 2 - 3 - 5 - 10 Pleces 2.50 to 18.00 Give Him a BRUSHY COMB & TRAVELLING SET MIRROR SETS wlth zipper case of modern design 2.75 - 4.95 - 6.95 2.75 to 11.00 SHAVI'NG SETS TOILET SETS Colgaté's 29c-59C-1.19 Cashmere Bouquet 29c-1.65 Palmolive -- --- 29c-59c-1.23 Cutex ---------- 39e te 4.00 Woodbury's ---- 29c-55c-1.10 Yardley's ---1.00 te 10.00 Yardley's 1.25 to 3.25 Woodbury's ---29e to 2.20 We Have a Complete Stock of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco - Smail and Large Sizes PhoneCO IGSDU TR We fit ,,69LIGS UGS O E trusses FOR LADIES Perfumes ------- 25c to 6* Bath Powder-4 f .~ Bath Saîts .55e - 1.25 Bubble Bath -------------- 25c te 1.00 Toilet as anc of two sisters, Effa and Lamps make ail-spots, and Ella Wight, daughters af Ex- candles need snuffing; iA is only Reeve Alex Wight of Darlington, the iight of heaven that shines w.ho used ta drive in ta the high pure and leaves no stain.-Goethe. schooi with their brother Harvey. Truc Christian culture leads ta Mr. Cobb, a veteran of the last and expresses itself in service, war, came from the Saskatchewan while faitlful and laving service conference four years ago. is the best means af Christian cul- John Elliott.1 ture.-Washington Gladden. lb. 27 lb. 19C ioç: 3 Lbs. 29C Closedalal day Friday 'and Saturday with the rest of the food stores. QUAKER OATS - 19e WRIE DEANS 3il,-.14c SHORTENINC Mov'ei. J18c MATCHES Maple Leaf li k3g' 23c FOODS Aylmer infant Tin 7C VICOIR "8 rTin 49c CLEANSER White Sail Ti. 4C LARD Sunnyfield lb. i5C APPLE CIDER Bu 17C OATMEAL 3 nIa. 14C XMAS CANDLES 3 yor 14c PEEL Cut Mixed n-lb. 14C CHEESE OId lb. 32c CHEESE New lb. 27c VANJLLA Pure B440.23RI PAPIEIR NAPKJS Pkg. OC COFFIE CUSTOM GROUND BOKAR 1i' 3è5 c %Bft 18 c 8 O'CLOCK 1-1b. 31C %-lb. 16C RED'CIRCLE Bar27c Bc*14C 2 coupons for 1-lb. à Coupon for 44-lb. Sec our bevy of wonderfui slipper gifts for aIl the family! ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS CHOICE COD rILZLTS lb. Rie POULTRY CUIIOCE HADDOCK FILLTS IL. 29c NOW CHICKE1VS tOSTG41/2 to 6 lbç. lb'.30c G EESE Fancy Grade A 10 to 14 bs. IL. 29 C hrsms We tr er FOW IL Boiling 4 to 51/2 Ibs 5 WEDN T ESDAY -----p---- . D c S Fancy 5 to 6 Ibs. lb. 33c THURSDAY -7-------- DTJTCU LUNCH 44 m'oKE- SKINLHss2 SALAMI IL .33 C WIASIbP5 c Large Julcy 288,1 do:. 25< Texas Marshseed- 3 g, less - Large 96's 3 for 17c 6-qt. Bask. 25( Fr-esh' Cape Cod fornla Red Emperor Native Grown - White, Tender, Crisp NMA Ann Page Vitamin "B" DWhite. Whole D ~~or Cracked 24EWha L.aves C FRUIT CAKE 1-kb c 2-lb 65C STEERO CUBESChlkena2,~ 3c TEA Nectar Orange Pekas (2 Coupons) 4B-an' c TOMWATO SOUP clark's 3 lins ?.Oc CDANDERRBY SAUCE Tinz27c GRAPENUTS FLAKES a Pkgs. 17c y, FOR MEN Shave Bowls -- 49c-59c-75e Shave Brushes -- 39c te 5.00 Flashlights ----- 89e te 2.50 III ,Il 101 ffltab-offlme; PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1942

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