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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1942, p. 5

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TH[URSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Social - Personal L.ICpi Russell Oke, Listowel, spent the weekend with Mrs. Oke. Pte. Jackson Wray, R.C.O.C., Kingston, visited Mrs. Wray. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Yeo, Toronto, spent the weekend with bis fa- ther. RING STREET Capt. Selby Spencer, Prince Ru- Pert, B.C., is home on leave. Lieut. Newton Hackney, Peta- wawa, is visiting bis famîly here. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robinson, Toronto, visited bis parents. Tbe Girls' Service Club has offered ta donate $10 ta purchase curtains for the Soldiers Rest Room, not $40 as stated in last week'ý issue. PHONE 463 1 Send in your list of holiday visitors early for the Personal Column. Mrs. T. A. Reid, Clarke, spent the week with ber father Mr. Jobn C. Elliott. Miss Ruth Cryderman, Toronto, spent tbe weekend with ber mo- ther, Mrs. Fred Cryderman. Mrs. Clarence Hayes, Columbus, bas been guest of Mrs. N. S. B. James. Mrs. Mafy Griffin, Enniskillen, spent tbe weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Larmer. Miss Jean Rundie has returned to Oshawa after visiting ber motber, Mrs. W. J. S. Rundie. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stonehouse and Mrs. A. Morton, Toronto, visited friends in town on Sunday. AC2 Bill Hutchinson, R.C.A.F., Toronto, spent the weekend with bis mother Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Miss Helen ]Vlason, Toronto, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mason. Major A. R. Virgin, Kingston, spent the weekend with bis family here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes and childrcn visited Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Hugbes, Toronto. Gnr. George Dadson bas re- turned ta Kingston after spending bis leave with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dadson. Public Library will be closed on Saturday, Dec. 26, as well as on Cbristmas Day by permission of the Libralry Board. CpI. Alex Lyle wbo is taking a paratroop training course in Montana is visiting bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lyle. Sergt. Pilot Eric Swindells, who received bis wings last week at Yorkton, Sask., is visiting bis par- ents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swindells. Wesley Campbell, Nestleton, in renewing bis subscription writes: I find we cannot get along witb- out The Statesman. Pte. Jobn Welsh, Signaller at tbe Basic Training Camp, Bramp- ton, visited bis parents Mr. and Mrs. James Welsb. Rev. W. P. Rogers was guest speaker at Port Hope Rotary Club in the Queen's Hotel on Wednes- day evening. LSergt. Geo. Jackson, Queen's Own, arrived home from Englandj ta spend Christmas with *his family. Renew your magazine subscrip- tions at Jobnston's Book Store and save postage. They make ideal Christmas gifts. 51-11 Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn were in Toronto on Wednesday1 attending the funeral of the for-c mer's aunt, Miss Mary C. Tamb-] lyn, who died in Toronto on.Mon- day. Mr. Harper Carscadden, Ken- dal, and Mrs. T. A. Reid, Clarke, attended the funeral of their cousin Mrs. Mary Brenton, Belle- ville. Mrs. Brenton was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Newsome, Orono. Messrs. M. J. Elliott and F. W. Bo-yen returned Sunday from. at- tending the Conservative conven- tion in Winnipeg. While there they were entertained in true western hospitality by a well known Durbam County Boy, Mr.j Wreford Souch.1 Alice Jackson Mission Band Roman Catholic Church met in Trinfty Primary class room Dec. l4th. Meeting opened by Shows Steady Growth members working on their scrap Un Southern Ontario books fallowed by worship ser-____ vice with quiet music. Mrs. S. McMurter offered a prayer and Ail Communities Between Belle- Bona Mary Griffith gave the ville and Toronto Now Have scripture reeding. - Several bymns Chiirches were sung. Offering was taken and then the rail caîl. Meeting For the first time in its histary, closed with Taps. Coîborne bas its own Roman The Lend-a-Hand Group of C atbolic Cburcb, relieving mem- Trinity Church C.G.I.T. met Tues- bers of that church of the neces- day evening. President Shirley sity of driving ta Graftan ta go ta Moor conucte thebusiness. church on Sundays. Last Sundey Moos re ondcedfot hritmsMansignor F. O'Sullîvan opened Pans wTee mae grf or a hrithas the church, which is located in the party. Tbeu theiarsin joiSndatheformer Dr. Willoughby mansion, Evening Auxianiery inteudey One side of the building is the choole-room erdvpcesened a chapel, with accommodation for preciation of the work of aur mis10pelanth hrsi s sioneries and prayers round the the church hall. Rev. Fether J. world. The meeting closed with a Ryan, assistant priest et St. Mich- Christmas story, followed bytaps. ael's Roman Catholic Church, Co- bourg, administretor of the perish Mrs. J. H. Jury opened hier at Grefton, is looking efter the home for the Christmas service of spiritual needs of the cangrege- St. Peul's W.M.S. President Mrs. tian at Coîborne. Robt. Hetherington presided. The TeCîon hrhi nw cendle light service was conduct- asThe Clohurch fSt.Frnîs 0 cd by the president, essisted by assithe."C cofS.Faisf seven members. Janet McGregor Joisi. The altar was made by favored with a recitatian, and the Jseph Grozelle, Beltimore, and soloist was* Mrs. Reta Dudley. Bhe decarating was dane by Percy Mrs. Hetheringtan thanked the Bradbury, Cabourg. The decora- society for their ca-aperatian dur lions were designed by Rev. Fa- ing the year, and on behaîf of Iber Ryan. the members welcomed Mrs. W. The location of the church at H. Carruthers as the new presi- Coîborne means tbat now there is dent. A social bour was enjayed. a Roman Catbolic Church in every _________________ lakeshare community framn Toron- ta ta Belleville, the Village of Punch: "Meet ration may be Coîbarne bitherto being the anly cul," runs an item. The determin- cammunity without a Catholic ing factors being the knife and Churcb along the higbway be- the meat.' tween Toronto and Belleville. The Progressive Conservative Party Creed Freedom - Seeurity - Opportunity - And British Partnership The Creed of the Progressive Conservative party as pre- sented at the Winnipeg Convention is brief. Only four para- graphs, but it summarizes the principles for which tbe party will stand. It is as follows: "Freedom - security - opportunity - and the Britisb partnership. "Freedom is founded on a sense of responsibility toward God and a belief tbat ail men and wamen bave been endowed by Him with individuel worth and dignity. Being equal in importance before Him, they should be secured in equality of opportunity under the law and in the full exercise of the demo- cratic liberties and rights which have become the heritage of free men. IlFreedom will be a reality when social security and human welfare become a fundamental objective of the Nation. Freedom from want and freedom from fear are essential toaa happy and normal family life. Want and fear must be banished and security brought witbin reach of ail Canadians. 9 "The prosperity of tbe Canadian people depends on aur creative capacity, individual initiative, aur energy, determination and willingness ta work. Gainful occupation for ail is a primary objective of Conservative policy. We affirm a ur faith in the future of a united Canada. Our naturel resources under pro- gressive development cen be made to provide a high standard of living for ail Canadiens and for a larger population drawn from people whose intelligence and love of freedam will fit them for a democrecy in the British tradition. "We effirm our loyelty ta the King and aur faith in the British pertnership. We eccept the responsibilities together with the benefits of this partnersbip. Tbe guerenice of freedom, security end opportunity for Canadians will be found in the strengthcning of the British Commonwealth, its dloser association with the United States of America end aur other fighting allies, and in the application of the principles of the Atlantic Charter." What A Weekly Editor Doos Un His Spare Time Nahunta, Ga., - Uncle Sam asked, and Editor Card Broome of the Brantley Enterprise, a weekly newspaper, answered-in detail. Filling out an occupational questionnaire for selective service he gave his duties as: "I write news, editorials, adver- tisements, keep books, pay bills, read proofs, dlean type, set head- lines, set advertisements, set news and editorials, pay bills, set jobs, feed press, cut paper, wrap bun- dles, solicit advertisements, solicit subscriptions, pay bis, repair presses and linotype (jackleg re- pairing), splice belts, saw metal cuts, pay bis, chisel cuts, make up newspaper, order supplies, tel people wbere the local draft board is, tell others where the town's lawyers migbt be, tell still others that siily rumor they were excited about was onfly a silly ru- mor, pay bis, wash forms, distri- bute type, solicit job printing, pacify irate subscribers wbose pa- per failed ta, arrive, pay bills, edit GIFT SPECIALS AT JOHNSTON'S FINE STATIONERY 25c to 3.00 SHAVING SETS -------- 1.25 BILLFOLDS ---- 1.00 ta 4.00 CHILDREN'S TOYS GAMES TREE DECORATIONS TISSUE PAPER TAGS and SEALS CHRISTMAS CARDS Speclal Rates on MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTONS Get a List Tree Lights Ail Reduced BULBS - 5c and 10e CORBETT'S HUMBUGS JOHNSTON'S BOOKSTORE Phone 651 Bowmanvllle WE CLOSE AT 8 O'CLOCK Tu W. CAWKER BUTCHER BOWMAN VILLE Dellghtful Inexpensive Gift-a BRONNLEY SOAPS Packed lndividually, in threes, or with bath sait tablets. SOc-75c-SSe- 1.00 PERFUMES By Richard Hudnut, Bourjois, Coty, etc. 30c-6Oc-1.00 & up LARGER STOCKS MEN'S SHAVING SETS William',, Coigate's, Woodbury's, Mennen's, Pinaud's, Yardley's, Oliveon, and Lentherle. Packed with Shav- ing Necessities. A Handsome Glft For Any Man. WiIIIams ~ 29c - $7. 25 3MPACTS....... 1.00 to 5.00 Ivetta BATH SALTS - 3-lb. size .. 69e rening In Paris Toilet Water 65c-1.25 ISTING POWDERS .... 1.00-1.25 up Il %IS BEAUTY BOXES 57e - 1.10 NGEE MAKE-UF SETS 55C - 89C 1.39 IOXZEMA GIFT SETS 88e value - 79c Richard Hudnut Glfts In - YANKY CLOVER 'Perfurne --- --------60e Toilet Water ----1.25 Toilet Water and Taleum Sets -- 1.00-1.90 WOOD'S BATH OIL 350-600-1.0 CHRISTMAS Alex LAURA SECORD CANDIES She'il Love You For ... CHOCOLATES Speelal Boxes By NEILSON'S, JENNY LIND, PAGE & SHAW 60c to 5.75 0 GIVE DIFI-S We ist below some of the highlights from our stocks of smart, practical gift suggestions. We have a wide range to choose from - something for everyone on your gift Iist and through co- operative buying we offer you economy priçes. SHOP AT ONCE FOR THE BEST CHOICE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F OUR LOW MONEY-SAVING PRICES COLOGNES Petaltone, Three Secrets, Evenlng in Paris, Hind's, Lentherie 60e to 2.75 WOOD'S MILK FOAM .... 1.00 Gift 'Package STATIONERY IN CEDAR CHESTS 1.25 to 3.50 IN HOLIDAY BOXES 25e to 3.00 Smokers' Supplies XXIAS CIGARS ----------- 50e up XMAS CIGARETTES 50's ---- l0e XMAS TOBACCOS ------ 65e up TOBACCO POUCHES ---- 60c up PIPES ---------------5 c to 4.00 ----E------------ 49e to 12.50 ROYALE SHAVING BOWL 60c Pollshed Wood Container Cashmiere Bouquet SETS Make ATTRACTIVE GIIFTS 30c-60c90c-1 .65 <cGregor DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER To Make Your Christmas Gifts Look Their Best - Seais, Tags, Carde. Twine, Tissue, Etc. Sc- 1Oc- lsc-25c FOR THE TROOPS UN CANADA Let Us Paek and Mail Vour Gif ta For You LOWEST PRICES BILLFOLDS - Wide Variel mi ua-n iudmi. MANICURE SETS Distinctive Gifts Made By - CUTEX, »EGGY SAGE 3nd REVLON Bc- soc -85c 1.25 to 6.0 ,ty 59C to 6.50 PEN &PENCI SET ....1.00to 12.50 SHAVING BRUSHES ......SO0e to 4.50 DEVON S HAVE KIT Bowl & Lotion 55e DOUBLE or SINGLE PLAYING CARDS ......... Sic to 2.37 LADIES' GIIFT SETS- il PHOTO ALBUMS R.C.A.F.- ----------3.00 NAVY ----------- 2.50 M[ILITARY ------ 2.50 IN LEATHERETTE 1.00 - 2.00 SCRAP BOOKS 1.00 -2.00 This Store WiII Be Closed'December 26 14ARRIS JEWELRY 2~ s' e. 'e ve LU ON cc FE- Di TA] CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS BOXED ASSORTMENT ...... 12 cards 19e Boxed Âssortments Individual Cards 10OCards ---------- 25c 2 for 5c -5c - 10e- 15c 18 Cards ---- . -- --49e 25 Cards------------ 75c Special Cards 5c & 10c value 3c CHRPISTMAS1 0SEND HAVE PQ fmo us 0"Qc1 CANDIE-Sj BRUSH, COMB and MURROR SETS SPECIIAL SETS w 3.50 Value 1.99 THREE PIECE SETS 3.99 to 17.50 LARGER SETS 10.00 up Here's a Grand Gift Idea- CANADA DRY The Champion of Ginger Aies ln Handy Holiday Cartons 3 FAMILY SIZE (30-oz.) BtIs. 72e (plus deposit for botties) PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY PETALTONE THREE SECRETS EVENING, IN PARIS DAGGETT & RAMSDELL'S THREE FLOWERS VITA-RAY YARDLEY'S 29e to 12.00 Baby's Own Bath Sets 60c-1.10-2.0 JOHNSON & JOHNSON BABY GUFT SETS soc - 1.00 I *- - Christmas Dinner SERVED 12 to 2.30 P.M. CHRISTMAS DAY PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS EARLY The Balmnoral Hotel bungled copy, colleet buis, pay To refuse to see in others that bis, sort mail, scan the exchang- which one does flot wisb ta ex- * es and maybe clip an item. press in one's self is to reduce the "Then in my spare Urne, I hunt Golden Rule to bourly and daily and fish and play checkers." practice.-Shierbaum. et PAGE PIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US EARLY FOR FIRST QUALUTY CHRISTMAS POULTRY SEE OUR DISPLAY 0F CHOICE TURKEYS --CHICKENS *DUCKS -- EESE Phone or eall and let us know the size bfrd you want and we wili hoid it for you. PHONE 382 NOW

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