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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1942, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THUIRSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1942 Walker Stores, Limited ANNOUNCE STORE HOURS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Fr1., Dec. 18 - Mon. Dec. 21 - Tues., Dec. 22 - Wed., Dec. 23 8.30 a.mn. to 9.00 p.m. SAT., DEC. 19 and THURS., DEC. 24 - 8.30 arn. to 10.30 P.rn. Store WIII Romain Closed Dec. 25 and 26 * As Christmias approaches with the inevitable 'Last Minute Rush' Te extensive assortrnent of st gifts displayed throughout the store willI help you to make a suitable gift list. HOUSE COATS 6.95 Two charmlng styles hn rich closely tuf ted chenille in flatterlng tanes of blue, tur- quoise, coral, peach and white. They're warrn and luxurious. FOR BOYS ... Ties, Hose, Pyjarnas. FOR MEN ... Shirts, Socks, Tics, Braces, Beits, Pyjarnas. FOR GIRLS ... (No Age Limit) Toilet Sets, Stationery, Lingerie, Gloves, Scarves, Handbags, Urn br e 11as, Blouses, Sweaters, Ski Mitts and Sportswear. FOR MOTHER ... Table Linens, Purses, Chenille Bedspreads. IFor The Best Assortrnent of Loveliest Gifts Corne To Force may subdue, but love No government is respectable wins.-WiUliam Penn. which is flot just.-D. Webster. There is one thing better than Ninety per cent of the ingredi- good government, and that is gov- ents of an old phonograph record ernment in which ail the people can be reclaimed to make new have a part.-Walter Page. disks. WAP-TIMR TRAVEL TWP NO- 3 I*6s#leeana ifrTAV~ ~6~f7 FORETHOUGHT: Anti-Freeze for the 4' "Start" 0of Everyday Yonr car wlU go Just as far ln peace or war- try Gar.ton's. With our special Anti-Freeze in your radiator befare the sub-zero weather begins, you will be able to start your car no matter what the tem- perature. You won't misa a day af work or a Red Cross meeting! And that's FORe- THOUGHT I GARTON'S GARAGE Phones 2666 - 2667 Bowrnanvllle LOCAL EMPLOYEES IN LIMELIGHT AJAX MUNITIONS PLANT It is estimated that over 300 people from Bowmanville and district are now employed ini the Defence Industries Ltd. plant at Ajax (Pickering). In last week's Statesman appeared an interest- ing account of the development of this huge government munition plant contained in an address given at the Rotary Club by Alex Russell, director of personnel. This company has issued a very excellent house organ or maga- zine for its 7500 employees called "The Commando," with the motto 'Victory is our Business", and edited by Tom Gilchrist. In per- using its pages which are chock- full of interesting news items of employees, inspirational articles, illustrations, we spotted the fol- lowing familiar faces which haîf- tones we secured fromn the pub- lishers: Jus Thornpson whose reason for buying Victory Bonds was "I have a family to, think of. It's their future I want to make secure." Dorothy Jamnes of the Employmerqt Department since December, 1941. "A lot of people know this little lady," comments the Commando. Shei daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. James, Oshawa, and a cuin of the editor of The Statesman. Guard Alf. Matthews One man can thank Guard Alf. Matthews that he still has a car. Patrolling the Parking Area re- cently, Alf. noticed smoke coming from the car. Investigating, he noticcd a cigarette butt smolder- ing on the seat. Thanks to Alf. who called the Firq Department, the $700 automobile was saved. Alf was bctter known while living in Bowmanville as "Slim" when he worked at the Brookdale Nur- series and played goal for the local soccer team. Then in looking over the items about No. 1 Line we spied this item which refers to a well known Bowmanvillc lady: "Congratula- tions to Mrs. Madeline Dustan Gerry, 110C, who is the latest lucky winner in the weekly con- test open to those with perfect attendance records. As there was no winner last week, Mrs. Gerry won $20, having gone two weeks with a perfect attendance record. It certainly pays to be on the job regularly." We wish to congratulate the IAlger Press, Oshawa, who publish this splendid house organ. We also note this firmn was awarded a prize in the 1942 Canadian Dir- ect Mail Leaders Contest in the iwartime division on the excel- lence of "The Command~o" as a superior piece of printing. Solina "The Value of Christian Homes" was the theme of an inspiring address given by Mrs. Walte Rackham, Hampton, at Woqmen's Institute, Thursday. Christmas carols were sung and Mrs. S. E. Werry read a Christmas poem composed by the late R. Luther Werry at his last Christmas sea- son. Mrs. E. Cryderman and Gladys Yellowlees favored with a piano duet. Program was in charge of Mrs. Smales' group with Mrs. E. Cryderman presiding. Miss Kathleen Taylor and hier pupils presented an excellent con- cert at the church, Friday 'night. Mr. Isaac Hardy was chairman and commended the children, their teacher, and music super- visor, Mrs. D. Rohb for talent ex- hibited. Those taking part were Jean, Fac and Arthur Reynolds, Marilyn and Bill Overly, Isobel Cruickshank, Mary Elliott, Arnot Wottcn, Roland Welman, Ray and Don Pascoe, Clifford Miller, Alan McEwen, John Cunningham and Mrs. Isaac Hardy was accompan- ist. Football Club held a successful dance and goose draw at the Hall, Saturday night. J. James, Osh- awa, held the lucky ticket. Y. P. U. met Monday night with leen Taylor who gave the Devo- tional talk. Topic on Christian Citizenship was taken by Mrs. A. J. Balson and Harvey Yellowlees favored with a reading. Visitors: Miss Mae Kozak, Osh- awa, at Mr. Bryce Brown's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ceeil Bush, David and Catherine, Orland, with Mrs. S. Bush... Pte. John Baker, Orillia, at Mr. W. T. Baker's. .. Mrs. Bur- ney Hooey and Barbara, Burke- ton, at Mr. B. G. Stevens'. .. Mrs. Geo. Stephens, Salem, is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Langmaid. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds, Jean and Fac, with re- Iativcs at Toronto. .. Miss Kath- cen Taylor with her parents at Blackstock. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees attended the 35th wed- ding anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. S. Chas. Allin, Pro- vidence, at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marks', Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tink and family, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. W. White and boys, Orono, at Mr. Geo. White's. Salem Y. P. U. opened with President F. Blackburn in the chair and prayer by Rev. Gardner. E. Doidge had charge of this pro- gram: Scripture and story given by the leader; topic by Miss D. Winter .and Miss H. Cowling; re- creational contest or quiz by Mrs. E. Doidge. Mr. and Mrs. S. Buttery and family visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Lancaster, New- tonville. Mr. and Mrs. C. Moody and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and daughter, Toronto, were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hl. Gaud. Salem Women's Association met Dec. l2th at Mrs. H. S. Barrie 's. President Mrs. S. Buttery opened the meeting and Mr. Gardner led in prayer. Scripture was read by Mrs. W. Cann. Programa was in charge of Mrs. L. Richards: Read- ings by Mrs. F. Blackburn and Mrs. F. Cator; piano solo by Mrs. S. Buttery; Christmas message was given by Mr. Gardner; vocal solo, Dorothy Winter. Election of officers was held with these re- sults: President-Mrs. Sam But- tery; Vice President - Mrs. W. Cann; Secretary-Thelma Werry; Asst. Secretary-Mrs. F. Black- burn; Treasurer -Mrs. P. Cann; Group Leaders-Devotional, Mrs. R. Winter; Visiting, Mrs. L. Coom- bes; Flower, Mrs. L. Welsh; Mis- sionary, Mrs. L. Richards; Pianist -Miss Marie Collacutt; Assistant Pianist-Mrs. S. Buttery; Look- out Com.-Mrs. W. Werry; Audi- tors-Dorothy Winter, T hel1m a Werry. Zion Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Glaspell with relatives in Toron-. to. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Per- kins and Margaret at Frank Gil- bert's, Solina. . . L.A.C. J o h n Stainton, Goderich, is home on furlough. . . Gnr. Roy Parker, Toronto, Edward and Stanley Martin, Orono, Harold McBrien and Misses'Pearl and Elinor Ro- zell, Shirley Martin, Oshawa, at Thos. Martin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly and Lloyd, Ebe- nezer, at Wes. Cameron's. .. Mr. and Mrs. August Geissberger and: family, Harmony, at Hans Geiss- berger's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins and Isabel at Harold Hayes', Columbus. .. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wlbur at Elmer Wilbur's, Hampton. . . Miss Margaret Mc- Cleur with her parents at Torpn- to. . . Mrs. Harvey Balson at Hampton. . . Mrs. P. J. Gifford, Osaca, with her daughter, Mrs. Ray Cameron. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. AI!. Ayre at Sam Snowden's, Oshawa. ..Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf and Larry, Oshawa, at Alf. Ayre's. ..Orville Hooey, Oshawa, Les. Hoskin, Thornton's Corners, Mrs. Frank Carruthers, Outlook, Sask., Miss Amy Carruthers, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and Joyce, Oshawa, at Ray Cameron's. ..Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins and Margaret at Lorenzo Trull's, Hampton. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Morgan on their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Mrs. J. Cruickshanks, Mrs. Ahf. Ayre, Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Miss Eileen Stainton attended the Sun- day School Convention at Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Morgan, Joan and Glenna, attended the wedding of Mr. Murray Morgan and Miqs Jean Reid in Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Jas. Stainton has the shinglcs. Most o! the milk shippers around Zion attended the Milk Producers banquet in Oshawa on Tuesday evening. Maple Grove Mrs. Walter Foley, Hampton, visited her granddaughter, Mrs. E. Twist, and other relatives. Mrs. L. C. Snowdcn and Miss Betty Snowden attended the Gra- ham-Clemence wedding on Mon- day. Betty was bridesmaid. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn and two children, Sal- cm, at Mr. E. Twist's. Pte. Fred Wright, Camp Bor- den, and Miss Marion Martin, Harmony, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Wright. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Wright, Enniskillen, to our community. They have moved in- to the housc formerly occupied by Mr. Ralph Ormiston. Mr. Wright is working for Mr. H. J. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, Oshawa, Mrs. John Sanders, Mr. Thos. Snowden, town, Mr. and -Mrs. W. J. Snowdcn, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foley werc entertained at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hockin to help Mr. John Snowden celebrate his 80th birthday. Mapfle Grove Sehool News (By Jean White, Grade V) We expect everyone in Maple Grove will be saving on elecricity from now on because Friday a!- ternoon Mr. Lake and Mr. Chase treated us to a picture show in the Sunday School. ... Everyone who has sunshine bags out will you please send themn in as soon as possible. . . . Our Christmas holidays start Tuesday. . .. Last week's penny bank remarks should have read 43.18 per cent, not dollars. Fifty-three per cent of our pupils made penny bank deposits this week. Hampton Visitors: A.C. Gordon'Huis, La- chine, Que., with Mrs. Huis and baby Alden. . . Mr. and Mrs. Luther Allin with friends in To- ronto. .. Mrs. S. Kersey, Marion, Jean and Grace, in Oshawa.... Pte. Jackson Wray', R.C.O.C., Kingston, and Mrs. Wray, Bow- manville, at T. Wray's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Will White, Donald and Douglas, Orono, with Mrs. C. Johns... Rev. and Mrs. W. Rack- ham were guests of Rev. F. and Mrs. Joblin, Bowmanvillc. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Selbach, Toronto, at W. E. Stevens'. . . Mrs. Emma Bennett, Bowmanville, with rela- tives. . . Miss Evelyn. Stevenson and Mr. Everett Allin, Toronto, at Mr. Harold Allin's. Owing to the cold, stormy wea- ther church services on Sunday were slimly attended. Rev. and Mrs. W. Rackham, Mr. and Mrs. G. Barron, Mrs. L. Allun, Mrs. Harold Salter, Mrs. K. Cav- crly, Miss N. Horn and Mrs. A. Blanchard werc among those who attended the Sunday School con- vention in Bowmanville. Young People's Union met on Friday evening with the president Thelma Robbins in charge. Those taking part in the worship service were Keith Billett, -Lloyd Kerscy, Lewis Truli and Mrs. J. Macnab. Jean «Balson, vice president, was in charge of this program: Read- ing, Wilfrid Smales; vocal solo, Marion Macnab; Dorothy Adam- son gave a splendid topie on "Prayer"; and a piano number by Muriel Smith followed. Meeting concluded with a Christmas hymn. The burial of Mr. Louis Ruse, Toronto, took place at the Hamp- ton Cemetery on Wednesday a!- ternoon and was attended by many relatives and friends. We cxtend sympathy to Mrs. Ruse and family. W.M.S. met at Mrs. E. H. Cole's on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Balson re- TRINITY Y.P.U. Election o! officers for 1943, at Trinity Union Monday night, re- sultcd as follows: Honorary Pres. -Rev. J. E. Griffith; Past Pres.- Lou Dewell (now on active ser- vice); Pres.-Doris Dudley; Vice Pres.-Bert Johnston; Secretary- Jean Leach; Local Treas.-Ger- trude Hooper; M. & M. Treas.- Mary McAllister; Pianists-Ileen Balson, Helen Nelles; 'Convenors -Christian Fellowship, Thelma Schlievert, Marion Johns; Chris- tian Culture, Gwen Gilmer, Mar- ion Beacock; Christian Missions,. Ev Pickard, Edith Murphy; Chris- tian Citîzenship, Helen Pritchard, Ada Clark; Social Committee- Bcrnice Gay, Betty Rice; Recrea- tion Committe-Ada Clark, Jack Dunn, Bert Johnston. The program and worship ser- vice on the theme "Christmas" were under the 'convenorship of Doris Dudley. Poem "The Inn- keeper Makes Excuses" and story entitlcd "The Christmas *Vision" by Thelma Schlievert; story "The First Christmas Bell" rcad by Helen Pritchard. An interesting account of the first Christmas celebrations was given by Doris Dudley. Jean Leach assisted in the service 0f worship. A sing song o! Christmas carols was en- joycd with Helen Nelles as ac- companist. ccivcd word from their son L.ICpl. Harvey Balson that he has ar- rived safely in England. BT OFFICIAL ORDER Beginning Wednesday, December l6th -when sold as fluid milk for human consumption MUST BE SOLD FOQR Zc A QUART LESS than the legal retail price now prevailing.. BE SURE YOU GET THE FULL BENEFIT 0F THIS REDUCTION j i PAGE SIX LU Handkerchlefs 35e to 50c ea. Nlghtles -- 1.75 ta 5.00 ea. Rayon Hosiery - 1.00-1.50 pr. Slips ------ 1.25 te, 2.98 ea. Gloves . - -- 1.00 ta 2.50 pr. Blouses ---- 1.50 ta 3.95 ea. Handbags -- 2.95 to 5.00 ea. Sklrts----- 2.95 and 3.95 ea. Panties ----50e ta 1.98 ea. Housecoats 5.00 ta 10.00 ea. We have a fine collection of winter dresses and hats. UP-to-the-minute styles in ail the new shades. She'd love a dress or hat. The Town Shop KING STREET BOWMANVILLE # 'i 'la warim. help co2ser1 availamo raflway epco- aMd adi te. yOUr own Cola. hdby travelliag with a minimum f ag THEWATIE RIES NDTRDEBORD PC. à - ) r -l"'Ill-, 1

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