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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1942, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIUO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1942 f The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Golden Rule Mission Band will eiect officers Dec. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Adair Hancock, Toronto, visited at Mr. J. C. Han- cock's. Mrs. Wannamaker, Wellington, P. E. Co., visited her cousin, Miss Almeda Couch. Mr. and Mrs. John Quigg and Mr. Jos. Quigg, Toronto, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Quigg. J. H. Jose, J. T. Brown and Clarence Alun attended the an- nual meeting of The Toronto. Milk Producers in Toronto. Naval Gnr. Ross Embly spent the weekend at home. He is being transferred froîn Ottawa to the east coast for more extensive training. Sunday visitors at Mr. Stanley Bowen's were Mr. and Mrs. Clin- ton Farrow, Newtonville, and I1DANC E 13OWMANVI LLE ARMOURI ES AT 8.30 FRIDAY DECEMBER 18 Round and Square Dancing MERRIAÀM'S ORCHESTRA Proceeds In Aid of AmSocated Service Clubs Admssin -25e MEN IN UNIFORrd FREE THE ARCADE STORE Will Be CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY, DEC. 26 _ their nicce. Miss Irene Mullen, Reg. N.. Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. C. A. Cowan is the purchas- er of the late Mrs. P. O'Neil's hanse. adjoining his own praperty I Roseholm." Mr. Cowau baught the lot and hanse with ail furul- turc and furnishings complete. Mrs. Bruce Cotter spent a week in Toronta with her son, Mr. Har- ry Cotter. and returned Saturday with MXr. and Mrs. Harry Cotter and Misses Grace and Viola Cat- ter who spent the weekend with their parents here. Red Cross Committee, Mrs. J. C. Hancock. convenar, met at her home Dec. 9th, and packed Christ- mas parceis for ail the local boys in war service in Canada. 44 par- ceis lhad been packed and sent eaîrier ta the boys overseas. Mrs. Mansan Patton, nec Muriel Shaw, was given a miscellaneous shower by a large group of New- castle girl friends, including her fellow empioyees at the J. Ander- son Smith Ca. factary, in the kit- chen of the community hall on Tuesday evening o! this week. Newcastle fire brigade was caîl- cd inta action about 6 p.m. Tues- day when fire broke out in the former Eiibeck house, uow awned by J. Anderson Smith, as a resuit of a coal ail stave exploding. The pumper was soon on the scene and the incipient fire quickly subdued. Mrs. Merkley Clark and daugh- ter, Mrs. Lloyd Stepheuson, went ta Belleville for an indefinite periad on receiving word that Mrs. Clark's sister, Miss Rattie Broad, was sick and ln the haspi- tai. She had been keeping house for her brother, Mr. Jas. Broad, Rossmare. W. A. of United Church are planning ta send parcels eariy in the New Year ta the 22 or more boys o! the church who are over- seas. The idea is ta have the par- cels arrive as a welcome gif t in the slack period of good things fram home after the contents of the Christmas-time parcels are exhausted. H. S. Britton, Manager o! New- castle Hydro-Electric S ys t em, went over the street-lighting lay- out last week and substituted enaugh 40 watt bulbs for the 60 watt ones ta reduce the street lighting consumptian by 20% as ordered. This resuits in a decided dim-out for the duration in many sections o! the village. Major H. W. Dudley and daugh- ter, Mrs. Gea. A. Walton, attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Samuel D. Dudley at Coiborne on Dec. lth. Some weeks ago ?4ajar Dudley, visited at hais orother's home and it was only a few days a!ter he had returned ta Newcastle that he got word that his sister-in-law had suffered a stroke which even- tually proved fatal. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith re- ceived word that their son-in-law, Lieut. John Burbidge, with the Canadian army overseas, had re- ceived severe injuries while en- Greetings ..*. Darlington - Cartwright Rural Businessmen's Association Extend Season's CGreetings to ail their Customers and F riends As Christmias cornes again, we recognize anew that peace wthout freedoni is flot the peace whereof the angels sang. Let us ail ded- icate ourselves &.gain to the struggle, believmng that from our trials and oui sufferings shall corne at ast, Peace on Barth and Good Wil Among Men. GIVE WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS May we, as merchants of this favored district, express our sincere and grateful appreciation to our many customners for sharlng your business with us. We hope to warrant a continuance of your trade during these difficuit days. Signed on behaif of our association: ED. PIDDUCK, Courtice L. GATCHELL, Burketon L. BYAM, Tyrone J. GATCHELL, Burketoii A. VIRTUE, Tyrone H. G. GILL, Burketon G. BARBON, Hampton A. GILBERT, Blackstock .. REYNOLDS, Hampton W. MARLOW, Blaekstock T. CHANT. Hampton S. JEFFREY, Blackstock T. M. SLEMON & SON, R. C. BROWN, Cadmus EnnIsklllen G. THOMPSON, Nestleton A. WEARN, Enniskillen H. BOWINS, Nestîcton H. ADAMS, Burketon H. PORTEOUS, Nestieton HOSKIIN BROS., Burketon R. HARRAN, Caesarea DARLINGTON-CARTWRIGHT RURAL BUSINESSMENPS ASSOCIATION . I BIRTHS CANDLER-In Manchester, Eng- land, on Friday, November 20, 1942, to Cpi. and Mrs. R. S. Candier, the gift of a son (Rus- sell Charles). 51-1* WADE-At Oshawa Hospital, on Saturday, December 12, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wade, a son (Ronald James). 51-1* .MARRIAGE NIVINS-BENNETT-In Toronto on December 5, 1942, by Rev. R. J. Irwin, Harvey Nivins, To- ronto, son of Mrs. John F. Niv, ins, Leamington, and the late Mr. Nivins, and Reta Theressa Bennett, Bowmanville, daugh- ter of Mrs. Bennett and the late James Bennett. GREGG-SHARP-On Saturday, December 5, 1942, in Victorvîlle Flying School Chapel, Victor- ville, California, by Chaplain V. A. Chase, Eva Irene, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, Burketon, and Harry Willis Gregg, son of Mr. and the late Mrs. Harry Gregg of Mil- waukee, Wisconsin. 51-1* DEATI-S TAMBLYN-In Toronto, on Mon- day, December 14, 1942, Mary Christina Tamblyn, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tamblyn, of Elizabethville. I.- terment Pine Hill cemetery, To- ronto. IN MEMORIAM BRECK-In memory of our be- loved son and brother, L.A.C. D. Ewart Breck, Royal Cana- dian Air Farce, who passed away December l7th, 1941, at Montreal. There is not a day, dear Ewie, That we do not think of you. -Ever remembered by Muni, Dad, Wally, and Bill. BRECK-In loving memory of my fiance, L.A.C. Ewart D. Breck, R85985, R.C.A.F., who died De- cember l7th, 1941, (home in Burketon). He is gone but not forgatten, And as dawns another year, In my lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts o! hlm are always near. Days of sadness will come o'er me, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they littie know the sorrow That lies within the heart con- cealed. -Sadly missed by Betty. EMMERSON-In loving memory o! our sister, Miss Rannah Em- merson, who passed away De- cember 21, 1939. We who loved you, sadly miss you, As it dawns another year; In our lonely hours o! thinking Thoughts o! you are ever near. -Sisters Sarah and Maud. 51-1* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms o! Cartwright announce the engage- ment of their eidest daughter, Ruby Aileen to Earl Sidney Tre- win, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Trewin, Enniskilien, On- tario. The marriage to take place quietiy Saturday, December 19th, 1942. 51-1 ANNOUNCEMENT Rev. Clifford and Mrs. Smith extend to every home of Ebenezer, Maple Grove, Base Line and Courtice Christmas Gr e e t i n g S. May God's blessing rest upon you and yours and the lads who are away. gaged in practice manoeuvres and was now in hospital and likely ta be for several months. He receiv- ed broken boues in his le! t arm and leg and suf!ered head and other injuries when an anti-tank gun carrier feli into a deep pit. Among those !rom the New- castle section attending the Dur- ham Holstein Club's goose dinner at Orono, were: President J. T. and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jose and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hendry and Alec, Reeve C. R. and Mrs. Carveth, W. F. Rick- ard, M.P., F. W. Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bragg, M~r. and Mrs. Clarence Allun, R. B. LeGresley and Farncomb, A. W. Pearce and H. R. Pearce. Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard celebrated her 88th birthday on Dec. l2th, and during the afternoon received a number of callers. Several re- latives and friends also sent birth- day greetings by mail. Mrs. Rick- ard's six daughters had tea with her and spent the evening at her home. They are: .Mrs. A. H. Fish- er, Belleville; Mrs. E. H. Joli, late- ]y of Glidden, Sask.; Mrs. Harold Toms, Mrs. H. R. Pearce, Mrs. lrwin Allun and Mrs. R. M. Allun, Newcastle. Mr. Manson Patton, Lockhart's S. S., son o! Mr. and Mrs. Percy Patton, and Miss Muriel Shaw, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Shaw, Newcastle, were married in Oshawa on Dec. 5th, by Rev. J. V. McNeely. minis- ter of King St. United Church. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Stapleton, nee Meda Hallowell. The young couple are living on the farmn on the 4th Line, but Mrs. Patton is continu- ing in her position at J. Anderson Smith's for the present. Mrs. Percy Brown's group of United Church W. A. held a cro- kinale party in the community hall on Friday evening, with play- ers of ail ages, from below their 'teens to up in the eighties, pre- sent. Ail play was on the pro- eressive (not hyphenated) plan. Prize winners were Ted Hoar and Margaret Hockin. Consoliat io n arize winners were the veteran T. W. Jackson and Mrs. T. A. Rod- ger. Howard M. Allun won the lucky chair prize. Lunch o! sand- wiches and tea was served. Work Wanted WORK WANTED - Y0U N G girl desires light housework. Phone 2387. 51-1 For Rent FOR RENT-4 ROOMED APART- ment with 3 piece bath. Pos- session January lst to June lst, 1943. Phone 2800. 51-1 FERRETS FOR RENT-$ia DE- posit, $1 a day; real hunters. Fred Bond, George St. East, Newcastle, Ont. 49-4* Wanted WANTED - USED DOLL CAR- niage. Phone 2393. 51-1* SEED WANTED-WE ARE BUY- ers o! Alfalfa, Timothy, Timo- thy and Alsike mixtures, Alsike, Red Claver, Sweet C lao v e r. Brîng or mail in a sample for highest offer. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577. 38-tf Livestock and Articles Voters' List Posted CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Voters' List 1942, Township of Darlington, County of Durham Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vters' List Act and that I have posted up iu my office at Hampton, on the 2nd day of De- cember, 1942, the list o! ail per- sans entitled ta vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elec- tians, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby caîl upon ail vat- ers ta take immediate proceedings ta have auy errors or omissions corrected accardiug ta law the hast day for appeal being Wednesday, the 23rd day of December, 1942. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk of the Township o! Darlingtan. Dated this 2nd day o! December, 1942. . 50-2 Articles for Sale FOR SALE-GOOD USED CUT- FOR SALE-PAIR BOY'S TUBE ter. Phone 2150. 51-1 skates, size 4, nearly new. _________________________ Phone 808 Bowmanville. 51-1 I-, - - FOR SALE - DOMINION UP- right piano, walnut, in fine con- dition, $50 cash. Phone 365 or 656. 51-1 FOR SALE - ONE 12 GAUGE Tobin shot gun, in good condi- tion, $35.00, a real buy. W. R. Caveriy, Church St. 51-1* FOR SALE -CANARIES, HIGH class songsters. Apply Dr. E. W. Sisson, phone 604, Bowman- ville. 51-2 FOR SALE -BOY'S TUBE skates, in good condition, size 5, price $2. Phone 2567 Bowman- ville. 51-1* FOR SALE -CHILD'S CRIB IN good condition. Apply M rs. Meese, Duke St., Bowmanville. 51-1* PIANOS FOR SALE-FOR IN- formation telephone 492 or write P. O. Box 353, Bowman- ville. Fred J. Mitchell, Church St. West. 51-1 FOR SALE - 1937 DeSOTO SE- dan; tires and motor in good condition. Apply Leland Payne, Clarke, phone Clarke 1304 .5- FOR SALE - CHRISTMAS trees, ail sizes up to 6 foot. Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries, NEAR C.N.R. STATION, be- tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily. 51-1 pigs 8 weeks old. Phone Bow- manvilie 805. 51-1* FOR SALE - Y0U N G CALF. Apply Schwartz Bros. R. R. 3 Bowmanville, phone Oshawa FOR SALE -ONE HORSE sleigh and cutter. Apply H. B. Foster, Bowmanville, phone 745. 51-3 FOR SALE - LEICESTER RAM yearling, also Leicester ram. young. Apply Wm. Fee, R. R. 3 Burketon. 51-1 FOR SALE - ONE CHOICE Shorthorn bull, 13% months old, dark roan in color. Priced to seli. S. Chas. Allun, phono 2198. 51-1* FOR SALE-HOLSTEIN HEIFER due to freshen shortly. Apply Russell Robbins, R. R. 1 Hamp- ton. Phone Oshawa 1648W3. 51-1* FOR SALE - 20 YORKSHIRE pigs, 7 weeks old; McClary cook stove in good condition. Apply Oliver McCulloch, Lot 35, Con. 8, Darlington. 51-1* FOR SALE - TWO COWS U to freshen this month; 2 cows due to freshen in March; also heifer 2 years old, bred. Apply Frank Krolewski, R. R. 3 Bow- manvilie. 51-1* FOR SALE - FOR THOSE WHO are eligibie we have L.A. and D'C. Tractors, a few only. Also spreaders and cultivators; used machinery, spy apples. Case Dealer, Carl Todd, ClIa r ke, phone 15-20., 51-1 FOR SALE-GOOD PUREBRED Yorkshire sow, due in January; also a purebred Jersey -bull caif, and a Holstein cow due in June; also a buggy and a cutter. Phone Clarke 3904, Clarence 'Gibson, Lot 26, Con. 3, Clarke. 51-1* The Church of Christ is the world's only social hope and the sole promise of Peace.-General Sir Douglas Haig. Double Feature KID GLOVE KILLER wlth VAN HEFLIN and MARSHA HUNT - also - THIS TIME FOR KEEPS wlth ROBERT STERLING and ANN RUTHERFORD Cartoon M on.-Tues.-Wed. DECEMBER 21-22-23 Double Feature Bahamia Passage IN TECHNICOLOR starrlng MADELINE CARROLL and STERLING HAYDEN - on the saine bill- PIERRE 0F THE PLAINS wlth JOHN CARROLL and REGINALD OWEN NEWS COMING JANUARY 11-12-13 lIeip Wantcd W A N T E D - EXPERIENCED, single, middle-aged man to help on farm, in Protestant home. Write stating wages to Box 150, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 51-1* Repairs EXPERT REPAIRS ON ALL makes of vacuum cleaners and floor polishers. Telephone our "C.U.C." Service Depot, Bow- manville 774, at The MeGregor Hardware Store. 49-16* Lost LOST-MAN'S BULOVA WRIST watch lost in Bowmanville. Re- ward if returned to Bill West- lake, dlo Coulter's Store, King St. E. Phone 354. 51-1* LOST - SMALL FEMALE Beagle hound, black, white with tan head. Three weeks ago near Newtonville. Valuable to owner. Reward. Notify East ;End Gar- age, Newcastle. 51-1* IChristmnas PoultryI I. We have antlcipated the wants of aur customers by havlng an exeeptional ehoice selection of poultry for the Christmnas festivities. ORDER EARLY We have: TURKEYS; DUCKS; CHICKENS and GEESE of thc best quality. WE DELIVER Harvey Joint <Formerly Edmondstone's> Phone 375 Bowrnanvllle OSHAWA, ONTARIO Starts TO DAY for 3 Days JACK BENNY IN RIS FUNNIEST RIT AS THE ONE & ONLY CHARLEY'S AUNT with KAY FRANCIS LAIRD CREGAR JAMES ELLISON MONDAY - 2 Days The Amazing ... ORSON WE LLES presents - THE Mlagnificent Ambersons wlth DELORES COSTELLO JOSEPH COTTON TIM HOLT ANNOUNCEMENT The Doctors o! Bawmanville have agreed ta uni!orm office hours as !ollows: A!ternoons-2.00 ta 4.00 except Wednesday. Evenings-7.00 ta 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY..1 Patients will be seen at other hours only by appointment. In case o! an emergency, pa- tients may caîl the Bowmanville Rospital ta !ind out which doctar is on duty. These hours in effect as from October lst. RELEASED, 600x16 TIRES TO US FOR SALE The largest stock of re- condltloned tires east of Toronto, ail sizes. G.F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of Post Office g Presents for ail of the family at KNOX'S SHOE STORE SLIPPERS SOX & HOSIERY SKATES & BOOTS STREET SHOES SKI-BOO0TS VN GSHE TRAVELLINGEENN SHE GOODS RUSSIAN BOOTS This store wilI be closed Saturday, Dec. 26 KNOX'S SHOE' STORE Phone 839 Bowmanville WVE STILL HAVE A FAIRLY COMPLETE LINE 0F Elizabeth Arden - Helena Rubinsteii4 Adrienne - Harriet Hubbard Ayer Cosmeties for the Ladies BACHELOR, GARDENIA, LAVENDER & MENTHOLATED SHAVING SETS FOR THE MEN CHOCOLATES FOR EVERYONE - We are the authorlzed agents for the above- We also have glft sets hn Yardley, Evening In Paris, Wood- bury's, Colgate's, Palmolive and Clfton-as well as a com- plete line of Shaving Brushes from 50e to 4.00. Perkln's Leather Bill Folds. 1.15 to 2.75 and Frank Medieo Pipes at 1.25. Christmas Cards 3 for 5e; 2 for 5c; 5c; 3 for 10e; 10e. Jury ULovel The Rexail Drug Store lVhen we test eyes it Is donc properly Phone 778 C.N.R. Ticket Agency GIVE FURNITURE - ODD PIECES - $00t "Something for Every Home at Every Price" ..$]e t $100 You'il be amazed at the savings now possible, thanks to stocks purchased at Iow summer prices!l lassocks, Iamps, desks, chairs, tables, smokers, card tables, bedspreads, comforters and a score of other pieces to make for happier living! XMAS SPECIALS - LOVELY WALNUT CEDAR CHESTS Prices Start at $15.75 CHESTERFIELD SUITES - 3 pce. Suites ln R.pp $97-50 - ln Velour $149.00 <Note - These values and constructions cannot be replaeed for the duration) BOWMANVI LLE ORONO 'w. '~ 0"' 1--. AIL - .-.- I i BUY HER A GOOD REBUILT Vacuum Cleaner - while still available. Tel. our C.U.C. Ser- vice Depot, Bowmanville 774, at the McGregor Hardware Store. 51-4* FOR SALE - PIANOS, HEINTZ- man & Co., Gerhard-Reintzman, and Bell. Apartment sizes. Ap- ply Chas. R. Peacock, 80 Simcoe St. N., Oshawà, phone 251. FOR SALE - R A D IOS, NEW Philco and Marconi, ah madeis, priced fromn $23.95 to $144.95. Telephone Bowmanviile 2415 or Oshawa 289W3, Frank L. Wal- ter, Courtice. 51-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simtoe South,»Osh- awa. 46-tf IF YOU CAN'T GET FUEL TRIS Winter, sleep under steam heat- ed quilts. - Wool and alpine cloth, etc. patches at cotton price. Three pounds $1.00 post- paid. Avoid disappointment. Buy today and iay' them away. Button Shop, Whitby. 51-1 FOR SALE-DOUBLE BED with springs and mattress, dres- sing table, electric radio, con- goleumn rug and runner, also combination storm door and other articles. Everything prac- tically new and in best of con- dition. Apply Mrs. Powell, 29 Carlisle Ave. 51-l'* OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in medern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. ,Quality merchandise at comn- pet itive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's Ne w Furniture Store, 156 Simcae St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf w" -VISIT F. F,- MORRIS STORE Fe- F. MORRIS CO. - 1 - 1 1 ' il 1 MIL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAÉIO PAGE EIGHT 1- 1

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