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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1942, p. 5

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO mm .. UMMmmUmMmM m m..D SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hawkey, Milford, Sask., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McCoy. Dr. Albert Allun, Fort William, was in town Saturday visiting re- latives. Miss Nellie Burk, Orillia, is spending the holidays with her mather Mrs. T. S. Halgate. This is the month when most Su scribers are renewing their j scrption to The Statesman. N>'~ cratth yeflow label and see haw yau stand. A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS .and a HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL 0F YOU JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE AND THE HAPPIEST POSSIBLE NEW YEAR to ail our FRIENDS AND PATRONS JAMES MARR JEWELLER Miss Dorothy Whitmee is holi- daying with her parents at Ponty- pool. Mr. Donald Venton, University of Toronto, is visiting bis parents, Chief and Mrs. S. Venton. Miss Dorotby Ellwood is visit- ing her mother Mrs. D. Ellwood, Toronto. Miss E. Barton, Joe Island, and Mrs. Maidens, Warkwortb, were guests of Mrs. L. J. Bartan. Miss Marion Scott, Toronto, is bolidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Scott. Mr. Keith Siemon, University of Toronto, is spending Christmas holidays with his parents Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon. Pte. Archie Wood, Camp Bon- den, and Mrs. Wood, Oshawa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Cbam- bers. Miss Kay O'Neill, Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, is holidaying with her parents, Major and Mrs. J. O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hoar, Mrs. W. J. Hoar, Miss Mabel Borland, Mr. and Mrs. Wrightson Wight were in Toronto Tuesday attend- ing the funeral of Wesley R. Hoar. Miss Helen Hancock, Las An- geles, Calif., who has been in New York City, called on her uncle Mr. Horace Hancock, Ebenezer, on her way home on Monday,. Pte. P. D. Armstrong, Director- ate of Personnel Section, Camp Borden, is here on leave. With Mrs. Armstrong they will spend Christmas with relatives at Mani- toulin Island. Miss Maud Reynolds brougbt a donation for the Russian Fund into The Statesman office on Tuesday and suggested that a local organization be formed ta raise money for this wortby cause. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer and family attended a family gathering on Saturday at his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Larmer, Blackstock, on the occasion of Mr. Larmer's 79th birthday. A.W.l Miss Mary Austin, Fort Frances, witb A.W.l Miss Grace Hall, No. 6 Manning Depot, To- ronto, spent the weekend leave with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hall, Westmount. At a meeting of the Port Hope Rotary Club on Dec. l6tb, Ed. Summets, agricultural represen- tative, Bowmanville, spoke of the work done by the Potato Club. With him, as guests of the Club, were four of the young farmers who bad done the practical work of growing, Don Morton, Irwin Kinsman, Murray Lord and Mor- ris Trews. Mr. Summers spoke in high praise of the idea of starting the club and of the excellent work it had accomplished in raising the quality of potatoes. He enumer- ated the prizes whicb had been won by members of the club which amounted ta a very credit- able figure. With our holiday greeting goes the promise of contin- ued fine service to. you through 1943. McGREGOR'S HARDWARE King t. Phone 836 One of the mast recent graduates frum the C.W.A.C. Basic Training Centre, Kitchener, was Pnivate E. F. (Joy) Armstrong, daughter of Brigadier F. Logie Armstrong, O.B.E., officer com- manding Military District No. 3, Kingston. Private Armstrong is sbown here wîth ber father as she received congratulations from Hon. Albert M atthews, Lieut.-Governor of Ontario, who was present during the graduation ceremanies. Private Armstrong is presently attacbed ta the Kitch- ener Centre where she is engaged in clerical work. She is one of the large number of girls who are enlisting in the C.W.A.C. ta relieve able-bodied men for more active duties. Durham County Boy Cives Impressions of Hon. John Bracken Many Statesman readers are acquainted with Dr. J. N. Hutchi- son of Winnipeg, well known Durbam County Boy who was born in the village of Leskard and later lived in Enniskillen where bis father ran a general store over 50 years ago. Dr. Jim, as be is affectionately called by bis bost of friends, is in bis 83rd year and this week the editor re- ceived a 4-page typewritten let- ter from him. It is a personal message, but it contains so many interesting facts and impressions of bis friend of long standing, Hon. John Bracken, that we are taking the liberty of quoting ex- cerpts from bis letter. Tbere must be magic in Bracken's story and personality ta, carry with hlm sucb life-long Liberals as the genial Dr. Jim. The letter follows: I had the pleasure of attending tbree of the sessions of the great Conservative Convention a n d beard ahl the candidates do their stuff. My first comment is that ail f ive were from the west, not a single one from the effete East. What is tbe matter down there? Even Premier King represents a western canstituency. Referring ta John Bracken, Dr. Hutchison writes: "There was stnong objection ta bis ultimatum that the Convention put on bis Dr. J. N. Hutchison new coat called Progressive. It was felt by some that he was die- tating ta the Convention. "And sa we Libenal-Progres- sives have seen aur leader Bnac- ken leave aur Provincial ranks and go aven ta the ranks of the Progressive Cansenvatives in the langer field. They had for twenty years been bis paitical enemies rigbt up until after the last Pro- vincial election, wben the whole political body of electors was s0 split up that no one section could nule and so Bracken proposed that there should be a coalition formed, with him as premier. "Hence bis coalition Govenn- ment, wbich was not of choice but of necessity. Io alI bis twenty years of Pnemiership be neyer once carried the country with a majonity. He finst joioed up witb the Liberals as The Libenal Pro- gressive Party. The electian pre- ceding the hast one he was returo- ed with not sufficient to carry on. "Tben after the last election he was forced ta fonm a coalition as stated above, taking in tbe Con- servative leader Eric Willis, wbo up until then had been bis stnong- est opposition. He bas the reputa- tian up bere of being a politician of the highest orden by bis manip- ulative power, wbich bas given bim the Premienship for so long a time. Neyer once bas he carried the country by a majonity ta carry hlm on, on bis awn power. It bas given the outside wonld an im- pression that be must be a won- der-man when be bas bad the longest tenm as Premier of any other Canadian." Nevertheless be is a very higb type of man I am glad ta say. For twenty yeans he bas had my support and that of ail Liberals. Our good wishes folhow him, for we believe he honestly feels it a eaul ta hkjher duties and greater opportunity ta serve bis country. I know John Bracken well. He was Principal of the Agicultunal College when I was Physician ta the same institution. We have played golf together. We bave entertained bim and Mrs. Bracken at aur home and bave been guests at bis bome. He is a fine fellow and you make it a heaven. Sbould 1 mean and unclean words be brought intoA i from the street? Honour the church, the place of worship, which God bas chosen that bis name should dwell there. Reverence God's narne, and bis people everywhere. We shahl be far happier thus than with a cyni- cism that sneers at every effort at decency and right, or the tiresome smartness tbat attempts ta ridi- cule purity and truth. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of w15- dom taday, as it ever was and always will be. Conviction must have a large place in aur land and our world, if it is ta be a place where you and 1 would care ta live. People who do nat greatly believe any- thing will neyer be able to make their dreams into realities, for faith is the substance of things hoped for. If we do flot believe tbat our heavenly Father hears aur prayer and answers accord- ing ta his love and wisdom, we cease praying, aur minds over- clouded and stupefied by pseudo- scientific talk about the inevita- bility of natural law, or question- begging statements as ta the im- possibility of changing the Divine purposes. As if those purposes did nat include ahl our needs in thein lave and wisdom! If we have no belief in the Holy Scriptures as God's word, then we drift without guiding star on the shifting cur- rents of our own opinions parad- ing under such misapplied tities as humanism or the dignity of man. We now face a condition where many know little or no- thing of the contents of tbe Bible, and as a consequence of this, a niite reneral descent into uagan- and Mrs. Bracken a most cbarm- wish bim well. His first effort ism tlioughout ou provine.A igwoman. Each bave swarmsof will be ta get elected ta parlia- cui fmn a se aa-, friends and tbey are a deligbtful ment. I do bope be winswherever dress a conference of public school famiy. her is o fmil moe touns, and thus bave a chance teachers in one of oun eastern famly Ter i nofail mretashow wbat bie can do. provinces. The subject was the bigbly thought of in tbis city or tahn fEgihltrtr.I mrnsae p lar. Many ofusebis Carol Singing Feature response ta a question as ta wbo fri e, be fe lsoyw ar oNaboth was, one teacher opined lose athm , bt also wondlera Rotary Club Meeting that be was a Greek god, the whye athae, acost 60, rtbe sothers were silent. One more gen- givn u th csy omfntale Next Fnîday being Christmas eration witbout the Bible, and we Kingship of tbis Kingdorn Of day the Rotary Club beld its shah bhardly be a Christian nation M~hanitoba, where bie was living a Christmas celebration last Fr1- or world at aIl. life of peace and happiness amidst day. The fMature on the programn Such a conviction inberes in a bis loyal followens, to go out into was tbe inspiring message given vital experience of the presence the wilderness in search of Tbe by Rev. F. H. Joblin reported in witii us at aIl times of aur risen Pnomised Land. another column. Personally as a friend I hope he Teewsas lnyo te and ascended Lord. His living goes far. Admirer as I am Of entertainment. Rotarian Charlie prsnci e s indedoursr the Mackenzie King, I do feel that Tyrreli, druggist, Grono, who re- aski nd f e askgwihot e sea- one of our greatest safeguards i5 cently became a daddy, was tbetinadmnngw twesy a strong effective opposition. Will centre of attraction when Presi*- Brotherhood will, I know, be a John Bracken construct sucb an dent Dippell in bis inimicable shining stone in aur edifice of a opposition? He is an able man, manner duly initiated the new new anid better world. One migbt and a safe one,' and an bonest one, daddy into all the intnicacies andibe excused for thinking that though at present witbout any requirements of fatberbood. something of the kind was bound experience in the wider field of Carol singing with a speciahly ta come, if only as a reaction fromn international affairs. And sa I selected chair under the capable the orgy of hate and suspicion direction of Rotarian Geo. E. through which the world is now Chase, and with Mrs. D. R. Mon- passing. Surely man will tunn in nison at the piano, got all present disgust and loathing from the ex- in a happy Christmas spirit. clusive and selfish nationalism, Much merriment xvas created in the silly racial pride, the personal the turkey draw among the Ro- and class rivaîries and spite, we tarian bowlers. Saine intimated say.' But this does not necessarily there must have been a "frame follow. Anger begets anger, ne- up" but it couldn't have been for venge and reprisai breed their Mrs. Morrisan drew the lucky like, and evil cannot cast out evil. numbers, the turkeys going taTh only hope of the warld, the riIIiiA~'Butcher Wes. Cawker, President only beacon ta sanity is in the who conducted the draw. munion of those who know him- Laui Dipeli nd Bb Cohran feowsyiin hristl, the Cucm ~~~É . ~~Visitors inchuded H. Morrishsbd nti olteCuc Akron, Ohio, Geo. McCrea New of the living God. Let us get to -Toronto, J. J. Mellor, Orono, Mrs. know each other better and ta MilMorrison, Miss Audrey MQuade apreciate one another mre, for and has.Cattan, ow.the people of Christ must face and has.Cattan, own.the period of the war and the The Wold I W nt mTo e dangerousa days that wifl -and warm greet- See After The War real and growing oneness in him. Whetber within or without formal By Rev. J. B. McLaunin.. D .D. churcb unions, this "unity of the Thisis he ourt oftue Spirit" must be presenved and ings for the holidayThsite or fte fostered. senies in The Onward. Dr. J. This unîty bas iaready won as- seaon nd or he B. MeLaurin is the General tonishing victories. The brother- seasn ad fr te Scretry f te Cnadan ood hatis n Cris isthe only Baptist Foreign M i s s i a n universal bond tying men and Board. He was born in India, women of aIl nations and races New Year to corne. the son of Dr. and Mrs. John togethen, and is sunviving the MeLaunin, pioneer mission- fience fines that now rage around aries, and is a brother of Mrs. the world. The fellowship in JH. H. Jury, Bowmanville. Christ is staunch and continuing. His a graduate of McMaster Neither censors nor blockades non GILM O RE'S Uiniversity and went to India battles bave broken it, nor ever in 1909 as a missionary, where will, for it is Christ's own promise, BARBER SHOP he served until bis appoint- regarding bis church, that the ment in 1939 to bis ppesent gates of bell shahl not prevail Norm Gilmore, Proprietor post. against it. This brothenbood bas BIH eNut, Asisant When a persan over fifty years no boundanies. It will flow out Bul Mcutt Aslstat of age undertakes ta outlîne the and attract and include those Who wonld he would like ta see after long for a true fellowsbip thai Ithe war, hie is apt ta revert to knows how ta shane goods and rosy pictunes of Woodstock, Ont., opportunity as well as the tbings ~ as At was thirty years ago. It was of the Spirit. It will include India _______________________a good world in its way, and a and Japan, China and Afnica, gracious and spacious one; but we every land and coast. It will be cannot go back, we jaurney to- the proof and hallmark of the ward the sun-rising. And those new order. under twenty-five want a blue- pint of a brand new planet, swept BWTVJSHl ean of everything prior ta 1920. This will nat do, ether-we mave by the farce of momentum, we must adventure, but from a sure base. Ino the new world must To AUiO be built our Christian heritage as well as our Christian hope.Ou re d Discipline is one of the stonesO rFre d that will have ta be built into aur new A;orld. I do not think that we can go on with the lack of self -c control and'1of restraint that we 0F ALL THE FINE THINGS naw indulge. The prinose path IN THIS GRAND OLD af always doing what we like, just because we so wish, may - LAND 0F OURS, WE seemn attractive for a time, but is leading Canada inta serious dan- WISH YOU MOST ger. On our trains and in our restaurants, near my office in down-town Toronto and in the GOOD neighbourhood where I live, the coanseness and lawlessness due to I-IEALTH, indulgence in liquan is increasing- lyapaet We must hv a ne- vival of sane Puritanism in the GOOD CHEER best sense, that judges the seem- ingly least important issues on and eternai backgrounds. It is really AVr HAPPNESSand bis will for us. It arises fromn HAPPINESS anew gnip of the law of God as E R revealed in that Master. We are vE R To Ai You oikacalled on ta sacrifice for demo- self for this cause. But an undis- From Ail Us Folks ciplined democracy is not worth with Peace at even though it be saved from and Prosperity foswithout. Reverence is one of the most hog Te BO M n Ie beautiful and ennobling move-Thog Te ~uaa.,,ments of the human spirit, and I hope our new world will have New Year e much of it. If we regard the Bible as Gad's ward in any real sense, would a little more reverence be Dairyaut of place? It is not a mark of ignorance but of wisdom when we acknowledge the greatness of aur Phone - 446 Father and of that which denives J. W . JEW ELL from him. This spirit of reverence will goiyand establish aur wbole le togethen. Reverence the home., With aur Cbristmas Greetings this year we bave a special message for yau. We want you ta knaw how mucb we bave appreciated yaur patronage and yaur patience during the past year. Under the stress and strain of wartime conditions, and through na fault of ours, we have kept you waiting for hours, sametimes for days, for that nepair, replacement or installation. Yau bave accepted At ah with under- standing, even temper, and patience for wbicb we thank yau. We will give you the best service we can during the coming year. Len Elliott *To AL%À May your turkey be the fattest, may your pumpkin pie be the spiciest, your Christmas tree the brightest, your gifts the hand- somest, your hearts the ightest- that they have been in many, many years! THE:i~fo azLuain '7- j e: CHRISTMAS GREETINGS and Best Wishes LOWEST PRICES for a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR FROM THE OWNER and STAFF 0F YOUR I.D.AI DRUG STORE We wish to express aur thanks for your krnd sup- port which bas made 1942 a most successful business year. We hope to menit your continued support for 1943. It is aur sincere wish that 1943 may be a Happy and Prosperous Year for everyane in our community. Prescriptions a Specialty Alex MoeGregor PHONE 792 DRUGS WE DELIVER PEACE ON EARTH... In troubled times the old Christmas greetings have a very special signifi- cance. To al of you we wish a 'happy Christmas and peace and-prosperity in 1943. W. J. DUDLEY BUTCHER Couch, Johoston & Cryderman qvp" 1 , Ne ecr4mjjijl:,ý hillýMlli'.1111110111 i IlÉl"Eli t ýr4 9W TRURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1942 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 9-netaiion*,"

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