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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1942, p. 1

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iheanr With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News ... ' *4. **.SG VOLUME 88 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3lst, 1942_____ Nestieton Sympathy is extended ta Mn. Wm. Armstrong and daughtor Mr-,. George Hicks in Mrs. Anm- strong's sudden passing a!ton a lingeing illness. Congratulations ta Mn. John Prautt wba ceiebratod bis 8lst birthdey Decembor 26th. Visitons: Mr. and Mns. David Johns and Miss Hilda, with friends in Bowmanvilie. . . Mr. and Mns. týanley Malcolm and !emily with r. Wilbent Malcolm. .. Mn. and sHarold Wheeler and femiiy tMr. R. M. Hoskin, Janetville. g.s Jas. Williemson, Frank âZjthur Jackman with Mrs. and !&s. Wm. Samelîs with Mn. Herman Samelis. .. Misses Velma and Myrtie Haoey witb Mn. Gea. Johns. . . Larry Hamdcastle and Pte. Thos. Coloe t Mr. Henry Tbompsn's... Mr. and Mms. Wes- loy Campbell, Grant and Evelyn, at Mm. Howard McMulien's, Lotus. ..Mn. and Mns. Dan Black, Jean 'and Dora, with Mrs. Clarence Ginn, Cadmus. . . Harvey Mal- colm iwith bis parents et Yelver- tan.:. . Miss Malyn Panke wilh Miss Dore Black. . . Miss Noa Panteous, Pickering, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Garry and Ross, et Mn. C. H. Ponteous'. .. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt and family at Mn. John Pnoutt's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Xenneth Samelis and famiiy et Mn. Menvin Mountjoy's, Cadmus. . . Mn. and Mns. Reg. Sutton, Orono, with Mrs. Fred Dayos.. Mns. Stanley Malcolm wtth ber ~mother Mns. Anson Taylor... Mr. and Mns. R. W. Marlow with Mns. Susen Jobns. . . Miss Evolyp Campbell with Miss Jean Mal- col.... Mns. G. Panke with Mns. Alex Mains. .. Mr. and Mns. Jas. 'Dickey with Mrs. Clarence Ginn, Cedmus. .. Mn. Wm. Hoskin, To- ronta, with bis sister Mrs. H. 'Wheeler. . . Mn. and Mrs. Otto 'Bragg and family, Bowmenvilie, Mn. and Mns. Sam Cawker and femiiy. Pont Penny, Mn. and Mns. Xeith Wilson and famiiy, Toronto, et Mn. Edwand Armstrong's... Mn. and Mrs. Levi McGill witb Mrs. Jas. Pann, Bleckstock. Starkville No service et Sbiioh on Sunday cwing ta the bad weathen and slippeny roads. Sterkviile School bed e suc- cess!ul Christmas tnee and an ex- collent concert under the direc- tion o! Miss Embury, wha is naw bolideying et hon home north o! Belleville. Miss Norme Hellowell gave a Christmas dinnen toae number of hem friends Christmas day wbich included Mn. Claude Henry, Brantford, Miss Beuleh Hallowell and Mr Wilfned Wlker, Toronto. Dave Parker who worked for Dobson is teking a few holi- S. "isitons: Miss Beulah Hallowell, nta, et home.. . Mn. and Mns. Pobson and Mary Lue et Mn. IRutvensZion. . . Mr. and Ens. Lew Hllowell and femily at Mr. T. Fells'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bort Trim and femily et Mn. H. L. Trim's, Oshawa. . . Mn. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell and femily et Mn. H. Rusk's,.-Port Hope... Miss g Berthe Hellowell, Toronto, et Mr. Jacob Hallowell's. .. Mrs. C. Reid end Miss Hezel Reid, Oshawa, Mn. Lloyd Haliowell a'nd Mr. and Mns. 'Richard Halaowell. Mn. and Mns. Warren Carson and famiiy et Mr. F. Wiison's. Perrytown. . . Mn. qnd Mrs. Ross Hellowell et Mr. E. r White's, Eizabetbvi]le. . . Misses Alice and Helena Halloweii, To- ronto, with their parents Mn. and M ns. Richard Hallowell. . . Mn. aind Mns. Walton Simpson and famiiv. Quey's Cnossing, et Mn. Bort Trim's. . . Miss Josie Trim, Dr. Jabez H. Elliott Dies Suddenly in City On December 18, Dm. Jabez. Henry Elliott died peacefully i sleep at bis home, il Spadina Road, Toronto. Ho had oxpen- ienced some slight symptoms o! heant trouble and had detormined ta rest for a month in bed. There he was enjaying himself catching up with his reading, as he told a friend who- cailed. He would have been seventy had he iived ta January 3rd. Few sans o! Durham have crowded sa much into a busy l! e as did ho, and penhaps none bas died sa wieely negetted. In bis own profession o! medicine ho rapidly attained distinction. Fmom bis fathen and grandfather, miii- ens at Hampton, came bath his name Henry, and bis scientific bent. At the Bowmanvillo Higli Sehoal and in the University a! Toronto, ho had a brilliant caroon as a student. He carried on past- graduate studios at Liverpool and Johns Hopkins' Universities. In 1898 ho wag appainted physician in change o! the Muskoka Cot- tage Sanitorium, and for forty- Rev. Gardner's sermon Sunday was a vemy fine New Year's mes- sage an "Loaking Forward." Y. P. U. meeting was with- dnawn last week. Mr. F. Cator wishes ta express bis thanks ta Salem folks, alsa Rçv. and Mrs. Gardner, for the lavely Christmas boxes ho eceiv- ed and ta wish aIl a veny happy New Yean. Christmas Visitons: Mm. and Mns. W. Cann at 'Mn. L. Annis', Toronto. . . Mn. and Mns. W. Branch at Mn. J. Brancb's. . . Mr. and Mrs. E. Doidge at Mr. R. Clapp's, Tyrane. .. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair and Mn. L. Squair at Mn. W. Moffat's, Orono. .. Mr. R. Hall was home fnom Guelph. ..Mrs. and Miss Taylor and Miss A. Scott, Toronto, at the Hall home... Mn. and Mrs. L. Buttery at Mn. W. Levett, Toronto. .. Miss Sybil Hocken, Toronto, at Mr. C. Pollard's. . . Mn. and Mrs. H. Strong at Mn. Aldread's, Tymane. .Mn. and Mns. W. G. Werry and Miss Thelm a at Mr. K. Werry's, Newcastle.. Mn. and Mrs. H. Gaud, Mn. L. Gaud and Mr. R. Simpson at Mî3. Hunst's, Toronto. ..Mm. and Mns. J. W. Lancaster, Mn. and Mns. S. Lancaster, New- tonville, Mn. and Mrs. C. Wolsh and son, tawn, Mr. and *Mrs. I. Munday and family, Maple Grave, at Mm, S. Buttery's. . . 14nr and Mrs. W. Hendersan at Mr. G. Dnew's, Oshawa. .. Mrs. McEvay, Newcastle, at Mm. O. Hertzbeng's. ..Mn. and Mrs. P. Cann and family at Mn. H. Rundle's. .. Mn. and Mns. C. Collacutt and Miss Manie witb Mrs. Joli, Newcastle. ..Mns. E. Silver and Master B. Lockbant et Mr. F. Werny's, Beth- esda. Salem correspondent extends New Year Greetings and good wisbes ta all. 1~~~~~- -' SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 !ZmIem Oshawa, at Mn. Bort Trim's... Victor Farrow family home for Christmas. .. Mn. and Mns. W. A. Hallowell at Mn. Max Stapleton's. ..Miss Loreen Stark, Hanaver, at Mrs. I. B. Stark's. .. Pte. Gar- don Clysdale, St. John, at home. ..Mn. and Mns. W. E. Reid and Joan at, Millbrook. .. Pte. Calvin. Dunn, Peterboro Militany Camp, at home. . . Mn. and Mrs. Wi!red Wood and !amily at Mrs. M. Wood's, Elizabethville. .. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Savory, Mn. and Mns. Russell Savery and daughter, Mn. and Mrs. Ewart Rc*insan, in Osh- awa. .. Mn. and Mrs. Hemb. Gil- mer and family at Mn. C. A. Cowan's, Newcastle. Tyrone Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Brooks cele- brated thoir 58th wedding anni- versary at Fred Brooks', Cobourg, on Christmas day. Congratula- tions! Christmas gatherings wene held at Ronald Scatt's, L. J. Gaad- man's, Mrs. Launa Virtue's, Robt. Burng e ss', Robt. McCullough's, Leslie Thompson's and James Dudley's. The. yaung people held a canal service on Christmas eve in the church. A large crowd.attended the an- nual schaal con'!ent on Tuesday night which was a decided suc- cess, each one daing his on hon part exceptionally well. Much credit is due ta, Mrs. Phllp in pre- paring such a fine ententainment. Donald Dudley acted as chair- man. Eric Jones won the lucky ticket on the goosednaw. At the right time Santa arrived ta cheer the little ones with his chatter and gifts. Christmas Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Howard Philp and family, Miss Jean Philp at Mn. Genald Philp's, Coiborne. . . Mms. Byron Moore with friends in Toronto. . . Mn. and Mns. Will Wright at Newton- ville. .. Jack Stevens at his home in Mount Pleasant. . . Mn. and Mrs. Gussie Rasevear and family at Mn. I. W. Larmen's, Millbrook. ..Mr. and Mms. Leslie Brooks and Glenn at Toronto. .. Mn. and Mns. Lamne Hoskin, Murray and Allyn, at Mr. Tennyson Penni- man's, Clumbus. .. . Mrs. Art Spicen, Aileeh and Maryln, Mrs. Stan Beckett and Joan, Bawman- ville, with Mrs. Laura Vintue... Mm. and Mms. Ewamt Bragg and family at Mn. Walter Pamk's.... .i -Jor Floyd Dudley, Mms. Dudley, LIly, Don and Jean, at Markham. .Mn. and Mrs. Thea Dnwn and Billy, Lakefield, MreMillson, To- ronto, Edward Milîson, R.C.A.F., AC1, Winnipeg, at Mn. Leon Moore's. .. Mr. and Mns. J. Lilli- crap, Cannington, at Mn. F. L. Byam's. .. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Ste- yens and Mrs. Enoch Stevens, Hamptoni, at Mr. Roht. Burgess'... Pte. Herbent Burgess, Graven- hurst, With his family. .. Mn. and Mns. Dave Hoaper, Omona, Mn. and Mns. Ed. Doidge, Salem, Miss Nina Hodgson, Toronto, at Mn. Robt. Hodgson's. . . Percy Hay- wand, Ajax, at home. .. Brenton McCullougb, Oshawa, at home. .. àX. E. Wood. R.C.A.F., St. Hubert, n,-ue.. with his wife and daughter at Mn. Herb. Camemon's. . . Mn. 'md Mrs. Lamne McCoy, Bnoaklin, -t Mn. L. J. Goodman's. . . Miss Grace Little, Toronto, at Mn. Lamne Annis'. Maple Grove Several Christmas family gath- eings wero held in this com- munity. Visitons: Mrs. Ray Snowden, Misses Helen, Mary and Donna and Master Billie Snawden, Ta- ronto, with hem parents. . . Mn. and Mrs. Howard Faley and Miss Marlon Foiey at Mn. M. Biack- burn's, Hampton. .. Master Ross Langmaid, Oshawa, with his aunt, Mrs. Ross Stevens... L.A.C. Howard E. Ommiston, R.C.A.F., l7th - Equipment Depat, Ottawa, at Mn. E. Ormiston's. . . Lieut. and Mrs. Newton Hackney and son Donnie, Petawawa, at Mms. Ross Stevens'. . . Mn. and Mns. Elgin Munday and twa childmen, Sterling, at Mr. M. Munday's... Miss Irene Wright and friend, Ajax, Mn. and Mrs. Murray, Miss Valerie Murray, Oshawa, L.A.C. Charlie Wright, Uplands, Ottawa, Mrs. Wright, tawn, at Mn. Harry Wright's. . . . Mn. and Mrs. A. Laird Jr. and daughter, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Lawnence Staples and Bary, Bethany, at Mn. R. D. Trimble's. . . Mn. and Mns. Wes. Graham, Pontiac, Mich., Mm. and Mms. J. Jaggen, David and Mich- ael, Toronto, Mm. Lawnence Wnagg, Oshawa. at Mns. L. C. Snowden's. . . Mm. and Mns. J. Gnn. Geo. Dadson, Cornwall, was with bis parents. Miss Mary Cowan is visiting relatives in Montreal. Miss Ruth Stevens is visiting at Nonham and Peterboro. Miss Tkelma Schlievent was in Belleville with ber parents. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Bnough visited relatives in Toronto. Mn. anti Mrs. Wm. Fraser and Billy visited relatives at Gaît. Miss Ann Cannons, Toronto, was guest o! Mrs. Rager Bird. Mrs. J. Baird visited ber dau- ghter Mrs. K. Buckley, Toranto. Mn. Hubert Smale spont Christ- mas with relatives in Newcastle. Mns. A. D. Canscallen, Winni- peg, Man., is visiting Mns. W. F. Dale. Miss Ada Hannis, Port Hope, spont Christmas with'.relatives in town. Mrs. E. L. Moore, Toronto, was guest of ber sister Mrs. W. L. Eliiott. Miss Rase Palmer and Mns. T. Johns, Toronto, wene at their homes. Mns. James Giil, Bunketan, visited hon brother Mn. Herbent Richards. Mn. T. H. Jennings, Toronto, was guest o! bis siston Miss M. M. Jennings. Miss Donothy Richards, Toron- ta, Gnr. Ray Richards, Cornwall, were home. Mn. Mark Raenigk, Stratfond, was holiday guest o! Mm. and Mrs. T. H. Knight. Mn. Mervin Scott and !niend, Toronto, were with bis sistor Mrs. Clarence Yea. Gnr. George Sellans, Cornwall, was at bis parents', Mm. and Mrs. Thos. Sellars. Spr. Alan Lymer, Lethbridge, Alta., is visiting bis father Mn. Thos. Lymer. Mn. Len Elliott spent Christ- mas day with bis mothen Mrs. S. Elliatt, Bolton. Mns. L. J. Barton spont the holiday with ber cousin, Miss Wigg, Oshawa. .Col. and Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin spont Christmas with Mn. Gea. Keith, Lindsay. W.0.2 Don Cemenon, Jenvis, visited bis parents Mm. and Mrs. Hugh Cameron. L.[Cpi. Fred Jackmen, Corn- wall, visited bis mothen Mrs. Frank Jackman. Pte. Jackson Wray, R.C.O.C., Kingston, spent Christmas beave with ZIrs. Wray. Mn. and Mrs. Alan Knight, Ca- bourg, were guests a! bis mathen Mrs. Wes. Knight. Pte. Bill Buckley, Camp Ippen- wash, Forest, visited friends in tawn on Sundey. Misses Edna Bottreli and N. Mara, Toronto, wene guests a! Mn. Thos. Bottreil. AC2 Ken. Cale, S.F.T.S., Dunn- ville, spent the holidays with bis mother Mrs. Art Cale. Miss Jean Rundle, Oshawa, spent Christmas with ber mother Mrs. W. J. S. Rundie. Mn. and Mrs. M. Doyle and !amily, Toronto, visited at Sergt.- Major R. B. Lindsay's. Mrs. Rd. Pooloy, Salem, spent Christmas with hem daughter Mrs. Doris Anderson, Oshawa. Miss Beulah Tommey spent the holidays with bon mothen Mrs. R. F. Tammey, Cooksville. Misses Norma Searle and Ella Oxley, Toronto, were guests o! Mn. and Mms. Chas. Searle. Cpi. William Roberts, Washing- ton, D.C., spent Christmas with Mrs. Roberts and George. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Staples spont Christmas witb hem father Mn. J. A. Walker, Meaford. Miss C. G. Freeman spent Christmas wjth Mm. and Mrs. E. R. Freeman, St. Catharines. Capt. and Mrs. H. D. Waters, Highland Creek and Miss Irono Bragg, Toronto, spent Christmas with Mrs. Howard Coucb. Mr. and Mrs. Wray McCready spent the holiday with their par- ents at Simcoe and LaSaiette. Miss Wilme Richards is spend- ing holidays with hon cousins Ross and Gien Prout, Shaw's. Mns. Gea. E. Pritchard and Helen spent Christmas with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Hughes, Toronto. Mns. C. J.,Smale, Dorothy and Archie, visited hem parents Mn. and Mns. Gea. Peebles, Coibarne. Miss Donothy Knox, R.N, To- onta Generel Hospital, visited hon parents, Mr. and Mns. Fred Knox. Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Maynard spont Christmas with Mr. and Â.~ IL.. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gi, Burketon, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brock, Col- borne. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie G. Brown, Toronto, spent the holiday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. H. ÉBrown. Pte. Frances #Clark, C.W.A.C. Training Centre, Kitchener, en- joyed Christmas leave with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Bunner and family, Lucan, were holiday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Bunner. Miss Helen McGregor, Peter- boro, is spending the holidays with her mother Mrs. D. A. Me- Gregor. Pte. and Mrs. Jack Sanders, Oshawa, spent Christmas with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Howard Challis. Cpi. Carman Barrett, Nova Scotia, spent Christmas leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cook, Brantford, were guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yel- lowlees. Mr. and Mrs. W. Slaght with Billy and Bobbie spent the holi- day season with relatives at Till- sonburg. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Haliman and son, Teddy, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Adair, Oshawa. Miss Ruth James, Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, was home long enough to have Christmas dinner with her family. Mr. and Mrs. T. Meek, Toronto, and Miss Pauline Wagar, Sarnia, were with their parents Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wetgar. Mrs. I. Snell, Miss L. Cowan, Toronto, Mr. G. Cowan, Orono, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. M. Comstock. Misses Kitty and Margaret Storey and (20orgina McMithael, Toronto, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Varcoe, Nancy and Michael, spent the holidays with her mother Mrs. Hawley, Peterboro. 1Misses Leta and Florence Jack- son and Mr. Leslie Jackson, Town, were guests of their sister Mrs. Russell Gay, Courtice. Gnr. Ormsby Anderson, Peta- wawa, spent the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. An- derson, Maple Grove. Mrs. Grace Haines and Law- rence, Oshawa, were weekend visitors with her aunt, Mrs. R. Patterson, Westmount. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bennett, Gor- don and Dorothy, Toronto, spent Christmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Bennett, Sr. AC2 Bob Evans, R.C.A.F., Cen- tral Tech, Toronto, e n j o y e d Christmas leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans. Gnr. Robert G. Henry, New- market, spent Christmas leave with Mrs. R. Henry and Mr. and Mrs. E. Passant, Duke St. CpI. F. C. Manning, Camp Bord- en and Mrs. Manning, Sault Ste. Marie, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Manning. Mr. and Mrs. George Hilson, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Prout and Shirley, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Prout. Misses Dorothy and Marion Hardy, Toronto, spent Christmas holidays with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy. Pte. Florence Calver, C.W.A.C. Training Centre, Kitchener, spent Christmas leave with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Calver. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allun and Misses Margaret and Marion Al- lin spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Snow, Oshawa. Pte. J. A. Newman, V.G.C., Montreal, and daughter, C.W.A.C. Jelva Newman, M.D. No. 2, To- ronto, were home for Christmas. AC2 Paul Symons, Manning Depot, and Mr. Kelvin Symons, Toronto, spent the holiday with their mother Mrs. Muriel Symons. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackman and children, St. Catharines, with relatives. Mrs. Jackman, Donald and Diana, are remaining for a few days. Mrs. Fred G. Joblin, Scugog, and her daughter Miss Gladys Joblin, Caughnawaga, Que., are holiday guests of the former's son, Rev. F. H. Joblin. Mrs. Chas. F. Rice and daugh- ter Jean, nurse -in -training at Kingston General Hospital, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Smith, Kingston. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Yourth, Oshawa, in- cluded their son, LAC Maxie Yourth, Bowmanville, and Mr. k .qw ----= --ne-lammow qmmwwl- # liumw m Dr. Jabez H. Elllott five years has been regarded ais one of the leading authorities on the Continent on the treatment of tuberculosis. The lives he has saved are legion, and the homes where his name was revered. He had received many honors at the hands of the profession and at the time of his death was President of The American Association of the History o! Medicine. In the breadth of his scientifie interests he resembled his older colleague in The University of Toronto, the late Professor A. P. Coleman. He was a naturalist and an historian o! note. He travelled widely and observed ac- curately. In 1900 he was a mem- ber o! a scientific expedition to Nigeria, and in later years at- tended meetings of the medical profession in Rome, Yugoslavia and Madrid. Everywhere he went and chie! ly in his beloved Mus- koka, his senses were alive to the minutest details in nature. In the early history of this province he was well versed, and particularly in its medical and miiitary history. He was past president and hon-. orary librarian of the Canadian Military Institute, and he was also a past president of the Academy of Medicine, Toronto, for whose splendid library and valuable his- torical records he was one of those most largeiy responsible. His wife, Mabel Tait, daughter of Henry C. Tait, of Bowmanville, predeceased him in 1922. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. C. J. Kersiake of Hampton, by his daughter, Grace, the wife of Charles P. Holmes o! Ottawa, and by an infant grandson. The funeral service was con- ducted Dec. 2lst, by Rev. James A. Cranston, of T1rinity United Church, and attending were rep- resentatives and members o! the American Association of the His- tory of Medicine, University _of Toronto, Ontario Medical Associ- ation, American Climatological and Clinical Association, Canadian Tuberculosis Association, Ameni- can College o! Physîcians, Can- adian Military Institute, American Sanitorium Association, ~Ontario Laennec Society, Medical Histor- ical Club, Aesculapîan Club, To- ronto Society of Occupational Therapy and the Masonic Order. The honorary pallbearers were: Prof. Duncan Graham; Doctors Alan Brown, S. Johnston, J. Lou- don, George Porter and Colonel Hagerman. Active palibearers were: A. N. Mitchell and T. Humphries and Doctors Nelson Tait, Walter Carscadden, Edward Brooks and E. A. Broughton. Interment was in Mount Pleas- ant Cemetery. C.B.S. True courage and courtesy go hand in hand. The bravest men are the most forgiving and the most anxious to avoid quarrels.- Thackceray. Wright; Flower Com. and Com- munity Friendship-Mrs. L. Col- lacutt, Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Mrs. E. W. Foley; Mite Boxes-Mrs. R. R. Stevens; Talent Money-Mrs. W. J. Snowden; Missionary Monthly -Mrs. H. G. Freeman; Literature Sec'y. -Mrs. L. C. Snowden; Temperance Sec'y. - Mrs. C. Jeffery; Pianist-Mrs. I. Munday; Ass't.-Mrs. J. D. Ste- yens; Programme Com.-Mrs. M. Munday, Mrs. F. Swvallow; Audi- tors-Mrs. E. Ormiston, Mns. Ross Stevens. Farewell Presentali To Faithful Membei 0f Statesman Staff It was with mixed feelirj jay and sadness that the sta The Statesman gatbened in "backshop" amidst the stanes cases o! type on Saturdayn ing, December 19, to bid fai ta Mns. Harvey Nivins. As Rota Bennett she had a faithfui member o! the stai a number of years. Operali linotype, she had set up ini many a presentation such as heid for ber that morning. In the farewell address,E Geo. W. James pointed out she had senved long, faithful]3 efficiently. Althougb over was sorry ta see ber leav( said, they wene pieased o10 she had found the happines: so richly deserved. Helen Pritchard nead a address which had heen signr ail the staff members. A heai walnut Duncan Phyfe table thon presented ta the brud Clarence Osborne and Wray Cready. Mrs. Nivins expressed hei preciation for the gift in ber chanming manner. She has joined ber husband and is1 in Toronto.- Mn. and Mrs. Robent Bate ronto, Wilferd Bate, Osl Murray Bate, Peterboro, and and Bate Jr. spent Christmas their parents Mr. and Mns. M Bate. Mrs. David Grigg, 204 F Ave., Toronto, writes: "Enc find my renewal for The Si man for 1943.' 1 centainiy getting my home paper week." Mn. and Mns. W. J. Cul: Marilyn, LAC Arthur Cuill onta, Mr. and Mrs. William son,~ Hamilton, spent ChriE with their parents, Mm. andi W. J. Cuily. Fiying Officer Earl Cunr ham bhas been trans!erred London ta Trenton Air Force lion where ho will ho in cl of the physical training and school for instructars. Mm. and Mrs. D. W. MeCoi Misses Helen and Evelyn M( mick, Gaît, Mns. Wm. Fle and Miss Gertrude Fleming onta, were holiday guests Mm. and Mrs. Morley Vansto Mn. Sydney Casbourn, Mis Simpson, Mrs. Allen and Smith, Toronto, L.A.C. H a Casbourn, Bagatviiie, Que., Gladys Norton, Belleville, Christmas with Mr. and Mi Casbaurn. Mrs. H. E. Kerr, Oshawa, Danothy Hoar, Toronto, Mns. Smith, Hampton, AC2 Cha Hoar, S.F.T.S., Ayimer, Mr. Mns. R. Downey, Peterbono, Christmas day guests witb E. V. Hoan. We were pleased ta recei cali from Gnr. Tom H. MeCr, son o! Mm. and Mrs. T. H. Cready, Lethbridge, Alta., w with the 63nd Field Battery, Regt. at Petawawa. Tom is 2 in. and every inch a soldie The cast af "The Strike o Ladies' Aid" (the play that presented by Mrs. M. Tamt W. A., Trinity Church gmaup, in December) gave a boai white and green linon table ta Mns. Harvey Nivins (ne Rota Bennett) as a token af apprecietion for hem servitý the play and as a !anewell g Cpi. Donald Williams, Oli son o! Mn. and Mns. Frank liams, was a passengeon an1 the trains which wes wnecm Almonte Sunday ovening rE ing in 36 deaths and over seriausiy injurod. Fortu n a Don was uninjured and his ents wene gneatiy relievedb ceive a phono cali fromn hin, ing ho was safe. Mr. and Mns. Frank L. Marris, Cleveland, O., have visiting bis sisten, Mrs. DE Clemens and brother, Mn.i Morris, in Oshawa. "Do" calied on aid friends in bis1 tawn bono. Ho bas been sz the Great Lakes ail summ( steward on the "Marsala" o by the' Buckeye Steamship since bis boat wes tied up 1ý been on a trip ta Florida. In place o! its usuel White Service, Trinity United Ci Sundey Scbool taok up a c( tion et its Decemben 27th se for relie! a! those less fartunz war-torn countries ecnoss the Fi! ty-throo dollars was nea and was divided amang four1 as !ailows: Telogram Chris Cheen fan Bm. Childnen 10.00;' gram British War Victims'1 8.00; Canadien Aid ta, Russie tion Lions Club To Sponsor Pte. Melville Burns r Aid To Russia Fund Severely Burned at the f At long last a Bowmanville Newfoundland Fire ngs of organization has decided to be- Last word received by Mr. and taff of come a receiving depot for the Mns. Charles H. Burns, Elgin ntevery worthy and popular Cana- Street, concerning their son, Pte. es and dian Ai ossalund.il akn Melville Burns, is that he is mak- morn- nThrie LioseClr ub, whleomr ngisng satis!actory progress although reweîîn rv t ecr unsfrti still confmned to hospital in St. cause, decided at its meeting 'Johns efudad Monday evening to accept contri- hnsNefudad tbeen butions from anyone who cares An air mail letter from Capt. ff for ta donate and to look after send- C. H. Heuston, Officer Con'mand- ing a ing the money to Toronto head- ing, R.C.O.C. Company Force W., ^type quarters. The transactions will sent the day after the family were 's was be looked after by the Lions Club informed, by long distance, their War Services Committee conven- son was sick, tells the story. It Editor ed by Lion Bert Parker. Contri- reads: "It is with sincere regret ýt that butions will be received by the that it is my duty to inform you o! .y and following Lions: Alex McGregor the serious illness of your son, ryone at McGregor's Drug Store, L. J. S. C_38490, Pte. Burns, Melville ,e, hie Langs at the Bank of Montreal, John. know and Bert Parker at Parker's "On the night of December 12, ss she Plumhing Shop., the Knights of Columbus Leave Already the sum 0of S92.00 has Centre here (St. John's) was short been turned in to the Lions as totally destroyed by fire and un- ed by follows: fortunately your son was attend- utiful Anonymous ------- -- ---$75.00 ing a.dance there. le was R. W. Newton----------- 5.00 'He was removed from th,- de by Ed Summers -.- --------- 5.00 building and taken to the Royal ýy Mc- Dr. H. and Mrs. Ferguson-- 1.00 Canadiai' Navy Hospital where Miss Maud Reynolds ------ 1.00 owing to the seriousness of his era-J. W. Jewell --------- --- 1.00 burns he has been placed on the 7 sa L.J. . Langs ------ ---- 2.00 Danger List. The Hospital Author- Sual J J. Brown ------------- 2.00 ities are veny rushed at this time lvnwg__ and. were unable to give any livngTotal $92.00 furthen information negarding the _______________ condition o! your son." ;e, o- urkton oysCet Extent o! his bunns was con- ~, T- Buketo Boy Get tained in a subsequent letter from shawa, Pen and Pencil Sets Lt. H. M. Silver, officer in charge d Rol- ____ of Melville's group. He stated: s îh About forty guests from the "He was taken . ta the hospital ýoland village gathered at the home of suffering from very painful burns Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Gi, Burke- around the armis and legs". Let- Fulton ton, on Saturday evening, in order ters received from the two of- closed to pay tribute, on behaif of the ficers since have shown that Mel- tates- community, to two of our local ville is progressing slowly but enjoy boys now in the R.C.A.F. They nicely. every are L.A.C. Harold Wilson, young- Melville enlisted at Kingston in est son o! Mrs. A. Wilson and the Ordnance Corps on Febru- [y and the late Mr. Arthur Wilson, and ary 28, 1942. A month to the day y', To- AC2 .Roy Carter, second son o! later hie was transferred ta New- iWat- Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, ail o! foundland and in October was .stmas Burketon. The gifts were pen home on 14 days' leave. Befone 1 Mrs. and pencil sets with their namnes enlisting he was employed at the and official numbers engraved on Bowmanviile Foundry and at the îning- them. Miss Ruby Bailey read the Mallable Foundry in Oshawa, as fromn addresses and Mr. Ernest Adams a moulder. ýeSta- made the presentations, and the He is the eldest son. A brother, 'harge boys replied very suitably. Games George, who was a shipper at the 1 drill were played and a delicious lunch Foundry before enlisting, is withi served, after whîch aIl joined in the Midlands in England. His rmcsiging "For they are jolly good youngest brother, Frank, was with 'mcfellows." The evening ended with the Tank Corps at Camp Borden lcCpr- God Save the King. and is presumed ta have gone ng R taias nt- ~overseas eanly this month. one. A t Ajax D.l.L. Plant Municipal Nominations iss Pat 1 1Mrs. Fifty-seven Rotarians and Ro- Monday, January 4, is election r olid tary Anns had an unusual ex- day for the people o! Cartwright Mis perience on Sunday afternoonTonhp Asaruto!an- spent when they were taken on a con- nations on Dec. 28, the following Irs. H. ducted tour o! the Defense In- will contest: For Reeve, Creigh- dustries Limited plant at Ajax. ton Devitt, Bunketon, and Wilfrid 1Miss Rotanian T. A. Garton supplieci Bowles, Nestieton; For Council- sJ. J. two buses ta take themn to Ajax lors (four to be elected), Norman as. V. where they were taken under the Green, Bruce Heslop, Roy Fergu- rand wing of Alex Russell, director o! son, Herbert Hooey and Wes. ,were personnel. The trip ta Ajax, in- Hoskin. iMrs. cidentally, came about as a result Little interest was shown in of his address at the Rotary Club the Darlington Township nomina- ive a several weeks back. tions at Hampton on Monday ready, Although they were not allowed when about 30 citizens turned out 1Mc- into the plant proper they were to the meeting. Council was re- Aho is taken by bus around the unre- elected as follows: Reeve-W. R. rl9th stricted areas of the 2600 acres on Pickell; Deputy Reeve-R. R, Ste- s6 ft. which the huge plant is located. yens; Councillors -Kyle Squair, ier. A conducted tour was then tak- Everton Wight, Art Milison. fteen through the govennment bous- tf was ing, the 8-roomed school recentîy Three Ladies Hurt blyn's opened which is modern in everyInHg a Crs ,lnsdetail, through the men's dormi- InHg wYCrs early tories, the women's dormitonies, utiful the cafeteria which will accom- A bad accident occurned, south lecloth modate 750 pensons, the hospital of Hampton on Thursday evening, aMiss which is being enlarged from 12 Dec. 17, when an army truck tra- ftheir beds to 36 beds, the recreation velling from the west ran into a csin centre, and the head office where asnecrdinadowd gî!t. ail the produets assembled there by Mrs. H. E. Cale, Hampton. ttawa, such as cantridges, sheils, are on Other occupants o! the car were cWil.. display. Mm. Russell was aided in Mrs. C. Warren, Mns. Joe Chap- mne o! the tour by his assistant Harold man, Mrs. Bessie Rabbins, all o! :ed at Collmng. Hampton. resuit- Of particular interest ta the Mrs. Warren su!fered severe >r 100 visitons was the Recreation Centre shock. Mrs. Cole suffened two t eiY where entertainments, dances, fractured ribs, and Mrs. Chapman spar- movies, bowling, ping pang, and facial injuries. We are sonry ta ta re- other games are held. Connected report Mrs. Robbins had to be . stat- with it are a library and a read- nemoved ta Bowmanville Hospi- ing room. On Sundays two re- tal for treatment. The car was (Do> ligious services are held at the damaged considerably. been Recreation Centre, one for the )elbert Protestants and one for the M rs. C. T. Ross Gives Chas. Roman Catholics, and in the eve- A na ra oPpl also ning a fireside musicale is held.A ua r ttoP pl home Ail activities are supervised by At The Royal Theatre ailing the Veterans' Guard, and disci- er as pline is strict. The annual Christmas treat for owned The Rotarians were pleased ta the public sehool children in town ýp Ca. see that such care had been taken was pravided by Mrs. C. T. Ross he has in arranging sleeping quarters for of the Rayai Theatre on Wednes- the girls, many o! whom are hund- day a!ternoon, Dec. 23. The an- ýe Gift reds of miles away from home and nouncement o! a free show and a 'hurch same of them for the first time chocolate bar for each chid ollec- in their lives. The dormitories are brought themn flocking in for the 'essian large and airy and cornfortable, two matinees at 1.30 and 3.30. iate in Matrons supervise them. They About 600 attended each shawing e ieas. were also pleased ta see Miss o! Baby Sandy in "Sandy Gets ,ldGladys Page, R.N, o! Enniskillen, Her Man" which was supplement- funds who is superintendent o! nurses ed by cartoons. stmas at the Ajax hospital. aCrsms Mrs. Ross is to be comrnended Fuddinner was enjayed at the Pica- she provide a pnogram which the 18.00: dilly Club. President L. W . Dip-1 children can enjoy but she enter-

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