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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1943, p. 8

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7-r PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 1BOWMuANVTT T - (MT'A Pe TeNewcastle Independent Phoe lak111 A special feature of the 4th Fruit Inspector, was another Degree, held by Durham Lodge, member of the Walton brothers A.F. & A.M., in the Community present. Hall kitchen follo.wing the instal- Chrimsti me guests at Mr. lation of officers, were the vocal Tracy Manes' xere: Mr. and Mrs. numbers by Miss Dorothy Nichais, TracyMns Jr., Mr. and Mrs. station early this week, among one out of an offering of five for Bowmanvilie, niece of the new Graýyanetty, Leaside, and Mrs. them a car of ojîcake in 100-lb, four positions, had to lose. It is Worshipful Master of the Lodge, Burdie and son, David, Toronto. bags, ordered by J. H. Jose. one of the ups and downs of life. George A. Walton. Miss Nichais, Pte. and Mrs. Scott Pollard, Holiday Week and New Year's Fred Couch, Sr., former council. who was guest of her uncle, fav- Port Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Han- lor, was a nominee and he signed ored with four numbers, all of Elmer Pollard, Courtice, with cock, Napanee, with Mr. and Mrs. the qualification papers; but af- which were greatly appreciated their mother, Mrs. Harry Dennis H. E. Hancock. . . Miss Bessie terwards asked the Clerk to with- by the asseimbled brethren. Her Pte. Scott Pollard was home' froms Blackburn, Toronto, with Mrs .da i ae oa ubro accompanist was Very Worshipful Wnie.Cl n isM 'Bakun. oe ato odyws23 Bro. Workman, organist of Trinity IoeWinnipeg.e ...CThsws osiealymreta United Church, Bowmanville. Bdr. Bryce Ward, R.C.A., re- Ioe lmne0 h .... hswscnieal oeta Amog he brthrn akngturned to Halifax this week fol- Kingston, and Mrs. Chas. Clemn- one-third of the number (746) speeches was W.M. Geo. A. Wal- lowing a visit With his parents,enewtMran Ms.W H.ctinB mnileseete- ton' elestbroher W.. R W.Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ward of Nw Clernence. .. Miss Helen Hooper, ection for councillors. The vote ton' elest roter, . . R.W. ew-Ajax, with Miss Evelyn Allun, and was about 52 per cent of eligible Walton, Toronto, a Past Master af castle's department store. Miss Gwen Hooper at Mrs. E. C. voters listed; but 100 per cent is Durham Lodge. It was his first Mr. Edwin Hancock, who has Hoar's. .. Mrs. Norman Gartshore beyond the bounds of possibiiity. visit to his home lodge in 13 years. been serving as Lay Supply on with her sister, Mrs. Eric Wicks Bro. E. A. Walton, Councilior and the Roblin Circuit, United Church . . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Hagg NEWCASTLIE ELECTIONS ________________________of Canada, since June, resigned at and son, Leaside, and Miss Jean the end of the year and he and Rickard, Toronto, at Mr. W. F. Result of Monday~s voting in Mrs. Hancock now have their Rickard's. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. contest for counicil seats: home at Napanee where Mrs. Benson, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rickard -------------192 Hancock is teaching school. Mr. Jno. Rickard's. . . LAC Alex In- Gea. A. Walton --- - -------178 Hancock is stili pursuing his gram, R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Ingram, Earl A. Walton --- --------138 tudies throughout the week at with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Law _ 118 QensUniversity. A. Ingram. .. Pte. Chas. Bonathan John Henry Jase ---------------110 Mr. A. E. Meliow and sons, of Toronto, with his sister, Mrs. First four were elected. Reeve S E E D Rodger and Keith, went down to Morley Sallows. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carveth was re-elected by Rev. and Mrs. . A. Meliow, Lea- Arthur Toms, Toronto, at Mr. side, and visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Toms'.. . Mr. and Mrs. Stan- MloSr., who on Christmas ley Rickard, London, at Mr. W. J. Day observed the 61st anniversary S. Ri k rdi n Mr. H. C. Ped B rown s f their wedding. wvell's. .. Pte. Brenton Rickard, The fire truck was cailed out Petawawa, and Miss Marion Rick- Home & School Association Acarload of Erban. Cartier and Tuesday morning when Carl Sel- ard at W. J. S. Rickard's. .. Mr. New Year's Eve irolic was a huge Victory Oats and O.A.C. 21 by's furnace pipes and chimney and Mrs. Sam Brooks and son and *ucs vth over 700 present. Barley from Northern Ontario caught fire. The fire was soon Miss Gwen Brooks, Providence. sPrceeds '$350.00, aiter aIl ex- bas arrlved at Gibson's siding. braught under contrai by the at Mr. Parnaby Martin's for New penses. ~ WLLBEUNOAED family, but firemen and truck Year's dinner. ' . Miss Aresta Mar- Red Cross met at Mrs.. R. Gra- IT WL FRB1UNJAN. 6 were soon on hand in case of need. tin, Toronto, at Mr. P. Martin's.. ham's.t THURS. and FI A.6 by the essembled brethren. Her Mrs. Eric Pearce, Robert and We welcome Mrs. Hackett, our 9 Anyone requlrlng any of this Chamber took on a wartime Marilyn, Toronto, at W. J. S. school teacher, to aur community. b seed, order early, ýas there is aspect and was perv.:ded by a Rickard's. .. Miss Minnie Pearce, Visitors: Mrs. C. Brown, Raya a demand for good seed. semii-military atmosphere on Toronto, and Miss Patricia Pearce, and Sidney, and Mr. and Mrs.r Monday *~ith Pte. Brenton Rick- Oshawa, at H. R. Pearce's.. Tom Wilson at Cecil Mailey's, iar rd from Petawawa, in army uni- Pte. Chas. Robinson, Transport Lockhart's . . . Irvin Colîville, foaIRm acting as Poil Clerk for Driver, Irish Regiment, Toronto, Newcastle, at Geo. Stephenson's Ca n tIik r eturning Officer H. C. Bonathan. with Mr. and Mrs. Cea. Robinson ...M.adMs .Gaa Phone 2813 Bowmanville Five cars of Western grain and .. Miss Jean Bonathan, Toronto, *Meivn Mr. and Mrs. . Turm ner other feeds were in different at Mr. H. C. Bonathan's.lir. and Saa .MNisOshawrne staes .muuii~ a ~Among the children and grand- .. Miss Wylma iFarrow' with chilrn who gathered at Mr. and Miss Betty Allun, Lockhart's... Mrs. Cea. Robinson's for Christ- Miss Ruth Honey, Port Coiborne, mas festivities was their grand- at Geo. Honey's. son, Sub-Lieut. John Turner, Mrs. Henry Reichrath was el- R C N, He was home from Es- ected trustee at the annual schoo] *** u~ *uimalt, B.C., on furlough, with meeting. The other trustees are CIII4II is parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and Mr. N ewcastle Hydro Euectric S mTrnOsat M arkncTurnerr ~J~L~III r.nd Oshaw arkCirenerTuner Oshaa, vsite atH. R. Pearce's. Two Newcastle Baseline dads CARD 0F THANKS RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES had rather a strenuous week of Jan ls toDec lSh, ~3farmn choring between Christmas I wish ta take this appartunity Jan.lst o D c. 1th, 943and New Year's. Councîllor J. of thanking the vaters of New- H. Jose's eldest son, Donald, was castle for supporting me at the Cash in Bank December 31st, 1942 in Kitchener attending the 23rd poils Monday and electing me a Current Account --------- ----------- 1147.64 session ai the Ontario Older Boys' member ai the municipal counicil Parliament and was named Minis- for 1944 1 shall strive ta fulfili ' Savings Accaunt ----------------------- 300.00 1447.64 ter ai Finance for 1944. His sec- my duties ta the best ai my ability Invested In Dominion ai Canada Bonds ------ 1500.00 ond son, Francis, was in Orono by and in the interests ai ail the citi- day attending the Agricultural zens. I stand for progressive Totl Csh ndBons ----------------------2947.64 Short Course. Dairyman R. B. civic government and shahl do my Tota Cah ad BndsLeGresley's eider son, Farncomb, utmost ta make Newcastle a more R.eceipts January lst ta December l5th, 1943 aiso attended the daily sessions populous and better place in af the Short Course at Orono, and which ta live and wark and play. Consumer's Accounts----------------- 10322.10 his younger son, Balfour, was Y o u r s sincerely, George A. Village Street Lighting ------------- - 518.15 holidaying in Port Hope with his Waltan. Sale ai Supplies -. 73.90 aunt, Mrs. A. N. McEvoy and his______________ Sal o Sppie ----------------------------- 7390cousin, Mrs. Selby Spencer, who NG E E T Interest an Savings Bank Acc't-------- 3.22 are spending the winter there. COMINGE E T Interest on Bonds ------.------------- 82.50 10999.87, Mr. Babbs, Toronto, has had two truckloads ,of concrete blocks Dance at Sauina Hall, Friday Total . .13947.5he site in readiness night, Jan. 7.11 To a ------------------------------------- 3 475 or heaul ing of his new coun-1- Expenditures Jan. lst ta Dec. 15th, 1943 try house on a lot bought from his Sktn atOnoRkevr brother-in-iaw, Mr. Wm. Neil, kTsdaTurday an Saturay Power Purchased ------------------------4930.77 Newcastle Red Cross is again ni h Ay hurmen ond act srvce Operating expenses af Lines, Trans- making an urgent appeai for nght. Almno ctvMevc farmers, Meters ------------------ 128808 clothing for Russian relief and free Tuesday and Thursday. Good anyone having garments they music. R. Winter, manager. 1-i" Administration Expenses, inciuding wish ta contribute may leave Meter Reading, Billing, etc.----------- 890.25 them with Miss Almeda Couch The annuai meeting ai the Wo- DomiionSale Ta 43.61 53971 crne aiMiiiandEmil st.:mens' War Work Committee af Domnin Sle Ta ------------------- ------ 40.6 739.1whrer tfeyMil e and mlySreceiv he *Canadian Red Cross wiii be ed.r hywl b ldyr '- held Thurs., Jan. 13, at 8 p.m. in Balance --------------------------------- 6407.80 Mr. Garnet B. Rickard, Shaw's, the Council Chamber. 1-1 Cas inBak Dc. 5t, 143received as a Christmas itfo Dance in Bowmanviile Arm- the powers that be, bath Hydro Current Acct.........................--------------404.58 and Phone service, which hitherto aunies, Fr, Jan. 7, under auspices he had been unable ta secure. ai Womensa War Auxiliary.kp Savings Acc't - ------------------------ 3.22 407.80 Bath services, which hie had been Vaughan's orchestra; admissio'n denied for the past two years, 50c. Dancing commences9 p.m. * Invesed inGoverment ondswere installed about a week apart11 Invetediii oveninet Bndsjust before Christmas. Aithough 3rd Victory Loan 3 per cent Nov. 1-56 --- 1500.00 these services were right at hand FrRn 4thVitoy oa 3pe cntMa 157---- 20000across the highway at W. J. S. For________________ 4th ictry oan3 pr cnt My 157 ... 250.00Rîckard's they were unabtainable 5th Victory Loan 3 per cent Jan. 1-59 --- 2000.00 6000.00 up ta this time. FOR RENT-2 GARAGES, on the Shaw's School Section is be- Lrmss.Psesin jan e1 6407.80scioningAtrthngly woman-con- 1944., Mrs. Archie Tait, Division No. of Damestic Accounts .-------223-sc--us.-At-the-re--n22annual sî.tili schooi meeting the ratepayers ________________ No. ai Commercial Accounts ----------------- 33 elected Mrs. Kyle Squair as the No. ai Power Accounts -------- ----------------i irst woman trustee af the Union Section, No. 1 Dariington and 23 01=0 GEORGE JAMIESON, Clarke. She succeeds Mr. W ed every three years f or the past 1 25 years. Another innovation for a thîs section though is that Mr. fl OSHAWA. ONTARTO secon.d with 178. Bath have been UI h War Worknot acceted acti emmbers ai the NewcastleOWthi Applicants now on Basebaîl Club and star playerson b many a team. They are farmers 17 ordVedBsu ah and fairhy heavy taxpayers and bonie, Reginald Owen A Apply National Selective Service want ta see Newcastle grow. 0 oemo 1 ~~~Speaking a taxpayers, J. H . Jse It happened on oemo l A Oshawa - File 2670 is one ai the very heaviest, if not mooniight romance and mid- Il at the top, in the corporation, and i night mystery, love-on-the- it is regrettable that one with 0 run, and murder ta msic I such large interests in the village, i *0 ~ j - ~.. 4.... AK O THURS., JANUARY 6th, 1943 BIRTI-S CHANT - Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chant, Hampton, announce the birth ai their son at Bowman- ville Hospital on Sunday, Jan. 2, 1944. 1-1 GOULD-At the Civic Hospital, North Bay, on Tuesday, Decem- ber 28, 1943, ta Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Gouhd (nee Dorothy Bannycastle) a daughter, a sis- ter for John. 1-1 DEATI-S GILBANK-At Bowmanvihle, on Jan. 2nd, 1944, John Gihbank, aged 84 years. BIRD-In Bawmanville. Jan. 1, 1944, Lawrence John James Bird, infant son ai Mr. and Mrs. John James Bird, in his 3rd month. PERKIN-In Moorefiehd on Dec. 31, 1943, Laura Jane Wordcn, ,behoved wiie ai W. H. Perkin, in her 76th year. Service in Moareifled United Church on Jan. 3, 1944, 1:30 p.m., ta the Bethesda Cemetery, lOth Con. Maryborough, for in- Cards of Thanks The famiiy ai the late Mr. Ai- bert Werry wish ta extend their gratitude ta the friends and neigh- bors for the assistance, sympathy and floral afferings during their recent bereavement. 1-1"' IN MEMIORIAM ADAMS-In ioving memary af a dear Husband and F at hecr, Charles Frederick, who passcd away Jan. 5, 1938. Cane is the face we hoved so dear, Sulent is the voice we hoved ta hear; Too far away for sight or speech,, But not ta far for thought ta reach. Sweet ta remember him who once was here, And who, though absent, is just as dear. -Sadhy misscd by wife and daughters, Ruby and Pearlie. 1~1* i FOR SALE-Double Mattress and springs, aise hand sleigh. Phone 775. 11 FOR SALE-TRACK for Double garage doors. In good condi- tion, cheap. Phone 2898. -1' FOR SALE-Lady's Green Cloth coat, chamois iined, new, size 16-18. Phone 2834. 11 FOR SALE-i Pr. Men's Skates and boots, size 6, and 1 pr. ladies', size 5. Phone 2116. 1-1* FOR SALE - Boy's Boots and skates, size 9, worn anly three times. Cecil D. Pascoe. Phone 2476. 1-1* FOR SALE-Pair ai Boy's Skates in excellent condition. Goad aE# Fncw. $2.00 cash. Write Box 273 FOR SALE-1931 CHEV. Coupe for sale. Apply McKeever's FGarage. Wiil sel cheap. 50-4 FOR SALE - Occasionai chair, blue and rase uphohstering, in good condition, reasonable. Mrs. F. S. Phillips, phone 2567. 1-1 FOR SALE-32 DODGE Sedan, 6 cyinder, gaod running order. APPIY H. Van Wyngaarden, King St.,,East, Bowmanviihe. FOOL THE FUEL SH-ORTAE- Sieep under warm quiits-wooh, alpine clath, feather ihannel, velvet patches mixed, 3 Paunds $1. Postpaid - money back guarantee. (Limited quantity). Buttonshop, Whitby. 1-8 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from aver 300 patterns actuaihy in stock You are invited ta view these at BRADLEY'IS New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf VACUUMS FOR SALE "Gaod vacuums f or G o od Housekeeping." Also guaran- teed expert repairs, lubrication, replacements, etc. Cali C.U.C. Service Branch, McCregor's Hardware Store, Bowmanvilhe, 774. 49-tf OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Evcrything in madern chestenfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor covenings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- Petitive prices.' Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Seed Wanted SEED WANTED - We pay high- est prices for Timothy, Claver, etc. Stewart's Seed Store, Bow- manvi.1ie. Phone 577. 34-tf =- --- iBOWMANVILLE NOTE Change In Program January 17, 18, 19 STAGE DOOR CANTEEN Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 6, 7, 8 Double Feature HELLO FRISCOJ HELLO Technicolor ALICE FAYE, JACK OAKIE, JON PAYNE, LYNN BARI Also HI BUDDY! Mon., Tues., MWed., Jan. 10, 11, 12 DUBARRY WAS AI LADY Technicolor Wlth LUCILLE BALL -ý - - i RED SKELTON 3EED 'e RAIN Fhave a car of Govt. Test- 1No. 1 Victory Seed Qats ming in soon. These Qats re coxning front the Peace ver district, which is con- Iered the finest grain pro- .cing district in the world. re are selling these Oats off te car at $1,00 per bushel. Is0 will have No. 1 Cartier id Erban Varieties, and a' xof Govt. Graded No. 1 .A. C. 21 Barley later in ,winter. flrrlers taken for .above NOW. *W, GLENNEY Newcastle ['elephone Clarke 33-12 ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra s made wen advertisement is not pald samne week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Births, deaths and marriages 50e each. In Memorams, 50e for notice plus lc per lino for verse. Classfed adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-YOUNG PICS, SIX weeks old. Apply Herb. Stain- ton, Hampton. 52-2* FOR SALE-s PICS, 8 weeks ad. Appy J. Barton, Bowmanvile. 1-1 FOR SALE-Registered Purebred Shorthorn Buils. Ross Halia- weli, Clarke, phone 1504. 1-2* WOOD FOR SALE - MIXED waod, 4-foot hengths. Price de- iivered. $10 per cord. H. FRobiaiLE, R.R.132 Bureon.1-i FolsAe-C 4yr.oW i Jesrse Hoîsein, 4 lyrs.aIder egs r EnfedppynWa23e2 Ferguson EnRiiAeidCpoe 2329. 1-1"'h FOR Al-oWabutafehern hsn. A. lso aut 6. Leghor hes, phr.onde Ap638 W. Luk FOR SALE - Good Jersey Cow just renewed; Holstein cow, due Jan 20; Brindhe cow, due Jan. 15.* Appiy C. Edgar Horn, Hamýpton, phone 2144. 1-1 FOR SALE-1 Registered Leices- ter ram, 2 years off. Alsa 1 Leicester ram hamb. C. W. Fee, Burketon. Phone Port Perry 111r21. 1-1 FOR SALE - McCLARY COOK stove, top oven & capper tank, in splendid condition. Brooder house, 16 it. square, only few years aid, wiii seli or trade for stock. Oliver McCulloch, Lot FOR SALE - Purebred Short- horn buils, purcbred Cotswold cwe hambs, aind pure white Embden geese, bath sex, 1943 stock. Orville Burton, Ciare- mont, Ont. 50-4* Wanted To Buy WANTED -Large Quebec Heat- ers. Apply Kingsway Green- houses. Phone 2633. 51-3 Articles For Sale Wanted to Rent WANTED-HOUSE Wanted, any time from naw ta spring, by re- hiable couple. No thildren. Write Box 2, Statesman Office. Notice On and aiter this date I wiih not be responsible for debts incurred in my namne by Mrs. McMiilan. Mrs. Alvin Seymour, 319 Division St., Oshawa, Ont. Bowmanville, Work Wanted WORK WANTED-WOMAN De- sires day work. Phone 2196. 1-1 Lost, Strayed or Stolen LOST-MAN'S BILLFOLD, valu- able contents, Dec. 30, 1943, in Bawmanviile or Oshawa. Re- ward. Phone 2150w, Oshawa. 1-1* LOST - Brown Leather Wahlet containing registration card, driving permit, etc. Last in tawn December 27th or 28th. Finder picase leave at 2 Carlisle Ave. Reward. 11 LOST - WALLET, containing about $12, Driver's Licence, Commercial gas ration book, etc. Lost Dec. 30 in Bawman- ville. Liberai reward if return- cd ta Douglas Lemon, Second St. 1-1* Chicks for Sale - CHICK:S-We are now taking or- ders for Tweddle Chicks. Al brecds including hybrids. Place yaur order early ta avoid dis- appaintment. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanvilie. F. F. -Morris Co.. January Furniture Sale! FUTURES Spring-Filled Mattresses AT $17.95 - ALL SIZES RELEASED Tires now retreaded for pas- songer cars wlthout permit. We are ln a position to handie ail sizes of tires for retreading. Three tread de- signs ta choose from. 0. F. JAMIESON TIRE SHOP 1 block west of post office Open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 467, n L 13ARRED ROCKS 0 jj AND I 0WHITE LEGHORNS oEach y6ar we have been ob-0 *liged to turn away orders f for Leghora Chlcks. We *have, therefore, decided to0 Ilbreed this popular, white, I Iegg producing bird, and Uthereby bc able ta accommo- ,0 date any potential customers. nWe also have, of course, our Susuail popular strain of Bar.- ared Rocks of which many f thousand are already book- 0 ed. -This is not a year ta I deiay ordering your chicks. f Circular will soon be I ready and mailed ta formerD O customers. Ask for one! 0 THEO fGIBSON FARMS [j Blowmanvllle, Ont. Phbonc Clarke 3811 VIN UYOLOEL TAM INS FR THE WINTER Wampale's Extract Cod Liver Ou - -- ------$1.00 Kepler Malt Extract With Cod Liver OÙu------- 75c and $1.25 Aycrst 10D Cod*Liver O ul, 4 oz. - -------------67c 16 oz.- ----- --- $1.69 Squibb's Cod Liver Oul, 4 oz.- ------------- 55e 12 oz.-----------. ------$1.10 Ayerst Aiphamettes 100 ------- $1.85 & $3.50 Mead's Cod Liver 011 4 oz. 50c, 8 oz. 75c, 12 oz. - . ----------- $1,00 Seott's Emulsion ---59e, 98e Nea Chemnical Food Capsules $1.25 & $2.23 PARKE DAVIS ... Abdol Capsules Improved -- $2, $3.45 Irradol A, 1 lb. -, $1,50 Standardized Cod Liver 011, 16 oz.----- ---- $1.25 Halibut Liver 011 Jury C& Loveil When We Test Eyes It Us Done Properly THE REXALL STORE PHONE 778- - C.N.R. TICKETS PURETEST VITAMIN4 PRODUCTS ... Plenamins -------... $1.75 ABD&G Capsules --------... $1,00 Multiple Vitamins $1,50), 2.50 Wheat Gens,(il011.... 1.00 Halibut Liver 0O1u--------90C Vitamin A & D Tablets --- ------ ---44e Extract of Malt with Cod Liver 011 Ramn, Honew and Cod Liver 0 11, 8 oz.- ------ ----- 60e Perco-Cod Capsules -------75e Cod Lîver Oil Comnpound Tablets----- 75c & $1.35 Puretest Cod Liver 011 4 Oz.- - ----- - -- - -- .- --- 40e 8 Oz.- --------- - ------75e 16 oz.- -- ------ --------- $ 1.25 Vitamnin BI Tablets 1 mgm 100's ----------75e Yeast & Iran Tablets ---- 79e Mead's Oleum Percom- 1 1 n_- RADaoldusE WA- JURY LOVELL

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