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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1943, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JANUARY l4th, 1943 THE CANAPIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE I v SOCIkAL AND P ERSONAL Phone 663 S01 L Sgt. W. R. Jones, Paratroops, Sound, is now in Oshawa where Helena, Montana, is visiting his his many activities include direct- wife, Mrs. Jones, King Street. ing the General Motors Choir. Mrs. J. E. Flett has returned to her home after spending some time with Blackstock relatives. Officers Installed In It is so exceptional to receive Im.'ressv evc a letter of appreciation for space 5V SeV e given to meetings of organizations that we are reproducing this one Ex-Mayor J. J: Mason was guest which was received by Editor speaker at Trlnity Young People's James from Miss Leta M. Jackson, meeting on Monday evening. Baslng corresponding secretary. It read: "The mem* bers of The Woman's his tlmnely remarks on the letters of Missionary Society of Trinity thie words "New Year"', the speaker ljnited Church wished me to write lef t wth the Young People a motto ifew lines to extend to you and tô the members of your staff our to be rememnbered and foilowed dur- deep appreciation for your kind- ing the coming years. Mr. Mason ness and generosity in publishing pointe<j out that the "Y" was "ýYou" our monthiy reports in The States- -flot li the collective sense, but man, often as front page news. definiteiy with a personal or indi- Wishing you ail the compliments iulfe.Temtoaprsnd of. the season." idafl e. ae otoa peenc Music loyers and friends of 1 sflos Edouard Bartlett and Reg. Geen N ever will be interested in an item which E xcuse or entertain appeared in an Owen Sound W rong thoughts, words or actions paper. It tells of a half-hour YOU-Personaily or lndlvidually studio recital given on New Year's E ver Day over CFOS, Owen Sound, in Aprv ramr which the two musicians took PrvOrame part. Highlighting this presenta- R ight thought.s, words or actions. tion was "The Back Concerto for The service following along the Two Violins in D Minor played by theieeof the New Year as a door Edouard Bartlett and Frank Rad-oeigt f- do pnn e cliff e, violinists, and Reginald Qeigt l-ado pnn e Geen, pianist". Mr. Bartlett is a fore us a year of rlch supplies for native of Oshawa and is 110W the poor and needy, thie sad and musical director of the Rural feeble, a year of great opportunity Schools in the Orillia district. Mr. for all-was presented by Marion Geen, once a resident of Owen Johns, Jean Leachi and Edith Mur- phy. - Rev. J. E. Griffith conducteci an Impres sive installation and candie ligbit service. The newly elected of- filers, took their place before taie £ leader and pledged their co-opera- $ OL)tion and support to the Union dur- ing their term of office. For the cancue lght service ail offleers and members formed a circle and the light was passed by taie leader from a large central candle syznbollzlng Jesus, the ligat 0f thé world, to ail members. Doris Dudley and Thelma Schlievert asslsted li this service. C )L Girls' Mission Band i (by Band Reporter) T mhe Alice Jackson Mission Band me nMon., January 11, in the Beginners' Class Rooma at Trinity Church. The meeting opened with quiet music followed by a short Spode ls steadily growiflg i rows Fall" was followed by favor for mafly reasons: prayer. We sang another hymn "Away in a Manger", then a story IS ENGLISH which was followed by the rol IT'S SERVICEABLE caîl and new business and the treasurer's report was read. The ]IS ATTRACTIVE offering was taken and we had the lT'S PRACTICAL election of officers: Pres. Gwyn- eth Griffith; Sec. Marion Dippeil; <No diseontinued Patteras> Treas. Peggy Dippell; Cor.-Sec. Made from the highest quai- Bona Mary Griffith. ity dlay by experlenced work- We had a game and closed the *n- Start a set now. See meeting with "Taps". our stock patterns and ltus quote you Prices. RICHELIEU NOTEL ____ FOR SALE by TENDER VALENTINES fo lproperty suitabiy iocated Send your overseas Valentines as Richelieu Hotel, Bowmanvilie, now. Ours are ready. (no liquor license), 110W operating under short term lease, practical- ly new hot water heating system, three story building, 40 odd rooms, running water in practically every J. W . EW ELL raom, several roams with private L 19. EVELL baths. Highest or any tender not nec- ~dBI3G 20"y essarily accepted. BOOKSTORE Tenders stating terms, cash pre- ]Phone 556 Bownianvillie ferred, received up to Feb. 1, 1943, addressed to C. H. Mason, Secre- tary-Treasurer, Bowmanville Hos- pital. 1-4 B OWMAN VILLE "H1OME TOWN NIGHT"' OVER RADIO STATION CFRB, TORONTO 9 -9.30 Thursday, Jan. Zlst Kathleen Fitzmaurlcc oppartunity Wo enlist in the Wam- ens Division a! the R.C.A.F. be- cause of the special oppotunities affered for wamen to obtain the necessmry training Wo fit themsei- ves for stenographic and clerical duties. One or two classes of 30 recruits each are being formed in Toronto at the present time and instructions in stexiography and business practice will be given at the Northern Vacational Schooi. This course will lait t'wenty weeks axid furnishes a reaily unique op- .prtunity for young womexs ta fit themselves. not anly for useful service li the RJC.A.F., but aiso ta, improve their chances for attrac- tive empioyment li civil life a!ter the war. While taking tais course recruits will recelve tacir full Air Force pay and allowances. On completian of the course they will be pasted Wo basic training centres and in due lime will 'be asslgned ta duties coresponding Wo the effic- iency which they have attalfxed. While stress is being laid on the stexiographlc course at the present time, there are vacancies lIallier Air Force trades open Wo womcn. These trades naw number 43 and cover a wide field of endeavour. Weddings Locke-McLean A wcdding a!fIiteresitook place' Nov. 7, at the home af tbe bride'S parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. Calvixi Mc- Leaxi,Ima, Alla., when their youiger daughten. Mary Elizabeth, was united li niarniage to Sgt. Obs. Cecil Ray Locke, only son o! Mn.. H. Locke o! Imam, Aberta. Rev. E. Longmlre pcrfonmed tac ceremony. The bride wore a two-piece suit a! blue wool wltb corsage af yeilow rosebuds, She was attenided by bier cousin, Miss Catherine .Patterson, whose frock was o! rose crepe wlth corsage of red rosebuds. The bnlde's mothen was becamingiy gowned In black crepe axid warc rcd roses at bier shoulden. The groom was at- tended by bis nophew, Mn. EHaviland El! ard. The bridal chorus tram Lohexin was played by Mns. E. D. Elford, sister a! the groom. Yellow spray 'mumis decoratcd three long tables as forty-four lm- mediate reatives and frlends sat do'wn ta enjoy a deiight.ful dinner following tac cenemony. The bride's table was cenlred Ùy a beautiful three-tiered wedding cake. Mn. Longmire voiced the sentiments o! those present li a few appropriate nemarks wbex ihe said thal whatever was the brides wish as she eut bier cake hie was sure It was a good one, and that everyone boped Betty's wish wauld corne truc. The groom repiied li a few well-chosexi wards. Af ter a short baneymox and a funthen brie! visit li Irma district, Sgt. and Mns. Locke ieft by flier for Dartmouth, NàS.. where tac groom Is statloned. Enaroule tbey plan 10 visîl relatives o! the bride lI Ontario. The happy couple were the reci- plents a! many beautiful gl!ts and tac gaod wlshes of their many !nlcxids. The bride is a niece a! Mns. Frank Cryderman, Silver Street, with wham the bnidal couple vis- ited an their haxicymoon. Anderson-Rowe Yellow chrysanthemumi anid potted ferns were the setting for an attractive ceremony li St. Paul's Preibytenian Ch u rc b, Prince Albert, an January 5th, when Katbryn Mary, daughter o! Mn. anid Mns. W. H. Rawe a! Prince Albert, and Sergeant Fred- cnick Aniderson, Windsor, son o! Mr. W. H. Andersoni and the late Mns. Anidersaon, Newcastle, ex- cbangcd nuptial vaws. Rev. A. Raskamp officiatcd. The lavcly bride, given in man- niage by bier father, wore lier mother's wedding gawn o! white silk crepe de chine. Her beauti- ful floor iength veil, whicb was aiso hier mthcr'î, was beld ixi place by sweetbeant rases and !ell in a long train which swept the floor. She carnied a bridai bouquet o! pink tea rases. Mns. E. Humnphrey, as matroxi of Free Business Course For R.C.A.F. Recruits A fine opyportunity for womnen in the district wha were anxious Wo secure information cancerning thé R.C.A.F. (W.D.) or enlist in one of Its many branches was provided during the paît 'week at Oshawa when q mobile rccrulting unit was statianed at the Genosha Hatel. Section Leader Kathleen P'tzmaur- ice was li charge, asslsted by Cor- poral Phyllils Westibrook of the Wo- men's Division and Corporal Ban- ning of the RC.A.P. It is felt that there wili be a special lnterest at this time in the Obituary Herbert Layman Fnicnds li Bowmanville were saddexied to lcarn a! the passlng o! Herbent Layman on Dec. 3lst at bis home li Bradentan, Florida. For sevenal years Mn. and Mrs. Layman bad spent tacir sumnmers at their home ixi Bawmanvllle and the winten moxthsinxx lorida. Mn. Laymnan bad made a host o! friexidi since coming bene as be was a maxi o! sterling qualities, genial, affable and a real gentle- man. One always felt better afler baving beex inlxiis presence. We reproduce the following obit- uary !nam tac Bradexiton Herald:I Herbent Laynian, pioncer Bra- dentoxi business man, died taday at the age of 85. Deceased is sur- vived by bis wife, Mrs. Aberta Hancock Layman, a brother, Albert Layman, o! Bradenton, and nxep- hews and nicces i tac North. His home was an Fiftcenth Street. Mr. Layman came ta Bradexiton ini 1910 fnom Ravenna, N.Y. He cen- tered actlveiy ixto tac business, civic, social and fraternal life o! the community and coxinucd ta play an important part li ils de- velopment until a few montbs ago. Largely because o! bis li4erality axid leadership, the Woman's Club building was spoxisored, canstruct-I ed axdid Is debt pald off. He wasI active lI n emI estateand Iiveit-i ment circles fan maxiy years andI joined with other cîtizens and groups i pnomotlng and building hotels, apartmexit bouses, resid- ences and business buildings. He was a Mason, a Rotanlaxi and a member o! the FinIt Presbyiternian Church, i wbicb he served as an eider. xIn recreatlan, bie was long, a bowling enthusiast and active in the Bradentoxi Bowling Club and the Bowmanville, Ontario, Bowlitip ClVb. . The fuxienal will be fram thce -~irst Presbyteniaxi Church on Sat- unday. The deacons o! that ýcburchI will be active paîl-bearens and theI 'Iders haxionary paîl-bearers. I MIrs. James Byers The suddcn passlng of Al!retta Badburxi Bycni an New Year's Day at Blackstock, came as a great shock ta ber busband and f amlly. even tbough she had been coxiined bo ber home for a number of years. She was daughten of the late George and Abigail Brodburn, anid lved ber entire life i Cartwright Township. She was li ber 84tb year.I lI 1884, she marrled James By- ers, also of Cartwrigbt. Tbey re- tired !rom f armn life 33 years ago and ln the ixtervenlig years bave lved li Blackstock. They celc- bratcd their Golden Weddlng liI 1934. Sbc was a meniber o! the United Churcb, the W.A., and the W.MS., and was a negular attend-! ant as long as health permitted.I She was misa a charter memberI a! the Wamcn's Institute. A pivate !amily service was held aI bier late residence, on Jan. 4tb, failowed by a service at the Unit- cd Cburcb. conducted by Rev. D. M. Stinson, asslsted by Arcbdeacan Simpson. chir4vivine5U J ** m.fl .,,;Â * Jas are honor, chose a floor length frock of paie blue sheer and carried a bouquet of yellow tea roses and fern. The bridesmaid, Miss Pauline 1Quinland, wore a pink sheer floor length gown and she also carried yeilow tea roses axid fern. Sgt. A. Atkinson of No. 6 E.F.T.S. was best man and Lieut. T. Rowe, brother of the bride, and Lt. Frank Allery, both of Winnipeg, were ushers. During the ceremnony Mrs. W. J. McCreary sang "Ill Walk Beside You" by Murray, Mrs. L. M. Wat- son being the organist. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The happy couple left later for a wedding trip ta Winnipeg, Wind- sor and Eastern points. They wili reside in Dunnville, Ont., where the groom is statioxied with the R.C.A.F. Smith-Myles Donlands United Church, Ta- ronto, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Dec. 5th when Miss Thelma, Edythe Myles, daughtcr of Mr. and Mns. D. N. Myles, Orono, became the bride of Gardon Henry Edward Smith, son of Mr. and Mns. G. M. Smiàth, Toronto. The cere- many was performed by Rev. R. J Irwin. The bride, given lIn marriage by her father wore a street length dreissof corai rose pebble crepe with orchid accessories, orchid hat with shoulder length veil and cor- sage of Johanna Hill roses and white poms. Miss Edna Myles was ber slster's bridesmaid, gowned in turquoise crepe d.ress wlth black accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses. Mr. Leonard Smith was his broth- er's groomsman and the uhr were James Clifford and Clarexice Gostlin, cousins af the groom. Dur- ing the signing a! the register, Miss Dorathy Smith sang "Because" 1 At the reception the bride's mother *wore a Queen's blue dreis with black accessories and corsage of red roses and the groom's mother wore a dress of aster purple with matchlng accessonies and cor- sage o! mauve mums. After spending a few days visit- ing in Orono and Toronto the bride and groom left on a trip to Ottawa, 1Moxitreai, Quebec City and Hali!fax, the bride travelling in a blue wool dress, tweed coat anid black acces- sorles. The groom is a member of the Lanaxk and Renfrcw Scottish Regi- ment at Dartmouth, N.S., and thc bride is on the nursing staff of 3the Ontario Hospital, Whibby. H.uGrdon itcell, a daugnter, Mrs. T. A. Dustan, both o! Baw- manville; and a sister, Mns. J. W. Higginbotham, Virden, Man. The funeral was held Sunday, Januany 3, from the Dustaxi home with the Rev. J. E. Griffith officiating. In- terment was in Bôwmanviile Cem- etery. Friends from a distance in- cluded: Mns. Wil!red Rice, Mr. Russell Goodman, Mr. K. L. Dail, Mr. Arthur V. Hoar and Miss Jessie Goodman, Toronto; Mrs. F. A. Hoar, Oshawa; Rev. T. M. Dustan, Toronto; Gnr. T. G. Dus- tan, R.C.A., Barriefield. ST. PAUL'S W.A. The regular meeting of St. Paul's Woman's Association waî held Tuesday. The devotional was i charge of group 1. Mrs. Alex McGregor introduced the speaker, Mns. L. J. C. Laxigi, who gave a very interesting ac-1 count of Pearl Buck's book, "American Unity and Asia". A vote o! thanki ta Mns. Langi was maved by Mns. Webster. Miss Arlene Narthcutt, in ber usual pleasing manner, sang "Absent", accampanîed by Mns. Reta Dud- ley. Letters of appreciation were read fromn membens of the farces ta whom parcels bmd been sent for Christmas, also anc fram Rev. W. F. Banuster. Mns. J. Barrett, Toronto, hs vis- iting her daugbter, Mns. Fred Short, Wellington Street. Mn. and Mns. George Grabam, Second Street, received word that their son Robent Graham bas an- rived safely ixi England. Mr. and Mns. J. E. B. Staples, Mn. Charles Haddy and Jack, and Dr. Danatby M. James, Toronto, were New Year's gueits with Mns. N. S. B. James. Juvenile Books 1. The Gunniwolf........ Harper 2. Fraidy Cat......... Barrows 3. Santa Claus in Santa Land Trout 4. Meg of Mystery Mt. ... North 5. Toby Tyler ..............O(Mis 6. Lassie Came Home ... Knight 7. John Sebastian Bach ... Bunn 8. My Friend Flicka . ... O'Hara 9. Picture Gallery of Canadian History ................ Jeffry 10. Jumbo Sambo . .. Bannerman 11. Dr. Dooittle's Post Office LoI tiflg 12. Jean Val Jean .:...... Cleaver 13. When I grow up-lhbe a Nurse .... ...........Rifkin 14. Greyfriar's Bohby ... Atkinson 15. Elbow Rouie......CarsO"i and others. DÀNCE. BOWMANVI LLE ARMOURIES AT 8.30 FRIDAY JANUARY 22 Round and Square Dancing COBOURG ORCHESTRA Proceeds In Aid of Associateci Service Clubs Admission - 25c MEN IN UNIFORM FREE 1LAURA SECORD CANDIES JERUSALEM LODGE HEAD her sarrowing husband, and two New Books at Library sans, Leith of Cartwright and Ru-____ pert, of! Bowmanville; one grand- A recent list o! books added Wo daughter, Jean' and one grandson, the Public Library: Murray, also tawo brothers, William 1. B3ehind the Face of Japan Bradburn, Quili Lake, Sask. and Close Wesley Bradburn, Blackstock and 2, Suez ta Singapore....... Cec'd onc sister, Sarah (Mrs. Albert 3. Montreal-Seaport and City Thompson,> Meaford. Ont. Leacock Paîl bearers were Joseph Farder, 4. Listeii, Hans....... Thompson Elmer Thompson. Adam Sharp, 5. Thinking for Every Man . .Day Wilfred Sanderson, EarI Bradburn 6. Birds o! Canada .... Taverner Ray Bradburn. Flower bearers 7. Treasury a! British Humor were Herbent Swaln, William Ford- Morris er, Murray Bycrs. Intermexit was 8. Under My Eim ...Graysoti li Union Cemetery Cadmus. 9. The War, 3rd Year . -. MeInnis 10. Seventh Cross......... Seghers Il. Assignment i Brittaxiy Mrs. Anthony Mitchell McInnis 12. Mns. Applcyards Year .. Kent Mns. Anthony Mitchell died sud- 13. Mrs. Appleyards Kitchen Ken't denly New Year's Day at the res- 14. The Cup and the Sword idence of her san-in-law and Hobart daughter, Mr. and Mns. T. A. Dus- 15. Licutenant's Lady .... Aldrich tan. Although in failing health16 rni Psae...Bdg for somne time the end was unex-16FrnirPsae Bdg pectcd. Born in Bowmanville 76 17. The Sea Gulî's Cry ... Nathan years ago, she was formerly Miss 18. The Man Miss Susie Loved Ettie Hoar, daughter of the late Tucker Mr. and Mns. Thos. Hoar. She was 19. Toper~s End............ Cole a member of Trinity United 20. Before the Fact .......... Des Church. lI the death of Mns. 21. Rocket to the Morgue Holmes "Tony" Mitchell, Bowmanville 22. The Quiet Lady....... Collins lait oneO of its moît laveable per- 23. The Robe ............ Douglas sanalities. Surviving are a san, 24. Little Maxi............ Sallens DRUGS calis attention to the fact that Messrs. R. B. Hanson, Conservqtlve House Leader, Mr. M. J. Coidweli, C.C.F. Leader, and several of their follawers have rendered the temp- erance cause "yeoman service" by their outspoken utterances. Describing tne recent radio speech of the Prime Minister of Canada as "most effective." the United Church appeai stated that 'Mr. King's reasonable appeai cails f or effective action by the Christian Church to arouse the consciences of the people and inspire to ap- propriate action. Ini this the 'Unilted Church has special responsibilty. It was in fulfilment of a promise made to a delegation from ou.r General Cauncil that this radio address was delivered." The appeai of the Church bodies urged "a house to house canvas, as thorough as a Victory Loan cam- paign." It urged ministers to "rin out a real prophetic cal toOur people." It asked congregations "by formai act to pledge loyal co- operation with governments in re- ducing iiquor drinking and at the same time urge stili further restric- tion." The yauth of the United Ciiurch are urged to study the Prime Mini- ster's address and to set themselves resoiutely against ail social pres- sure to drink. Travelogue In seventeen-forty A sedan chair; In eighteen-ninety A carniage and pair; lI nineteen-thirty A taxi fare. But in 'forty two It's Shank's mare. W. G. Pascoe At the installation of officers held an St. John's Night, W. Bro. Wallon G. Pascae was installed as Warthy Master of Jcruîalem Lodge, A.F. & A.M., No. 31, G.R.C., Bowmanviiie. He has the distinc- tion of being W.M. of anc of the oldest Masonic lagdes i Ontario as Jerusaiem Ladge waî faunded i 1849. United Church Urges People to Heed King Toronto, Jan. 14-Every maxi, woman and yauth of The United Cburch 0f Canada bas ibeen a.sked ta "becd the counsel of the Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King and put on the whole armour of God." In an appeal signed by the Board of Evangelismn and Social Service, the Board of Christian Education, the Woman's Missionary Society, the Dominion Woman's Association Council and the Lay Advisory Cauncil, every member of the United Church bas beexi urged to sigxi a pledge described as "«a new code of honor," pledgixig that "at least for the duratian o! the war and the period of demobilization I wil* not use alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes, and wiii aiso refrain f rom offering or glving them tW others." "Not a Drop for the Duration" is the slogan of the ncw temper- ance campaign o! the five import- ant bodies o! The United Church of Canada. xIn a full page advert- isemexit in the current issue of the Church organ. The United Church Oibserver, attention is cailed Wo the UJnited Church's attitude on the liqor trafflc and recalis the airm- ation of the Seventb *..enera1 Council: "in view of ail the facts the Genenai Cauncil believes that the Christian home in which ai- cobolic beverages are distributed constitutes a grave danger Wo its members and ta its circle of, friends." The Council then appeals "toai oî ur people Wo practise total abstinence and aiso urges upan the heads o! families so ta exercise their hospitaiity as to exclude ai- caholic beverages from their homes." The United Church appeal also .TO KEEP FIT.e..0-e1.4 LOWEST There's no shortage - no rationing - of VITAMIN PRODUCTS. ToTALS PRICES keep fit and4 do your bit, take daily, Vitamins, to supplement your diet.25 9 ------Your I.D.A. druggist specializes ini these essentials to better health. 1.47 Wake up your iv.r; dogmeo your systoem; feel flghtlng f it by "FRUIT SALT" ONE-A-DAY TABI 44c-98c-1.98 LETS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - visps Nieyent Bad Brtath 0 cives V) Odiglter Teuth é Sparkllng Smiles & J COLGATE'S TOOTH POWDER 25c-40c 1HALIBUT 97c SCOfTT'S LIYULu1IUINS izes Neo-Chemical Foad Capsules 1.25-2.25 IDAMALT Malt and Cod Liver 011 59-98-1 .691 bd. Cod iver OuAyerst 616 lod. Cod iver Oil4-az. - 16-oz.6719 L"ALLE N B U RYS" *HALIBORANGE The n'icest way of Il~ltaking Halibut Liver v YIT.= 1,Qil. II----I85c-1.50-2.'75 (~~) "A ilenburys" L~J Basic Soap super fatted cream soap -free from adulterantu-whl fot injure mout tender akin. per cake 25e Idafer Iran Tonie 16-oz. size 1.25 Wampole's Extract 1.00 Idaphos wlth Vit. B 16-oz. size 1.00 Aiphamettes, Ayerst 1.00-1.85- Norplex - Vitamin B5 Complex Tablets 1.00 Mead's Olcum Per- comorphum 75c-3.00 Watcrbury's Camp. 93e A.B.D. CAPSULES - I.D.A. Box of 100 1.79 MEAD'S COD LIVER OIL 50c-75c-1.00 NEW LOW PRC Frosst's Neo-Chemical Food 1.15-2.45-4.45 I.D.A. COD LIVER OIL 8-oz., 16-oz. - 69C-1.19 NOTHINOBElTER FOR PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER ......... : ~ ~ ..... mmmmm~mm : ...... rnrnmmmmmm = ~ ...... ..... =* = ~'... -' Liver Oil Capsules 100's Special Pnice CFRB WILL HOLD AUDITIONS BoFOR SINGERS and ENTERTAINERS Bwmianville, Monday January 1Sth for Inclusion ln above broadcast apply THE CANADIAN STATESMAN OFFICE PRESCRIPTIONS A'SPECIALTY AI E McOREOOR IL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14th, 1943 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 curviving To mourn ner ioss are ý

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