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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1943 It's good business, this year, te start your chicks eurlier thon ever. For good BRAY Chicks, se. JACK HUDSON, Orono; Wilfred Richardson, Pontypool; F. L. BYAM, Tyrone; or A. W. GLENNEY, Newcastle Salemand Mrs. Bob McLeod, Niagara, _______Mrs. Oswald, Sandencock bas 'Why Christ Is Unattractive returned from waiting on Miss To Some Woridly-Minded Peo- Ida Gamsby, who bas been ill. pie," was the subject of a spien- Mr. Tnewin Scott, of Toronto, did sermon given Sunday by Rev. and Bruce Scott, of Bowmanville, Gardner. visited Mr. Herb over the week- Y. P. U. meeting wvas withdrawn end. owing to coid weatber and bad roads.Brw ' Sorry to report Mr. Kowei in r w s poor bealth. ____ Red Cross card party was beld Clarke~ Union a t Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curson's with -20 present. Miss Joan Curson and Mr. Clarence Turner were The recent storms have put tbe winners for high points, and Mr. roads in a very bad condition, es- Bill Morley won the consolation pecially the side noads. The snow prize. plough was out of business for Farm Forum met at Mr. Well- sevenai days. ington Farrow's with an unusual- The Red Cross meeting was ly large attendance. postponed on account of the se- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, Miss vere weather and roads. Jean Perrin, Mrs. Henry Ruch- Archie Watson, of the Schooi ratb, Mn. Bill Morley, Mn. Sidney of Pbarmacy, Toronto, visited bis Brown, and Mr. Wellington Fan- parents oven the weekend. row attended the card party in Miss Eiieen Coucb visited Mn.- Newcastle Fniday evening. ibis advertisoment is addressed te the Canadian people who have been asking the questions shown belo As brewers we have an established position in lndustry und in Citizenship. W. feel dufy bound te place1 plain facts before the public because the prohibitionists are, as in the past, using WAR as a means ef forci their wiII on the people of Canada, with absolute prohibition their ultimate goal. Some Plain Talking About THE BEER SHORTAi WHAT US THE EXTENT 0F THE SH-ORTAGE? (Answer) The available supply of beer under the new regulations is Iess than 70%o of today's demand wi the expectation that the demand wili become greater as time goes on. WHAT HAS CAUSED THE SIIORTAGE? (Answer) The Dominion Cabinet by Order-in-Council has restricted the quantity of beer whicb May be so between November 1, 1942 and October 31, 1943. WHY DID THE CABINET DO UT? (Answer) It is believed tbe Cabinet did it without careful study and principally to placate the probibitioniý who, by means of a powerful lobby, misrepresented conditions to tbe Prime Minister. In placating that eleme of society the Government was placating the samne class of people wbo, years ago, did everything tbey cou to prevent Sunday street cars, who more recently have denounced the sending of beer to the very soldiers wh in the blistering beat of North African deserts, were figbting to preserve the liberties of the people back hoxc and who in tbeir narrow-mindedness bave effectively blocked proposais to have our picture theatres operi on Sundays for the benefit of e nlisted men on week-end leave; who also even spread the false story that sug is used in the brewing of beer in Canada. WAS UT NECESSARY? (Answer) Beer bas long been regarded the people's drink in the free democrati c countries of the worl Canadian consumption has been low in relation to consumption in Great Britain and the United States. Consumption 1942 Canada . . 100,000,000 Imperial Gallons, equivalent to 1.3 pints per capita per wee United States . . . . . . 1,750,000,000 Imperial Gallons, equivalent to 2.0 pints per capita per wee Britain . . . . . . . . . 700,000,000 Imperial Gallons, equiwient ta 2.3 pints per capita per wee Beer is brewed from Canadian ingredients whicb are in plentiful supply and not required for the war effoi Canadian beer contains no sugar. Tea, coffee and sugar are transported to Canada by sea aind their curtailmi bas been made necessary only by a shortage of ocean shippin.g. WHAT WULL BE THE CONSEQUENCES? (Answer) Many of tbe evils of the prohibition era will return. Many of our soldiers, sailors, airmen an war workers are already being deprived of the nourishment and relaxation provided by a glass of beer. WHAT IS THE REMEDY? (Answer) In a democracy a government is the servant of its people. Governments are not infallible and froi trne ta time, acting on bad advice, make mistakes. Whereas they should be quick to correct such mistake4 experience bas sbown that they are slow to do s0 unless tbe force of overwhelming public opinion maki itself known. The remedy in this case, therefore, is in the hands of the people of Canada, who believe in toleranc and moderation, to take every opportunity to publicly and privately express themselves against the Government toa drastic restriction of tbe sale of beér. Otherwise a fanatical minority will be able ta continue ta impos its wishes upon a tolerant majority. In the last war (1914-1918) the British Government ait the production of beer but the indignation of th munition workers was sa great chat it had ta be restored in order ta maintain production. HAVE Wl PUBLISHED THIS ADVERTISEMENT BECAUSE Wl FACE THE LOSS 0F PROFITS? Te answer is: Empbatically NO! This Company's profits are not at stake because we are even now beavily into the 100% Excess Profits Tax category and any additional volume would only further wear out our plant witbout any compensation to our share. hTolders. We are making the fact known because we sincerely believe chat the present shortage of beer is unnecessary and is not in the interests of truc temperance, the maintenance of morale. and war production. Canadiian £Breweiriei J..Iimted CANADA BUD BREWERIES LIMITED THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED MHE BRADINO BRIWERIES LIMITED UEITISI AMERICAN BRIWIN CO. UMIIUD COSORAVES DOMINION BREWERY LIMITED 0,KIeFI5S BREWING COMPANY LIMITIO 1, s Douglas-s-,Toronto, atS. -Ker- Jsey's . .. Raymond Petit, Kingston, APPLY NEAREST Iat W. Chapman's ... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Milis, son and daughter, SELECTIVE SEI IWhitby, attended the memoriai Milîs on Sunday afternoon. Newly elected officers of the Briiig This Adverti C.G.T.T. are: Honorary president, Madlyn Wilcox; president, Kath- leen Tink; Vice President, Aud- R I ý Solina Y.P.U. met Monday evening at Mn. N. C. Wotten's. Annie Yeo was in charge of the program and as- sisted in the wonsbip service. The devotionai topic was given by Helen Langmaid, Bible reading by Francis Wotten and vocal solo by Pearl Leach. Mrs. E. Cryderman presented some splendid thougbts on the subi ect, "The value of Home Life". Readings hy Mrs. Roy Langmaid and Kathleen Tay- lor and a piano duet by Gladys Yeliowiees and Mrs. E. Cryder- man were enjoyed. Games were conducted by Ross Cryderman and Mrs. Wotten served apples. Sympatby is extended to the family of Pte. Matt Milis, killed at Dieppe. Several attended the memoriai service at Hampton, Sunday. Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Burney Hooey and Barbara, Burketon; Gordon Scott, R.C.A.F., Hamilton, at Mvr. iR. C. ncotts and B. G. Stevens'. . . Mr. and Mrs. N. C. L k ILrC ak Yellowlees at Mr. Donald Yellow -____ lees', Columbus. .. Mr. and Mrs. On account of the severe win- Wes Yellowlees entertained a-few ter weather iast week ail routine friends Thursday evening. work was affected. The mail man, Arthur Redwin, hasn't been Nestetonroute yet; Clint Brown collected the Toronto cream three days late, something we have neyer Sympathy is extended to Mrs. known; school was closed Wed- PINEX ESKIMO George Bowers in the passing of nesday. for eoughs CLOTH her father, Mr. John Elford, at Gordon Martin is getting inl 32C 15e Newtonville. his supply of ice. _____________ The Nestieton W.I. will meet at Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mitchell the home of Mrs. Donald Thomp- were in Newcastle helping John son, Feb. 3rd; ail ladies welcome. pack and move to Port Hope, Corne and help the Red Cross where they have purchased a, work along. house. Visitors: Mr. Harvey Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. H. Jaynes' are with his aunt, Mrs. L. Joblîn. . . with Mrs. F. Harris at Richmond Miss Hilda Johns, Bowmanville, Hill. !gku o with her parents. .. Edgar Emer- Mr. Be. James 'and Billie at- dleans. your systemj son, R.C.A.F., Toronto, with his tended the hockey game in Osh- foo fghîn fit býy parents. awa. fe ihiqftb Owing to the road and weather Donald Powell, Cornwall, was f akin; some of the High School pupils home last weekend. were storm-stayed at Blackstock. Our news has a greater circu -E N O IC lation than ever before. Many o distant friends look for it first on receipt of the paper and are much disappointed if it is absent. Please " FRUIUT SALT" help your corre-spondent by tele- 1 phoning in your news.%SI Enniskillen59 0W. 30____ the Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. Rich- l ards, Maurice and Bobby, Master cinq Wallace Larmer, Bowmanville, at ,. a Mr. G. Beech's. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Rahm visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. KLEENEX1 VELVETTA Rahm, in Toronto... Miss Isabelle 13e TIISSUES Rahm spent Sunday with Audrey McLaughlin, Union... Misses Jean 25e-29e lOc-25c Crossman, Haydon, and A d a Rahm, Union, visited Lorna Rahm WhtVaeie-- 52e ..Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright and WieVsln 5-5 children, visited Mr. N. Wright Agarol ---- 69c-9:3c-1.29 anad Mrs. Wm. Oke. .. Masters Joe Bisodol ---------55c-1.19 McGill, Grant, and Clark Werry Dodd's Kidney PuIs 4àe stayed with their grandparents s0 they could attend school, while Gin Pis -----------39c the road home was impassible. . . Nyal Kidney Pis 25c-50c Allan Werry and Joyce McGill re- Lavois ----- 29c-49c-89e G E mandwth Mr~. and Mrs. F. Teck Tooth Brushes49 Rev J.Plat sokeSunayon Buckley's the"FaheroodandBrother- Mixture ------- 40c-75c hoodof Mnkin". MltonAntiseptie January meeting of the Wo- 25e-47c-79c mnsAssociation and the Wo- Scott's Emulsion 59c-98e mnsMissionary Society con- Grove's Bromo vndin the basement of the Qiie------ 4-4 chrhon Tuesday afternoon. The Qm~e - 4-4 W.M.S. then presented a good pro- gram under the leadership of Mrs. rith Francis Werry. The program fol- VWE TESTr EYES lowed that outlined in the Mis- sionary Monthly. Mrs.. G. Beech and Mrs. F. Beckett sang a duet. A very interesting and construc- Phone C W I~ ' tive addreis was given by Mrs.I 695 C W ING'S Harding which was received by the society with interest and ap- 1ld preciation. The meeting closed with the mizpah benediction. Mr. Will Ashton and Mr. Sidney > ~Cornish hitched Dobbin to the rey Kersey; Secretary, Marjorie cutter and journeyed to Whitby Rundie; Asst. Secretary, Shirley last Sunday. Mr. Ashton visited Pingle; Treasurer, Phyllis Nid- with Mr. and Mrs. William Smith. dery; Missionary Treasurer, Carol Mr. Cornish visited with Mr. and Craig. Mrs. George Nelson, and their We were sorry to hear of the ists son, George, who was on last passing of Mrs. J. E. L. Cole, Bow- ýent leave before going overseas. They manville, a former highly respect- aidreport the trip going was fine, and ed resident of Hampton, also a uld the trip home, omitting the tip- much beloved school teacher and hover, was stili better. valued member of the church me; choir. The funeral took place ne; f rom ber home Saturday after- ned Newtonville noon with interment at Hampton ga.r_____ North Cemetery, and was attend- Viios MissFlrneBly ed by many relatives and friends. Vasaors Flrenc BuleySympatby is extended tp Mn. and Keitb, Peterboro, and Miss Cole, Albert and Marjorie, in Audrey Burley, Ajax, at home ... their loss. Mrs. Cameron Allison, Peterboro, witb Mrs. J. Wade . . . Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor and Mrs. Norman McCuUlough and family, Solina, attended the mem- Jean, Port Hope, at Mr. George orial service for Pte. John Mat- Id. McCullough's . .. Mrs. Raymond tbew M~ills, a member of the Royal Bruce with relatives in Toronto Regiment, on Sunday afternoon. ...Mr. Raymond Bruce, Mrs. Matt was formeriy employed on Chas. Watters, and Bruce a Mrs. the farm with Mr. and Mrs. Tay- B. Millson's, Cowanville... Mrs. lor. ek. ~~~Mabel Langstaff, Toronto, at __________ ýek. home . . . Pte. Edgar Milîson, ýek. Woodstock, and Mr. Leland Mill- f soPeterboro, at home . . . Mr. a l Grv ek. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan, Newcastle, with Mrs. Rutherford . .. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Armstrong, Starkville, Congratulations to Mr. Fred Itt. at Mr. Frank Gilmer's . . . Mr. Wright and Miss Marion Martin eflt and Mrs. W. C. Lane at Mr. Bruce on their recent marriage. Leuty's, Port Hope . .. Rev. and Miss Hazel Wright, Oshawa, Mrs. J. McLacblan, in Peterboro, spent the week-end witb her par- when Mrs. McLacblan had the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman cast changed on her ankie . .. Mas- Wright. ter Donald Welsb, Bowmanville, M.adMs letBon with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Tor nto ahr.pAlret, roMn.,n ndMrs. S. Lanicaster . . . Mrs. Jack Mor.noC. tH. nowdents r n Reid has returned from Bowman- r.CH.Sodn ville Hospital. Her baby, Patri- Miss Marion Snowden spent the cia, is stili critically ili1 in the week-end with her sister, Mrs. A. hospital. We wish botb a speedy Brown, Toronto. recovery. Congratulations to Mr. and The annual congregational Mrs. Russell Ghmblett on the ar- meeting of the United Cburch was rival of a fine girl. held in the cburcb basement Fni- Owing to road conditions on day evening. Due to bad roads, Sunday churcb service and Sun- es, the attendance was smaller than usuai. Ail reports were very f a- :es vorable, the treasurer reporting a A ac nc i te esi n si - TUNIl and WON 1WAR EFF( ent as Waitresses ýr, Dishwashers, ermaids eEogaged In War1 mmodatlon Unde apervision EM PLOYMENT RVICE OFFICE R-0. 295 Biernent With Yc [EN )RT Work )u 4-3 lb 2 1-2 FAC TIS and F DRUI mi. Il PRICES actogen GIIANT - b. 69e KRUSCHEN 1lbs. 1.5 69C Farrner's Needs Epsom Salt ---- 4 lbs. 25e Genuine Saltpetre lb. 20e Dri-Kil -------2 lbs. 85e Zenoleum Liquld -.------85c-1.50 Zenoleum Powder ---- 3 for 1.00 Izol Disinfeetant --- pt. 75e Cow-pox Oint. --- tin 50e Lux Soap ----. 2 for Ile Palmolive Soap 2 for lie Cashmere Soap 2 for lie Odex Soap ------ 2 for lic £ELLE Cushioned .SSUES FACELLE 25e 1 33C CpLE AN S SELLINGTOOTH GREAT LAEO SZ i!29ç 47O SZ FIT TRUSSES GS TlDE'Prompt IG TO EDlIb r m PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1943 day School were cailed off. SCHOOL NEWS By Harry Snowden The hockey for the past week has been a treat to watch. With the Mortars again showing power in whicb the Spitfires were de- feated 12-6i Mrs. Robb has not been to our school for the past two weeks. The serving club bg#d its third meeting and the t ,e was well spent. Mr. Lycett got us a number of cardboand globes and this makes us more interested in current events and we really enjoy our events in the morning. The cbildren of our school were disappointed to, hear that the meeting of the Victory Club was postponed. IVALENTINES with envelopes for mailing le to 25c Book of Cut-Out Valentines to be made up 20e each JOHNSTON'S HOMMTOE King St. Phone 651 WE CLOSE AT 8 O'CLOCK . ý+ lý n C-441- --A ý la e 1

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