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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1943, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l8tb, 1943 The NewcastLeÎIndependent Phone Clarke 1114 ald osesawone n m gaden LuberCo.and one car of pea looingforitssumer atea cal or redGraham. week before Valentine day. A sign Sunday visitors with Mrs. Nor- that it wvas nearing gladioli plant- man Allun were Dr. Norman AI- ing time. lin. Edmonton, Alta., and Mr. S. A gang of C.N.R. painters ar- C. Allun, Mr. Albert Allun, Mrs. rived at the Newcastle station last W. H. Hawkins, Mrs. J. F. Osborne week with their boarding car and and Miss Annie Allun, Bowman- equipment and have been redec- ville. orating the station interior. A Mrs. W. H. B. Chaplin, Maple- Bridge and Building Department hurst Orchards, Mill Street South, gang, who had been engaged most- Newcastle, is selling by auction ly in cernent work, left the C.N.R. this Thursday afternoon her small station a short time before. They but choice herd of Jersey and had been here with their work Shorthorn milch cows. This is an- and bunk cars and their dining other farm war casualty. The car about seven months. Their littie bunch of dairy cattle was presence ail makes extra busi- started by the late Mr. W. H. B. ness for local provisioners. Chaplin many years ago and has Mrs. F. W. Cowan has been vis- been maintained in a high state iting her eldest son, Mr. Rd. Cow- of productivity by Mrs. Chaplin. an, at Smith's Falls and from There are rich pasture lands on there intends to go on to Mont- the place and abundant crops have real to visit her son. Sgt. Sam been grown on the land not in Cowan, of the R.C.A.F. trees. The keeping of cows, was Rer many friends are pleased not only a sideline but a supple to note that Mrs. W. F. Rickard ment to fruit growing, has a scien- is home from Toronto where she tifically correct basis. In Mrs. went for special treatment eariy Chaplin's case they not only pro- last faîl. vided an income in cream or milk, J. T. Brown and G. B. Rickard but furnished at first hand an attended the Ontario Crop Im- abundant supply of farm fertilizer provement Association meeting in for the apple orchards. The farm Toronto, Feb. 8-10. Their wives labour situation seems, however, accompanied them to the city and to have made it impossible to the social features. carry on in this way any longer. Newcastle High School held a The Junior C.G.I.T. Group, Valentine social in the Commu- Misses Betty Enwright and Kath- nity Hall, Feb. 10. leen Toms, leaders, held a Valen- Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard's West tine tea in the U.C.S.S. hall on Group of the United Church W.M.. Saturday afternoon, Feb. 13, and S. held a quilting bee at Mrs. Geo. realized over $12. Allin's Wednesday afternoon, Feb. Owing to the weather running 8th. Among the Newcastle ladies a temperature in reverse on Mon- present were: Mesdames Norman day, the Senior C.G.I.T.'s pro- and Franklin Allin, E. C. Hoar, jected basket social was post- H. R. and A. W. Pearce. The poned for a week. other ladies were from Shaw's. Dr. Norman Allun, Edmonton, Mrs. Digman, who has been a Alta., visited his cousins, Misses housëkeeper-companion for Mrs. Elizabeth and Ada Allun and Mrs. John Douglas, is now in Toronto, Norman Allin. and Mrs. Herb Brown has been Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Joli and staying with Mrs. Douglas. Wr., Ajax, visited Mrs. George tk . of thE Y di ha with JOHN CARROLL ba EDMUND O'BRIEN and o RUTH WARRICK sta: -aiso--mea has WHAT'S COKuu ta with the Th( ANDREW SISTERS he Gloria Jean and Leo Carrillo sci 900 M on.-Tues.-Wed. FEBRUARY 22-23-24 ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT starring HUMPHREY BOGART, CONRAD VEIDT and PETER LORRE NEWS - SHORTS :Rickaru and Mr±. acimr. u -Joli on Sunduy. Donald Jose's first robin got a )retty coiti reception iast Mon- lay. C. J. Mitchell is one of the Buse mie's important gludioli gmowems, )t Monday's temperatume bas et up doubts about the condition dthe bulbs for spring plunting. nspite of putting lantemas la the ellam to help keep the potatoes Ld gladioli bulbs from freezing, he temperuture droppeti to 28. The Penny Bank of Ontario bus Ltifieti school principals to dis- ontinue tukiag deposits from the hool children for the duration ýthe war. The bunk points out hat dumiag the pust two years the nny Bank of Ontario deposits ive been steudily declining andi uat this condition bas been 'ought about by the school chil- ren purchusing War Savings Cer- ficates and Wam Savings Stumps nd it is clear, therefore, that the nk is competing to a certain xtent with- the government's olicy of selling certificutes and bmps to the children. For this 2ason and in order to save the ianpower of ail those who help ithe operation of the bank, it s been decided to discontinue iing deposits for the duration. he usual facilities for withdrawal Êdeposits continue, howevem, as retofore. Newcastle public ,ool pupils have for long made :oti use of the Penny Bank facili- es and the percentage of pupils iking deposits bas uiways been ih, generuily in the 60 or 70 ýr cent. brackets. Mfr. G. A. Ferguson, Owen und, and Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce .ss andi son, Jimmie, Leaside, ..nt the week-end with Mr. and xs T. H. Clemence, Shaw's. United Church W.A. The Woman's Association of the United Church met in the S.S. hall with the president, Mrs. Hur- oldi Toms, in the chair. Mms. R. E. Morton led in prayer anti Mms. H. M. Aluin read andi expounded a passage of Scripture. Mrs. E. C. Fisher pluyed for the hymns. Mrs. W. H. Cooke, corresponding sec- WREN COLDS THREATEN DRINK HOT MILKmÏ. Heres a way to nip colds in the bud before they can get a hold on you. Drink hot mllk regularly! Rot milk acts as an effective agent la drlving the chili f rom your body, and builds up your resistance, so Im- portant la combatting coids. Play saf e-drink hot milk reguiariy durîng the daagerous coid-catch- lng season. Delivered Daily BIRTH-S SPICER-Sergeant Arthur R. and Mrs. Spicer announce the ar- rival of a sister for Eileen and Marilyn, ut Bowrnanville Hos- pital, on Saturday, Febmuamy 6, 1943. 7-1* MARRIAGE GROOMS-STAPLES - At Len- noxvilie, Quebec, Saturday, February 6, 1943, by Dr. Mc- Greer, Principal of Bishop Col- lege, assisted by Archdeacon Jones, Rosmonde Staples and LAC John Elwood Grooms, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms, Toronto. 7-1 DEATI-S SIMPSON-In Bowmanville, Feb. 14, 1943, Annabella Simpson, beloved sister of Mrs. William Spencer. Interment Westmin- ster Memorial Park Cemetery, Toronto. JOBLIN-On Scugog Island, Feb. 15th, John Joblin, beloved hus- band of Minnie E. Joness, and grandfather of Rev. Fred H. Joblin, in his 94th year. In- terment Prospect Cemetery, To- ronto. IN MEMORIAM HOLMES-In ioving memory of Robert W. Holmes, who felI asleep Febmuary 18, 1933. At rest tili the Resurrection morn. Lovingly remnembemed by ýwife. * 7-1* PEARCE-In loving memomy of a dear son and brother, William Hilton Pearce, who passed away Febmuary 22nd, 1933. -Ever remernbered and sadly missed by father and sisters. 7-1* BEECH-In loving memory of our parents, Arthur Beech, who passed awuy Feb. 20, 1941, and his wife, April 5, 1928. Deep in our heurts lie memories, 0f them, we shaîl neyer forget. The Family. 7-1* RUTHERFORD-In loving mem- ory of Ethel M. Milison, wife of R. L. Rutherford, Toronto, who passed away February 18. 1942. Lovingiy remembered and sad- ly missed by Veru, Dellu,Meta, Muriel, marguerite, Alfred and Edward. 7-1 SHOTTER-In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister, Imene Shotter, who passed uway Februury 23rd, 1939. "Love's greatest gift, remem- brance." -Sadly missed by mother, dad and sister Florence. 7-1' PARKIN-In loving memory of W. Bruce Pamkin, who passed uway February 14, 1942. "It is only those who have lost can tell The sorrow of pamting without furewell." -Sadly missed by wife and family. 7-1* MOFFATT-In loving memory of a dear husband and uncle, James Moffatt, who passed away, Febmuury 22nd, 1941. If ail the womid was ours to give, We'd give it, yes, and more, To see the one we loved s0 well Corne smiling through the door. -Lovingly remembemed by bis wife and niece Freeda. 7-1' VEALE--In loving memory of our dear mother and gandmother who passed away, Februury 14, 1942. Your last parting wisb We would like to have heard, And breathed in your ear Our last parting word. Only those who have lost Are able to tel The pain in the heurt At not suying farewell. -Sadly rnissed by John, Lois, Johnny, Vonnie and Jimmy. 7-1 * CAUGHILL - In loving memory of Edwurd J. Cuughill, whoi passed away Feb. 20, 1940. My lips cunnot tell how I miss him, My heurt cannot tell what to suy, God ulone knows how I miss him In u home that is lonesome today. -Lovingiy remembered by his wife Florence. 7-1 retury, ead letters of apprecia- tion fmom Gordon Ketchum, David Deline, Ronnie Warren and Hum- old Brown, four of the Newcastle boys overseas, for Christmas cards received from the W.A.; aiso notes of uppreciation from local esi- dents for kiadly messages receiv- ed while ill. The W.A. sent $5 to the United Church Deuconess Fund. Mrs. C. A. Cowan was ap- pointed a group leader to fila vacancy and Mrs. Herb Toms was elected treasurer to succeed Mrs. Cowan. Twenty-two post-Cbrist- mas boxes had been filled and sent to local United Church boys overseas. Mrs. R. M. Allin's group pre- sented the prograrn, consisting of readings by Mrs. John Cunning- hum and Mrs. Gor~don Watson and a vocal duet by Mrs. John Holmes and Miss Wylma Farrow, accom- panied by Mrs. Allia. Lunch of cheese wafems, doughnuts andi tea was serveti. Cards of Thanks We, Anson Gilroy, daughter Edna Hoy and Mrs. W. W..Cowan, wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended during our recent sad bereave- ment. 7-1* The family of the late James Henry Oke wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr. Rundie, their relatives, friends and old and new neigh- bours, for the many acts of kind- ness, expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral' tributes eceîved during the i$Iness and passing of a ioving husbahd and father and es- pecially thanking Rev. J. E. Grif- fith for his consoling words. 7-1* COMING EVENTS Old Tyme Dance at Newton- ville Community Hall, Monday night, February 22. Barclay's Orchestra. Admission 35c. Re- freshments sold. 7-1 Salem Dramatîc Club will pre- sent their play, "Coverails" in Hampton Church basement on Wed., Februamy 24, under auspices of West Group of the Women's Institute. An afghan will be auc- tioned. Admission 25c and 15c. 7-1 Reserve Monday, *February 22, for the Annual Recital by pupils of Reta Cole Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M., F.C.C.M., in St. Paul's Church, at 8 p.m. Admission 25c, children 15c. Proceeds for Rus- sian Fund. 7-1 Courtice Circuit Brotherhood will meet at Maple Grove Church in the basement, on Thursday evening, Feb. .25, at 8 p.m. Rev. W. C. Smith, a former pastor, will be guest speaker; quartet and vio- lin music will be provided by out- sîde talent. 7-11 Notice R. M. Stephens is now the oper- ator of the Red Indian Service Station and Garage of the late J. D. Carruthers, King St. E., phone 2368, Bowmanville. 6-2* CHICK BUYERS In answer to several enquimies regarding coal for brooder stoves. Coal for brooding is supposed to hold a preference over coal for domestic use. Our advice is to get your coal as soon as possible, re- gardless of when you expect to take delivery of your chicks. If you have difficulty getting coul for chick brooding and will get in touch with us, we believe we can arrange to have a car of coal laid down in Bowmanvîlle especiully for chick brooding. Yours truly, H. J. BROOKS, Phone 2636 D. E. GIBSON, Phone Clarke 3811 STEWART'S SEED STORE, 577 7-2 AUCTION SALES Friday, Februury 26, auction sale of furmi stock including Dur- hams and Shorthorns, the prop- erty of M. J. Pereman, Lot 5, Con. 6, East Whitby Township, 2 miles east of Columbus. Sale at 2 o'clock, D.S.T. Temms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 6-2 OSHAWA, ONTARIO Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. FEBRUARY 18-20 Ginger Rogers-Ray Milland in "THE MAJOR AND THE MINOR" with Rita Johnson - Robert Benchley Ginger is great at kidding around - But watch heir when she acts lier age. Monday.- Tuesday FEBRUARY 22-23 -Two Great Features- 'HATTERS CASTLE' wltlx Robert Newton By the author of the "CITADEL" and It's a Killer-Thriller LLOYD NOLAN In "Just Off Broadway" with Marjorie Weaver and Pbii Silvers Wed. - Thurs. FEBRUARY 24-25 Pat O'Brien- George Murphy Jane Wyatt- Jackie Cooper ln "THE NAVY COMES THROUGH" -On The Saine Program- Radio's Laugh Champ "THE GREAT GILDERSLEEVE"y with Harold Peary and Jane Darwel Beauty Culture HAIRDRESSING - PERMAN- ents, fingerwaves. Mrs. Bob Cale, over Naylor's Store. 7-1* Help Wanted HELP WANTED-COMPANION housekeeper, good cook, iight work, modemn equipment. Two adults. Rev. A. R. Sanderson, Whi tby, Ontario. 6-2* For Rent FOR RENT - APARTMENT IN Victor Manor Apts., Bowman- ville. Possession February lst. Phone Oshawa; day 1062, night 1441J. 1-tf Wanted To Buy_ WANTED - A BASSINETTE IN good condition. Phone 2803. 7-1* WANTED - SMALL GAbOLINE engmne, 11/- or 2-horse power. Apply Wes Fice, Queen Street, Bowmanville. 7-2 WANTED - TURDY WORK bench. For home use. Should be in good order. Write Box 162, Statesman office, Bowman- ville. 7-l* WANTED TO BUY - DRIVING horse, about 15 1-2 hands, must be quiet, a]so harness and con- veyance, two seater preferred. Write Box 159, Statesman of- fice, Bowmanviile. 6-2 Livestock and Articles FOR SALE-15 WRITE YORK- shire shoats. Apply H. E. Tink, Hampton, phone 2232. 7-1 FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE SOW and 9 pigs, 2 months old. Also 2- wheeled trailer. Apply Charles Rundle, Hampton, phone 2246. 7-1 FOR SALE - FROST & WOOD' sping-tooth cultivator; 2 coal- bur-ning brooder stoves, one thousand and eight hundred chick size; one Chatham wagon. The above ahl in good condition. Phone Clarke 2814, S. A. Rowe, Newcastle, R.R. 3. 6-2* FOR SALE - HORSE, COWS, pigs, wagon,democrut. Bay mare rising sevea $125.00. Young black cow, due in Mumch, $75.00. Young large Hereford due ln May, milking now, $90.00. Four young Yorkshire pigs 6 weeks old, $6.00 each. Heavy dray wagon, $15.00. One demnocrat, $5.00. Apply Sidney Cornish, Enniskillen, phone 2818. 6-tf Real Estate For Sale 1 FOR SALE-5-ROOMED HOUSE with ahl conveniences, one quarter acre land, on Caesarea highway. Possession April lst. Apply S. Hadley, Enniskillen, phone 2578. 7-2 Repairs EXPERT REPAIRS ON ALL makes of vacuum cleaners and floor polishers. Telephone our "C.U.C." Service Depot, Bow- manville 774, at The McGregor Hardware Store. 49-16* Found FOUND - MAN'S RUBBER found near Hoigate's. Owner may have same by paying for advertisement and calling at Holgate's office. 7-1 FOUND - ON HIGHWAY NO. 35, a lady's hat. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advt. Apply Mms. Lawrence Lunn, Orono. 7-1 Articles For Sale FOR >SALE - FOURTEEN thoroughbred Tumbler Pigeons. 35e each. Apply Mont Richard- son, Orono. 7-1* FOR SALE - 1938 FORD V8 coupe in first class condition. Small mileage. Write Box 161, Statesman office, Bowmanvile. 7-1 * l'OR SALE - 1½-RORSE POW- er gasoline engine; will seli at a low price. Nick Tkatch, Church Street, Bowmanville. FOR SALE-NEW PHILCO AND Marconi radios, both console and mantel models. Also new Easy washers. Frank L. Walter, Courtice, phone Bowmanville 2415 or Oshawa 289w3. 7-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Fumniture Store, 156 Simcoe Soutb, Osh- awa. 46-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Evemything in medema, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradlcy's New Fumniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Wanted to Rent FARM WANTED - WILL RENT good farm 75 to 150 acres. Suit- able for tractor equipment. Farmn with good water, build- ings, hydro and phone pre- ferred. Apply H. Chamberlain, R.R. 2, Oshawa. 7-1* Baby Chicks CHICKS, CHICKS, CHICKS. IN- vest your money in the best, we have any breed you wish, early orders receive preference. Price iist on request. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanvifle. 2-tf BABY CHICKS-S. C. LEG. HORNS and Bared Plymouth Rocks, mixed and sexed, chicks fromn Government banded and blood tested stock. Last year throughout the entire season we were booked three weeks ln ad- vance and orders to date are heavier than last year. Order today to avoid disappointment. Two hatches a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. Write or phone for price iist. H. J. Brooks, Orchland Farm, Bowrnianville, Ont., R.R. No. 3. Phone 2636.~ 4-tf. ANNOU NCEMENt The Doctors of Bowmanville have agmeed to uniform office hours as follows: Afternoons-2.00 to 4. 00 except Wednesday. Evenings-7.00 to 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ONLY. Patients will be seen at other hours only by appointment. In case of an emergency, pa- tients may call the Bowmanville Hospital to find out which doctor is on duty. These hours ln effect as from October lst. RE-TREADED GOOxlG TIRES IN STOCK The iargest stock of recondi- utioned tires east of Toronto. Ail sizes. Rubber footwear vul- canlzed. TIRE SHOP 1 Block West of Post Office )MI-31 ANTISEP- and quickly. Reduces frequency of colds and sweetens the breat. Protc yourself wth mi-3lIAntiseptic. Leie, the Rexail Drug sign be your guide to Safety, Economy and Satisfaction. 43-10 ýREUPHOLSTER N-OW if you are considering having your chesterfield suite reup- holstered, It wôuld be wlse to have it done as soon as possible, because materials are becom- ing scarce. There la stili a good choice of coverings to choose from-Do it NOW. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Je A* FRY Scugog St. - Bowmanvilie Phone: 2648 w - ~w-~ LIVING ROOM SUITES at LESS THAN YOU EXPECTED TO PAY And every suite is a quality product - completely spring-filled. Streamlined - in price to save you money for Victory Bonds, in styling to make home livable for 'tireless' evenings! Mostly 3-pce. suites in every conceivable covering. Modern - Lawson - Chippendale designs, priced as Iow as $79*50 SPECIAL FEBRUARY SALE 0F CEDAR CHESTS Lovely walnut chests, received siace Christmas, many w i t h drawer, some with automnatic tray. These cannot be duplicated - Models in stock from $15.75 to $49.50 DINETTIE SUITES New and modern designs la walnut, naturai and enamel finishes. Largest selection of breakfast roomn and dinette suites la Dur- ham. February speclals at *$54.!O up CONTINIENTAL DEDS Luxurlous sleep units of SIMMONS BEAUTY-REST MAT- TRESSES and BOX SPRINGS as illiustrated, use ln daytime as davenport, at night, as bed. No replacements on our present stock of these items. SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES Are stili available la limited quan-, g. tities when sold with base unit, (box sprlag construction). Mattress and Base units ia stock fo$35*00 NOTE - Orders accepted for sprlng-filied studio couches, as stock le avaliable. Fine Rugs Are Scarce See these Wilton Broadioom and Tuf ted Rugs - 4'6x7'6 - 6'9x9 and larger sizes in stock. BED OUTIPUTS - Special -February Prices Steel beds, cable springs and weil filled comfortable layer feit mattresses --- ---------------- COTTON FILLED MATTRESSES Comfort and Economy, ail sizes. Special - 7.95 to 17.50 Mattresses de- signed to give you solid eomfort after hours at war work. r *E P H H M S ERlFGHIG O ORONO 27-11 't' - - - wwwwwwn. - -- Wartime Values lui Home Furnlshlngs4 For Wartime Nomes 13OWMAN VILLE 480 F. F. MORRIS VO. : 1 pay R S E lie 1/"i tif WANTuADS, wla - 1 1 - --- il 1 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 1943

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